Summer Family Travel For Any Budget | Episode 1 | Did You Pack Snacks?

Summer Family Travel For Any Budget | Episode 1 | Did You Pack Snacks?

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hey folks welcome to digipack snacks my name is  Colin and I'm Meg this is a family travel podcast   where we talk all things high low and all the  long mouths in between of traveling with kids and   surprise this is episode one we're so happy that  you're here this is something that we've wanted to   do for a long time long long time and we just love  that a podcast we can talk a lot more things than   just a Instagram caption or like a YouTube video  where we actually get to I don't know we want   you to feel like you're in the room with us even  though you're driving to work or you're cleaning   the house this is our time to hang and we're  going to talk about a lot of different things   we're going to talk about maybe some deep Dives  on countries that we've been to we're going to   share some travel ideas something that this isn't  though is this is not us speaking from a place   of that we're experts because we're not we're not  experts good joke if you're new here we share our   travels with our kids on Instagram on YouTube on  all the socials and we started doing that really   just because we love to travel and when you love  something so much you naturally share it with your   kids so that's our why yeah we love it so much  and I think and then we did take it the next level   though okay because we said all right we've been  doing this for two years let's spice it up and   let's have an arbitrary goal right and so we said  we said let's let's try visiting 50 countries with   our kids and will we ever make it I'm not sure no  we're gonna make it and the 50 countries wasn't   just to check countries off the list yeah it was  really just to allow us to think about traveling   more creatively yeah instead of going back to  the most popular places that we love or maybe   other people love we get to kind of look at the  world and say wait we've never thought about going   there and it kind of just gets us out of our box  a little bit yeah now let's talk about this name   of the podcast okay because it's called did you  pack snacks and I want a huge disclaimer right at   the top it's not a food show it's not a food show  not a snack show no uh snacks involved snacks are   involved snacks are loved and welcomed uh but  we're trying to think of a name for the podcast   and it was like family travel show travel talk and  all those names were taken which congratulations   if that's your podcast way to go you won SEO  yeah uh okay so one night you had the idea   you're like what about did you pack snacks and I  just have to take a moment because I was scared   happy joyful all the same time right because  when that question when you travel with kids   question comes up and you feel frightened  because you realize you opened your carry-on   and there aren't enough snacks and you're stuck  on a plane and your kid's gonna be hungry or you   are the champion that has things ready in  a Ziploc bag and you throw it back in the   van and we don't even have a van but I just feel  like it's really family like to have a van yeah   um and you're like I did it it's going to be  a great trip we are on the right foot let's   go yeah so really we just felt like that title  kind of was all encompassing to what it feels   like to travel with kids whether it's a good  moment or a hard moment so yeah we decided to   people's hunger levels is the make or break right  like you can have a lot more fun if everyone's   happy right yeah so that's why we decided to  name the podcast that we are totally in it with   you like we said we have two girls Charlotte is  six um and Liv is four and we've been traveling   internationally with the girls since Char was only  nine months old so we've had some good moments and   some hard ones oh yes but we're sticking it  out yeah so what are some things that people   can expect from this podcast Colin oh okay Megan  I shall answer that question um so in this podcast   we'll talk all things travel uh whether it's like  um to fulfill that Wanderlust uh and we talk about   dream destinations we want to go to we highlight  countries uh or places not to go places to go   um all kinds of budget options we're gonna  talk stories we're gonna talk experiences   we're gonna deep dive some countries we've got  a long list of things that we're going to talk   about so stick around plenty of episodes to come  but today we are going to talk all things summer   travel right we're going to go from low budget  to medium budget to dream budget yeah uh because   Summer is upon us it's currently 86 outside we're  in South Carolina um and yes everyone's either if   you see someone if you meet a friend the question  that you're asking them is what are y'all doing   this summer right where are you going do do I  want to do that too but before we get into that this is our first segment we're going to do  segments here guys because they just make   things more fun this is a real show this is a  real show we've had segments so our first one   is we're calling it ask the people and basically  on Instagram if you're not following us there it's   at Colin and Meg we're going to share some  questions maybe ask for some stories and all   of the responses will be shared anonymously uh  but it's really just a way to learn from other   people's experiences or to have fun yep so my  first ask the people question was if you could   pick one celebrity take them alive or not take  them somewhere on vacation and do an activity with   them who would you go with and why and we got all  kinds of responses I got my responses too but go   ahead no well please share okay well mine is Jimmy  Fallon okay why immediately when you because this   is fun yeah and I want to take Jimmy or Jimmy's  gonna take me because he's paying for it right   um so Jimmy and I are gonna go to Walt Disney  World we're gonna hit up all the roller coasters   we're gonna get there early actually do the  early Park magic hours him and I strolling   down Main Street we're gonna grab a turkey  leg we're gonna do brunch we're gonna eat   at the Japanese restaurant in Epcot wow and  the day with fireworks that's what I'm doing   I'm gonna get matching t-shirts or matching ears  nope hoodies only hoodies even if it's the middle   of the summer yeah maybe not okay okay we had some  great answers come in too some were surprising and   I think you're gonna like them okay so our first  one which he's like the OG of travel experiences   he I think he taught all of us Rick Steves Anthony  Bourdain oh better and anywhere he recommends for   delicious street food that's what they said so I'm  gonna go ahead and say head to Southeast Asia yeah   that feels like you're gonna have a great time  well yeah street food is anonymous anonymous   unanimous synonymous synonymous with  southeast Asia I think that's right moving on so yes Anthony Bourdain southeast Asia street  food just eat until you drop don't stop that's   that sounds great eat until you drop all right  another one David from schitt's Creek which if   you haven't seen that show you're missing out  yep not the actor but the actual character David   um did they say did they say where no they  didn't say where where would you go uh Paris why   um I don't know David fashion bougie hand  creams eye masks we would be in Paris sipping   on something at something I can't even pronounce  and yeah he would just be complaining about   something but it would be a great time love it  okay this one's gonna surprise you someone we know   said that they'd hang with Ben Franklin they're  throwing it way back okay why because he's there   a great time Seven Grandfather wow seven grandpas  wow wow that is insane that's insane so we're like   two degrees removed from Ben Franklin now  right or maybe we have been for a while but   now we know but also the pressure on the whole  family to like have an A in U.S history like   you don't tell that to your history teacher  if you don't get a d right seriously yeah   okay but she said that she'd hang with Ben  Franklin because they're related they'd sit   Mojitos and swap family secrets Ben Franklin  sipping Mojitos you'd have some family secrets   to share though lots of them that have  changed the entire course of our country that's fun we've oh Tom Hanks okay he  direct and film my Survivor audition   tape on Castaway Island am I allowed to know  who this is um no no that's Anonymous okay   because I want to audition for Survivor two so  I thought you know right this is new news well   it's new if to you if this is the first time  you're hanging out with us um but Collins a   citizen of Malaysia we've been married for nine  almost nine years eight and a half okay okay   um and we decided this year to pursue citizenship  for Colin well it's just not not as a spur of the   moment idea right it's kind of always been like  so you should do that and then we don't right it's   taken a long time to even be able to right you  know there's time involved and previous visas he's   had a green card for a while anyway anyway we're  also big fans of the show Survivor or have been   since the time that the world shut down I don't  know why I feel like it's a bad word to say but   anyway we've started watching Survivor then season  40. yeah it's like four seasons since then and   we love it if you haven't watched Survivor since  like back in the day give it another try because   they've really upped the game the production well  and not just that I feel like they have adapted   to the current social climate right right you know  back in the day reality TV back in the day was all   about like oh who's gonna date who now it's like  a game it's a game it's a good game with a diverse   cast and people from all walks of life and it's  just great and these things tie together because   Colin wants to apply but you can't apply  unless you're an American citizen so we're   thinking that later this year yeah after  he passes the citizenship test he's going   to send in it we've been practicing  on my U.S citizen app there's an app   um average of 95. pretty good proud of you that  he's going to apply and so if all of a sudden   you know next summer on the podcast I'm like  hey guys it's just gonna be me for a while and   I'm gonna interview guests you know that you you  know like wink wink I'm gone Collins on the island   I'm in Fiji baby so just know you heard it here  first all right but Tom Hanks though that would   be fun that would be fun that would be fine just  yelling at me and telling me what to do and we   know that he can survive on an island yep we've  seen him do it me Tom and Wilson okay who's next   all right this is the last one that I'll read  from here but I actually think I'm gonna copy   and paste it to my own okay answer this is your  response well it's not but I'm stealing I'm sure   I'm stealing it okay they would would choose Oprah  okay fly to Hawaii on a private jet because she's   paying it's getting better free stay in Maui okay  Hawaii is one of my favorite places in the world   Maui is you're actually wearing your Maui t-shirt  this morning I was and then you guys I know right   um and she's friends with the Obama so they'd  hang they'd all hang so this is like she picked   one celebrity but she worked three into her  answer and I just appreciate an overachiever   but this also sounds like my dream I I love all  of those people and the place the place yeah you   can't beat it I mean go to Hawaii I'd go to Hawaii  with you yeah oh really no no you don't want to go   with me I don't have that much money it's okay  I still enjoyed when we went I would I love I have a television show well you know when she  had her talk show so did I and I think that's   why we used to fell in love with each other maybe  we've never talked about it before no but I would   whenever I come home from school three o'clock  in the afternoon that's what I would do that's   what you would watch I used to give away weddings  and I gave away lots of things I know I know but I   used to be like so determined that I would win one  of her weddings and you know I didn't but I still   biker and we got married in a barn which was still  amazing it was still cute yeah but anyway yeah so   that's it that's our first segment what do you  think way to go people way to go thanks for your   responses and and if you see me ask a random  question now that the podcast is like out in   the world and people know that we're doing  it I'll make sure to say that that this is   for the show and we'd love you to send in your  responses yes please when we ask please respond   okay so now let's get back to what we're here to  talk about which is all things summer travel and   boy have I prepared a show for you because  I don't know about y'all but uh I'm always   attracted to like low budget things maybe  that's because where we are in life yeah but   um we'll be sharing a big range of things that  we're gonna do today um and summer is one of the   best and worst times to travel right um because  everyone is available to travel kids are out of   school and but then all the hotels and airlines  that go oh you want to travel do you and so it's   good and bad because it's expensive that right  that's what can lend itself to be challenging   but that is why we are coming out with this  episode in time just in time for the summer   um and some of you might already have your  summer plans uh planned and that's good for   you I'm speaking to all to all you late planners  out there that are just like us and you're maybe   you're getting a little fomo because you're  hearing what other people are doing yeah and   originally you were like hey guys you know telling  the kids telling your spouse we're just gonna lay   low this summer and we're happy about it but  then once you hear all the Whispers of things   that people are doing you're ready to book a trip  yeah so hopefully these ideas will help you make   something happen right because this first episode  is is launching June 7th and so if you're in June   and you don't have plans yet get on man get on it  we're gonna help you we're going to help you all   right here we go these are some ideas if you are  traveling this summer on a low budget don't worry   um we're doing the same thing we are we are  exploding at the end we're going to talk about   all the high the high low concept later but  for all you uh people that are looking for a   cheaper summer you just want to lay low um these  are the three things I got for you and then we   can expound on those okay tell us you can either  go camping camping you can either go to a beach   beach you can go to a City camping Beach City  got it um so wherever you are those three things   should be available you know yeah there's always  a state park or a national park near you and one   thing that I've Loved looking into and maybe hard  for this summer but if you plan for next summer a   lot of this stay in National Parks have actual  like cabins on their property that they rent   out and a really great price point yeah usually  because of that they're booked in advance but if   you can get on your A game for next summer that  would be a great way to see a beautiful place on   a budget right and and yeah so for those of you  who love nature like we love nature I feel like   um I don't know I was again I was born in Malaysia  if I drove 10 minutes One Direction that would be   wild monkeys yeah and trees trees that are taller  than three-story houses and an occasional pygmy   elephant sighting no seriously my cousin posted a  picture the other day she was like on the way to   work and there's an elephant uh but I feel like  Nature has always been I have so many memories   of just playing in the river going on Hikes and  those are just like core memories for me that   I want to pass on to our kids and there's just  something special about nature it's such a gift   for families so if you want to take advantage  of that go camping if you don't like camping   like Megan said there are cabins in the state  parks national parks also try Airbnb or hip camp   sometimes you can find a good campsite that's true  or uh or a tiny house or something like that and   just to make it fun and be out in nature leave  your phones in the car so that you still have   GPS but yeah unplug do that plug and and we've  made a lot of really great memories camping yeah   um you know gotten to see national parks gotten  to do different road trips and we just started   camping with our girls this year uh we've taken  them one time so far and we just stayed close   to home at a state park and so it doesn't have  to be some Adventure or vacation that involves   air travel and you literally can pick somewhere  beautiful within a few hours of where you live and   tent camp stay in a cabin stay in an affordable  Airbnb those are all ways that you can make great   memories on a low budget yeah number two we're  gonna talk about Beach getaways okay and this is   something that we are doing this summer right we  are going to 2B beaches one with Megan's family   one with friends these are long time traditions  and you might have those too but we're going to   Oak Island North Carolina recently featured  in travel in Leisure yeah and this whole time   I've been kind of like having this love-hate  relationship with it but then travel Leisure   was like you need to go here and I was like yeah  I love Oak Island Oak Island is so cute yeah it's   so Charming it's about 15-20 minutes away from a  small town called Southport yeah you can take a   ferry over to Bald Head Island there's an aquarium  there some more beaches and then Oak Island itself   is just like what you would imagine a summer  Beach town to be like it's got the ice cream   shops shout out to Sweet Treats yep get their  banana pudding ice cream and the Honey lavender   um they've got a bunch of restaurants yeah you  know we love you got your bagel shop your coffee   shop everything and there's no like high rises  or condos right uh it's mostly residential and   so and they're also well and I have to interrupt  oh okay because it's also known for turtles yeah   they have so many turtles that nest and then these  baby turtles hatch probably in August I would say   um so if you head there at the end of the summer  at the beginning you can maybe catch a turtle   hopping up on the beach to lay eggs and then at  the end of the summer you may be able to catch a   turtle sighting weeded ones and it was really cool  on accident on accident we like stumbled upon it   the volunteers were leaving because it's a whole  operation they have volunteers that basically do   everything they can to get all the turtles into  the ocean yeah Khan and I stumbled upon this   Nest as the volunteers were leaving they didn't  expect that it would hatch that night right no I   looked down all of a sudden there's like why are  there black dots coming out of the sand yeah and   immediately the volunteer says Colin go to the  ocean right now jump in the waves turn your cell   phone light on be the moon I will be the moon I  will guide these babies to the ocean and then she   told me start counting and at first I was like oh  no big deal but then once it got past like 200 I   was like there's a lot but it was awesome it was a  cool experience for some reason my brain's telling   me that there was 267. let's go with that let's  go with that today we met 267 Turtles okay so the   next place we're going this summer is 30A woohoo  30A is crazy popular it's really busy how was it   a bar in Bangkok one time the front door had a  38 sticker on everybody's gone everybody knows   it's basically the stretch of highway from Panama  City to Destin and along the highway there are   these cute little towns like Santa Rosa Seaside  Rosemary Alice Beach I'm sure I'm forgetting one   but they're so cute but why do we go Colin we go  for the quality of the beach yeah it feels like   the Caribbean like the water is Crystal Clear  you can see your toes at the bottom you can   see a shark from many miles away yes or feet  the sand is like white and soft powdery if it   feels like you're in the Caribbean we already  said that great so that's why we go there's a   lot of restaurants that we love to visit while  we're there like we said we go with some friends   um and really we just have decided to go back to  the gulf because it feels like the best beach in   the U.S there I said it whoa whoa I'm sure I agree  with you I'm sure there are a lot of other beaches  

on the gulf that are just as popular so if you  head to one let us know because maybe we'll switch   it up one summer I still want to stay in that  area right um but yeah I love I love that trip   every year yeah it's the best let us know what  your Beach getaways are like I want to know if   there are are better spots right why did I say  better better better spots let's switch it up   but it's also been tradition though so maybe we  don't want to switch it up maybe maybe we'll add   a third trip to a different Beach um we should  we'll which will go against our low budget but   the reason why I will say though 30A is not  cheap right but that's just what we're doing   um but I am paying for it using my Capital One  miles which I'm not that's a whole other episode   for another day uh but that's how we afford going  to 30A okay so let's get into the medium Budget   locations so if somebody's like I've got some  money to spend it's not going to be my full out   year but I've got some money what would what would  be some ideas you'd have for that family okay I'm   gonna list all the ideas okay and then maybe  we can like talk more about it but I mentioned   glamping and this is different from finding a  campsite or a campground when I say glamping   this is my dream spot okay and I've been wanting  to book this for years and it feels like I just   can't it's Out Of Reach but maybe you can I don't  do it for calling I don't know but when I think   glamping I've always wanted to stay in Governor's  Island right uh right in New York and you can take   a ferry there and it is just luxury you are  in your own tent there's like Gourmet s'mores   I don't I don't know how you can make s'mores  better but there's Gourmet s'mores and isn't   public kicked off the island at a certain time so  you kind of end up being the only people allowed   there overnight I feel like that's true yeah  yeah it's the only place you can sleep there   right unless you sneak in which I might just have  to do but that's what I think of when I think of   glamping or these like luxury Retreats that you  see um in like the Grand Canyon Utah all these   places which that is another suggestion if you  have a medium budget like head out to Utah Utah   is filled with some of the most beautiful national  parks they have a lot of glamping opportunities   a lot of I mean just stays in general whether  you're renting a house or staying in a hotel but   you could make a really incredible road trip and  see so many things with minimal driving you've got   Zion arches the Grand Canyon Bryce so many like  right there I remember when we went we were blown   away by like that's only three hours from here  let's go right so that would be a really epic road   trip to go on if you if you wanted to go on a road  trip summer I will say that was our baby moon so   like we haven't done it with kids oh that's true  to be fair disclaimer um yeah so we'll see maybe   we can do that again one day that would be fun and  we can do that yeah some International thoughts   though International thoughts and this is my  country of recommendation okay uh I got two okay I   don't I wrote down Puerto Rico we haven't been we  haven't been but I've been getting flight deals to   Puerto Rico you know often yeah and and the cool  thing about Puerto Rico is that a lot of these   cheap flights are flying out of Orlando so if you  are by any chance going to Disney or Orlando for   any reason you can make that a combo deal and once  you get there we have a lot of friends that say   you can share an Airbnb or like the bioluminescent  base amazing beaches amazing street food oh my   gosh yeah maybe we do need to go we might have  to go next year uh because our plans for this   year is packed we'll tell you all more about that  later but yeah I wrote Puerto Rico yeah and then   another one if you're on the East Coast like us  and you're like I want to go to Europe so bad go   to Portugal go to Lisbon uh you may not be able to  afford London or Paris but Lisbon is amazing it's   amazing and there's a lot of flight deals that fly  out to Lisbon and cool thing is with kids you can   you could for two or three days then rent a car  and drive down south to the Algarve the highways   are great easy to navigate you can totally do it  and then you've got beaches those like gorgeous   Cliffs that meet the beach and you're in the  sun like that just sounds like a dream summer   vacation right and it's very affordable especially  if you're able to snag a deal to fly there or use   credit card points yeah well and when we say  deal we're talking in the low 300s right per   person right I'm not sure from the west but Lisbon  we've been there we spent a month there and our   Airbnb cost for the month was I think Shy of two  thousand dollars yeah for 30 days for 30 days in   one of the most incredible neighborhoods in Lisbon  overlooking all of Lisbon so it's a good place to   go so there we have it we got glamping Utah Lisbon  Puerto Rico and I kind of wanted to throw Montana   in there because it's my favorite National Park  yeah I would say it's a moderate to high budget   though you may be creeping into high because it's  kind of in the middle of nowhere we're referencing   Glacier National Park it's it's not very easy to  get to no but once you're there you are you feel   like you're truly like you're escaping the world  it feels like okay High budget slash dream budget   we're gonna do this like let's just have fun with  this because it could be anything right so I'll   just ask you one you asked me one Megan what would  your dream summer be um I would do a two-in-one   deal and we would fly to Morocco we'd spend like  seven days there we'd do Marrakesh and then we're   gonna take the girls out to the Sahara and glamp  in the middle of the desert I like that happen I   like that then we'll come back and you know maybe  we're a little bit peopleed out we gotta head to   Nature so we're gonna hop a quick flight over to  the dolomites okay because I've always wanted to   see those mountains in this summer wow I just feel  like that would be a dream so that's my can't wait   for you to take me on that trip babe for actually  now that you mention it I did buy I'm just kidding   um that's not bad thanks not bad um I will man  I did not think about this ahead of time Megan   okay Montana okay like we'll just keep Montana  we'll just keep Montana I will fly to Montana   get a rental car rent some e-bikes yes I'm gonna  e-bike uh Glacier National Park I'm gonna stay   at the many Glacier Hotel it goes for like four  or 500 bucks a night and there's barely anything   in their rooms but it's so rustic and it's so  historic like when you're walking in the lobby   like this carpet has been here for 80 years and  isn't that the one with like the lake right out   on the back side yes we saw like moose yes and  they're bathing right you can do horseback riding   there and you can hike to a glacier so there's  this hike it's called the Grinnell Glacier hike   where you have to jump on two boats yes you hike  for a mile get on a boat hike for another mile   get on a boat all the way up to a glacier I mean  come on sounds like a dream that's my dream summer   right there okay but should we tell them how we're  ending this summer let's let's do it so and we   want you to be part of this be part of this well  you can follow along on all the things like we   said we share videos on YouTube on Instagram we're  travel creators and we often get to partner with   businesses tourism boards and we're so excited  to be partnering with the tourism board and the   Pharaoh Islands which if you've never heard of  that there are islands off the coast of Iceland   they're gorgeous like so beautiful and we're  so excited to explore that part of the world   with our kids and then we're kind of packaging it  with Iceland because do you remember that was the   first place that we ever took Char that's our  like destination number one she was nine months   old and it's just been this nostalgic trip for us  yeah and Liv gets kind of jealous every time we   talk about a place that shars Ben and she hasn't  yeah so she's really excited so we're gonna visit   the Pharaoh we're gonna work there and then we're  going to head to Iceland yeah and that's how we're   going to end our summer it's gonna be awesome yeah  I'm really excited and yeah so we'll be releasing   videos posts stories reels all about Fair  Islands in Iceland so hopefully that's one   place that you want to take your family to in  the future yeah um but Meg I think our time is   up I think our time thanks for listening guys  and and really I I haven't said this so I will   just drop a little plug if you enjoyed listening  we'd love for you to leave a review and you know   hit subscribe and follow along we're excited  to share more on this platform we're excited   for you guys to be here we appreciate it so  much so yeah we'd appreciate a review and   come back for episode two so folks have a great  summer and do not forget to pack snacks bye bye

2023-06-16 04:03

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