STUNNING Tibetan Landscape in Sichuan, China | S2, EP47

STUNNING Tibetan Landscape in Sichuan, China | S2, EP47

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Look there are more mushrooms Wow it's huge Wow, they are massive Look how big it is Like my face Or even bigger This is my hand This is the mushroom wow That's really the mushroom paradise Good afternoon everyone Welcome to our channel Season 2 unseen China We are here at About 3600 meters altitude Because we want to show you the most splendid sunset The sunset over the yellow river And this region is so cool Flo, can you show our audiences? It's just endless prairie With thousands thousands of yaks Sheep, goats and horses And some rainy clouds On the other side of the hill We are actually entering through Through an informal entrance And this scenic zone is called Ruo-er-gai 1st curve of yellow river The 1st curve on the yellow river And this ranch belongs to Belongs to some Tibetan sherperds So she is charging the ticket Over there And the entrance fee is only 2 euro per person And this county is called Maqu County And Maqu in Tibetan language means The yellow river And this river is the mother river of China it originates in Qinghai province in Bayan Har Mountains and here it flows through this huge flat prairie It's winding through this prairie That is yellow river And this is bai-he, white river And those 2 rivers merge together here And form a huge curve Look You can see from here You can see the reflection And this river flows continuing Through Gansu province And finally towards east This year, China‘s domestic tourism rebounded above pre-pandemic level tourists numbers were surging and the nearby hotels were fully booked we had to drove an extra 70 km to Zoige to stay This is where we are going to stay tonight How are you? Very good sleepy Very sleepy So you booked a standard room Manager, are you han or tibetan? Tibetan! Yes. They know berlin But I come from munich Welcome to China What? Welcome to China Welcome, I see, thanks. Welcome to China Zoige belongs to tibetan traditional region of Amdo over 90% of the population are tibetans they speak Amdo Tibetan language, mandarin, and even Sichuan dialect. Zoige is a small town but it grows fast because of tourism.

monkey fishing for the moon A lot of construction is going on They are passing this metal bar From down to top And they are joking It's like monkey fishing the moon They speak with a Sichuan dialect So this booming construction Also indicate the fact that The city is growing very fast I got up this morning to get some breakfast Flo is still preparing himself This is Ruo'ergai county (Zoige) It's not very big But due to tourism The economy is booming And the main population in Ruo'ergan It's mainly tibetans You can see it in the video that there are tibetans dressed in their traditional clothes And there are some hui population As well as han (That's) Yak meat This is a typical hui bakery In tibetan region People drink a lot of zhuan-cha The brick tea And most of the Are produced in yunnan and Sichuan province And made into a brick And transported to Tibet Do you need any help I'm just wandering around There is also for example Those oxygen bottles But at the altitude of 3500 You don't really need that A noodle shop Manager is there baize? No. it's all sold out? Yes. thanks Manager, do you have baize? No, sold out What's the filling? Pork. The beef ones are sold out How much per steamer? 12 Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture locates in northwestern Sichuan it’s a great place for those who’re interested in Tibetan culture Yet afraid of altitude sickness It is lower and much greener than tibetan Automous region So most tourists can acclimate easily Zoige is primly a highland basin Made up of fertile marsh picturesque grassland, winding rivers, and free running yaks and horses I think it looks a bit like mongolia Even though I haven't been there You see those yurts, tents And many many horses Horse riding, it's pretty interesting We passed by quite a spectacular place This place is called wa-qie-ta-lin There are not many tourists here Not so many people know it But it's a huge area A religious site In the middle there are more than 100 stupa And this place was constructed To memorize the 10th Panchen it's also a place Where Tibetans often go for Prayer (kora) walk Those towers and stupas Are constructed first And later, all those big Tent shaped things They are prayer flags They are set up by The tibetans who memorize him As we went east the altitude dropped and the landscape changed from grassland to green mountains Instead of yurt and stone Tibetan houses We began to see Villages and towns with more Han influence In the afternoon, we reached Songpan During Tang rule Songpan was the border with Tibetan empire. Songtsen Gampo tried to invade Tang through this Gate and Emperor Tang-Tai-Zong offered him princess Wencheng at Songzhou In exchange for peace Located in the valley Songpan old Town is a grand and ancient construction With well-preserved city gates and walls Now the city has a bustling market with many restaurants, shops and busy street venders what is that Oh big mushrooms Your favorite, mushrooms Yes, this is called hedgehog mushroom I've seen it in switzerland So now they are selling freshly picked mushroom from the mountains The hedgehog mushroom i've seen it in switzerland But it's my first time seeing it Here in China Red-claw mushroom? Tiger claw mushroom And how much per 500 gram? We buy it, and the other stand sells it I love mushrooms so I have to say more hedgehog mushroom has a strong aroma that is a bit pepper like I’ve seen it in the Alps And I’m so surprised to see it again in Sichuan It must be the season for mushrooms and there are so many kinds! Look there are more mushrooms Wow it's huge Wow, they are massive Look how big it is Like my face Or even bigger This is my hand This is the mushroom wow That's really the mushroom paradise This is a coral mushroom What is that? That is matsutake So that is matsutake?! This is Chinese fir Matsutake Local matsutake You can smell it Unlike the foreign matsutake Can you smell? It's a very expensive mushroom Like super expensive Matsutake, it's expensive How much was it This is 45 (500gram) not expensive This is goose egg mushroom It's like this when young Wow So before it grows out It's like a Big goose egg And that's what it looks like afterwards May I ask are you tibetans All tibetans It Tibetan the main population Tibetan,Hui and Qiang Tibetan,Hui and Qiang And also han I see, thanks Walking in town one can easily spot different ethnicities they are tibetans they lead the fashion industry They are Hui and many are grill masters and they are Qiang who dress with the most flowers But they are dancing Tibetan circle dance As the night goes There are more people on the street There are plenty of interesting stuff For example, he is selling some mouse Running mouse And some other people are playing cheese chuan-zhu-si Do you go to chuan-zhu-si? (I didn't understand this Sichuan dialect) (Now they are talking in tibetan language) The bus is stuck in a traffic jam (Again I didn't understand) I am going to Huanglong Come with us or not? Ok, I'll go See, now we have tibetan lady! This is something I really like about China In small places Where there aren’t many buses you can alway find private shuttle cars local people can wait near the road and wave to get in (I didn't understand) Master, so what language are you speaking Tibetan langauge So you speak Tibetan language as well? Yes. Wow Our driver is a han But still, he speaks tibetan language Huanglong has fairy like colorful travertine pools formed by calcite deposites But like all scenic zones The queue is really long So we reached national park And got our tickets It's quite expensive But I think it's definitely worth it And it's actually quite cold here So we got some little coffee To be prepared for the 3 hours hike The hike was easy Because in the scenic zone Everything is made To make sightseeing more comfortable This is a standard chinese scenic zone So you've got paved road Unlike that, for example in germany, or in Switzerland where the roads are sometimes unpaved But for others This is a hardcore hike All those food Mineral water Are carried by someone like him They are called Beifu For them it's a long trip Yet the payment is not very high Shi-fu, how long does it take to go up? 5 to 6 hours. 5 to 6 hours? Yes

I see, and how much will you earn? 70-80 yuan per trip I have no choice I am earning tuitions for my kids That's really hard work His answer shocks me they carry over 100 kilos on the back and have to climb 7km at over 3000 altitude yet the payment is so low I really hope the scenic zone can Can aise their salary after, our tickets in high season Is 170 per person and the scenic zone receives million of tourists every year We are going to end the video here With Huanglong scenic sites behind us And those green lakes behind us Which is pretty beautiful And in fact There are many many beautiful sites in Sichuan For example, si-gu-niang mountain e.g. Jiuzhaigou We've been to only a small part of it I hope you really enjoy watching this video And if you like it Please give us a thumb up See you next time. Bye-bye

2023-10-14 07:55

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