Staying with a SRI LANKAN FAMILY Travel Vlog

Staying with a SRI LANKAN FAMILY Travel Vlog

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you're gonna do it all day yeah yeah one day how old are you there it is an elephant so here's the elephant wire and there's the elephant uh this looks amazing thank you so much we've got a bit of a traffic jam here guys all right guys we are on our way up it's just a very narrow plank coming very close to me now I'm being surrounded 360 View assalamualaikum oh we're heading out on an elephant Safari elephant sighting elephant sighting alrighty good morning guys it's about 6 30 in the morning I just woke up here at the Homestay let's head downstairs and see what's for breakfast and then we're going to head out to hike siguria yeah there you are good morning how are you how are you very good thank you so much [Music] this is to make the symbol oh good do you like Elvis sure come on I'll give it a try I don't think I think I'll be very slow okay good morning you're gonna do it all day yeah does the cat have a name seems like he like to eat um very nice members of the house yeah everybody's here we just need Mallory now I'm gonna go get her what is it coconut and flour all right Mallory is gonna make the rotis [Laughter] so this is making the Roti with flour coconut and water okay and salt and salt how does it know it's good it's kind of like um you're making like a potato or Like Biscuits yeah and the mix one it would be good what is your name again okay how old are you 21. oh cool okay so this is how you portion it out you take every piece definitely stuffs it through it like that wow right perfect pieces every time awesome you made that look easy yeah even though those are so good got the chili inside yeah and what else goes in the fish salt and onion is the inside wow that's good oh Mallory's up really jamming look how bright red that is amazing yeah it's been fine yeah I'm good yep yes smells good it does there goes the coconut this is a super special opportunity we have here in Sri Lanka I'm with tushara he is the man of the house here at Wild view stay where we have the privilege to stay for two nights and we're going to be seeing how a Sri Lankan family lives here in the middle of the country in habarana thank you so much for having us it's amazing very excited to be here thank you for the very warm Hospitality thank you thank you so guys I'm going to leave the link to Wild view stay in the description below so if you come to habarana and you want to stay with ushara and his family and experience real Sri Lankan lifestyle you can do that this is lime tree this is lime tree okay oh yeah there they are look at that ah so you just smack it and it falls out okay nice oh it's a tough one very nice wow you can smell the lime there it is the smell is good yeah wow oh my gosh just from the leaves yeah just the leaves themselves from the tree smell like really fresh lime makes sense that's amazing all right we've got our limes and now it's time to make some Roti yeah we need to make sure we have at least a few good ones yeah just kidding is this Banana Leaf yes yes perfect oh my gosh Perfect Circle oh boy you're right pressure is on so far so good thank you that was actually really good thanks you sound so shocked ah so it goes right on with the leaf okay is that okay pomegranate and banana banana banana this one big one banana okay another one is a small one mango tree this is guava little baby guava yeah this is everything do you sell some of the stuff in the market or just for you sometimes okay and coconuts and coconuts sure so sure have you is this your family home yes you've lived here your whole life yes wow amazing this is my wife uh land your wife's house okay now 17 years living here okay but you're from the same area yeah no I'm wow during the war yeah oh my goodness and you've stayed here ever since yeah now my family's here okay yes wow and this one is you know gummies pepper pepper how long do they have to grow for before they start producing um fruit or peppers you can get the Harvest wow awesome so this is where the elephants come through yeah all here oh my goodness [Laughter] crazy elephant yeah here yes like last night while we were here yeah yeah wow this is curry yes Curry leaves and nice and spicy can I see the elephant fence oh there's a fence so apparently an elephant was here last night while we were sleeping God I think anybody's come in the night at dinner after 10. 10 o'clock okay oh my gosh this is the elephant fence you can see these wires is it electric yeah not now not now okay now okay all right so here's the elephant wire and there's the elephant uh poo poo that is crazy wow so do they turn the fence on electricity at night in the night okay six o'clock after six o'clock huh when did they put the fence yeah okay really okay back through we go back to the house so many different plants here fruits vegetables spices wow oh my gosh the little baby green bananas will they get much bigger or they just want a small one ah okay good morning hey pradeep how are you good because yes Mallory did most of it actually picking the rotis I didn't yeah really nice it's really spicy you eat the leaf or the No No it comes seeds seeds yeah okay man you have some you have so much knowledge about everything here it's amazing and I like how you use the the Coconuts oh yes all different purposes and the fuel for the fire you can burn the coconut all right guys it was breakfast time this looks amazing thank you so much look at those Roti nice job Mallory thank you and the sun ball you guys saw being made earlier some fresh fruit cassava fish curry fish curry eggs and bananas oh my gosh this is amazing um you got the curry leaves in there got the big chunks of fish some cassava this is like a starchy vegetable almost like potato thank you all those fresh onions and tomato and everything the fish and the chili take some of the Roti I'm going to take some of the fish just like that a little bit of everything here we go um you can taste the lime so much in this it's so good yeah I think that might be my favorite this sambal and the spice from the chilies all right guys we have set out for the day we are off with the whole team here and we're on our way to sigria an ancient Fortress we're gonna be hiking up and then apparently there's going to be quite the view at the top so stay tuned here we go we've got a bit of a traffic jam here guys what do we do Freddie go back now okay okay guys they don't get the message they just Move Along please thank you share the road thank you okay bye-bye very nice [Music] foreign [Music] guys we are on our way up we're heading up the stairs behind me there but here you can see the old way that they used to go and you say when you're 15 years old yes you went this way yeah and you lived to tell the tale oh my gosh it's just a very narrow plank wrapping around the side of the mountain and if you fall off of there think you're in trouble anyway we're on the way up see when we get up there [Music] coming very close to me now I'm being surrounded don't bother me okay oh my goodness what of you all right we made it how are you feeling great so we're at the remains of the palace now 360 View all around this beautiful area here's where we came through guys so we started at the end of that path came all the way down and all the way up oh that was good where are you guys from ah cool in Sri Lanka oh yeah very good from north south west okay so you're on school trip very nice U.S yes yes nice to meet you I just wanted to say hi have fun bye photo oh by the way I'm making YouTube video so you should look on YouTube you'll be on YouTube you'll be famous inshallah inshallah be famous okay okay that's my sister she's from U.S you come with us yeah now I get in I have watched some of your videos no way yeah really yeah and uh you you're learning Arabic or something do you speak Arabic oh yeah I was studying in Saudi Arabia oh really yeah where yeah it's very nice yeah did you see the Saudi videos yeah okay yeah that's it nice to meet you thank you guys have a great day okay thank you thank you nice to meet you thank you nice one okay bye-bye I have to find my group bye bye guys have a fun trip fun times nice meeting you guys jump buddy all right guys we have reached a very tippity top of the mountains here got the foundation of the palace and the full 360 View unbelievable we are making our way down the mountain now on the stairs a bit of a traffic jam very steep it's right on the edge of the mountain all done we made it down stick around because the Adventure Continues shortly all right guys I told you to stay tuned because the adventure was not over yet well we're heading out on an elephant Safari let's go find some elephants yeah [Music] so Jim the elephants we're gonna see are they totally wild or do they live on a reservation or how does it works they're wild they are in their territory okay and we are together yes all right guys we have officially entered elephant territory please join me and we're on the lookout foreign elephant sighting out of nowhere there he is and there's a baby with him with her it's probably the mama wow hello she's waving at us one month one month old oh my gosh one month old baby elephant in Sri Lanka goes you know how many months they are pregnant how much how many 22 months 22 months wow after one hour maybe they can walk really wow impressive hi how are you good day 250 kilos of grass and grass and some leaves [Applause] that was amazing Apparently that is pretty rare to see the babies only a month old and there were actually two of them one was kind of Behind The Tall Grass anyway we're continuing on let's see if we see any more it was already incredible and it is a beautiful beautiful day perfect temperature nice breeze beautiful surroundings life is good oh boy [Music] it's a bumpy ride here we go we got something up here perhaps an elephant uh-huh oh there's four maybe and then open right there I mean yeah do you ever have uh an elephant charge at you yes really four times last week last week it happened yeah oh my gosh what do you do reverse you're a brave man as you know the male also aggressive they have some period they know it's a female ready to make the male they can't smile in something like a dog yes a Time males are coming okay sometimes two three male same time so guys we've got a situation here the Jeep behind us is stuck in the mud so I think we're gonna help them out a little bit to the Rescue all right it was a team effort they're free this uh Jeep pulled them out very nice okay update they did not make it very far they made it about a few meters into the next puddle and then got stuck again so this time we're gonna tow them out here we go a moment of truth we've got a nice Caravan going oh geez all right we are now stuck in the mud and we're tied to this jeep that is also stuck in the mud this Jeep is our last hope all right we are now being tugged oh no all right maybe if we gun it come on we can do it that wheel is looking kind of stuck there let's go oh boy he goes on the grass there he should be able to get it [Music] all right the crisis is over these guys are super professional got the job done and now we've got another Wildlife sighting we've got some water buffalo out here A whole herd of them please remind me of the uh of the marshes in Iraq they look exactly the same it's just like a wreck We are following a peacock guys [Applause] oh a little jump all right guys we are very very close to them now [Applause] wow look how close we are Mel look here all right we're cruising and one more elephant by the road for good measure wow this is the closest we've been yeah hi buddy me young man young male okay 12 years 12. all right guys we are back at the wonderful Homestay and just look at this meal that we have here super lucky to be here it looks delicious wow and we're just having a fun time out here outside the weather is amazing nice and cool so guys I know the video is dark but Mallory here has been using a fork for most of the trip she did eat with her fingers in Colombo and if you guys haven't seen that video I'll link it at the top of the screen but we finally recruited her back to eating with their fingers all right Mel let's see it spotlight's on yeah the spotlight is on you get a nice big uh pretty good well done I'm proud of you [Laughter] thank you buddy [Music] amazing foreign I want to give a huge huge thank you to tushara and his family for the warm welcome it was an amazing experience getting to stay with his family and experience their lifestyle there at their home and they were just the best so thank you so much thank you to you guys for watching the video and stay tuned because we have a whole lot more coming soon other than that I'll see you in the next one bye-bye

2023-02-10 03:08

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