Stay Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz - Sept. 2 | NBC News NOW

Stay Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz - Sept. 2 | NBC News NOW

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for 23 years I was privileged to have the most stunning honor to be hersh's Mama I'll take it and say thank you I just wish it had been for longer heartbreak tonight in Israel as thousands show up for the funeral of hsh Goldberg Poland one of six hostages whose bodies were found in Gaza over the weekend I'm Gotti Schwarz and this is stay tuned now [Music] The Killing and discovery of those hostages sparking outcry in Israel today six hostages found dead in a tunnel with the IDF saying they had been murdered before troops were able to rescue them HH Goldberg Poland was last seen in a hostage video released by Hamas in April and he was reportedly one of three hostages killed that was scheduled to be released in the first phase of a possible ceasefire proposal here's what his father said today H we failed you we all failed you you would not have failed you you would have pushed harder for justice maybe just maybe your death is to Stone the fuel that will bring home the remaining 101 hostages across Israel protests erupting in the last 24 hours as hundreds of thousands of people hit the streets accusing their government of abandoning the hostages and failing to secure a ceasefire deal with prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the center of the scrutiny today in a rare presser he asked for forgiveness from the families of those lost and promised retaliation against Hamas meanwhile in the United States President Biden telling reporters that he believes Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a hostage deal for the over 100 captives still in Gaza and while all this is happening the UK announced it will suspend some arms sales to Israel and NBC News International correspondent rap Sanchez has the very latest tonight protesters bringing their Fury to the gates of prime minister Benjamin netanyahu's Jerusalem residence public anger in Israel spiraling after the killing of these six young hostages and what demonstrators see as the government's failure to bring them home alive the IDF says they survived more than 300 days in captivity only to be murdered by their Hamas guards in a tunnel beneath Rafa late last week Israeli troops reached the tunnel Saturday but it was too late protesters say they could have been saved if Netanyahu agreed to a ceasefire deal and today labor unions ordered their 800,000 workers to strike demanding he change course President Biden adding to the pressure Mr President do you think it's time for per prime minister Netanyahu to do more on this issue do you think he's doing enough no tonight Netanyahu telling the families I ask your forgiveness that we were not able to bring them back alive but also giving no sign of backing down repeating his demands that Israeli troops stay in control of the Egypt Gaza border he says it's necessary to stop Hamas smuggling in weapons but it's been a key stumbling block in negotiations and even Israel's defense minister says it's worth conceding to save the hostages my sweet hours earlier American ostage herh Goldberg Poland was buried in Jerusalem for 23 years I was privileged to have the most stunning honor to be her's Mama I'll take it and say thank you I just wish it had been for longer his parents still wearing the pieces of tape counting the days since October 7th maybe just maybe your death is the stone the fuel that will bring home the remaining 101 hostages a nation's anger and a mother's grief and H there's one last thing I need you to do for us now I need you to help us stay strong and I need you to help us survive and Gotti for the first time tonight Hamas appears to be acknowledging it was responsible for the killing of those hostages saying it's for forces have been instructed to shoot their prisoners if Israeli troops attempt to rescue got it ref Sanchez thank you meanwhile two sources telling NBC news that President Biden May soon offer a take it or leave it ceasefire deal to Israel and Hamas as earli as this week NBC News White House correspondent Monica Alba has more Monica Gotti the US is working around the clock to try and secure a deal but there are still key issues outstanding for both Israel and Hamas the President and Vice President met with top National sec officials in the situation room today to discuss next steps including the idea that the US could offer a take it or leave it type deal to the parties in the hopes of securing a final agreement and that's according to two sources briefed on the discussions and the risk there would be that if that proposal would was put forward and both sides rejected it it could mean the end of American Le negotiation so that's one challenge but National Security adviser Jake Sullivan did suggest it as an option and one pot IAL path during a virtual call with us hostage families on Sunday and Senior Biden Administration officials have been in regular contact with their counterparts in Egypt and Qatar to try and Advance the talks especially after those six hostages including an American hirsh Goldberg Poland were murdered by Hamas with their bodies discovered over the weekend now it's still unclear what impact their deaths will have on the next possible framework for a deal but all of this is adding to the urgency behind the scenes to try and get something done possibly as soon as this week Gotti Monica thank you meanwhile for the first time since vice president kamla Harris announced her uh campaign for President we saw President Joe Biden appear alongside her on the campaign Trail and that campaign stop happened in Pittsburgh and NBC's Gabe Gutierrez was there hey there Gabe hey there got it was a busy day for the vice president she started out at the White House in the situation room with President Biden discussing de velopments in the Middle East with their National Security team and then the Harris campaign embarked on a Battleground Blitz Governor Tim Walls heading to Wisconson vice president Harris heading to Michigan trying to court the union vote such a critical constituency in this blue wall of States these critical Battlegrounds and then late today she was joined here in Pittsburgh by President Biden a rare joint campaign event and it really was a significant moment for the first time in an event like this president Biden spoke first and introduced the vice president a symbolic passing of the torch in front of this Union crowd let's take a listen to some of what she told the crowd in Detroit just a short time earlier so intends to pull us back including back to a time before workers had the freedom to organize he appointed Union Busters to the National Labor Relations Board and he supported so-called right to work laws we fight for a future where every worker has the freedom to organize now tomorrow Gotti the Harris campaign is organizing a bus tour in Florida that will begin in Donald Trump's backyard of pond Beach Florida and the campaign says it will be focused on Reproductive Rights and will involve many of their surrogates this all comes as the campaign really tries to hit that issue hard over the following weeks that issue of Reproductive Rights now as for former president Trump he did not have any public events today and we asked the campaign about that a spokesperson uh told me that President Trump as always is working he does have a town hall scheduled for this week on Wednesday in Pennsylvania Gotti and tensions are ramping up after the US government seized a passenger plane belonging to Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro the US justice department says the plane was initially purchased a legally and smuggled out of the United States which is a big violation of sanctions the White House is apparently trying to put pressure on Maduro ever since he declared himself the winner of the disputed presidential election in Venezuela just last month and NBC News justice reporters Ryan Riley joins us now Ryan uh first question logistically like how do you seize a plane and what are the ramifications here yeah so this plane was seized in the Dominican Republic and then flown back to the us so you know some cooperation uh was involved there in more sort of a friendlier country uh than otherwise it's you know they were able to seize that and bring it back to the United States but this plane was purchased what the US alleges is through a shell company in late 2020 uh in 22 and early 2023 I was about a$3 million uh plane and that was not allowed to be uh sold to him but apparently they used some sort of shell company that was based in the uh the Caribbean to purchase it so that's eventually how it got uh to uh to Maduro so now the US it's back in US hands mad Maduro is not one to mince words usually so have we heard him respond to this not uh that I've seen thus far but you know this I do think this will definitely be a tension you know what we see from the government itself is that from the Venezuelan government is that they said that this was an act of piracy that this was seized illegally but you know it was uh it was sold it was not something under us law it's not something that is allowed to have been uh sold uh to uh this regime so that's why the US and the justice department was involved in taking it back here in the Dominican Republic and what's the latest with the election chaos that that's going on in Venezuela right now yeah you know this is a lot of outside experts uh have obviously said that this was not a legitimate election and that this is a these are this claim that he won the election is not is not true so there's been um a lot of dispute internationally about this and this is a sign I think uh from the Biden Administration that they are taking this seriously you now obviously seizing uh a plane that is used by The Authority in the head of another state or another country is a major move but because of it violates this underlying law that was signed several years ago that's what uh the justice department is saying gave them the authority to do that and take this action a pretty significant action that you know really could um result in some broader consequences Ryan Riley thank youting the last bit of Summer today those heading back home today those heading back home tonight might be looking at large crowds heavy traffic possible delays TSA is still expecting to break records this long weekend with around 3 million people screened on Saturday but they expect that number to reach 17 million people by the end of the day on Wednesday let's bring in NBC News correspondent priia sther who has more on this busy holiday weekend so priia let's start with where you are you are in Atlanta the world's busiest airport what's it like on the ground there right now hey got Yeah you mentioned that 17 Million number that's actually up almost 8% from last year and because I am in the world's busiest airport that certainly translates to a little bit of a longer line situation on those holidays but Atlanta also likes to Pride itself on being the world's most efficient airport so people were getting through those TSA checkpoints within around 20 minutes and if you had pre-check it was actually going even a little bit faster that's not the case however for those flying in and out of newark's Liberty International where they were actually the FAA issued a ground delay and so all the flights there have been delayed anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes we also saw the same ground delay happen in Orlando so if you are flying in and out of either of those two airports you might want to check on your app to make sure that your flight isn't being impacted but it's not just people flying got also millions of Americans hit the road today to travel home the worst time to travel today was between 11: and 8:00 p.m. so if you procrastinate a little bit you can hit the road after Gotti's show and you won't experience that travel or you can leave on Tuesday actually after 1: p.m. is what the Travel Experts say is the best time to avoid that grid lock Gotti if you can extend your vacation you should extend your vacation uh and Pria those storms that we've been seeing predicted in the Northeast what what effect are they having right now yeah absolutely well I mentioned the ground delay that was happening in Orlando that was a result of thunderstorms the other two airports we were keeping a close eye on were both in Dallas and Houston because we were expecting some severe weather potentially there but by the way I wanted to tell you that I was talking to Travelers here in Atlanta's airport today and most people had a positive attitude about their Journeys they knew that they were going to probably run into you know lots of Travelers today so let's take a listen to what they had to say to me today be ready be prepared for something to go wrong definitely try to get TSA pre-check if you can cuz it's going to save you a lot of time Atlanta traffic is already crazy enough so I'm sure it's going to be everybody's ready to get back but we're prepared so as you can see there those Travelers were prepared for the long lines and they weren't uh you know too worried about the surge in The Travelers Gotti Smiles at the airport not something you see on a holiday weekend like today brither thank you so much and don't go anywhere we are just getting started up next trouble at one of America's most famous landmarks from serious water issues to more than a dozen deaths this year the frustrations and growing concerns at the Grand Canyon plus weight loss drugs are doing a lot more than just helping some people lose pounds how the lifestyle changes they bring on could impact our economy and later this hour defying the odds we're going to meet some of the par Olympians buying for gold and others who have already made history left the bow and gave it a bow and said done and then as soon as I got back I cried like crazy welcome back here are some of the headlines we're watching tonight four people were shot dead on a Chicago commuter train today and police say the alleged gunman initially escaped but officers used some surveillence video to find him on another train where he was then arrested now police are calling that shooting an isolated incident ENT and are not saying anything about a possible motive so far and a man has been arrested in the shooting death of a title winning gymnast police say 21-year-old Carl Welsh was killed in an apartment near campus at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater on Friday yesterday officers announced the arrest of a 23-year-old man who they say knew Welsh her school says she was a business management major who won a national title on the Vault for gymnastics last year and two people are dead and three others are hurt after a man drove his car into a restaurant patio in Minneapolis yesterday police say surveillance video shows the man entering the restaurant parking lot attempting to park then plowing through the outdoor patio he was arrested for criminal vehicular homicide and right now there is no motive and yesterday sports fans across the country were in disbelief when they could not tune in to the fourth round of the US Open and the first weekend of college football Disney entertainment channels which include ESPN and ABC went dark on Direct TV and it's because both sides can't seem to agree on some new terms it is the second year in a row when Disney owned channels have gone dark in a dispute with a major carrier and defending Champion KOCO Goff lost in the US open's fourth round yesterday to Emma Navaro it comes after the men's defending Champion Novak jokovic also had a surprising loss in the third round which means the drought of anyone winning consecutive titles in New York will continue and on this Labor Day more than 10,000 hotel workers across the United States are on strike and this this is the second day that union workers with Hilton Marriott and Hyatt Hotels took to picket lines to demand better pay in Staffing now we're seeing walkouts at dozens of locations from coast to coast and even in Hawaii when we look at how much people are making compared to 2020 hotel workers are poorer than they were then sometimes I can pay my bills I have to SK one bill even my phone I can pay my Fone because the money is not enough and that is NB news is Antonia Hilton who has been talking to Pickers all day in Connecticut she joins us now with more body these striking hotel workers have shared stories that are all too familiar to too many Americans right now over the last few years they say their wages have barely increased but their rent has doubled in some cases and they're struggling to pay their basic bills so they're using this holiday weekend to apply pressure on the major hotels and trying to make change take a look better pay health care and workloads we want cont we want it that's what more than 10,000 housekeepers cooks and staffers say they're spending their Labor Day on picket lines demanding in Greenwich Connecticut Boston San Francisco Seattle San Jose and even Hawaii this as the workers union approves strikes in additional cities later this week it's hard to build savings living often times paycheck to paycheck you've given this company 25 years yes are you surprised that this is where you are 25 years later on a picket line yeah that's why first time we do that because how they treat the people is is is is not Mak sense the strikes center around Hyatt Marriott and Hilton hotel chains tonight Marriott has not responded for requests for comment while the Hyatt and Hilton both say they are willing to continue negotiations we're all in this together today Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont supporting the workers they took some real h during Co just like the hotels did they uh flatten their wages now give CH them a chance to catch up Sonia a Hyatt housekeeper tells me it hurts me a lot it makes me emotional with staffers walking off the job many hotels are modifying services and amenities but some guests say they understand sure they really got to the point of being fed up people like to work and have Fair wedges and Gotti to give you just a snapshot of one of these workers lives one of the men here working at this H in Greenwich Connecticut told me that he's been here for about 25 years and in recent years his hourly wage has only gone up by about 30 cents an hour meanwhile his rent went up by almost $11,000 he has kids in college and he described the situation as unsustainable another woman when she was talking to me was moved to tears she's a housekeeper here and and has been for a long time and people are making decisions at the end of the month am I going to be able to pay my phone bill what kind of food am I going to be able to get for my family at the grocery store some of the travel and hotel experts that we spoke to say that it's this kind of holiday strike that puts real pressure on the hotel chains they know that More Travel is coming in November and December as we get closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas and they're going to want to avoid some conflict and they're likely going to come back to the table very soon [Music] Antonia thank you now it's been a difficult summer at the Grand Canyon Park officials say that hotels might reopen as early as this weekend after they were after they were forced to close last Thursday and the issue there a bunch of breaks in a water pipeline that disruption coming during a very busy time for tourism and it is far from the only concerning issue happening out there along the rim NBC's Dana Griffith explains tonight there growing alarm in Grand Canyon National Park following a series of tragic deaths amid extreme weather Rescuers finding a body just last week of a 60-year-old man who had been backpacking alone marking the 14th death this year days earlier rescue teams airlifted more than 100 stranded people to safety after severe flash flooding sent A Rush of mud and debris through havu Canyon shinoa Nickerson was swept away while hiking with her husband according to the park service after days of searching her body was recovered 20 miles Downstream she just had the the biggest heart and she would want you know just to spred love it comes as utility Crews scramble to restore Water Service after four major breaks to the Park's aging water pipeline that forced hotels along the Canyon's popular south rim to abruptly cancel hundreds of bookings over the holiday weekend everyone was scrambling Sharon Ellison and Fred jarrian planed to celebrate following a backpacking trip and like many others found their hotel closed we didn't have cell service or a satellite phone so we didn't know about it until we had gotten back I can't imagine that everybody was lucky enough to find accommodation as we were travel chaos as Park officials urge visitors to remain Vigilant amid extreme conditions and Dana Griffin joins me now Dana what's the latest on the pipeline repairs like is is this timeline realistic so yeah it's likely that they will reopen this weekend because they've already done a lot of testing they've been able to repressurize those lines but it's going to take several days because they have to do several days of testing just to make sure that they can build enough of the reservoir in those particular tanks and we actually um there was actual release from the park um they said that we are optimistic barring any further complications that we will be able to resume regular water service and full service overnight lodging by next weekend so obviously very helpful for a lot of people who may want to take a rain check possibly next weekend um but it you know it it's tough this was a 12 1 half mile pipeline that was disrupted and it and it impacts both the North and the South Rim so obviously very frustrating there was one couple as we as we saw in that package that was trying to celebrate after you know their long hike and they didn't know because they didn't have phone service so it was like they get there and it's like sorry we're closed right yeah yeah so and cell phone service out there is so notoriously spotty you also mentioned those 14 deaths and Grand Canyon is obviously a very dangerous place but 14 deaths like is that a lot for this time of year it really is the annual average deaths 15 so we've already had 14 and right now we're still in the middle of monsoon season which runs from July to September so it is concerning because you've got these extreme weather conditions not only the increase in the rainfall which is causing the flash flooding or that did several a week ago where you had like 100 people a lifted out of the area but you've also got the heat and just last week uh there was a 60-year-old man who was backpacking alone he died unfortunately so park officials are reminding people to to be vigilant as you're visiting this park as you mentioned it is dangerous so be prepared and know that things can happen out there Dana thanks so much for joining us thank you and coming up a car crashes into the living room of an Arizona home inside those terrifying moments and what the homeowner is saying about that shocking scene but first this isn't something we've seen on The Campaign Trail before former president Donald Trump apparently selling a new collection of digital trading cards by popular demand I'm doing a new series of trump digital trading cars you all know what they are we've had a lot of fun with them it's called the America First collection 50 all new stunning digital trading cards it's really something these cards show me dancing and even beholding some Bitcoins he also says he's actually going to cut up one of his suits to sell to anybody who buys enough trading cards take a listen each physical trading card has an authentic piece of my suit that I wore for the presidential debate and people are calling it The Knockout suit I don't know about that but that's what they're calling it so we'll cut up The Knockout suit and you're going to get a piece of it and we'll be randomly autographing five of them a true collector's item this is something to give your family your kids your grandchildren so a piece of that knockout suit uh runs about 1,500 bucks and I know these days it's hard to know what is AI generated misinformation and what is real but we checked and this is real it's just Uncharted Territory we'll be right back hey welcome back and here are some of the stories happening out west that we're following right now a small twin engine plane crashed into a row of tow houses in Oregon killing three people now this happened over the weekend and quickly started a fire that spread to four of those Town Homes the two people on board the plane as well as a person in one of those tow houses died the FAA and the NTSB are investigating and an incredible piece of video to show you out of Phoenix a car crashing into a couple's living room just as they were getting ready to sit down for dinner barely missing them in their dogs police say the driver was arrested and is thought to be impaired that couple is now raising funds to try to fix their home and San Diego unified superintendent Lamont Jackson was fired after an investigation revealed he had engaged in quote unwelcome sex based Behavior with two female employees Jackson who had led California's second largest school district since 2021 denies the allegations he worked for the district for over 30 years and a San Francisco 49ers rookie is out of the hospital after being shot this weekend police are calling it an attempted robbery gone wrong a 23-year-old rck peaw was signing autographs for fans earlier in the day hours later a San Francisco police officer rushed to his side and may have saved his life NBC's Morgan chesky has the latest tonight San Francisco 49er Ricky piol recovering after being shot in the chest over the weekend the 23-year-old seen here Saturday afternoon walking with the help of First Responders moments after being shot during an attempted robbery he was walking alone when a suspect approached him and attempted to commit an armed robbery using a gun officials say the 17-year-old didn't Target PE soul for his NFL Fame but his Rox was and during a struggle in the city's famed Union Square both were wounded when multiple shots were fired you have two Medics C gr responding officer Jolie Harold telling the San Francisco Chronicle she applied pressure to Pea's wounds telling him be strong like you're on the field piera's mother sharing on social media the bullet exited out of his back and missed vital organs my son was spared today by the grace of God after a highlight real college career in Florida oh what a onehanded grab by peol in April the ners drafted piol in the first round with the wide receivers big NFL debut set for next week on Sunday the team announced he had been released from the hospital and continues to recover this was a terrible and rare incident in Union Square the shooting putting Public Safety in San Francisco back in the spotlight this kind of violence is simply unacceptable in our city as police boost area patrols over the Labor Day holiday the teen suspect remains in custody and such remarkable video of him right afterwards Morgan joins us now in the studio Morgan what else do we know about this the 17-year-old suspect yeah got the 17-year old suspect currently in police custody he's not from San Francisco but from a neighboring Community we do know that he was taken into custody by police shortly thereafter the player was able to give a very good description to that officer who is saving his life and so they were able to track him down within just a few minutes what we're hoping to find out within the next 36 hours or so is if he will be charged as a minor being 17 or in fact as an adult the da says that that decision should be coming very quickly and Ricky has such a bright future in football you know I hate to even ask but he's upright he's walking he's clutching his chest and and do we know how extensive his injuries are is he out for the season what do we know about right that video alone of him walking on his own power after being shot incredible to see he's already out of the hospital we do know that he's been placed on a list reserved for nonf football related injuries this will happen a lot if you have a college athlete who was trying to deal with a long-standing injury NFL teams will draft them then place them here because it doesn't count against their active roster but by placing him on this list scti what it essentially means is he's definitely not playing for at least the next four weeks of course he's going to want to focus on the recovery here but being a first round draft pick and such a strong addition to the 49er Roster at the end of that four-week time I'm sure they will have a physician look at his injury gauge on where he's status is and they'll go from there but the 49ers Nation so many NF fans pulling for him as you can see from those highlights he's a heck of a player hoping he makes a full recovery yeah seems so Unstoppable Morgan thank you thanks Scot and more and more Americans are taking weight loss drugs like OIC and wovi and by 2030 JP Morgan predicts about 30 million Americans could be taking what are called glp1 drugs and Senior business correspondent Christine Romans takes a look at what kind of impact that could bring down the road no question glp1 weight loss drugs are popular and new research is looking into how a nation eating less food and healthier food on gp1s could change the US economy there are going to be these lifestyle changes that might really benefit us as a society um as people are able to be more active we might be able to be in the workforce longer uh because we just have more energy Leo feller's analytics firm numerator has been looking into the economic benefits of glp1 usage and says the drug could help reverse a decades long decline in labor force participation with a recent Goldman Sachs analysis predicting that if 60 million Americans go on glp1 drugs in the next 4 years it could add an extra 1% to the nation's GDP about $250 billion plus they say lowered rates of obesity and heart disease could lower the financial burdens they place on family members and the Health Care system and that could save households as well as insurers and hospitals a lot of money down the road and many people using the drug for weight loss are also changing their shopping habits numerator has been tracking the grocery spending of households on gp1s and found some significant shifts in what people are eating we see uh households pulling back on things like breakfast items we see them cutting back on candies on snacks but we do also see them adding things into their baskets such as uh salads fish yogurt uh lean proteins in general he says that families using the drug for weight loss spent between six and 9% Less on groceries on average and that's already making food manufacturers and grocery chains rethink their offerings like Nestle which recently launched a new line of frozen meals tailored for people on gp1s with higher protein good fiber and smaller portions if consumers want something healthier how do we actually accommodate that change in demand even retail and grocery giant Walmart has said it's found glp1 users are buying slightly less at their stores in the world of grocery stores where profit margins are razor thin even a small change in consumer Trends could mean big changes for companies at the same time while glp1 usage might slightly decrease food consumption Fellers says that it could have benefits for other sectors of the economy we're going to also have a boost to uh clothing retailers uh as as people are changing their wardrobe because they've managed to lose some weight you might be able to uh go to workout classes a little bit more easily you might be able to walk and go on Hikes this is a big impact on the US similar to other big drug innovations that we've had that allowed people to live longer and healthier lives Christine Romans NBC News and still ahead tonight Oasis is back and so are ticket buying headaches for Wonder wallers long Waits and unexpectedly high prices or fuel and frustrations a look at how fans are Looking Back in Anger ahead of one of the most anticipated reunions ever hey welcome back let's take a quick look around the world it was a big day at the polls for Germany's far right yesterday the afd or the alternative for Germany won their first state election since the Nazis held power now their leader celebrated that vote saying it's proof that the German people want change while German Chancellor Olaf Schulz practically pleaded with the country's mainstream parties not to form a coalition with the far right and the pope is going to Asia that trip which he left for earlier today will include 11 countries in more than 40 hours on a plane Church Observer say the trip is seen as a chance for the popee to extend his Outreach to places with small or oppressed Catholic communities and Elon Musk is not backing down with this beef with Brazilian authorities his satellite internet service starlink is refusing to comply with a court order to block his social network X in Brazil and says it won't do so until officials release star Link's assets which were frozen last week in an attempt to collect millions of dollars in fines against X for ignoring court orders to suspend certain accounts and and a beluga whale suspected of being a Russian spy has died that whale turned up in Norway 5 years ago strapped in a harness that read quote equipment St Petersburg which quickly led a lot of people to speculate that he was a Russian intelligence asset but if that was the case he was spotted by a whole lot of people because by most accounts he spent most of his time craving attention wherever he could find it and fans around the world were pretty excited to hear news that legendary rock band Oasis is reuniting and I don't believe that anyone feels the way a bunch of fans do when they try to get their tickets and then they found themselves Looking Back in Anger NBC's Chloe Mass has the latest a new ticket to bacle is brewing I went to check out and I got kicked out again just days after the surprised announcement that brothers nol and Liam Gallagher ended their longtime Feud announcing an oasis reunion tour and sending fans into a frenzy saes me concert ticket sales hit a sour [Music] note leaving some fans looking for their own Oasis I've been in the line now for an hour and a half and there's still 14,000 people ahead of me many claiming extensive weights system glitches and Skyhigh surge pricing for the concert dates in the UK and Ireland next year British TV host Dan Walker posting on X there has got to be a fairer simpler more efficient way of selling tickets Ticket Master UK which operates abroad says they don't set ticket prices promoters and artists do and the ban in response to the outrage posting on X Oasis Live 25 tickets can only be resold at face value via Ticket Master UK and twickets and tickets appearing on other secondary ticketing sites are either counterfeit or will be cancelled by the promoters but for millions of fans the frustration seemed familiar Ticket Master and his parent company Live Nation entertainment have faced intense criticism in recent years are you ready for it with many slamming the site when Taylor Swift's wildly popular ays tour went on sale in 2022 this is the biggest disaster I've ever seen on Ticket Master I'm not getting tickets even Swift herself weighing in at the time saying in part it really pisses me off that public Fiasco prompting a high-profile Congressional hearing you have clear dominance monopolistic control this whole concert ticket system is a mess and a Live Nation apology we need to do better the justice department and dozens of States filed suit earlier this year alleging Live Nation had created a monopoly causing inflated ticket [Music] prices and while some Oasis fans had luck on their side this time around I literally screamed I was so excited others are still hoping for a chance to see the Gallagher brothers back in action action I don't really want to pay retail but I will actually I I will if I need to Chloe Moss NBC News Chloe thank you and as summer travel comes to a close not everyone has been happy with the boom of tourists in their cities in fact several European cities have already taken steps to limit tourism and now one American city is looking to join them that is Juno Alaska NBC News correspondent Ellison Barber takes us through the frustration in the state's capital city it's the last day of a summer of record-breaking travel that's overwhelmed vacation hotspots around the world Barcelona visitors hoping to enjoy an outdoor snap sprayed with water guns by protesters chanting tourists go home and in central Portugal signs warning of a traffic jam in Paradise tourism turning into over tourism and cities are now cracking down Venice this summer charging a fee for day Trippers Barcelona Banning tourist rental apartments Amsterdam capping the number of cruise ships and plan it to ultimately close its Cruise terminal entirely and now the fight coming to an unlikely place Juno Alaska population around 30,000 every summer passengers go on cruises to catch a glimpse of Alaska's stunning glaciers and Wildlife then each day thousands flood into Juno poor pouring into Shops going on excursions setting up a battle between locals who love their small town way of life and the tourists who desperately want a taste of it the cruise industry brings massive numbers of people on a concentrated schedule and spews them into a city like a tidal wave and then sucks them all out and leaves Carla Harts lived in Juno since she was a little kid and says the influx of people is inescapable cruise ships stopped in Jun know more than 700 times in 2023 with nearly 1.7 million passengers up

74% from a decade ago all of the areas that the locals used to go to sport fish to kayak is all blanketed by whale watching boats hoping for a day of rest she started an initiative called shipfree Saturdays pushing to ban large ships that can hold 250 passengers from docking in Juno once a week and on the 4th of July people will vote on October 1st this is bad for our family it's bad for our community mchu Pierre is the chair of protect Juno's future a group campaigning against the initiative worried the local economy will take a big hit after all the cruise industry was responsible for more than $300 million in spending in Juno last year and nearly 4,000 jobs we expect there would be about 400 direct tours and related jobs that would go away and you know businesses would shut down on Saturday there's no reason to be open for locals there's not enough people the city's already taking steps to limit cruise ships starting in 2026 it's capping Cruise passengers at 16,000 a day and 12,000 on Saturdays but for those who feel the soul of the city is at stake they want more we know what Juno was before it became just an exploited extension of the cruise ships we know what we had and what we lost and we want it back Ellison Barber NBC News such a fascinating report Ellison thank you before we go it is time for the future of everything and and stop me if you've heard this before another red flag for Boeing Starliner what we now know caus that one of those astronauts to make this frantic call and the potential larger scale concerns for Starliner that's coming up in the future of space plus going for gold with Paro Olympics underway in Paris we are seeing extraordinary people do extraordinary things and some of the highlights so far and how the sports we know have become so much more [Music] adaptive yeah now here's a story that definitely had a lot of people holding up their speakers to their ears trying to figure out what the heck was making this weird sound up in space of all places we're talking about that strange noise that was heard on board the for now Infamous Starliner that's docked to the International Space Station and NASA is now saying they think the sound came from some crossed audio wires NBC's Marissa para has an even closer listen for all of us hey there Melissa hey there yeah anything related to Boeing Starliner gets a lot of attention and this was no exception it was also kind of a mystery that troubled both NASA and the astronauts on board the International Space Station I want to take you first to what we heard between NASA astronaut Butch Wilmore and NASA in Houston take a listen on to got a question about Starliner Houston's with you butch go ahead uh this there's a strange noise coming through the speaker and I didn't know if you could Connect into the Starliner and let me uh keep I and let you hear I don't I don't know what what's making it and now I want to have you take a listen to the sound that was stumping all of them this is what we heard that at negative Butch we did not hear anything and interestingly former International Space Station Commander Chris Hadfield posted on X saying there are several noises I'd prefer not to hear inside of my spaceship including this one that Starliner is currently making well we have since heard from NASA NASA is saying one the noise has stopped and two they have an explanation they posted this statement and in part they explained that this was the result of an audio configuration between the space station and Starliner and they emphasize that there is no impact on the Starliner astronauts on the International Space Station or on Starliner ability to return back to Earth and of course we know that that is scheduled for this Friday it's supposed to undock with no crew on board because remember Butch and sunny those two astronauts who went up through Boeing Starliner are not going to be returning back to Earth in the same capsule Starliner will return to Earth without them they those two astronauts will hit a ride using SpaceX that crew nine is going to set for the internal space station sometime at the end of this month and then it's said to return to Earth in February and so Butch and sunny are not slated to come back to earth any earlier than that Starliner will make its return sometime after midnight on Friday and that capsule will return and land in Whit Sand's New Mexico White Sands New Mexico Marissa par thank you so much and how did we learn about all this well because that space station is circling above us and there are a whole lot of space Buffs down below that can tune in and listen to the chatter up there and that's actually how the public first found out about this Rob Dale he's a meteorologist and space fan and was just listening to what was happening up above when he heard all this and joins us now Rob thanks so much for joining us I got to ask so were you listening on the Internet or like is this old school antenna tuning above while they're circling tell us how were you listening yeah there there is still some of that excuse me there is some of that old school listening but most of it is on the internet NASA has a feed on their YouTube channel of all the the ground communication so it's something I just kind of have on in the background when things are quiet down here in my home office and normally on the weekends it's no more exciting than we're doing house cleaning can you turn off a smoke detective for a little bit so this one this one caught my ear a little bit more than more than normal yeah so let's listen to that real fast so I'm just picturing you down you know having this on in background noise and then all of a sudden you start to hear this conversation let's play a little bit more of it here it was kind of like a pulsing noise almost like a sonar I'll do it one more time and scratch your head and see if you figure out what's going on here we go all I I don't know if you're a science fiction buff but like when you heard that what was going through your head well fortunately he said it was only from the speaker so right away we know if it was actually the spaceship making that noise I'd have been a little more concerned and they would have probably been as well but but I actually I'm a Tom Clancy fan so I went to The Hunt for Red October with a little sonar ping uh back in the day uh but nonetheless you know I there's always interesting things on there for whatever reason I I could think of a lot of reasons but when I uploaded this it it turned viral in a hurry um so so you know people caught on to the memes Galore my my my Twitter my X feed has been just blown up with people tagging it and and just finding up a variety of memes to to poke fun at it again thankfully it wasn't a life threat you know that would have changed everything but you know it got people to talk about space for a weekend so so no harm there Silver Lining it shows it so many people still care about what's going on up above thank you so much for joining us tonight thanks thanks for having me and finally par Olympians know a thing or two about defying the odds and inspiring Millions along the way and we've got a closer look tonight at some of the athletes who are going for gold right now in Paris and others who are hoping for a chance a little down the road here's NBC News correspondent Emily aada across 22 different sports par Olympians in Paris are redefining the impossible perfectly yes what about that from stman The Man Behind that Bullseye Matt stutzman using only his foot and a harness to shoot arrows he's now the first armless Archer to ever win gold it's a gold middle I left the bow and gave it a bow and said I'm done and then as soon as I got back I cried like crazy meanwhile beneath the Eiffel Tower a sport of speed and exceptional spatial awareness is captivating thousands in blind soccer players rely on a jingling ball and directions from their cited goalkeepers and guides to move and pass on the field good steal there from Argentina's matius alera says fans are most surprised by the velocity of the of the game I'm whispering right right now because during play the crowd has to be quiet to avoid interfering with players concentration the US doesn't have a team in these games but is building one for La 2028 with the help of American player Charles Katherine calaro having a disability doesn't mean you shouldn't do any sport uh it's actually quite the contrary it gave me just so many opportunities and and I want children to to to have those moving forward in Paris he's scouting the competition using a vision pad to track the ball in real time and in in the Stadium's electric energy it's the first time in my life that I actually feel cool being blind right and that's a feeling I want to bring home with me a boisterous reminder of the power of sport Emily ietta NBC News Paris incredible Emily thank you and that does it for us tonight I'm Gotti Schwarz we'll see you here tomorrow but until then stay tuned now [Music] [Music] thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

2024-09-07 01:59

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