Solo trip to #Kinosaki onsen town| 2 day Itinerary | 2.5 hours from Kyoto| Tattoo friendly onsen

Solo trip to #Kinosaki onsen town| 2 day Itinerary | 2.5 hours from Kyoto| Tattoo friendly onsen

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Hi everyone, we’re headed out of Kyoto today we’re going to do a trip to a onsen town called Kinosaki it’s about 2.5 hours away from Kyoto, nothing like grabbing Mcdonalds breakfast for a early trip and off we go! I got the sausage and egg McMuffin and hasbrown I love checking out little countryside towns in Japan there’s something so peaceful and cozy about rural towns in Japan Kinosaki onsen itself is voted one of the best onsens in Japan and is also meant to have a Michelin one-star rated panoramic view as we get closer to the town you can see the ocean view and we’ve arrived! the main street already looks so cute the town is very famous for it’s crabs so you can expect to see crabs everywhere this is the main river that runs through the town lined with willow trees this is the most iconic image of Kinosaki there also seems to be a lot of local produce in the area I woke up so early today, need another coffee and this cafe had the best view and the coffee was good too recharging before exploring the city found a small ghibli store had to go check it out now let’s go explore Kinosaki the weather is so perfect today the traditional style architecture is well preserved in the town and gives a very nostalgic feel love the quiet ambience of the town time to get my first snack this place is popular for it’s crab cream croquette so crispy and creamy now we’re ready to take the ropeway to see the panoramic view this is the route to the top there were many people who were hiking to the top but we’ll be taking the ropeway still can’t believe how nice the weather is and this is the veiw from the top there is also a small temple at the top they put clothes on the statues to keep them warm there isn’t much to do here but they did have some disk throwing activities there’s also a small cafe they were out of pudding so I’m getting a tiramisu the cafe of course has an amazing view time to enjoy the view with something sweet the staff also gave me a phamplet apparently there are 7 famous onsens to visit getting ideas for what to do next headed to midway point then we’ll do a little trek down there’s also a temple and a great view at midway point the weather was nice and it only took about 15 mins to walk down and the view was definately worth it now time for some souvenir shopping they seem to have a lot of bath salts and of course everything crab related crab ramen and pasta I was getting a bit peakish so we’re getting some onsen eggs you can cook them yourself here depending on how you like your eggs you can leave them here from 8-12 mins I left mine for exactly 10 and then you can cool them down here perfectly yolky eggs now finally time to check in all the ryokans were booked out when I was looking but I luckily found this place on google maps and it’s right on the main street going to go enjoy the hot springs most of the ryokans come with this pass that gives you unlimited access to all 7 onsens you can also buy the pass on it’s own, but check with your ryokan first they also provide a towel and yukaka you can wear around and some basic rulesto follow in an onsen near the station you can see all these getas each pair belongs to the ryokans here first onsen is Satono yu this one is closed tomorrow so going here first there’s also a nice footbath outside I cannot film inside the bath but it had a great outdoor bath with a view of the sea and of course you need to get fresh milk after a onsen don’t know what it is but milk at onsens are so sweet and creamy it was already dark by the time I finished time for a night stroll around Kinosaki the town was suprisingly empty at night I guess most people are having dinner in their ryokans I’m going to go to one more onsen for tonight this one was my favorite of the one’s I visited going to get some dinner most of the shops were closed even though it’s not that late luckily I found this place that was open the place was also serving crab which I wanted to try the shop is so cozy I got the crab set meal I actually wasn’t sure how to eat the crab but the owner came and kindly explained the crab meat was so freash and sweet getting some snacks before heading back to the hotel I was intrigued by this crab beer... now back to the hotel actually smells a bit like crab it tasted a bit too much like crab for my liking it was interesting to try but not sure I would recommend it good morning it’s meant to rain today but there’s still abit of blue skies I’m back to this cafe to try thir coffee milk it comes in a cute bottle like this sitting outside enjoying last of the nice weather before it rains time to eat some breakfast this cafe seemed to be really popular it has an unique design got the hotcake set I’m usually more of a savory breakfast person but the hotcakes looked so good and the rain has started! fortunately for me I actually really enjoy going to the onsen in the rain it’s especially cosy if there is an outdoor bath the town has a totally different feel in the rain I choose this one because it has a nice outdoor bath all warmed up from the onsen time for a snack found this crab taiyaki place inside it was normal red bean I decided to head back to Kyoto a little early not much to do in the rain getting some onigiri for the road I was actually pretty exhausted from all the travelling so it was really nice to relax in a onsen this is the last leg of the trip I’m excited to going home back at Kyoto station this kid was playing the piano so well I stood and watched the whole performace

2024-01-12 07:50

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