Solo ride Pangandaran to Jakarta - perjalanan penuh tantangan

Solo ride Pangandaran to Jakarta - perjalanan penuh tantangan

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Hello, assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, back again and continue again, friends on the traventure id channel OK friends, so this time I want to travel from Pangandaran to Jakarta, friends, I'm leaving Pangandaran at 02.30, friends. Yes, friends. It's enough afternoon, Bismillah, I hope it goes smoothly and safely. I hope there won't be any obstacles on the road. For petrol, it's still safe, it's still safe from yesterday, there are still 4 bars, friends, the most important thing is to fill up again, if you want to, in Banjar, in Tasikmalaya, okay? Friends, if you go all the way to Jakarta, maybe you can arrive at 1 am or 2 am. But that's okay, let's just catch up, then we'll just take this route, how is it nice if we go from Bandung, it's definitely the same route, isn't it, it's a bit scary and it's already late in the afternoon OK? Come on, let's get out of the Pangandaran area, friends, to the exit, this way, for friends who have just watched it, for the entrance ticket, or the entrance ticket to Pangandaran, it's Rp. 20,000 per motorbike for a car. We'll see there later, how much I forgot. If I'm not mistaken in calculating driving, we'll take the route that was before, the one that's winding, it's said that the fastest route is that way, even though it's winding, it's better, it's okay, rather than taking a route that I've never used before and then it's late in the afternoon, so it's better if we go through It's just the same route as before, it's okay, there are directions here, where to go, it's nice, Taman Pesona. It's better

if you go through a route that you've never taken before, it's just that you have other plans, I want to go there sometime. Yes, we've passed. Just the normal route, OK? Well, we'll just go through here according to the instructions. Well, we'll go this way, and we'll go home this way, but there will be a difference, if we go from Central Java, well, this is to West Java , but it's near the border of Central Java and West Java , okay? Let's continue there, so that's the route we're taking, yes, yesterday I came here to Pangandaran from Central Java, actually it's the same from Jakarta, you can also go this way and there, then there will be a meeting point there, right at the border, what is the border between Central Java and Java? The west point is where the meeting point is, it's really nice like this for friends who haven't watched it yesterday. What's the name? It makes you really addicted. Friends, the road is really smooth, that's the right way to go from Central Java, yes, from Purwokerto. Well, this is in the opposite direction. here's the picture, more or less like that.

OK, friends, so there will be a T-junction in front of you. So if you go to the right, yesterday from Central Java, friends from Central Java, from Cilacap, yes, that's the provincial route, so turn to the right, so this is straight. That's towards Banjar, yes, Banjar City runs out of Banjar City, if I'm not mistaken, Ciamis is Baru Tasikmalaya, it's flexible, you can go to Garut or you can go directly to Bandung via this, friends, this one yesterday This one is from Central Java, this one Sorry, that was wrong, OK, this is Cilacap to Purwokerto that way, this time we went straight to Banjar, yes, it's a bit similar, the road is because I remember that, right? But the point is the same, it's still possible for girls too. There's

a bit of traffic, because there's backfilling on the road, so the road alternates between opening and closing, opening and closing. but it 's not too long, at least it's like a few hundred meters or so, 200 meters here, I've entered this, my friends, Banjar, yes, Banjar City, it looks like there's traffic jam ahead because it's red on the road map, my friends, now we've arrived at central Banjar City. Yes, in urban areas, it's more or less like this, the atmosphere is really hot, the sun is now what time is it? It's already 4 past 13, I just want to hang around here, then it's over, then I'll continue again, this is Banjar Square , I'm just going around for a while Yes, after that, let's continue, friends, what is Banjar City like, right? Well , this is the square, friends, let's just turn left. OK, we're through, we've gone through this message route . Well, here I'll show you the meeting point between what it's called . Go right to Java, go left to Bandung. Usually I go there above So, for example, if you want to go to Pangandaran in Jakarta, this is the way in. Well, here you go. Okay, this is the main route again, what route do I usually take? For example, from Bandung to Purwokerto, at the Bandung shops, this route is South Kita. South

here is Banjar City, let's take a quick photo, let's continue with the photos, let's just turn it off, if we know the way here, I'll just put it in my pocket, I'll wear gloves, because I've been wearing gloves every now and then and it keeps smelling. Later, when we're on the road, we'll see, we'll buy Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, continue again 60 60 OK, friends, so I've filled it in, OK, 10,000. Well, now we've arrived at Ciamis city, yes, this is Ciamis city, yes, the center, we'll go through here and direct it, yes, the weather is really sunny this afternoon. but how come it's a bit quiet, well, here it is, the square is just the square, there are photos there, but never mind, Ciamis, my friends here are Ciamis people.

OK, now we're heading to the city of Tasikmalaya or it's here, Bandung, Jakarta. Go straight, guys, we to the left OK, continue again, we're on the main route again. Wow, the sun is really bright, friends, you can see the road going up, yes , it's still hot . So if you go left, it's to Tasik, friends, so we're coming from Tasik, but we're not going through the city, we're going by road. here, okay , this is in Tasikmalaya City, we just go straight, we don't stop by Tasikmalaya, we just pass by, so after leaving Tasikmalaya, we head in this direction, friends, Bandung, yes, via this route to Bandung, usually it's via the breakthrough route, that's the route. This route has never had really good skies, friends.

I just found out that this road is from the left because when I was on Main Street, friends, now I have reached the Ciawi area, friends, so when I was little, Ciawi was Bogor, right ? it's still very far, it's very thin, it 's about 2 hours to Bandung, friends, it's still a long way, so wait for the stall. Well, let's turn left towards Bandung, but if you go straight, it's towards the Reservoir. I've been there before, passing by Honey twice, only once. I want to go through Bandung, never before. Now it's 6.40 o'clock. I've just arrived at Limbangan, Garut.

There's still an hour and a half to go to Bandung, OK, friends. So now it's already 8 o'clock. Because I've arrived in Bandung, friends. Sorry, I didn't record it from there because what's it called? Besides, it's also dark, isn't it? You can't see it at night, so never mind. So when I arrived in Bandung, there might be lights like this. Looks like I just recorded it, friends.

So Maybe I'll reach Jakarta this morning at 02.00 or 3. After Meru at 8 o'clock, the route I'm taking is via this route , Puncak Bogor friends. I hope you're safe, the journey will definitely still reach Bogor, maybe and from Bogor to your house to Jakarta, right? 2 hours at night, there are still lots of people, yes, there are still people riding motorbikes.

If you want to bother, here we turn left towards Padalarang towards Bogor, this way in Purwokerto , what time was it last night, now we are there? Jalan Padalarang, friends, let's have some coffee first, then we'll continue our journey. OK, friends, let's continue, before this, let's fill up with petrol first, so it's easy at 09.54. Well, let's fill up with petrol here first, OK, friends, it's better if we fill up at the right place. Other than that, I'm afraid there's

something wrong with that problem, right? I don't know if it's going to be reduced or what. The dose isn't enough. Yes, not really. In fact, it's just a really long wait. Really, let's look for another place, so there are still two bars. I hope there will be a gas station there, okay ? nothing, that's all , friends, now at 9.58, let's take it slow, the important thing is to reach our destination safely. OK, 50,000 in full, okay? So let's continue, friends, there's still a long way to go.

Okay, let's continue. I don't know whether the battery is enough for the power bank, so where do you use the power bank from Purwokerto? Yes, it hasn't run out yet. There's still 25% left. That's what's important to me. Just make a video first, if you still have memory, about half 40 minutes, you can do it a bit over there, well, that's fun, if you're tired in Jakarta, stop by there. OK, friends, let's wash it, so take it with your cellphone, okay? Now it's coming down from the peak, it's really cold here, okay? Well, let's just stay at the bottom, but it's still busy, here at the mosque, usually parked up and out, maybe it's already evening, so there aren't too many, so it's crowded at the top, right? Now we're just approaching the city of Bogor, friends, we've already got off, so we'll reach the city first, so there were a lot of things going up, when I got off, it turns out the ones going up were better or not, okay, friends, what time is it now? 1.8 o'clock, which means from the distance from Bogor to Jakarta.

OK, friends, maybe the video is enough for now. Thank you to friends who have watched and supported the video. This time the journey from Pangandaran, Bandung to Jakarta. Actually, I only wanted to get to Bandung, but it seemed like I had to go to Jakarta . now it's close to home, see you in the next video, friends. Don't forget to help this channel by liking, sharing, commenting and subscribing, see you in the next video, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, greetings, traventure

2023-09-25 17:08

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