Sky High Lobster Breakfast - World's Weirdest Restaurants - S02 EP02 - Reality TV

Sky High Lobster Breakfast - World's Weirdest Restaurants - S02 EP02 - Reality TV

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[Music] world's weirdest restaurants takes you to New  Jersey to have luscious Lobster high in the sky   it's a little goofy you know to have breakfast  in the sky if I swap you two bagels for a crant   good thing he was wearing glasses then we're off  to London for some Sensational strudel that sure   to ring your bell you knew I should have packed  my later hoses he'll jet to Quebec where French   Canadian pirates hijack Caribbean spices for a  mutinous meal shimy Timbers and end up in Japan   to have supper with slithery Sidekicks and  furry friends yeah it's a it's a weird just [Music] burs tell you the truth tooth I'm terrified  of roller coasters with Ferris wheels who   doesn't love a ferris wheel and you throw in an  excellent gourmet breakfast I mean what could be better breakfast at Mor's Piers New Jersey is  the perfect place to rise above the ordinary   and experience Gourmet cuisine at new heights  this is the only Ocean Front open air Carousel   serving food anywhere in the world where else can  you go and have breakfast in the sky an amazing   fourstar meal Linens tablecloths beautiful  have you ever been on this ride before yeah   I've been on here a thousands of times what is  it that keeps you coming back one of our first   dates when we went out she found out that never  been on the ferris wheel so she took me on the   ferris wheel a for the first time it's really  your own private dining room in the sky isn't   it that's true ordering a breakfast in the sky  is done beforehand and the weight staff remain   grounded as you and your meal take off welcome to  breakfast in the sky how are you today fabulous   thank you looking forward to the experience just  to confirm your order a shrimp and lobster omelet   with goat cheese check and an additional Belgium  wa check so this journey is kind of like going   full circle right full circle yes be a 45 minute  to 1 hour Journey 45 minutes two cups of coffee   rest of this juice go to the bathroom no not  an option once you start the ferris SM now I'm   ready okay straight up the ramp car number seven  check this out this is fantastic obviously they've   thought of everything CU once you take off if you  decide you want some sugar or hot sauce or some   ketchup there's no way they can reach it it's all  here in your own personal little gondola [Music]   originally the food was very New Jersey style  bwalk food funnel cakes and curly fries but the   mor is one of the raised the bar a little bit and  it's just been very exciting Lobster and scrambled   egg omelette that's what I'm talking about one  Belgium waffle sir oh yeah enjoy your breakfast   in the sky how do you decide at what height level  it's okay to start eating when she tells me I can   go all of a sudden I can see the ocean o I'm  getting a little bit dizzy this is one place   you really don't want want to lose your breakfast  unlike sort of a typical restaurant a typical fine   dining experience where the set if you will  is stationary this whole thing is moving at   all times so every second there's a different  view a different Vista something else that's   happening hey folks I'm great how you doing great  you enjoying yourself so far yeah it's wonderful   I tell you what if you're interested I'll share a  bit of my waffle with you I don't know how we're   going to work that out orange juice cranberry  juice coffee breads pretty generous portions   too aren't they absolutely I mean it's a good size  a lot of potatoes a lot of seafood in the homelet   beautiful lemon tarts cinnamon rolls that alone  can fill you up are you sure you wouldn't like the   strawberry no thanks I got one she doesn't trust  me so Chef will you walk me through the operation   here yes uh right here we have a standard fourstar  M station Lobster smoked salmon Capers go cheese   pepper jack cheese Farmhouse bacon cooking on a  griddle look at this baby chalk full of lobster   shrimp goat cheese nice fluffy omelette very  generous portions of Lobster in here I thought   that the lobster and Shrink would be diced up  and put into the egg it's not there's nice huge   chunks it's delicious when the food's going from  the kitchen to the ferris wheel we have to worry   about seagulls and then when the food goes up if  there's an issue with the food we only have one   shot to get it up there I always order the same  thing change the cheese or something else inside   of it but it's usually Lobster than trim when I  think amusement parks I think about French fries   hot dogs on a stick funnel cakes I certainly  don't think about big chunks of lobsters and   fresh strawberries stick and eggs I'd never had  it before but it was really amazing was fresh was   delicious cooked just right I love it uh excuse  me do you have any great po all right ready jeez   we're moving here we go you have to change your  toss with the cross wi for the wind oh yeah no   kidding here we go you ready and oh so close good  thing he was wearing glasses is all I can say   and how many diners will you serve in a typical  morning anywhere from say 50 to 75 and the biggest   challenge we have believe it or not is the waffle  arm nothing says sparis wheel like a big fluffy   waffle topped with blueberries strawberries and  drown and Canadian maple syrup and if we have an   incident with the waffle where it sticks we have  to start over from scratch like everyone goes on   Red Alert maybe maybe waffle it's fantastic  crispy on the outside fluffy on the inside   it's like a funnel cake for adults it's a little  goofy you know to have breakfast in the sky you   know in most restaurants there's only a few Prime  tables but at breakfast in the sky everybody gets   the best seat in the house feel like cuz it's a  little romantic we get to go on our anniversary   every year romance with cheese I have not seen one  who's come off the wheel that doesn't think it's   the most fantastic thing they've ever done that  was 360° of fine dining we're in the business of   making people laugh we try to build things for the  kid and all of us bet if I swap you two bagels for   a crant I'll take it just pass it over oh you got  it pretty good all right folks grab your accordion   and your cowbell and get your yodel on because  you're about to have the most authentic Austrian   experience of your life and you're going to have  it right here in lenon England's Ty roller [Music] [Applause] Hut knew I should have packed my later  hosen people really can feel they are there you   know they just you walk down on those steps and  you suddenly in Austria weird about this place   absolutely everything the H is a very traditional  aan restaurant with an emphasis on live music and   jolliness now give you a drink free on the  [Laughter] house would it get to have a look   at the menu I thought you'd never ask the menu is  authentic Austrian and Hungarian foods ah let's   see starters soups very shortlisted vegetarian  Entre if you love me come here I suppose I should   have some goulash to start then I'd like you  to recommend a couple of other dishes and well   I'm going to save lots of room for dessert  oh man this is going to be a meal fit for a Kaiser so if I led you in here blindfolded would  you know you were in the heart of London no when   I first came to the door I thought this is a very  strange little restaurant it's a lot friendlier   than any other restaurant in London how do you do  someone said hello to me which is not normal here   friendly sure as long as you can get past their  73-year-old bouncer no B oh my ah the goulash you   know Austria is surrounded by several countries  including Italy Germany and Hungary so this is   like a classic Hungarian goulash than Austrian  style chunks of potato meat tomatoes and it's   all in a nice very spicy beef broth this is a  real stick for the bones kind of soup perfect   for a cold Austria night you know you really  do get the feeling that you're in the snowfield   Alps here I mean there's an Austrian ski Hut  old wooden skis authentic little cowbells real   wood beams bartender and later hosen a regular  customer here a real chump or chimp as the case   may be the TOA Hut special wine with a picture of  a monkey on it this is a pork knuckle that's been   slow roasted and fry it in oil the meat is super  tender but the skin super crisp served with red   cabbage roasted potatoes oh that is like cutting  right into a pork cracket and look at that meat   any part of an animal that comes from the knee  or the knuckles that's where all the flavor is   when it's cooked on the bone it's even that much  more intense the richness of the meat and the   crunch of the skin it's the snap crackle pop of  pork dishes this is where it all happens this is   where all the action takes place I decided to do  an o restaurant because there wasn't anything L   out in London at all I'm a big musician I can  play what I like nobody to tell me otherwise   he's an Entertainer so he will definitely engage  you no matter what probably what brings me back   is is mainly the cowbells need more cowbells  just jump on stage and join in on the [Music] action this thish is like your Austrian plow man's  dinner pork done six different ways sausage pork   belly pork loin pork roast blood sausage and up  on top another sausage doing a bit of a jig it's   hard to believe that all these cuts of meat  come from the same animal that they all taste   delicious beer schnitzel there's nothing that's  more typically Austrian than this you know you   just can't go wrong when you take beel pound it  and you breed it and you fry it in oil I mean it's   no wonder this is an Austrian classic [Music]  sir y comes obviously from the AL mountains   to communicate from one Hill to the other okay  here we go three two one 3 two one [Music] 3 two one there you go have you done that before no I haven't  I think I said it more like Tarzan than a   Yoder but it's very exciting I'm about to get a  tutorial in Austria's most famous dessert apple   strudel right like the grandmother used to make  it like look at that stretched Perfection here   should be so thin that you can read a love  letter SC it this is amazing it's like an   Austrian tablecloth sweet breadcrumbs lots and  lots of apples in there now is this one serving   Chef no it's about uh 20 servings just a wee  bit of butter here SAS and a few more CS now   how you going to roll this over and then that  a silly question sure it looks great but the   proof is in the pudding or in this case the  strudel it's sweet it's tart it's crispy and   now it even comes with some ice cream this  is Apple heaven start with some authentic   Austrian food add a party-like environment and  some infectious music how can you not have a   great time well it's very popular because people  like to come here they can sing along and have a   very good dinner and go home Happy drink a lot  of big beer like big Stein eat a lot of pork   eat a lot of cabbage brilliant brilliant  fun the party just never ends [Applause] here you don't have to travel to Seven Seas to  find a real pirate cuz there swinging from the   rafters here at the cab de in Old Montreal it's a  p themed restaurant for land lovers and salty dogs alike the concept of pirate them so it's gambling  and great food and rum set your eyes on Cabaret   where py culture is anchored in Old Montreal as  locals show up in costume to fill their bellies   with spicy Caribbean quis we use strong and  authentic French cuisine from Quebec and add   Caribbean spices voila pirate dishes I think  people like Pirates because they do whatever   they want they eat whatever they want and they  sail to any exotic place they want shimy timers   everything about the cabet smells and feels so  real I mean you walk in the room and the first   thing you notice is the smoke from the heart  I love the soup Straight From The Cauldron   the food is 18 Century Cuisine from Quebec and  West Indies flavor that the Pirates brought in   this is beautiful it's like a modern day pirate  stew all these layers just unravel themselves in   your mouth and then my favorite part is this  old school rotisserie check this out that is   pirate Ingenuity it's fantastic he's just  slicing this lamb up right out of the fire   check out these whole cloves of garlic and I  can't wait to taste this oh my God sure people   come for the pirate theme and the fun but on  top of that you get a truly authentic dining experience after a hard day of pillaging  Pirates like to one wine with games of chance   at the Cabaret it's all in good fun you spin a  wheel to determine how much treasure you have   to lose oh my Lord 40,000 W Rich the staff is  really Lively they want your money and they're   going to get it and the Pirates roulette you  bet and I win if I roll 11 I double my money   but if you lose you lose out is this how  the Pirates get rich wow I can get dizzy   watching this ball go around what a surprise the  house wins all right let's go lucky 11 here we go that was for real I just beat the house this is one of our most popular dish West  Indies braa you know it's no secret that that   the Pirates followed the trade rout through the  Caribbean so they couldn't help but be influenced   by the local Cuisine sauteed vegetables all in a  rice Pila this gorgeous shrimp oh I mean you get   the heat of the Caribbean spices and the rum  just ties it all in It's cool cuz we can eat   with our ends pork shoulder Al jerk don't even  need a knife this thing's just falling apart   what do you think of the food fantastic yeah  fantastic delicious yeah these jerk spices are   so beautifully integrated with this succulent meat  and just fills your mouth with flavor I'd walk the   plank for this Bob if you want to be a real pirate  you got to go to Pirate School can't be a pirate   without a tattoo don't cry do I look like a real  pirate BL Between the Eyes First Step this gets   it natural trust counter trust rotation of the  wrist it's not bad but I think you better stay in   the galley maple syrup and apple glazed pork rib  wow this is amazing it's everything as authentic   as we can raw meat on on the fireplace spicy  sausage juicy greasy really good look at that just   falling apart the maple glaze on top man do these  Pirates know how to cook [Music] ribs cha a life   of adventure great food who wouldn't want to be a  pirate I'd be coming back because the food would   be tasty and the beer be blendable we're drinking  rum all the time and we're making AR all the time   getting paid for that wow that's [Applause] weird  any last words before walking the pl what's for [Applause] [Laughter] dessert rabbit owners  and reptile owners don't usually mix but   fortunately there are two cafes in Tokyo  that cater quite literally to their unique preferences the subtropical tea house is also  known as the reptile Cafe and for good reason the   restaurant is home to 40 coldblooded creatures  Leaping Lizards or if you prefer jumping jack   rabbits at the usago cafe their business is  bunnies and business is hopping the USAG toe   Cafe is perfect for people who love cute dishes  and rabbits in Japan a lot of people can't have   pets because their homes are too small I wanted  to provide a place where people could come and   feel the animals look at this they've got bunny  snacks bunny toys bunny shampoo and if it rains   they've even got a little bunny rain Bonnet it's  very normal in Japan but maybe for North American   people it's kind of weird the men use a mix of  Italian Italian Indian and Japanese but there's   one unifying Factor the love of the Lupine wow  that is great these are rabbit shaped tongs to   toss your salad with I mean we all joking you  refer to salads as rabbit food so it's a fitting   start to the meal here nice crispy greens and  a beautiful miso dressing love this but if you   don't cotton to bunnies it's a reptile exhibit  it's a cafe all Under One Roof and everywhere you   look there are glass cases lizards snakes frogs  and that's a boa there wasn't a pain in glass   between me and this guy it would be lights out my  thought I started this restaurant because I love   reptiles and Chinese tea there are many reptiles  to see here but the menu is pretty simple exotic   teas memorable muffins and curious Confections  it just burped we don't have a chance to see   the reptiles in the real world we come here  and we have lunch with them yeah it's a it's   a weird there's a Savory muffin a fruit muffin  and a dessert muffin this is a crysanthemum tea   this is so stunningly beautiful oh my the tea  seems like a flower is blossoming it smells   really nice I like it who would have thought a  vegetable muffin this has got little pieces of   cactus bits of carrot and an incredibly sweet  dough surprisingly delicious now it's time to   meet the bunnies they've got seven species total  of 34 in all you've got Shir brown bunnies black   bunnies bunnies spotted bunnies and look at this  a jolly old white bunny here oh that's Angora I've   got a sweater made out of one of your relatives oh  how cute is this look at that a bunny shaped Pizza   complete with corn bacon tomato sauce and cheese  pairs perfectly with car juice oh this is great   they've got like a little photo studio here for  bunnies and for a fee you can dress your bunny up   and then have it shot in all sorts of different  environments kind of gives me an idea for a calendar hey what's up doc what a fun presentation  this is classic Japanese Curry that's one spicy   bunny wabbit but if you tend to root for the  ttis over the hair then the subtropical tea   house is a spot for you last time I saw a turtle  in a restaurant it was in a bowl of soup classic   Japanese style dessert here various types of  fruit and the coconut gel sweet liquid you know   I expected to see an exhibit today I didn't expect  to be part of it mango pudding I like a dessert   that's got a little jiggle to it and this is like  the most perfect fragrance ripe mango whipped into   a custard and chilled down put a cherry on top  and it just doesn't get any better I agree with   you dude these days it's just getting harder and  harder to keep your head above water people should   come here if they want to see the all the reptiles  whether you come for the reptiles and stay for the   desserts or come for the desserts and stay for  the reptiles you can't help but have a good time   here at the subtropical Tea House not to split  hairs but the folks at the usago cafe also know   how to have a good time when whether it's your  birthday or your bunny's what did Maru wish for   hi bunny Hi bunny Cafe's version of cheese but if  you don't have a bouncing birthday bunny there are   a couple of other desserts that are available  a look at this dessert it's all about the color   and the cuteness Factor this is fantastic and  this little bunny it's just begging to be eaten   usually it takes 30 minutes to get in so it's a  very popular place quite a curious little dessert   got a little bunny on a bunny Hill in some kind  of bunny Fortress all that toast is slathered with   honey it's a honey bunny I come back through  here because I am so cute it's cute it's cute   oh and by the way no bunnies were harmed in the  making of this [Music] segment [Music] [Applause] [Music] y

2024-02-10 14:39

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