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how do you say hello in In tha because prostitution is not legal in Thailand ilal illegal protitution illegal a massage center here tell me about the massages in Thailand what kind of massages you get like like these are these are like example like let's say you a forigner and you call me to do sex Serv and if somebody report that I go in jail for sure ah okay [Music] yeah think 40 43 domes flight [Music] flight station I think one of the most famous tourist Destin different side of Thailand different of [Music] uh guys uh or loal salted SAU oopa with rice so she's Piper where are we going today you said that we are going to see something offbeat uh Bangkok we go to the ancient Market ancient Market yeah the are markets that by Chinese like Community okay like 167 years ago but tell me this is the first time for me in Thailand how it is like to live in Thailand how it is like to live in Bangkok uh so from from my point of view if you have uh let's say $1,000 you know if you have $1,000 to begin with to live in Bangkok you can live a pretty good life yeah because uh in Bangkok they have you know two way of living either you live like a local which in reality local make go like $3 to $500 a month okay or you leave like a upper class local will make $1,000 or more and then at a at a forer if you have $1,000 to spend in Bangkok you can get a pretty good uh what you call apartment or condo and then you can have a nice me on a restaurant not street food you know because statistically not many people make more than 9 you said 9,000 to how much to 12,000 or 15 let's say if you're lucky make 15,000 15,000 what are is this Market sorry what bank bank bank fle Market how do you say hello in In tha girl and guy you say club club CL yes you know like mean high and what are the other basic high uh fore should know hello and you say thank you thank you you say copon Club cun Club yeah cun copon Club thank you okay what else uh sorry excuse me or sorry okay you say coton coton coton okay okay and Hong that's the basic word hong mean bathroom h h hello hello hello how are you I'm fine I'm fine so you you guys are studying somewhere uh no I study in s sorry what s s Tech s Tech is it is it some institution or [Music] something ah techology like oh it's a college what are you studying uh computer computer science computer so you you learning computer language C++ Java Java you know B amazing amazing man all the best all the best what's your name my name is black black black b a c k wow yeah like in Thailand is a fun fact we have a lot of like name like for example like uh his name black you know even though like for por is s funny but we have that easy remember name you know like f you know easy like for foreigners yeah a okay but what's your real name huh what's your real name yeah hit that's a TI name yeah you know the ti name we take from thank you black [Music] black so Chinese people came here like 160 years ago yeah 168 years ago okay and you can see the wood and everything it just still yeah yeah this is the best Fring Canal Market without tourist okay yeah I bet you I mean even though the market closed you can come on early morning still no corner so you yo yo yo yo yo what's up helloo where are you from India indiaia India gorak West Bengal Bengal okay what what you say say how do you say Nick CL Club yes Club SW Club CL Club afternoon good afternoon massage center here tell me about the massages in Thailand what kind of massages you get like like these are these these are like the basically this is like original local massage we got all massage we got CH massage we got regular massage so the be much cheaper than the one in start 220 220 in this is like 1 hour yeah 1 hour 220 what kind of massage is this because everything everything is in Thai everything in Thai I can translate all so the first one is body massage Fe massage next and Cho and the joy massage got on the joy T massage Aroma and then the fresher mass and chass 220 for Hour 2 for hour [Music] yeah6 be1 make sense because now is out of the town so you you know it wouldn't be if you more to cheer so this is the the alleys hello Piper in Thailand uh what religion uh most of the people follow like Buddhism Buddhism but also there is some some some form of Hinduism also right hind we have like like majority of the people they are Buddhism they Catholic they are the other one what is it other Protestants yeah Protestants and then of the Hindu but then again when it come to that majority of the population here they worship also Hindu god you know like ganes sh sha whatever I've seen that I seen that people even have the temple for that and then they have the festival for bu for I mean I am an aent I really don't know about the thing but I went to show to the m to the temp temp I think Buddhist temple why do you think Piper Thailand became so famous in especially night life sex tourism and is there any specific reason why this became so popular than the other countries or or it just the trend do you have any answer for for this I think from my information from what I know they start like what 1960 something when American and then American Military bait come to Paya area or the main so this is during the American War uh sorry Vietnam War yeah Vietnam War when a lot of Americans come to Southeast Asia yes so for their Recreation uh they came to Thailand but they have to to to stay here right before they go to Vietnam and then they start to create their own Community but of course right before that uh France and and puge come to Thailand and then you know and then American used Thailand uh as a recreation and then a lot of prostitution started in Thailand yeah a lot of prostitutions start In Paya especially because Paya they used to be American Military bit the whole entire B and then a lot of you know American come and then that time also Vietnam and Chinese also same thing with the sang area the main the street in nearby the river sideon area the S they used to be the prostitution Street 97 years years ago and then the person who start the prodution is Chinese and then the person who continue is in fore okay you know but now they sh you know because thank to India though Indian people come and then no true Indian people come to that thing and then they don't stop the prodution uh business but they create more business jewry gy whatever but I think this sex tourism is a very big uh contribution to the economy of Thailand right yeah that's what I've heard yeah I mean I I don't want to say that but it's kind of true because like like for me I don't know if any tourist come to Thailand just to see of course Thailand have a lot of like n Temple n nature but the other side of you know the the the the the concept of come to Thailand many people know you know like even though you know you never travel to Thailand you heard about the you know inde pensive prostitution service because prostitution is not legal in Thailand illegal it's illegal illegal thail prostitution illegal yeah okay but still it happens yes it would happen like example like let's say you are forner and you call me to to to se show with and if somebody report out I go in jail for sure okay yeah yeah it's it but that you know they have it like what you call that in English loophole right yeah loophole they're like oh yeah we don't have it fortition but bam nanaa were there walking Street were there red light there and if you claim oh there bar with the naked girl dancing and then the the police say oh no what you talking about let me check and then when you say let me check you weang the uniform to go check of course you're not going to see anything there and also very big contributing factor Thailand eom so you were saying that in in Thailand women do a lot of uh breeding breaching right breing yeah make the skin lighter wher they want white like Korean or like Japanese like Chinese and and what's the process for this like how how do they go through they get operated or something okay let's say if you don't have much money you go with the white skin lotion like you know likeon or skin care whitening to make your skin white or if you have more money you inject yourself with the gione with the vitamin to dipping your skin whatever that what they call but if your darker skin over here uh Beauty privilege and Beauty standard is kind of big thing so in Thailand if you're not what do you mean by big thing like people accept you more if you have a lighter skin because over here people have a mindset of like white skin it the way to show uh like from the rich family okay you know like that why most of the girl they think if they getting more white they going to get more attract okay and then yeah understand so every female have not every like majority of them have a conable like oh in order for me to be beautiful I have to be whiter interesting here uh EXP [Music] but half of them going to like done surgery no job boop job whatever and then like people make you feel bad if you're not one of them like for example my friend make one of me oh Piper why don't you do the note job I'm like I don't like surgery you know like just if you do surgery it's a common okay she beautiful she done a lot of surgery it's just not something new it's not something weird just okay acceptable they get a lot of INF from Korea we got Korean girl they you know they are really big for you know for surgery inry so what are we having Piper what is I mean raw papaya salad so salad okay this is chicken grilled chicken with tamaron salad okay and what else have you have you ordered we have ordered this soup the soup is tomyum Tom what you say that tomyum tomam okay and that is like uh with chicken and what other things uh so basically is a coconut meals okay with all the her inside with uh including Lemon Grass Lambs cilantro kalanka sugar uh coconut sugar coconut milk [Music] lemon [Music] local n

2023-12-23 02:52

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