Secrets Revealed of Chris Provost and Provost Park Pass

Secrets Revealed of Chris Provost and Provost Park Pass

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hello everybody I'm Chris Provost and today  I am in uh Disney California adventure and   today's video is about you I want to get  to know you better um I feel just really   honored and blessed that you guys are watching  these videos and I thought this is might be an   opportunity I'll talk a little about myself  but I'd like to hear a little bit about you   so let's do this all right I ordered some  food I'll show you what I'm going eat and   then we'll do some talking I got the uh  chilled soba noodles with shrimp I got   this uh little drink I don't even know what  that is it looks fun and then this is called   a Japanese cheesecake fluffy cheesecake oh  you guys this is so darn delicious but it's   chilled the noodles are very cold so just be  aware but I love it okay I just got done the   noodles and they were so good now I'm going  to try this I'll tell you how it is oh you   guys it is very good it's it's fluffy it's like  that's what it is it's like fluffy um Japanese cheesecake and the berri is very tart  wow it is very good highly recommend this I love it it's um kind of crumbly very good that was very good and is that  what lii I think or whatever that's called is   very tart not very sweet the fruit's tart this is  crumbling good not too sweet I loved it all right   just got done eating so very good so I want  to tell a little bit about myself but here's   where to ask return I really like it if you would  take a little bit of time and tell me a little bit   about yourself but here's some rules I want to  establish some rules here one don't put anything   too personal nothing that's going to identify you  to other people so like you could say something   like I live in Oklahoma or maybe like Oklahoma  City or that's fine don't put like your address   or whatever because you want to keep your privacy  a little bit and then also like don't put it like   like just anything that's maybe too identifiable  um but other than that I would love to get to know   you a little more I'd love to hear uh your stories  where are you where do you live how often do you   come to Disneyland what are your favorite types  of movies um just like all that i' love to hear   a little bit about yourself so let me tell you a  little bit about myself I uh am big fan of Disney   obviously big big fan of Disney I have been ever  since I was little um I remember coming here when   I was like in seventh grade with my family oh  for Thanksgiving and I it was one of the most   my favorite moments I loved it I also uh and it  wasn't we didn't get to go to come to Disneyland   very often so when we did it was a very very big  deal a very big treat um how did I get into dis   Disney history I love Disney history is something  that I absolutely uh adore I love it I think it's   fascinating some of that's crazy but what happened  when I was I got sick I think I was in seventh or   eighth grade and I got sick and I wasn't very  good and my mom had a rule that if you're sick   if you're too sick to go to school then you she  didn't want you to watch your television and so   we just lay in bed and be sick we could read books  though read books and I was bored and I went down   we had like a little bookshelf and I was just kind  of thumbing through the bookshelves trying to find   something and I found this book called a quarter  Century of Disney that was the first 25 years of   Disney and it was it was um um I found it was  fascinating and it talked about Disney talked   about attractions and it talked a lot about like  Pirates Caribbean they had like it had drawings   like pencil drawings of of what it was supposed  to look like and it was so fascinating that I   absolutely loved it I devoured it I read it all  and thought it was amazing and that's kind of how   I started like learning about Disney history  and just I loved it so I started read I read   a lots of books lots of books the problem with  the books with Disney history is a lot of them   are not correct they're incorrect books so that  was a big problem I had I get a lot of facts and   I found out later on I'm like oh that's not  really true that's not true so I had to kind   of go through and find out what's true now a lot  of one of the really good ways is the Disneyland   website itself you go on the Disneyland website  they'll have like some little interesting facts   about their attractions not the crazy deep die  facts you know like this fact or that fact so   I used to get a lot of information there looking  that up but when I the Channel first started and   started getting some popularity uh um we had  I had a lot of cast members would reach out to   us and say did you know this did you know this  so appreciative to cast members that's I I mean   I love the cast members anyways but that was a  really big deal for me to have it just it kind   of validated made me feel good I think they they  appreciated that we were being positive uh one of   the things that we tried to do is we try to only  be positive on about Disney um so I'm not going   to say something that's just like sensationalism  for like quick clicks we're going to try to be   super positive about it and uh that that was one  of the things that we really tried to make sure   we're doing on our Channel if there's something  wrong or something I disagree with I'll talk   about that but I'm not going to just be like oh  my gosh this fun to be positive it's brought me   a lot of Joy Disney has um my wife too and so we  wanted to share that with people in a positive way   right behind me by the way is the golden Zephyr I  think the first recorded uh instance of the word   zephyr was in a Shakespeare play The Tempest and  it means a gentle Brea free golden of course means   amazing so gold as ever I love that background  isn't that fun this is really cool I don't know   if you guys ever saw that I the last time I rode  that I rode that with Adam uh uh the woo and Liz   and Natalie we all rode that ride together and I  got everybody kind of scared you could check out   Adam's Vlog if you like to see that it's really  fun laughed a lot and there's the golden Zephyr   this is also really crazy to me before Mickey  and Minnie's runaway Railway that was the only   ride attraction that had Mickey Mouse on it  and then of course now they have mini Mickey   running away raway so now Mickey has her own great  attraction so it's not only dizzy history though   dizzy history is very probably my favorite  type of History um also I liked uh learning   about uh World War II the history of that I find  fascinating uh business history uh when I was in   business I thought like was really important  to understand one of the big things for me was   like Kodak the company Kodak a lot of you might  not know who Kodak is Kodak was they had they would pictures take pictures right and  they would you click on it and like they   had polaroid pictures and they had or they  had like you buy a roll of film and that's   what Kodak did and they were they were like the  this Mega giant huge Company Rochester New York   well they were one of the first companies to  invent guess what digital camera they invented   this digital camera but they were so worried  about digital camera if they pushed that out   that people wouldn't buy their film anymore that  they suppressed that knowledge they like okay   we don't want that technology of of the camera  going out the digital camera cuz we want people   to buy our film keep buying our film oh guess what  happened it went out and then they ended up going   out business cuz nobody's buying film anymore  so yeah I like I love business uh history and   strategy like that's really cool love movies oh  what's going on here looks like they're be having   a little uh prey thing going on here I'll just  keep walking this way anyways I love to learn   that I think it gives you an edge in business to  understand that and so that as far as movies go   I love I love all the like so there is like uh  there is like I think there's film critics and   they always like I love this movie over here and  it's really good and I like all the Blockbuster   popcorn summer blockbuster movies I'm not really  particularly discriminated that Star Wars radiers   last dark radi last dark could be about perfect  casting cinematography the music the acting the   the everything the action it's just so good  R last is really good I do like scary movies   my wife and I enjoy scary movies she doesn't  really like the super gory like just Gore in   your face but she likes she likes a good scare  you know a good scary movie my favorite scary   movie of all time is a one called The Thing by  John Carpenter did it and uh man it was amazing   so people they're like waving at me say hi  so that was my favorite scary movie of all   time one of my I watch your yoube oh hi you do  so I'm going to show you a little secret spot   here okay so right behind me is that swing with  Mickey on the roof I'm going to walk under and   then I'm going to hang a left and it takes you  around and there's little benches here little   places you can just kind of talk and kind of  be alone this is a great place for moms with   kids um we need to get away and perfect little  area it's very quiet so anyways yeah I mean like   there's a bench right there I'm sitting on bench  there's a bench right [Music] there overlooks the harbor actually maybe I'll just maybe I'll  stand up and do this I'm a big reader I like   to read books a lot uh Stephen King probably  my favorite author I think I've read I think   I've read everything is written um even when  he wrote as Richard Bachman I read those two   I love to read uh I love of uh fiction novels I  love um uh just all historical novels obviously   love that fantasy I like fantasy I don't love  fantasy but it's okay I do like there's a magic   game uh Magic the Gathering game I have been  addicted to it forever and I always say I'm   going to be done playing it I keep coming back  and playing it more it's something I do enjoy   my free time I thought to keep walking to get a  better background because it's more fun to have   a better background right I also am a big pinball  fan you guys know what pinball is like you put   a quarter in you got the flippers the balls  like ding ding ding ding ding ding I really   dig pinball pinball is super fun I love that uh  as far as video games go I used to play a lot   not as much anymore it's not have time I don't  have really enough time anymore to do it um I   love watching a movie with my wife like that's my  favorite like in the evening the Two of Us coming   up watching a movie that's really really really  fun a really really really I love doing that um   uh that's like that's my favorite thing people  always want to know like what's your favorite ride   my favorite ride was Splash Mountain it's gone  um now it's really hard I I I kind of vacillate   between different rides U Pirates Caribbean is  is up there for me and uh so is Haunted Mansion   I love those rides I and I'm not joking when I  say this I love the canoes I love riding canoes   um and I I love the cast members who work on the  canoes I think they're spectacular uh so I love   canoes my favorite thing is to go on canoes with  my friends who've never been on canoes and after   they start paddling after like a couple times  they're like wait are we really paddling this   whole way you're like oh yeah we are oh yes we  are and they're fa is just like I love it so as   far as Disney California Adventure goes I love  toys Midway Mania I think that's probably close   to the most perfect perfect game that there is I  love it um and it's awesome so such a long line   but it's very very very good guardians of galaxy  here is also amazing and I love Monster Zing too   as far as Sports goes baseball is probably my  favorite to watch with my friends the family   I'm a big Padres fan I love the Padres um and uh  I love the rivalries of it with the Dodgers and   the Giants and I mean and then like even like  my friends are like all sudden they like start   talking trash because Arizona they're like the  DN like where did that come from I love it all   I love that I love talking trash I love having  fun I just think baseball's fun to watch and to   play love it um really that's yeah I love that so  let's for so you guys like to watch um football   basketball of course but for me I don't even I  mean people say baseball's boring to watch not   for me I I think it's very enjoyable to watch that  would be like my dream is to work for a baseball   team that would be like like a dream of mine yeah  I would love to work for a baseball team um I also   when I was younger I always I really wanted to  be an actor but I was I think I was too I was   never quite confident enough to just go for it  so I did acting on the side while I was working   at first and I lots of little bit rolls I did  lots of commercials I kind of got tired of doing   commercials honest you I did a lot of commercials  um and it has some small roles in uh and movies   and and television um nothing too stand itish but  it was a lot of fun I did enjoy it uh but yeah if   I then I worked professionally I worked in a  professional world that was uh that was very   good for me I learned a lot I had a master's  degree in computer information systems and then   my undergraduate was in communication Styles and  communication studies so companies would hire me   to Talk technical but in a way that was easy for  people to understand and so that's why I did a   lot I got um was go for big companies and they  hiring me to do a lot of their training and on   technical issues you know it was fine I actually  I actually enjoyed it I thought it was very fun   uh I got a point where then I kind of got uh did  a lot of what's called sales enablement um I got   hired by company to do a lot of their technical  stuff but I was able to help revamp their sales   team and and teach them how to be more effective  at selling and then they ended up having focus   on that and it got really popular that that  company would then uh hire me out other large   corporations would would uh pay for me to go in  and teach their sales staff how to be better at   the jobs like these big national chain companies  so I really enjoyed that I was doing that when uh   I started YouTube our YouTube channel and  it was started as a lark it was just kind   of fun to do and then it just took off so very  very blessed let's go and N next let's check it out like a little little Pixar fun one of the   things I like to do is look  at their drawings they have here let's go down here and look at the drawings all right let's take a look here oh my gosh I  these these guys are so talented girls are so   talented to do this and they do it so fast  I could get the freak out of here I love it I'm one of my favorites that's boo oh RZ yes  I love that one I love this drawing so much yeah   was that four toown I think oh that's super cute  Jack Jack Sally Flo oh we got flick I love bugs   life oh get out of here it's incredible always  is great it's from a Pixar short the Umbrella short anger but not quite explosive yet but still  you could tell he just wants to explode very good   drawing very very good drawing always liked it  cuz he has a white shirt on a tie yes so Luca oh   my gosh I forgot his name I can't remember his  name what's his name I know if I I know once   I he I'll be like I can't believe I forgot that  uh there is Joy now Joy's interesting character   she doesn't have blonde hair the reason the  man animators didn't do her blonde hair is   they're worried that she had blonde hair she  should have blonde hair right she's kind of   they all have their colors right cuz this is  like blue for sadness but joy they're afraid   if she had blonde hair people would confuse  her with Tinkerbell so they gave her blue hair   to make her uh unique and stand out there's  Ellie and Carl Carl and Ellie Carl lelli Carl   lelli fear he's supposed to look like a frayed  nerve oh it's the Unicorn can't remember the Unicorn that's the Pixar movie good dinosaur  Disney movie that's one of the few that I   did not really like I just didn't I just did  not understand it or I just couldn't connect   with it Brave Merida oh fun to do and you can buy  these you have these old you know they're kind of   expensive but they but uh I've bought like two  and we have them in our son's room and they're   great keep sakes they keep forever okay so down  in your comments down below tell me things that   you like have a recommendations for movies it  doesn't have or books anything I'm like I will   read or pretty much everything uh put it down in  the comments below now here's the thing is if your   comment gets a little red heart by it that's from  me that means I read it that that was uh that was   what I I read your comment and I appreciate it I'm  the only one that can do that nobody else has only   only PR park pass can go in and heart your comment  so just be aware if you got a little heart so put   yourself this gives me a chance I want to get to  know you guys better I I just feel blessed and I   want to get a chance to get to know you guys and  and find out who's watching these videos tell me   a little about yourself about your family keep  it kind of General don't talk too much it's to   identify who you are but I'd love to get to  know you better I think it's uh this is be   really fun way for me to get to know you a little  bit better like for example you can tell me who's   your favorite movie star mine Quint Eastwood love  Clen food uh so yeah you say stuff like that you   can say like what's your favorite number uh stuff  like that whatever you want to do colors so I get   to know you guys a little bit better I'd love  to get to know you what's your favorite Disney   Attraction what's your favorite book cake or  pie obviously pie everybody knows that but   still I think that warm cookies don't get enough  love as being a dessert cuz really warm cookies   are Practically Perfect yeah if you want you can  tell me what you're studying what you what your   what your passions are I'd love to hear that as  well anything like that uh or what your trade is   what you do for a job you want to talk about that  too I'd love to hear and get every ways different   point of views and opinions on that I I think  the coolest thing the thing that I'm most proud   of is proos per we have this patreon group and  you might be like well what is patreon patreon   is it's people who want to support proos parcast  and we've created this a fantastic Community you   notice at the end of our videos like a card goes  by and that those are all our patreons if you   would like to be part of this amazing Community  uh I'll have a link down below you can click on   that and uh for those little $3 a month uh you'll  get an extra video every one extra video just for   patreon members they get an extra video every  Sunday night just for them and also um you get   your name on the end card and then also they they  kind of chitchat and talk we have like this the   patreon community is really nice I love it and  we get to know each other and the positivity   there it's a very good family and I love it when  the patrons are getting ready to go on vacation   they talk about like we're going to go people give  amazing recommendations if You' like to be part of that great sound great sound if You' like to be  part of that uh you guys can click the link down   below and become a patreon for PR parkfest we'd  love to have you join us on Sunday nights you   ask me questions and I answer them anything  you want that's what those videos are about   on Sunday night so yeah so this is it's kind of  a different video just me a little walking and   talking a little bit but it allows me to get to  know you a little bit better now I know you guys   can't you're not here with me right now but you  can smell the the water the bromine that they   have it smells good and it's gotten a little cool  we're walking through the shade it's a little bit   cooler here uh the temperature feels like it's  uh kind of dropped down and uh yeah I love this   I want to walk right here by the waterfalls I  like this area here a lot oh I also like I like   hiking that's something I like to do um on my  free time is I like to go hiking I used to not   always be a hiker my wife kind of really got me  to learn to love it and I do love it there is some waterfalls when I used to go hiking I'd  want to get to where I was going as fast   as possible now I when I start hiking with  to Manda we start hiking after a while I like   okay let's go back I'm like wait I'm like we  didn't get the top of the mountain well yeah   she's like it doesn't matter she go we're just  on a little hike so love that look at all this   look at all this Mist I tried to catch some  fog there day but I missed I don't think this   is the time for that type of humor so another  fun little thing about I do like puns I'm also   the MC for uh several large comic conventions  around the country uh I will go around and do   those uh Salt Lake Indianapolis Atlanta Milwaukee  uh I say Atlanta Tampa and uh got I've got I've   been fortunate enough to me lots of different  celebrities doing that and uh when I'm on the   stage I get tell lots of puns which I like to  do I love puns I love I love when people roll   their eyes oh that's that's awesome for me  I love that here we go this is always like   the Temptation right where it's kind of cold but  not too cold like should we do the grizzly but I   don't want to get wet but you're like there's  no line so maybe we should do it cuz you come   this summer time man the line is forever  long but now it's not too long it's like 10 minutes it's was 77° but here the temperatures  dropped significantly it's much colder it's   probably high 60s maybe maybe very low 70s here's  that Grizzly Peak Grizzly Peak Airfield Walky   right over here where they got saor Grizzly  Peak right over here and uh yeah it's kind of   fun I like this little popcorn the one thing I  really enjoy about Disney is the um atmosphere   The Sounds uh look at the trees they have was it  popcorn and cranberries on the trees one year my   mom and I and my sister we decorated Christmas  tree we made popcorn I'm not even joking we did   this exactly like that and we took a needle  and black thread and we put the popcorn and   we pulled it down and we pull so hi guys hi and  we popped so much popcorn my mom had the popcorn   popper just popping popcorn constantly and and  then we were threading it on this needle and   you whatever needle and thread then we' make  a little line on the Christmas tree and then   go around and go around and go around oh hi yeah  I remember we thought that' be like a great idea   to decorate a Christmas tree with a popcorn  we like saw that like a movie or something   it took a long time to do it was kind of fun  though it was fun I mean it took a long time   my mom we had like this air popcorn thing she  just kept popping more like buckets of it my   sister and I were threading it and then putting  on the tree and more popcorn and I me at a time   was you're like oh it's taking forever but now I  look back at that memory with fondness yep just   like love these little areas I going to go right  over here so we have some little privacy so we talk I want to take a quick moment I'm talking  to you and I am talking to you um I want you to   know that you are amazing do you know that you  are you make the world better and you might be   thinking right I don't I don't you do and the  way you make the world better is by being here   and being a part of it don't ever get confused  by that fact and sometimes you might have some   thoughts that maybe run across your brain or your  mind or that maybe a little bit dark or whatever   happens to everybody but just know you push those  aside and just remember on the positive remember   how amazing you are cuz you make the world better  by being here your energy and your presence makes   it better you are unique and you are special and  I mean it continuing on here just going down oh   so we got a little sign there at Grizzly Peak  thanks for visiting you bet well guys thanks so   much for this little walk and talk videos these  are not my favorite videos because I'm I like to   have a topic on hand I tend to Yammer when I  don't have like talking points so um I always   get a little nervous when I do these types of  videos thank you for being here with me and   I'd love to read your guys' comments and I just  want you guys to know that you are awesome and   you're going to have an amazing New Year all  right I'll see you in the next video bye-bye   I want to hear from you I like to get to know  you give me some book recommendations or movie   recommendations or tell me what your favorite  color is just like to get to know you a little   bit better thanks for listening to this video  and learning a little bit about me you're amazing

2024-01-12 13:40

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