Searching the jungle for the Long Neck Tribe of Thailand

Searching the jungle for the Long Neck Tribe of Thailand

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deep inside the jungle lies a tribe that is  like no other the kin people are a tribal   group who lived in the hills of Myanmar and  have since migrated to the northern part of   Thailand they are often referred to as the  long neck tribe and today we are going to   hire a boat to take us to their Village  and see what life is actually like for them good morning good morning and welcome to  the boat landing here in Northern Thailand we   are right on the border of Myanmar and Thailand  we've got the man the myth of Legend Mr candy   we're ready to go oh yeah we're ready to get  some long necks not I'm not talking about beer   oh yeah not talking about beard we're talking  about the real long necks in real life we're   going to be taking a 20-minute boat ride to  get over there they have these little like   tiny long boats that you can rent for about 800  bot per person right down here here and I think   they take you 20 minutes down stream it and then  they wait for you and then on the way back they   give you a 25-minute ride back up obviously  going Upstream takes a bit longer so we're   going to take that to get down and we're going  to experience a culture that I have never seen   in my life but I'm very excited because it is a  one-of a kind and you're going to see very soon   why that is 800 for the boat and then per person  it's another 250 bots so 250 to get five of us   on a boat over to the long Village so let's  do this we are hopping on these boats right herey Cup this one right down here okay okay  we've got a special Adventure we've got my   dad my stepmom the dudman the studman and the  Ambassador fiance right here so here we go copcn   cop all right and we're hopping on we are doing  it oh holy moly this thing shakes just a little   bit there's only one way to get there and that's  on this little rickety boat there let's do this   but we're going straight Downstream right now  seems like it's a pretty shallow River but what   a beautiful time to be going it is 9:20 a.m.  so you get that Morning Mist coming in right   over the mountains right there look at that just  truly mystical all along here we've got where it   looks like the locals kind of do up their long  long boats here and work inside of the villages   so that's a pretty interesting uh way of life to  be up here and experiencing it we are only a few   kilomet or miles depending on where you're from  from the Myanmar or previously called Burma border   so it's pretty cool this Village we're going to  is actually a Melting Pot of cultures because   actually the long neck people that we're going to  see are originally from Myanmar but a lot of them   migrated across the border into Thailand and so  there's kind of this cross culture that they have   now anything for the shot look at this we got hurt  getting the content right there looks like the   old man's fishing up there but he's catching some  content we're doing a time lapse oh s getting that   good content first time going to the long neck  Village done man yes sir oh yeah oh yeah oh can we   push her in I know you want to get rid of me all  right Man Overboard send her over sacrifice her to   the Gators in here I'm just kidding I don't think  there's any Gators but it was such a peaceful   boat ride early in the morning through this lush  green forest and all I was thinking about was what   were some of the questions I wanted to ask the  tribe about their way of life being up here in   the mountains is an amazing temperature because  during the middle of the day it's like nice and   hot good pool weather but in the mornings evenings  and later evenings you've got this nice sweatshirt   and pants weather where it's just perfect  temperature now it looks like we're going to   be going down some serious Rapids here hold on to  your bumps holy moly we're hitting the rapid rabit dude oh yeah had to build a little suspense  it was actually quite a chill little drop what   goes down must come up so this is the uh River  we're going to be going up and down on our way   back but this is so cool these are like one of  those places you must go in Thailand everyone   goes to Bangkok everyone goes to cop everyone  goes to Koso everyone goes to Copan but who   comes up here to the Myanmar Thailand border  to experience the long neck tribe which is I   haven't even mentioned pronounced parin tribe  which is spelled like Karen K a r n but they   don't have the same Vibe as the Karens in the US  looks like right along here we've got some small   little tiny homes it's hard to tell if those  are people homes or if those are spots you can stable all right here we go  we got the rabbits incoming dude holy moly and we are searching the jungk so far no  signs of a local tribe here but I think we're   getting closer soz we're maybe 15 minutes  into the boat ride it does get a little   chilly as you can see we've got Goosebumps  all along there so if you're going bright   and early and you're coming out here to search  for the long neck tribe the cotton tribe make   sure to bring some pants like this all right  L Hoy it looks like we're going to be arriving   right now we've spotted other tourists  so it looks like we're not the only one   to be searching today and we're docking  up right here 3 2 one L and aoy AO copcn cop we have made it we have made it look at  this what a cool place Copco cop cop bye bye   all right the captain has dropped us we are  I guess heading on our own so let's head on   inside and see where the long neck truck  is so right up here we have the long neck   Village map so we're right here we just got  off the boat and we're going to venture deep   inside of the village here meet some locals I've  heard things like they are well known for their   um jewelry clothing craftsmanship so we're  going to venture somewhere deep inside meet   them probably chat with some locals if we can  find some that speak English and explore this   place so here we are Kion I guess I was wrong  I guess it's not spelled Karen Kion long neck   Village right here Sika oh very nice so that  was our first look at one of the locals here   seems like right when you walk into the village  you get to see a lot of their craftsmanship some   great representations of their culture what's  your name mulai mulai m nice to meet you mulai   mulai welcomed us into her shop and showed  how she hand makes each and every scarf while   simultaneously talking to new customers walking  by Al so she's making these right here which is   a very nice styled scarf and as you can see it  looks like she is spinning the yarn there to   get it ready how long have you been wearing yeah  how years 5 years and you've been wearing years   and never take it off okay hard to sleep or easy  get used to it can I feel it yeah look at this so   this is like 2 kilos and this would be a pretty  small neck this would maybe go around Mel's neck yeah I mean we're talking maybe then you can  put it around three four lb 1 and 1 12 kilos   and they're a little they're almost like springy  go get together there's a common misconception   that these actually stretch out the neck but what  I've been told is that they don't actually stretch   out the neck they do is they push down on the  collar bone which then makes it seem like the   neck is longer but it's not actually raising your  neck like most people think I love looking good   like that all right sweet if only it could  make me taller yeah there you go ready for   a house yeah look at this these are very nice  yeah this is cool right there what does that   look like yeah this one 200 200 this is very  beautiful we would like toy buy one please CN   cop Jam J all cupcorn cop thank you I don't know  we got ourselves our first souvenir because this   is one of the most unique places and cultures  that I've experienced I figured we got to take   one of these souvenirs with us and look at how  this works so there is multiple pieces here it   looks like she's stitching the scarf how long to  make two days to make one scarf wow very nice oh   that's cool so it takes two days to complete these  exotic scarfs they have right here and we've got   quite a few Thailand flag uh Thailand Thailand  flag okay how much 100 Buck 100 Buck okay very   nice what we were told before coming here is  the best way to support the local tribe here   is to buy some of their um crafts and given this  takes two full days this is how much time she's   investing on making this this is something I want  to probably take with me but as you look closely   it looks like she is basically running that  through using the piece of wood to slide that   down and that's what's making the cross knitted  part right there cupcorn cup C cupc cup take this   one yeah okay oh perfect copcn cup all right  we got ourselves a nice looking good oh saai saai saai saai means chilling chilling one thing  is as I was walking through I just looked up here   and look at this roof we've got a metal roof  right here and then they're actually using the   larger leaves to give this the rain covering and  so that is super exotic but yeah the cool part   about this Village you can tell that seems like  everything in here almost everything comes from   the forest surrounding them you know these  are huge log stumps that are made into the   tables we've got chickens running around right  here and we're just in the middle of the jungle   Hello cop cup so yeah many people now have come  to experience what the long neck tribe is like   so they rely now from what I understand in  Thailand on tourism and uh that's how they   make their money that's how they generate their  income through some of these scars through some   of these trinkets they sell here and so I believe  a lot of them when they first came and immigrated   to Thailand they were coming from Myanmar and  so not all of them from what I understand are   even legal in the country so it actually limits  them to things like not being able to have health   care some of the education systems so there have  been some struggles in integrating the tribe as   somewhat refugees into the local culture here now  I'm sure that's evolved and it's moving in a great   Direction over time because it's just such a big  part of Thailand's tourism these days but it goes   to show you that it truly is its own sub culture  here in Thailand of course being this close to   Myanmar you really do get that hybrid of cultures  I was quite surprised to hear that girls begin   wearing the gold rings at age five and so I wanted  to make sure that I heard that correctly from the   previous woman so I also asked her at what age  do women start wearing when they're F how old 5   years old 5 years old 5 years old and they never  take it off their whole life yeah never wow how   many people are live in your village 220 people  220 people is this you as a child my daughter oh   your daughter oh she looks just like you but now  she go to the school oh we've even got long neck   bottle openers for a long neck dad sweet oh made  from the same metal yeah and how much is this one   150 150 oh that sounds like a great price we might  have to get ourselves a nice little long neck long   neck opener as you can see the different types of  jewelry she just purchased this one right there   and this look really nice the bottle opener copc  corn cop popcorn cop so we got breakfast right   here a nice set of cabbage just sitting here right  on a similar material that's used for the roof   SM that yeah it kind of reminds me of being in  Germany like sauerkraut maybe uhhuh yeah it does   have that scent not too bad what do you think  of this place I think it's tripping man pretty sweet yeah so as we're walking through the  village it's really uh so colorful I mean   right in the center when you're deciding if  you're going left or right at the fork we've   got these beautiful flowers let's give them a  smell it's a very peaceful place because since   we're outside of like the main city areas  you just really get that true feeling of   the village life and walking through here  you you really feel like the happiness and   excitement of the culture and you know how  much their Traditions mean to them so hello s oh wow and look at this heavy making a scarf  it was fascinating to watch her work because the   gold rings actually act almost like a neck brace  so you don't have as much movement but I guess you   get used to it after time all right we got our  first there oh the bracelet right there right   how much for this one this 100 B 100 all right  100 B do we have sorry you don't happen to have   change do you no change no change oh you have  some small money I I already spent all my small   money oh yeah so this is so nice she's actually  going with the 1,000 Bill to uh go and exchange   it for me so yeah you can just tell like how nice  the people are I mean she just left me in charge   of her whole shop like that's uh really nice like  it she made me feel trusted that's a really nice   thing uh cuz essentially I was trying to buy that  ring here but um I didn't have any change cuz I've   already bought a few items while going through  but just look at this this is quite interesting   when you see how they make these scarves and  they are all really exotic and unique a really   soft feeling cupcorn cup thank you thank you  so we're making it farther up in the village   here we've got the uh Village locals there s so  it looks like they're probably under 5 years old   right three 2 3 years old five oh five years old  yes she is just three oh three uh 5 years old is   usually when they start wearing the neck piece  yeah it depend on the parents oh and the parents yeah cupon cup so it sounds like traditionally  around the age of five is when they would   start wearing the the neck pieces but it  depends on the parents assuming that that   might have been her mom she didn't have  the neck piece so that would be maybe   the decision of the parents whether or not  they still want to wear them when they get older oh oo so by so by all right so we're a  little bit outside of the main kind of uh market   area where of course we had to start out with  buying a couple things and here we've got the   education center so let's take a cruise up here  and see it does not seem like any schools going   on at the moment but this is what it looks like  in here this is cool so we've got a dryer race   board it looks like that's where they do all  their uh teaching from this side of the room   as well as they've got some photos right up there  obviously it's hard for me to explain cuz there's   no one up here to uh share with me how the whole  process works but it looks similar to what I'm   familiar with in school I'm guessing that is the  Thai alphabet and they have photos to kind of go   along with the alphabet and I believe this would  be more of the school area based on the benches in here oh yeah wouldn't want to have too many people   in here reminds you of your old barn Dad  hi and here we go Bal that means hello T bahaa so I believe the uh language here is  quite different from taen is the first ethnic   settling down in h po King they also majority  of the village most people know them as long   neck cotton due to every women in this tribe  traditionally wears brass rings around her neck   knees and ankles especially the rings on her neck  knees and ankles especially the rings on the neck   that would make everyone look like a long neck  woman and there's the examples here the little guy this the same oh wow it's twisted you made  this yeah just from no I this not from bur Burma   oh good the tribe is from Burma uhhuh the the  long neck tribe from yeah yeah yeah yeah also   many many uh long neck people in B in Burma yeah  near the border no far away far away okay that   nice oh yeah that's fantastic popcorn cup thank  you so much oh we can do a little game here 20 B   all right 20 Bott right here want to go head tohe  go ahead go ahead no I got 20 with your name no   no no I'll just watch got the ti one that's cool  we're doing fullon crossbow right now I want to   go head see my dad's still a killer no no no go  ahead go ahead then you're you're going against   me Mula we're at the long night Fair very nice so  we're going to load this bad boy up right here p back and lay this just like this yeah first one's  going to be a little test the stick is not fully   straight one two hey my not bad not bad we hit  the board all right do round two look at it now I   see why my dad doesn't want to go against me yeah  right he's worried to lose that's right all right   here we go now we know that if we aim a little  lower it's actually quite spoton so all right   we're getting a little closer dude dude how do he  do that all right now we're going to go for the bullseye all right Best For Last right a  that was a do a don't take it personally   yeah take them Mulligan bring me the money  cin oh that went straight through let's go   baby look at that look at that all right  look at that we went straight through but   we hit right there so almost a bullseye I'd  say not too bad copor cob build it bro uhhuh   one question I was going to ask you so where  do all the men work yeah um most of the men   in this Village they going to the Jungle uh  going to where jungle H like my my my father   he is walking like a a go vegetable very nice  yes yeah yeah very nice but but this man uh he   wake up early 3:00 a.m. so going to the uh M on  to col the Le like Le okay to build the roofs   you want to see my father now she making the  Lea yeah oh right now yeah that'd be really   cool copcn cup imagine that every morning the  men in the village are getting up at 300 a.m.   to start their day going deep into the forest to  either do some collection of food or in this case sa oh wow this is the workshop  eh my men cupcorn cup wow and so   here it looks like he's taking big  knife right there and wow look at   that slicing it right in half and his  the knife gets so close to his hand but he's just so used to it that he does it with  perfection and this is used to make the roof yes   roof yes oh okay so right here look at this  we have the stitch together leaves all right   there this mod this one oo and how long does  this take to make one full basket um just one   day one day wow and this can do one full roof  yeah all full roof and you need to change the   roof often after a three years fall one  oh okay three years at last wow so look   at that these leaves are so thick that they  they last a full 3 years to take care of the   roof and they're ultimately stitched together  with these thin pieces that are being stitched   together by her mother here they're actually  taking those pieces to connect the leaves so   that is fascinating wow thank you so much Copco  cop thank you so much that's really nice to see   thank you thank you so much Copco cup sometimes  Best For Less to see you know to get outside   of the main village area and see down how some  of the locals are spending their days and over here and look at that it just clears it out she  gets the last ones off of their fingers that's   just almost like a rolling pin with a bunch of  nails and that pulls it right off so efficiently   I mean it's maybe 20 seconds of spinning that  thing and that's amazing that is amazing dude how   do they do that it is time to uh cool down sorry  perception sweater we got to take you off cuz it's   getting hot oh and boom look at that we are now  wearing our perception Basics one thing I want   to mention guys this video is not sponsored by  anyone but I just recently launched my perception   clothing brand so if you want to check them out  we've got sweaters like you just saw we've got   the basic line if you're not interested in any of  the imprinting and we've got more so check out the   link to the description in the website below we  have a special launch discount that's still going   on for just a little more time anyways back to the  video it's time to get ourselves a fresh cup of   coffee 1 cup 50 bucks so we're looking at about  $120 for a nice dealers cup would you like one   no all right all right our good man is getting  us that espresso all ready to go for you guys   look what up Dad a cup of espresso copc corn  cop brothery oo yeah we're about to say saai saai oh yeah fresh off the press right there  should do a boomerang on this one uhhuh cheers   cheers to a little cup of joe out here in the  village our good man has just surprised us with   a nice set of donuts right here oh yeah you are  like the rule breakout with us with you can't   be rud and is that Duncan or is that long neck  Village I don't know the difference is delish   though good thank you mhm what was your most  surprising thing about this place dad thought   it'd be bigger I as well I as well cubby mine  was the beautiful women yeah yeah absolutely   the neck which is very obvious but I like um  it's very it's something I've never seen before   I think if you got one with you itd match your  earrings quite nicely oh yeah and my um oh and   the bracelet all right sweet and I will say for  me the one thing that was most unexpected cuz I   had a pretty good idea of the long necks cuz I  did do some reading before and my brother had   been here quite a few years ago so I was kind of  expecting same as my dad I expected it to be a   little bit bigger but one thing I was surprised  by there wasn't anyone who tried to give us like   a really expensive price probably a thae local  might pay 30 40% less drop a comment below if   I'm completely off but yeah I would say most of  the things were like quite a reasonable price I   mean this was made by the same material from their  neck um both of these pieces of jewelry were 100   bots so we're talking $2.80 with no negotiations  and these were the last moments in the village it   was a much quicker trip to the Village than  I would have imagined as it was only about   200 people inside the village so there's only so  much you can explore but we loved it anyways and   now it's time to head back to the boat long neck  Village it's been fun until next time and we are   now getting back to the boat to bring us back  oh yeah we made it on All Aboard forward March forward oh yeah so now we're heading back Upstream we've got  about 25 minutes we're going to be hitting   some Wild Rapids but we're going to give  you a shorter Tour on the way back because   you've already seen the river let's do this  pretty crazy in this boat I mean the water   is shallow you can see the Rocks popping  right up and we're just cruising oh yeah   the boats boat's tripping a little bit getting  up this the wind is pulling Us close to here but it looks like we have  made it Forward March for Mar there is no feeling equivalent to the moments  when you are with people you love in a place you   never imagined you would be experiencing things  you never knew even existed this is exactly how   I was feeling on the boat ride back grateful  for the moments to explore with part of my   family while also meeting some amazing members  of the tribe overall visiting the Karan tribe   was much different than I had imagined for  many reasons like finding out that most of   these women had been wearing the rings on their  neck since they were only 5 years old and also   how the husbands got up every morning at 3:00  a.m. working hard going out into the jungle  

a life that is so different from where I  come from but in such a beautiful way to   experience their way of life and the happiness  and the way they see the world what I took away   from it all though was the kindheartedness we  experienced with each and every person we met   they welcomed us in their Village and their homes  and they even gifted us some donuts during coffee   thank you to the tribe and this experience we will  definitely be back one day all right we have made it all right Copco cop capan that's all right  Lao we have made it back that was pretty awesome   I must say that was an incredible day exploring  with my family and the kin tribe as I mentioned   throughout this video and so we've got a lot  of other content coming out here in Thailand   one thing I want to mention like I said earlier  in the video we have my new clothing line which   is perception that's one way you can support  this channel cuz this video has no sponsors   and the links down in the description below we're  giving 20% off for our recent launch sale so it   would be amazing if you guys can check it out it  supports my identity of changing perceptions of   the world one country at a time and cultures like  today with the curan tribe bringing us all closer   together in this world that seems so different  yet it's much more similar than we all would   have ever expected so I want to also mention  if you guys know where I'm at we've got videos   coming out here too so hit that subscribe button  so you don't miss out cuz the content out here in   cop is pretty amazing so thank you guys so much  for watching we will see you in the next video

2024-02-27 09:15

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