Riding the Scariest Roller Coaster in the World *I literally cried*

Riding the Scariest Roller Coaster in the World *I literally cried*

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good morning honey oh you made me lose my sneeze so guys tomorrow we're supposed to be going to Wonderland it's the nicest theme park you will ever witness in your life but asila for whatever reason ended up being really really really really sick yesterday I don't want to let the kids down I went and bought like DayQuil nightquil vitamin emergency and I'm just like okay I need to be awake for tomorrow because if the bounce house didn't work and now the Wonderland oh I don't know what's Happ it I don't know why you keep booking sketchy airbnbs that are dirty what are you talking about yeah guys I was going to do a tour but maybe we should skip that yo it's not that bad right Leo there's just a few things that's not right let me show you guys I bet you this is why I got sick if you show them okay let's see look look there's a Clorox stain and look at like what is this there's like it's like a crime scene here do you see okay guys so there's a creepy basement down there who you first you go first you first you go first I'm not dude this is the first time I've ever went down here bro he freaked me out bro you made me pee myself down okay okay back to the tour oh my God this is where you wash your clothes so we have to come down here in the middle of the night to wash the clothes look at this there's literally just a bag of dust guys okay look it doesn't look that that bad now but at night okay it is scary it is scary it's freaking and you're like it's so dusty like I get it how asala is sick so I actually believe that if we get her out of this house we would be able wow honey you look good when I can't see you beautiful okay we get you out of this house I think your allergies are going to go away and we'll still make it to underland okay are we going to be ready I hope so honestly all I care about is to not ruin it for the kids mommy mommy's very sick today so if you guys want to go to Wonderland tomorrow we have to make sure mommy doesn't get tired today okay okay you sure so Sal is actually really sick so I asked her to go sit in the car while I get everything ready the kids are also in the car she's going to be so mad at us she's been waiting in the car for 1 hour gu took the longest route to get to the car look at this [Music] guy stop that took energy my head's pounding yeah do you need the doctor I don't know I think I just I want to rest and take my medicine and we're hungry we got to get some food some energy and then we got to find a nice hotel for you so we're not coming back to this Airbnb for sure we did book the Wonderland tickets for tomorrow but honey no pressure we'll be fine we'll be fine relax seriously we'll be fine we could just cancel them it's easy okay that's what I'm worried about okay we'll check in when we find some food and a place to stay okay guys so we just got to the hotel I did not book you oh my god listen I did not I did not book yet so you could check it out but it's nice I could tell are you sure anything is better than where we were okay so here we are we're going in hello hey how are you okay do you like it it's really nice so we're going to check in and then come back to you guys and show you the tour okay so we just booked we just booked oh my God I'm already feeling a little better I'm telling you it's allergies bro I promise now that I'm thinking about it like the fact that I can't even walk right now guys yellow let's go it's very hot what what it's crazy cold oh my god dude it's so windy it's freezing dude what happened it was so I don't know imagine it's like that tomorrow we wouldn't be able to go it's going it's going to be too cold for the kids actually okay now we have aala sickness in the way we have we have the win I really hope tomorrow doesn't get cancelled I really really hope guys the plan is for us tomorrow to go to one okay finally here we go all right this this is the room wait wait wait let me go go to the corner to show it to you guys oh wow honey finally a clean bed clean sheet where's [Music] Leo we're all tired who are you texting nobody I wish I had somebody to text Liam it's just me myself and I trust me guys so Liam has a room beside us too yeah right to the left so guys we're just going to rest get situated and sleep for the day it was a long day and tomorrow we're going to take you guys with us to Wonderland if Mommy if Mommy if mommy has good dress today we go tomorrow to Wonderland what's up an family and we are at [Music] Wonderland okay guys feels a lot better thank God I made it I'm feeling better today a lot better than yesterday guys there's a reason we picked Wonderland out of the whole world okay so I know Wonderland is known for its roller coasters but it has the highest one and this girl here has I'm I have a fear of roller coasters guys so we made a bet honey if you face your fear today and you get on the biggest roller coaster you get my credit card for the rest of the trip we have 2 days left anything you want to buy I can buy whatever I want anything you want to buy guys I've been meaning for asala to face her fear with roller coasters for a while cuz she never goes with me on roller coaster the older I get the more I'm like anything could go wrong guys I'll I'll show some pictures here of that roller coaster it's really really insane and it doesn't have a harness here no the only harness is on your leg your whole upper body is just up I have to see it I don't know yet okay let's go see it okay guys so we just got here Canada's [Music] Wonderland make me smile you don't seem to be hi guys we love seeing you guys and taking pictures this is insane come check check che che come come come come look it's not one there I'm not doing that yeah it's so hot it's actually crazy I could go on this one baby this one is so easy what is this that's scary they're screaming no one is screaming I did not hear one so now we're here in the kids area it's called kidsville so we're going to have Mila and Noah play here for a bit and then we're going to go see if asala is going to get owned out right how is she not flying that girl oh would they let kids on this that fly off look look look look look yeah yeah look look she just has a belt on her knee that's it that's what's carrying her that's actually SC okay I'm not Mila do you want to get on this yeah you want to get on no no I'm why no she's not what dude see he's not fun now he doesn't we're not mil's not going on this one n look at she wants to anything that looks like a carnival game is a no no this is scary than that ride bro let's find them an easy roller coaster Noah are you ready how much do you want to bet Noah's going to cry the second it moves it was so slow though if you cries we're going to have to have a talk wow are you sure I don't want to this nice hat I signing right now A we love you guys okay Mimi now are you ready yeah okay Moment of Truth is Noah going to cry he's going to clinch so [Music] hard a he said Dad I love you I love you you too oh never mind is he scared oh I told you I told you I told you I told you he's scared he's scared oh he scared good job Noah you're strong I like I love you he's so clinched I told you good job Noah I love you too good job someone I love you thank you for Yay good job Noah yo so a Sol it's your turn right I'm actually getting cold feet are you ready honey it's your turn yeah the kids just did theirs okay one more for the kids and then it's your turn baby why did you pick the biggest ride honey I want you to be fun with me I want us to be think can you just be a fun wife for once onac why would anybody want to risk that all right guys are you ready for the teacup ride I'm ready I'm ready to rumble ready so you have to turn this to make it turn you do yeah say peace [Music] everyone okay [Applause] started Noah's getting so dizzy babe easy on Noah everyone's getting dizzy di yeah Noah's going to like you see Noah's face they're better look how slow they're going hone babe go slow grab it grab it oh my God he's saying faster you hear him he's thinking faster no no don't go f bro Noah's going to throw up bro no's going to throw up look at his face did you see Noah's face he was like dude they're so dizzy are you okay [Music] mil are you okay like okay well now it's asa's turn baby are you ready I thought this was scary imagine okay guys now we're going to show you one of the highest roller coasters ever on earth yesterday yeah and I'm like I was telling my brother maybe we're see you on Wonderland I'm ready guys 3 2 1 oh my God why see [Music] say hi to the Vlog honestly it's so exciting when we see you guys I you guys the Love is Crazy the love is insane the Canada love it's in the heart USA guys support me I'm I'm drowning and we're left with one person hone need I'm it's time now it's time now the kids are done it's and now it's time for real what about we eat get him you know we're going come on babe let's go look at that it's that one all the way in the back let's go on this instead this is scary too that one's too too small bro I haven't even seen one person go on that ride dude imagine it's not working that would be the luckiest day of your life if it if it's actually not working you still owe me your card no I don't you're going on that one you can't I am not going on that one oh see how they tip you back oh my they make them wait yeah the weight is the worst part [Music] man never oh oh my God [Music] dude I'm not going on the roller coaster anymore this is actually scary I'm freaking out this is the scariest ride in the whole park by far but yo wait wait guys we're getting really close to the big one we're going to show it to you now so that's actually huge okay wait wait it's working it's working that's it right there guys this is it it's called the Behemoth the Behemoth look at this look how high it is honey I believe in you so high can you Google has anybody like honey honey nothing happened ever here what if I'm that one bad luck so asala asala the one that you're about to go on right with no upper body restrain monstrous creature will have you clinging to the edge of your sea as it takes you up 230 ft I'm not doing that see what I told you about like there's no upper body restrain there's nothing here that's protecting you those those are the best ones on the KN the other ones are boring I'm not doing it honey remember the credit card not worth my life you can get my credit card for the next 2 days unlimited I need you to start doing fun things with me okay guys so this is the entrance honey are you ready come on babe come on come on come on come on let's go let's go let's go let's go honey you do it you get whatever you want I get to buy whatever like I can buy a purse anything you want I promise you anything ready let's go you can do [Music] let's go that's a long line I got you the fast pass honey we're good okay Li you're in Noah stay with Liam that's actually crazy too D too D too oh my God we're at the front yeah because you had the fast f guys look look look look y my heart yeah actually I'm starting to get scared I don't know why my tumm is actually hurting and we ate Candy right before I'm going to throw up did I tell you you look really good today no so the kids and Liam are right there that's Noah Noah's right there actually 250 ft in there's like also kids going on like you're shorter than me most people are not as scared as you guys you have no idea how much this these think scare aala like this is probably your first ever like proper roller coaster remember when I've been on [Music] one this Sor I don't know if they're going to let us film on there I think your phone's going to drop if you try to that would be funny let's see so the scary thing about this ride is that there's nothing that straps you from your CH look at the it's just on your and it turns around like no yeah yes it does you didn't tell me that yeah it has a whole loopy loop I wonder have on this is [Music] it okay let's go baby let's go okay it's time [Music] hi babe look here look here guys so we're going up right now oh my this is so dumb this is really scary oh my God I'm really guys this is going really really high honey I believe in you oh she has her eyes closed I'm going to close my ey you have to keep your eyes open guys look how high this is oh my God open your eyes honey oh my God oh my God oh my honey open your eyes honey open your eyes oh my God oh my God yeah honey here we go we're done we're done we're done we're done we're done oh my God [Music] we're done man we're done look at me look at me it's done are you okay would you do it again would you do it again are you okay you're you're actually crying dude she's actually C no dude hey are you [Music] okay oh my God honey I'm sorry are you okay bab oh my God my body went we done yeah we're done we're done we're done dude I feel so bad baby are you okay okay a it's okay hey look look Mila's going to be here Mila's here babe I'm so proud of you this is crazy a oh hi [Music] Mimi I want you guys to run to your mommy and give her a big hug okay oh look they're coming down right now wait wait wait wait memories together I love you I love you wait wait wait for him wait for them they're coming they're coming the kids ready ready guys 3 2 1 go go go go go go go go go go you're supposed to hug at your mom he almost fell hug started [Music] crying guys I have the picture I have okay come come come a come see here come guys look oh my God 1 2 3 I look at me look at me I was laughing at her okay honey you have officially faced your fears here's the credit card I don't even know if it's worth it anymore and now we head to the mall

2024-05-25 09:42

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