RESCUED by this Fruit Seller LADY in THUNDERSTORM S7 EP.18 | Pakistan to South Africa

RESCUED by this Fruit Seller LADY in THUNDERSTORM  S7 EP.18 | Pakistan to South Africa

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It's raining cats and dogs. I'm glad that I stopped here instead of stopping back there. Because... This banana is very expensive. Red banana. Right.

5 dollars? Pakistan. You are welcome to Zanzibar. Thank you very much Sir. I use it to make videos.

Assalam Alekum Everyone and Welcome Back to the Channel from Zanzibar. It's our last vlog from Zanzibar. I may still have to spend the night here... Because I need to hand over my motorcycle to the ferry guys to get it shipped to Dar es Salaam.

I was directed to hand it over to the night ferry. Because the slow ferry for the transport of goods between Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam leaves at night. It leaves at night and reaches Dar es Salaam early in the morning.

So, I could take the evening ferry for Dar es Salaam or the one in the morning tomorrow. We'll try to make use of this last day to explore some more interesting stuff. Let's see what comes our way.

The previous day we went to Nungwi and today we can go to the other side. We could explore some nice beach today. Or we can go for some forest here... Or some beautiful inland village. Hopefully it's gonna be another interesting day for us. I'll keep on sharing the details about the info as I get them.

Probably, we are spending the night in Stone Town. Our breakfast has now been served. French toast, coffee, juice and fruits. So, let's finish our breakfast and then get going. 1250... right... Safe travels.

See you. Thank you. Bye Bismillah... In the name of Allah...

*Prayer for the journey* I pray for a problem free and memorable day ahead. We just need to get the motorcycle refueled. I have been trying since morning. I have two credit cards and both of them have stopped working. God knows why... When I call my bank, they tell me that everything is okay.

But I'm still not able to buy anything online. As a matter of fact, I do need to use my cards here. Especially at fuel stations. Nevertheless, I do have dollars with me. But anyways... lets hope for a good day ahead. Assalam Alekum Do you accept Visa card here? Mpaisa? Tigopesa? What do you accept? Only cash? Only cash.

O man.. Lets try and get some cash from the next ATM. At least 5 liters is a must.... Thank you We now have enough fuel to roam the whole island without worry.

However, we have now run short of shillings. And we will need them for taking care of other tasks. At least we shouldn't worry about navigation. I have been on this island for last 5 days.

And I have seen such a landscape for the first time. A spacious flat plain. Agricultural... Other than that, it was either forests... Or really dense gardens.

Didn't really see this sort of an area. Agriculture is very common here because the land is really fertile. People are really hardworking. It's quite possible that this area was manually cleared.

Because normally, it's just forests all around it. You know... with the increase in population... Such pieces of land are taken out of forests for the purpose of agriculture. Not to forget the looming cloudy conditions.

And it has started to rain. I hope it's not gonna rain too much. A light drizzle would be nice.

For some reason, I was not expecting it to rain. But here we are in this rain. We are almost 15 km away from the point where we want to stay in the forest. I don't even know if we should expect to see something there. But we are gonna give it a go for sure. Look at that...

As soon as we entered the Jozani Natural Park... The forest is still a little far from here. Look at these dense green trees. And the ambient light on them makes them more awesome. I can see that the next section is under heavy rainfall.

Oops... We have to stop here, Abrar. But where should we stop... That's the real question. It's raining heavily. That over there... The fruit vendors... I can stop by them.

Will be nice to have a conversation. The fact that I don't have much local currency is also a problem. Let's see if we can find any shillings on us. Hello... How are you? Tigopesa? Looking for shillings... Tigopesa O... okay

I better get back there and find a spot to sit. Assalam Alekum It's raining cats and dogs. I'm glad that I didn't stop back there. I mean it's not possible to ride in this rain.

That's how it is. Surprisingly, we were able to locate 2000 shillings. That's almost 1 USD.

We do have dollars though. Anyways, we can survive for now. That lady told me that I can withdraw cash using Tigopesa from some place nearby. For now, I'm gonna stay here and eat something. The rain might stop by then and we might have a nice chit chat. I would definitely want to get some corn. But I'd like to try some fruits as well.

Assalam Alekum Mango? Corn Mango? She's selling mangoes. We should try mango and bananas. I'm gonna ask her to cut it into pieces. It's a red one. This one good? This one? Okay. Pineapple Okay Mango Pineapple.

It's delicious... Reminds me of the Pakistani mangoes. She's preparing the pineapple for us. I decided to use all my shillings here. Would be nice to help these fruit vendors. I can keep some of it for later.

I can keep it with me, to eat it later. No way I can eat all that in one go. Everything is at a high price. One piece of this for 5000 shillings.

This is 5000? 5000 Okay This banana for .... 5000 Okay This one ... 3000. Mango ... 2000 One mango 2000? Almost 1 USD for a mango.

This banana is very expensive. Red banana... 5 dollars. 5 dollars? Okay. Thank you. Not raining anymore.

We better get going now. Anyways... the rates here... 'Mzungu' means foreigner.

The rates automatically go up when they see a mzungu. Something that you would normally get for 1000 shillings... They are selling the same thing at 3 to 4 thousand shillings. For instance, I bought a pineapple along the way for something between 500 to 1000 shillings.

And she asked for 5000 straight away. Since I had already eaten, I did not mind the high price. But I paid them in dollars. Anyways, I try not to bargain for a dollar or so... because these people work really hard. It's better if I can just pay it.

Our motorcycle, Rangeeli, is ready to leave. Let's grab our stuff and set off. I placed my stuff inside this hut.

Go Abrar Mzungu Go. I had already heard this word before. I think someone said that in Kenya.

Better to keep that in mind. You can get an idea that people around you are talking about you. The weather has improved a lot. We are gonna ride randomly for now.

No matter how beautiful a beach is... There is nothing like riding through a forest. Look at this greenery... Isn't this wonderful....

The best thing about this island is the variation in the scenery. There are heavenly beaches with beautiful white sand. Turquoise water... And over here, it's so green all around... I wanted to make a short stop here before returning to Stone Town.

Assalam Alekum Wa Alekum Salam How are you? I'm good. Praise be to Allah... How are you? Everything good. Which country? Pakistan You are welcome to Zanzibar Thank you very much Sir. The camera is to make videos. Do you have a driving license? Yes. Everything.

Everything? Yes. Everything. Without a driving license, I cannot ride. Welcome brother. Thank you very much. What's your name sir? My name is Rajab Ali Nice to meet you Rajab Ali. And you? Abrar Thank you very much. Have a nice day. Nice meeting you.

Those were really nice police officers. They greeted us with so much respect. It's our last day here though. Overall, we didn't have any unpleasant experience here.

Many of you ask me about the safety situation here. I show you everything I record. I don't have a cameraman.

I try to cut or edit or exaggerate anything. You get to see everything the way it happens. We have reached Jambiani now. The only problem here could be the right spot to park the motorcycle safely. I have no clue... It's such a small road.

We have spotted a restaurant here. Let's park the motorcycle here and go inside. We can have our meal here.

Most of the businesses here... For instance hotels, resorts, cafes, restaurants and many other tourism related... Apparently, most of them are owned by foreigners. And locals just work here.

The place we are sitting right now is a restaurant as well as a hotel. It's owned by an Italian. They recommended me their pizza.

I mean, Italian pizza has to be great. And we thought... why not... We have been eating other types of meals for many days now. I did try pizza before but it was not nearly as good as this one seems to be. It's like a promise to a delicious pizza.

Let's start in the name of Allah... The average price here is 13 - 14 USD. Bismillah It's an Italian pizza... It's delicious.

He's Ayyaz. He's the one who took care of all the formalities when we were shipping our motorcycle here. Right now, you can see the boat in front of us. As soon as I got here.... Thanks to him, he was already here to help us.

We are ready now. I have kept some of the luggage with me. For instance this bag... it has cameras and other expensive equipment. All the other stuff, I have left here with the motorcycle. Down there is my charging gear. Some of my clothes and shoes.

That's my laptop and my bag. Incoming car... Don't need my helmet and jacket. I have handed that over to Ayyaz who gave it to the captain.

Need to be careful. Don't wanna bang my head into something. Especially when I'm not wearing a helmet. Gonna find a hotel here. It would be best if I can find some place nearby. So that I can simply walk to the port in the morning.

Because our ferry leaves at 7 in the morning. When does this one reach there? 6 a.m. I can travel on this ferry as well but what's the point in wasting the whole night. Yes we can... But we are gonna look for some hotel here.

We'll take the fast ferry in the morning, leave at 7 am and reach there at 8.30 am. Let's go then. Gonna check my options on We are staying at Golden Tulip Hotel tonight.

It's almost a 5 minute walk from the ferry terminal. And that's precisely why we are staying here. We'll take the morning ferry to Dar es Salaam tomorrow.

I didn't go to the old town. Although there are many hotels and guest houses in historical buildings here. You have a variety of options depending on your budget.

This is also a nice hotel with a very tidy room. And it's a historical building as well. We can hope for a comfortable night here. Time for some rest now. Thank you Dar es Salaam has a rather busy port.

I am at Basit's place. I met him in Dar es Salaam before I left for Zanzibar. This is the first time I got sick in this tour. I have an upset stomach, sore throat and fever. I hope to get better soon. It's also the first occasion in Africa when I have home made food.

I plan to leave from here tomorrow. But that depends on my physical condition. Will decide accordingly. Many of you ask at times if I get sick at all... Well... now you know...

Please pray for my health and recovery. We are now gonna do our dinner. Many thanks to Basit for being so considerate. Remember me in your prayers. Allah Hafiz

2023-12-21 16:34

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