Preparing the ESSENTIALS for our Motorhome trip to EUROPE

Preparing the ESSENTIALS for our Motorhome trip to EUROPE

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hello and good morning hope everyone's keeping  well and for me actually it's it's good to be back   on the videos but um yeah so what we've been up to  lately we've just been preparing for our travels   haven't we really we have yeah and it's it's a very  busy time at the moment isn't it so we have not   um really uh we've gone out a couple of times but  uh the last couple of weeks now we've we've just   tried to prep the motorhome haven't we yeah so I  have packed all my clothes and somehow managed to   squeeze them into the Wardrobe and the cupboard  above the bed on my side um I'm sure I've still   got too much than what I need yeah um because we  can do laundry in that while we're out there um   but I just need to make sure I've got everything  for all weathers yeah yeah so what is actually   happening then so um we had planned for Europe  um we have said it in past Vlogs um so we're   doing a month out in Europe uh however before  that we are actually off to the Overlander show   um and um heading straight from Europe from  there really aren't we so so the plans are   Overlander show for the weekend from next uh  from Thursday uh when this video is going out   um we will be there so come and say hi um also  we're then off to Kent for an overnight stop ready   to get the uh the Train on the Monday morning  yeah and if you want to come to the Overlander   show and you haven't got your tickets yet if  you go on there and use the discount code SM10   um you'll get discount for that yeah  and even if it's yeah even if it's day   tickets uh you're just popping in for the day  obviously this vlog's going out Thursday so   um the show starts on Saturday and the Sunday  uh I believe so camping from the Friday   um yeah so I'm just going on and we'll talk  about what we've done to prep I suppose yeah   apart from apart from my clothes yeah so what  have we done to actually prep then so the first   thing is looking at the insurance company  so we are we have comfort insurance it's   cost me I think around 500 pound for the year  and insurance ain't cheap at the moment anyway   um but with that you get uh European cover so we  are covered um for the European countries so that   that's an easy easy one to do also with that  then we've been looking at different European   breakdown Insurance obviously it's a new van but  you never know what's going to happen out there   um however I'm looking it is it's not been that  cheap to look at but Jodie found something didn't   you yeah so I my bank account were Nationwide cost  me 13 pounds a month and with that I get mobile   phone insurance travel insurance and European  Breakdown Cover recently I'd say a year or so ago   and I've had this bank account for ages they've  changed who they use for their breakdown they use   um AA now so I round them up and asked about  the European cover and asked about was it cover   motorhomes and we are within the diameters um our  size motorhome is eight meters maximum and we're   just under that yeah um as if it covered uh the  vehicle been taken back home if anything did   happen uh yes we've got the top cover because of  my I've been paying it from a bank account which   I didn't realize and but that saved us um having  to worry about 500 pounds or something again I   think we were getting quotes in the region of 500  pound just for to cover us to go to Europe and   it's probably up to 600 pound if you wanted it as  a year but if you wanted it just for that period   it was another again another around 500 quid as  long as I'm in the vehicle when it breaks down   um them are covered but I can't see me not being  in the vehicle if anything happens so so we are   covered that's that's the only thing we're gonna  go with that so that's the uh that's the breakdown   all covered so that also means because of my bank  account we have travel insurance so it's for me   and a partner and anyone under 18 merely so it  just obviously that now that's just me and you   yeah but if we took Abby anywhere um because  the rest of her children are over 18 um but   it does cover cover me and you which is good  and it's em covers European for 30 days   um and it's another 30 days you've got to find  them up and speak to them because I think they   might be like a cost on there so that's good  that's like the extra cover but always uh we have   got the standard UK um Global health insurance  cards um and they are up to date um so obviously   anything standard that you would get on NHS uh  most European countries as long as you've got   the global health card um you'll get covered via  NHS anyway but it's always good to have that extra   insurance private insurance because you just never  know certain things then we've got for the van so   um the light deflectors obviously is a must and  it is law two of them standard on your vehicle   uh while you're traveling in Europe obviously  driving on the uh the other side of the road   did you get that in the pack though or did you  yeah so I got that in a pack I've got two high vis   vests because I know in France there's certain  rules when traveling spare Bulbs Etc and stuff   like that I don't believe you the alcohol testing  kit anymore you know your breathalyzer set however   I've got the triangle and that comes within a kit  easily to buy on Amazon as a standard kit so that   covers anything with the vehicle and if we do  break down also being the size of the vehicle   we're over three and a half ton so we need the  uh angle morts stickers again off Amazon easy   to get so I've got three that are magnet so I'll  put the magnet ones on either side of the cab I   will take them off in the evening as I've heard  rumors and stuff like that of people having them   go missing overnight also with that then we've  got the sticker ones because it's not magnetized   on the on the habitation side I will stick  the sticker at the rear of the uh the vehicle so   that that covers then the um you know the vehicle  when it's driving state so we'll be legal in that   country so just talking about some documentation  then um so documentation obviously you've got your   standard things like your passports Etc um but  with the vehicle just making sure that you got   your V5 uh form with you a copy of your insurance  documents and uh Health um insurance documents Etc   um and also having driving license it's always  good to take a photocopy of any of these and keep   them in a separate place just in case you do lose  them you know I've done a fair bit of traveling   over my time and um you know if you lose something  and need to get a passport again or something like   that have you got a photocopy then it helps out  massively so always have photocopies of backup to   back up your documents basically yeah so later on  today I'm going to be looking at anything that we   need to print off um I've got an Nyrex folder that's  got the plastic pockets in so we're just going to   put everything that we think we might even overdo  it but at least we've got more rather than less   and so let my Breakdown Cover all that kind of  stuff is going to go in there as well yeah and   just make sure we've got everything like numbers  that we might need to phone I'll probably write   them down big on the paperwork things like that so  we've it's there to hand it's there if we need it   yeah and also actually on online there is actually  a um a document that's basically if you do break   down in Europe and it's basically a tick list  of everything you need to go for at the moment I   can't remember exactly what that document is but I  will put the name of it uh down on the screen now   on our travels then um what I suppose apps or  I suppose books out there available for you to   find your locations where you're going to stay  obviously you've got a multitude of Aires Service   Stations okay Supermarkets Campsites but there's  a few things that we use and we're going to use   um and there's a couple of them of the apps that  a lot of people are aware of but apps are great   but if you do lose signal or you lose your power  you're stuck you don't have you know so always   have backup with a map or a book so you know where  you're going I'm a strong believer of that yeah   definitely and you know the apps we've got are  Search for Sites and Park4Night they're quite   a good one to use while you're abroad however  um we have got a couple of the the books then so   um we've got the Camping Card ACSI card  um and this is basically discounted campsites   um I will put the link to the website below but it  cost me about 20 euros I think it was 21 Euros for   the year now it covers um northern and southern  Europe and you get two books that cover that but   within there they have got a website as well  but you've got pictures the prices and you can   get good discounted um sites out of season so if  it's um like now when we're going they class that   as out of season and we get discounted prices on  different campsites so that's always a good thing   to have you can be um limited with that though  because not every campsite um allows that but   if you're happy with where you're going that's  fine but then if you see a campsite you'd like   to go to and it's not on there you may be paying  a little bit more maybe double some in some cases   so it's not every single campsite but you've  got some more books as well haven't you yes so   we got recommended these and it's basically  all the Aires so it's the sixth edition   um we've got um so this one's for Spain  and Portugal this one's for northern France   and then we've got a big one here for southern  France um and yes again I will put the link in   the description for um these Aires books but  what I like about them is if we open it up   okay you get a big old map okay so it's a lot  easier yeah so it's just a lot easier if you're   looking on the map hide Jodie's face there's Calais up  here okay and you can plan uh basically your   route you can use Google Maps on that for time and  and see at the distance and stuff like that but   you've got all the numbers and then you search  through the book okay and um within the books   South Front we just open it up it's got all  pictures everything like that it's um what   services it's got on the air and stuff like that  again you can find all this information online   um but if you're heading off and you've got  a big map in front of you you can pretty much   Circle where you want to be look at the distance  of travel and say right okay that's where we want   to be and you've got a set amount of Aires around  there and you could already pick your ones and   a backup one um before you've even set off yeah  because we're not actually planning things rigidly   because even though that would kind of made me  feel a little bit better that we've got a plan the   only plan we've really got is obviously the tunnel  timings and Benidorm which is for a week isn't it   yeah so we've got does it say 10 days to get to  Benidorm no no we've got six nights six nights   to get Benidorm from right so that so that's the  only thing we've really got planned yeah um but   these are great because then if we're moving on  um we can either have a quick look at an app yeah   which we'll go to First yeah um you know and if we  can't like I said if the batteries low or there's   no signal we've got these as a backup I might want  to like look at these first well yeah I mean it's   the map that's what I like about it it's okay  going online and then having the map in front of   you and looking that way but it don't really open  it up and give you all the information at once we   could look for something on on the app and then  go to the map and just secure that can't we   yeah yeah yeah exactly so so they're really good  and like I say we'll put the uh the link in the   description for for them uh and they do a lot more  books for a lot more different places out there so   um yeah so that's a good thing so when I was  saying about Benidorm our plan even though we   haven't got a rigid plan our plan is that we're  heading down um through France and just sort of   hopefully either one or two night stay um and then  around the coast um sort of past Barcelona and   see where we end up down that way heading towards  Benidorm and if we get chance after Benidorm we'd   like to head a bit further down maybe Gibraltar  yeah heading towards Gibraltar probably and   then and then back up but we are looking we're  not sure where we're going to be stopping yet   um we don't want to do the norm if we can help  it that a lot of other people have done yeah   um just because it's been done and we  want to show you something different   um but there might be one or two that are  very similar yeah um and then we'll head   back up through France again and but we've got  a month not there haven't we yeah so a month out   there so like we say So the plan is Thursday is  Overlander show and that's taken us till Sunday   Sunday we leave the show probably around midday  and we're heading towards Kent and we're staying   in Camp uh Canterbury on a little um CL site  there for the evening uh we have got electric   um just to make sure we've got our batteries  and everything topped up we've got no electric at the show we can we can last for quite a few days with what  we use anyway in the van but we just want to make   sure that everything is topped up and we don't  have to be a bit tight on electric when we're at   the show yeah so final charge before we go yeah  uh and then it'll be the Monday morning uh nice   and early um heading for the the Euro tunnel  or the Le Shuttle as they call it nowadays   um and ready to to board um 35 minute Crossing  I believe 35 minutes and then we'll be across   into Calais um and once we're across there  we have already sort of circled our first   location but we won't give that up just yet no  that's because it might not even end up there yet that's it it's just circles um yeah so with the  Eurotunnel and everything I'm not 100 sure of it because   um I don't like the idea of going under the sea  if I'm honest and because it's the 35 minutes I   think I'll be fine I prefer ferries um then  but because it ended up cheaper didn't it in   the best yeah so the quickest way of doing things  with the Tesco club called vouchers I've got 150   pounds off so it only cost us 100 pound return  ticket on the the train rather than about 1500   pounds on the ferry to Santander so uh for me it  was worth it even though I'm going to burn off a   bit more fuel uh on the miles just to get there  it was still cheaper than getting the ferry yeah   um yeah so I'll be fine so I suppose  what's happening with our Vlogs then um so what's happening with our vlogs so we will  I like to pick the camera up more than Lee does and   there's a reason that Lee doesn't pick the camera  up as much as me because I end up with too much   footage so because I'm like that we're going to  be putting a bit more raw material not as edited   um and we are going to be doing more Vlogs  because I am definitely because there's going   to be so much to see I'm definitely going to be  picking the camera up so we're gonna go for two   a week to start off with we're going to yeah  so we're going to stick to Thursday see how   we get on with that to two a week we're gonna  after this one's um gone out um the next one   you will get would be on the next Thursday and  next Thursday is going to be the Overlander show   um and all about that and then from then after  that Thursday it'll be on the Tuesday and the   Tuesday will be literally traveling down to  Kent to get the tunnel and us getting across   um and then yeah the Vlogs are Carry On  from there so every Tuesday and Thursday   um and that'll probably be for the  next I would say month and a half   yeah yeah yeah um and just see how that goes  and then we will update you on that as we go   through anyway so yeah that's fine um so the show  then we are heading off there on the Thursday as   we've said uh there will be other YouTubers there  I think there's a YouTuber area we haven't really   sort of Parked on a YouTuber area yet have we  no so it's going to be a new experience to us   but apparently there's quite a lot of people  there and so you are welcome to come and say   hello if you find that area but maybe a sticker  we're quite happy with that we'd love to see you   yeah definitely so if you are around please do  I don't think we don't want you visiting because   we do don't we yeah we love it yeah we love talk  to people you know I can talk to England so that   that's what's happening now for the next month  and a half um and I hope you enjoy our European   trips whatever comes of that because um we  don't know yet um but I think it'll be fun   yeah so it's quite exciting because the  Overlander show in itself is exciting   um and then after that we're going on our  travels so that's exciting so it's um exciting that I wish he was going with that but it's  exciting I'm just excited that's all I'm just   excited it's getting it I'm one of those one of  these people that I don't get excited until right   near when you go in and it's it's um in a couple  of days time so yeah I'm excited to get excited so   I mean with that while we're out and about and  Vlogs are going out and you've got suggestions   um of different areas we could  visit things we could see   um anything really tips and tricks you know always  put them in the comments we'd love that you know   um yeah we may have moved on from an area but  hey we we're open to even going back to an area   so put them in the comments as we're traveling um  and yeah give us the ideas and inspiration um and   we go off and and do that so that's all good yeah  just thinking I mean we will remind you this again   um but when we come back on the Friday which is  the 20th of October yeah we will be attending the   NEC in Birmingham as well just for that one  day one day so if you are planning on going   in there on the Friday come and say hello and  just in case we forget to tell you another Point   um come and sail off the NEC on Friday the  20th we'll be wondering so with that you know   as always it's um very much appreciated and if  everyone that's um subscribed to the channel it is   um great to see the community still building  and the support via your comments from everyone   um it's just been amazing um we never  expected this uh to to be going like this   but we absolutely love it and we will keep  doing our best to give you the best content   um we can we can and we will obviously grow with  that yeah so um thank you thanks again and thanks   to everyone yeah and if you are watching  this and you're interested in our Vlogs and   you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe it's  free everybody asks that and that was it is free   yeah but it does actually help us so um it'd be  appreciated if you did actually press subscribe   um and obviously you've got the notification  Bell so you can see things up first especially   when we're going to Europe loose and you know  when we're posting exactly exactly that so   with that then we will catch you on the next Vlog  um from the Overlander show yeah see you later See ya!

2023-09-22 02:50

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