Planning - 26 June 2023

Planning - 26 June 2023

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thank you thank you uh good afternoon   um it's two o'clock so let's make a start welcome  to today's planning meeting of the 26th of June   I would like to welcome members of the public  councillors and officers to this meeting and I   call upon the clerk who will advise how  the meeting will be run this afternoon thank you madam chairman please note that we are  using hybrid meeting arrangements with registered   speakers joining the meeting via zoom and  we are live streaming this meeting by the   council's YouTube channel to encourage more people  to engage in our public meetings the proceedings   of the meeting will also be recorded please can  I remind everyone to use their microphones when   speaking and turn them off when finished police  can attendees present in person refrain from   watching the live stream or joining the zoom link  as this will cause interference for our viewers   in accordance with the Constitution members  of the public who have registered to speak   will be permitted to do so when invited by Madam  chairman I have confirmed those entitled to speak   we are not expecting any fire alarm testing today  in the event of an evacuation you will hear a   recorded message requesting you to evacuate  the building please leave by the nearest exit   the Riviera Center staff will assist you once  outside please assemble in front of the tennis   courts to the seaward side of the building please  and also ensure that your mobile phones and iPads   are turned to silent each application will be  dealt with in the following order the planning   officer will present the submitted application and  will outline the proposed recommendation in full   any registered any speakers registered to speak  on the application will be invited to address   the committee and this will be taken in the  following order speakers against neighborhood   forums Representatives any counselors who are not  members of the committee followed by speakers in   support of the application all speakers will have  a maximum of five minutes each to address the   meeting this will be followed by questions from  members and responses from the planning officer   once questions from the committee have concluded  the chair Madam chairman will open the application   for debate at the conclusion of the debate Madam  chairman will seek a proposal and seconder for   the application The Proposal must be in full  and include all information such as conditions   or reasons the chair Madam chairman will then  confirm with the planning officer if they wish   to enter into a period of summing up members  if at any point you leave the meeting for any   reason during the consideration of an application  you will be unable to vote on that application   I will now hand the chairing of the meeting  to Madam chairman councilor Jackie Thomas   thank you Clark before we commence with the  main items on today's agenda I would like to   take this opportunity to welcome Dr Rodney  Horder the chair of the Torquay neighborhood   plan Forum to this meeting to provide members  with a brief introduction to The Forum and its   role which may be especially helpful for  new members to this committee thank you   Dr Horder if you'd like to come and take  a seat to address the committee thank you thank you very much Madam chairman for allowing  me to speak yes I'd just like to introduce myself   first I'm actually a retired pharmacist having  spent my career in the scientific part of the   pharmaceutical industry a retired from that and  become much more knowledgeable in planning than   I ever have been in the past I joined the Steering  group of the neighborhood Forum in 2017 and worked   closely with Leon Butler and others to prepare the  talking neighborhood plan and then when Leon stood   down into 2020 I I'm 21 I took over as chair our  neighborhood plan took a lot of work by a large   number of volunteers but was actually adopted  out or supported at referendum by 87 percent   of the vote and was duly adopted by the council  in in July 2019. and we're currently working on   an update where we're partly trying to update  the policies where in use we find some of them   could need clarification and also to build in  new housing numbers where we're trying to work   closely with the the planning operation and  future planning to identify potential sites   for Torquay the good news is we have over 1900  potential sites many of these are in our local   plan already but haven't been either consented or  if consented they haven't been developed and then   we have a few more to add uh as far as the Forum  is concerned we represent the community and this   is really in response to the localism ACT and  our Mantra is community-led planning so we have   members of the Steering group our representatives  of the individual Community Partnerships but it's   really our side of democracy and then you  folks the councilors you've been elected   to represent the communities as well so I hope  we can work together to do what we want to do   which is build the right houses shops offices  in Torquay in the right place that's what we're   all about we're not sort of nimbies or stopping  development uh what I do each week I receive the   same weekly list of planning applications as you  folks do I send these out to the Steering group   asking if there are any for which we should do a  Consulting response we don't do that for all of   them because we've developed a policy checklist  and I sent an example to you for the application   on the table today which we do a detailed review  against all the policies in the local plan and   the neighborhood plan and put a response together  and this takes about three hours so it's involved   quite a lot of time for my volunteers this the  statement the consultee response is actually   agreed by the Steering group before it sent into  planning and then when something comes to planning   committee I feel personally it's important that I  do present the forums view to you we may not have   done a consultee response because we didn't think  it was necessary but nevertheless if it's before   the committee we will provide a response and that  will either be in support or objection according   to our feelings so that emphasizes again we're  not nimby's we do support the right development   in the right place so if anyone would like to  ask me any questions I'll be glad to respond right thank you very much thank you Dr Hoda  okay moving moving on to the main agenda items   can I ask the Clark if there are any apologies or  updates to the membership of the committee thank   you madam chairman um I can confirm that apologies  have been received from councilor pentley thank you minutes to confirm as a correct  record the minutes of the meeting of this   committee held on the 30th of May  2023 is there a proposer please thank you councilor Carol and a second  thank you counselor Patrick Joyce   all those in favor please show by way of  raised hands that's unanimous chair thank you   um Declaration of interest do any members of  the planning committee have any pecuniary or   non-pecuniary interests on any of the items  on today's agenda please raise your hand no nobody and do any officers have any pecuniary   or non-pecuniary interests on any  of the items on today's agenda thank you are there any urgent items thank you sorry madam chairman um none that I'm aware of thank you so much okay um so we'll go  on to moving on to items five and six   to consider two applications in  respect of 48 to 50 the Terrace Torquay   which is p stroke 2022 stroke zero eight  nine five stroke MPA and P stroke 2022   stroke zero eight nine six stroke l  b we will discuss both applications   together but when we get to a recommendation  we will deal with each application separately   Clark has confirmed those who have  registered to speak upon entry to the   meeting I will therefore ask Mr Jim Blackwell to  introduce the application thank you Mr Blackwell   thank you madam chair this application is for the  development which proposes a change of views from   offices which are currently vacant in numbers  48 and 50 the terrace both a residential the   provision of 10 residential Apartments three one  bedrooms six two bedroom and one three bedroom   and then number five Montpellier road which is  to the rear it would be converted to create one   bedroom apartment and one two bedroom apartment  so the total number of Apartments would be 12. the two buildings in the center of the Terrace  which were internally linked at some point in the   20th century are a former range of residential  houses some now in office some in residential   the topographers we saw on site today and Views  are critical here the um you can see from the   um the Terrace the way it stepped down to  the harbor side and above again with the   landform creates lots of views particularly  from the harbor side but also across the bay   uh there were a Time retirement apartments  to the north there's the former car park   and hotel development to the east there's no  entry sign here from Montpellier road which   includes cars going around this type Bend  and they're also a mix of residential and   Commercial offices uses going down  the Terrace towards the Town Center so again this is the view now looking at from  Montpellier road which is in the foreground to   this to the bottom of the image you can see the  curving landform you can see the topography as   it steps down towards the harbor side which  is here and those views across the harbor this is the conservation area appraisal so you  can see that 48 to 50 The Terraces amongst the   whole listing for this property so the whole of  the Terrace is listed as one 48-50r here as we've   seen on that layout plan and you can see John's  Church which is grade one listed to the North West   and also the key buildings that are surrounding  it in yellow and the list of buildings either side so I've sort of picked out 48 to 50 in the  in the street scene you can see the Terrace   there that linear curved form white rendered  the varying dorms and roof extensions to the   top you can see just to the left image the  grade one list of church there's that group   value that you get from the view from the from  the harbor side of those as Heritage assets so here you can see the front of number 48 and the  front to number 50. you can see there's basements   below these Bridge links you can see this number  48 is much more intact in terms of its features   and its windows and fenestration number 50 is much  more altered also this is three Bays number 50 is   five bays and slightly projecting forward as well  and you can see the impact those roof extensions   have which are all important as we move on through  the proposals is the range of rear connecting   extensions between 48 and 50. you can see that  particularly 50 here that sort of bundle of rear   extensions that have happened that link between  five Montpelier road which is this building here   mix of pitch roof flat roof a real sort of uh  jumble of different buildings that connect the two this is the five Montpelier road which  is a two-story building like this stone   wall either side of the building the sort of  size and scales two-story in comparison with   Montpellier road that hierarchy between  48 and 50 which is the building here   and this is the five Montpellier road  to the rear the narrow footway and the   entrances and the entrance into 48 which  is to the right hand side of that image   just a note inside there's a range of original  features although you can still see that pre   that form of office use some minor conditions  is in some minor condition issues due to lack   of occupation a bit of water Ingress and site  but otherwise very intact but vacant both vacant here you can see one of the major features in  number 50 which is the elliptical window which   we'll come on to show in a second so once the  existing plans this is a layout plan showing   both this is the line broadly between 40 and  50. existing basement and ground floor note   these and that basement plan the sellers which  are interesting feature of that site and that   working through to the ground floor where you  can see that trouble of buildings to the rear   and all the office uses as well you can notice  that there's a staircase which we'll come on too   soon which connects that elliptical window  we showed you on that that image earlier   an existing first floor plan and the existing second and third floor plan so  you can see all these partitions in place as part   of that office use in existing elevations it's  the Southwest elevation so you can see 48 and   50 there the range of Windows the connecting  buildings connecting to five Montpelier Road   the rear elevation and that sort of cut elevation  of 1.5 Montpellier Road note also the sort of  

window positions and doors the existing scale  of the roofs and the Dormer windows it's just   a breakdown of the schedule of accommodation  that's proposed as part of this so 12 units mix   of bedrooms a mixed sort of community a range of  sizes and a range of immunity space provided with   some of those units onto the proposals now  so this is in the basement number of doors   and wind doors and different features on that  set on that access seller down to those stairs   which are being changed and put back to what was  original there's three units in the basement two   one bed one two bed and those would be taking  advantage of these Courtyards to the rear proposed ground floor with two units one one  bed and one two bed and you start to see that   new staircase that's going in there which supports  that um access through the building of number 50.   due to the level changes because it's on site  this is the first floor plan but you can see   that's the access in through for underneath  five Montpellier Road Seven parking spaces   a range of bin storage cycle storage Source  heat pumps Landscaping and the fire space   that four spaces here three under the building  and the access point to the rear of the building this is the second floor plan so you can see two  residential units in the Montpellier Road they're   both one bedroom and two two bed Apartments  within 48-50 with some community space to the rear and this is a two bedroom apartment on  the top floor adjusted for head height   you've seen the staircase running through  it's one of the main features it's a bifold   door originally shown here which I'll come  on to later and this is a key point which   is covered in the amended plans around  looking at that puncturing through that   um that elevation and that Dormer there so  worth bearing that mind as I show the images sort of taking a step back of some previous  designs as part of this applique pair of   applications that have been refined now  so just as a sort of point to note really   this was original proposal which uses a  very modern very linear modern extension   with lots of glazing taking a similar  roof line clad in modern materials   and this is what's proposed so reflecting  what's there now and mansard's slate roof   stepped down to reflect the change between the  three Bay and the five Bay Terrace buildings   and matching Dormer windows with this roof  with this Dormer in the middle really key to   this is the Symmetry that would be returned so  the doorway that exists here will be returned   to its original position centrally matching  the features shown on neighboring buildings   some photographs submitted as part of  the Heritage statement showing existing   um sorry original photograph from around  1913 to a current view of what's there now   just note the sort of White Cloud nature  of number 48. historic England have noted   some of these changes in the application and  have detailing some of the comments around   matching the original doorway and made some  ask for some Visions which this application   has responded to and some additional supporting  information as part of the Heritage statements and this is a uh just a sort of photon  Montage just to show how the the new   scheme will assimilate into the background  so you can see that white render you can see   all the windows being repaired and  reinstated the sort of delicately   handled Dormer on the central one and the  step down with the slated mansard roofs so just looking at um the proposed Southeast  elevation this is the terraced the left-hand   side Montpellier to the right you can see  that mansard route sort of limited space   compared to the original plans to sort  of sit out in that space set back all   those linking buildings have been removed and  retained five Montpelier Road and conversion   somebody from the other side you can  see that Montpellier Road retained the   link building's gone modest extensions and  reinstatement and repair to the rear of that   just for context again so this was  the original proposal demolition of   the five Montpellier Road and the building of  a three-story new build with access underneath   and you can see that sectionally how  that would impact and that space that   would be between the host building  the original building and the proposed this is a much more simplified approach um to the   rear so removing a lot of  those existing extensions and this is the retained Montpellier Road and  you can see how it's modified with gated access   some windows matching sewing Stone dressed around  and that scale has been much reduced by retaining   that building I mentioned in both reports  particularly in the planning report about the   highways comments there was a swept path analysis  that was submitted that's being deemed acceptable   and there's two comments that have been provided  one around the traffic speed so we've seen that   largely one way which traveling from the West is a  very close Urban environment the highway Authority   has asked for further information about visibility  splays it's clear that there's low speeds in that   area though there's very clear visibility from  that Junction there's not really any footway   so officers are clear that that's over being  been overcome and in terms of the site layout   there's 12 that's been suggested by the  highway Authority whoever offers are very   clear that seven can only really be accommodated  and those previous comments that from The Horizon   Authority that seven were acceptable anyway and  what we're really clearly discussed on site is   balancing the heritage of the significance of  that site not making that entirely car parking   that space entirely car parking impact on the  Town Center living so close to sustainable   transport and just making a note that it's  so close to public car Parks anyway there's   a cycle store and there's electric vehicle  charging points for over 20 and bike storage either the neighborhood plan policies the material  considerations and just to reiterate the comments   earlier from the clock that this is for two  applications the planning permission for the   change of use and the parallel application  for listed building consent which are both   approval for by officers recommended for  approval offices the conditions outlined   in the final consultation response from highways  confirming no objections with the final draft and   conditions delegated to the divisional director  of planning housing and climate change thank you thank you Mr Blackwell I called Dr Horder chair  of the Torquay neighborhood plan Forum to address   the meeting in support of the application you have  five minutes and the clerk will let you know when   you have one minute remaining thank you thank you  madam chairman although the turkey neighborhood   Forum did not provide consultee comments I would  like to confirm that the neighborhood Forum   supports this development it is a welcome return  of commercial property to residential use and   but we believe this will support the viability of  the town center and contribute towards fulfilling   the five-year housing Supply the buildings were  originally constructed for residential purposes   and the Forum is pleased to note that the external  architectural features will be generally retained   or enhanced there is a potential concern with the  respect to the lack of parking facilities within   the development but we recognize the constraints  of these particular buildings and note that the   public car park is available in Montpellier  Road in addition there is good pedestrian   access to the town center facilities and public  transport and cycle storage will be provided   so therefore we support this application in the  interests of efficiency these comments apply   both to the main application and the listed  building consent uh thank you madam chairman   thank you Dr hodger if you'd  like to take your seat thank you   I now call Nicola Burley of Heritage Vision to  address the meeting in support of the application   you have five minutes and the clerk will let you  know when you have one minute remaining thank you Thank You by way of introduction I'm a chartered  Heritage planning consultant and have been working   to help conserve the historic environment  in Devon in both the public and private   sector for 30 years I speak today on behalf  of the applicant in support of The Proposal   as the Project's Heritage consultant I've been  involved with the proposal from its Inception   it represents an excellent balance of conservation  of historic fabric enhancement of the conservation   area and provision of 12 delightful new homes in a  sustainable Town Centre location a proposal which   is being recommended to you today by your officers  for approval the Terrace is truly at the heart   of the evolution of Torquay from a small fishing  Village to a resort of international significance   the Terrace is the first Grand Construction  in the town started in 1811 it was the first   project undertaken by Lord pork it represents the  beginnings of Polk's extraordinary development of   the carriage drives and Villas across the hills  behind the town something which I find to be one   of the fastest most extensive and elegant building  projects ever to be taken undertaken across the   world looking out over the harbor with its three  stories plus basement and attic it's elegant   classically proportioned and detailed rendered  elevations which include a finely detailed first   floor balcony and its smart railings and Pavements  to the front and long walled Gardens to the rear   the Terrace began to show that Torquay could be  more than a fishing village with a few boarding   houses it was the start of the resort boom  and the start of the great success of Torquay   the Terrace thankfully remains today as a major  feature of the town center and harbor it is the   backdrop to the harbor but when looked at closely  it can be seen that in places its nine original   houses are suffering from a lack of Maintenance  loss of original features and inappropriate   alteration and extension but the significance  and prominence of the Terrace remains despite   these changes and the whole of it was listed  grade two as a single list entry as far back as   1952 a very early listening indeed the Terrace is  wholly worthy of its grade 2 listing and needs to   be conserved and appropriately appropriately for  the enjoyment of today's and future Generations   the proposed development involves two of the  original townhouses within the Terrace what are   now numbered number 48 and number 50. number 50  as described by Jim is the Grand Central House of   the Terrace it is five Bays wide rather than just  the three Bays of the other houses in the Terrace   it was the grandest address to have in Torquay  to celebrate its Grand Terrace its Grand status   it had a central front door leading to a wide  entrance hall that led to a glorious elliptical   staircase that was lit by the elegant elliptical  roof Lantern which she was shown earlier   the grandest staircase in the town today sadly  we are only left with the stairwell where the   staircase existed and the roof Lantern has been  covered by a flat roof the plaster moldings   joinery in fireplaces remain but the staircase has  been lost number 50 was linked to number 48 the   first rule level as the two buildings fell out of  residential use and became offices number 48 and   50 have been office in office use probably since  the late 19th century in office is the central   front door of number 50 was lost with a new door  next to number 48 being developed windows were   altered and enormous extensions were constructed  in the rear Garden as you were shown earlier   in 2020 when the accountancy firm that  occupied the two buildings left for an   out-of-town convenient Business Park  location the buildings were put up for   sale they were redundant and need of a new  viable use that can serve their significance   thankfully the buildings have been purchased  by a developer that is acutely aware of the   responsibilities and needs that come with  a purchase of a listed building a proposal   before you represents a viable new future for  number 48 and number 50. The Proposal conserves  

historic Fabric and the appearance of the building  at the heart of the conservation area it Returns   the buildings to their original use as dwellings  and importantly Returns the original plan form to   number one minute remaining thank you the central  front door is reinstated a central elliptical   staircase is returned to the heart of the building  the modern staircase is removed the elliptical   roofed Lantern is restored and the windows at  number 50 are put back to their original form   the rear extension of number 50 is removed which  allows the rear of the original building to be   appreciated and the 1930s building at the rear of  the plot is retained and sustainably converted in   total 12 good sized one or two bedroom dwellings  are provided without any loss of significant   historic fabric this number of dwellings is  required to balance out the cost of conservation   there are no material concerns raised by officers  with regard to the proposal which has been the   subject of careful negotiation and adaptation  over the last two years the proposal is found   to offer a good opportunity cons to conserve  number 48 and number 50 and to establish a   long-term viable use for this part of the terrace  The Proposal concerns the historic core of the   resort of Torquay it's a good project for the  terrace and a good project for Torquay your   offices thank you Miss Burley who have run  out of time thank you thank you the officers   agree it should be approved thank you for your  time if you'd like to take your seats thank you committee members I will now invite  questions to the planning officer please   may I remind members questions should  only cover matters not raised in the   presentation are there any members  wishing to ask a question [Music] no questions for the officer okay in that case um I will open  the application for debate thank you thank you Council the cow thank you madam chair  and um I I actually welcome this um application   I think it is a very sympathetic um design it  recognizes the heritage of what is a fantastic   asset I.E the Terrace and the additional roof  development actually is synthetic sympathetic and   probably more sympathetic than some of the other  neighboring developments have been permitted in   the past and of course the eradicating those awful  non-descript extensions that have been formed over   the previous years is only adding to the quality  of the application in front of us and of course   it does provide those 12 additional units of  accommodation which Torbay is desperate in need of   um and whilst there may have been some concerns  about car parking I think because of its location   and proximity to the town center um it  doesn't create any concern for me so I'd   be happy to support thank you chair thank you  councilor Cowell um I now call Adam councilor   Adam Billings thank you thank you chair I'd um  endorse the comments that we've heard earlier   um both from Dr Horder and also councilor Carroll  um I personally I was a little bit disappointed to   see only seven car parking spaces I think there  was would have been a benefit if we'd been able   to find 12 on the site in line with the um the  highways authorities initial suggested guidance   but equally understand that this is a listed  building there's there's space constraints and   that flow with the site and there's only so much  that can be done to work with the existing fabric   we were able to see earlier the the very clear  rot and Decay that there was to the fabric of   the building to the front some of the windows in  particular it got quite severe either wet or dry   rot and what we've got here is a proposal that  will will provide a way of um of uplifting the   fabric of the building to how we'd like to see a  historic building like this um retained in Torbay   um and I I I was persuaded that the the the roof  line was um was it was going to be much more um   pathetic and attractive than than that sort of  on the buildings either side particularly it's   not so clear from the from the flat sort of  2D drawings but we're losing the projecting   um soffit and face here on the very top story so  when you're viewing from roof from from ground   level the roof will appear to recede back further  and and that was something that I think will will   allow us to from ground level focus on the the  main sort of Stories of the building rather than   the roof editions so I'd agree I'd sort of  I think this is a welcome proposal it's been   sensibly thought out and it seems to be very very  in keeping with the building and um sort of I'd be   interested to see what other counselors thought  but I'd be quite happy to to move approval at a   later date unless there's further debate we've  got chat thank you thank you councilor Billings   counselor Mike Fox thank you just to add my  comments of agreement on the quality of the scheme   um possibly a bit more bullish on the car  parking in Council Billings I think that   in the sustainable location it's in and the  proximity of a large car park short walk away   um that 70s is is very appropriate  thank you thank you councilor Fox thank you councilor toshard um yes  I'd like to Echo the comments on the   quality of the proposals I think when we  had a site visit this morning it was evident   um you know the great deal of thought that's come  into almost rebalancing those two properties um   we have expressed concern I suppose about  the uh parking provision but I understand   that you know for sustainability and where the  development is actually situated um the seven   parking spaces are adequate um how are they  going to be allocated I mean is that down to   um you know when the properties come  up for sort of purchase as it were or   um is it going to be open to people to  to sort of buy a parking a parking space yeah thank you [Music] thank you yeah we discussed  it on site the um there's no allocation of those   parking that's a sort of operational thing the  Quantum of parking is seven so it's about how   those those apartments are managed uh and Council  Blues was right with that that um those comments   around how that's as you can see the picture the  the slenderness of the site that need to provide   bin stores cycle parking the SS heat pumps um  and the significance of the building itself and   freeing of that space all those factors come into  play when you link in and sustainable transport   seven is is actually quite a lot I would  suggest so actually that's a quite a high   level parking considering it's such an urban  urban location and given the confines of the site   so to answer your question it's  an operational thing I would say thank you councilor toshot  um do you have any other Anita's debate on this matter okay she's uh she's deep in thought there  okay um any more debate from any other members   thank you counselor Joyce I would thank you chair  I'd just like to agree with everybody else it's   very sympathetically done it's protecting  the heritage of the area on the Terrace   like councilor Fox I don't particularly have any  concerns for either parking either I think with   its location with the infrastructure of Transport  in that particular area I just think it's going   to add value and protect the environment  around the terrors thank you councilor Joyce   is there any more debate from members no okay  thank you do I have a proposal then please happy to propose as recommended by the officers thank you you do have a second  thank you councilor Billings are there any debate on  the proposals in the second thank you okay um I call upon um any  summing up from Mr Blackwell please that's right for me thank you thank you  very much so I will now go to the vote   um all those in support of the  application please raise your hand that's unanimous thank you I now declare  this application approved thank you okay thank you moving on to item seven okay sorry I have moved on a little too quick  um do we have a proposal for the application   which is the second part P stroke 2022  stroke zero eight nine six stroke lb thank you Council the cow  happy to propose as published   thank you very much and do I have a  secondary thank you councilor Billings so um okay so I will go straight to the  vote on that um all those in favor thank you that's unanimous I declare this application as approved thank you   so now we are moving on to item seven to  consider an application for 21 Sans Road painting   the clock has confirmed those who  have registered to speak upon entry   to the meeting I will therefore ask Mr Alexis  Moran to introduce the application thank you thank you madam chair so the site is 21 Sands  Road painting it's last use as a b b stroke   Hotel known as Three Palms The Proposal is for a  change of views to 10 self-contained residential   units for supported living with communal  facilities it's outside of the local plan core   tourism investment area but within the painter  neighborhood playing Cora tourism investment area   it's located within an area of mixed residential  and Commercial properties and within flood zone 3.   the application is supported by a site-specific  flood risk assessment which has been reviewed   by the council's trainer engineer and the  environment agency the consultation responses   from both state that providing the identified  flood mitigation measures are Incorporated The   Proposal is acceptable this image shows the  front of the site as we saw on site aileron   all signages to be removed as part of The  Proposal and at the rear there is a new fire   escape staircase to be added which isn't highly  visible in The Wider Street Scene just in here the proposed change of views to 10 self-contained  residential units for supported living is much   like the proposal that went before the May  planning committee with the accommodation   offering Support Services to vulnerable persons  with low to Media mental health needs who've   been referred by Torbay and South Devon NHS  trust and the council's social care team   it will be managed by Westford housing group  and residents are expected to stay for an   average of 18 to 24 months staff will be on  site between the hours of 8 A.M and 8pm with   on-called support available outside these hours  each unit will have its own kitchen and bathroom   and there'll be shared kitchen and dining space  for group activities a letter was submitted in   the sport of the application from the council's  care commissioning team stating that turbo council   is working to reduce the number of people with  enduring mental ill health living in residential   care when they have the ability to live in a  recovery orientated housing based model of support   and that the model of high quality self-contained  accommodation proposed will offer individuals to   identify support needs greater choice and control  approximately 39 objections have been received the   majority relating to the impact on the tourism  offer in the area this map shows the local plan   core tourism investment area in green there  so we can see that the site is outside of that   however the site is just within the paint and  neighborhood plan quarter as an investment   area and as such painter neighborhood plan  policy PNP 14 is relevant the site is the   modest size facility which was run by the owners  the loss of the tourism function via the loss to   the tourism function of the area and the local  tourism economy is considered to be negligible   given the amount of Tourism accommodation near  to the sites particularly within local planned   quarter as an investment area which includes  the extra 280 bed hotels at the Park Hotel and   the former lighthouse it's concluded that the site  is of limited significance to the overall tourism   offer in the vicinity and paragraph 11 of the  mppf states sets out the presumption of in favor   of sustainable development for decision making  this means where the development plan policies are   out of date permission should be granted unless  the impacts of doing so would demonstrably and   significantly outweigh the benefits When assessed  against the mppf taken as a whole the council   cannot demonstrate a five-year housing land  Supply or the required three-year housing delivery   the site is within the built up area  in a sustainable location and the   provision of 10 supported affordable  units is the substantial benefits   the proposal has been tested against the criteria  of policy pnp14 and is considered to largely   comply with it and due to the lack of a three and  five year housing land Supply the Tilted balance   through the provision of 10 affordable units  were significantly in favor of the development   in conclusion The Proposal is in accordance with  the provisions of the development plan when taken   as a whole and the Tilted balance had significant  weight and favor the development in the absence of   harm being identified The Proposal is considered  to be acceptable in principle and would result in   clear social benefits by providing a specialist  form supported accommodation to primarily serve   the residents of Torbay which is not unduly impact  on local immunity it's considered to be acceptable   in terms of ecology flood risk matters as  considered to represent sustainable developments   the office of recommendation is therefore one of  conditional approval subject to the conditions   outlined on pages 77 to 80 of the agenda  with final driving and conditions delegated   to the divisional director of planning housing  climate emergency and the resolution of any new   material considerations that may come to light  following planning committee to be delegated to   the divisional director of planning housing  and climate emergency including the addition   of any necessary further planning conditions  or obligations thank you thank you Mr Moran to address the meeting against the application  Mr Stewart you have five minutes in total and   the clerk will let you know when you  have one minute remaining thank you thank you madam chair good afternoon councilors my  business is in Stafford Road directly behind the   Three Palms Hotel and I'm also representing hotels  and guest accommodation providers within the close   proximity of this proposal we fully recognize  the need for this type of facility in the bay and   the important work of Westford homes in providing  accommodation and a service for vulnerable adults   we understand wherever this facility was proposed  you would likely receive numerous objections   however in this instance our objection is solely  based on its location within a red tourist Zone   Three Palms Hotel is in the core tourist  investment area of the paint and neighborhood plan   all holiday accommodation within this area should  remain protected for hotel tourism and Leisure use   the approval of 10 supported living Flats within  this area would set a dangerous precedent to any   future applications within this Zone the tourism  and Industry is a vital to the economy of painting   and these planning policies need to be upheld  the applicants design an access statement quote   planning policies to2 and PNP 14 and a management  plan that highlights the need to reduce stock   policy PNP 14 indicates that it will allow  change where it can be evidenced that there's   no reasonable Prospect for continuing use for  tourism purposes Three Palms is a 15-bedroom hotel   advertised as 300 meters from the beach it was  operating a search until the end of last season   it is currently rated 9.1 or superb on  from 410 reviews it is also accredited four stars   by visit England there clearly isn't any evidence  that there is no reasonable Prospect of continued   use the requirement of policy to2 have clearly  not been met Three Palms provides the full range   of facilities you would expect of a hotel  of its size it is clearly not in an area in   need of regeneration and isn't in the category  of redundant stock or of limited significance   to2 seeks to restore buildings to their original  historic form by the removal of unsightly features   this proposal has no provision to remove the  uncycling features such as front and rear flat   roof extensions indeed the fire escape would only  add to these references to the Turning of the tide   for torbe tourism strategy recommending that an  oversupply of small and outmoded accommodation be   reduced has been misquoted it actually refers to  accommodation in the four to ten bedroom category   the additional beds recently offered by the new  Mercure Hotel development are clearly aimed at   a different clientele with rooms at three  times the price of hotels like Three Palms   they offer affordable family accommodation and  the many reviews would seem to support that view   Westwood homes should have been made aware of  the by their advisors of the clear planning   policy in this location several other hotels and  holiday lets are available outside of the tourism   investment Zone an earlier application for the  same proposal was refused on the 15th of December   the planning officer gave three key reasons for  the refusal firstly that the proposed development   results in the loss of a tourism facility contrary  to policies to2 of the local torbe local plan and   policy PNP 14 of the painting neighborhood  plan secondly the proposed development would   provide a poor quality residential environment  contrary to policies H1 and de3 of the local plan   the third refusal that the proposed use would  result in the loss of an existing hotel and   change to a building containing 10 Flats all of  which would below the space standards set out   in policy de3 of a local plan and is contrary  to policy ss11 of the local plan so these were   the planning officers comments just six months  ago clearly greater than the technical issues as   the applicant had suggested the second application  for the same proposal has not in any way addressed   any of these three key reasons for the planning  office's refusal we are therefore perplexed that   this latest application has now been recommended  for approval we would like to know why the sudden   change and disregard for the several planning  policies quoted in the office's initial refusal   we can understand on the face of this why  you wouldn't want to vote against a mental   health facility but the need for this facility  shouldn't override planning policy set out to   protect our tourist industry neighboring hotels  have made significant personal investment on the   understanding that the development plans are there  to help protect businesses of Torbay thank you thank you Mr Stewart if you'd like to  take your site thank you I now call   on die Sterling ciao and Rosie Dinan of  Westwood housing who are joining us via   Zoom to address the meeting in support of  the application you have five minutes in   total and the clerk will let you know when  you have one minute remaining thank you get off Main chair and counselors I'm Rosie Dunham  from techno King planning speaking on behalf of   Westwood and will be followed by a die Sterling  child Westwood's associate executive director   of Support Services thank you for allowing us a  few minutes to speak Westford welcomed reports   recommendation and appreciate the time officers  have spent with us on this revised application   as the officers report outlines the use of  the site as the supporting housing scheme for   residents is acceptable in planning terms the  revised application addresses matters such as   flood risk and provides further details on how the  premises would be managed and operated by Westford   whilst we welcome the officer's recommendations  were approval we do have concerns about   conditioning two is drafted as unfortunately we  did not have cite the planning conditions before   the committee report was published the planning  officer has subsequently indicated that they   are willing to discuss the conditions for the  conditions further and subject to committee's   decision this afternoon however we would like  our concerns formulated in addition to as drafted   is unnecessarily restrictive and onerous rest  would as drafted the position seeks to limit the   occupants to talk by residents only however as the  application and submission material clearly states   Consulting will be given to referrals from Torbay  and South Devon NHS Foundation trust and Torbay   adult Mental Health Service care team however if  vacancies are not filled they will be opened up   to other providers including Devon partnership NHS  trust indeed this is part of the agreed framework   and arrangements with the commissioning bodies  furthermore condition two reasons though it's   a personal condition as it can only be used by  Westward and it's used to see swans West would   sell the property there is no reason why the  permission needs to be personal to Westward as   we have demonstrated that the use is acceptable  in this location and this has been endorsed by   the planning officer's recommendation therefore  another organization using it for C2 use purposes   should be equally acceptable as our own proposals  westwards are concerned that such a restrictive   condition would leave the property with a new  use value if in future they sell the property   National planning advice contained in the planning  practice guidance advisors against the use of   personal conditions of accepting exceptional  circumstances which this is not a condition   as drafted would not meet these six tests we  would accept a condition that would limit the   occupancy to 10 residents as a service provision  allows only for single occupancy of each flap   due to the continued need for such services West  would have been actively trying to identify an   appropriate property for some time key objectives  of finding a property is that it's the right size   and in the right location the property at  Three Palms meets these essential criteria   The Three Palms Guest House sees trading  as a bed and breakfast last year and it's   ideally suited for westward purposes by  providing a supported housing service being   close to services and amenities The Proposal  comprises that conversion of the buildings into   10 self-contained single occupancy gaps and  provides group workspaces a communal kitchen   and laundry facilities staff offices and private  one-to-one meeting rooms to engage further with   the community Westwood hosted a drop-in  consultation event at Peyton Rugby Club   in March 2023 to provide further information  about the proposals and westward's supporting   Housing Services the event was well attended  by local residents stakeholders and councilors Westwood appreciates that some local  residents have raised concerns about   the proposal but Westwood is a long-stance  long-standing responsible and regulated social   landlord and is very experienced in providing  supported housing that benefits the well-being   of residents we own and manage a portfolio of  properties in Torbay and across the Southwest   and you've supported Housing Services one  minute remaining will operate similarly   to the existing housing facility at  steepway in tall Bay which has been very   successful in assisting local residents to live  independently build confidence and increase skills   it's a much needed and invaluable service which  will benefit to All by residents Westwood housing   are on the tour Bay supported living framework to  develop and manage such specialist services and   the Steep Waste Services a shining example of good  practice which we hope to replicate at Three Palms   as with our Statewide site residents will  be referred to the service and priority   given to referrals from toolbang South debt  and NHS Foundation trust specialist mental   health Team and Tour by adult Mental Health  social care team all residents will have a   short short-hole tenances likely to become  assured tenancies under the renters Reform   Bill and will receive personalized support  in how to manage their tenances to develop   college students Sterling ciao and miss steinen  your five minutes are up thank you very much   committee members I will now invite questions  to the planning officer please may I remind   members questions should only cover matters not  raised in the presentation are there any members   wishing to ask a question from the officer  thank you councilor Billings thanks chair   um I've got a number of questions um first one  would relate to some of the things we've been told   I believe I heard in the presentation from  Westwood housing that the planning agent was   advocating for the removal of condition two and  indicated that there wasn't a sound basis for it   um which would suggest that as to open up  the possibility that Westwood could sell the   facility to another provider I just wondered um  what your what what officers views were in light   of that uh in relation to their the soundness of  condition two if challenged plays at a later date   yep so um having having discussed this with  uh with a legal council here um we we agree   that there could be some flexibility in that to  allow it to to go out to other other users within   um within a CT use um but there would still be  management plan conditions Etc that so we wouldn't   lose the C2 use and it would still be managed um  as as it would be if permission was granted today okay so your your recommendation would  be slightly changing though would it um the condition would just remove  the personal personal parts of it to   Westwood and beef to a other CT other  C2 use providers within that remit and and so there therefore although we  are also told by the applicant Westward   about their Provisions we shouldn't  maybe give too much weight to that   because it could be another operator  that could be operating the facility um well yeah but there is still the  management plan condition so we'd   have to to review that condition so we would  still want it to be managed in the same way that that's helpful I've got another question  just changing the topic slightly um in relation   to policy to2 um I believe it talks about setting  um could you tell me what you think um that could   could you tell me what you think that is a  reference to like setting holiday setting   and and if this isn't a if this isn't within the  holiday setting where we think would be please   yeah so it it talks about a number of different  things setting is one part of it um so you you may   the site is within a mixed use of residential  and and um commercial properties so you   so although that stretch immediately where Three  Palms is does have a holiday setting the wider   area is a mix and the policy CO2 also talks about  different aspects such as you know change of use   um where there's a regeneration benefit or  there are there are other benefits um so I take   your points about the setting a bit but I think  there's more to that policy than just about this   um and then going on from that um  that PNP 14 talks about function   um I was just wondering how what  our thoughts were on that please   yeah so there's there's three parts to PNP 14 so  there's that not being a HMO which The Proposal   isn't and would be conditioned to not be and  then you look at the value to the tourism offer   provided and you wave up against the size of the  facility so it's a 15 50 was a 15 bedroom facility   in a mixed residential and Commercial area um and  wave up against provision in The Wider area such   as the additional new 280 bedrooms at the park and  lighthouse and then you that balance comes to a   you come to a conclusion that I came to a  conclusion that the loss of the 15 hotel rooms   there is negligible compared to the wider offer in  the area yeah so just to explore that one a little   bit more because I think that was PNP 14b where  we've got within the talk within the core tourism   investment area it talks about no reasonable  Prospect of continuing for tourism purpose   and the change proposed would not detract from  the areas function I I'm just wondering sort of   if we're going to expand a little bit  more still on that sort of because did you take the view that it wouldn't is that  the key driver on that so so I took the view   that there was some conflict with that policy um  I took the view that it had been on the market for   a year without anybody coming in already been or  had been off hadn't been in use for a year without   anybody coming in as far as I'm aware um coming in  and offering to buy it as a hotel or an or a BNB   um and I took the view that there was some  conflict with that policy but the but the   broader policy terms and and the lack  of five five-year housing land Supply   weighed in favor of the development  overall thanks Mr thank you Council balloon so happy with your answers  thank you any more questions for the officer   thank you Council Madison hello I'd  just like to investigate a little bit   more uh what you said about the  usage of the property as a hotel   um how have you investigated how recently it's  been used as a hotel have you demonstrated   the change of demand in that respect I  went by the information the design access   statement which said that it hasn't been in  use as a b b or a hotel for the past year thank you Council emergency happy with that  thank you councilor Fox okay just a couple   of points on this um could the officers amplify  what is meant by the right property and location   it's my first question second one in relation  to this consultation event I I wasn't even a   counselor at the time didn't go on to it so  I have no idea how successful or not it was   um it would be helpful just to get some sort  of feedback as to how sincere or otherwise that   consultation was and then thirdly Westway talk  about a similar property to this at a steep way   and in terms of of words like dangerous precedent  I just wonder whether Steve way fits into that   sort of fear or where the Steep way has been a  good example which would help to reassure people   which way you've gone up yeah so in terms of how  uh the speaker just described it as the right   property in the right area um I think it meets  their criteria in terms of its size and it's   also in a very sustainable location at bus stops  outside um close to the town center um close to   the train station um within walking distance  of the beach so it provides a good quality   environment for people who are looking to recover  and get back into normal life in terms of the um   the consultation event um I think West would have  summarized those points in their design and access   statements and I think they they provided some  um responses within the design access statement   as to to questions that were most answered most  asked and in terms of steep way I have spoken to   Westwood West West Westwood about that and  um they advise that there was it generally   operates without any issues there was one issue  and that the Occupy was seen sort of broken their   lease so they were removed from the property so  there are issues like that then they they can be   um dealt with could I come back Madam chairman  just on the final answer you get yes no problem   what time period are we talking about is this one  issue over say a two or three month period or is   it one issue over a year or five years or whatever  since it was operating which is I'm not sure   and it's it's uh more than a more than it's  you know a minimum of a year yeah thank you   thank you madam chair thank you counselor Fox um now councilor Cal if  you liked your questions please thank you madam   chair and it's really this issue about viability  and a note on page 64 in reference to to   um it's having limited significance  in terms of its holiday setting   views and Facilities Point picked up by  councilor Billings and councilor Madison   um are you aware of the popularity of this hotel  on as was mentioned by the speaker  

but also on areas like TripAdvisor where it  has a five-star rating which would indicate   and a lot of the comments there were very much  about its fantastic location proximity to the   Sea Services Town Center Etc um I haven't seen  anything in any of the reports that demonstrate   lack of viability so apart from the applicant's  access statement what additional evidence can we   look towards yes as I said previously there is  a bit of conflict there because there isn't a   significant amount of um evidence to suggest that  it's not viable um but it's you know balancing   the whole application against the local plan  policies and the and the mppf but the the thought   the trailer of thought was that it's a 15 bed and  an extra 280 hotel rooms recently provided in The   Wider area so you know considering that it would  have to be considered to have limited significance   just picking up on the um the type of offer  and I think again the point was made about the   um different offer of a hotel like the Three  Palms compared to the new fragrance groups   um was there any assessment done about that sort  of Market comparison do we know um no other than   the the two new hotels that provide a different  offer one's four star ones that one's a budget so thank you councilor Cal councilor Joyce thank you chair I'd just like to know what kind  of precedent would this be setting though within   a tourism area taken into consideration  the neighborhood plan moving forward   and well every application is  considered on

2023-07-06 17:54

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