I'm ready oh my God don't taking it no a complete green come true oh no I just welcome back to tfil and our subscriber Challenge Series we for 30 videos your comments your ideas your challenges your Creations decide what videos we have to make you requested that we stay properly overnight in an amusement park and while we're at SOI Mountain a brand new $90 million water park that's crazy but we have everything here there's like 25 flies wave pools flow Riders drop flies everything you you could ever imagine this is going to be fun this be so much fun and the greatest thing is we have it until whenever we want are you excited are you excited are you excited I'm very excited are you excited are you excited yeah this is our water park on three 1 2 3 yeah we're wait Li what's the worst that can happen huh all right let's go come on what's going on here we go here we [Applause] [Applause] W the entire time entire time who should I record all of us oh my [Applause] God stop stop stop stop oh my God oh my God oh my God this tube is deflating what did you did you just have a seizure H why did that one feel so much faster hi Cory are you ready no we're going to do this I mean yeah yeah fire where go oh we're we're oh my going back okay you're going backward go backwards oh my God oh my God are you ready yes are you ready yeah I'm ready wait wait wait wait I was kidding I was kidding oh w w w oh my God no backward we're doing another one oh my God we're doing another one oh my God sorry holy what I was not ready for that I wasn't expecting that was way more intense I was expecting we live we're alive we're alive oh was out of oh my God oh my God my that oh my [Music] god oh I'm drowning dude save them Jerry save them oh you just stand up we can't do that guys you having fun just losing my eyelashes but it's it's fine it's fine whatever here we God [Applause] we yeah yeah woo yeah that oh my God yeah I think your face came off look okay wait a minute stop you got nipp bang H we got this whole place to ourselves the entire night and if you ever want a hang tin essay then come on over to the Hang 10 essay where you can get on the board and you can surf in the water you get it because it says hang Tennessee it says hang Tennessee but I'm saying it as in Hang Ten essay yeah yeah [ __ ] with the spers I don't want to do this I don't want to do this I do it yeah okay let's go in the oh never yeah we going the be [Music] [Music] this is fun yeah there's no downside to having a private water park except there's no line so you have to climb like 30 flights the stairs also way better without people here yeah now we know if there's pee in the water it's probably mine yeah not strangers oh my God the water's cold want a haircut who are you I'm I'm Rose I'm rose rose rose oh my God I have to tell you something what is it Jack oh my w oh my god oh are you on what the and that is not an this is what I made you will never never be oh look I'm scared W oh let drop oh my my my hand I got my hat my wooo yes the jet lost my hat off of my head and landed on my foot and I caught it that's a hat trick that's a hat trick that's a hat trick Jerry what the Jerry Jerry come on on bro so we were just talking about um okay I know you don't care but I don't so it's been 5 days since the last episode and everyone just been really excited because we're talking about Rael coming back we still come back or not telling us right now I'm sorry I'm sorry imine W is on V and a really controversial person and then you're [Music] like notbe it's bad but maybe it's good Jerry tell me a little bit about um what going left man you know things have been okay but how should I make more friends I don't know if people like me what do you mean by that well the other day you know I was talking to someone and then just they just farted really loud and walked away like oh how did that make you feel you know it made me feel a little queasy okay and and um it made me oh it me yeah how does that make you [Music] feel Jerry you got to help me out here buddy Jer help oh are you okay and how does that make me feel he can I sit herebody sit I'm I'm holding that feet you're holding this one sorry someone's coming in a minute yeah yeah okay okay you're this one oh yeah that's for my daughter actually she'll be here in a minute this one's for your yeah we're saing that one too yeah no sorry what my golden retriever uh like to stay closest to the children your golden retriever yeah she going be sitting right there yeah right here yeah yeah she'll be she'll be sitting right there yeah our our great grandmother great great grandmother will be right there as well you're saving this for your great grandma great grandmother she's elderly um so she needs a lot of space so if you in mine right here no sorry right here sorry I coach a little team I coach a little league team they're all coming this yeah yeah the whole section this section it's about 50 kids okay yeah and this section yeah a whole section yeah sorry sorry I'll just I'll go over here thank you I'll go over here okay okay excuse me what no this what no no right no no the ambassador of Ecuador is coming can I sit right here I'm saving the seat too all of these seats I am saving for my friends and family and I hope you can understand that and get out of my space okay okay thank you for understanding okay I'll just I'll go to this table back here here I'll go to this one is this one fine no okay well I'll just go myself then okay I'll just go myself oh finally you guys made it yeah dude where's everyone else oh dude the family reunion is tomorrow it's just us today oh hey you made it hey Cory hey come here dude we saved one for you you know this guy yeah yeah come on Cory this is my cousins cousins cousins cousins I've been filming with you for eight years so this ride is two versus two they're each in double double tubes and they're going to go at the same exact time and race to the bottom that sounds great that sounds frightening sounds awesome and great so who are you rooting for uh who's together don't know well yeah I think it's us easily easily us oh no no contest what what's your Technique uh lean swallow the lean technique wait lean and swallow yeah the water lean swallow can you demonstrate can you guys sit down real quick and demonstrate the lean and swallow M okay all ready okay you do the lean uh-huh and go we're going to toast these rookies so easily the less water there is the faster you go yeah yeah oh damn look at that drop though oh my God okay he said you got to eat more ass you ready the vibr okay we got to beat them we have to be huh what you got what you riding 97 Miata okay okay we got Ferrari mother I can't see oh my God that's actually bad that's actually bad is that this is a big one oh my God what is that oh my God oh my God oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that oh oh God guys Ser scary oh dude that's what I was trying to warn you about I I had no bro that was in the slide holy what's up no did you see that there was a giant metal pole in the SL we went down the entire thing with a giant metal dude it freaked me out cuz I was like it's going to pop it or something I didn't see it until the last wait yeah dude that we went down the slide with that wait why was that in I don't know I think it like fell in or something oh my God are you guys okay yeah yeah we're fine we're fine we're fine yeah good excuse I didn't see it I didn't see it until the oh you beat like 14 seconds yeah I wonder why we had a 50 lb piece of metal run it back run it back run it back it back it back it back back it back ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the 97th annual get wet and get upset Nationals today we have the wet Willows against the slippery Satanist who will win who will be the fastest and more more importantly who will be the wetest comment down below right now Ginger are you ready to dominate oh it sounds like they started oh it looks like the slippery fness are iners right now but slithering behind them here comes the the wet Willows and they do it oh this is head tohe head this is Head to Head who got it who got it oh my god oh scoreboard scoreboard look at the two look at the two I reject your reality and substitute my own we're number one I'm going to cry well rumor has it the slippery satanists were spitting on the ground before they went down I don't know if that's a disqualification but I mean the judges aren't saying anything so I think we're just going to let it slide did you see Ginger and I dominated that round I did with your dominatrix that's like we do where' you have your money on by actually I have my money on the slippery sat where's Ginger dude there's no way she's behind this tube right here right no way yeah yeah get it again get it again get it yeah yeah what the f guys I didn't do the dishes one time wait where's Marty [Applause] can you guys tell which one's not real come on Cory we got we got to go buddy come on okay what are the rules so we start here yeah the first person to make it to the other side get first place okay yeah okay and then what happens to the second person they get second place okay so we all know the rules yeah go gck Lex that means die oh go go guys what about you dog I'mma catch up oh my God stop taking it come on Tada where's your Victory boat it's in the van I don't want to to get wet I win oh wait what you got second that's pretty good second place okay I'm not mad that not bad second place wow and not a drop of water you are of course of [Music] course do a flip off the top I can't get up hi everyone hey it's not thir oh here comes Elon does that hurt your knee no no come on pull me in come on pull me in you're going to pull me [Music] up West no I'm holding the camera I don't have any hands free him up you should help him I'm not going to do that P me in in yeah help themy y'all can't y'all can't they can't pull me under that my pizza why did you guys all take the long way long way I never said you had to go through the water go stopped him this is my [ __ ] where are you mate this is so scary where are you guys ah there you are hey got to be able to dance if you're going to be with die you got to be initiated yeah you you got to show us one dance move yeah you know what that dance move is what you got to show us a flare and then you can be in our club you want to see a flare yeah yeah okay okay this kid got some okay this kid's got some gumption okay ah oh go welcome welcome to the club come here that was amazing wait wait wait wait wait wait that was incredible oh hey hey you can't you can't be up here this our CL this is our club house power of the water if you want to be up here with us you got to do a dance move yeah yeah what what move he got to do his back one do that best Dan move oh oh oh oh oh oh hold up hold hold up is that what move is is that oh is that a oh wait a second [Music] [Applause] M no no don't kiss me my move's not done yet wait what what what's what's [Music] left he said turn around he said turn huh oh oh my God you you can't be in our club you can't be in our club too much I can't I can't I'm going to go call my mommy dude I peed a little bit y'all try to go down there I want to go to that one there's another big is this the Beehive one more more one more can I go belly first probably not see you see you is he okay oh it go so fast oh my god oh boy oh boy they together oh my goodness Jerry you're flying should I go yeah go ahead go for it okay oh why am I scared I can't dude I can't it's so fast wasn't that crazy not a little kid ride oh why didn't you yell why did you completely Sil that's Psychopathic wait it's not over wait it's not over halfway this is a glory one oh they have these at 7eleven yeah yep yep go for it who's who's going to go I'm going through oh oh there they are all right guys I've always wanted to be born again Mama point [Music] two why is it so much fun that was fun that was really fun here we go nice m m mama M Mama M M M M [Music] M oh yeah Jack ja huh life jacket jacket when did you become the only sensible one uh cuz I have a fear of drowning oh I don't think it's going to fit me though [Music] oh I that look good okay okay okay godamn that's a that's a ninja Squirtle feel like I'm on Molly that was that was pretty impressive look at this it's like a light show hey it's like a it's like one of those pandas at the zoo just flipping wood yeah it's like a it's like an owl that got Loston yeah for everybody that's watching from home just know you're supposed to have a life jacket on this ride okay and but you know what though because we are running out of tree in this world make sure you subscribe to this Channel and we're running out of tree in this world we need some more tree up in here so if you want to give us a tree all you got to do is click that button and subscribe And subscribe click it click it right now get a tree we running out a tree we're running out a tree we running out a tree are we not are we not over there oh wow oh my God what oh my body power yeah figure it out baby so who do you guys want to save the most to be honest no one if I have to choose I'll say Cory I need to tell you something I need to tell you something I need to tell you oh no I guess we'll never know stop D I can't find where ginger on Ginger are those waves bullying you yes dude let's go get him G get him [Music] let's try they're trying to reach to the end oh yeah yeah do it let's try it let's make it through come on boys wow that is so unbelievably fun that is like a dream come true a complete dream come true just being able to touch Cory with my hands stop wow incredible stop wow I can't even begin to describe how much fun that is oh my god dude I'm dead that was terrifying excuse me excuse me excuse me what I'm saving that see that looks fun you know it was nice knowing you um you know you were a great guy I'll tell Alie you said what's up and have fun thanks Ginger I appreciate that this is going to be so much more chill than the Matts that's the scary one why wait why because wait you haven't heard the stor no should I go in that instead yeah 100% you want to switch you want give me your mat you go no you he the heartbeat why does it do that it's like you're going to Mars you L got a heartbeat in it all right have fun see you in a th years Fe all the way back for me cross your ankles and arms cross your chest lay back careful she's so brave 3 5 2 1 see you see see the [Music] light oh my God that was insane watch the lights when the turn screen go Power Ranger Assemble anything I can't anything oh God I have no idea what is happening right now I have absolutely no idea where I am yeah that's a w okay anyone else got a concussion I I scraped my elbow I scraped my toes you okay with my head back and forth I hit my head back and forth I hit my head my balance boy Dam that was fun that was fun yeah was I couldn't that was fun that was so much fun that was great I like that right that was fun right good you okay Cory yeah that was fun okay last thing of the night the Flow Rider we're going to give it everything we got right everything we got we got just wasted my time all the feelings that I tell the words he said somebody now we're hanging by a thre that is ringing in my head all your friends are now my enemies always tell you what to do can't keep up your going no way oh no always looking for me EAS you're just wasting my time feeling believe the words he said now we're hanging by your and it's ringing in my head like I was blinded by the GoPro so I jumped too early and I landed right on the edge of it all right thank you guys so much for like allowing this to be like our job it's super cool and again leave comments give us things that you want us to try and do videos you want to see and genuinely look in the description you'll see all the goals and videos we're going to be making based on how many subscribers we hit I genuinely going to make a water park if we hit 5 million subscribers that'll be one of the coolest most unique things you can possibly ever find and I really want to invite all of you out to come hang out with us so thanks for watching and see you guys in the next video [Music] fine
2024-07-11 04:42