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Honestly for me so far, Weh Island is going up there as one of my favorite islands in Indonesia. In this video, we're taking you to the northwestern most inhabited island in Indonesia, Weh Island. Wow, you can drive this island for weeks and not get tired of it. We'll be exploring the island by motorbike, sharing a coffee with the locals, and scuba diving in some of the most beautiful waters in all of Indonesia. That was so much fun.

Such a good spot. That was amazing. We're starting our trip from Banda Aceh and we'll be making the 40 kilometer journey to Sabang. So join us on this chapter of our journey as we drive our motorbikes from Jakarta to Sabang across the sixth largest island in the world, Sumatra, Indonesia. Good afternoon guys from here in Banda Aceh. So our last video we were exploring around the city,

visiting the cultural festival, trying some of the food and learning about the history. But today we are heading to Weh Island. So we got about a 20 minute drive to the ferry port and then we're going to board the ferry to Weh Island.

Still a fair bit of traffic out in the city guys, the Aceh Cultural Festival is going on. You can see off to my right. And I'll be honest guys, the driving here is not as bad as Padang or Medan. Medan's the worst, but it is pretty pretty hectic on these roads. People are still driving crazy. Pulling up to the port now.

Alright folks, ticket cleared and we're driving on the ferry. Another ferry for us to take guys. We've taken many ferries around Indonesia to many different islands. Let's park the bikes on this one.

Say bye to Banda Aceh and the mainland of Sumatra. We're heading to Weh Island, not the final leg of our journey, but the second to last final leg of this entire trip from Jakarta all the way to Kilometer 0. Sun is slowly dipping behind the horizon guys and there's Weh Island. Really not that far off the coast from the mainland of Sumatra. You can still see the mainland of Sumatra all the way back there. So I can see the harbor from here guys, back here.

I'm thinking maybe 20-30 minutes until we pull up and dock get on the bikes, get moving. Alright, good afternoon everyone. Back on the road, enjoying some of the beautiful streets of Sabang. We have not been to the beach yet guys and that is a key thing to do here in Sabang.

So we are driving to Iboih beach right now. We have about 40 minutes, nice little drive. Weh Island is freaking sick bro. Look at this, there must be thousands of palm trees up in here in this valley. It is so green, it's almost piercing how green it is. Just absolutely incredible.

The roads here are so nice and there's just nature on both sides of it. The roads are fantastic guys. They probably have a lot of people touring on motorbikes.

You know, everybody wants to get to the Kilometer Nome. They've done just an amazing job on the roads here. I cannot tell you how much fun this is guys. Just driving around this beautiful island with great roads, no traffic, just cruising. We're trying to get to a beach and we just keep going uphill. Oh, that's an incredible view.

That is just insane man. There are so many views here guys. You can drive this island for weeks and not get tired of it. This is some of the driving that we like best. This is so supreme man, perfect.

Here's the sign folks. We'll get a glimpse of the water here guys. Oh yeah, look at that tropical blue baby. What a drive guys. This island is stunning.

So tropical, immediately puts you in a good mood. We're here now at Iboih Beach and that's Rubiah Island. And we're thinking maybe we're going to get on a boat here and try to explore this area.

It's very official here guys. We went to a locket. They have many different options as you can see here on the side.

Snorkeling trip, fishing trip, Pulang Pergi, Keliling, all the options. So we took Keliling. We're going to go around, enjoy the area because we're going to dive tomorrow. So we don't need a ton of snorkeling, 200k. Let's see our guy. Which one's our guy? Is that him right there? That's him.

Twelve. That's us? Yeah. Okay. How come you speak very good Indonesian? Yeah, many people, they think we're mixed. I think in these areas where they have a good bit of foreign tourists, if you speak good Indonesian, like Rob and I, they automatically are very, very impressed and confused at your accent and your language capabilities.

But now, we're on our boat. We're in the boat. All right, let's meet our captain.

What's your name, sir? Roslan. Yeah. Ruslan. Greetings, sir.

Okay. And we are off, leaving here at Iboih Beach. headed for Rubiah.

Immediately from the dock, guys, the water is crystal clear. This area is insane. It's phenomenal. We picked the touring package, but Bapak's trying to get another ride in, you know, get a little bit of extra dough in the pocket. So he dropped us off, which I don't think normally happens. So we're getting a two-for-one deal right now.

Not bad. Let's see. Oh, the hearts are out. Yay. Oh, so nice.

Maybe you want something, coconut? Very nice coffee. Yeah, yeah. What's your name? Robi My name is Zan Nice to meet you Zan Cheyne Where are you from? America America, super power country Like me, super power magic Exactly You're looking? Come on in I don't know where's the sugar or where not Oh he doesn't know which one's sugar and which one's no sugar Here it is Papa, you have to drink one glass Okay, okay, why not Yeah, why not Come on guys, it's gayo land We're fully embracing the tourism spot here It's a big glass bro It's a big glass of Kopi Gayo, just chilling dude We got him a glass, he's got a little slokey going on right now Yeah, no big people Yeah, for tourists Taking a break from my coffee guys because there's a gigantic monitor lizard Hold on, here we go Get up to him for a reference Guys, we saw a tiny one on the beach over there Whoa, he's fast Look at his tail He's fast Damn Get over here Look at his tail I didn't realize their tails were that fat Oh, he's fast What if he comes at you dude? I'm running.

I think he can outrun us They're fast! And they can climb. Look at this guy That's crazy, I think we made it to Komodo guys We made it I'm sure this island is filled with them I bet See you later brother Alright, so that's who we'll be swimming with momentarily That's good, he's going right to the water We are on our way to the Pantai This place is very very touristy It's been a while since we've been in a proper But oh man, there's a ton of people snorkeling Let's go hop in there and join them There's tons of life jackets, there's a sea of orange and yellow We were at one snorkel spot I wonder if we'll see it here But they wanted to take pictures with the fish and the Nemo And so the guy was over top of them Holding people down Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're in I think we're the only people here With no life jacket on Wish us luck Let's do it After a nice swim, we're back Hitting the water, hitting the boat There's our guy We knew it Line overboard Put over line one Line one, over Bring me back to my sailor days Should've been take off line one I really messed up It's been a while bro He's rusty Bapak brought the fishing line out right now He said we're gonna take it nice and slow Go trawling around the island Maybe we'll catch a fish man That's a good deal Tuna Whole area is fantastic guys It is so green, the mountains are so big We didn't know it was this mountainous We just rounded the island guys We're here on the northern tip of it Waters a bit more rocky. We're in the open ocean now And this coastline is so rocky. And then there's Siolak? Seulako Island We've got word that maybe that's where we'll be diving tomorrow We're not positive but It's a very very good possibility But this is just incredible Strike Here we go It's a little one guys, it doesn't seem like it's fighting too hard But a fish is a fish man You know, you figure while he's out here Burning his gas, taking us around Might as well catch some dinner So he's pulling it in here now We're almost here at the end Let's see what we got Hopefully it didn't get off He's reeling in by hand Look how much line we got guys Okay guys Rambu rambu rambu rambu Rambu rambu rambu It's the biggest fish we've seen caught by hand line in person We had a quick drive Over to the other side of the island Our bikes are parked right here on this main road And we're going to a secret beach It isn't that secret Because there's a sign right there There's a sign right here on the side of the road I think at least 5 people have told us about it And there's another guy here So it's not that secret But it looks beautiful Looking through the tree line here guys The sunset is shaping up to be an absolute heater I think we're going to get a good one guys I mean this light is coming in right now And it is hitting Coming off the stones and the water Lighting up all the leaves here This is beautiful This is unbelievably beautiful guys Come on this rock So you can see all this behind me So natural There's not much stuff here, it's not overbuilt There's not too many people Honestly for me so far Weh Island is going up there as one of my favorite islands in Indonesia Seriously I'm sure you've seen today We just had an amazing time And we pretty much have this entire coastline to ourselves We are back at our accommodation Casa Nemo We stayed here last night but we were in a different room Tonight we're checking into a new room, so it should be pretty good here. Here we go, guys. Look at that.

Got two beds. All of our stuff already in here, because they moved it, like absolute angels. Mini fridge, water cooler, fan.

Got our bathroom over here. Roll around through. Whoa, we got a tub. There's a tub in there. Time for a bubble bath, huh? The best part about these rooms, for me anyways, is the balcony. It's dark right now.

You guys won't be able to see much. We're so close to the water right now, and arguably the best beach on the entire island. This place is incredible, guys.

Wait till you see it in the morning. It's insane. We've seen many places here. This is the best place.

This is the place to stay. We're now back near the kitchen. Where the real magic happens, guys. The boy, Kleng.

What are you making right now? I'm making gnocchi abhor. You're making gnocchi? For us or somebody else? For us. For you. For us.

We usually only eat Indonesian food in our videos, but we ate pizza in one, and berestagi, but we're gonna do another non-Indonesian dish tonight, guys. So I hope you guys can appreciate Black Cooking up some Italian food. You learned from, where's the chef from, you learned? The first chef, he's from Medan, my friend. And then I learned about gnocchi from him.

And then you learned pastries as well from where? The chef from Holland. From Holland. Black, where are you from in Aceh? Sigili. A beautiful kitchen back here. I know, the staff here is great.

We've been here for the last few days, but they're all so nice. A lot of them are from different parts of Aceh, and move here for work. There's even a girl here from Harau valley, from Payakumbuh.

Kutri. Kutri's from Harau valley. Payakumbuh, yeah. I'm from Payakumbu.

Payakumbu. Beautiful area. What's so much of Minang pride, guys, Minang kabau But yeah, it's a really nice vibe here, it's great.

Here it goes. This is for the gnocchi al burro. So happy right now. Get up and close and personal on that. Oh my God.

It's been a long time since I've had gnocchi. I don't know if I've had gnocchi in Indonesia. He's waiting for the review. He's been telling me for the longest time. Oh man. Bro, this is so good.

Very good, yeah. Very good. Very good. Oh my gosh. This is insane, guys. The food is incredible here.

The rooms are incredible here. The atmosphere, the people. It's paradise. Light her up.

Hell yeah. Go cheese, baby. Yeah. You got a five star chef. Yeah. Black knows what's up.

That's right. Oh man, he wishes he ordered that. I'm jealous. He wishes.

I am so jealous. Guys, it's been over seven months on the road. It's been a long time. We don't often stay at nice places like this or eat nice meals or fancy meals like this, but it's treat yourself. Treat yourself.

That is a treat. I'm gonna go for gnocchi first. It's perfect. It's perfectly cooked, bro. Everything about it. Wow.

Oh my gosh. Has a nice bite. Those tomatoes are good, man.

Big pieces of squid in there. It's not nasi, guys, but it's still good, right? It's still good. Oh, it's better than nasi. Tonight, it's better than nasi.

This is the grand finale, all right? I'll let the chef explain the dish, all right? Let me look at it first. Oh, look at that. That is gorgeous. What do we got going on here? This is banana cheesecake. It's banana cheesecake? With a orange garnish.

It's got some mandarin on there. This is best seller from Aceh Heritage Village. Okay.

The best seller. Almond on the top. Yeah, I mix banana and cheese cream, and then I mix with sweet milk. Condensed milk, yeah. This guy bakes. This guy cooks.

He does it all, man. He does it all. You gotta move. You gotta move to America. Yes. Someday.

Cheesecake is all-time favorite of mine. Graham cracker crust. I'm dead.

I died and went to heaven. Oh my God. Oh my God.

Good morning. We're back here at Iboih Beach. But today, we are getting ready to go diving. Now Cheyne and I have done a bit of diving, but we've never done it on the channel. For those of you who don't know, me and Rob actually got our advanced certificates in Bali in 2020. We did some liverboards on Komodo.

We dove quite a bit. Not for you guys yet, though. So we're excited to get in the water. This is one of the best spots in Indonesia.

So let's gear up. It's been a while, though. We're a little bit rusty. So let's see how we do. So this is Rubiah behind us.

This is where we were putting around yesterday. There in the distance is Seulako It's a lot nicer weather today than it was yesterday. You can really see how clean the water is, guys. Now we've arrived at the first dive site, guys. It's quite windy today. It's also a bit choppy.

You can see the waves cutting through the ocean, but we're hoping to get a brief real quick for our dive. So the current is going this way. So we're going to start our dive on this side of the rock. And keep your eyes around here, because this place is good for the black tip or white tip or gray reef shark. Good place for the rays. And a lot of moray eels.

And very beautiful. And there are just a lot of GTs that are traveling here. Awesome. And if you like macro, small stuff, but yeah.

I like. Yeah, like nudibranch. Nudibranch, right? So this is our guide, he's fantastic.

Here with Lisa as well. From Switzerland She's a good diver. She's been diving frequently on a dive trip right now, so it should be a good time. You were in Sulawesi and anywhere else in Indonesia? No just Sulawesi Okay guys you can get ready One, two, three, gp. That was so much fun, dude.

That was such a good dive, dude. That was such a good dive. Yeah.

That was amazing. They always start off slow. Yeah, yeah. what am I gonna see? There's a lot of fan coral here. And then, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Everything starts popping up. All right, folks, we came back to the shop. Kopi Dulu. Had to get yourself a coffee. I also had some fish and some rice.

And a little break, we'll call it like an hour. We also have to do our regulated time onshore after the dive. Lisa knows. How long's the time? 1 hour 11 minutes Okay, so we're good. We're good to go. We're in the safe zone.

We're in the safe zone, folks. We don't wanna burst any eardrums or any skulls over here. But decompression sickness. Decompression sickness.

Hyperbolic chamber. Yeah, we want none of that. But we're getting back on the boat again. We're going for dive number two. Good morning, guys. Had a great day diving yesterday.

And then it wore us out. We were pretty tired. So we pretty much relaxed the rest of the day. But this morning, we're back here at Casa Nemo. And we just wanted to show you guys the space in the morning.

Now you can see the view. Last day, guys. Last morning here.

Last couple hours. Gonna enjoy a beautiful, beautiful, nice breakfast here. Now you can see the Bali vibes. Yeah, the sun's coming through the top. It's a great place to enjoy our breakfast where we've been hanging out. But I think we put our orders in.

Maybe we're gonna go down to the beach, get our last dip in the Indian Ocean for who knows how long, guys. Here we are at the bottom of Casa Nemo, guys. Coming onto the beautiful beach. They've also got a nice kind of restaurant patio area here.

Beach bar. Right onto their private beach. One last time, huh? Sums it up perfectly.

The heart. Sabang's been good, guys. Sabang has been amazing. All right.

Say goodbye to the Indian Ocean. I'm getting in. I'm sure some of you guys are wondering if we're heading to the zero kilometer sign, the start of Indonesia on the northern point of this island.

Well, we are, but it's not gonna be in this video. It's gonna be in the next video, which is the culmination of our entire motorbike trip here in Sumatra. So we hope to see you in that one. If you enjoyed this one, don't forget to like and subscribe to see all of our future content.

2024-02-05 11:41

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