On The Road Again! Entering Chumphon, Thailand’s Overlooked City

On The Road Again! Entering Chumphon, Thailand’s Overlooked City

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace  good morning Rocket good morning I hope you   slept well and got all the rest you  need and think about what you did yesterday but we still love you we still love  you let's see if it starts first let's wake him up all right rise and shine sounds good Rocket is ready oh Rocket Rocket what is this rocket has a   surprise for me this morning let's see  no problem there you go good as new so yesterday we left Koh Samui and  we were on our way to Chumphon when Rocket   decided to break down about an hour into our  journey we spent 7 hours at the garage we were   exhausted it was late so we stayed at a hotel  which was only like which was like 8 minutes   away from the garage cuz we were worried  if anything happened at least we're close   to the garage and those guys were really  helpful but we're still like 3 hours away   from Chumphon yeah today is the drive we hope that  rocket is going to behave so we will take you   with us on this journey and we will try to  document as much as we can of the beautiful   places we encounter but also the journey  of us with Rocket exploring Thailand together road trip let's go  rocket I'm slipping away and here we are welcome to Chumphon we are very  close to our jungle villa only 20 minutes   away but look at ahead of us look at that  giant statue of um golden Buddha yeah let's   stop that's the name of it oh yeah  that's a long name look at that he's huge Rocket did a great job rocket  is hot yeah that's pretty hot yeah   let's air him out let him breathe  while we go up and check out the Temple look at how big he is he's huge wow this is a nice find let's  go see the front to see his face the Buddha itself is quite beautiful  but the view that the Buddha is looking at is   also incredible this is what Chumphon looks like it's a coconut plantation   all of it here yeah because there's a lot of  palm oil factories here yeah we drove past a   lot of those oh all the way is the ocean  you see it okay yeah yeah yeah yeah past   all of that that's the coastline I think you  can see Koh Samui and Koh Phangan from here maybe it's one of those what'd you get uh he gave me sugar  cane want to try it yeah have you   had have you had it like this  before I'm not sure oi is sugarcane oh this is a lot you hold  it this way and you eat this half and   don't eat this joint this one is hard uh  top half and use the bottom half to hold   because the bottom is more dirty yeah or  is it more like fibrous no it's just more dirty where are you guys from? From Koh Samui what about her where is she from she's from Hong Kong she's chinese yes but she can speak Thai only a little bit Chinese women are all beautiful how long have you been living in Koh Samui three years now is she beautiful yes very beautiful thank you I'm also handsome yes of course both are handsome and beautiful thank you very much here try it it's so sweet you have to to  bite it off yeah and chew it nice right   it's like chewing paper but the paper  releases a lot of really really sweet   juice and now what do you do with this spit  it where in the yeah spit it in the garbage   you got to spit it though hey you have to  do like the the local Thai people huh chew   it mhm okay spit it in the bin she's looking  just spit in the bin she's looking it's hard to spit because you don't want  to touch it you already chewed it it's full of   your saliva so you want to just spit it out  you missed it completely how can you shoot it   like a far distance can you actually make it  from there to the bin yeah but you don't need   to you just go like this I don't know why you  stand over here and try to I thought you have   to like shoot it out can I have more  they're so yummy cheers so friendly do you   think this is considered countryside this is  very countryside yeah countryside people are   most friendly like that guy just suddenly offered  hey you want sugar cane like sure oh I still have fiber   in my mouth we are here can you believe  it we made it we finally made made it and it's   only 3 in the afternoon we have plenty of time to  explore uh Chumphon after check in wow this looks beautiful all checked in got a local map with  lots of restaurants that we can check out   oh really it seems like nothing much around  here mostly local restaurants oh okay that   would be nice and drip coffee oh okay interesting  yeah I also saw people riding bicycles yes they   have bicycle and kayak for you if you want to  use that kayak yeah and there's a section over   there where they serve you free mini bar free  fruit and toast from 7:30 to 10:30 and from   6:00 to 8:30 is mosquito time oh like we come  out for the mosquito it's like cocktail hour   yeah mosquito viewing time okay let's go check  uh check out our room and go play oh [ __ ] what is it a a scorpion baby scorpion  baby scorpion this is real nature It's a Jungle   house alright real quick to start the new year we  just wanted to say thank you to Squarespace for   continuing to support our work on this channel  whether you need a portfolio website an online   store or a personal blog you can use Squarespace's  award-winning templates to get started they have   really simplified the design tools so it's easy  for you to customize your website to suit your   brand and if you need extra help you can access  their detailed guides and videos in their help   center just head over to squarespace.com for a  free trial and when you're ready to launch go to   squarespace.com/floraandnote to save 10% off  your first purchase of a website or domain now   let's get back to the video hey this is  pretty nice let me give you a quick room tour of   this room as I get to see it for the first time  as well so we have a nice comfortable looks like   a king size bed yeah oh softer than what I was  imagining really nice and we have windows that   have the um mosquito nets oh okay so we can  open it at night which might be really nice   how's the bathroom bathroom is very spacious  we have the toilet shower hot water there is   an upstairs though but I don't think it's a  bedroom and I think it's more like a chilling   place oh I guess you could fit another person  up here oh yeah but there's only um a mat like a   mattress but this looks pretty comfy well you can  sleep here tonight it's really hot here I want to   sleep downstairs where the AC is hitting do you  remember how much we paid for this um I think it   was 1100 Baht a night that's pretty good it's like  30 I think less than $40 a night well for us it's   $85 no for us it's $80 I think cuz because we  uh up didn't show up the first night but it's really nice so they left this over on the  desk there it is a Thailand tourism copy of what   is there to do in Chumphon so I was like looking through  it and Chumphon is beautiful yeah there's so much   beautiful coral and perfect for scuba divers  I think it is definitely on our bucket list to   go check out the Chumphon Pinnacle and all of that  beautiful reef yeah when we were in Koh Tao a lot   of people actually hop on the boat to go to The  Chumphon Pinnacle look at whale sharks yeah whale   sharks and there's like this incredibly Big Fish  incredibly Big Fish I think it's a grouper that's so crazy welcome to the Nara of Thailand  we are at the [ ] which   translates to Deer-watching Bridge  oh okay you can see some of them   in the water already yeah they look  more like reindeers [Laughter] yeah wow you hear that sound mhm he's like ooh  you think it's a mating call yeah pretty much   translates to "hey lady which one  of you want to come over here and get   jiggy with it" well none of the ladies  are showing any interest they're just   busy uh eating I didn't know they sound  like that they sound like cows I thought   they would sound cute I know right oh  look you can buy bananas to feed the deer here oh and that's for fish but how do you feed  the deer do you get yeah you throw it to them okay okay he said you don't have to peel them oh just  give it to them whole but you need to peel it for   me to eat these are the famous one yeah the lady's  finger banana oh they smell really sweet see they   look they skinny and long yeah like your fingers  look my finger hardly looks like a lady I think the lady's looking at me  like that's for the deer it's not for you it's really sweet it's  um actually a really good   banana I feel like do I want to give  this all to the deer you want to try nice and firm sweet yeah that's  delicious it's almost like condensed sweetness delicious mhm these deer are lucky the deer come all the way over to the bridge  for you to feed them the ducks the ducks also want banana are you a comedian or what I was waiting   for you it's a wrong deer  that's a fake one was over there I'm so scared oh I dropped in the water  because I got scared he didn't even get that one   okay okay let's try again oh my God that looks  so scary he's still trying to get it from the water hi you're so handsome wow look at you wo they're so beautiful   with the antlers I should feed the  ladies too okay I'm going to feed the ladies actually I'm supposed to go this way oh she got it good job what did you learn I learned only one  thing because everything else is in Thai this this   type of deer is called the Rusa Deer and I looked  it up online they are deer that originated more in   Indonesia and they live in the Southern Hemisphere  and the ones with antlers are the males without   antlers are the females and they are herbivores  so they eat the grass the leaves um any fruit   that they find uh of course all the bananas we  all throw across the pond and they don't drink   water what yeah they don't drink water even though  they're surrounded by water but they don't drink   water they consume all of their liquids through  the food that they eat oh interesting so I think   they must be really thirsty in the daytime they  would hide in the shade and only come out in the   evenings pretty cool Rusa deer dear oh look they  spelled deer wrong that one is oh dear   typical Thailand that bridge seems to be  empty yeah I just asked the locals they said it's closed oh too dangerous for tourists to walk on it  beautiful isn't it mhm that one's very beautiful   this whole area is very beautiful especially  during this time of day when the deer is out and   it's not too hot mhm you get this constant Breeze  coming in overall it's a beautiful Park I love it good morning from this  beautiful m angrove right next to   our hotel so we woke up early to get the  kayak out because it is so beautiful yeah   I love kayaking through the mangrove  forest it's way better than kayaking  on the beach for sure because it's so  calm and peaceful and peaceful and you   can see a lot of wildlife wait what wait  don't go over there no they don't attack you you're scared I'm a bit nervous going to the side  because literally minutes before I just saw   this 2 m long monitor lizard swim across the  mangrove and into this area so apparently they   won't attack but it looks like a crocodile which  is pretty scary but aside of the scary monitor   lizard uh there's also a lot of beautiful like  egrets and bluebirds um yeah it's uh pretty amazing   I have to say I think this is a huge highlight of  this hotel is the cute jungle villa but also this   beautiful mangrove that you have access to with uh  The kayaks that are free for rent um at the hotel hello welcome to Thailand thank you we are here at this place is called which   "Kanomjeen Baan Khunya" which means Grandma's house it does look  like Grandma's house it's pretty cute here are the vegetables if it's not enough you can have more thank you okay I think it's probably easy for  you to tell what the curries are but   I think I should I should test them  and try to guess what they are this   one quite obvious is the Thai fish organ  sour soup I think this one is strong that's yummy oh really is it  fishy it is fishy has a slight organ   taste at the end but is not what I  was expecting this one next this is   probably sweet that is delicious  sweet curry sauce this one fish curry now I think this might be the organ  one it all tastes good good good that's   really really delicious and do you know  how much all of this cost is it like 60 each   no no they only charge us for the noodles 40  40 and everything else is free all this is refillable that's what happens when we're in  like Countryside Thailand everything's so   cheap I feel like Chumphon has a lot of hidden  gems mhm that's pretty amazing all of them are   yummy I was a bit scared about two of them but  it's all yummy and aside from these they also   have crab curry sauce which is my favorite  and I was thinking if I didn't like them I   would get that but this is really good and  rice salad which is a very Southern dish   as well mhm wow but this is enough food for  now this is plenty of food let's eat that's so funny you have an actual cup  on the beach it's like a fragile cup too this   is so nice who would have thought Chumphon has such  beautiful beach and it's long and the sand is so   soft this is really soft yeah Chumphon has 200 km  worth of coastline so there are probably tons   of amazing beaches here this is just one of  them and it's so cool to see wind surfers out   today it must be really hard to swim in this  rough water today but that looks really fun I   didn't know you can jump so high with that  that's yeah that's crazy about 10 m mhm at least I have to be honest I wasn't especially  excited for Chumphon I mean there are certain   provinces in the north that I was really  excited to go visit but Chumphon is like okay   we're going to go by here we might as well stop  and see what it's like but surprisingly I have   been so amazed yeah I've been amazed with  how friendly the people are how delicious   the food is and there's so much untouched  natural beauty in this province Chumphon has has been pretty amazing and definitely  kind of a hidden gem in Southern Thailand   we hope you enjoy Chumphon as much is we  did thank you so much for watching and   as always have a Wonderflo day we'll see  you in the next one bye bye-bye rocket say bye [Beep Beep]

2024-01-11 06:28

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