NOBODY Tells You About This in LISBON, PORTUGAL! (SAVE $)

NOBODY Tells You About This in LISBON, PORTUGAL! (SAVE $)

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how are you guys today we're in Lisbon  and one thing I noticed that since I got   here from the airport I started to smell  hey an amazing smell everywhere I went   so I'm here for three days and I got a surprise  for you guys but in this video I'm not going to   show you that surprise in this video we're gonna  go try tons of Portuguese food specific to Lisbon   I'm super hungry I'm ready to binge let's go on a  food tour in Lisbon vamos now one of the reasons I   travel in love to experience local cultures is  to try to understand the origin of the humans   from each place I've often wondered about my  own Origins and how this influences me while I   travel and why I connect to certain places more  than others that's why I've decided to partner   with my Heritage DNA the world's leading DNA and  family tree history service to really trace my   own Origins and find out where the heck I'm from  the process was simple I simply ordered the kit   online and it arrived at my house in a few days  where I was able to follow the clear step-by-step   directions before mailing the test kit back to the  lab where it would take around three to four weeks   to get my results don't worry your DNA results are  completely private and my Heritage is committed to   never sell or license your genetic data meaning  you are the sole owner of this data all right   you guys it is the moment of truth I'm going to  see where my ancestors are from let's check out   the DNA results I'm so ready I've been wondering  this practically my whole life let's go oh my God   oh [Music] 37.8 Scandinavian okay okay all  right I knew that a little bit 32.6 English   all right I'm white very white 14.9 Eastern  European all right I perhaps got some checking   me some Polish or perhaps some Russian 4.4 Irish  Scottish and Welsh I'm a bit surprised I thought   I had a little bit more Irish in me with my  red beard 10.3 three or more ethnicities okay  

whoa whoa like some Spanish in me are  you kidding are you kidding oh I got   some Iberian blood in me yes around 10  no way no way wow I can't believe it but by far the most fascinating part about  discovering your Origins is also discovering   facts about your extended family using the  family tree future for example I discovered   that I have cousins in other states that I  didn't even know about I even discovered I have   an extended relative in the Netherlands perhaps  I just unlocked my path to European citizenship   additionally my Heritage has color enhancing  technology that can bring your old relatives   black and white photos to life absolutely  fascinating if you're into this type of stuff   you can buy your own DNA kit using the link in the  comment or description below using the coupon code   Elliott e-l-l-iot for free shipping as an added  bonus you can start a 30 free day trial with   myheritage best subscription for family history  research and enjoy a 50 discount if you decide   to continue it again use the coupon code Elliott  e-l-l-iot using the link below for free shipping   where do I get good food good food I see see Chicago Bulls America thank you nice guys you want girls yes because I like the  very girls you like American Girls what   about no no Portuguese girls or American  Girls all right are you are you from here   where are you from where it is foreign now one thing that distinguishes Lisbon are these  trams here now this is the 24 line which is the   one that's less famous than the famous 28 tram but  as you can see you got in here taking it on their   daily stroll really you feel like you're back in  time in Lisbon in fact it's the second oldest city   in all of Europe older than Rome right it's second  oldest behind Athens so yeah a lot different field   than Spain although we're in the Iberian Peninsula  Gotta Love coming to Lisbon all right let's go now I'm on the search for one of those  pork or beef sandwiches the bifana   because they got this nice thinly sliced pork and  it's kind of cold you guys and it's very mellow   Vibe here today it's um Thursday evening and the  very beginning of February I really don't have   that many expectations for Lisbon so I'm just kind  of yeah going with the flow not used to this type   of Vlog I'm used to an Adventure but we're gonna  make an adventure out of this sister sister and I've just been walking around forever I think I'm  in bairo Alto right now which is pretty Central   and I just can't get over how quiet it is here on  a Thursday night hardly anyone walking no traffic   it's kind of spooky to be honest but I don't  know it feels like I have the city to myself   now I think there's a lot of restaurants  here so like I said I'm stuffing I just   want to get some food eat my way through  the city in preparation for tomorrow I gotta love the super box [Music] Verde well you guys this whole time I've been  searching for food the only thing I could   find were these little convenience stores  these little fruit and vegetable stores   so I'm gonna sit down and have myself my  first super Bach since two summers ago   um that's a lie I had one in Gibraltar but this  one's better because it's straight from Lisbon now you can't come to Portugal without  getting the famous pastel de nata   so we're gonna go get it right here  the custard pie a little local cafe now you don't have to go to the famous  places to get these things these are   literally everywhere and one other thing  that makes them so good so unique is that   very few people except for the people  that prepare it know the actual recipe   it's very rich in flavor very sweet perfectly  uh baked got a nice crust let's give it a go [Music] um [Music] never at night in the day in  the day okay Obrigado [Music] say Cabo Verde precios what's your name yeah Miguel Elliot nice to  meet you bro all right you guys we're gonna   try the famous bifana what's beefana it's  Pork yeah all right can you record maybe   all right you guys we're gonna try  the beefana nice hot sandwich it's   cold out smells good it's got a  nice sauce I think garlic sauce [Music] so let's do that wow I gotta say  man such a simple sandwich is so good wash   it down with the super box I would probably  eat these every single day if I lived here   amazing amazing another thing is you guys I almost  have heard these uh informal places where you   stand up you chit chat with the other guys eating  and drinking like so everyone's relaxed not a   formal sit-down place I really prefer these types  of places whether it's in Spain here in Portugal   okay I don't think it's like the traditional ball  that they serve but let's give it a go it's cold wow some people say that the salted cod is far  too strong for their liking I actually quite   like it because now I've gotten used to eating  seafood and fish in Spain but yeah if you're   not like you know from a coastal area you're  from Central United States most people don't   like seafood and so yeah it does have a distinct  strong taste but I do really like it guys that   was only five euros and 10 cents for the bakalao  the nice size bifana sandwich the pork sandwich   and the beer there so yeah very happy with  that let's go find some more food in Lisbon   see you it's a night for nicular I think that's  how you say it because Lisbon is made on so many   Hills you guys I have been putting on a lot of  steps so it's easy to burn off those beer those   Cod calories so yeah do bring your walking  shoes Lisbon is a little bit more rustic a   little bit more beaten up the infrastructure  is kind of crumbling but I think that's what   adds to the charm of the city all right you  guys so I found a place called Super Mario wow looks good I heard good things about it I got  recommended let's go check it out oh wow Obrigado   wow you guys saw it I think we found the  perfect local joint here called Super   Mario I got some like veggie soup to start  which was only two euros and it's chorizo   which was also three euros and of course  gotta have the super box soup is absolutely   perfect because it is a little bit chilly  outside it's a bit nippy let's give it a go wow creamy you can taste so many vegetables  in this soup I was actually looking for   what's called Caldo Verde which is like a  green broth it translates directly which   is a soup with a kale or spinach and other  vegetables that's famous here with chorizo om so far the Portuguese food experience  has not disappointed I got a surprise   dish coming that has some interesting  history so we're gonna see that next wow now we got some Fair water from Cape  Verde which is a former Portuguese Colony   it's one of the interesting things about  Portugal is all the diaspora we got Brazil   we've got former colonies in Africa so  it's all the Mercantile trade throughout   the centuries obviously there's been a mix of  concoction a transformation of the flavors of   the ingredients that Portuguese food contains  and therefore we do have dishes likewata from   Cape Verde and also the one from Brazil  that have since came back to Portugal   and you know became their own recipes which  are very famous here so this is just like a   mix of garbanzo beans beans potatoes pork some  greens maybe collard greens let's give it a go [Music] wow has a similar taste to fabara  asturiana from Asturias Northern Spain very   hearty great in the winter loads of calories  loads of nutrients a very good flavor a little   bit salty but not too salty and as I said you  guys it's very cold here this really hits the   spot in the winter it is very fatty but yeah you  just gotta savor it take the flavor in think about   the history you got to think about the legacy of  Portugal and all the exploration they were the   ones who started the Age of Exploration reaching  the eastern part of the world treating the spices   different flavors bringing them back to Europe  you know it was revolutionary for that time for   the Age of Exploration and this is kind of what  you see the legacy of it For Better or For Worse   the chorizo and the soup filled me up along with  the beer I mean I'm eating like a king in Portugal   this is only going to be around 15 Euros so  yeah we've still got two more days of eating   we're gonna be going to different neighborhoods  we're gonna be trying things that we haven't   seen yet and I'm gonna be trying to explain  the food here so that when you guys come to   Portugal you can try the stuff that is local  not through the tourist traps you know come to   these local joints just have a great time because  food is everything when it comes to travel that's   something that brings all of us together so I  met a local here at German and Portuguese guy   he told me that this street was a famous street  there were so many local joints and Super Mario   is the last one standing so cheers the street  the famous street for the mom and pop shops we   have the jinjina which is the cherry liquor  specific to Portugal so let's give it a go nice and sweet very cherry-esque not part at all  very sweet it ain't success good morning guys   it's my second day here in Lisbon and I'm still  super hungry I slept like a baby last night with   all that food oh all that beard it's been so  good and I just woke up I could just smell the   food emanating from the Alleyways going into my  hostel so we're in search of some more authentic   food today so let's go explore a district  called alafama I think it's called which is   one of the more trendy historic neighborhoods  here in the hills and go find some local food   some bacalao maybe some Caldo Verde some seafood  let's go see what happens say hi to the tourists that's how we always roll so the pastelerias here you guys are just  absolutely amazing and they don't only have   sweet food and coffee they've got sometimes beer  they've got salty food local food as you guys saw   previously I got some bacalao there which is cod  I got um a bifana sandwich so yeah the pastelerias   in Portugal are king and in fact um I learned  over the years of traveling that a lot of the   Portuguese immigrated to places like Venezuela  Brazil they brought their pastelarias and their   recipes to those countries and of course so in  Venezuela some of the best bakeries are these   pastelarias that have origin in Portugal it's  just an absolute beautiful day today my parents   back in Wisconsin sent me a photo of negative 20  degrees Fahrenheit snowy cold frigid weather in   Wisconsin I do not miss that I'll take this any  day one of the sunniest places in Europe along   with like the Costa Del Sol in southern Spain and  the Mediterranean in general you can't get enough   sun it's a great place to live during the winter  and it's obviously not super hot here so you still   gotta dress a little warm but it's not freezing  balls like up north in Europe so I found click   on this little place here on the side of the road  it was empty and it's a little pastel area so they   got sweets but also like I said they have salty  things so we got a little Cod tortilla you can   see there's some vegetables in it and the Cod I  just want to get used to this taste because later   I'm going to try a bigger Cod dish so let's give  it a go good morning Bon Appetit for breakfast I like the texture you can taste the  vegetables with the fish at the same time   not too salty not bad and it's said that  there's just so many ways in which they   prepare bakalao here like you know the  grandma can prepare it at home you grow   up eating different versions of bakalao you  just can't get enough of it here in Portugal   okay you guys so we've came to this little joint  little hole in a while I love these places and I   got the famous Caldo Verde which I was recommended  online so we got I think it's kale he said or   spinach either or potatoes and just a very simple  broth and there's a little piece of chorizo in   there but yeah gotta love it when it's really  cold outside let's give it a go hmm it almost   tastes like potato soup that you grew up with  in the United States with kale or spinach very   simple very delicious they make it right here this  local joint and as you see everybody's here eating   very close together this is the true lifestyle  in Lisbon something about me you guys is I'm a   really simple guy if I find something that I like  in terms of food I just keep eating it so like   here we got the spicy olive oil with the Chile  and we have the bifana this time with cheese so   this is like the fourth time I've ate a bifana  here they're only like three or four Euros and   they're the pork sandwiches I cannot get enough of  them so I would eat these every single day almost   if I could if I lived here and I'm gonna soak it  in while I can so yeah let's try this again hmm it's similar to a pulled pork sandwich you  guys that we would eat in the United States   you know Southern United States Texas Etc  but just a little bit different the pork   is obviously prepared differently here and  while this spicy stuff is really spicy now   you can also eat it with mustard Which is popular  right here we got the mustard let's give it a go   Al [Music] so the bifana sandwich is a staple  of Lisbon food so you have to absolutely try   this they're basically everywhere do not  miss the bifana now we're walking in the   alafama district and here's a church that wasn't  destroyed during the Great Earthquake of 1755.   that completely totaled the city and this  neighborhood is quite interesting quite cool   I don't think I'm gonna get any food  here I'm actually really full so I'm   trying to walk off those calories to get  hungry for the next place we're gonna go we're here in the banks of the tagus river that's  of great importance to the amberian peninsula but   in particular Portugal because of this strategic  location of the city next to the Atlantic Ocean   well the Portuguese were the pioneers during the  Age of Exploration they invented the caraval the   Swift boat that can navigate through the West  African Coastline eventually cross the ocean   it all started right here in the banks of the  tagus river and in the distance there we have   a long suspension bridge I think it's one of the  longest suspension bridges in Europe it actually   looks like the Golden Gate Bridge yeah Lisbon's a  really picturesque place you guys so we're gonna   end this food tour with a very popular recipe here  this is called something like that I think it's   like shredded potatoes and cod almost looks like  hash browns so shredded potatoes and cod let's go mmm and it does have the  texture of shredded potatoes   a mixture of like kind of fried but or baked  baked shredded potatoes we got some tomatoes and there's only nine euros and 40 cents we're  gonna walk down with a stout beer yeah guys this   is like real proper food I'm happy to say  that my whole three days here in Portugal   or two and a half days I haven't eaten anything  like kebabs or Indian food pizzas none of that   stuff only local Portuguese food and that's  what it's all about when you guys travel you   know you gotta come eat this loaf of food there's  a lot to offer but you got to do a little bit of   research so that's why I like to show you guys  what I'm eating so you guys can do it yourself   all right you guys so we ate our way through  Lisbon uh it was great this is a food Paradise   I definitely suggest that when you come here  go to these mom and pop shops he's holding the   walls get the local food it's not too expensive  unless you go to the tourist traps of course   and yeah we'll see where I go next  so I hope you guys enjoyed that video   I'll see you from another place not exactly  sure where Adventure La peacing out hasta luego [Music]

2023-04-09 14:14

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