No Man Left Behind | A Ride To Remember | Grand Canyon Hermit's Rest | RV Lifestyle Off Grid Living

No Man Left Behind | A Ride To Remember | Grand Canyon Hermit's Rest | RV Lifestyle Off Grid Living

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are you warming up in the blanket H before we  go on our ride all right guys we are getting   ready to go on a bike ride to the Grand Canyon  I posted a uh cute little picture of pumpkin and   bed with Papa uh and all of her stuff here so  it's uh you know you got to have your dogs on a   leash she hates that but at least we'll have it  with us she's going to be uh in my new pack the   whole time uh I bought this and I think I did  a video on it last night I can't remember I'm   so tired um this was broken so this morning I got  up and I fed it back through and then I just did   a really crappy uh hand sewing job just to try to  keep this in there so basically she sits in there   it's got a nice little platform which uh there's  no connectors right here to connect this to the   straps on your chest so this kind of like Falls  forward but we'll see I might have to modify it   anyway it's got her water bowl got her dog food  I got her little sweater it's only supposed to   be 65 today at the Grand Canyon and then these  we have them but hopefully we won't uh well at   least you know when she has to go potty she has  to have that leash on so we're definitely taking   that uh I'm not going to put that on her yet we  can put that on her when when she needs to have   the leash on she doesn't like clothes but she's  going to have to put this on it's just too cold   out there uh for her to be out there that long  I am going to put her blankie in there so I'm   going to go get that right now thank you Scotty  just got out of the shower so he's uh my once a   month shower whether I need it or not oh you guys  I've got such messes I finally got up there and   got that cleaned out and that's all the crap that  came out of there all right so I'm going to bring   this I'm I am really loving this pack because  you'll see when I put it on it crisscrosses in   the back hopefully it'll be a lot easier on my  back for carrying her and you guys remember I'm   breathing hard because this elevation just gets  me so anyway once I get her get her get this put   on I'll put put her bed in there and all of that  we're going to go for a bike ride we can't go for   a bike ride H she's sitting in my electric blanket  yeah all right let's get going they're going to   meet everybody's going to meet in about 10 minutes  it's Cent her Camp let's go let's go come on let's go she didn't need her breakfast I might have  to bring that with me I am in here uh I just   roasted I forgot about him a little bit but I  was roasting some raw cashews uh just to put   in my bag I've been intermittent fasting so  I won't be able to eat till 1:00 but at 1:00   if we're still in the canyon uh we're going to  ride the the rim I guess not down in the canyon   but I want to have something all right Missy  I got to get your stuff together I'm talking   about the whole thing is tilts all right guys  we got all our bikes in we're ready to roll I   don't know where aie is I'm not sure if A's going  with us or not hope so I do too oh yeah we got to   take her truck we got how many bikes we got over  here so three or two two over here so two three   four five 6 7 eight I think we have or total  eight and then there's more down there ready   you go huh you ready to go pumpkin all right  it's almost time to go our our leave time was 9:30 so I had a little oops with my helmet  that it's broke so I'm going to have to get   a new one it's really not appropriate for  ebike riding um thank you you know it is   what it is I just have to I I wanted to get  her basket first I kind of backwards but I   wanted to be able to take her so that was in  the budget for this month I think I think my   helmet will be next month's budget we've got  some new things got a new bike so soon we'll   be showing you that all right we'll see you guys  in a few all right we are all in the vles we are   heading out we have three vehicles I don't  know how many bikes we have a lot I think   we're at like 13 yeah and look at this you guys  pumpkin's little pack is perfect for her to sit   here and I realized when we're when we have  time I'm going to figure out how this can   strap onto here and then she can sit up high  and then I can clip her in if we have to but   you know what the best part is Terry it matches  my ter it does safety or Comfort it matches she   she wants oh hang on Punk hang on don't be  jumping up there yet I got to get a hold of you all right off to the canyon we go okay  what what are what trail or what are we doing   Bruce Bruce is the organizer of this so what I  honestly they AA told me Herman's pass oh it was   AA I you just put you were just the messenger  yes okay yep we have an air pump oh that's good all right so it was aa's idea to go so I  guess hermit's pass I think it's like 2 and a   half miles right I I saw something about it I  I wasn't really sure if that's exactly where   we were going like Scott well by the time you  stop and everything we were going to leave from   T on oh and you can do that and that makes  itot we should have done that that makes it   like 5 miles longer six miles long that would  be fun and then we don't have to worry about   the pass or something yeah oh oh bumpity bump  all right I am not filming all the way out on   this road you guys it's just way too bumpy  so we'll see you guys when we get down the   road all right that is I'm not sure how long  that took us what 30 minutes or something BR   how long is it to get over here do you know  it's like 25 minutes okay so we're entering   tusion it takes long to come here as it does to  get out of the property and if you want to camp   right outside this is 302 to the right okay  so 302 T of dispers oh free BLM up that way that's oh they also have the  Grand Hotel that you can stay up Scotty and I have only been here once  so not real familiar withed doing the old   Burger King or McDonald's whatever okay  maybe that's Jake in front of Trading   Post oh I have been to I've been to  the Trading Post so Jake he has my   bike so you can go in there and get some  trinkets the Grand Canyon Visitor Center   looks pretty yesterday when I looked at the  map it was a 48 minute wait it said I don't   know what that was about 48 minute wait for  what to get into the canyon oh are they doing hope that's one the reason I Pizza and Pasta she's just relaxed in her little  new bed she's been very relaxed she got   up early she's not used to getting  up that early Canyon entrance one mile see private vehicle 1 to 7 Days 35 bucks or  you can have the pass like Michelle has Michelle   what do you see Michelle has her pass so she's  going to she's going to get us in here and it's   for a car load right you cannot put people in the  trunk though it's not okay it's not okay we used   to do that at the drive I thought it was good for  five people but maybe it's sh somebody duck down   oh we are only five people I can count damn oh  is it only for five I thought it was before Oh   I don't I thought it was for you know it probably  is a car load there it doesn't say anything okay   I just saw the elevation 6772 we are at higher  elevation than Aza Canyon pass one year 70 agency   senior pass 80 for a lifetime yeah you guys should  okay but is that at 7 is that at 62 or 65 I no I'd   go up and see oh active US military pass one year  free there you go perfect ask we get up yeah we'll   ask about the senior citizen all right we next  not too bad of a wa I think that was like maybe 10   minutes cash is not accepted here guys you have to  have I guess a debit okay oh Visa Visa yeah that's   what you have to have cash not accepted and if you  have your pass you have to show an ID so you can't   come here with somebody else's pass no I don't  let you do that otherwise someone I'm glad you   brought your ID because other people did not bring  their ID that are with us yeah me too you never   know what will happen let pull up for me hello  hello welcome thank you any questions no what is   your senior age what2 all right on have a great  day thank you okay 62 so Scotty next year will   be able to get a pass jy's going to buy her pass  this year year woohoo so this is only Scotty and   I's second time at the Grand Canyon and I have to  tell you it was on my bucket list for the longest   time and the first time we came I guess it's what  two years ago mhm it was kind of a deflating um   visit it just wasn't things were closed Co had  just kind of stop you know things were starting   to open back up so we didn't get to go and do all  the things that we had looked at all of our lives   at the Grand Canyon so it was just kind of uh  it wasn't this big wow thing so hopefully this   is going to be a little bit better I know we're  not going to go check out all the open uh areas   of the visitor center and stuff like that but  I think we'll be able to see a little bit more   today especially taking our bikes it's always  fun to have the bike so wonder how far the way   it would be just did you feel the same way when  we went to the Grand Canyon I've been to the   Grand Canyon when when I was a young child with  my parents Oh I thought that was your first time   it didn't look any different then no always looks  the same Bruce you've been how many times um four   times Jen I've probably been to Grand Canyon 10  times four times one year I think it was 2 or 3   years ago wow Michelle one time with a dog don't  recommend it a husky yeah husky that pull hard   yeah pin will be just fine she's she's going to be  in my uh in her basket all the time pretty much oh   so we just passed the sign it said do not approach  wild elk and we the first time we were here yeah   yeah don't approach the wildlife we see enough of  that on TV with people that approach the wildlife   and uh what is it yellow yellow stone you don't  want to end up on the Evening News okay don't   don't P the on top of it yeah oh here's the elk  right here little gir some girlies I don't know   if you guys will be able to see so cute Blended  in really well in there there I think they weigh   more than us and see and there's a trail right  here and the campground is right here so so you   I didn't real you can camp in here yeah so the elk  are very close oh maybe that's what the backup was   maybe they were in the road it get cold here cold  yeah I got cold okay well you you can control your   window I'll turn the AC off down cuz it's like  56° is it 56 oh that's what it says oh wow yeah   I got to say my heater ran twice last night so  I know it just dropped a degree well I brought   layers of clothing so one layer yeah I well I  have what I have on two layers and then I have   a jacket and I have a sweater and I have pumpkin's  little shirt that was cind all right they said the   parking lot is full next parking two miles it  said it said two miles okay uh we're following Jake yeah did you find out how much  you did you find out how much it was   going to be parking lot is full there's a  spot there's two spot three spots there's   a whole lot of spots spots there for what's  going on can we go in oh wow oh we can't turn in probably go right for this one okay all right  well we got to find Aza anyways Jake is in front   of us oh no is that Jake okay so Jake's in  front of us knows where we're going and then   AA might be oh there's a police officers I will  try to talk to those guys and see if we can come   up with they I would assume those guys going i'  follow Jake he knows where we're going I assume   they're talking with a I'm assuming who's in who's  in that rig right now I'm actually not even we're   up at the they know where we're going tomorrow  tomorrow I'm going okay we can quit it there it   is okay are we done here's the Grand Canyon you  guys we're there they can't see very well pumkin   wants to see the Grand Canyon Okay um I'm tied  up tomorrow and then Thursday morning you guys   you just really can't see through these trees so  maybe Thursday afternoon or Friday it's going to   weigh Shrine of agent ,000 lb so the most he  can really carry is all 14,000 lb which um I   think we might have already seen Shrine of Ages  I'm not even sure what that is it's just GNA be   so nice to be on our bikes because we can we can  check things out I don't know what that really   is it won't carry 10 yards I'll tell you that  grave what thatting 22 or whatever that's cuz   it's a truck and trailer oh it is a grave there  there's a grave in here know that graveyard may   you be lucky enough to live at some or Die  Do not feed or approach Wildlife you don't know oh there's some kind of Trail over  there do we get to run over pedestrians   no I got my horn ready dingling dingling  I don't have a horn on my bike you have   to practice like me oh dingling dingling  dingling Terry we need to go shopping I   know we need to get some bike stuff yeah  and you always yell out to the right to   the right and they go oh oh oh which way  do I go it's the best thing ever it's funny least we'll be going uphill first did  you say l d d is D is yeah D is in dog so   there's c and d right there so I turn  yeah a d yeah you go left well that's   cool oh that's the lost and found can  you imagine all the lost and found that   they find hopefully it's not like lost  hiker place that's interesting this dead end that's where the train comes in would  that be cool we all wanted we want to never   organiz it's kind of expensive though have  you guys heard about the well you know it's   always great for you guys because it's only  one person but Scotty and I have to double everything oh we're going way down here wait we   never seen these buildings where all the  donkeys are or the mules yeah why didn't   we park like further Clos to the ram so  we might go off the edge here's all the donkeys oh look there's some bicy oh that smells fun oh this is going  to be so awesome I love having the ebikes   it just it makes life so much funner  doesn't it oh it does cuz you just you   can explore so much more no through traffic  huh it just means it's a dead end probably   I assume if you got find there spaces  in there there's a rent me RV man style I feel like we should have done the one  up front if there's that few be where   did snaky go okay turn to the right  put on it and make it keep going I   don't know where AA went oh there's  Jeff Jeff sorry you got his bike out yeah is there room right beside this big RV here  for a while oh I could get in there yeah they   made their oh yeah going to be in there yeah yep  perfect come on get in there let's see she wants   to get in there but I'm going have to wait for  Scotty to help me uh put her in there and then   I got to get grab all my other stuff oh my gosh  this is a big group you guys it is I just picture   of it has anyone counted I think there's 11  one 2 three 4 five 6 7 eight 9 10 11 of us   Ling bikes okay and now we'll see how many make  back look at Auntie AA hey M I have no idea look   at py look at you look so comfortable she's like  oh no got a little blanket it breathes through   the sides nice and it's nice because it's nice  and flat that's awesome yeah she loves it and   it FS so much better than the backpack yeah  well oh up front I'm sure she probably didn't   need her blanket you can see her better like in a  backpack and she's on your back if she well yeah   no the backpack we were putting in front and and  folding the FR down I see and it worked it was   that reminds me of that lady at the um meet up  that had her cat in a backpack but it was like a   globe and the cat was just like looked miserable  like cuz she was talking to somebody and the cat   was in the sun that's awful my sister has one  of those backpacks for her hairless cat it's   cute all right all right now to you guys oh  you guys you know what we forgot I forgot my   little uh plastic band that I used so you guys  don't hear a bunch of rattling well I forgot   it nothing I can do about it so let's get you  guys in here and see how you guys are going to   ride gotty we forgot the uh little Mount thing  that we the little rubber thing that we put on   here so it doesn't smash but we are on we are  on uh ASA right yeah yeah let me see you guys I don't I won't know if you guys  are Level until I get on my bike oh here comes the train the train guy waved me all right Let's uh let's see  if I can get on here with pumpkin   now this is just a totally different setup for me hey that train must have  forgot to pick somebody up somebody missed the train miss the station all right this is it right H that's what happened to my  other one too my other little hot bike drive at night back turn wheel I don't want hey Jen Jen we should just  take aa's mirror she doesn't even   use hers look at a everybody check  their horns beep I don't have a yet Jen and I are GNA take your mirrors you don't  even use them okay oh wait wait wait wait my seat   is way too high hang on guys sorry I can't go any  lower what do you need think checking mine's as   low as it can go I'm a shorty I can't um babe  I can't push it hard enough so am I look at me let's see if that's good oh pull up the  pants pull your pants up pull the pants up yeah all right sorry I got to turn mine on I'm going to put  it on too why my seat is still too high wonder why oh yeah you need your pedal okay ready punk ready okay go ahead oh don't  run in the oh my God ni that was close be careful AAS okay no trains coming oh uh could you guys keep going  nobody wants to be stuck on the   track we're in the middle of the road keep going over here Hey where's my husband huh I thought Scott was way back there thank you okay I'm going to have to  put my jacket on it is cold Breezy oh hi k what's going on there Scott I'm like what's going on up there Scotty hey Jen huh yep look oh wait wait  don't look cuz we're riding our bike I got   her a new basket she loves it it's cold  though I'm going to have to stop put my   jacket on I didn't think it was going to  be I might have to put pumpkin's uh little   sweater on her too I know she's got her  little blanket but it might be a little   too Breezy oh yeah it's Breezy oh yeah Scotty  I'm stopping it's too I got to well I guess we   can stop down here at the Grand no I got  everything in my backpack I came prepared oh all right you guys if you guys are hearing  a clatter it's cuz you guys are hitting the um you're hitting my uh display everybody's here I need to pull over  somewhere though I got to put jacket on do it   now yeah let's pull Let's cross the can we  yeah can we cross the road and get off the path I know I'm a Problem Child but there's more room over here for us okay  this is good yeah I'm going to put my dick I got   to have help though because I'm going to have to  takech pumpkin oh no I'm not going to take pumpkin off oh look at this how about how about if I park  you guys right over here while I do this so hang on look at that beautiful look winter hi winter hi baby all  the way across get enough speed I've SE this   beautiful are you going your jack she's  I think she's warm she's fine mhm you're   look like tourist at all we totally do I even  have a remote mic on my this has controls I   did you have it depressed no I did not that's  what I mean I don't like being I'm going to   try to warn you again warn you next time for  anyone that's uh afraid of heights before I   point the camera down into the canyon so  pretty all right I think we're ready to go get moo kog pumpkin winter she's doing good  is she doing good is this your first time at the   canyon it's my second but remember but you've  never been to hermit's I mean Road have you it   was pretty much all closed so it was kind of like  okay isn't this beautiful this is better yeah cuz   I feel like it's open like it's well the further  we go down the less um tourists are there so it's   much nicer this area was closed the last time we  were here open they do close it yeah from time   this is cool yeah and it is always closed to um  vehicles vehicles can't come here unless you're   like handicapped then they allow you to oh okay  all right that's nice Dam it's a canyon not a   dam did you just call it a dam it's a canyon she  like you know what y' don't tell me I can call   is 62 I can call it whatever the hell I want I'm  sure there's a somewhere out there I guess we'll   see how this what do you think punk I'm sure  it'll be fine what do you think no I want to   get out and jump in the pumkin was here once  before with us uh but she was on a leash and   you know that wasn't very fun for her so this  is so much better they got a new display on there got to get back in your cradle  here though mine broke and do you have   her connected in there yeah she's connected  I say CU pumpkin uh I would be nervous with pumpkin so I had it to be freaking outs doggy we have a lot of dogs in our group  cute thank you are you so she loves bike riding   ready down okay wait a minute who bike okay Jason  cute am I precious she's a sweetheart I sweetheart   you want me to go fix her well we might want to  just because she doesn't know anything we might   she'll lay down and be good if she zipped in can  you tighten it up a little I don't think so oh   it's just tight she's just really pulling you got  to get one of these right yeah because she feels   safe I'm going to tell you you could try this one  out it crosses in the back it's not evenur back I   know I love it and it's got a flat bottom hey baby  wait I might check at L down yeah I only paid 20   I think it was 29 or maybe 32 of tax and stuff  but oh that's cool I like it it even says Hound   ours says uh yeah pet I just think it's seems  to be enjoying yeah I think she just needs to   get used to it yeah okay I'm oh yeah we're trying  to fix winter the okay wait a minute where's oh okay oh what do you think Punk huh so I didn't put  pumpkin's uh little jacket on her because she's   got her blanket and I think she's plenty warm oh  yeah okay we're going uphill oh I got to be kind   of careful remember you guys I learned about that  about going uh high elevation and pedaling so I   pedal a little but I'm going to use my uh if you  don't know what I'm talking about I got really   sick on a bike ride with Jeff and AA and Jimmy  and Scotty and Jeff explained to me that high   altitude when you're pedaling if you have altitude  problems problems uh got to take it a little easier going put it up five I hope you guys aren't moving around too much chattering this is so awesome wow this is amazing I'm just going to get up  to the top here so that I can uh pedal I really like to Pedal more than I do use  the battery it's just such an easy ride I love it all right now l a power down to Jen why do you have your power on oh I that's   one number five and then the other is  one one bar oh yeah I just put mine on one am I know isn't it cool I didn't know that there would  be no uh cars on this ride this is awesome oh no there's a car oh there okay so probably Personnel I don't know where Scotty went I'm so happy with this where' Scotty go   oh okay there is a car coming just  stay to the side TR as much as you can okay they don't really have a bike  path for but see I think these people   are just people who uh have special  permits or something I don't know a   just said they're not supposed to  be on here unless they're you know disabled okay the only problem I'm having  is I got to get pumpkin up a   little higher because her bottom end is hitting me on oh I've already wasted one bar so I am going  to have to pedal I'm just going to have to do it slow I've already dropped the whole  bar I've already dropped a whole bar well you know my thing is with high altitude  uh Jeff told me when in high altitude cuz I got   sick on that bike ride yeah he said you need to  you need to use the B battery more oh yeah yeah   yeah I got off the bike and I was so sick oh  boy I couldn't hardly even make it back home oh no okay I got it in I got it on three so going  up hills super easy I just need to not go full boore when we stop I'm going to have you  kind of cinch these straps up babe so   she cuz see what's happen my legs are hitting her butt I might have to put my gloves on I put oh look at that you guys  that's where we just came from Wow open there's the big hotel over there wow oh my gosh I got to get out of the bests stop therea see if we can see this I'm not even sure  you got okay I got my sunglasses on so I   can't see what you guys are seeing there  we go uh this is the trails where the   buses stop hermit Rest route uh Trail  View Overlook yeah and then I'm going   to give you uh where's your bike at oh we  can park over there okay I'll just go park   over there guys I was going to give Scotty  the uh camera okay we're going to cinch us   cinch us up a little bit doing good when  I pedal her uh little RAR is smacking my legs I know thank you you going to stay right here  that's it it's hermit's rest   yes air pressure my tire's getting a little low his drinking bottle I'm going  to have a little drink it should   get punk in some water too was like  I thought that was your like why is was wondering why I was sucking on the  air tire pressure thing a it is is it it   says hermit rest huh that bus said hermit  rest hermit's rest yeah it's hermit's rest   but you kept calling it hermit's her's  point hermit's point okay I think the   last one is called hermit's rest cuz that's  where they rest I see the very last one all   right let's uh I'm going to take pkin  down so punkin can see and you guys can see keep Wild Life wild oh I can tell we're at high  elevation holy moly we're on the   top of the Grand Canyon baby cakes  and I can feel it getting off that bike and then we're going  to get you some water Punk oh look at the little squirrel what up squirrel hey good thing k didn't see that hi it's time to harvest the nuts yeah what up pkin just pkin just uh  noticed the squirrel I felt her tents up well we're not going to do  a lot of walk you guys um I know standing at the edge of the world right let  me take you let me take your picture there that's   oh that's scary to go out there yeah but it's  at least I in see oh okay go ahead why don't you   just keep it on the video okay a picture from  there oh pretty pretty Cliffy okay yeah pretty Cy smiling Grand awesome okay all right guys I'm  just going to walk right out here here let's just go down here okay I'm gonna point the camera down guys look at all the trails wow it's really pretty so  different than the first time we   came we just stayed at that one area  yeah we're just right over there go yeah he scared me punk what does  it say says the trail of time 3810 million years ago it's awesome oh that's  where Oz was talking about   going I think I'm going to reserve  my uh battery power my energy okay it's a blast though oh so pretty and having  the bikes is the best thing to do this is so   cool yeah oh I see they're all along yep  yep they change by 10 million years oh as   it goes up uh and it has to do with erosion  I'm pretty sure I see cool all right not much   change in 10 million years there you go got your  camera yep there you go okay back to our bikes yeah let the bus go okay are you guys going you're going all right sque okay I should have had some more  water oh next up we'll get you some   she doesn't act like she's thirsty  right this second so we're good you   all right Jen I'll wait for you don't  put don't rush it's all right don't rush oh I don't even have mine on all  right I'm GNA yep I'm going to put mine on three yeah what I did before  for on that very first Hill   I had it on uh one where you had to  Pedal harder and I used up a lot of energy so if you get altitude sickness like  I do uh if you're out biking or walking what   I've learned and this was from Jeff and  I learned it on our hike you have to just   take it a little slower than the rest of  the group and especially if you're on an   ebike then just put it on a higher speed  cuz then it's just it's so easy this is   what I should have done on that first Hill I  wouldn't have uh wouldn't have uh over done it I got pumpkin in the perfect position how's your knee good oh wait mama wait mama make it out of the way all right that's so cool oh my God that was so  awesome wish I had a way to put you guys off   to the side so you guys could see the side  as I was riding but it's a little hard to do that radiation didn't even see that you okay Jen what's happening come on winter yeah she's just saw  Jason go by she oh good girl good girl thank you I know right winter was trying to get  out of her out of her little thing basket pkin is just looking at everything H Memorial okay what you think  pumkin you have a good time huh here this is a good one to walk out on then we can  Cruise are yall leaving no no no cruise cruise up   there here I'll carry the give me little py  come here little py punks okay we've decided   that taking pumpkin out of the basket for a  minute um I got to turn my bike off here much   as M uh okay we've learned when we're walking  around Scotty will take her out for a minute   and give my back little bit of a break you guys  she's only I think I said last time she was six   but I think she's about 7 lbs oh at least yeah  I'm giving her 7.5 oh we got to walk all the way   out there you don't have to no no no I didn't know  I thought it was right here I me too this a walk   it's probably a good one to see okay um yeah so  take her out and that gives me a little bit of a break your ancestors use the cruise  here P okay I'm going to pan down for   you guys that might be uh altitude or uh fright of heights I'm trying to warn them before I just pan down oh there's the mine way over there you can  see kind of Orphan mine over there oh right over   there yeah okay so I get I can't really uh  pinpoint it with my finger I have a hard time   seeing the screen of the uh camera um unless I put  my reading glasses on oh they need to replace that one so impressive all right I am going to just film  as much as I can for you guys it's going to   be a really long video you can just turn it off  whenever you want but or fast forward yeah um but   while you're not doing anything uh just hit the  Subscribe button and uh hit the thumbs up yeah   please we appreciate it and anyway so I'm going  to go ahead and just let it roll and it will be   a long video and you can turn it off whenever you  want or you can watch it all the way through some   people have never been to the Grand Canyon and  some will never make it here so I want to show   you as much as we can oh yeah you can go out  on that one oh that is okay I see I I got to   rest on Scotty that's where they had walked out  AA was talking about okay just a roundabout one okay let me just uh take you over here  and show you I don't know what this is okay I'll let you guys read that if you  can I can't see it in the camera like I said so really explores some of the uh are  really oh I'm going up there Thompson   up there huh say Thompson 1872 just  the other day when I was B take it's slow oh my gosh better oh you can continue oh my gosh pretty all right 1869 and 1872 all right we're going to have to walk to the end oh okay I got to hang on to  something I have this thing in   front of me hang on I can't I can't  see when I'm walking I sound Scotty   I got to hang on to something and push  that basket in I couldn't see the steps you don't realize when you  can't see yeah in front of youo here's Jen yeah this is the way to  check it out is on on the bikes now my bucket list will be complete  well on this part for that for the Grand Canyon oh I'm sorry all right I'm going to look down guys wow look at that's it drops  down even more oh wow that's really   cool down to the river yeah do you  guys see that where it drops even more so pretty woo awesome  oh no all right back to the bike woo I'm going to have to stop up  here and maneuver hking a little bit better well you wouldn't want to take a that turn there yeah oh you're actually I'm fine you  guys go I'll catch up with you show you guys okay so here's the bathroom at Hope point unfortunately unfortunately there are two bus two  buses here that's not happening somebody said we   could use a tree but uh yeah I'm not doing that  no he means on a bush not are you wearing adult   diap like Jason said do what Scotty said I was  peeing along the way and Jason said adult diapers   yeah I was like no I think he's talking about  peeing on bushes that's not in the National Park starting to look all the same there's the river Jake Jake  there's the river where what a river yeah all right yep probably need to get down on the there's  too many people now probably got to go that   way you I'm going to go back this way cuz  all those people are getting off the bus wow and pky this is the best investment I've made  so far on our uh adventure with you so awesome yeah there's a better view of the river cool our group is uh really traveling fast um I don't  know I got to I got to show you guys and then get going Point woo we I took my sweater off and it is   chilly on the ground I I was going to  take pumpkins blanket out I'm glad I didn't oh lots of buses here Scott cbody oh oh that's awesome I'm not going to  take you guys off again of Theo holder here   because they're just they're all going too  fast and then I get stuck putting you guys   back on and then I'm late late for the bike  ride let me see if I can turn around this way okay Jen's off her bike  so I have a minute here minute you say there someone's on the Rapids  I don't see anyone it's kind of cold all right   I'm down there no anybody riding the Rapids  see anybody although theyd look like little ants look FY say hello hello hello there you go little help you having to carrier for a  minute we're going to do a group picture   here give me Punky punks okay I'll let  you I got turn that off give me buy buies there you go that's like carrying  a sack of small potatoes around yeah I popped her right in the nose  a I had to be careful going down   these stairs okay prickley I think oh  this is why AA picked this cuz there's   some prickley here yeah here isn't it  look okay watch your step on this one guys pretty but look how The Rock has  gone get over here look just in the   oh that's beautiful all right here we  go okay everybody one two three small   big small cheese cheeseburg  one more one two cheeseburger cheeseburg AA burger what about you AA Burger  doesn't work right cuz if you get caught with the book all right yeah don't look pumpkins  don't look bushes it's not easy   walking around with this uh thing  on guys so oh these are pretty at those oh Bruce step away from the edge you know  what freaks me out though about walking on these   things is see the cracks and then look at that  one any day now that's why I st there plac where   there was no ledge straight yep and you don't  really know what's underneath I that gets me you   guys all right I'm going to pan down a little bit  and I'm sorry if I did a couple times didn't say anything sometimes I get excited and forget   what I'm doing all right let's get  back on the bike before we get left behind picture what picture AB oh this Abyss are we going to do another picture no  no no do you me is I think he thinks he's   12 years old again who Scotty he's  like he always thinks he's 12 years old yeah then after 12 my life  turn the [ __ ] what does that   even mean I don't know what's going on I don't know he he doesn't like adulting ever okay let's go over here come back I'll feed you show up here F over here oh what birds all right I'm going to pan down guys see you think pumkin what you think come on Jake's General cracker salute  Jake you're full of yourself now you be careful I guess I don't know are we on the right way everybody thinks you're cute Punky oh okay so there's one  of those signs says steep steep bike maybe that's cuz you have to  Pedal up if you don't have one of these this has a lot more  people on it than the other one woo ow don't run into the bush the bush will poke you we would never be able to see all this   if we didn't have our bikes I  mean we could with the buses but I know run the door is open and you run are you sure this is the right way  I don't know you don't know you really   might just have a here's the one thing  that could either happen we can either   hit Mexico or uh can this is why somebody who  just somebody should have stayed with us with   us who has been here before well I'm sure  they went down the main you think so yeah   this will take us there how do you know that  because it has to not going have to come back uphill whoa don't go off the side oh I'm on the side of this is such a pretty uh little Trail  oh maybe it just links right back up to   the other oh there's AA okay so no bikes  to the right of us okay that's nice that   they're so marked so we know exactly what to  do share the road oh holy crap that scared me uhoh so this isn't going to be be good for her Jen you okay you want to ride mine oh all right that sucks Jen's battery  died we're not even to our end point uh I don't know what they're going to  have to do maybe they could ride the bus back Jen's battery died I don't know if they recharge theirs I  don't know if theirs gets recharged or   not we'll figure it out Scotty said we have a Ral Tower hermit's rest we made it guys okay we will definitely use the restrooms  here that's that's a long way oh and they've got they got water refill so we'll definitely  get water filled ride this one this one um does   it recharge itself does it recharge itself as you  pedal Scotty said if we have a rope we'll Tower her it's fine if we're going  downhill yeah we just went I goofed up I automatically just released  both sides of her packs so once we get   back up to the abyss it goes down here it  feels good to get that off my come here py P oh py Punk this the fr the left oh gosh oh where' you get coffee a little gift shop  with ice cream and coffee oh imagine that yeah she went hopping there she was she was  three she went over there there they're having   lunch look at her she's like I was this close  and I think she has a her is here and I think   she had a sticker cuz Okay that's not F she  she was going over her three legs still fies   okay it's it's gotten kind of bad because um we  have people that are feeding her other things and   she's gotten really she thinks that that's just  the norm so we're going to have to cut that off   for a while she won't even look at yet she  won't even look at her food it's like come   on we got water and food and she's like hungry  she hasn't eaten all day yeah that's your food   I I should have brought some broccoli for her and  then I took her harness and leash off because she   will not eat at all if I uh have that on her so  she'll eat when she wants to eat though all right   so we're at hermit's what is it hermit's rest  hermit's rest so we'll walk around and see what   that is we've had lunch we just had cashews and  Jen gave me or uh actually I gave J jaob an apple   this morning and he didn't eat it so he ended up  sharing that apple with me it went four ways it   did go four ways it was such a good apple Fuji  Fuji's the best uh pumpkin would not eat uh well   she would if she was able to get over and get  her food she tried she tried to get their food   it was so bad I'm going to have to tell people  that they can't feed her for a while cuz she   has gotten a little bad about that and uh we'll  only put her food in her Bowl all right last stop   down around here there's a little store no bikes  Beyond this point not a store it's a little gift shop just walk over here AA did she got ice  cream over here oh nice you guys I'm not   going to walk in there though cuz everybody's  ready to kind of go so just a little gift shop   they say there's got ice cream and some  coffee and stuff see if I can go this way I do not know the history behind hermit's stop  um or hermit's rest you could look it up and   see and uh write it in the comments and I'll  post it to the top uh whoever post it first   if somebody wants to do that just a small  little brief description of the history of   it I don't know if uh they just did this  just for you know people to come and sit   or if it was a place that maybe they uh  somebody stopped and rested for quite a while I tell you right now the  high altitude is it's got me oh you guys maybe here we go all right you don't   have to post it I'll show you guys  right here you have to post or pause it oh okay okay three 1922 guest pose on the trail  you still follow today oh look at that is   that a fireplace not sure looks like it Legend  tells that prospector Louis Brer was the hermit oh very cool all right you're going to  have to pause that if you want to read that pretty it's kind of the same thing over  and over but it's just it's breathtaking   the river is right between these trees here  so you can't see it down there maybe a little   Glimpse down there but not not that much all  right guys I think our group is ready to head back and then uh I think we're going to go  get some lunch we had just snacks actually   I think I said we had lunch we just had a snack  uh and then I think we're going to I'm not sure   where we're going probably Windy's minut of the  mountain oh yeah look at you Missy mommy better   get a picture of the oh no she's done she's  like I'm done I'm done okay let's go get in   the pack okay come on come on Missy you  want me to carry her uh I'll carry for a   minute going to put his backpack on your  bike that's fine there's no room to put   that's F perfect less weight better I've got the  basket so right I'm going to put on the back on   the back I can carry her okay and then I'll  take yep and we'll put come here baby M all right oh and we need to fill up  our containers real quick okay   uh there is water here to go fill up we have our containers locked us minut okay we only need  one I guess don't worry catch I don't know   how to go okay wait now tell me so I know  what's going on we're the of us are going   straight to T so you okay Michelle and  you Michelle and Mike and Nicole okay I   just want want to make sure who we brought is  taken care of so we brought Michelle and Bruce   they are not going home oh we're picking  you up in tuon man I hope we don't forget that that's a long bike ride home to really  wants to ride back to the property oh my gosh   okay been saying I could ride all the way to  the property and it's like you should yeah   that's a scary road though all right so we're  going to pack a little different here get you   guys home where where we're not we're not  leaving you though I'm not leaving you thank you okay I'll get you there oh all right we're following you brother oh is   that how's that going to be on his  poor legs bring the Scotty's in the rear all right so Jason and Jen's battery on  one of their bikes died now Jason's going to   ride that one back with no power and I'm going to  tell you right now that's not fun so it is a lot   of it's downhill the bus driver told him that he  could put it on the bus or that he could take the   bus back and leave the bike here and then come  back and they'd give him tell him they told him   he could come back with a vehicle to pick it  up but uh yeah this is all uphill I told him   that I would help him I mean we can all switch on  and off you know few minutes here a few minutes there we'll see how he does it's just they're  they're really hard to uh pedal when there's no power let's get up here and give him some moral support how you doing pretty hard it's hard it's  help me a little bit is it on I mean does it get   any charge at all uh it's going a little bit it  doesn't want to help much it's like two two amp we could try to tellw you oh Jason this is a big hill why don't we try why don't we try to tell you um Scotty said he could try no could you try to tow him leash I well they you guys have a  leash we do it's in the yeah blow out   all right guys so Jason and aa's bikes they  ran out of power the only thing I lost power   was is my darn phone so I didn't film all  the way back but we're back we're going to   dinner and we're done say good night to your  peeps good night later peeps good night good   night good night good night thanks for going  along along with the ride oh my gosh too fun

2023-10-16 01:22

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