Nicaragua Black Town Bluefield

Nicaragua Black Town Bluefield

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what's up guys I'm back here in Managua trying  to catch a flight to Bluefield with this Airlines   this is the only airlines flying there at  the moment and I'm actually catching it on a   um like a I guess passengers didn't show up  because the flight was booked the flights are   always going to be booked you could try to look  for a ticket early I recommend doing that from   the website and booking there but each Place  gets super booked your only chance of getting   in is if they're overbooked it's just coming  here and it's seeing if somebody did not show   up and I'm I think I might be lucky but there  might be some disc uh still issues because uh   the weight might be an issue that my bag stays  here today and I get it tomorrow in the morning yeah needless to say so they're asking me about  where I'm planning to going I'm planning to be   on Bluefield for a couple days so that's cool and  to give me reason to do some shopping while I'm   there if I can't get my clothes until later on I'm  on party stuff on right here and um yeah and then   from Bluefield we'll be going to Corn Island hit  the like button now we could have also caught a   bus which is like an eight hour ride from Managua  there so just in case you're still trying to go   there you can't make the flight but you need  to be there because you got reservations or   something you can catch a bus from here here it's  like 30 uh um around 300 pesos the trip all right   don't it might be a little bit more less but you  can catch a bus from here and then I heard that   they used to have the road the road was messed  up but now they fixed the road on your way there   I just want to get there and uh I wanted  to be there for the weekend I actually   was going to stay here one day but I figured  whatever I'm doing here I can do another day   um I want to get to Bluefield as quick as possible  see what's up with the weekend meet the people   there history there and then Bluefield Corn  Island and then come back here and we'll learn   more about the country I'm not only focusing on  this black nicaraguans I see some people leaving   comments and you know for the most part yes I  do like to highlight on Black Culture but uh   if you've seen this video saw me go to Managua  hanging out well my other Nicaragua people I'm   focusing on Nicaraguan kosher all together so  after um Bluefield and corn Island we'll be   heading Inward and checking other parts of uh  Nicaragua there's some dope spots I want to go   to if you are watching this video super hype and  want to see all these Adventures make sure you hit   that subscribe button and hit that like button  to encourage this whole trip and encourage this   video to get some good numbers on this platform  yeah man I greatly appreciate it and uh let's go   man and all the all the guys that's been here what  a trip how Nicaragua which has been a really good   trip hasn't it yeah let's go all right guys  so if you're wondering how the plane looks   now they have 12-seater planes and they have  bigger planes so today's plane is a 12 seater   um there was an issue about weight I hope uh  that's not a problem going up in the air you know   but yep we head in the Bluefield and the funny  thing is I looked online and there are some hotels   available so this is going to be interesting for  me I'm sure I'll be able to find something but   yeah no hell tells available at the moment so  we'll see what happens it's hot and uh yeah man   let's get there all right hopefully uh next time  you see me I'm coming out of a hotel yo thank you foreign a hotel but I did find one okay apparently the  hotel you have to call in to reserve it's not   something you can find online but uh what we shall  see um how it is but right now I'm outside of the   airport just walk right out seeing from those  blue tents and I'm right here and this is the   first thing I see this neighborhood right here  uh very calm neighborhood got some guys from the   airport uh looks like they are trying to help me  get a taxi what's up boss all right yeah well what   happened with the taxi today man uh there's that  got my name then I go to the liquor because they   already bought them coming you know oh yes oh  sometimes it's only three passengers oh that's   why they don't have too much taxi everyone else  is a big plane more taxi yeah yeah yes I got you   yeah my friend in me and Troy Troy or you know  a guy named Troy I look like Troy oh man no   yeah he's busy right now moving stuff he  he's not gonna stop to do what the taxi   they don't have like how you get around  so you don't have a phone number to call   taxi my brother have where your brother  the one we're talking with you inside   here he got one let's go with your brother  come on all right guys so let's walk back   I think this guy's brother can bring  me but he never said anything [Music] yeah let's see you can see you got a taxi or what what's going on  boss you don't say enough so you don't   if you don't open your mouth don't  feed nobody how you gonna get speed yeah yeah he didn't say nothing to me you got a  car you have a car yeah I went highlights first come first serve so this is the  airport right here guys you get to see it now he's calling I guess his son got a  you could drive me around huh we'll   be back but that's the airport you  get off right there walk out and boom [Music]   oh [Music] just leave it like that it's Gonna  Keep Falling be in all of you guys you guys uh   uh have an interesting history but the first time   hearing about nicaraguans that  speak English oh yes and we are which we was on shippers this was the  other ship too we're both for your own ship is better oh yeah all right this is my boy all  right his mother is fine you're around me is   black oh yeah all right okay I see a lot of that  in Managua too so you know yeah [Music] all right [Music] but oh okay Royals we see I got something for you man thank you I appreciate you all right all  right okay y'all have a nice uh okay all   right yeah I'll be all right I  see you I see you in the street   when you see me we're walking  around say what's up okay okay I am I'm looking for like a historian tour guide I gave you this number from  him all right all right English that's your father right there come on okay gotcha you understand English but he  don't speak it he was he has he wasn't around   for so long so the language left them  but that's his father right there okay   all right let's get to the hotel and let's do a  little Discovery let's see how things go today   interesting enough first look into Bluefield I  know you like this first looks everything right   um beautiful I love it I love it the style and  everything the small airport I wish I could have   showed you that um it's very it's very nice and  like right off the airport boom no big highways or   infrastructure you're into the neighborhood which  is um really cool right around these neighborhoods   just these these different homes the way they're  built all right it is a Thursday so I wanted to   come out here to make sure I catch the week and  the weekend of course to see how it looks here and   um see if we can catch a party apparently though  unfortunately one of the guys that's known to do   parties here is uh I think a family member might  have passed away so they're iffy on whether or   not he might do any um anything so what we  shall see that's what we shall see all right all right yeah so right here as you get  to see a little bit more of the streets okay we just passed the police station I  guess it's a really big one and then um see   if we coming into something that looks familiar  like anything with a town or something all right feel like we're about to walk drive  into town square you should know it   we'll know it if it's like a big opening  but around a church or a park all right because the lake area here wow maybe  for fish pascals all right so I think   fruit or something but it's a fish is on  the other further up that way all right [Music] really interesting this is a I want to  say it's I don't know how to show if   this is a poor town but it's on the coast  of Nicaragua the Caribbean side the Gulf   of Mexico side and so I'm assuming they  have some imports coming in might be wrong okay but this for sure I would be  surprised if this was a not a   fish town I'm thinking the main thing  people eat here is a lot of seafood mucho mucho mucho okay all right so they like they do fish in the morning  I guess they import the fishes in the morning but   probably come in leave late night come in early  fresh just remind me of a place called umarada in   Ecuador where I went like a black town that had  uh one of its main economies was fish fishing so okay so this is downtown of Bluefield  right here this area right here oh okay don't worry guys I will be walking the streets too  I know if it might be like so quick and everything   but you know I'll start doing that tomorrow today  I just want to settle in to the hotel I'm at which I'll show you the hotel I got a suite  and I think it was for 117 a night the sweets   It's in Fairly one of the I guess I hear one  of the best hotels they have here in town so oh oh Corn Island oh okay so okay all right so if you want to catch a boat from  here to Corn Island at least twice a week one   on Wednesday and the other one on Saturday  so just to give you a heads up unless you're   gonna catch a flight I need to know that  information just in case I thought it says all right okay okay ah okay so and so if you leave if  you're wondering about the times they return   back to this island it's the next day so if  you're in corn Island and you want to come   back here it'll it'll come back either on that  um Thursday or that Sunday so so there you go wow interesting town I can't wait to explore all right guys uh if I see anything  else I will most definitely go ahead and   um film it but let's get to  the hotel room [Applause]   so okay in the morning this street right  here right here will have all the fish alien and pescado muy Fresca let's say it's commencing  six in the morning right here wow so tomorrow we'll come back here and  check out what type of fishes they have here well I've been wanting to come out  here for a while guys and if you are   a content creator I'm not sure I'm gonna  have this video out while I'm still here   um I'm gonna try to look for you guys because  I know there are some content creators that are   here that I would love to work with I'm gonna  see hopefully I can meet one of you guys be   on your Channel or something like that um  hopefully uh if I'm not I apologize right see they're going on all right all right so we two blocks away  guys I'm gonna cut this off you'll see the   rest tomorrow all right well you're  gonna see my room right now and then   we'll we'll we'll move from there  all right yo uh we're gonna pass   the ferry where if you are trying to  go to Corn Island you can see it okay it just arrived right now it's uh so  you get to see it come on one minute um a street right here street right here just in  case you like that but most night times out of   ten they'll let you know what street you gotta  go to I'm gonna show you uh how the boat looks   okay so these are all the guys that just came  from Corn Island right now guys check them out okay all right that's basically one entry  one entry right there guys foreign six hours in that boat guys so it is the same time it was like uh 255 uh quarterback  last time he went on a trip so   so around like 500 for the round trip  or something basically um quarterback it's gonna make a turn all  right let's get out of here and that's the boat right there hope  we can get a better look but it's a   ferry not the best of fairies  um but uh it'll get you there all right guys so uh I convinced these beautiful  women to have a quick interview all right we're   in Bluefield and I wanted to find out from a  female perspective where I should go here in   Bluefield what do you recommend these guys work  at this hotel and I'm gonna lie they have made   my stay here even much better and this goes  to show you about the customer service here   they are really nice people here so when you  come out here you're gonna have a good time if   you stay at the hotel Casa Royale actually they  made sure this happened this sandwich they they   made a sandwich for me that I I you know wasn't on  the menu but they made it happen a fish sandwich so I greatly appreciate that oh look at this  this looks amazing though right here all right okay so um why are you guys so formal with the  camera yeah we're relaxed relax okay relax okay   so what do you think I should go if I come to  Bluefield okay we don't recommend you per Nyla   here is to the kids okay the only way  of getting there you have to come here   you come from Bluefields you go in a skiff  like a over and change and you reach there   right you got to the highway to where they  let Bill to their little go to um [Music] okay we recommend you we got the beach worst  15 minutes from here it's a good beach to go   to a really relaxing is it popular when is the  best day to go to Bluff Beach a week and on the   weekdays yeah on Sunday is the best day to go  okay uh all right so besides Bluff Beach what   about restaurants where you reckon where's  your favorite restaurant which one you like the restaurant here is beautiful I love  the view there here here but if you want   to eat somewhere else after you come here  where else you like to eat we recommend yeah [Music] what you like to eat when you when you  go over there which one's your favorite food   Pelican our Seafood you like Pelican food a   seafood seafood tell me about  the seafood which one too God what's up in Minnesota we got Lobster shrimps okay what else what else you got a Rondo [Applause] what about my free time I'm free here I went  to what what what is things is there a mall   here is the movie theater here what what can  I do here if I want to like just hang out here   that and here we don't have a show we don't have  a man needle we just got the part in Central Park   um we're in the state jumper we're the support  okay oh so you like uh baseball here yeah   you like baseball no you say fanatic do you really really nice yeah this growing up here just watching it  from before that here with you more watch   than anything else okay all right what about  going out okay here for goal we recommend you   the OS well I'm gonna meet women like you  single women though yeah babe you you got   um the central you have Uncle you got SEMA  Anita [Music] if you want okay what okay all   these different um clubs you name when it what  day is the best day is it every day or is it in   a week Saturday morning all right I recommend more  Saturday all right so okay that's okay that's good   what about in Nicaragua though like everything in  Nicaragua like where you think I should go like   arrival okay guys they so formal let me tell you  beforehand they would like relax relax everything   I thought would get the camera they holding their  hands like in a business meeting or something where's the best place you had like the best  fun when um and like on a vacation or you   went somewhere what people keep telling me you  have one please someone this is what happened   over there what happened here is party from  burning tonight oh that's what I that's what   I'm looking for I will party okay you're  gonna have far from learning good morning   to the following day okay morning and where  else you said something in Managua something   really pretty okay I was just in matagaba do you  talking about the water or the waterfall yeah   yeah oh man I should have went over there  so it was really nice yeah okay cool cool okay is it good to just go to the  islands of Granada what is this   really good yes some really good they already  find some and we got some monkeys and a tree   each Lake Islands got them all name  little house where you can camp and   pass a theater okay okay so oh I can actually  stay there like overnight yes overnight yes   okay that's cool cool cool okay ladies  uh I really appreciate it okay um sorry so guys uh if you are coming to Bluefield and  you want to uh get this type of service out of   nowhere look at this fool right here and if you  want to speak to somebody that's not a joke bold   and hot you know what I mean both of you guys  married no single singer how the hell is this what are you guys doing tonight y'all want to come  out tonight it's on me and we are cold I try it   guys I tried all right so all right anyways thanks  it's all right appreciate it all right [Music] what's up guys time for me to show  you my room all right let me see   um it is actually the next day but I might fit  this in into the first video or whatever I'll   figure out where to fit this in and so this  right here is here um restaurant it is by far   my favorite place in the building all right  it's very well decorated huge television here   um really good bar here and yeah it's a cool place  to just hang out if you're with some friends and   I think they might allow guests to come out  here all right it is breakfast time for me   I just came back from filming something super  nice I met a local and he ended up showing me   um the port area giving me some real game on how  things work here and um that right there this is   the pool that belongs to this hotel um when you  look at this hotel right you get a different sense   of how it would look it looks amazing on pictures  but this oh it's not here this is all newly built   um that before the pictures were taken so  there you go um this is the best hotel here uh   from what I've been told there might be other  hotels but this one is functional if I can say   the least it's functional I did have some  good night's sleep the AC was good work   um it's just you would think you would  get like epic views this is what you're   going to be dealing with right now where  we started off on this end right here on this side this is like oh yeah that's nice  but I guess what turns everything off is these   these these 10 roofs that are like painted a  different color I guess they were painted like   that color it'll all fit to this the decor  of things but needless to say you do and you   can get a view of the the nice ocean here Lake  here um you get to see all the fishermen in the   morning and stuff like that so that's a plus  I give that a plus hot water this hot water   um internet not the best in my room but  I hear in other rooms it can be better   food here can be just a little  bit expensive but there are some   um places outside to get some even inexpensive  food not even that this is a really good place   to be in terms of location wise walking distance  to um the boats if you're trying to get into the   beach it's a beach called Bluff Beach you can go  to I haven't gone yet um yeah and sightseeing so   hope you enjoyed it I'm gonna show you my  breakfast I got some work to do today but   I just wanted to give you this and then I'll  go to my room and show you my room all right now I've been told not to drink the water here so   that I'm assuming that means ice as well  but hey so far nothing I'll keep you posted keep in mind I travel a lot and I've been to  different countries where they tell you don't   drink the juice or the water so day one nothing  so far yo all right so this is uh the breakfast   they give you when you book a room here now  it also comes with some coffee and bread by   Tom this you know leave that off but you can add  additional stuff but this one comes free right   here with the coffee I didn't want the coffee  today this is what I wanted born Appetit all right so guys right after the restaurant here there's   another Viewpoint and uh staff  is going to show me how it looks [Music] appreciate it man oh wow wow this is amazing right here check it  out guys this is most definitely my   favorite part right here of this place  could take a nice picture right here check it out really nice really nice and this is how the building looks  if you're wondering how the building   looks from the front I can save  my time walking outside it's cool there it is really nice [Music] that road wraps around from here are the  road right here in front of us yeah and   I go around on the doors will go straight to  all about neighborhood wow this is in that area nice okay I thought it stopped right there  yeah how many how long this business this   building been here wrong six years  oh okay six years six years all right not bad guys all right if you want to go on  the beach 20 minutes 10 minutes to the bluff   very close so you can guys can you catch the uh  the boat from here or you got to go over there   to catch decide you get a fastball yeah so you  can go on the beach side 10 minutes more or less   and you got a big beach to walk you  see like that book is right yeah the   point that many people come to this hotel  beach wow and then hang out at the bluff   uh you know they have the maybe probably  two Orchard whatever you like okay nice and maybe tomorrow when is the best  day to go to the bluff in your opinion   um to see the ladies ladies all right that's why most people won't come back yeah someone told me about  the poor logo what's that is   is a place that are over 15 or oh and a half  running speed right you go through that [ __ ]   and you run me a probably I want to have and  you restore another Community it's another   community and a community it's a community  from that cycle into USA and then what is   it a nice area or nice to see him so you see  Bluefish here yeah cookies yeah stuff that   place you will see like all-time host of lumber  construction Lumber mostly you know right [Music] and bring you back that way because it might be two  pack coming back exactly and then   you're just sitting there  waiting you can see it is all right yeah thank you man thank you yeah  this is good view man yeah everyone pretty   much very nice also like you I see you  actually thank you I appreciate it all   right guys so time to show you my room you  know now in the daytime things are looking   a lot better you know what I mean nice  nice and relax and chill you know I mean   I I guess you can't ask for more you know what  I mean especially when you got good stuff here   so yeah they do got good stuff I can tell  you that about this place and I'm staying   in a suite but you might you might do something  for a regular room I think the regular rooms are   more comfortable it's just more coffee  and you'll see what I'm talking about all right every room is um Decor differently  so this is my room right here nice a seat up so   you're wondering because it's hot outside it's  humid but um nice AC up this room doesn't have   a TV the this is not my first one the first one I  was on the fourth floor but I wanted to be further   down and uh and get this view so this is the only  one that was available but this room doesn't have   a TV in the living room but uh for me I'm not  going to use it I'm going to lose my computer   right there working on my computer and everything  so yeah this is just all my stuff here now here is   my bedroom oh it has like a little sink thing in  the refrigerator so I guess it'll do like when the   stock goes into some water or something there you  go now here's my bedroom my bedroom was a lot more   comfortable in terms of everything and let's move  the Swiss seed and everything I feel like jumping   on it right now and just laying out because I  just came from a good tour around the city walking   around so uh I'm gonna show you that maybe in this  video or the next video but yeah um yeah that's it   right here and then yeah this will probably be my  first video second video You're Gonna we're gonna   hit the streets uh this is the bathroom right here  this is me I make sure I bought what it is because   I knew I was coming to like the closest side and  bathroom there you go all right not bad yeah AC   is cold so I'm very grateful for that if you got  cable television they have Wi-Fi Wi-Fi here it's   not the fastest in this room but if you go to  other rooms they might be faster but uh yeah   this is uh the place right here if anything from  what I hear this is one of the best places here   I haven't checked any airbnbs there might be more  modernized Airbnb somewhere here but for me this   was functional it might be functional for you to  plenty of room and you might get a room with two   TVs because they do that okay this one this didn't  have it all right and then certain rooms so we'll   have balcony so my original room had a balcony  but I wanted I wanted this view right here and   can't complain can't complain now that the sun  is out beaming very very relaxing all right guys   thanks for watching this video more on the way  from me uh I am here don't miss anything I already   started interviewing people don't miss anything  do not miss anything more videos from this place   is on the way I met someone cool who showed me  some cool stuff if you don't want to miss that   give me a like make sure you support this video  by giving a like And subscribe help me get to 500   000 subscribers like oh you're nothing I'm  gonna give him a like give him a like you know   I'm saying he's taking his time and showing me  everything showing my people stuff like give me a   like give me the get the man alive all right peace  see you in another one and then you know what   it's a little video go watch my other video  if you're new go watch something new from my   channel go watch the Antarctica series you will  love it all right it is a real good documentary   piece Antarctica video somewhere here all right  go watch it go watch it and go watch some other   stuff go watch five ten videos of Mines all right  peace love y'all peace y'all see you again yo   thanks for watching this video if this is your  first video try to watch all the other episodes   and catch up so you don't miss what's happening  next I guarantee you it's going to be crazy yo

2023-03-27 08:33

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