NEW Mercedes-AMG C63 S vs BMW M3 vs Audi RS4 | Why hybrid’s spoiled the AMG C63

NEW Mercedes-AMG C63 S vs BMW M3 vs Audi RS4 | Why hybrid’s spoiled the AMG C63

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foreign look through the Mercedes AMG back catalog  and you'll find all sorts of awesome cars   things like the AMG Hammer the CLK DTM but it was  really in 2008 with a C63 it took a giant leap   forward and that's because that was the first  AMG that was designed and engineered specially   to be an AMG from the off so before then really  it was a bunch of guys in a filter back getting   a Mercedes stuff in a big V8 engine usually under  the Bonnet and then sending it off on its way so   the C63 really stepped up you know in terms of  handling handled really well but it still felt   like an old-school AMG and that it was you know  it could be a bit of a hooligan if you wanted to   and it also had that V8 engine which was just  Epic and when they introduced the estate it   brought something genuinely new to the market that  neither the BMW M3 or Audi RS4 could quite match   I thought the first one you know was absolutely  brilliant the second one was Best in Class versus   the M3 and the Audi and now there's a new one  we're here in Germany to test it against those   long-standing Rivals so the BMW M3 touring which  is now available as an estate of course and also   the Audi RS4 competition which is only available  as an estate they're all pretty expensive these   days though 85 000 pounds or so each for the BMW  an Audi more like 90 000 for the Mercedes the   thing is though while those Rivals stick with  a pretty formulaic recipe the Mercedes doesn't   and there's a clue in the name it's called the  Mercedes AMG c63s which is so far so familiar and   to that they add a new suffix called e performance  and that's a big hint that this car isn't just a   little bit different it is completely different  instead of the old 4 liter V8 engine Mercedes a   slash cylinder count and displacement in half  so we've got a four-cylinder 2-liter engine   with an electrically assisted turbo a bit like  the ones they use in Formula One that makes 476   brake horsepower on its own and that doesn't just  make it more powerful than the RS4 it makes it   the most powerful force within the production  engine in the world it's still hand assembled   a falter back like the old days and it's mounted  longitudinally not transversely like a hot hatch   there's also a 6.1 kilowatt hour battery and an  electric motor that drives the rear axle through   a two-speed gearbox and that adds 201 brake  horsepower electric power can also Drive the   front axle when the fully variable all-wheel drive  senses slip and there's also rear wheel steering   nine speeds eight driving modes four recuperation  modes and of course these days a drift mode it   is massively complex but on paper it's also  pretty compelling there are outputs of 670   brake horsepower and 752 pound footer torque that  represent easy triple digit gains over the old C63   and huge gains over the two Rivals assembled today  though that Peak does drop by 94 brake horsepower   after a 10 second boost the new plug-in hybrid  C63 also promises massively improved MPG and CO2   figures of 40 MPG and 156 grams per kilometer as  well as around 8 Miles and pure electric mode but   really this is a performance plug-in hybrid with a  battery designed for fast power delivery and draw   there are two big problems with that there's no  V8 noise and also weight because this car weighs   2 115 kilos as an estate and partly that's  because there's a big battery in the boot 89   kilos of battery which also makes the boot a lot  smaller unfortunately so 2115 kilos the M3 weighs   1865 the Audi 1729 kilo sorry this is literally  hundreds of kilos heavier than the opposition   talking about that noise let's see what this  cart sounds like when we turn it on should we so   just break engine start stop that's it that's  all you get as soon as you start it up there's   no there's no engine there's no noise it's a 6.1  kilowatt hour battery you get eight miles about   13 kilometers um on zero emissions mode so you  have to turn it from Comfort to sport to wake   the new four-cylinder engine so it has a little  bit of a purposeful sort of rotiness to it but   I think you have to remember just how amazing  that old V8 sounded and first impressions it is   a little bit of a disappointment but let's go  out on the road and see how this feels I think   one thing to say with this car straight away  is there are an awful lot of Drive modes to get   through and it is pretty confusing using these  very very cheap feeling controls down here to   scroll through them all and decide what you want  that you can do an individual mode on here but I   find myself setting that and then actually changed  my mind I think well I want to drive more slowly   now I want to drive faster and because it's just  one mode I then find myself messing around with   this little wheel on the left and it's not very  intuitive I just end up getting in a little bit   of a mess and not feeling like I'm I'm connecting  with this car properly unfortunately so we've got   the the suspension we've got the AMG Dynamics  I need to put it in manual as well on the gear   shifts I much prefer just having a lever  to knock over there but this is on a column   suspension stiffness I have this AMG Dynamics  thing that I really need to put in master or   Pro I think and yeah it's just that level of of  mess before you start really and so yeah I'm not   keen on this on this interface the seating  position I think it's pretty good it's quite   low down it's not very very low down there's  a lot of lateral support or a decent amount of   lateral support I'd say in these seats they they  could go lower could be more comfortable they're   not particularly comfortable seats and I wouldn't  relish a long journey in these seats much as they   look cool and they do offer that support around  your sides the other thing you notice very quickly   in this car is the brake pedal it is very very  poorly defined uh in about that much at the top   travel and with a performance car you want a very  clean bike just like you did with a steering or or   throttle response anything like that you want to  feel like it's a Precision Driving tool and this   just has a load of mush presumably because of the  regen they're trying to do with the uh with the   hybrid system but just doesn't instill any sort  of sensor connection or confidence with this car   steering as well I have to say I am not  massively fond of this steering so it's   not got masses of a feel to it but I think it's  really the response that that bothers me it's   clearly some sort of variable rate that's  working with the rear wheel steering and   find it again it's that sense of interaction  and keying into this car I just find it   just not sure quite what it's up to and it's a  sort of slightly unfortunate springiness to it it   is precise but I'm just not really connecting with  this car as I get into it it's sort of thwarting   me a little bit now I'm in sport mode at the  moment the engine is very very subdued in the   background I can't actually wind down again got  complete electric mode turn off or I can dial up   Sport Plus let's try Sport Plus now in terms  of the ride on this car as well I mean Sport   Plus now and it's suddenly started to get quite  Jiggy um which you'd expect anyway so if I take   it down to comfort I think you know we're in  Germany here we're going over a few kind of   speed bumpy little speed bump things it feels I  would say acceptable here there are a few kind of   a few sort of little bits of sort of secondary  patter coming through and my suspicion is that   while it feels all right here I don't think this  car is going to ride very well in the UK we'll   have to wait to find that out but here in Germany  it's okay in Comfort but yeah let's see in the UK   so if I slow down to third gear  here crazy display here as well   2 000 RPM 2000 RPM floor it's an instant  throttle response it's moving straight away now I don't know if you could see that in me  moving around so you've got the gear change but   then there was like a flat spot after that gear  change so it had this kind of real Fury and energy   to it that really picked it up to start off with  after that gear change that came in relatively   promptly there wasn't just a complete hole in  the power delivery and Mercedes does say after   10 seconds you lose that kick it feels I've had  that a few times now and it feels like more than   100 brake horsepower but it feels a really really  significant chunk of that 670 brake horsepower   again it's just gone flat I don't know if there's  something wrong with this particular car or is   this how they all are but it is a very curious  you know loads of power it's fine then and then   it'll cut out so there's something about the  integration of this powertrain and I know it   is fiendishly tricky stuff so I don't envy the  engineers who had to do this but there's something   that's not right here and then you know when I  use the talk and haul it out of that corner there he's a very rapid stable and competent car so   feel the rear wheel steering working through there  handling the grip you know there is not a complete   lost cause but I think the powertrain  leaves a hell of a lot to be designed   going downhill relatively quickly now that  brake pedal is just pure mush but the steering   very pointy it's a bit numb a bit springy but  it is quick and he's very agile through here   I feel very confident to toss it  around and take liberties with it so   it is a decent chassis honey it doesn't  feel I would never ever guess that this   car weighed well over two tons no way does you  know this cars 10 millimeters longer in terms   of wheelbase and it doesn't feel like a longer  heavier car it is of course if you put it around   the track versus the old one it would presumably  absolutely destroy it the problem is just that   that connection with the car that enjoyment it's  it's just a bit of a synthetic sterile car and   fact that it's not as well integrated or  it's you know it's it really doesn't feel   finished if this is how they all feel  this doesn't feel it isn't finished and that engine though you know when it's  when it's really roaring like that it's   clearly artificially augmented it does kind of  you know get your adrenaline going but it is not   an authentic engine though it's digitally  enhanced to uh to create the emotion it is   frustrating this car I think you know it's a bold  move for them to go and do something like this   done it and they've produced it  but I think it is a bridge too far if all this hybrid stuff is a bit much you  could try the BMW M3 touring it's changed   dramatically as well for its sixth generation  because we've never had an estate before never   an all-wheel drive version and never an  8-speed automatic gearbox but this is a   much more familiar recipe than the Mercedes  notably because of the three liter twin turbo   straight six and because it can still  go fully rear-wheel drive if you fancy there isn't even mild hybrid assistance and it  makes 503 brake horsepower and 479 pound foot of   torque that's quite a weight of the AMG 670 brake  horsepower but take power to weight into account   and it's 270 brake horsepower per ton Place 317  for the Mercedes and that's presuming the Mercedes   has the full hybrid boost available fuel economy  is way down at an official 28 MPG but the M3 has   got a much bigger boot than the Mercedes with  500 liters rising to 1510 liters when you fold   down the seats the Mercedes has only 324 liters  because of all those hybrid bits and seeing as   these cars are Estates where carrying stuff  is a big part of the point that's a huge deal   on the road in the end and well straight away I  feel really comfortable in this car the seating   position is very very low down definitely lower  than the Mercedes so right on the floor these   seats are the optional carbon back seats of  course and you know they're a bit of a pain   to get into and they do hold you very very well  they are quite firm as well they're not as firm   as the Mercedes so I feel happier to spend a  longer trip in this car and also the lateral   support you get is very very welcome now like the  Mercedes there are all sorts of driving modes to   set up here but I do find them a lot easier to  configure and you can do the M1 and M2 buttons   as well so basically I have an M1 button for  all my kind of hooligan type of stuff or sort   of you know ratio driving and M2 would be for  kind of daily driving sort of mooching around   but you know it's just so welcome to  get in a car with a proper engine this   straight six is you know when they first  did this engine and made it a twin turbo   um you know when the engine the last the last  generation M3 went turbo it wasn't the best I   didn't like the way it kind of behaved in that  but they've absolutely nailed it with this one   really good throttle response it builds much more  progressively and you really really fast as well sounds good it's still got that slightly kind  of diesel Edge that the other one had but you   know much more in the old end feeling as well  in terms of the way it builds and it's exhaust   now it's just a little more engaging steering I  find much more kind of faithful and precise than   the Mercedes it's not massively fearsome but  it is very very consistent and like with the   brakes the brakes got a nice clean feel nice  clean response from the steering as well so   very quickly start to feel like I'm kind of  connecting with this car and interacting with it and they've still got a decent amount of grip in  two-wheel drive mode but once you get past that   you'll happily light them up and actually  it's very very stable and and predictable just hold out of that corner you know  four-wheel drive is very welcome I   think it's it's a really kind of neat  trick but I think this car can cope a   lot better than people think just in  the rear wheel drive setting foreign I just love the way it goes up to the really  encourages to rev it out now it used to be a   bit of a talk plateau and you used to short shift  in the old one but this really encourages you to   wind this car out and make the most of all that  Headroom he's got very very confidence inspiring   handling as well the way it just flicked through  all the corners I could just jump in this car and   drive it in all weathers and drive it quickly  and feel really sort of safe but also really   really engaged in in the in a process of driving  this car which in a way you know Mercedes was   technically impressive in some ways frustrating  in others and also just a bit too sterile for me gear shift as well we haven't got a dual  coach gearbox here it's a regular torque   converter but they are plenty Punchy enough I  would say they're they're nice and quick and   I love those little Thunder claps  you get when you change gear as well   I think the other thing about this car as well is  is the way it rides I think out here in Germany   where we're comparing it with the Mercedes and the  Audi I think it definitely rides better than the   Mercedes more settled it is an inherently firm  car but it is also a comfortable car I'll let   you get a sense of this car's flexibility so if  I it down to just over a thousand RPM third gear   pulling already but not so about two five  two six it starts to really kind of pick   up his heels and goes so there is just that  bit at the bottom of this rev range where   just needs to kind of clear his throat a  bit get those turbos late like there is   and then he goes so you have to drive around  that a bit but it's still pulling it's still   flexible and the throttle response is really  really sharp and really impressive on this for   a turbo engine it's very very crisp and it's very  very crisp full stop I think I was so pleased when   this car came out because you know I'd sort of  fallen out with the previous M3 I just didn't   click with this engine when it first came out I  think with this car they've just integrated it   so much better it's it's everything kind of  hangs together really nicely and and really   interestingly you know when you're comparing it  against the Mercedes that's one thing that car   doesn't have it just lacks that last not even the  last bit of integration I think it's still quite   a long way to go this car has a really kind of  strong sort of homogeneous feeling I don't mean   that in a in a negative way I mean it just the  way it hangs together is very very satisfying   even though it's way down on power versus  the AMG it doesn't really feel I mean I   think when the AMG goes full absolutely  Bonkers you feel it but it doesn't always   do that for very long this is is much more  consistent and you know it's just always there a bit I think more than anything you know it's  it's just so nice to have a car that has evolved   and has retained so much of what m is about  with a three liter engine the straight six   it's just part of the identity and I think you  know they've hung on to it AMG have let their   identity go and and that's what's really cost  them in this test I think undoubtedly it has all of which brings us to the Audi RS4 it might be  at the end of its life cycle but Audi has given it   a little boost to get it across the Finish Line  in the form of a 75 unit special edition name   the competition the powertrain is largely the same  meaning a 2.9 liter twin turbo V6 with an 8-speed   Auto and 444 brake horsepower and 443 pound foot  of torque that is a way off the opposition that   the shifts have been recalibrated for a little  extra punch and you get the RS Sports exhaust   Plus for a fruitier sort of noise compared with  the rather restrained standard model there's also   a reduction in sound Insulation at the front  bulkhead adding a bit more noise and saving   8 kilos you get fixed rather than variable rate  steering spanner adjustable coilover suspension a   retuned rear differential and 20 inch Ollie Wheels  wrapped in stickier P0 corset tires all of which   is designed to make this a sharper more engaging  kind of RS4 to drive and with 495 liters of boot   space rising to 1495 with the seats folded the  Audi has just a little less boot space than the M3   I'll admit that when we first started stacking  up this test I'd mentally placed the Audi RS4   at the bottom of our our list the end of our  Podium because you know it's the oldest car   and it's got no more extra power it's a way off  with 400 444 brake horsepower but I'll tell you   what this is a really really good car now it  gets the basics right with a really nice low   set seating position just like the old one  did this one's got them the microfiber kind   of Alcantara centers which adds some tactility  you also get this on the steering and that's   the thing that really kind of stands out  when you first start driving this car this   new fixed ratio has a very very natural feel  and it Keys you into this car straight away   now the other thing as well as the steering  with its fixed ratio are the P0 Corsa tires   I think they add extra tactility as well and  some Precision so as as you turn it bites it's   very very natural it's not aggressive but it's  just got a very very pleasing turn-in and a very   natural organic sort of feel to it so we haven't  got any extra power as I said but we have got   this Audi RS Sports exhaust system and you know  the regular car is pretty subdued but this one   you know it's not shouty but it just gives it a  fuller voice it's a much richer sound and you know   versus the the Mercedes especially it's a really  nice kind of Ridge more involving exhaust note we've also got a recalibrated shift strategy for  the eight-speed Auto gearbox and you really feel   actually there is a punchiness to that so it's  another thing that's just tying in making this   car feel more connected and immediate this car's  got the carbon ceramic brake upgrade as well so   it's got a really nice pedal especially versus the  the Mercedes very very prompt very very confidence   inspiring now you do have a few settings that you  can choose from on a rather fiddly interface down   here but you can also group them two different  modes on the rs1 and rs2 settings there but one   thing you can't change is the suspension this  time and that's because this is on adjustable   coilover suspension you actually have to get the  spanners out to adjust that now you can make a   right old mess of that if you uh you know go at  it yourself but presumably this one's come with   the default factory settings 10 millimeters lower  for the roads and the way it's riding now you know   far from being kind of edgy and kind of gnarly  it's got a real sort of flow through it on these   German roads and it feels compliant and I can  imagine it actually working really well in the   UK as well and you couldn't say that about the  previous RS4 it just had a bit of an edge to   it that I wanted knocked off really I think  it's easy to lose context these days isn't it   with power outputs and and something like this  Audi with 444 brake horsepower they haven't even   increased it versus versus the standard car  which has been out a while but also you know   put it into context let's just drop this down  into third gear now and I've got just down to   about 2 000 RPMs let's floor it now kicks in just  after that point I was really strongly all the   way up to six thousand so really encouraging me  to wind it out this is a really quick car still   absolutely flying really comply and suspension  really engaging exhaust note so even though on   paper it's down a lot and it is the slowest  car here this is still a very very fast car   and it's more than enough for the road this car's  also got a really really capable chassis so even   though you've got relatively modest amount of  power it can really use it and you know you've   got the P0 courses more tactile more grippy and  you can someone took this car around and enjoy it   it's not going to throw any crazy shapes like  the M3 but it's it just hooks into a corner   powers out and there is real enjoyment of just  going point to point quickly in this kind of   really sure-footed confidence inspiring sort of  way there's no question I'd take this car over   the Mercedes and I think there's a real case for  it versus the M3 as well as a comfortable daily   that can still go point-to-point and entertain  and he's more subtle I think it makes a lot of   sense this car I really like the sound of this  engine as well it's got this sort of mournful   V6 sound as you're you're on part throttle and  then when you when you push harder it's sort of   a fruitier noise you've got the sort of Thunder  claps but it's not overplayed it's just enough   really I think what's interesting you know versus  the Mercedes the Mercedes for me is just the wrong   concept for that car they should never have put  a two liter hybrid and it with this car with the   RS4 I think it was a 90 car before it was good but  it wasn't wasn't quite perfect and with this with   a competition pack it's lots of small things but  they all work together to just give it that extra   bit of fairy dust it all hangs together and makes  it a much more satisfying car to drive and with   an appeal that really quite sort of sneaks up on  you as well this engine's got a really flexible   mid-range as well that adds to that sort of daily  driving usability there is a little bit of shunt   in it if you load it up on Boost and back off  but otherwise it's a very very strong engine now I've had to constantly sum up these cars I'd  say we've got a winner a disappointment and a   surprise and the Mercedes is a disappointment  and the loser in this test you know when some   cars come out they just need a good polish to  unlock their greatness but in this case I just   think this hybrid petrol electric concept  is just the wrong thing for this car it's   like you know it shouldn't be four cylinders  it should be four liters like some sort of   catastrophic typo from the engineering department  or Metallica swapping guitars for synthesizers I   just want that V8 back to be fair when it all  hooks up it's the fastest car here it's really   Furious performance but the integration is the  problem the way the sort of lumps and bumps and   inconsistencies and there's just too much stuff  to configure here there's also a load of them   compromises when you get to packaging so there's  a big hump in the boot that eats into boot space   of the estate that you bought to put Luggage  in and you know it's just not good enough this   car for me I'd say the winner is the BMW M3  I just love the way it blends everything it's   a really rounded car so it's great to drive  quickly but it does the daily stuff as well   it's great and terrible weather it's got the  biggest Boot and actually you should mention   it got the best MPG on this test 19.9 MPG and  some pretty hard use the Mercedes got 19.1 we   didn't use electric mode so it would have been  higher but we did hundreds of miles it's only   eight miles so 19.9 Audi by the way 18.8 but  yeah the stretch of this car's abilities the  

way it's safe and secure it's exciting then you  can turn everything off and it's just a complete   hooligan this would definitely be my choice  so the surprise of this test is the Audi RS4   it's the oldest car on test it's only got 444  brake horsepower but it's absolutely brilliant   you know I talked before about polishing a car  to bring out its best and that's exactly what's   happened here with the competition it's only a  few Choice upgrades but they really are Choice   upgrades it makes it more tactile sharper and  just more enjoyable to drive so first place for   me with the BMW M3 touring but definitely  highly commended second place for the RS4 thank you foreign

2023-06-12 18:24

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