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[Music] hello everyone if from NARA Japan which  is considered to be the first capital of Japan we   just arrived here now from Osaka on the train  it was 680 per person and the first startop   that we head into is the park which I think is  like the main attraction in N you can get the   bus there but I think walking's just around 20  minutes so we're just going to walk since it's a   beautiful day supposed to be sunny the entire  day so this is one of the reasons why a lot   of people want to come here because of the wild  deer didn't realize we'd be seeing them already   cuteness overload yeah look at this one so close  they're like semi wild because um yeah they hang   around humans yeah so we're going to buy some  crackers for the deers deer friendly crackers 200 can we eat them I don't know I  read that they're like special for   the deers to not be bad for them so no like  sugars or preservatives I think it's just wheat   mainly so I read that there's over a thousand  of these deers around here just hanging around   near the the humans they also eat grass as  well they don't just rely on humans to feed them took months nice nice well this one's come over the fence  okay wait wait wait no fighting does   it do the head bow yeah it did  let's see it though yeah very respectful [Music] look for [Music]   and another great thing about this Park area  is that we still have the cherry blossoms   it's past the peak now apparently but I mean  that one's still full can see others around   too they're still full of the the flowers yeah  so probably like a week ago it would have been   even more vibrant the colors still amazing  though cherry blossom and deers so on the   right there's a huge National Museum and there  are many temples around here can already see   one right here w're going to visit this one but  since we're here already might as well go inside   this is the nicest one so far yeah I think that  one's at its peak still they don't all Bloom at   the same time so there'll be still some that  are peeking so I mentioned that this was the   first capital of Japan I think that was  in the year 710 and then after it moved   to another place I don't remember the name and  then after Kyoto and then Tokyo obviously [Music]   got [Music] so it definitely looks  like a nice place to stay we were   considering staying here but we ended up  just doing the day trip think we got to   walk that way I don't know I don't  know either oh yeah here to Temple shortcut guess we'll do the shortcut then  yeah so we're just doing the day trip I   think you can do like a day trip from Kyoto  also if you don't want to stay here only took   about 40 minutes to get here from Osaka  got even more deers around the temple again definitely never seen so many deers in  my life hundreds and hundreds everywhere you go coolest entrance ever yeah I think that's  the biggest gateway to a temple that we've   seen so far massive all right follow follow  the deers yeah that thing is super impressive   huge wooden Gateway I really like the  wooden style ones that they have yeah   also the biggest statue that we've seen at the  entrance guardian over well on that side they   always have the same kind of figure don't they  lion too yeah the lion and then I don't even   know what that is like some sort of demon  Demon Slayer Demon Slayer maybe a what the hell the the de's mutated into a dinosaur hey stay away [Music] mate I have no no idea what's going on [Music] here so it seems like there's lots  of school groups doing the little   day trips Just Don't Go Near them dressed as  a dinosaur freaking out so we're going into   the great Buddha Hall 800 for adults the  garden there looks nice too yeah with the Sakura yeah from the map it seems like Nar is just  full of like nature areas can also do hikes too   see people on top of that like Hill or Mountain  at the top that is a wow Temple yeah it's massive   yeah it's so so big makes sense why the gate  was so big now Temple is way bigger yeah this   is definitely one of the most epic temples that  we've ever visited so I think this is the grand   Buddha Hall I read that this was originally opened  in 752 so I think that's the oldest Temple that we   visited in um in Japan so far that's around the  time when Nara was still the capital and I read   that the design was based on Chinese temples at  the time man it is so big I really didn't know   it was this big from the pictures yeah I think  that is also one of the biggest Buddha statues   that we've ever seen what do you think yeah maybe  there's the one in Bangkok it was very big the   one that reclining yeah reclining but yeah like  the the temples in Bangkok are very impressive   because they are very colorful and golden golden  but I think there's very there's something very   special about the the old ones I like the  older one like this one it looks a bit more rustic makes it feel like it's  really from like 752 [Music]   wow so right outside the temple we got probably  what is the pinkest cherry blossom that we've   ever seen yeah that is intense color yeah cuz  they're usually a bit whiter like this one on the left so we've come to this Ramen and udong  place right in the middle of the park got   to speak quietly yeah I think I'm going to get  the kizami udon 1,100 you getting that set yeah   the vegetarian UD set me 1,200 yeah and then they  have all sorts of drinks I might get the ice lemon   tea 400 so it's a nice big bowl of udon soup big  pieces of tofu also seems like lots of vegetables   I always like the the thick udon noodles I prefer  the thicker ones your set looks amazing too yeah   it smells so nice that including that tea yeah the  Japanese green tea rice and I don't know what this   is like a pudding yeah maybe a dessert I usually  get the meat one but this time I wanted to try tofu I don't know if this is  tofu also these little circles don't know what that is might be a [Music]  vegetable professional slippery out the noodles   yeah I think it's probably the hardest thing  to to eat to eat with chopsticks there we go [Music]   so we're going to continue on exploring  around the park not entirely sure what   else is here but I know there are tons of  other temples that you can visit oh wow   even more massive massive buildings right  there more school trips too think this is   a temple too or maybe it is it's very beautiful  as as well but I don't know the name or I don't   know anything about it yeah I don't see any  English signs the people were spin in the truck this building reminds  me of the movie spirited the   way the be house yeah it is a bit like that and at the top they also have a pretty cool  traditional looking Cafe we're going to get more   drinks and dessert here a coffee so the coffee was  790 and we got this other interesting set here so   that is soft rice ball coated with red beans like  a paste and we got the matcha how much is that up   there 1,200 Yen the matcha looks like a a soup  yeah it does looks nice she also brought this   which I think is like tea oh ice cream which ice  cream is that subaki Nissan yeah vanilla ice cream   brown sugar sauce mixed berry rice flour dumpling  roasted soy bean corn flak a lot of things 1,190   how's the ice cream very good they gave me  chopsticks to eat this thing oh it's really soft it's good   it's like what we're heading kusatsu you remember  but that was like a little bread with the paste   inside this is the paste outside the Rio matcha  in Japan the land of the matcha yeah good [Music]   so we've now come into yoshikin Garden this is  a free one there are some Gardens that you got   to pay for Japanese garden we didn't know this  was here either we just walking around and then   entering places on the way we skip so many temples  though there really are just so many temples that   you can visit can't go in the mall though looks  like a traditional style house [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so we're back in Osaka now and we're just arriving  at shinai that we showed in the last video which   is like a popular restaurant street it's actually  here right in front of us so we wanted to see it   at night we only saw it during the day you can  already see the the tower back there purple   Tower so it kind of looks like an amusement par  even during the day it was like that I think   the majority of the stores are restaurants but  you do have like the arcade games this is like   a a shooting one I think but they have like the  video game places too and just like we saw in do   they also have these like golden babies above the  building so actually thought it was going to be   busier this is about the same kind of movement  that was during the day definitely way more   laidback there do on Bor though where you have  the famous uh billboard of The Running Man [Music]   so we've come in this restaurant check  out this for a Wy restaurant we saw it   from the outside yesterday you can sit  in the boat you also have all these   fish here I don't know if that's fish  that you eat I think it is that's the price everything in Japan is wacky so it turns  out that all the fish are here because you can   get these fishing rods you can pay for them  and you can catch fish and then they'll cook   it for you whatever you catch so there's  people fishing everywhere what an idea yeah   I've never seen a restaurant like this it's  really unique yeah so I think each part has   different kind of fish what is that called the  one that's like flat on the ground think Soul   Fish soul Soul like soul of your feet oh  okay okay this guy's got a net he's here   yeah what what a crazy place man like Japan  just comes up with some UniQue Ideas right   since when day you go to a restaurant  indoors and everybody's fishing [Music] ah ah [Music] the beautiful singing yeah it's all karaoke places  around here mainly with locals though so we found   out recently that apparently the neighborhood W  St in is like the sketchiest area of uh Osaka we   had no idea at all but it don't seem sketchy to  us we really like it but on YouTube there's all   these like vloggers we went to the most dangerous  place in Japan yeah yeah and we were like oh this   is just normal we didn't know about it like  you said and for us it's just a safe place   but I think it's considered a bit unsafe for  Japan so that's a different standard but unsafe   for Japan is still so safe yeah it is for us  from me from Brazil and stuff so it's a very   different uh standard I mean we do notice that  some of the buildings are a bit more run down   here there is a bit more litter and finally saw  a homeless person here so after like a month in   Japan we hadn't seen a homeless person anywhere so  far and here there was one but still not many at   all and right now we're just making our way  back home down these alleys somewhere we're   staying on one of these streets and that'll be it  for this video so yeah just another amazing day   in um in Japan seems like every single day is  completely different every place that we go is   very different too very unique and in the next  videos we'll be in Kyoto which um yeah I think   some people think is the most beautiful place in  Japan and that will be probably where we end the   Japan trip so yeah end it on a high if you like  this video just drop a like as usual to support   us subscribe to see more videos like this follow  us on Instagram and we'll see you in the next one

2024-05-13 16:12

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