My Parents First Impression of Tagaytay Philippines

My Parents First Impression of Tagaytay Philippines

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[Music] foreign [Music] yes welcome back to another episode here in the Philippines and today we actually bring my parents around Tagaytay so as you can see in the background it's a bit Misty very foggy we're starting to Vlog today here at Scala hotel and I think it's an interesting thing about this hotel is the infinity pool that usually shows the view of the Tau volcano but not today because today is a rainy day so this is actually our second day in Decatur so yesterday when we're here we actually arrived on a very foggy atmosphere so we didn't actually get out to Vlog because it was raining so heavily and today we woke up it was a beautiful sky everything was fine and now again rain anyway we're gonna go to and show his parents the guitar so because last time we went together we had so much fun yeah yeah last time subscribers actually corrected so anyway we're gonna show them around and today we're gonna try Buko pie I mean we already tried but his parents still didn't try so keep watching this and eat with us oh my goodness baby it's so foggy can barely see anyone here just now even the reception where it has a lot of fog over there so it's quite funny yeah so we've got some umbrellas yeah yeah that'll be fine yep so today will be a rather hey morning how are you hello this is my mother this is partner Joe hello and today we're gonna have a rainy episode in Tagaytay so yesterday instead of going out we had wine ceremony [Laughter] my back still is so hard after yes the massage it's the hardest massage in my life Alina sometimes drama queen [Music] that's actually really painful but it's good it's good but it's good yeah okay thank you let's see like this one this one no good all right thank you I like when it's raining it's all good atmosphere especially in the mountains no one in Southeast Asia ever likes rainy days even in Hong Kong oh except it's in Hong Kong when it's raining very heavily then there will be special holidays and we don't have to go to school or go to work so sometimes it's good [Music] so instead of going there by tricycle or jeepney this time we're actually going on food I'm not too sure if it's the best idea but because it's so close to our hotel so we didn't bother to be a tricycle [Music] now we're making our way to the first destination for the day Cecilia which is a spot famous for Buko pie so Buko pie is very popular here in Tagaytay this region along with another dish called bulalo So today we're going to try it off not sure I would like it so these two are from Australia and they are used to eating meat pies for example like beef pie chicken prices Australia seems to meat pie in the Philippines is actually famous for fruit pies especially hintaketai famous for is Buco which is Yan coconut pie so today we're going to try some bukupai in sicilius hello so interesting they remember us or not yeah I wonder yeah smells like Fresh Bakery yeah so here they sell all kinds of pies from you know the standard egg Tarts to Yama cake and of course they have also other plants like uber pie pineapple pie that we haven't tried before and of course what we came here for which is the bucco pie so apart from all these plants and also a lot of local snacks that you can have a look later we'll just get one Burger pie please thank you yes I do and later we can go to another floor upstairs there we can drink some tea and eat book a pie yeah it's a very good atmosphere last time we actually ordered one fuku pie but because it's just Alina and I we only ate maybe a quarter of it but this time with four people I think you can finish a whole pie all in one setting thank you very much can we go upstairs and eat upstairs okay thank you in the Philippines one fruit in particular is very famous it's the Ube which is essentially similar to Taro but not very it's in the same family as Taro but yeah Ube so most of the time when you go to the street you see Ube flavored like uber candies Uber ice cream Uber cake it's very common ah dried tamarind what is this it's a peanut pie there are lots of delicious snacks here last time when we're here we didn't get to buy off them because we were in a hurry but the sand wouldn't slow it down just have a look crispy mushroom s haven't you fried mushroom interesting yeah in the Philippines there are lots of fried options like chicharron crispy remember oh these are mushroom actually wow wow so we can have one of these for our white ceremony yeah that would be nice actually yeah in Hong Kong it's it's something similar but fish skin it's very crispy and you step into the soup with soup noodles um it's amazing so my mother had a friend in Australia and they specifically asked her to bring some chicharon back home yeah my wife actually the text and then asked okay can you buy Chit Chat also there's this one oh wow and this one also they have different flavor flavor and also more more different okay one each wow dry Tamarind it's that they put in sinigang Tamarind remember but this is spicy wow seems like to be my mother's shopping Paradise here lots of snacks to eat souvenirs yes back to Australia they actually bought a 30 kilogram luggage allowance on flights so they can bring it a lot of things yeah bring everything back empty suitcase [Music] all right so right next to the bakery there is actually a set of stairs that leads you to the main restaurant where you can bring your Buko pie up here and the best thing about bukupa is that you can also eat with tea I think last time I ordered aside a cup of tea hot tea and with Google pies so delicious it's like proper afternoon tea hey are you open foreign for four people [Music] [Music] so the best thing that goes with Buko pie is of course if you order coffee or tea here specific tea because I think in general bacon just goes very well with tea so here they've got different tea options okay ready look at that oh that's nice [Music] that's a good one [Music] best friends in Australia yeah we do yeah we do what kind of fruit pies are there just a mixed fruit normally makes fruit like different different meat I usually it's on top yeah it's like a like a fruit but this one is like a custard kind of thing but instead of custard custard meat inside your favorite so what do you guys are eating yeah people living in the Philippines are very lucky especially all right Joe has his Best Buy in the ready no don't like it very nice a lot of coconuts very nice it's different yeah I've never had a fight like this it's warm inside yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum compared to fruit place in Australia but they're better [Laughter] this time it's more tasty than last time wow really you should try it so much big bite [Music] a lot but it's at this time right yeah is it coconut custard is that different one you had last time to describe vocal pie if you haven't had it before Google buy Supply inside there are layers and layers and layers of thin sliced coconut and there is coconut custard in between as well so overall it has this creamy at the same time coconut meaty texture inside okay so I made one mistake coming here I took the smallest piece of cake which one another one I think when they give us tea we already finished everything that's why I will wait for the cheese flush yeah we can wait you don't look like you guys [Music] thank you [Music] Lamborghini here in my Lamborghini here foreign [Music] to our next destination we're going to people's parking disguise you can see we actually splitting to two tricycles because according to the driver just then there's legislation here that only maximum of three people are allowed on each tricycle so last year because they told us some one guy before it allowed five people someone someone guy just dropped from yeah the tricycle so mainly is this front seat right here that's not allowed and at the back only three people are allowed [Music] all right guys so we have arrived our next destination today which is People's Park in the sky so the entrance is just right there and it costs 30 pesos according to the guide but now we already see a very beautiful view in front of us so we just quickly check it out [Music] oh here is hotter than downstairs downstairs down there yeah I think it's also because we're closer to the Sun maybe that's why we're a bit warm up here but usually when you go to mountains it's colder true that makes Sensei weather yeah it's uh sometimes we just go inside Korean one second literally every five minutes the weather changed a little bit here from this morning it was sunny Blue Sky no fork and then all of a sudden five minutes later it becomes very foggy and there's lots of mess around our hotel even just in the reception we cannot see nothing like hopefully hopefully so according to the driver just then People's Park in the sky is actually the highest point here in Tagaytay so do you feel hard to breathe yeah a little bit a little bit because attitude yeah okay let's check out The View [Music] my drama queen my drama queen that's so hard [Music] all right so about 10 minutes walk we've arrived people's parking the sky and upon arrive we can see the many fruit stores all around so you will never get hungry inside it's got snacks everywhere got some Bells getting your attention oh I believe even these um resting areas you need to pay 400 pesos to just sit down see there's p100p 100 missing you pay 100 pesos just to relax here yeah yep a lot of people send me a good view Ah that's why yeah life hack all right let's see wow your mother can you can take photos today morning some guy in a hotel he's like oh I can take photo for you and he take like he took a photo from this angle all in this photo okay this angle very nice very happy [Music] we've successfully reached the top and this view is actually not directly looking at the tile volcano but it's more towards the mountain side of things but you can see the volcano from afar and also later just then the driver actually asked whether we will be interested in going to the boat tour around town volcano Lake and we really want to go there because it's something special so we're going to show you guys too I think it's a Once in a Lifetime experience too swim around volcano no it's no swimming just selling yeah that's the view here panoramic view let's play up a lot now yeah the rain clouds sort of move to a different direction so now we can see more how you feeling Joe very good beautiful view up here was it worth the hike just now so beautiful I actually saw some people just now to chimney directly to here they just stop it right there and then people just get off so it's maybe it's a lot easier okay so this is what this trip is all about swinging some quality family time together and the view here is absolutely magnificent it's so beautiful yeah I love nature in this place it's perfect it's so relaxing it's so refreshing [Music] we also love the wildlife here they're many different birds around when different teach Club in Russia means bird who says after getting up the mountains and burning a bit of calorie I want to get something to eat so we're just looking at here let's see how different that we're here and in Baguio what kind of flavor do you have strawberry or your strawberry flavor okay one strawberry please yes so you guys haven't seen our previously I actually became a Tahoe seller in Baguio and I will carry this thing it is certainly not easy it is a lot heavier than you it seems suspended tahu always comes with sometimes they serve with brown sugar but this salad here has the Sago and strawberry jam as well this is original strawberry or it's just syrup syrup yeah this one is different between Baguio and Tagaytay thank you very much let's try syrup you guys don't know what tauhu is tahu is basically silky tofu so it should be very smooth the tofu that you normally eat you should break easily but this one is oh it's warm as well oh and also in Baguio it's a big cup and at 50 funny strawberry Sago yeah and tofu and Mom you wanna try it so drink a little bit interesting well eating jelly yeah more or less this is tofu with Sago and the strawberry jam syrup actually he said [Music] not bad yeah not bad [Music] okay yeah right okay thank you very much a few moments later we arrive our second destination today wait a second third third already third already third destination for today so now we're going to do a boat tour around the tower volcano there are actually two options so the first option is to go in front of the volcano which is around this area that's the one we're doing today so that one itself is 3900 pesos and the tour is around 45 minutes long but if you want a longer version which is going around the entire Island here so that one is around one and a half hours long for 5900 pesos or four people [Music] thank you foreign [Music] across here is actually a fresh water body and as you see there are lots of fishing activities going on both sides so the driver here actually said some very interesting facts so there is this type of fish called talavi which is in general a saltwater fish but then because here is a freshwater body they actually sort of move into the freshwater body here but the salt water doesn't actually come into the fresh water body just because of sea levels here but the fresh water is higher than the sea level because we're sitting at the front there's a lot of water splashing to our face I'm already so wet okay so we are getting closer and closer to the volcano latch here we're right Under the Volcano now [Music] so as you can see different between this is Mountain many people think it's volcano but it's just melting because so many trees but on real volcano you never can see trees because of eruptions and all trees yeah and it's all just flat so that's why when people come climb to volcano it's so hot it's so so hot if you climb so high especially in Bali that one right there is actually a church and this one right here was actually a newly built Resort initially but was I guess I put on hold because of the eruption you see the the foundation being built before I think there were people living here as well but they had to be evacuated because of the eruption and uh this one right here previously was a tourist center of this volcano but then erupts it and of course this happens just now he said most of the horses who work here and say yes they had died [Music] Island beer volcano it's so sad yeah everything is so broken and looks yeah I still don't understand why some people is there just now we saw people some swimming there let me just like I think both of those people you saw there they are carrying out some fishing activities or just relaxing there because the government actually prohibited everyone to live on this island so they have to relocate to the main takes Island yeah it's very sad we just made it we finished on our way back it started raining but it's it was good when we were there so good what the girl told us now some some story about the volcano oh yeah but it's actually said on because he was a tourist guy before so like every Sunday a lot of tourists go into there and on the day that they were Channel um erupted so there was a Sunday so he actually he was a tour guide of two Russians so he said when they arrived and then they can choose whether you want to go for a walk and go for horse riding and then the two Russian said oh they prefer to walk but then they said somehow you know on the top they started to have some like anxious and then the thing is like the whole thing is shaking so the authority asks people to vacate and the two Russians they run run run down and then they said started to see cracking on on the ground and they are crying oh my God this story makes me like a chicken skin you don't hear the people the family he is living on this side but the whole um the government they have to um evacuate all people even though on this side for two months the whole area was locked down wow I can't imagine what the locals went through here yeah really it's devastating to see the how the broken house is just then but yeah what an experience we just I'm just glad that we made it back to the shore safely because just now the the wind was quite strong and the waves were like getting stronger and stronger as well okay now back to our hotel and let's eat dinner yeah let's add dinner all right let's go thank you very much thank you everybody next time oh he's already here are you still here no not anymore so today morning we forget to buy some snacks from Cecilia's and now we're back but this is a different store this is the more closer to our hotel so let's see what is the inside yeah so he integrated actually three different Sicily store so don't get confused but all of them are roughly still the same they sell similar products and later we're gonna go to dinner because today we will eat something special and this will be soup famous in tagay Thai so if you come to taguitai you need Thai and also in bulaw soup have some special part it's inside bones have um collagen so yeah I want to eat this collagen today this time we actually got mostly for my mother's friends so they actually especially request my mother to bring the chicha Khan with different flavors they've got the cheese flavors uh corn flavor and also barbecue flavored and for us tonight because we're gonna have the traditional wine ceremony with the family so we're gonna get the mushroom crackers but it's with salt egg flavor [Music] all right so far final stop today we're gonna have dinner at Farmer's Table but this place is actually located in a rather hidden area because just now the roads were a bit rocket and Spills nature all around and today we're gonna eat is a famous signature dish here in taguitai so if you haven't tried bulalo in Target then you haven't been in Target at all and this one is actually recommended by many of our subscribers here so yeah finally we get to check it out today Farmer's Table like the name suggests I believe everything here is organic that's why it's so highly regarded so we come at an early time today so now it's around five o'clock oh and everything looks here so beautiful it's so beautiful everything's so aesthetic our table is ready let me show you guys interior so this is the interior I was talking about full of Nature and plants everywhere and it looks very modern and aesthetic and we've got a garden View seat looks like [Music] wow [Music] looking at this is truly mouth-watering and this makes me more hungry yeah and the smell here is impeccable oh especially when you're hungry I think you can smell the super far away makes it even more hungry wow sorry [Music] all right so next on the menu we've got the smoke tinapa cream Croquettes which is six pieces and it looks absolutely stunning try enjoy so cheesy good [Music] oh look at that wow [Music] very hot oh [Music] very soft oh my goodness [Music] all right guys thanks for watching this episode like like comment subscribe right now we'll see you guys next time [Music] bye

2023-07-22 17:35

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