My Kerala Tripdream came true as NetherlandsForeigner in India vlog

My Kerala Tripdream came true as NetherlandsForeigner in India vlog

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my Kerala trip Dream came true coming to India as a Netherlands Foreigner [Music] we're walking through a wallpaper she's going here for a bit and this is the story of how it feels to finally see your dream come to life [Music] Kerala is a place so beautiful you constantly feel like you're walking in a wallpaper [Music] but I didn't know any of this when I first landed in Kochi Kerala back in 2015 as a nervous traveler Kerala changed my whole perception of India and frankly it changed me to these first experiences with the people the Cadillac Cuisine the nature and ayurveda always kept me coming back it's the reason why I always recommend the Forno tourists to start their trip in Kerala but personally I had one dream trip on my bucket list that I wasn't able to realize until now currently boarding one of my biggest dreams in Kerala [Music] for the best cardamom and the best pepper in the world grows fascinating thank you so much Cadillac tourism for partnering with me on this [Music] so good warm spicy mix of Awesomeness in this video I'm creating real life postcards seminar living my best foodie spice dreams Integrity I feel like a kid in a candy store but like a foodie and a spice shop and finally arrived for my dream on a real houseboat in Alabama [Music] it's a breathtaking Journey for which you must stick with me until the end taking over the ship now but all trips in Kerala should really start in Kochi the memories always rush back how I landed here for the first time when I came to India at this point when I landed I was mortified but then I just walked to immigration and this airport the state Kerala completely changed my perception about India you know people keep asking me how can you go back to places you've already been but the secret with Kerala is the more you come back the better it gets this is our guide in Kerala Manoj he is so knowledgeable one of my favorite things about Landing in Kochi is that the airport is the world's first airport fully powered with solar power you can see the endless fields of solar panels right outside but we are off to Port cochi foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] but a little bit more floral as well [Music] fantastic bed fantastic start of the shrimp [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the first time I learned about the Cochin Dutch connection at the Modern Cherry Palace it was fascinating I discovered something new and free time that I'm here this is my first time in the Jewish quarters and I am clicking away [Music] pretty [Music] yeah this is so incredibly nostalgic I remember teapot being one of the first cafes that I visited while I was doing yoga teacher training and they are still here [Music] this dream trip in Kerala is off in the best way possible but you know what makes everything always better [Music] [Laughter] laughs [Music] based on these amazing experiences I'm full of expectations and the next morning starts so peacefully a peaceful as well as an adventurous morning [Music] how do you get access to this you also [Music] lost times every day almost 300 times every day 45 different designs [Music] different design see that is so cool 150. Namaste [Music] your hair I love ironing we're fixing my frumpy shark do it yourself don't be good looking better now well that was really really adventurous and now I am so excited to be heading back to Monarch it takes about four four and a half hours to reach munnar from Fort Kochi last time I only had 24 hours and now we're going to be spending two days [Music] the views are so incredibly scenic [Music] a quick waterfall pissed off because that's what you do on your way to monar you make a waterfall Pit Stop foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you it is stunning [Music] winar is at an altitude of around 1500 meters and it feels like we're literally driving into the clouds [Music] medium firm definitely firmer than the previous but a very comfortable bed nevertheless what is this you what is this place foreign I can't wait to explore more oh [Music] welcome to winner in India rain and gloomy weather is usually a relief from the Heat and hence it is really romanticized for a good reason because this kind of beautiful gloomy weather with a hot cup of chai and some snacks oh my gosh it just started reading and we were supposed to go for a nature walk and guess what Pacha is on the way snacks are underway [Music] for the lovelies who are commenting on my hair lately I know and especially humid weather and curls are not friends and even though we are in a hill station now it is humid and my hair is like no curls enjoy the views but not the curls in case you don't know I am from the Netherlands and in the Netherlands it rains 90 of the time and it is extremely cool hence I used to hate cold weather gloomy weather rain it was definitely not for me until I got to experience it in India when thinking of India most tourists only think of hot weather but that's the beauty of Kerala you can go from hot to Hill station in Just 4 hours [Music] oh Charming [Music] it's not hot at all this is a place where you actually come to cool down in the Indian summer the temperature is really really nice but it is definitely humid as you can see from all these clouds that is another level of mollywood dream my friends [Music] foreign [Music] I did a yoga teacher training in Kerala many years back and it changed my life forever I learned to have faith in life as an adult to dream and believe that the future I desire in my mind can be brought to life by listening to my intuition and meditation for many years now I've been dreaming on a night on an Alabama houseboat and of seeing the tea plantations in munar stick with me until the end for the houseboat experience but here's where the tea plantations in munnar are really like thank you [Music] foreign [Music] ly walking into my first Plantation ever [Music] [Music] the last time that I was here we just went to the natural park and I didn't get a chance to walk through the tea plantations and the tea plantations honestly are just the best wallpapers real life wallpapers that you're walking into [Music] foreign [Music] we are now in the village of the Tea Plantation workers they have to pick around 24 kgs of tea leaves a day but they usually pick around 100 kgs and they live in this Village and as long as they're working for the tea plantations they're allowed to just live here and do their own thing art calls just like dogs oh cows are my favorite animals she's going here for a boat to top it all off there are cows here [Music] it is a little bit cool the sun is shining now I think in the afternoon it's going to rain but that is just a vibe [Music] during the sweater so much it's beautiful out here oh [Music] I just had to come back to Manoa for this beauty I mean look around me this is stunning [Applause] if you actually drink the milk of these cows who eat the tea leaves you'll get chai instant chai can you imagine it's so cool this is my kind of nature experience I love that [Music] I love this little wallpaper by the way we're comfortable Footwear also because there might be leeches not mainly here but there might be leeches in other places but of course you can wear a dress on top for the Aesthetics with a beautiful experience like this the expectations are even higher for the overnight stay on the Alabama houseboat but aren't high expectations usually a risk because you might get disappointed only one way to find out so stick with me until the end for now the monar adventure is about to get even more interesting this is my first time visiting a tea Factory and as a child lover I am this is a withering process and they harvest the leaves from the field they bring it here and this like a fresh giving the normal and hot area for reducing the moisture if you catch the fresh Leaf you lose the juice you never get the call but for the crushing we need moisture it smells so good [Music] thank you [Music] if I can give you a recommendation bring a hoodie I wanted to pack a hoodie last minute but I thought I don't think I need it I'm going to Kerala Kochi anyways it's hot munnar is kind of chilly so I have a blanket over here to just keep warm and I'm wearing two pairs of socks but I'm going to have the most amazing lunch to fuel my body after this adventure filled morning I have over here Papa this is Kerala rice then we have some Curry over here I hope it's a bitter girl then I have some okra some pickle zucchini I guess a Toran and paisum Toran is a very very typical Kerala dish where they temper the vegetables with coconut and with some mustard cheese and it is so delicious thank you [Music] Cadillac Cuisine oh it is outstanding it is one of the main reasons why you should visit Kerala because the food is so unique but also so delicious foreign [Music] wow so cool goodness elaichi my obsession we're at the plantation and did you know that cardamom grows at the root of the tree or the plant actually fascinating oh stuff why do I feel like I'm walking in an Avatar movie this is so dreamy you only see the scenery in cold destinations with all the fog and stuff but yes it's chilly definitely but it's so nice I have never seen anything like this there's just fog everywhere and somehow mystical or really enchanting hi hi who are you and where are you from I'm poorva I'm from India we're currently lives in U.S and I love your Vlogs ah thank you so much there's really something magical about munnar I can't explain it maybe it's the combination of the evergreen forest and this and the wonderful weather the Mist everywhere for the first time I find it enchanting and not creepy it's just so beautiful here [Music] unfortunately saying goodbye to this stunning Paradise but apparently there is another beautiful paradise for us waiting I have never been there we are off to tekkady [Music] uh it's known for uh spices because it's one of the best place the best quality cardamom and pepper grows in this area and then Wildlife trekking [Music] what is this tropical dream for us this is stunning [Music] wow what even is this stunning place [Music] not only does it look phenomenal like a proper Villa from the inside there is a private pool there's also an outdoor shower situation so you truly feel like you've stepped into an enchanted jungle Forest [Applause] monar is at an elevation of about 1500 meters tekkady is at an elevation of about 950 meters if you're worried about the temperature Tecate is definitely a little bit warmer than munar in munnar there is a little bit of a chill which is nice and it is very very cozy however if you have a private pool out here you obviously want it to be a little bit warmer this is more of an enchanted forest Vibe and I am living for it I had never even heard of tekkady before this trip with Kerala tourism I think it is an absolute Hidden Paradise [Music] there's an elephant and a baby elephant wow that was so soothing [Music] foreign if you're thinking this girl looks exhausted it's because I am after the lovely road trips and all the adventures I am in dire need of some ayurveda DLC ayurveda is an ancient system of traditional medicine native to Kerala and I'm getting a massage if you've never gone for an ayurveda massage you should know it will be two people massaging you at the same time and there's really a lot of oil involved afterwards there is a special steam experience and as you can tell from my face my soul feels completely rejuvenated again time for some food and new adventures oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I'm really not mad how my morning is starting this is a very very typical get along breakfast I would say and the first time I had idiopam was actually in Kochi well I was staying there Lina made it for me and I was just completely overwhelmed by how interesting this is to eat yes you eat it with your hands what even in this place the excitement is through the roof on our way to the houseboat but Manoj had one more surprise Integrity yes we are integrity and this is the place where the best cardamom and the best pepper in the world grows [Music] mind-boggling that I had never seen peppercorn grow on trees before I came to Kerala for the first time especially if you're a foodie these kind of things are just going to make you so happy you should smell the scent in here oh this is all fresh cardamom so good getting 100 grams of fresh cardamom 100 grams of fresh pepper and actually I want to star and a stew I think that's going to be it maybe some cinnamon and this is real cinnamon oddly from Sri Lanka and we got that platform Sri Lanka and we cultivated I feel like a kid in a candy store but like a foodie in a Spice Shop as we enter Alabama so many memories of my first time in Kerala rush back I was just so new to everything and kept calling the coconut trees palm trees which the malayalis found extremely amusing I'd also never seen a mango tree but imagine my state of all learning that I was about to have an experience on an Alabama houseboat with the same company that took care of the Dutch Royals during their visit in 2019. foreign I really hope this experience is as good as I imagined it for years [Music] currently boarding one of my biggest dreams in Kerala [Music] so thank you so much for being with us I must say that first so I'll introduce my stuff to you Mr majesh is the Chevron board and we have Sunil he drives the boat and I'll be on the service a little tour of the houseboat first initially you step into this seating slash dining area which is quite large I have to say there are three bedrooms but first you have to walk the beautiful hallway [Music] the bedrooms are very very comfortable with a full-on washroom oh this is such a soft and foamy bed this is going to be the view to which I'm going to wake up tomorrow I stopped to spend the night here and there is a full-on kitchen here so we're going to have lunch in a minute but what I really like about this houseboat is that you really get connected with the surroundings of the stunning alipay backwaters [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this has always been a dream of mine because the backwaters of Alabama are actually a renowned for their beauty they call this the Venice of the East and I've only had the privilege of spending half a day tour here never 24 hours on a houseboat and definitely not one as beautiful as this one so I'm very curious to see what this experience will be like the food during this trip has been nothing but outstanding but of course the main Jewel in kerala's Cuisine Crown is the Sadia personally I'm vegetarian but Kerala is also very renowned for the seafood so if you're non-veg definitely go for the seafood when in Kerala you must have a Sadia and I'm so excited to have it once again I have so many dishes in front of me but one of my favorites is which is beetroot with yogurt and tempered spices it is perfect for this hot and humid weather in alope which I love because it genuinely makes my skin glow delicious healthy Kerala Sadia food oh it is my favorite so I'm gonna eat I'm so excited yes so what do you do on a houseboat in alope and why is it so special let's find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign I wish you could smell the scent right now because it just smells of incense and nature we are underwater there's fishermen behind me it just smells of Kerala [Music] warm spicy mix of Awesomeness [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] this was some kind of night small note the windows are quite low if you're keeping on your privacy and don't want people peeping into your room you you need to close those blinds [Music] I just woke up after a magical night on the famous alipay backwaters houseboat and saw one of the most peaceful ways to wake up there is a fisherman both behind me but otherwise it is just quiet you can only hear the words the soft water lovely [Music] thank you [Music] take it over to ship now it's currently cruising back and I can't even believe the trip I had here Kerala is so magical and I think everybody should see this with their own eyes if you would like to watch more Kerala Vlogs I have linked them down in the description below because there is so much to see here and that's why I will always keep coming back

2023-07-24 05:10

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