My FIRST impression of LAMU, KENYA

My FIRST impression of LAMU, KENYA

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good morning everyone welcome to my YouTube  channel we are in lamu lamu is basically an   island in uh East Africa it borders Somalia and  behind me if you see there that's the Indian Ocean   we'll be going there later first let me give you  the room tour we staying in sapini hotels it's   though oh it's bendia though it's simple but it's  looks so beautiful and cute it's so ancient this   is the bathroom right here that's me this is the  bed mosquito net at night there are insects coming   in from here and we've got a balcony right here  just to chill and relax and you get a best view   of the island and we are on the third floor that's  the swimming pool up there you see the restaurant   it's a beautiful beautiful property and uh staff  is very polite and hospitable I'm just paying um   6,000 Shillings a night that is 3,000 per person  I'm sharing the room with Andy so 12,000 for two   nights which is uh pretty reasonable I must say  you know for the services that we are getting you   get a free breakfast too actually Andy is calling  me we need to go now I plan to roam around in the   old town I'll take you along with me by the  way lamu it's the uh most preserved Swahili   settlement in East Africa that's what they say so  we'll be going out and exploring I hope you all   are excited too someone is crying here I could  see donkeys as well you call them Punda Punda   and Swahili they make noise every 2 to 3 hours  I wish I could see these are the residential uh   areas I think residential houses here and some  are uh what do you say hotels or NB Airbnb and   the roofs it's not what you see usually it's  different than the others I don't know what are   these roofs made of I'll I'll ask and cross check  with someone anyways let's just go now let's not   waste time Andy yes what's special about lamu uh  the calmness the people are so friendly uhhuh the   Tranquility mhm and then everyone is minding  their own business oh okay yeah and then this   place is called shella it's like a small village  in lamu okay and everyone is so kind to us yeah I   could see that they are so hospitable yeah they  are they are but I also heard that lamu is the   most preserved Swahili settlement which you find  in East Africa yeah is that true yeah it's true   because of their culture mhm and uh even the way  people dress here it's quite different you'll see   and uh they've been preserving their culture for  the longest time ever they're the only people who   let me let me not say the only people but they are  the most people who have maintained the Swahili   culture I see and even I can see the architecture  here the buildings here see if you see this it's   Made of Stone it looks so ancient it looks so  uh Persian like this is how you find in uh how   do I put this I don't know where exact guys let  me know antique antique yes yes yes yes look at   the lanes they are so narrow it looks like you're  walking somewhere in Rome like it's like Roman uh   field see yeah yeah oh I can see Punda yeah that's  Punda a means of transport L both people and goods   so you find most of the donkeys are caring Goods  or people so if you love L this one ising okay   yeah and it also carries people because the means  of here is H and boats saw the many boats in the   yes yes I could see that Jetty but so you don't  have any Vehicles apart from the kunda like the   cars or bikes or anything it's hard it's hard to  find them but I think it's one one CU Now where's   the road yeah the road it's so narrow I can see  that and then I realized that a lot of people   are walking barefoot and they don't mind yeah  just their culture and also when I was here last   week uh foreigners were walking without shoes oh  okay yeah like there's another Resort over there   called banana house before you enter you have  to remove your shoes oh okay yeah yeah yeah is   that a swah culture I think it is because you see  when you walk bare food to the beach you collect   a lot of sand and I think they don't want sand  in their houses okay so there's always a place   where you wash your feet or you leave the shoes  to the beach you leave them outside and then you   enter the house I think it's the C oh yeah okay  you're just passing through the lane to go to   the beach right we get the jetty from there jumbo  jumbo they getting the J yeah they're walking B   feet I can see them yes noral yeah even the roads  are you know it's so clean here the lane is clean   mhm it's not dirty yeah it's not yeah what's your  first impression of lamu lamu I was surprised like   to see I was shocked like such of course we landed  um we came here late in the evening yeah but after   I've entered the hotel if you see uh even like  a small thing like a door the lock is so what do   you say ancient they don't have what we have in  the cities like those wooden locks you see they   have that sort of thing I so curious to know what  is it but I got to know like it's the they have   preserved that for years and years now yeah and  what is this roof even I'm curious to know about   this this is makuchi maki yeah it's like a roofing  yeah they roof with makuti here okay because it's   hard to find iron sheets or you can use the Iron  Sheet then put the MTI on top okay yeah this makes   the city look so beautiful sorry I'm talking City  the island yeah yeah the village yeah yeah yeah   yeah then it's also helps I think it helps also  with cooling you know the air sheet when it gets   hot when it's hot it gets hotter but this Maki it  should be a bit cool oh okay it helps in bringing   temperature down yes yes yes yeah any which it's  too hot here today it was drizzling couple of days   back at me I'm dripping sweating I'm dripping  honey yeah look at this wall see this is what I   was talking about coral Coral okay jumo good good  so you're from here yeah you've been living in   lamu so good to see your town I was so curious to  know about this the walls here what are they made   of stone stone stone it is okay oh it's not Coral  not cor oh sorry so me the fisherman oh you're the   fisherman Supply oysters oysters okay in the town  itself Town yeah okay private in the private house   I see the lobsters lobsters okay so that's your  livelihood still alive fresh M and no I'm saying   what's the source of livelihood for people here  the fish fish and the crab okay calamari and oy   and okay supply all right what's your name sir  Abdul Abdul Abdul nice to meet you Abdul e I'm   sir doesn't know I'm a pure vegetarian sir okay  thank you thank you oh I see so Community staying   here is Arabic Muslims Arab Muslim Portuguese  Portuguese okay I see I think he didn't understand   the question I was talking about the livelihood  maybe the fish fishing is their primary source   of income yeah because most of the time in these  hotels uh they get fish directly from the ocean   okay so most of them that is their main business  or the boots M or maybe the donkeys mhm I think   that's it I see okay the the this town most of  it is gr is grown with uh tourism tourism yes is   yeah yeah yeah I think the major boost is tourism  so primary source could be tourism I see yes okay   but also you can see some small small shops they  selling someu wo yes can I have look at it yeah   oh this is a zebra okay this is the carpet nice so  this is the sahil tire yeah okay I see and that's   the you Stitch these clothes yeah okay that's nice  that's the Swahili attire yeah yeah thank you so much oh my God hello again hello did we meet again yeah when  at the sunet S not you not Me Maybe another woman   another lady yeah you come for the wedding  also which wedding the the Somali wedding no   no we didn't Somali wedding where was it happening  was wonderful oh yesterday after yesterday there   before yesterday okay we should have attended  the Somali wedding maybe Great Gate crushed   the boat to lamu yeah we are going to lamu town  so you have a boat uh we just looking for one I   have it I have one how much you charge how many  are you two of us we we have a boat it's okay   you have a boat okay she has spoken to someone  already problem okay thank you so much I don't   know how much is he charging I don't know we'll  ask him okay noral price yeah oh not the muungu   price not un anyone ask that 1,000 1,000 okay  no chance of negotiation no because the fuel   is more high now the fuel is about 261 lit  yeah today no l lamu 260 per liter per l   oh my God and how many liters does it take to  maybe 2 L 2 and half l oh okay then come back   oh okay all right she's speaking to someone  if not then we come to no problem okay what's   your name sir Fel Fel Fel okay I seen lot of uh  what do you say Muslim name that come across is   it the Muslim Community staying in L yeah mostly  mostly Muslim Community okay and apart from that   which are the community do we find there from  mainlands Nairobi kumu kumu malindi Malu these   are the tribes the tribes okay we stay here in  L they're walking here and thenation down there some oh okay I see thank you all equal yeah yeah  we all equal yeah that's a good thought sir all   equal but people still refer to me as light skin  I don't know why yeah because you like some light   skin like you yeah yeah but you look like I'm Z  look like that's why okay yeah because you don't   speak much speak much yeah but they so when you  come here you see the face this is a the tourist   come and visit so we know the local we know the  visitors yeah that's even he has come from Nairobi   but you know he come from the face is very strange  for us because come Vis don't see oh don't see   people like him I see Nairobi is a busy place so  can meet this this I know it is busy contrary to   what you find here in lamu it's so peaceful yes is  he coming yeah he's there we go there we have to   go there all right Abdul I'll see you if you need  for the DA for the sunset I have a nice beautiful   da guys promote something little also to survive  something how we need uh what is he saying asking   the sun we want to go to mangar mangr swimming  mang swimming yeah H okay we want to do that right   you know you know how to swim so sorry so how  swimming can take down there is more inside you   see the the house down there we have nice Channel  down there can go for swimming down there 2 hours   3 hours you know the beach down there the corner  and then around the corner nice Channel down there   so how much will you charge we'll uh come back  you spend on hours how how many 2 hours 3 hours   how many hour you think we'll spend this I don't  know but maybe he can tell us okay you tell us   your price we'll ask him his price so whichever  is the best we take that you can just say yours   and then say tell PR come on you go first if you  geten if he get him also get me okay problem oh   no problem no problem that's if I didn't get for  the swimming maybe you can give me the another   work maybe for for the sunset but I hope you  good give us good price no problem you tell me   the price for that swimming thing mangar swimming  2 hours how much yeah 25 2,500 yeah Shillings mean   yeah Shillings yeah dollars can pay pay dollars  and then okay let me check with him whoever pays   the good give the good price we go with him okay  and then the boat will follow you where down there   and then the you the channel finish down there Dr  down here okay but if I drown there will you come   and uh rescue me very easy you have left jacket  on board okay good good okay yeah Che my number   my number if you want you be you're your right so  we come from here no problem okay Abdul w we plan   to do the mangaru swimming instead of the Sun  set cruise because uh uh I want to experience   how it is like to swim in the ocean but let's see  depending on the time and the weather we'll take   a call for now we just heading to Old Town and I  see my friends here they're eating something the P how to make the noise I don't know all  right they are the common uh animals you   find in here and who's the  Capitan or Captain who's the captain this boat looks better than what  we had yesterday H hello Captain are we   going to the Old Town yes yes how much is he  charging ask you how much Captain 1,000 but   make a discount of 200 Char 800 800 how  much did he say 1,000 4% yeah no 1,000 two people yeah okay you say we take it yeah okay  Captain we we want to enjoy this ride all right   okay they asking you a question oh sorry what  were you saying need a company or a crew is here   I have a company with me already then take a crew  take a crew the captain is right here Captain is   just dealing with the engine you are a funny man  okay all right we go now go yeah that's a good look he works yeah yeah the one one that one okay wo bye what's his name Abdul Farid Farid yeah  bye Farid wa this this way sorry the boat is going   this way or this way this way so here maybe okay  all right ouch one second how many minutes 15 20   20 minutes all right 20 minutes for this ride and  then we will be in lamut town the only way to go   to Lut town is through a boat we can't uh the only  way to go to lamut town is through a boat right   but when the tide is low you can walk walk oh we  can walk yeah when it's slow time okay so is high   tight okay I see okay but we don't have any other  vehicles to take us like a van or something no   just b b b b oh there is a b b there so we do have  a b b that will that can take us okay that's the B   bod stand so we walk from there and you can take  the B B from there oh I see and how much the ID charge 300 when it's high when it's high tide  300 okay that's the time when the boats don't   uh you don't because that you can't walk you  have to go to the there is another road which   is very stiff so that's why they charge  more that's why they charge more oh I see okay but the weather seems too hot today  yeah because the rain was coming then   when it reach lamb it stop okay bye  bye Abdul okay are you okay I'm okay   thank you oh I see couple of restaurant here  and there's an ATM right there and the bank too okay so I plan to walk around  in the town and see is there any   place where I can get my currency  exchange engine currency yeah yeah   you can change here there come I show  you okay for free I show you don't pay me there you okay Andy he's showing me the  place where I can get my currency exchange   what happened there the bank is not accepted  bank is there is the place okay we go with   him all right no problem mam is my name  I born here okay Mohammad you're welcome   and your name is my name is PR what priia Pria  oh you from India I'm from India yeah you look like ticket tiet okay how can you speak  Hindi yeah we have a lot of Indians here   oh okay so we have Indians in lamu yeah  a lot of Indians here I can show you Asar   okay I can show you problem the Main Street  this is the main street right here okay all right okay we go there all right M as  you say the main street okay take it take it okay looking at him talking Hindi I forgot my  Hindi I know I know but it's not more a little   bit little bit Yeah show the Indian people they  have the shops here there okay buildings oh Indian   but they must be Indians who must be living  in lamu for we have a lot of IND yeah a lot of take photo no problem okay take take take W the shops here look very old here yeah  very old old town it's an Old Town that's   why okay 800 years ago this the building  so the shop is also 800 years old yeah   oh okay this the Main Street this  is the main street Aria AR aramia is one way one way okay so you find a taor shop here yeah this  the shop this good luck Mo and star W   take a phot good luck in L good lucku I love  L I love okay and what's lamu TAMU lutu is a   sweet watch out the donkey the car my this  the car I got it's scar he's he's the king   he's the king of he's the king of the shop yes  please have a look just have a look please okay   I'll be back dollars there do also problem you  accept Indian currency Indian currency Indian currency get it to exchange L  is an island it's a small place cities and Big Towns so you all don't  IDE accept indan curreny Okay but we'll   just Che India yeah I can show you okay let's just check but you sell the traditional attire of oh okay Mohammad is taking us some there inside  yeah feel free feel free I can take you   to the Indian people of course now that mad  is with us we need not worry this the only   Supermarket take photo Island this one the only  okay that's the supermarket right behind it s hi   so we here we we we start here and then we go  to the Indian Place Indian place okay what's   this first is for the dollars okay to change  the currency and then we go to there okay okay   what is this area called here this is p uh Town  Square Town Square mongi Town Square okay okay you just check inside oh this is shop okay hi uh I want to get my Indian currency  exchange he that you do it yes how much will   you charge for that which currency Indian Indian  Indian currency yes oh rupees rupees engine rupes let me see how much I have around 10,000 the only place oh oh Gandhi g no this  is India India this is India but I show you   the everyone yeah so he has a collection of w  the only one okay that's impressive you can be   happy with me problem okay he knows me okay  they watch lot of Bollywood like I told you   before this is a new you know you have changed  new currency this is a new currency this is a   new so I'll tell you 2,000 currency uh 2,000  rupe note is banned in India and that's been   discontinued okay and this small note they still  the same old one yes yes yes all of it you talk   about 100 rupee note on and you talk about I I  think you're talking about the 1,000 rupe note   yes yes it's it's been out of the market it's  been years now oh so yeah this is the new one   but the bricks will change all this you know  now this will be common maybe Chinese uh uh as   it you know the the the the the unity of the  bricks Nation BR I I I got I got that but I   didn't understand like I mean you know this will  soon become common you know all the country will   trade with this yeah because Modi G is in uh  trying to make it a universe yeah now Russia   accepts INR also to even in Dubai is accepting now  to trade with oil yeah yeah yeah you're correct   yes yes that's what he meant okay she love  Indian music every time oh okay maybe we can dance sh sh sh she's famous Shan she's a famous  for Shan oh okay I'm a far fared exchanges   currency okay he's a very nice person giving good  rapes thank you the only place the only place in   lamu he says all right bye my lady I hope next  time you're not shy to dance on Bollywood I don't   know how to dance I can't seeing we both can dance  you want to dance I oh okay what which song you   like I have many see one let them see come on sing  it I have a lot I love a lot but I love the of nice one lovely people I must say the old town  this way Old Town this this way okay let me just   call my friend yeah which just see take a photo  and then go back okay there the old yeah there is   Old Town okay I take you to the old to I see this  the for this one long time ago there is a sleep   tree slave trade yeah yeah slave trade Oman people  Sultan uhhuh he put slaves here inside here okay   and who are those slaves the Kenyans yeah the  Kenyans like me black people okay let's go to   the Old Town you see the old town and then we go  back so the Oman yeah yeah you see yeah from Oman okay we walking down the lane we have H 46  most including this one this one okay 46 I see and then L if you get lost M you follow this   you follow this water this water this  the sea takes you direct to the ocean okay Mohammad is giving us a tour of the Old  Town we're just walking with him 800 years ago   mhm the Oman people they come and build these  houses he oh okay these houses they build with   with a with a Oman people suan oh like s we  going to his grave now direct from here okay   and then the first most P there say built 1845  1845 yeah you can see okay and it's safe here   you can walk till morning mhm no robbery not  like no robbery no robbery okay everyone is   friendly to each other is it yeah I can see  that and we build our houses with the mang   Gros you see mangr yes and also Stones I've  seen these are corals oh it's coral and not   changed yeah it's changed the color oh okay  yeah from long years due to moisture I think   it's how are you I'm good it's a long time ago  like 800 years ago oh so they change the color   mm but is are corals okay like this one these  are corals yeah all of this this the Old Town mhm see the mles the we build with mangos okay  wood CU if you build with with the iron it's   going rust okay so the house is not come last  long mhm it's C down because of the rust okay I see a grave of side side grave of who side side  Sultan okay the grave of him oh my God this is a   tomb like 800 years ago okay and who was he  Sultan he's a s market slave marketing M oh   okay the one the for where you showed to do that  okay I get it so that's his house that one so no   one lives in here now now you can see that he  his mosque it's 1845 Okay that it's there's   a mosque yeah 1845 but they will rovate every  every 5 years 4 years okay take a photo nobody ask yeah but I can't go inside No No Yeah I  have to be uh what do you say appropriately   dressed to go yeah Dr bo bo a hijab okay okay  okay I see let's go to the coffee shop no right   he wants me to visit the coffee shop yeah the  only shop which hasino cappuccino and Indian okay she owns this Cafe she owns this Cafe what  she owns that Cafe yeah oh okay they here show you oh I see the only Cafe which  has all the modern equipments yes the machine is there oh I  see they got espresso machine   too that's nice maybe we can have a  coffee here later once I'm done with   my lunch now you have to eat first  then we come later yeah yeah thank Youk oh quite an interesting  Cafe I must say pretty small   with all modern equipments in  here he says it's the only Cafe here but lamu is a very small town right  it's just 10 kilm like Zar yeah like Zar   but Zar is Big mhm yeah is small yeah  yes only 30 km 30 km oh okay but Z is   big they have a lot of cars I see but  we have a lot of M including this one   uhhuh the other one I show you the means  of Transport I know Punda P you call them Punda they offering prayers behind you see  the old houses even the the trees this the   roots oh okay you see the they sailing but no  one can live here no nobody can come and see   oh okay nobody can but they're selling and  they will be renovating it it's from UNESCO   UNESCO okay from the museums from the museum  okay go to the museums and then they can sell   for you and then you can renovation renovate  okay but for now of nobody it's way too old   yeah very old see yes this is the compass  Direction I show you okay if you get lost   here in L follow this water this water Mohammad  says you follow this to the beach ocean ocean [Music] sorry this is a town center okay  you find B everything sh restaurant they   going to swah restaurant right SW Island  dishes Island dishes Island dishes Mal is   it a good restaurant yeah good very good  okay it can show you the Indian designs everything [Music] hi oh okay you sp I didn't like that  restaurant honestly uh so I plan to go explore   the mangu restaurant which is right there to  walk for 2 more minutes 400 m from here M just   went back he's back there nice person oh hi Abdul  you're here still here yeah okay I'm looking for   that restaurant where I can have lunch and then  we leave looking for SE M yeah yeah that one it's   from here no oh okay you to got down from the  jetty yeah yeah I went for prayers you went oh   yes you'll offer prayers five times right okay so  he's the captain of the boat so I'll and then we   leave okay or I will just take away something if  possible I don't want to waste your time yes it's   okay I have time but for you going to the mang  yeah it will be it will be late for us because   of the tides weather is getting better now it  was very hot right yeah but it seems like rain   rain is coming now uhhuh you ate something  yeah okay w I mean why do they have to give   so much burden to them they they still use as a  mode of Transport you know to carry the load my God okay we go straight okay it's because  they charge pone that's why they load more   they load more okay so per Stone how much  like 10 Shing Stone 10 Shillings first stone sorry for them sometimes but they  say that the donkey didn't go to   school that's why they work hard oh yes oh I'm so sorry all right we here at the seafront  cafe just ordered the vegetarian meal   for myself we'll eat something and then we  leave because Abdul is is waiting for us   behind there he has already eaten his meal  he said so we'll quickly eat and leave and   then maybe we can go for a swim yeah yeah  yeah I want to swim in the M room okay   this is what I've been served so basically  this is a potato curry with rice and mango juice how do you all make this sorry how  do you make this it's just the chili and   the oil it's a Secrets hey it's way too nice  I must say it's really good it's our secret   sorry I can't tell you okay that's okay yeah  let me tell you okay know what are you doing   now no you can tell them what what your what  is it this we just missx uh the garlic garlic   yeah garlic okay uh green pepper black pepper  olive oil okay on onion I mean onion lime lime   and chili powder chili oh my God no doubt it  tastes so good thank you this the chili can   only find here and the other place is called T  da in the da oh what's the name of that chili   the red chili sorry it's red chili right yeah  okay red chili po red chili POA his name is   called usin USI usin don't ask me okay okay  very we are back in the boat after the lunch   oh my God first we go to shella and then  from there we go to the man gr so we just   crossed Shell Island and we have we are in Manda  Island now and we are going for mang gr Forest   swimming year so beautiful in here the water  is still not that wavy compared to what we saw there ah it's dirty the water is dirty though this is  the real Adventure all right jump not like that   please cut up no but I'll no you the thinging  is not too deep it's not deep just jump no it's mad swim now okay thank you or you want a vlog of swimming that's a right behind and ABD was helping  me swim in the water it's in the ocean basically   but the waves are here it's okay but there  it's too high and I'm not used to swimming in   the ocean honestly swimming in the swimming  pool is different then what we swim in the ocean so yeah it was difficult wo the wave sorry  the breeze it's too Breezy here anyways I was just   asking Abdul how people survive here I was asking  him like how because tourism is only in November   and January yeah November November December  January February and March yeah so rest of the   time what do you do we go deep sea fishing mhm and  some farming in Manda Island oh okay but some for   others we keep uh some goat ships uhhuh yeah we  also produce milk from fresh fresh milk to shella   from Manda to shella supply to the hotels oh so  basically poultry farming yeah yeah okay that's   how they survive here on this beautiful island  and that's the main land you see the it's way   too far he said it takes 2 hours by Bo to reach  there that's shella and right now we are at Manda   Island tomorrow we'll be taking a jumbo jet from  there wo Abdul is building a house in shella yeah   when will it get ready Maybe by January or  February February oh do you plan to make one   the house as one of these hotels yeah maybe one  day because it will take much time okay guys if   you'll come to shella after few years maybe you  all can stay in his hotel the first F should be Priya all right maybe I don't know when will  I be back in lamu lamu is beautiful but isn't   it expensive to build the house here no in  Manda is more cheaper than lamu because uh   we get the Limestone from Manda Island so  no no transportation for the limestones to   Shell oh is it okay because I could see it's  beautifully built here but he said it's way   too cheap to transport sandstone and they  have already here so it's way too cheap to   build the houses here that's amazing all  right we just enjoy the view right here   and these are the resorts right meles is  there somewhere I think that's the most   famous resort here in shella and these are the  five star properties if I'm not wrong but are   these beaches the private for just for them  no the houses are private but the the beach   is Public public oh everyone can R in here  oh okay all right we'll just enjoy the video [Music] what are they doing here dancing yeah they're  waiting for guest so that they can oh okay someone   special coming today coming in today yeah a couple  of people oh they almost there so the whole uh   they'll be playing now they just preparing they  they'll be more oh the SW okay thank you they're   preparing to welcome the guest the traditional  sahili way that's interesting all right we just   got back from swimming in the forest I think I'll  end my Vlog here itself guys if you like my video   please subscribe to my channel like share comment  and I shall see you in my next Vlog bye-bye

2023-12-10 01:53

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