MSc International Tourism and Events Management, 1st November 2023

MSc International Tourism and Events Management, 1st November 2023

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So today I will introduce to you the programme  team and the support you get at the University.   I will also introduce you to the city of  Glasgow and will give you a brief of how   this programme will run and what you will study. So, let me first introduce to you the programme   team. Our team members are highly qualified and  well experienced in both academics and Industry   also the diverse ethnic backgrounds of our team  make our programme more International. Let me   first introduce to you myself Dr Sunitha Haneef,  I'm the programme leader for both one year MSc   International Tourism and Event Management  and the two years with professional practice   I'm the lecturer in Events and Tourism, I  teach both UG undergrads and postgraduates   Master’s so the module I teach for Masters  is Event Planning Marketing and Management  Actually, I am Indian, but my experience is  basically from Dubai, I was in Dubai for more   than 15 years and my experience and teaching  is actually with students from Multicultural   backgrounds. We have Professor John Lennon, he is  Pro Vice Chancellor Engagement at the University  

and he is also the director of Moffatt Centre  for Travel and Tourism Business Development.   He is teaching Revenue and Cost Management for  Tourism, Events and Hospitality Industry, this   is a finance-based module but it's not basically  with the finance and accounts calculation but   more of management side and he is Scottish in his  ethnicity. We have another Scottish lecturer he is   Daniel Baxter he's Assistant Head International  he's the senior lecturer in Tourism and Events   and he is teaching Designing Tourism and Event  Experiences for Master’s students. We have Claire  

Bereziat now that is GSBS Mobility Lead, and  she is a lecturer in Tourism and her background   is French and she teaches Destination Management.  Another lecturer is Dr Nick Davies he is English,   he is from England and he's the programme Lead  for our undergraduate programme in International   Tourism and Events Management he's also the  lecturer in Tourism and Events, he teaches   the module Sustainable Development for Tourism  Events and Hospitality for MSc students. Next,   we have Dr Jaeyeon Choe, she is a lecturer  in Tourism and Events, she is also a team   tutor with the Destination Management module along  with Claire her background is South Korean. Then   we have an Irish lecturer who is Michael O’Regan  who's a lecturer in Tourism and Events, he teaches   Designing Tourism and Events Experiences.  We have Dr Pauline Bell she's also Scottish,   she's a senior lecturer in Fashion and Marketing  and she basically handles the module which is   Master's Research Project and she's the module  leader for the entire School of Business. Then  

then we have Dr Kweku Bram-Larbi he's Nigerian,  he is the one who handles all the Digital Design   and all other digital aspects for our MSc  International Tourism and Events Management.   Then we have Lindsey Robbins, she's a PhD student,  both Lindsey and Chrissy were previous students   of Masters in International Tourism and Events  Management, now Lindsey continues her PhD with us   and she is a module tutor and she's Canadian. And  we have finally Chrissy Ross he is an associate   lecturer and module tutor with us he is also  Scottish. So after seeing all our lectures   you now know how diverse our background is, our  lecturers their ethnicity and their experiences   are from different countries this makes this  programme completely International in its   operation. Now the next question to you would be  why study Tourism and Events? That would be your   next question. You know studying Tourism can open  up a number of attractive job opportunities, it  

could be from becoming a travel agent or working  in a hotel industry or hospitality industry,   aviation events or many more. Every industry  is either directly or indirectly associated   with tourism so as Glasgow or I would say the  UK in general is a very prominent destination   for tourism you know what the opportunities  are and how immense the opportunities would be   available for the students here. Now, when I talk  about the Events Tourism and Hospitality sector,   basically in Scotland it is so vast and it is  comparatively easy to find full-time or part-time   work opportunities in the industry here and you  can see here the event industry in the UK is worth   £42.3 billion annually and you can see people  regularly participate in some form of events and  

destinations so that makes the industry so busy  and that brings a lot of opportunities for the   students, especially for international students,  we have a lot of part-time opportunities. Now the   next question, why Scotland? or why Glasgow?  Scotland has a world-renowned education system   and Scotland more than that is a world-renowned  education system. We have basically more than   50,000 students from over 180 different countries  that choose to study in Scotland every year. And Scotland is also a community of world  leading researchers and innovators with   a high rate of employment for graduates.  Scotland is a country which is very relaxed,  

welcoming and diverse with cosmopolitan  cities. When I talk about Cosmopolitan Cities,   Glasgow is one among that. Glasgow is one of  Europe's most vibrant and diverse destinations   and is recognized as a world class city to  live, work, study and to visit. So, I can say  

Glasgow is very unique and the city's warmth,  humour, personality and especially the people,   as I'm an international person I can say  how welcoming and friendly the people over   here are actually. The city's warmth, humour and  personality compliment the world class culture,   heritage, architecture, music sports and events.  Glasgow is the National Geographic Travelers top   20 best of the world's destination, so these  actually make Glasgow a unique destination to   study, and also as I said Glasgow’s people  are very friendly, I can tell you that the   city was also voted for the friendliest city in  the world in a Rough Guide poll and described   as a most visited destination by the New  York Times and the Guardian and Wanderlust. So, as I talked to you about how warm and  welcoming the city is, the city attracts more   businesses to invest other than the visitors,  other than the tourist, Glasgow is a place   for investors and as an outstanding tourist  destination, it provides a lot of commercial   opportunities and Glasgow is the gateway to  Scotland. As you know that it is attracting a lot   of businesses and lots of tourists you can imagine  the job opportunities which Glasgow creates for   the students both as part-time and full-time Now, the quality of dining and shopping. If  

you are after some retail therapy Glasgow is  second only to London for the best shopping   experience in the UK, so Glasgow comes second  when it comes to shopping. Glasgow also has   world class cuisines, and the quality  of dining is also really commendable. Now Glasgow’s culture: Glasgow  is a city steeped in culture,   you can see various artefacts and  architectural features, monuments,   museums, and whatnot in Glasgow. When I  say culture it's not only the culture,   it is actually a combination of culture and  creativity, you can see a lot of creativity   incorporated with the culture in Glasgow.  Glasgow’s world class event venues. Glasgow   is recognized as having the UK's best Convention  Bureau and is one of the world's top five cities   for sporting events and the SSE Hydro is the  third busiest entertainment arena in the world.

Cost of living in Glasgow: Glasgow  is named as the world's second most   affordable city by Time Out 2022, if you  are looking for an affordable place to   live and study in, I would really say  Glasgow is the best place in the UK. Katie can you please play that? Yep,  we'll just get that playing now. There's just a couple of seconds delay  and then it'll start. No worries.

[Music] As now you are familiar with Glasgow, the next  question is: if Glasgow is the best city to live   and study in the UK, the next question would  be where in Glasgow? So here comes the answer   for your question: that is Glasgow Caledonian  University, so why Glasgow Caledonian University?  Why GCU? if you want to choose GCU I  can tell you that all our programmes   are career focused programmes. We developed  our programme, or we structured our programme,   or designed our programme in such a way that it  is basically aimed at the needs of the industry,   and we offer a variety of innovative specialised  courses that help you with your career and we have   innovative teaching methods. All our teaching  staff use innovative teaching methods, and we   have a Virtual Hospital, High-tech Broadcasting  Suite, Fashion Factory, Digital Simulations,   International Learning Journeys even an online  Second Life Campus. Glasgow Caledonian puts a lot   of effort into helping you enjoy your programme  and gain the professional skills and knowledge   which employers want, or employers are looking  for. We have Award-Winning Students Support,   the facilities which we provide in the University  such as our one stop information centre,   support centres offering help with everything from  borrowing laptops to getting council tax rebates,   it's all helped us win the award for our students  support including the Times Higher Education   Outstanding Support for Overseas Students Award. Then the next is recognized for research. When I  

say recognized for research, our staff not only  in academics, they also do research parallelly   and encourage the students to do the research  along with the academics and for tourism we   have the Moffatt Centre, which is the research  centre which allows students to do a lot of   research along with their studies. Our courses  are designed for today's student, everything we   design, for example from the highly affordable  sports centre the ARC, the library, the health   and recreation centres are all convenient and all  on the single-site campus and we have the Saltire   Centres, multiple PowerPoints, workstations,  study areas, free Wi-Fi all over the campus,   it's all designed with the students in mind. Then when I talk about our location and   convenience, Glasgow Caledonian is a perfect  place for students because it is located in   a convenient location, it is easily accessible to  everybody. When I talk about accessibility, we are   actually very near to the Glasgow Central Railway  Station, it's just walking distance, and we have   another railway station, Glasgow Queen Street  railway station. Our campus is located in front   of Buchanan bus station, and we have a subway  station also within walking distance. When I talk   generally about Glasgow’s location, as I already  said Glasgow is a very warm and welcoming city   with vibrant live music, art scenes, jumping night  life, accessible sports, spacious city parks,   shopping centres and much more, it's all easy  access. And I'm not actually forgetting about the  

scenery or the world-class festivals or events.  So, everything is within accessible distances from   the University. Our programme has been developed  along with the industry knowledge and needs, which   I told you already. When it comes to the Events  and Tourism subject area, we are the number one  

University in Scotland for this Events and Tourism  subject area, second in the UK in Times university   ranking, and sixth in the UK in Guardian League  tables. Now, our programmes are tailored to meet   the needs of the Tourism and Event industry so as  I said we developed the programme in such a way   that it caters almost to all the needs of the  industry, and we produce our students industry   ready. We are developing skills that will make  the students global citizens and industry leaders.   When I say that we make global citizens and  Industry leaders ,I know that not everybody could   be industry leaders but I can assure you that  once you complete our programme, everybody will be   industry ready according to their specialisation  as tourism gives you immense opportunity to   work in several fields like hospitality, hotel  management, aviation, travel agency, destination   or events, by the end of the programme you will  get to know which is the real field for you,   which field will be better for you and that makes  you industry ready and you can specialize in that.  Then, when it comes to the learning approaches,  as I already said we use innovative learning   approaches. I should start with the simulations,  so we use digital simulations and we have a lot   of guest speakers and field trips for our students  and we incorporate live projects in our modules,   right now we are working on a live project  to develop a destination called Irvine which   is in Scotland so that destination is  just basic resources, so our students   are working with the project to develop it as a  destination. This is for a seven year project,   it's been 2 years now our students are working on  that project, so it's a live project. Then we have  

Event management digital platform, so for Event  Planning, Marketing and Management, students will   be using digital platforms, they prepare their  venues virtually and they design the marketing   and everything virtually, and finally, they put  it as live events so that goes with a digital   platform. Then we have industry site visits and  internship opportunities for students. And all   our modules emphasise on sustainability. These are some of the companies we   have worked with. These are the live   events conducted by our MSc students, you  can see our diverse background of students.  This is the hospitality training provided  by us in collaboration with the Hilton,   these are all sponsored by the University, the  students do not need to spend anything for this,   and we have Learning Journeys, this  is also sponsored by the University. So, as you have seen all this, let's look at  what support you can get at our university.  

Regarding the academic support, if you are an  international student, your background of study   is entirely different from the system of the UK  education. So many students I have seen in the   beginning struggling with their assessments and  the normal reading and writings and everything,   and English is not the first language so they  struggle with that as well, so we have a very   supportive academic learning support team: the  Learning Development Centre, they engage our   students with group sessions or also one-on-one  sessions for the students who need particular   support for their studies, and they support you  throughout your study period. There are academic   development tutors, they provide additional  learning support in areas of effective reading,   listening, essay or report writing, exam revisions  or exam techniques, it's mostly in Master’s we use   online exams, then how to deal with plagiarism  and referencing, how to do the presentations,   these kinds of things. This LDC team actually  supports our international students a lot.  Next is personal tutor support. This is like  advice, guidance, encouragement, help and   support in any academic issues, any problem  which is affecting your academic performance,   or to help you to develop your personal academic  or professional skills, or perhaps to discuss your   career planning and employability. Currently for  the MSc I myself act as a personal tutor as well,   we provide employability and study skills  sessions every week for the students as group   session just to support students’ employability  and study skills development. Apart from that,  

if a student is having any issues in their  academics or personal which is affecting   their studies, they can actually  get a one-on-one appointment with   the personal tutor and personal tutors  are always ready to help the students. We have other support, that's the Student  Association, they help the students and the   newcomers, and they always welcome students and if  you have any kind of issues, professional support   is provided by the university like counselling  services or the university has a disability team,   if you have any disability then you can  definitely contact the disability team,   they’re ready to help you. If you're  suffering with any mental health issues,   then you can contact the mental health advisors.  So we actually have a very strong supporting team   at the University for any sort of support you  need and if you contact the team well in advance   they will arrange, for example if you have any  disability, if you contact the disability team   they will inform all the module lecturers or  all the module tutors about your disability so   all the tutors will help you to overcome that  disability and concentrate in your studies.

So now, if you want to choose this programme  what is the structure of this programme,   how is this programme going to run? This  programme is divided into three trimesters   for the one-year programme students, and for  the two years professional practice students   this is divided into four trimesters. If you  join as a September intake, your programme   structure starts with these modules: the first  module, Designing Tourism and Event Experiences,   Destination Management then Revenue and Cost  Management then Ethics, Sustainability and   Governance. So first two trimesters you study  four modules in each trimester, the second   trimester modules are Event Planning Marketing and  Management, Sustainable Development for Tourism,   Events and Hospitality, International Marketing,  Planning and Strategy and Postgraduate Research   Methods. If your intake starts in January then the  January student start with this trimester, that  

means you starts with Event Planning Marketing  and Management, these four modules I'm not sure   can you see the pointer here? We can't see the  pointer unfortunately. I'm sorry. So, I would say   basically Event Planning Marketing and Management  then Sustainable Development for Tourism,   Events and Hospitality, International Marketing,  Planning and Strategy then Postgraduate Research   Methods. So, if you are a January intake you will  study first these four modules then you will move   on to Tri A, that is Designing Tourism and Events  Experiences, Destination Management, Revenue and   Cost Management then Ethics Sustainability and  Governance. Then after that you will move on to   Tri C that is Developing Leadership for the Common  Good then Master’s Research Project. If you are a   2-year Master student, after the completion  of three trimesters you will move on to your   professional practice placement, that will be in  your year two. There are a lot of other details  

about professional practice placement, due to the  time constraint I'm not providing those details,   if anybody would like to know more about  that you can contact me directly email me,   I am more than happy to get back to you. You can find us on various social media platforms,   just plug in to social media for further useful  resources and regular updates, but still,   you will not be able to get all the deep details  of the programme so if you want to get more,   contact me. I'm sure that at Glasgow Caledonian  University you will find super facilities,   teaching excellence and a high-quality  education with practical and industry exposure. Okay any questions thank you for your time.

2023-11-27 22:30

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