Motorrad Adventure Touring - Moto Guzzi Alpentälertour, Plansee, Kaunertal, Silvretta, Arlbergpass

Motorrad Adventure Touring - Moto Guzzi Alpentälertour, Plansee, Kaunertal, Silvretta, Arlbergpass

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[Music] Yes Halli Hi People Welcome to a new video from motorcycleturo I'm glad you did here you are and yes the weather is beginning October 2023 was easy again Excellent so that we are again too went on a little tour and indeed for the Albentälertour Albenentälertour therefore because simply these valleys are often passed by On the way to South Tyrol or no matter where we are this morning met in Eichstetten is on the highway Memmingen towards Lake Constance and are Then started together over Käen Fronen rod everything Country road then we want to today Plsee passing over the Amsattel and then over Garmisch and Warwald again back to Fernpass then over the Pillerhöhe to the entrance to the Kaunertal the driveway to the Kaunertal that Is a spectacular driveway with huge view at this beautiful Weather therefore it comes afterwards as separates Video and now it works go for it all [Music] free [Music] Everything Kim [Music] free [Music] [Music] go free [Music] We're going now in bright weather Along the north side of the Planssee continue to the Ammersattel and cross Then again the border to Germany And then it goes towards obermergau Gaumischpadenkirchen one really too very nice [Music] Route [Music] [Music] everything ok [Music] free [Music] everything is fine [Music] free [Music] yes through hardly me, but it was one decent traffic now we're moving on along the Zugspitze to Erwald and continue to [Music] Fernpass [Music] Now we are on Fernpassstrasse steered and are now driving in the direction of So that's incredible which one Traffic is always passed on Even for motorcycle there is overtaking not to think at all or Maybe with my motorcycle but also no chance because you overtook someone the next one stands in front of you and it is Not without danger either because paman trucks and so on accommodate so we Have time now we're going there afterwards until you imst and after that it will better again become [Music] through the room now through and Now continue towards Piller and [Music] Pillerhöhe [Music] everything goes [Music] free [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] So now we have driven up this 14 km long street over Piller to Pillerhöhe The road is 1558 m from Piller Relatively narrow and now it continues another narrower road these 8 km Long departure to Kaun where we then will turn directly into the Kaunertal [Music] everything goes [Music] [Music] We come freely than after Z Pillerhöhe Now down to Brutz and then drive Direction in the So now she starts the The most beautiful sckgasse in the world like you After the departure, the name is called by the Pillerhöhe we continue to Plaster and then in the direction of Kaunertal what mountain landscape us We don't know yet but we do are excited so it can [Music] [Music] [Music] go off [Music] God like that Bye, now we have the mstelle in Feichten the kaunal happens Glacier road is m and costs at the moment 2023 18 € Motorcycle not exactly cheap but you I will see that I this 18 € we're really going to drive away now 1287 down here in damp up to up on 2750 m and for Way and the glacier still lies katch memory's very impressive There is something very special at the height is ilerstrasse is the fact that the So it's actually opened quite recently they try it here in the Kaunertal really passable all year round I can imagine holding on Snow is something special up there Driving there has something of an adventure about it so now have fun view [Music] Now we're heading towards her up here you can already see the dam wall of the Gipat storage in the butt Kaunertal briefly some data Time 1961 to In 1964 I was almost as old as I was 2.6 what 138 million cubic meters of water depth Point point point 111 m incredible on 1767 m produces the electricity for whole valley and even more overall 661 gigw hours per year is crazy We should have it too, you can So green energy is really produced brilliant and really look like that is incredibly beautiful [Music] everything [Music] KFI [Music] [Music] So we're going on the quay Glacier road whether there is a glacier everything looks really cool right there Let's go up like this now come 18 € on I wen consider [Music] go away [Music] [Music] free [Music] everything goes [Music] free, everything goes [Music] free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] goes yes the 29 return for the last 26 km are almost done, I want you now because it's really me too The landscape up here was blown away Just the last few meters in altitude pretty uncut so show her see what happens up here and that So it really is from my point of view It's worth going up there, I was Truly already on many occasions and I've done a lot of passes up and down but drove this liquid here Driving style with relatively little as 29 turns but relatively few total switchbacks How stilfseoch or otherwise as in stilfsoch and then still on this one Coming 2750 m is something take a look an [Music] We are now about an hour later as shown in the video it is KNA 17 o'clock and we have from above on Kaunertal Glacier is considering whether we Now drive towards Silfreda and maybe in Galtür or somewhere But now we have to stay overnight preferred to look for something here in the Kaunertal and found what they were looking for Feichten and that's where we're going now It's not that far, as we said have gone very high and are now around We still have these 26 28 km Time to film a bit and a bit To take pictures and then we go to the hotel arrive so you can come with us now leave and that's it was [Music] [Music] [Music] one apple take [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one apple take 2 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] exactly like that that on it it's so good okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] S [Music] I'm looking for the hotel lchenhofung on the right and left again Street h right left and street up on the right, okay, I'll bring them to Z then Thanks [Music] Ciao booked we finally arrived Hotel Lerchenhof in Feichten unfortunately had the address booking wrong but we have it Of course found that's not very large there were several motorcyclists there several groups some from Bavarian Forest it was very evening fun there and we could each other The hotel was actually entertaining still the empty ones mainly from I think there was no winter sports There was so much going on in the whole place Astronomy open with very tasty food the breakfast was excellent really you have to expressly praise and otherwise Then everything was used up It wasn't very cheap but it was appropriate so we had a good night's sleep Had a good breakfast and we're off tomorrow keep it fresh so thank you for that her there [Music] wait after a really excellent breakfast in feichtten In countertal we start now and drive down to Landeck and then we continue towards Silfretta via Iskel and Galtier beer height where you can take a short break by the lake Let's carry on then drive through Bregen Z down the forest and then towards Arberg Let's see what's happening to us traffic-wise expected but I think it will be fine Okay so stay in there with and have Fun EU motorcycle [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] Yes, the B BIK already has it when I drive here Unfortunately we were really impressed didn't hold on otherwise we would have them Had the sun from behind this morning now let's drive from there Kaunertaler Hauptstraße from direction wait for this BN again to drive past it is on I have 1076 m above sea level now read what you know about this Castle because it is very beautiful there First of all I mention it in 1225 is pretty old you can't exactly understand it how often the owner has changed and is Z Malal for falling for and directed again were 2007 then she was Renovated with the Munich resources Messerschmidt Foundation and Seiter are So there are also visits possible so it's just great up there on the mountain look at you [Music] Wonderful or so if you do it that sees and there lives beautiful yes that Kaertal im Terol Oberland that has me yes, it must be quite impressed I completely de I say I have it now Key data from the Internet about Kauntertal Read a bit and believe something you then how many inhabitants because that The whole valley has so I have it, I can do it Hard to believe it was September 23rd The 616 residents have so little and the Average lies on 1287 m above sea level and only 1980 saw the opening of the Kaunertaler ski area Glacier really very much until then rural was touristy Upswing and 1998 after the success of the Tourism closed that Kaunertal and that Pitztal to the Kaunergrad nature park region There were a lot of people together and Seiter From N and V to look at the The main town is pten where we stayed overnight have Incidentally, the name Kaunertal goes on that Latin word Kuna means the cradle back probably because the first Ziedler in that narrow valley very secure as if in one how felt they say today so drive there We are now scha down to that really great feeling so far Below back on the main street are Now we have arrived in Landck and now drive further direction Silvetta awaits us too Even if it is also a lot fresh [Music] morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] We're already driving a whole lot For a while in this valley towards the Ischkel Direction Galdu always in the shade because there is no sun that means the thermometer takes Sometimes to 4 5 ° and like now to 9 ° When the sun is my passenger It was really cold that means we We've taken a break from it for a bit they put their gloves on the engine could I need that at the Gutzi Of course not because I have it now the Heated grips fascinating other Gloves, yes, it's just under 10° now we're driving high in the sun Everything will be sunny for beer Height and we won't be able to get there anymore so ask because it's there because of al Activity the curves left right left can be a bit busy on the right so will look [Music] to [Music] [Music] FST duu vus good [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] So now we have reached beer height The Silfra Hochalbenstrasse is 2032 m high is one of the most beautiful and popular mountain roads in the Alps though Modual not without reason is called they also dream road of the Alps for Enjoy the spectacular scenery and the lakes located directly on the edge of the mountains ver mouth and silfreda attract visitors with and without a vehicle in your ban we Now go down to the toll party So put on 1051 m Back to drive off again overall the silfa a length of 22.3 km and 34 turns do the right thing fun too So, as already said, we drive Now drive the Silfreda and drive then continue after Bludens then towards the bike over Lech Wait Schöcken and then we drive too our destination in Scheideck now we are hochalbenstraße that just looks cool from or so that's where I come from It looks incredibly cool [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] That was now the departure of the Silfretta After partnations and continue now for the albergp [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes, two wonderful days too it's over again, that's really possible always rising quickly we separate then in Scheideck I drove over then he Wangen Kissleck Bad Waldsee to the B30 after Biberach and then home via Ulm which I didn't at this point knew that one was bad Weather front was waiting for me so Biberach I had extreme wind on the Four tracks towards Ulm and from Ulm have I then experienced everything rain storm Thunderstorm hail up and that was it you have to experience sometimes I am Then against around 7 p.m. Home and yes wet, I'm nice with the clothes So were great thanks for being there and see you soon, bye yours [Music] motorcycle tour [Music]

2024-02-08 12:34

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