Most UNIQUE Theme Park Holiday Experience! Happy New Year Everyone!

Most UNIQUE Theme Park Holiday Experience! Happy New Year Everyone!

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hey everybody I'm Chris Provost you're watching  provost park pass today's video is going to be   super odd but very cool I'm excited to share  this with you we are going to one of the most   unique theme parks in all of America it's called  Evermore we're going to a thing called Aurora   it's a celebration for um during Christmas  time tonight is the last night they're doing   it it's December 30th and we're driving there  but we got problems let me tell you what the   problems are is that on Christmas Eve we went  up to my mother-in-law's house sweet de and we   were having like a little Christmas Eve party up  there and she invited a bunch of people over and   I had my jacket cuz it's freezing cold out here  in Utah right now and I hung up my jacket so it   wouldn't be in anybody's wigs that way keep the  house all nice and clean and then when we left   to come home I forgot I was like I never even  thought to look at in the closet for my jacket   so I left it there and I don't have a jacket  and it's going to be night time and it's going   to be freezing cold so I'm wearing two long sleeve  T-shirts thermal and a hoodie and I have another   hoodie and for those of you in Florida and down  south you're probably like what is a long sleeve   t-shirt it's a t-shirt long sleeves cuz you guys  probably would never even see those because you're   like why would you and also thermal underwear it  keeps you really warm it's like a top you wear   and keeps you super warm so let's do this guys  let's go to Aurora at Evermore hey guys it is   so bright we just got here we're a little bit  early it doesn't open up till 6 o00 it's about   15 minutes till it opens up but let me tell you  what our ticket includes what are all the things   you get babe oh um oh she just sat there and told  me oh a CHR A Christmas Carol Adventure Christmas   Carol Adventure ice skating ice skating train  ride train ride wings of ever more show wings   of ever Marell archery and knife throwing archery  and knife throwing oh sorry and hot chocolate and   hot chocolate do you want to say archery and  knife throwing M go ahead mom already did oh   got it that's what we got going on tonight so  we got a lot going on you guys it opens in 14   minutes and that's Amanda in a white jacket she's  putting on Miles hat miles is so worried that he's   like we gotta wait in line right now so I was  like we got Rockstar parking guys we're right   up here in front let's just stand in the car  and stay warm and miles is like no we got to   go uh he was worried the line would get too long  so Amanda and Miles we're going to wait in line   I'm just going to stay in the car and hold  down the fort until it's time to go the line   has gotten very long it's almost time guys all  right guys they just open the doors we are going in our PCH p and this is it guys we are now inside  here we are okay so Mom let's go find ice skating   I'm thinking it might be miles is thinking he  wants to do ice skating first it's right up here so yeah this is this uh this local  thing it's in Pleasant Grove Utah and   this is a special thing they have here  they got like a train and all these fun   things here all for the holidays that looks  like that's the ice skating [Music] ring it's like sticky oh there I thought you would slide is it sticky or do you just not know how to ice  skate okay so I was like I'm like what is this   cuz it's not really ice you can see like the  the grooves cuz it's been kind of warmer here   right and so it's a special type of plastic  they put down they put like a little bit of   water on top of it and then that makes it super  slippery but if you listen to it you'll hear it but it's not really it's not slippery as  ice but it is a little bit slippery I have to   show my feet cuz this is kind of crazy going  forward there's a little bit of friction so   it doesn't go very fast but like literally going  sideways like that like there is no friction so   like your legs keep like want to shoot out  sideways but going forward it's kind it's   like a little friction friction friction then  sideways is like no friction crazy crazy crazy   all right we just got done ice SK now we're  going to kind of wander around look at that store it's cool huh yeah they call it synthetic ice all right so the Christmas carol adventure  begins at the Crooked Lantern Tavern there's   the map they have like little fire pits like  that periodically so you get warm and like   lights Crystal lights everywhere and yeah  this is the copper copper confection okay   I find this little secret path it's not  real secret but we we're tell miles is a   secret passageway look at all the little  whoa you know there oh there's a fire pit   they have those were everywhere so you can  warm up and look at the lights the lights   look beautiful I don't know if the camera is  capturing how pretty it looks look at that's   like a face there's another one over  there and there's another like [Music] little okay so then now we're going to do what's  called the Christmas Adventure or the Christmas   carol Adventure it's an interactive story it  takes about 15 minutes and you walk through the   park I don't know what it is so we're going to  figure it out together okay so they take you in   little groups and we just got cut off the next  group we're here at the Crooked Lantern Tavern   we're about to go in uh all right we're going  in we're coming in have your group two in your   group look at this oh you guys you can't smell  it to the camera but it smells so Christmasy in here earlier this week so you're a little  late we uh we have started cleaning up   already oh you're oh that makes sense  but Mr crash why are we still here this   t l the spirits of this festive season this  is especially important for you as you are   here training to become new spirits  of Christmas present yourself yay y wow all right so we on we are on a like a  this is this we give us a postcard and we   have to find a stamp for each of these three  things for the christas Carol to help become   uh an illuminary uh oh my right there to become  uh Christmas spirit to help Scrooge greetings   Travelers greetings come gather up around  everyone have you all come with your loved   ones this evening yes good be sure you hold on to  them very tightly throughout the entire Journey   you don't know who you may run into along the  way however I once walked in the bloom of life   just as yourselves arm and arm with a young eona  Scrooge a man who had that time of life was torn   between ambition and love oh I stood on this  very Bridge hoping that he would choose love   over the Relentless Pursuit Of Fortune but alas  my heart achd as he chose a path that would lead   him away from the warmth of Love's Embrace she's  leading us on a way to meet somebody who helped Scrooge realize the true happiness at this point  in our journey I must unfortunately depart from   you you see fezy wig is so consumed by The Joy  magic of Christmas present that he can no longer   perceive as of the past I have very fond memories  of buzy wig always joyous and merry but those   times are no longer for me you must continue on  to your presence in Futures always remembering   your past but never staying in it goodbye goodbye  we're on our way to meet Fey wig who's and she   said constant happiness and joy there he is oh you  snuck up on me hello my friends doing out in this   cold you'll catch something let's let's fix that  come by my fire write this inant I my name is Mr   pey wig it is a pleasure to meet you all no no no  once we all are snug by this fire I'll tell you a   story about none other than Scrooge himself look  guys we got our first stamp right there Mr fezy   W gave a stamp and he told us he says that wealth  doesn't make you happy memories make you happy and   then he had we're going right to that Mausoleum  right over there where told us to go the church   yep the church scary oh scary church that's where  you said we going all right let's do that's where   we're going now we've been here in Halloween it's  a scary church but I think dur Christmas it's not scary we are at the I'm not sure  I guess we just keep walking yes I don't know if we stop here  or where do we go oh look there's   somebody they just they W there's  somebody here at the entrance to this masoleum it took you 10 minutes and  37 seconds to arrive here I've been   counting down the seconds until the ones  I saw in my prophecy finally arrived and   you are the chosen ones yes yes yes sense  magical a coming off of all of you how qu well I am the Ghost of Christmas future the H  Ander of fate and the Seeker of Destinies Untold   Within These ground remains in tuned truths the  consequences of choices made in life like like a   thread in a tapestry scrooges choices of greed and  Malice wve him may we found his grave ebener scre grave here we are walking along guys we  found his grave and now we're moving on are Scrooge I told you people about sneaking up   on someone like that especially when  they're working the grave shift yeah gra now seriously I the bloody skeletons  were going to be rising out of the ground   which is especially scary when you're in  the same graveyard as that one I'll tell   you that oh look we just got a next we got our  next stamp and now we're walking through this   foggy area they said right past the  statue is where we'll find our final encounter this is really fun little  interactive storytelling with the   little ones look at that good versus  evil I guess looks like a angel and demon we're just following a group look at that   little little hole right there  little house maybe it's a little Archway walking through it's cold but  not super cold I was worried um cuz I   on my jacket and man is like it's  not a jacket it's a coat I'm like   oh right right right um I don't even have  my gloves on though cuz it's not qu too bad this is like a we've been in here before it's  really cool it's like a little um like Hobbit   Hotel like an inn you get to walk in here wait  a minute come in oh yeah come everyone Gather in   there's room for plenty do a large group coming  in all right that's all right not too bad look   all right is this the last of you perfect is  what I like to call the crossroads and sco's   choices if you think the Scrooge should learn  from the spirits you all spoke to this evening   and learn those lessons that they each have to  teach you then you'll continue further into the   in but if you think that he should stick to his  current ways his lack of morals per se you'll go   right back out into the awful cold not that you  will want that but if that's kind of your style   I guess that's where you'll end up right so we  have to make choice to you want uh G to have   Redemption clemency or are we going to be damned  eternally you want to be damned eternally go that   way we want to have clacy forgiveness we come  in here we're walking in now to our next come   friends come come fill the space I am told that I  should be expecting to reach a group of spirits in   training might that be you yes I knew it you  might them also these Spirits taught me what   it means to keep Christmas in your heart what  it really means is to keep each other in your   heart hug I knew I didn't need to teach you that  lesson you've already learned it but I do have a   question for you what is one thing and I would  like you to answer together on the account of   answer together what is it one thing that you  right now tonight are truly grateful for wait   for it answer together family what a wholesome  and slightly impatient group of spirit we here   to go through it looks like we're completing  our spirit training we're worthy and we're   going we're exiting out oh miles mistletoe  miles there day ask he goes what's mistletoe   I like ah yeah it's very important for Christmas  so yeah now we're entering into this house right here all right as you come in here you look  at this ceiling you see like the Roy boyas and   look there's chrisal Spirit right there hello  all right so they had Santa and and Mrs Claus   I guess and they had mil and I a man to go in  and we held on to his giant staff and he's like   do you believe in Christmas spirit and we did  we shook it and then the staff lit up and he's   like now you are spirits of Christmas look at  this it's like a little candy cane cve with the fire then over here they have  sword fighting which is miles   is very excited about C they doing  a little sword fighting right over there we're Team two we're number [Music] two dragon [Music] team two became number [Applause] one oh I got you out we won again and over there they have real knife  throwing it's a big long line but you throw knives they also have archery weight line the  line is really long and we're kind of getting cold little shops a Charmed Life Walk can't  and see oh look at this a set cups look at   these teacups I love I don't really  know I I don't really drink tea but   I think they're super cool I love those  I love those teacups these are all the   different teas that you can get here cactus  juice heast Sparky Sparky you can smell them it's fun for families guys it's just  kind of walking around and see they have   little shops here and it's uh kind of a  slower Pace just relaxing and enjoying it it's really cool though like a little tent  that's just going to go in actually does both   embroidery and S I can switch it between  modes that's awesome look at these amazing   bags totes you see on on the other table on  the other table oh those are sweet I love that oh there's the 207 dice guys look if you're   a cleric a mon for dungeon dragons  sorceress dungeon dragons there's a rogue I can't see what that says sweet burning the ulog oh no you push  the button what does it do burn the ulog Evermore oh my gosh it's like you  you could burn a witch at the steak oh Christmas because we're PD as can be that a I'm innocent I swear oh no no no don't don't I'm not a witch I'm your wife  that's what you said that [Music] anymore all right in just a second I'll  be able to sing the song I ain't got nobody nobody the white stag hide we I think  they have like woodworking they have some games it's very pretty to look  at and that's where they have   the torture chambers I guess little  stage right over there for a little shows hey I want to take a quick second to say  this and I am talking to you I want to wish you   the very best New Year this coming year is going  to be your very best year that you've ever had I   want you to know that strive for it uh go to  try to achieve all the things that you want   to achieve this year and you're going to make it  happen you deserve this happiness and if you're   struggling and you might be feeling a little sad  I want you to know that it does get better things   get better uh it always does get better and I know  sometimes when you're feeling sad and depressed it   feels like it's never going to get better but it  is and this year is going to be amazing for you I   want you to know that all right let's continue on  okay so my thoughts here it this place I think is   very fun you want it's very slow low take your  time it's something you could Blitz through and   be done in an hour and do everything that is to  do in an hour but you just want to take your time   walk through see the shops and there's a lot of  people here I noticed they're cosplaying they're   dressed up a lot of them are dressed up as like  Warriors and elves and dwarves and all different   types of like like different types of things  it's kind of fun it's I got so if you want to   do that you should probably just come dressed up  and nobody's going bad I I walked into the to the   uh like little restaurant almost everybody sitting  down eating it was all dressed up so it's really   cool it's fun I it's I'm really enjoying it it's  a fun place it's fun for families if you haven't   hit the Subscribe button guys hit that subscribe  button have a bunch more Disney videos coming out   next week tons of Disney videos and it's what you  know you're amazing all right I'll talk to you   later uh uh yeah hit the like button talk to you  later by we went to aora at Evermore it was very   fun and it cost $30 per person I think I forgot to  say the price in the video so I'm saying it here   on the song it was $30 and it was very fun and it  was a little bit cold but we had an amazing time

2024-01-03 10:36

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