MOROCCO: The Media Won't Show You This!

MOROCCO: The Media Won't Show You This!

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foreign good morning guys from the outskirts of tattoo on last night I slept here at a random Moroccan stranger's house his name is hamsa Hamza how are you Abdul Salam all right we had a great night's sleep and today's a very very big day for the history of Morocco today Spain and Morocco face off at 4 pm in the Fifa World Cup it's gonna be crazy so join us on a city tour of tattoo on and let's see if Morocco wins in the city Goes Wild let's go I see here we have some Arabic squiggle squiggle squiggle squiggle squiggle and we have some French I will port but as you'll see in this video one of the most fascinating Parts about tattoo on is that a lot of people here speak Spanish and I'll touch on that history later but as a long and tumultuous history and also a beautiful history with a country to the north Spain well if you guys were wondering what up Moroccan City looks like in the outskirts it looks quite similar to Spain in fact I would say this part is a little bit cleaner than Malaga Malaga sometimes is a bit dirty you never know what's going to happen when you meet strangers from a YouTube comment and now you're staying at their house and so hamsa here he's a really nice young guy he learned English by himself on the internet so tell us a little bit about yourself well I dropped out of school that's not something anyone would do they don't have the ball I mean sorry they cannot do it so I did it because I feel like I don't have a future in school and yeah it's going well for me because I'm working I work online I cannot say what I'm working but I am working online and yeah that's it he speaks uh American English you guys so he knows all the lingo he's been shooting the [ __ ] with me all day we're gonna check out this little soccer field here it's a really nice city here tattoo on the outskirts I've been told that this is lower to middle class neighborhood check it out I think they're just getting pumped up you know like when I was a little kid and the Packers played the American football team I would go out play football catch and just get jacked up for the game on the same day Abu Salem has a question for me I don't always eat beans for breakfast but when I'm in Gibraltar in Great Britain you got to eat a real English breakfast now it's true why do they ask me because the whole apartment smelled last night so I blame it on Gibraltar yeah in summer um a lot of countries come here because it's just pretty look at it I mean who doesn't want to come here it's way prettier in summer and also yeah there's a really really nice white sand beach nearby of course Bronco's a little bit cheaper no a lot cheaper than Spain and so yeah many European nationalities come here in fact they say that tattoo on is the most Andalusian Andalusia being southern Spain the most Andalusian City to one and we'll touch on that history later when we show you the old Spanish quarters the Medina and the historic center it's got some extremely extremely fascinating history dating back to pre-roman Roman when the Moorish kingdoms were at the peak of their dynasties so hamsa was telling me that he used to go to school here and he would skip a lot with his friends yeah these guys would skip someone teach your word you guys used to play hooky yeah we call that in English in America quickly skipping school yeah you're a bunch of hook years yeah we all hamsa hamburger no no you're a fan of American dude I'm not offended you have to make fun of US Route 66 well you brought me to the most American restaurants what this is the most American restaurant in all of tattoo on that's the best way I can welcome you I said Moroccan restaurant no I want you to feel like you're back home all right it's great Hospitality of course we just had three massive breakfast and finally my amazing host let me pay for them last night they refused to let me pay for anything so thanks for letting me pay for you bro I mean you're welcome I look at idiot here how are you feeling I'm feeling really short yeah usually I'm taller than most people but yeah compare it to me and that's now he's really sure all Moroccan yeah these guys good genetics you know these are my bodyguards check it out nobody's gonna mess with me and Morocco's you're safe with us [Music] let's go to Medina guys we have a plan you can just fill this and become millionaires we're gonna we're gonna do a heist you guys the great Heist of tetawan wow downtown whoa thank you gracias no I've been here once before you guys but I didn't know much of the history so now the real video starts before the football match we have to give a full-on tour of the historic part of tattoo on starting right here at the Catholic Church of tattoo on so some say the official end of the Spanish Empire was when Cuba and Puerto Rico fell the United States in 1898 so many countries in Europe in the early 20th century were looking to expand and go into Africa I mean France basically had all of Morocco so of course Spain naturally had interest in Africa because they were behind so in the year 1913 the north of Morocco became a protectorate of Spain and the capital of that Spanish protectorate was here in Teton and as the years went on about 40 years plus of the Spanish protectorate Spain of course imposed their language and they even built a Catholic Church one that we see here and so if you're wondering if the Catholic church is still in use yes it is because there is a small Christian minority population it's one of the only churches in all of Morocco that sounds the Bell still to this day so I guess you could basically say this is the last remnants of the Spanish Empire everybody's speaking to hamsa in English like he's a tourist yeah you're a tourist girl I'm the local I'm the local Moroccan do I look like a tourist look at me yes you're a tourist let me know in the comments nice to meet you but he is also American he's American as well nice city it's good nice city if you go to see the old country good people good people nice to meet you nice to meet you bye bye so if you guys are wondering what the weather is like how does it feel well it basically feels like southern Spain just a tad warmer but of course people here dress differently the clothing is of course different than what you would find in Spain people are wearing these traditional uh like hoodie suits hello and here we have the Waldorf Medina now this Medina is pretty big and the whole thing is Waldo so you really feel like you're going back centuries in the past that's one of the things I love about traveling in Morocco as you can see this is a gelaba this is how they dress School check out the Andalusian tiles wow you guys this is tattoo on look at how beautiful and white it is the sun just shines on this whole neighborhood beautiful tiles here absolutely phenomenal so if you've been to places like Cordoba Spain Sevilla Malaga all over southern Spain on Lucia you're gonna see lots of architecture hello guys how are you just like this with these Arabic arches and if you're wondering why tetwan is the most Andalusian City in all of Morocco well let's do a little history lesson so near the end of the Moorish occupation in the Iberian Peninsula the Moorish people were surrounded in the Alhambra in the Nazareth Kingdom of Granada and of course the Catholic Kings forced them to surrender and those that remain there many of them were expelled they came here to tattoo on Jews and Moorish people and they constructed the city from ground up making it look like the quintessential and they'll see in town hence the beautiful white buildings and the similar architecture that you would find even to this day in the Iberian Peninsula in Andalusia is so that was a guided tour back there and those were Spanish tourists which is quite interesting because a lot of people are concerned with the safety of Morocco but how did we meet bro I literally just texted him on Instagram and he answered and he literally wanted to meet bro I don't even have my pictures online yeah his Instagram has no pictures he could have been like he could have been a criminal he could have been a mob a mob boss yeah he just trusted me I just was like you know what this is how you travel you gotta you gotta meet locals and sleep at random stranger's house how does a typical Moroccan perceive like drinking alcohol here in Teton I mean most people do it secretly I don't want to expose you guys so I'm not going to tell you which cities drink the most but a lot of people drink and they think it's cool whatever I don't I don't care about drinking alcohol or smoking weed or whatever hash that's good man honestly if you don't start don't start if you haven't started don't start I don't think it's cool like what's the fun of it getting drunk and forgetting that you're in this world I agree man do you feel like you have a social pressure to drink or smoke here drink no okay yeah I think you guys supposed to hear smoke because they think they look cool but for me I can definitely say in the United States and in Western Europe that there's a social pressure yeah to smoke and to drink is your virginity as well that's also another thing but yeah we're heading to Melania know where Jewish people used to live all right and also Spanish people yeah Spanish as well Abdul Salam is a real trooper here because um he doesn't understand me and hamsa talking in this whole time so I feel bad but he's uh hamsa's best friend so he's been hanging out with us and not only is hamsa an English speaker but he's also a full-time translator true I am translate that to him foreign hello can I film film all right so you guys this is the King's Palace when he was inaugurated he came here and he gave a speech but it is quite impressive and the security guys gave me a permission to film so yeah also check out this I don't know what those are but this is a really cool place so here's one of seven doors to enter and apparently in this one besides cats there's selling of gold yeah those green chops they're all gold can we see some gold so this is where you buy your wife a necklace very nice the Jewelers the typical it's Moroccan Jewelers gotta love getting lost in these little these little Alleyways here wow this is like the quintessential Morocco these little alleyways and all the old squares the old medinas the souks you could really get lost in one of these if you don't know what you're doing I live here and I've never been here what kind of tour guide did I hire he hasn't he lives here and he does he does this oh yeah what kind of tour guide do I have here he's never been here and he lives in tattoo on yeah bro but he's been here so because he used to live just around you wow this is so cool it looks like Chef shaoin a little bit wow look at this a blacksmith okay Carpenter you guys everything is so original here the tailors the vendors it's literally like you're in a video game so this does have ancient history however in the mid 15th century this place was actually destroyed by the castilians because just to the north here the Spanish autonomous city of seuta which technically belongs to Spain in the European Union was being threatened so the castilians obviously didn't like that so they came here and Revolt destroyed the city and that's why the city had to be built back up by the refugees from the Nazareth Empire so this has been destroyed and built up multiple times so this is this is good drinking water from the mountains yes natural all right guys let's give it a go wash your hands first wash your hands okay okay very good ah guys the Moroccan water is so good and cold and there's actually snow here in the mountain peaks in the winter right yeah hello wow so how do you feel when you come here do you like to come here because you live in the outskirts no I like it because it's it's not like modern you know and you were saying you were saying last night that people do live here in these houses yeah so it's they're depressed yeah it's very depressing depressing because the lack of vitamin D and also it's a harder life living here right in what ways is it harder because they don't make a lot of money here there's not a lot of tourists over here so um the tourists don't come here that much are you sure yeah you can see like a little bit but those are the types of people that want to want to explore you know like me yeah so so tour guide is not going to take you in here it's going to take you to the really yeah wow a bike shop sell them the people here struggle to make a living because they depend on sales they depend on providing services and if there's not a lot of customers then yeah there's not going to be a lot of money so it's pretty white here people that live in the outskirts they're generally working professional jobs like your dad's a business owner yeah wow it's so quiet here you guys you guys so cool you definitely can't get this anywhere in North America anywhere in Europe and I can bet that if we were in Egypt we'd be getting harassed right now but here in tattoo on honestly nobody bothers you extremely safe I would definitely be here alone but I mean honestly having some locals is so fun because we are very close in proximity to Spain so therefore many Spanish tourists are coming here and because of the Legacy with the Spanish that we're here for over 40 years as a protectorate many people here speak Spanish and if you're working in tourism the vast majority of people speak some basic Spanish taxis hotels restaurants people here in the Medina the vast majority of them speak Spanish which is quite fascinating because if you were to go to other parts of Morocco in the southern part the central part they normally wouldn't speak Spanish they would be speaking French because the French spend years colonizing Morocco and so they also teach the French at school yeah second language but I mean the young people are starting to realize that it's more logical to learn English yeah yeah it's gonna switch it's not gonna be friends forever they're gonna switch it to English as a second language it's not going to be like that forever Morocco has started to wake it up and feel like they know that English is way more beneficial for Moroccans to learn than French so you're happy that people are learning English I'm happy because why is it to use English with people you know I don't want to speak French outside because I think it's goofy dude man I'm so impressed with his English vocabulary because like he learned it on the internet um and he learned American English for that matter if I can do it everyone can do it so it's of course easier for some people than other but at the end of the day it's effort it's practice and it's immersion you haven't even been immersed in English-speaking country and you speak like a native nope yeah it's crazy man I can't believe it Hello Kitties can I please pass well what no I can't pass meow so when you think of the United States uh through your English studies when you think of the United States what's like the first thing that comes to your mind Burgers what else um guns really trust me bro I've seen like God damn so if you got a chance to move to the United States and it depends on what state Wisconsin Wisconsin seems like um an old like a it's not like a really new I would go there but oh no like to spend my life there to be honest if I was like six years old I would go there but I'm young so I need to live in life you need to go to New York City it smells like this everywhere and there's rats what do you know about Miami Florida Miami Florida City ass weather it can be sunny and then it can be a [ __ ] hurricane coming and [ __ ] I mean can I say that but there's a lot of three women California I know [ __ ] L.A it's dog [ __ ] there a lot of homeless people homeless people drug addicts under the bridge you know needles everywhere dude you know your [ __ ] man Sports I know I mean you could ask me anything what do you know about Chicago what do you think about Chicago against that's all I know Jesus what is pop culture teaching about our country listen but I still like America to be honest why do you like America because of the people they're so nice why do you prefer American English over British English well because British English makes no sense like they just say they just be talking like what the [ __ ] is like come on it's a bottle of water yeah it's not English you think American English is easier to understand no that's that's the real language to be honest even the England has the real English but come on you better be careful I know I cannot say that but I'm sorry for the people in the UK I don't mean it in offensive way I just don't understand those yeah so hamsa for tourists that think Morocco is dangerous or people that aren't from Morocco think that Morocco is dangerous what do you have to say to those people bro listen do some research it's not this whatsoever I would say if you're American it's more delicious in America it's done here like he's just lucky with a camera with 300 just waving at it no one is gonna take it nobody's gonna even come say something defensive to him because they like seeing strange people come to the city and represent it yeah they think Morocco is really bad as you guys can tell I'm in serious need of a haircut and a shave so let's see what we have here haircuts foreign is there something about getting a haircut at a Moroccan barber shop that's just so relaxing all right you guys now time for the most dangerous part of the haircuts all right you guys this is my new style what do you guys think thank you foreign [Music] not actually fit I'm always impressed by the attention to detail by the Moroccan Barbers absolutely amazing haircuts if you've been walking you guys I have no idea where we are or somewhere we're going up into one of these Mountain neighborhoods where Abdul Salam lives check out this it's like an abandoned something I'll tell you what it is what is it so the king's security used to live here like I would say Muhammad's life you used to live here so yeah that's what that's what really the wife that abandoned yeah because they don't live here anymore wow one of the Kings secured properties and they abandon it yeah wonder why wow guys I never know Moroccan had such great abandoned places what are some of the best cities with abandoned history places you can visit Morocco let me know in the comments this one's right up there the king's abandoned security grounds look it you can even see no security camera not in use let's see if we can look inside a little bit wow we can't get in it's locked that's what it looks like on the inside I don't know if you guys have noticed but these two guys have just been great security they've been they've been watching my back every step because if it wasn't for them I've been saying hey guys let's go down this dark alley let's go to this sketchy hood and they're like why do you want to go there you got to go off the beaten pass sometimes like here in the neighborhood of Abdul salam alaikum how are you I'm from United States America where are you from thank you nice to meet you too where are you from Morocco tattoo on the greatest City in Morocco wow motorcycle taxi taxi yes huh I like let's see how good these Moroccan kids are at football is your favorite food uh Pizza I'm hamburger three four five whoa bamos let's go he's in Morocco's next professional football player FIFA World Cup 2036. nice to meet you bye bye bye bye see you later see you later my friend bye bye so hamsa obviously here in Morocco you do see a lot of people on the streets uh sometimes asking for money or trying to sell things in fact we just saw a pregnant lady of course trying to sell us something I gave her money so what's going on behind the scenes so I don't know what's going on behind the scenes but I think it's lack of Education to be honest like people are just out here getting married having kids when they're literally that broke they're making the bare minimum and they're getting married and having kids I think it's lack of Education I think if people were educated more they wouldn't they would not be poor people in Morocco to be honest like yeah so you as a young man you obviously want to get married in the future but what are your goals before you get married I mean I want to be financially stable of course some somewhat stable I don't want to be that broke getting married I would just like have kids and make them struggle I mean I came I came from uh some someone poor family so I know how it is so I don't want to have kids and want them to struggle just uh how wide it but I would say struggle teaches you a lot of things to build so they have to struggle a little bit to become men well that's what you call whoa not the woke is we've been seen in the United States the Walt Disney is this man right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you

2022-12-20 20:07

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