Montmorency Falls Quebec Canada | Chasing Waterfalls #tour #tourism #waterfall

Montmorency Falls Quebec Canada | Chasing Waterfalls #tour #tourism #waterfall

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hey everybody Shane here prayer Life TV behind  me you see Montmorency Falls in Quebec it's the   last stop for a trip and we're gonna go have  some fun exploring the fall so stick around we're gonna take those cable cars let's see all the way up to the top I'm gonna  cross over there across the suspension   bridge and I guess there's all kinds  of trails all throughout uh you can   wheel through walk through and you can  come down the other side on those stairs   which I'm going to pass on but I am going to  walk on the boardwalk that goes around to each   side of the waterfall so okay I'm gonna  get to it let's go exploring stick around I don't know Hill way up  there we go we're cruising now where so you see that little bridge I see  a dark line right up there it is no   it goes right in front of the between themselves Fanny yeah I know so here take pictures foreign are you doing oh you do have yours in there  I do Oh I thought you said yeah we made it to the top oh if  they drilled up thank you yeah wow for the top here we are guys much more NC Park now these waterfalls  are higher than Niagara Falls at least by 100 feet 100  meters seems like an awful lot walk across the suspension bridge somewhere a quick shot over here yeah over here pause it here's the manor Mont Morenci a lot of pushing there's the cable car after getting off the  cable car I realized could have drove up here   this wheelchair parking right there all right  let's continue on to the suspension bridge what what after pushing up more Hills and then  up another hill we finally got to the accessible suspension bridge path so push  up that hill this is a nice part   see it's uh residential along there I don't  know what roads that is oh there yeah yeah   it was all residential it's robe it's  just a nice little Park in the middle   a huge waterfall at this end of the park okay  so let's go to the suspension bridge onward finally some flat ground rare in  Quebec so here we are here's a map so we're right here we are right here gotta  go here there's no way I am doing no stairs   ah ran off from the grass yeah I won this way guys ah Danny you're blocking me oh maybe like right there's the suspension bridge but we're  gonna do this little Lookout first take a peek over here holy  smokes will be ever high   I can see stairs look at the sticks you can go  down those stairs if you like I'm gonna pass   but what if anybody in wheelchairs ever  did that maybe I'm getting the Guinness   Book of World Records for the number of  stairs descending stairs in a wheelchair   I wonder just look it up in a wheelchair  it's probably gonna be more than that though   someone could have went in the sea and Tower  and went down the stairs and seeing Tower I'm gonna look that up actually so  let's go just let's do the bridge myself here we go over the modern Sea Falls holy snap we are up super high please keep suspended Bridge please that's crazy amount of water coming up thank you right here we  should be right over the falls   yeah almost in the middle of the falls right here now look at that water wow I can feel the bridge slain let's get in let's go to this side foreign ground oh that's pretty intense hey Dan here's the anchors  look I didn't see these on the other side   you can continue on these trails you have  some Woods Trails as well you can go into   into the forest or you can keep walking straight  up there and then you can take a right and up and   around and then down the stairs I've shown you the  stairs when I was on the on the suspension bridge   so I'm not gonna take the stairs I'm not gonna  go up and around take the stairs down there's 400   steps no thanks so I'm gonna go back across the  suspension bridge we'll hit the cable car back   down to the main lobby area and then I'm gonna  go cruise around the bottom part of the falls   see how close we can get to them on the ground all  right let's go going back across thank you crazy okay I'm waiting for the cable car to come back  and get it and get me and I go right back down   to the main building I'm gonna take that  walkway I'm going to push all on there   go to the bottom of the falls and there's  another walkway here that goes underneath   along this Cliff too might do that as  well I'm gonna do it all why not I'm here foreign excuse me here we're along the boardwalk there's home base   home base and we're going  right along the boardwalk here all wooden planks nice and smooth oops so they can't get myself from the falls we go all right let's keep freezing play the way I'm gonna go way over there where those stairs are   they're gonna come all the way  back around and go to that point there a little Boardwalk no I'm  still now it's all concrete paved   the concrete sidewalk and we're gonna  go as close to the falls as we can oh so smooth it's easy going foreign a little bit closer okay guys hey  we're getting close to the falls   and look at those stairs oh we supposed 400 steps in total crazy not today that's as close as we can get gang that is the whoa I got a little bit of mist  there from The Falls that's nice and refreshing yeah this is closer to get we got a  fence but oh I can feel the mist from the Falls that is refreshing for this  beautiful day today look at the steps shallow very shallow you can see  the Rocks I wonder how deep it is the base of the falls just amazing that is higher than Niagara  Falls I think it's by a hundred feet   higher than Niagara Falls so now I'm here and  I want to go over there and that will conclude   the tour of the falls because then I would have  covered it all and uh all right let's Boogie Back   and I'm gonna pause it and I'm gonna pick up once  I get on the other side the boardwalk there cut in quickly want to show you how cliff  how high up it is and how steep it is   you have your stairs coming  down over there to the left here's a good view of the seating area over  the river I'm not sure what river this is   to find that out but I'm  gonna put all the links to the   Montmorency Falls and down in the description so you can go down there and click  on it and get some more information   if I go into these areas not knowing a  thing about them I don't do any research   beforehand I just kind of go in blindly  even with the accessibility I just go see what I'm faced with and  deal with it the time comes okay okay we made it to the floor now we're  gonna go down to the left side of the falls see what that looks like hillbomb and Rick foreign 's going down but I don't  know about coming back up we're cruising a little bit of a push back up but  nothing compared to Old Quebec City   hey these guys doing hello looking for rocks  I found a rock look look at the Rock I found looks like we get a little bit closer to the  files on the left side than on the right side oh much better view on this side much better View there we go gang that concludes our visit  to Montmorency Park it's actually beautiful   um accessibility wise A-Okay for me still go  online do your research on it if you think   wheelchair um yeah I got around to the most  most points of the park I mean I didn't go   into the trails that were in the woods didn't  want to um anyways I put it all I got 12 main   points in the park so it was a very uh  very fun day and uh beautiful scenery and   the beautiful Boardwalk it's definitely worth  a visit so go online check it out if you're   worried about accessibility and whatnot so um  yeah that's it for this all right keep rolling   yes uh we see that uh this one already have some  some little shells and micro organism it's very   very tiny can you see it right here oh yeah yeah  so it's too short maybe we have something else   it's very hard to say same for uh it's fine and this one is the same thing we have  a lot of things so maybe we have a big   shell or yeah other animals you have  to take a peek over there fossils hi good oh I've seen these ladies along the   bank picking rocks and then  I guess they they get fossils here I have one I'm really fast oh do you okay they said how far back they dated but I  don't think they told me yeah so because   maybe years ago we have an iceberg  yet and when the ice melted there   was a lot of water coming out of that  all right so it was an ocean like this   all the little animals we used to live inside when  they died they fell out to do the stand and they   left an imprint because that sand does compress  throughout times and they left the Emperor of   those animals right here you'll have to brush up  on that yeah oh well yeah this is a trilobite yeah   so this is one of the most if you found uh if you  look into this one I have a lot of [ __ ] oh yeah   and into this one you can see some corals and  this one is actually really nice it used to be   an animal I have a blank on how it's pronouncing  but this part was biodegradable but yeah this is   the shell left an imprint right here oh wow right  there yeah and you can see some kind of crystals ocean ground but not the same type of ocean  so for example at this beginning the water   was really deeper so the animal that lived  in the tea but water are not the same one   as leaving the shallow water so we can see  that they are both from different types of   oceans yeah and if you look into this one I  don't know if you can see it there is tiny   tiny tiny Circle yeah okay you see yeah so  this is like [ __ ] and those tiny circles   used to be a living creature and for people  like to have when you put things into your trash this actually is the smell  right yeah so inside this truck   I can release the smell of those little  creatures I'm gonna put my little babies all right so you smell it yeah you know you know no I don't know the gas but  for example fuels yeah yes you can reuse that gas they are both what we call sedimentary  rocks so from Ocean ground this one is   from sand that was Compact and this  one is from mud and we call it Shale   so they're quite different yeah yeah  and if you look behind you you can   see a big pile of like rocks on the side  of the phone on the right side okay yeah

2022-09-28 16:39

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