May Garden Tour - Transition Month - the Garden is a Work in Progress!

May Garden Tour - Transition Month - the Garden is a Work in Progress!

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hi everyone welcome to the May Garden Tour it's  Memorial Day weekend which kicks off the summer   this is the season all we gardeners have been  waiting for warm weather is here it's time to   grow our vegetables now the garden is really in  transition this month swinging from spring into   summer lots of changes going on I'm really looking  forward to show you around we're going to start up   here on the smart pots deck the little kitchen  garden right outside our back door come on it   actually just started to drizzle right now here  in Southern California we have something called   May gray and June gloom cloudy overcast in the  morning and then it burns off and we have a lot   of sunshine in the afternoon but right now  may gray and drizzle is not a bad way to go   the garden's getting a little bit of moisture the  kitchen Garden I'm loving it it's right outside   the back door really easy access for the kitchen  to pop out here one of my favorite parts of the   kitchen garden is the Pizza Garden we've been  making a ton of homemade pizzas we're going to   show you our wood fire pizza oven a little bit  later on in the video it's growing here in 100   gallon smart pots and just going crazy we've got  a green zebra tomato we've got a couple different   peppers we've got some basil some onions some  oregano everything we need to grab out to come   out here and just pick for our fresh pieces super  super excited for this to start to come on now the   tomatoes are going crazy we've got lots of flowers  on it pretty soon we're going to be picking some   fresh homegrown tomatoes I can't wait I'm sure  you're excited about that too there's nothing   like that flavor and over here in the corner we've  got an eggplant which will be great on our pizza   as well and our spring salad station which will be  coming out soon for heat tolerant greens lettuce   really only does well up to 75 degrees so if you  have hot summers you definitely want to plant   some heat tolerant greens such as kale chard New  Zealand spinach all kinds of greens that you can   still grow All Summer Long got a heat tolerancy  collection for you so make sure you get yours   planted so you have have lots of greens to harvest  now we get a good amount of sunshine here in our   kitchen Garden so I did plant several different  tomato plants aside from the green zebra we've   got a yellow pear tomato which is doing really  really well lots of blooms I think there might   even be some little green tomatoes coming on  somewhere in there but right next to it is a   new tomato for me this year my neighbor actually  went to a Tomato Festival imagine that and got   this one for me it is called Gumdrop tomato so  from what I understand it's super prolific this   is the first green tomatoes I'm getting this  year and I'm looking forward to tons and tons   of little snacking tomatoes from this plant and  right next to it here we have one of my favorite   tomatoes Mr stripey and I love the name of that  it's a beautiful striped tomato and it's going to   be so much fun just to pop out here right outside  the kitchen and grab some tomatoes for our meals   and just for snacks if you have a deck or a patio  to grow in you can definitely grow a ton of edges   in containers highly recommend it you're going to  absolutely love it you can even compost in a small   space and I want to show you how the little mini  compost sack is doing looking really good I've   been turning it maybe once a week or so the more  you turn it the quicker it is going to break down   but here I still have my compost thermometer  I just kind of keep it in here to see what the   temperature is and it's holding steady right  around maybe I think that's around 80 degrees   or so so it's not real hot right now but it is  starting to break down pretty quickly and if I   want it to break down even faster what I would do  is add some coffee grounds to it so I may swing by   the coffee shop and pick some up but it's looking  good can you imagine this just started with food   scraps leaves and just things that you pull out of  your garden so we're turning trash into treasure   here guys it smells earthy it smells beautiful  so fun to make free fertilizer for your garden   come on down with me the Chill Zone I'll show  you what's going going on down there oh Jerry   before we do that though let's stop here because  we can see most of the nasturtiums from the garden   we don't show this garden view very often yep  and this week sadly to say the nasturtiums are   coming out they only last up to about 75 degrees  they're starting to look kind of raggle taggle and   unfortunately I've got to pull them out make room  for some warm weather vegetables and plant some   nice warm seasoned flowers in their place this  is a great view though I mean look at we can look   all the way down the garden and just see nothing  but nasturtiums all the way to the other fence   pretty it is very pretty and it's kind of  that in between season where you miss the   color things look a little bit bare until new  things start to bloom but that's kind of what may   is all about it's kind of the transition season  again swinging from spring into summer so let me   know it's transitioning in your garden and maybe  what you're sad about too about pulling out to   transition this season over here in the Chill Zone  this is one of our favorite places to hang out on   summer evenings now first off I got to stop you,  Jerry we have to take a sniff here of the Jasmine it smells so good and we planted this last  summer so we could smell it on summer evenings   you smell that Aroma yes I just love it it's so  relaxing so if you're looking for a beautiful   flower to really invigorate your senses on summer  evenings plant yourself some Jasmine so a lot of   times we sit out here on the summer evenings  it hasn't been real warm in the evenings yet   so we haven't spent too much time out here but  that's coming soon so this is what we built all   last year the raised bed this is in my book on  raised back gardening loving the second year   and got a ton of really fun things planted I  planted some taller vegetables in the back this   trellis we got from a local Nursery remember  where we got this Jerry oh yes it has lots   of good memori all over the garden right so I've  got a tomato in here that's doing very very well   not to mention over here this zucchini  this is a round zucchini from the   um last month's grow your groceries box it is  taken off I love zucchini grilled it's going   to be so much fun to put it on our pizza and I  really tried to plant this garden with some color   and some taller vegetables in the back what I was  trying to get your attention was people also may   have noticed that we have a new addition over here  oh the Chill Zone I forgot about that I believe   this is our first tour from uh with the lemon  tree here we've moved it over into the Chill Zone   from the smart pot deck that's right it's actually  an orange tree orange tree um and it's loving this   little spot although I just noticed the leaves are  looking a little bit yellow so I may need to add   some nitrogen to it to kind of green things up  um but we've got some little oranges coming on   and for a while it was just blooming and it's  so cute look at those cute little baby oranges   but for a while when it was just blooming  we would come out here and just smell the   orange blossoms which were absolutely amazing  and now it's filled with tons of baby oranges   which Jerry I don't know that this tree has ever  been this filled with baby oranges it's true you   are right so I think it's really liking this  spot it's a keeper right here we're going to   leave it here we're not going to move it but  anyway in the raised bed I also planted this   kind of as a kitchen Garden as well with  some basics like your tomatoes zucchini   the peppers in here we actually over wintered  these two plants so they grew over the winter   I cut them way back I just fertilize them when  we planted the other vegetables in the raised   bed and look at all the green that's popping up  so if you live in a especially if you live in   a Southern Climate you can easily over winter  your peppers and your eggplant so this is all   new green growth and even some little flowers  that are starting to bloom this is a jalapeno   and then the California Wonder is right over  here it's been a little bit slower to Leaf out   but just the other day I was checking it and I  saw some signs of life down here a teeny tiny   little leaf so I'm very excited about that because  this was such a prolific plant last year and I'm   hoping it will be the same this year now let's  talk about the trellis loving this trellis here   this is one of my very favorite trellises it's  from my book on raised bed gardening you can grab   that over at so you know  exactly how to build it super easy to build you   can customize it for your raised bed or even for  a container but what it is is just some posts that   are drilled together a galvanized piece of fencing  staple to it very simple inexpensive trellis nice   and sturdy so at the bottom here I've got some  cucumbers planted we've got a lemon cucumber   in the middle and my very all-time favorite  cucumber this summer is the Diva cucumber this   was from the May Grow Your Groceries with CaliKim  Subscription Box look at the size of these leaves   so it only produces female flowers which are  the flowers that produce the fruit does not need   pollination from bees so it's self-pollinating  so this is sure to be a very productive cucumber   speaking of the Grow Your Groceries with CaliKim  Subscription Box the June box is now available so   you can grab it over at  you're not going to want to miss this month it's   got some great vegetables to grow for summer lots  of fun surprises in it and you can get $5 off   with the code "JUNESUBBOX" they're going to start  shipping next week so grab it now before they run   out yeah if you haven't started your subscription  this would be a great one to start on I'll just   put it that way definitely would I think it's  one of my favorites so far I say that every   month this one truly is one of my favorites more  information about that over on our website okay so   in the front here we've got some basil loving the  basil this year we're using a ton on our homemade   pizzas and this prospera basil is absolutely one  of my favorites this is from the May Box so you   really don't want to miss on the out on the boxes  because I do include really special seeds that are   just kind of a higher level seed they're really  something special about them this is like a mini   little basil or a smaller more compact basil and  is resistant to downy mildew which downy mildew   can wipe out your basil plants very very prolific  variety aren't all the seeds that you have in the   subscription box not available all year long dirt  on our website correct they are not available just   to buy a single pack so not in any of my other  seed collections so you don't want to miss out   on them because every month is different  every month has really special seeds cool   so in the front here I love to plant on the  spillers so things that kind of spill over   your garden bed save space but also looks really  pretty and these are some scallop squash the round   zucchini which is again from the May box and a  couple other other scallop squashes down there   so uh as soon as we get some more sunny days  and this may gray and June Gloom go away this   is gonna really really take off we're aching for  that full days of sunshine so we'll definitely be   uh next month showing you how things look I know  you're going to love it now I want to share with   you a little tip for how you can grow some cool  other greens in the summertime plant them in a   shady area or at least an area where they get  partial shade and here I've got some lettuce   that's growing and some arugula seeds which I  just planted and Endive seeds will be popping up   but what happens is as the cucumbers climb up over  the trellis they'll provide a natural little shade   cover for the greens growing underneath here and  that way you can really maximize is your raised   bed space and grow yourself some cool tolerant or  some cool weather greens all summer long so let me   know if you're trying that strategy in your garden  too now I do have a few empty raised beds around   the garden hard for me to do that but I'm leaving  them empty for a reason now if you're like me you   want to get all your beds planted at once and you  exhaust yourself trying to get that done what I've   realized is it's just not possible the garden is  a work in progress so here I've left this little   garden bed it's a small tiny little bed that we  built a couple of years ago empty because we're   going to be planting some dahlias in here I've  got Dahlia tubers growing I'll show you those   in just a moment and I'm planning on putting  three or four dahlias in here to make a really   nice splash of color down in this corner of the  garden so if your garden is a work in progress   don't feel bad it's all just part of the process  of learning and growing together and getting the   garden planted is just going to take a little  bit of time so go easy on yourself too here at   the fountain planter the focal point of our garden  I always plant peppers because it's the sunniest   spot in the garden and they always do really  well here it's got Peppers along the far side   peppers along this side and also an eggplant up  the front they always trive here and I don't want   to mess with that because we've had such good  luck with the peppers here now I do have some   flowers here that are also past the prime along  with the nasturtiums the calendulas they're a   beautiful cool weather flower I love the splash  of yellow and of orange but they're fading fast   you can see they've got some powdery mildew on  the leaves and once the weather gets above 75 or   80 they just don't like it so they start to die so  these will be coming out soon and it's just part   of the circle of life it's one of the things about  gardening that you just learn to appreciate and   enjoy while you can but then things do come to a  close calendula calendulas though are actually an   edible flower you can use them for many medicinal  purposes they're absolutely beautiful if you live   in a cooler area like the Pacific Northwest or  Canada or somewhere up North this would be a   great flower to grow in the summer these are in  my cool season my bring on the pollinators cool   Season flower collection which I should mention  too we're kicking off also a Memorial Day sale   we get 25 % off all of my seed collections my  books my garden kits and you're also going to get   a free Kale Seed Collection and hold on a second  Jerry I gotta grab this over here oh [Laughter]   we'll be right back something really special for  this sale is the free kale seed collection but   also Grow Your Groceries with CaliKim magnet this  is pretty cool you can put on your watering can   on your water bottle this is actually one of our  subscription boxes a few months ago and we want   to make them available for you to kick off the  Summer with the Memorial Day sale so grab that   over at  that's going to go till May 31st   I forgot to say the code it is"SUMMERSUNSHINE" one  of my all-time favorite vegetables is eggplant and   last year I had a beautiful black beauty eggplant  going here it actually lasted for about two years   unfortunately we had a lot of cold nights this  winter and it died but I planted a new one this   is from my eggplant seed collection huge humongous  eggplant it's really the Queen of the garden and   I'm putting it this year in this gardeners from  Gardener Supply Company Titan small tomato cage   so it's pretty cool it's nice and sturdy one thing  I love about these cages is the sides or the rings   adjust up and down according to whatever you're  growing so it really makes it handy when you're   growing different types of vegetables this would  also be good for peppers and I actually have it   on a dahlia back here which Jerry come on  back and just show everybody the dahlias   if you live in a mild climate like we do here your  dahlias your Dahlia tubers will stay alive in the   ground so if you know anything about dahlias  you know they're absolutely beautiful humongous   flowers most people if they grow dollies they're  absolutely Dahlia lovers and I happen to be one   of them so this popped up from the tuber that  overwintered it's growing absolutely beautifully   here I can't wait for it to bloom wait till you  see these flowers maybe on next month's garden   tours some flowers will be popping up and I put  one of the smaller Titan tomato cages around that   too because you definitely need some support  for your dahlias remember when we started the   tubers on a video maybe two months ago or so I do  I'll show you some of those in just a moment but   um man I can't wait till these Bloom one  of my favorite parts of the summer garden   it's gonna be fun moving over here to one of my  very favorite additions to the garden this year   the elevated raised bed the elevated raised bed  this design was in my book on raised bed gardening   Jerry we had so much fun building this bed I think  that was one of my very favorite raised bed builds   we've ever done it was such a fun day in the  garden you guys have to go back and watch that   video but this is a two by four raised bed it's  a perfect height for a child or just if you don't   want to get down on your knees or adults garden  or for adults exactly the vegetables are really   starting to take off here Diva cucumbers along  the back the Divas really are the prima donna I've   got some zinnias go in here and a tomato which I  thought was a Tiny Tim but it's getting to be a   little bit bigger so it might be a different  variety I'm always getting my tags mixed up   some of the round zucchini squash again spilling  over the front I planted some arugula and lettuce   in the middle here and we've got the star of the  show the tree branch trellis absolutely loving   this trellis one thing I love doing is looking out  my kitchen window and looking down over the garden   so let me know if you do that but it's really fun  to put your favorite things where you can see them   from your house we trimmed all these trees back  here and got some really sturdy branches for the   trellis Jerry I think you probably made most  of those trellis because he helped me screw   the little pieces together that's right and then  we cover them up with twine this really beautiful   thick twine it has such a beautiful natural  organic look and it was all free that's the best   part yeah this is very doable anyone can repeat  this and make it at your own place it's really a   cool organic look I like it yeah I like it too so  please let us know if you have built the trellis   or if you've built the raised bed yeah I've been  wondering that too has anyone built one of these   since haven't watched our video that's right we  love to hear about that so do make sure you pop   that in the comments yeah so here is our smart  pots deck also a work in progress I think we   mentioned on last month's Garden Tour we need  to do some repair to this deck it's kind of   sagging in the middle due to all the weight of  the soil so we haven't planted out much of the   back of the the deck yet but the urban raised  bed is looking good everyone it's looking great   if you watch our strawberry video this week we  showed you how the strawberries are just going   crazy yeah let me get a close-up oh so pretty I  don't know if there's any more ripe ones to pick   today but they're just spilling over the side  so if you want some pretty Spillers you've got   to plant some strawberries and I would highly  recommend you grab them some transplants at a   garden center as soon as you see them because in  our area the strawberry transplants are usually   one of the first things to go and then you can't  find them again later in the season so delicious   we had a strawberry like a berry Bowl yesterday  over yogurt it was so good put a little bit of   yogurt on it a little bit of fresh honey fresh  organic honey raw organic honey absolutely it was   good so here in the little Urban raised bed and  if you guys want to grow in a small space go over   to grab one of these they're very  easy to pop up they've got PVC pipe to hold up   the bed and you can build it yourself in about 30  minutes also have some fennel back here now I want   to try fennel on our garden fresh Pizza Cherry we  haven't tried that yet and it smells really good   fennel's actually an herb and what you do is you  cut the bulb or slice up the bulb down here into   pieces or slices and then put it on your pizza or  in your salad or whatever you want to make out of   it so it'd definitely be a fun one to try and a  new one for us too I'm going to take you up the   hill and show you around in just a moment but  here's a view of the nasturtiums from the other   side of the yard then we were standing before  over by the fence they're so pretty and colorful   yes they are but I first wanted to show you this  area of the garden which is my pollinator Garden   so excited about this last year I decided to  turn it into a pollinator garden rather than   grow vegetables here and I'm doing the same this  year do you remember Jerry sitting up on the deck   and seeing all the butterflies the bees the birds  that were down here and the nasturtiums are going   to be coming out and we're going to be blanketing  this area with zinnias and dahlias so so excited   I already managed to put some in here I had  to pull back the nasturtiums to pop these in   just to get them growing so I've got a bunch of  zinnias in here these are cactus zinnias one of   my favorite beautiful kind of frilly petals so  once I get the nasturtiums out they'll get more   sunlight and they'll definitely start taking off  was able to pop in a couple of dahlias in here too   so again more sunlight they'll start to take off  quickly got some zinnias growing in there they're   literally going to grow up through these cages  the dahlias will probably get about five feet   tall the zinnias sometimes get six feet tall in  here and I also have tons of wildflowers in the   back that is really pretty yes I do have weeds  too but we'll be pulling those out also oh I   think these colors are really cool over the  nutrition so I got to do this one more time   I hope you all are liking this video right here  I'm gonna miss these pan shot over the beauties now just to tell you a little bit about  nasturtiums too in case you uh would like to grow   them they are an edible flower which is kind of  fun we've been having these on our on our garden   fresh pizza too in fact Jerry you posted a picture  of your pizza with these on it they give it just   kind of a peppery mildly peppery flavor they're  so delicious the leaves are a lot more peppery   you can have them in salads and it looks so pretty  when you top your salads with nasturtium flowers   but the cool thing is the seeds when you pull  them out they drop tons and tons of seeds you   can see how they're all turning brown but the  seeds are also edible and you can make these   into Capers like pickle them I've actually never  tried that but I think that would be really fun so   I'll definitely be collecting some seeds when we  pull the nasturtiums out and give them that a try   it wouldn't be a garden tour without showing  you the blackberries one of my favorite parts   of summer garden every year and I have to  say I always get a little bit giddy when I   see the Blackberry starting to bloom because I  know those berries are right around the corner   what I find fascinating about these blackberries  is it's like all of a sudden they're there   like they grew overnight or something they're huge  it's crazy they you know we trim them back in the   winter and they're just sticks and you think  they're gonna die exactly and then you see a   few little leaves and a few more leaves and maybe  you're gone for a couple of days we're out of town   you come back and it turns into a big explosion  so tons of flowers just starting to come on I   was out here the other day just checking it out  I think we had two flowers maybe last week and   look at all these little buds I mean every single  branch has tons and tons and tons of buds on it   it's going to be a bumper crop jury get ready for  Blackberry crisps Blackberry smoothies Blackberry   uh whatever else Berry bowls it's gonna be a  good one these are really really taken off so   I'm hoping for the June Garden Tour we might have  some fresh blackberries to show you very excited   speaking of berries the strawberries over here  and the five gallon containers are going crazy   they're in a five gallon calicum smart pots  go back and watch our strawberry video from   a couple of days ago because they are just going  nuts these will be ready to pick in a couple of   days but digging in through here there's berries  berries and more berries probably about 25 or   30 berries just in this pot alone and a lot more  coming on in this pot over here so definitely grow   your strawberries guys are super easy to grow now  is the time to get them and the dahlias okay here   are my Dahlia tubers I have a lot more in the  little holding area up above but these will be   going in the ground soon they start off believe  it or not from this tiny little tube run if you   can see that here in the pot it looks so ugly and  you would never know they're going to turn into   this beautiful flower so they sprout really well  in warm temperatures this one is ready to plant   in the next couple of weeks these are growing  it going in the ground now I want to take you   down here and up the hill but on our way up the  hill I got to show you the containers here again   if you don't have a lot of space you got to grow  in containers don't think that you can't Garden   just because you have a small space got tons of  growing here this is a 10 gallon CaliKim which   you can get over at 10  gallon CaliKim smart pots I mean and I'm growing  

cucumbers so look how beautiful they look climbing  up this bamboo trellis so much fun here we already   have a heat tolerant green salad station growing  with some kale from the kale seed collection some   chard the spinach is going to go bolting and  going to seed because it's too hot for it and   we just planted some watermelon this is again my  new favorite got lots of favorites here today in   the little shorty you can grab a little shorty  over my website as well so sugar baby watermelon   ladder mesh tied together with cable ties made  into a beautiful arch over a little shorty   perfect for a small space planted some arugula  in the middle I'm making the most of our space   here it's just starting to pop up so you guys you  got to do this again let me know in the comments   if you made this too after watching our video  last week so now I want to take you up the hill coming into the hill here the passion fruit Vine  going crazy here for spring now a few days ago   there were several flowers I think they've closed  up now actually they're right here in front   yes they are closed but the passion fruit flower  is absolutely beautiful tropical just lovely and   pretty soon this will be loaded down with purple  passion fruit oh here's one Jerry look at this   oh yeah let me get that oh that's so pretty  absolutely beautiful so the fruit comes from   the center of the flower and you can see how  many little buds here that aren't open yet   they're just all over this tree this is going to  be a bumper crop too and I actually have to keep   this Vine trimmed because it just goes crazy and  will literally take over this whole area I almost   forgot the green beans if you want a quick Growing  Vegetable you can go from seed to harvest in about   six weeks get some beans planted a little shorty  is a perfect little growing container for green   beans so we've got all different kinds of beans  in here including the trilogy bean mix from last   month's subscription box so lots of flowers which  means the beans aren't going to be far behind   gonna have a bumper crop from a little shorty it's  an absolute growing machine aerated the fabric is   super durable and The Roots get the oxygen they  need to really help the plants take off love   these little baby beans they're just so darn  cute it will probably be harvesting some beans   probably in just a few weeks that is going to be  fun the hill here is definitely a work in progress   you get a good view here of how the nasturtiums  are really fading in the heat so these will be   coming out this weekend along with those right  behind me and we're going to be planting some   full-size watermelon on this trellis here super  sturdy it's the same one I have have over in the   raised bed in the Chill Zone last year we grew  a couple of 20 pounders here so uh very excited   about that we always look forward to the summer  watermelon so we're kicking off Memorial Day in   a great way and looking forward to fourth of July  won't have watermelon yet but at least we'll have   them growing so I'm going to plant small little  dwarf zinnias called red profusion zinnias along   the edge here so take the place of the nasturtiums  and they look so pretty spilling over the wall so   let me know what your favorite warm weather flower  is as well now let's walk up the hill here and I'm   very excited about this area this is tomato alley  right here typically it's the sunflower forest   over the past couple of years but I change things  around a little bit planted some tomatoes in here   and there are some volunteer sunflowers popping  up but I'm going to try and keep them a little   bit shorter and have the taller ones along the  fence so the tall ones here don't shade out the   tomatoes so I've got several different varieties  I don't remember exactly what all of them are I   think it's maybe the aunt Ruby's German green  one of my all-time favorites this might be oh   this is a golden jubilee I believe let me take  a look nope this is a new one to me this year   called the purple zebra so let me know if you've  grown that one and then over here I just planted   a golden jubilee so Three Tomatoes in a row loving  the tall Titan tomato cages again those are from   Gardeners Supply Company and I'll link up a lot of  the things I mentioned in the video description so   in case you're interested I've tried them they  work and you can pick some up too if you want   to on the edge here though I planted a dahlia so  this is a large dinner plate dahlia which will   literally get about eight to ten inches across  so very excited about the dahlias as I keep   mentioning but I really want to have the bright  splashes of dahlias all throughout the garden   and by the way I just wanted to mention in case  you're wondering where Mac is he's usually in our   garden tours he's actually at the doggy salon so  we'll have to post a picture on Instagram later on   this area here will be turning over into a  cucumber Tiny Tim tomato bed over the next   month or so stay tuned for that and I just have to  tell you guys that if you want to attract the bees   to your garden you have got to plant some Salvia  beautiful purple flowers aren't these absolutely   gorgeous don't think there's any bees on here yet  because today is a very cloudy day but normally   there's tons of big bumblebees this year yes right  Jerry Jerry's been looking at those a little bit   nervous about them buzzing around and it is just  a huge be attractor and just a garden stunner of   a plant we've got a lot of questions about what  this plant is on our Instagram yeah it's Salvia   so plant some in your garden to bring in the  bees I have white Salvia planted as well but   the bees don't like it near as much so here's  another really nice looking tomato plant here   and I have it labeled a brandy wine but I know for  a fact it's not a brandy wine because brandywines   have different leaves I'm kind of thinking like  usual I got my tags mixed up see how this flower   is kind of like a double flower I think this might  be one of one of Cliff's giant tomato seeds that   he sent me so we'll have to be asking cliff  about that and see if he can identify it once   the Tomato comes on but the fence here at line  is going crazy with the wildflowers I planted a   whole bunch of Wildflower seed last year they all  came back so just love the spring color explosion   and got some sunflowers planted which will be  exploding hopefully over the next month or just   about full circle here in the garden Oh but before  we do that I gotta show you the hanging baskets   so excited about these if you want to grow some  food in a small space you've got to grow in   hanging baskets we've been picking peas off these  almost every day for lunch dipping them in hummus   it's a great way to grow something that  Trails over and can save yourself a ton   of space these are from my PC collection  I gotta pick one here and show you guys   the royal burgundy peas super delicious beautiful  tender we absolutely love them and over here we've   got some lettuce growing which is bolting and  going to seed but grow yourselves some lettuce   some peas some strawberries flowers and hanging  baskets and these are lined with the smart pots   basket liner same fabric that smart pots are made  out of they don't fall apart like the core liners   and they're absolutely beautiful you gotta  have some in your garden too so let's head on   up to the deck and we'll show you where we end  our day almost every single day in the summer   we've already spent many fun evenings making pizza  with our friend Dana's pizza oven he's letting   us keep it here to use during the summer time  loving it guys and the pizza a garden is right   down here on the deck so we can go over and pick  our ingredients for garden fresh pizza pop it on   and we're good to go but we do love to end almost  every evening here on the deck such a relaxing   way to spend the night Jerry will typically  light a fire in the chimney the hummingbirds   are visiting us and it's just a really fun way to  kind of reflect over the day and see the progress   that we've made and just spend a little bit of  time together at the end of each day I'm sure   lots of gardeners just enjoy just sitting out  in their Gardens and enjoying their space so   let us know if you do that too because most of us  gardeners kind of think along the same lines right   so what we love to do also right at dusk is kind  of stand here at the rail and wait for just the   right moment when all the lights come come on in  the garden so the lights are kind of Jerry's thing   and the solar lights just light up the night and  make the garden just very very enchanting well I   hope you enjoyed walking around the garden with  us I know we've really enjoyed having you here   sure did to kick off the summer gardening season  together head over to for   the Memorial Day sale 25% off Seed Collections  Garden Kits books and you're also going to get   a free Grow Your Groceries with CaliKim magnet and  a free Kale Seed Collection with your purchase and   that sale goes till Tuesday May 31st actually I  think that's Wednesday May 31st and don't forget   the June subscription boxes are now available  you can get $5 off with the code "JUNESUBBOX"   and grab those while supplies last thanks so  much for watching we'll see you next video [Music]

2023-06-02 00:51

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