Manila to Tacloban Bike touring 900 Km in 5 days | Team APOL

Manila to Tacloban Bike touring 900 Km in 5 days | Team APOL

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Subs by xprarkle Okay, Manila - Tacloban ride. We set this ride in Team APOL’s GC last month. When we set the ride, I included the itinerary, budget, and estimated duration of the ride. As usual, as per every ride of Team APOL, whoever arrives at the meetup point will be joining the ride. I went to Km Zero on a Wednesday and arrived at around 3 p.m.

We are reviving the tradition of starting at Km 0, so we started at Luneta. Sir Ronnie arrives! told you Rhon. Rhon Reyes of Team APOL. Km 0. Where are we going? Wherever! Wherever, good!! -maniacal laughter 5pm, let’s ride out! yeah boi Alright, take care! That’s why I don't like starting at Km 0 Two hours, 25 kilometers.

It’s smoky and hot. It's tiring There is traffic everywhere. Traffic everywhere. Once we pass through these cities, the [ride] will be smooth already. We will meet up with Usok [and the others] in San Pablo, at the same restaurant where we ate during One Shot Bicol.

I will be waiting here. Christian and Usok are still eating while Sir Ronnie is already on his way. While I wait, I’ll lubricate my bike chain, which has become stiff due to being soaked in the rain. LUBE There you are! -evil laugh I will sleep first! get some rest Usok [and Christian] will be arriving in 15 minutes.

-bomba Bad spirit, go away, leave us alone, and go to Dohc! Patch! BOMBA! My Maruni is already spoiled. Thankfully, Master brought Redsun. Maruni spoiled already What’s your name, Master? Altair. Boss Altair from San Pablo. Damn what? -guttered sounds What now? [We] got screwed by this patch kit It’s a good thing I had fenders when it poured earlier. DIY [fenders], it’s free, my only investment are a pair of scissors! Goodness! My place mat! [Why’d] you cut it? What the hell? fool When everything was in order, we resumed the ride.

It was a pleasant ride, as usual our pacing was 25-30 [km/h], We slowed down even with bright bike lights due to potholes and uneven road shoulders. [It’s] 2:30am. [We’re] at 711 Lucena. They said that they would nap first and then eat afterwards.

Rest, rest. Rest well, my friends. knockdown We already lost our sanity Bomba ride! Bombastic, telefantastic! Bomba ride! These kids are sad. Are you tired of fixing tires? No! I will never get tired! In pumping tires It is my purpose. -maniacal laughter It is my purpose in life.

Yes! Mr Bombastic, telefantastic. The next morning, we continued our ride from 711 Lucena, when [unfortunately] Usok’s tire was deflated again. What?! Flat again! At that point, Usok was already having second thoughts about continuing because of these mishaps. Good morning! Usok is flat again. We decided to help him by leaving him behind Bye usok.

We dont want to suffer like you Since we are kind, and we are good companions… Is that a vulcanizing shop? We are now looking for a vulcanising shop. Where can we find a [vulcanizing shop]. In Ragay? In Ragay Christian returned for Usok; it was probably about 5 kilometers before we located this vulcanising [shop]. Usok said that [his tire] was so badly damaged that it would not inflate no matter what.

Christian will [take the inner tube] to be vulcanized and return it to [Usok]. Unfortunate, with far too many mishaps! Boy bomba! That’s why your [tire] is always deflated because you pedal so fast! -evil laugh You don't think about us! [As you can see, we] can't cheat! The uphill [gradient] is in red. Usok is ahead again, my friends. -birds chirping -cicadas -auntie sweeping in the distance Nauna na sa Calauag si Sir Ronie Done with Day 1, 325 kilometers from kilometer zero.

Usok was the first to arrive, thus he was the one who looked for lodging. It’s difficult at night in Quirino Highway since there are unexpected potholes that even our bike lights at high intensity are ineffective. Blurred vision It is not advisable to ride at night on the Quirino Highway. Tomorrow we will be leaving at 4:30 am then 150 kilometers to Legazpi City Goodmorning! 4:20 am Wakey Wakey! We're gonna bike again Coffee! Heavy rain Vamos! -Instrumental Music Jollibee When we arrived at Sipocot Camarines Sur, We ate at Jollibee! Jollibee!! We had our breakfast As usual, jollibee breakfast meal With these breakfast meals, I dont really know why, but this fast food, it gives us comfort especially for us doing multiday bike rides As what Usok said, When it comes to these kinds of adventure, as much as possible, don't be so frugal because your mental state also affects how you ride your bike If you can pamper yourself with these simple joys in life, Go for it.

We are catching up with the breakaway. He's cracking up He's pedaling in squares No more He's cracking up Naga City Sir Ronie is not going to meet us again here He's already ahead and took the alternate route to Legazpi In this journey, I also went to see my grand mother since we are already in Bicol to check on her and ask for blessing for our Tacloban Journey I'm here! The thief is here Hello Are you all alone? They went on already to Legazpi Come in and eat lunch with us you didn't tell you're coming Why didn't you tell you're coming? Did you ride your bike? Yes I'm with my bike Who are you with? The same group [Team APOL] Damn We are always chatting [Fb messenger] Go on Kris, Bye Bye See you again in February Daraga Bakery Hotel Sentro Comfort!! Thank you Sir Ramil and Sir Moy Comfortable Spoiled kids The Mayon Volcano Goodmorning Can you give us an inspirational message for us to finish our Tacloban ride? Tacloban? How many days? VAMOS! Where to Dohc? Climb boys! 12% gradient Their houses are high Camella heavens Hi pretty lady -screeching noises If you are having this kind of trouble, We have a video tutorial in this channel [pop up banner] Here in Mekaniko Martilyo Channel Sorsogon Sorsogon, 30 kilometers In this day 3 of cycling, our target is from Hotel Sentro Legazpi, to reach Matnog port before 3pm Because we want to catch the 3pm boat ride to Allen Port Welcome to Sorsogon Nice view Sorsogon City What time is it? 10:24 am I really like bringing this flask for water storage during long rides even whole day, water is chilled unlike those camelbacks They are light but cannot maintain chill water temperature It is good to have cold water even if it's heavy, your water is cold all the time You have cold water on demand We made a quick stopover at Sorsogon City This is the first 50 kilometers from Legazpi City We regrouped, I, Christian and Sir Ronie then we hydrated Later on, we continued to Port of Matnog From here to Matnog Port is 60 to 67 kilometers It's terribly hot! 37 degrees celcius Plus headwind FIGHT!! We need to be there before 3pm Because we need to catch that boat ride to Allen Port Hello Dohc [strained voice] Do you remember our Mindoro ride? It's like this RAWR!!! I love biking! Irosin Sorsogon MATNOG! RAWR! After that hill, Matnog! It's already 2pm when we reached Matnog Port When I was looking at my back, I saw Christian crying Because it is his first time to reach Matnog using his bicycle It was sad because we have to part ways with him You're not going to change your mind? No, we'll do it again, LUZVIMINDA We have to part ways with Christian from here Here in Matnog Dream come true. It's ok Till our next adventure Just have to file another leave Take Care Thank you Let's go We did not waste any time here in Matnog. We rode the boat right away bound to Allen Port We paid 160 pesos for the fare Then to save some money, we decided to carry our bikes in the passenger deck Bound to Samar 1 1/2 hours The plan is to spend the night in Allen then we will ride tomorrow to Catbalogan City About 150 kilometers Then Monday to Tacloban City about 100 kilometers The ship is swaying I told Usok to tell the captain to speed ahead HEAD BANG!! Allen Port It's rainy We're here in Visayas Tacloban, Catarman It's 6pm. We have to find someplace to spend the night Our place for the night. 1000 pesos for 3 of us

We are parking here Yo! Goodmorning. I'm Usok. I'm strong But I'm already tired and my ass are already sored [tocino] Goodmorning everyone Day 4 Day 4 I'm already sored. What the hell is that itinerary, Dohc? Tour de Tacloban We'll travel 160 kilometers By 3pm maybe I'm already there Usok shall be there first and to look for lodging Usok: I'm airhead when im tired, all i can remember is my family We will be reaching Tacloban by tomorrow and cross San Juanico Bridge What's this place? Oh, Allen Bike again Breakfast first There's a place here from last night where we can eat Hotdog, garlic rice and egg [HOTSILOG] Chicken of St Peter HAKDOG The soup is good, too much ginger it's raining Dohc let's take a break. Usok's bike broke down

Let him be lol 5 kilometers from Allen, Usok's bike broke down. The seatclamp that holds his seatpost broke That's why he got left behind We didn't notice that he got left behind. We were riding fast Then here in Samar, the cellular coverage is poor I became aware that he was left behind when I reached Calbayog Upon knowing, Usok came by an autoshop and had his seat clamp repaired I'm ahead for a bit, they're at the back But the nearest town is in Catbalogan, about 40 kilometers ahead Godspeed you Usok, BYE. -whistling I'm 40 kilometers away from Allen.

I can already see some cars and tricycles and the road is wider. Calbayog City Airport Throw your bike away! The clamp that he bought earlier is the wrong size. Though I didn't open it yet Sagmit What was done with it? Rethreaded? This is the old clamp. It's cracked The hell? What are you doing? Marking the seat height The hell this ride Better because we're safe The bike shop. Hans Bicycle Supply Here in Calbayog City Northern Samar Repaired! Paying already but it's raining FIGHT! Maybe your wheel was misaligned Why didn't you tell me earlier? We wasted time on the repair I just realized by now You were insisting it's your bottom bracket I thought it was my bottom bracket Idiot Rain! Wet ride Usok is back on the ####### game Damn! Dohc, what's your comment? Wow!! It's beautiful!! Finally, reached the lodging Fame hotel Thank you Usok Go ahead all the time to find our place to rest My misfortunes didn't end till i arrive. The roads are congested because of the feast Then when i started to pedal, the crank slipped You fell? No, I broke my sandals Can you still use it? No more. It's broken

Gonna buy a new one Islander sandals Catbalogan tested my patience Anyway, it is what it is At least, we arrived safe This is it. In our last day of cycling, only 100 kilometers remain to Tacloban City 5th day To Tacloban we go. Just 100 kilometers remaining We're about to see the San Juanico Bridge Upon reaching Tacloban, we will find someplace to bathe, then ride the bus Back to Manila I'm getting tired of pumping and vulcanizing Life SarapMagBike Tacloban How many kilometers left to Tacloban? 52 52 52 52!! Stupid, told you 52 errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Hot!! 35 degrees celcius We are not sponsored by Garmin One of the features that I like aside from the hydration reminder The Climb Pro Meaning 400 meters till the end of this climb just on that corner How it's done, you just have to plot your route in the Garmin App Then download it to your device and then before your ride, find your course and ride it Then you can see the climb profiles and navigation Garmin numbah waan Oooowwww we are near the bridge it's already appearing on the map Leaving Samar, Godspeed 10 kilometers from Tacloban City proper Here it is. The sight of San Juanico Bridge Upon seeing it, tears ran down my face the flashback of the long journey to reach this destination It's so beautiful Clear waters then you can see the façade of the bridge the bridge that connects the islands of Samar and Leyte -tears of joy -amazed This is it Beautiful Done We made it Touchdown men. Thank you It was a hard ride How many mountains did we cross? From Catbalogan? 5, I think ###### I got fed up My knee hurts Just like our Baguio ride Like how we crossed Mountain Province But that one is steeper But this one is hard Sucessful. No hitching Leg power!! SANDALS!! When I rode again, I met usok just up ahead in Tacloban City proper Then we decided to spend another night and go home the next day The original plan was once we arrive in tacloban, find a place to bathe then ride the bus home since it's just lunch time But since they requested to stay, then tomorrow cycle around Go to the ship that was destroyed by Hurricane Yolanda and McArthur shrine This ride really tested our patience Because of those mechanical issues Not all journeys are going to be smooth Shit's always gonna happen unfortunately We prepared well physically since we are doing bike rides regularly We are in good condition but those misfortunes are unavoidable Also, our bond as a team. It's already tested

Given that we seldomly set this kinds of rides Like last year 2022 our North Luzon Loop with Team APOL We scheduled that during holy week Then this year, Manila-Tacloban One of the most fulfilling rides that we've done The landscape are majestic, the ones we met on the road Then the funny times North Tacloban This was the ship that was damaged by Hurricane Yolanda M.V Eva Jocelyn What happened here? Yolanda time This is the McArthur landing in his I shall return World War II We are already waiting for the bus to Manila You'll be getting off at pasay? Pasay I will be alighting the bus at PITX or Turbina with Usok then ride the bus to Alabang Upon arriving at Manila, I will be working again Need to work again Me, I dont want to do it again. I dont want to bike anymore I don't want to bike with Dohc again Incredible Before I was able to run with his pace, but now, eversince he joined Audax and Brusko It's over No master, you just have a flu they are waiting for me for about an hour or 2 They are already rested, im still riding my bike Sir Ronnie just have the flu But it's ok im just lacking some conditioning what i did for practice was.. fun ride? Fun ride wont work here This is more difficult that North Luzon Loop True Even this is just 800 kilometers and north luzon loop is 1200 kilometers No, we did 900 kilometers 911 kilometers in Palo Leyte If you're gonna practice, not fun rides And then we had many rainy encounters That's why we are all infected with flu Rainy, Sunny, Rainy, Sunny What can you say about your experience in your second Tacloban Ride? This time it's difficult because back then when I was with Cedrick [Team APOL] We are just chilling Unlike today I have to catch up with you But masters this is so great. The roads in Sorsogon, in Northern Samar But near Tacloban the roads are getting bad Yes in Southern Samar Solid! But the roads are not perfect near Leyte Im out of words in Sorsogon Same with me. This ride is harder than North Luzon Loop That's why she said. Go on biking while Im still allowing you to

Another thing is this flask. Because with those weight weenie water bottles, you wont have cold water for long This one, all day long cold water When it comes to hot temperatures, cold water on demand is refreshing Brutal ride Dont ride this route unprepared, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally Bring enough money Dont be too frugal on yourself Terrain was difficult, it's not a joke When we did North Luzon Loop I was not this tired, but here I caught fever Hard. If you want to try this route, be sure you're well prepared Or else, you're dead Peace! Light packing. Only bring your essentials Condition your bike and yourself My bike broke down. Something went wrong with my bottom bracket? I really dont know Not for newbies If you really want to, you can just 100 kilometers per day Dont be like Dohc, 300 kilometers first day Not like that #### Lol 320 kilometers first day 5th day was the shortest but the hardest. 100 kilometers with undulating terrain

I think we crossed 6 hills Then we arrived at tacloban. then the next day we just strolled around Practice! 3 months before your multi day ride weekend ride, can especially when the one who makes your itinerary is out of his mind It's you. #### one shot matnog using roadbike? DEAD! I cant. The roads are unforgiving Accidents await. You cant descend fast You can with gravel bike You can with gravel with suspension because if with rigid fork, you're dead Where to next? i'll make the route The bag master dont forget Bye Till our next long ride

2023-10-05 15:06

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