Maastricht Travel Guide: Caves, Fortresses & D'Artagnan Statue Must-Sees part 2

Maastricht Travel Guide: Caves, Fortresses & D'Artagnan Statue Must-Sees part 2

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the sleep was okay I'm not going to Li was  okay but ER for today um the idea I have two   more places to visit is on the way one is Daran  statue and the second one is Fort S Peter for   that one and I give you a tip right now for  that one you have to go to a guided tour it's   a €9 and um it's in English is at least right  now in January there is one daily and January   February February was there today is the last day  of J February it will be one every day and it's   in English also or in dut so depending on what  you need but just so you know so you consider   see right now there is a lot of available seats  so SE seats so uh I I will ask the guy in the   front if I can just pay it there because like  why book it if I can just go there and pay it   there at least for me it's easier improvising  it but it's a beautiful work to get there so   let's go next to this big building you have this  small Park entrance and that's a statue let's go this is the statue of Dyan this is a musketeer  an actual musketeer when Alejandro Dumas wrote   the The Three Musketeers of course Dyan here in  the flesh was one of the main characters now is   but outside of that book is an actual person  a musketeer in France from France that died in   1673 the 25th of June and H he died in Mich  they took it in 13 days and because of that   ER the king of Fran decided to make a fortress  St Peters for foress that we're going to visit   right now and this statue was H built of course  after in honor of dartan all for one and one for   all and ER I will try to this is the the level  of disrespect right now I don't speak French I   will try to pronounce it 21 no 21 No 2 2 yeah 2  two and h of course if you know French correct   me down below tell me I'm an ignorant ass no but  they correct me because it would be awesome to   actually H know if I did it correctly or not I  have no idea obviously I'm going like an hour   and 15 minutes I will I will arrive there and  I will be like basically 1 hour and 15 minutes   like mhm and what I do now so I will cheat cheat  a little bit and I will fly the Drone the Drone   the mini drones for those that have no idea ER  the mini drone is you can fly it but you have to   register to have a number you don't need a dry  pette because it's under 250 gram but you have   to register I have to do that but I don't have the  number right now so I can I have to apply and blah   blah blah so uh but I want to fly it of course  so let's go I will I will try to use this time   and fly a little bit little that's it it's just  so I can fly it and and actually have a clip or two is part of the old ER walls of the city  we saw the front this is one of the sides   and dyan's statue is right around that corner  and they think he die in that spot they not   exactly sure where but he knows he die trying  to take over the city so H this will be the   outside of the of the city and this will  be the walls that they will try to break   in that's why you have different like a names  for people the important people that die here   including the statue of Dyan so this would be  the medieval walls I call everything that is all medieval God damn oh man I love this okay guys you enter here and you have two options  you have as you can see here different times wait   okay different times if I put my finger it will  put the focus there um you have different times   here in Dutch and in English and the price for one  is here 975 but you can visit the north caves and   the forth for 1450 so of course I took that one  come on you go in in the caves I can feel like   Gand in the hob come on I visit in Moria right  now so in this is the place and this is a great   guy that will give you jokes and the tickets so  have fun here you buy the tickets and that is the   meeting point and it says meeting point is where  you you go with the with the guided Group H this   is a guided exhibition so of course you you  have to go there and but H definitely this is   the point baby this is so awesome and of course uh  because you do it with a guide you will have a lot   more information that's also like very important  because then like you see here and like ah this   is beautiful but like oh you this is the windows  that used to be used you know it's a different   story so let's go let's go visit it there is  a free exhibition here in the in the same area   so of course I will go in and I will show you but  definitely take the opportunity and you can visit it this is an actual Canon Bon you want to know  how be heavy you can lift it or at least try   so definitely going to do that now and I don't  have a tripod so let's use a weird angle to show it be hold the big so so that's even oh in hour smoke get smoke explode and they were these were used  as well on these approaching armies for short   distance targets of only about 2 300 M  maximum and is shed in a very steep boat trajectory these sides uh open five of them here Side West Side South Side you can see even   on top of the hill of St pet  be all the way uh to the Bel this part they were telling us as you can see  there it was built later for World War II as   a lookout that the the D build but later was  used for for Germany for German with Germany   is that way Belgium is that way and England  was sending the bombs through here so they   could okay like they go in the direction of  this city or this other city and and that we   alert over radio um to the guys uh that the  there was attacked from the Alli forces so   yeah and H the guy was telling us that this  whole place was abandoned after um guns would   get into realiz way more so uh it's very cold  um so in this case this is also part of the   this the whole process of ER abandon and then  transform into a restaurant this is the part   that making videos with your phone take a a  toing to you I got to turn my phone otherwise   they will not be a part two in this video  and oh man this is crazy amazing it's crazy   amazing to do like I tried to film a little  bit I didn't want to film the whole thing so   that way you have experience on your own like  you come here and then and oh look and and you   look and the guy tells you everything about it  and it's amazing meeting point short walk to the sight in the beginning this is's awesome oh a a oh and you see also and I tell you we fet all fetch the wall this wall this wall is back that's sound SC M we starts three four five six   seven don't let anybody go  okay I go with these people damn slowly walking did you like it oh it was awesome s people  yes I never had so big first time I have 100% of my there or for example such a stone ah  yeah here I'm going to explain a little bit how and that was again back in 1794 from the big  explosion that I explained to you before the   farmers were used to flee into the mountain  so they made an area here as you could live   when outside there was a big imagine how bad the  atmosphere was here there was enough air for the   fire because there are so but it was also their  death sentence because at a certain moment one   Pig escaped to the outside world the poor French  soldiers also were very hungry they thought were   one uh there's a little mistake on the drawing  that M was not existing here but for the rest   those animals were Liv living here 80 million  years ago and especially this animal I want to   tell a story about it a true story about it and  that is the following in 1726 that big company   came and the farmers invited some artists  to make some paintings this is one of the first all right Mission successful First Flight yes oh man he  nerve-wracking and he nerve-wracking like I   was and he a little bit of wind so he was  like and then oh man oh God damn it he's   awesome oh man he's awesome I can wait to get  the number so I can just fly it everywhere oh   man awesome beautiful experience let's cover  the sun beautiful experience crazy amazing   full of History they going into the the fort  and then later the mines you really feel like   you understand why Gandalf has to put the the  the the more light into the case because like   you don't see anything I walk in Peach black and  it was crazy like just with a hand on the on the   wall and kind of guessing was a crazy experience  beautiful experience too and I'm going make a show   because I'm running out of a again yes exactly  so And subscribe to the channel that's a huge   help look that's the look for subscribe to the  channel that's also give a thumbs up let me know   in the comments if you being here if you're  know the area if you have a small amount of   time to to visit spend it here a a lot of time  you will enjoy it it's crazy beautiful and it's   worth the time to come definitely and see you  in the next video come on look at that light bye we are

2024-03-02 22:06

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