Luxury Space Tour Turns Into a Nightmare as 5,000 Billionaires are Stuck on a Spaceship For a Decade

Luxury Space Tour Turns Into a Nightmare as 5,000 Billionaires are Stuck on a Spaceship For a Decade

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Imagine a future where space travel is  common and people can visit the Moon,   Mars, and other planets. However, if  something goes wrong on the spaceship,   a short trip can turn into a long and difficult  journey. The series follows the story of a luxury   spaceship called Avenue Five, which is designed  for space tourism. The ship is equipped with   advanced technology and can accommodate 5,000  wealthy passengers who can afford the expensive   tickets. The show is divided into two seasons,  and the video is introducing the first part of   the story. The Avenue Five spaceship is on  a mission to take 5,000 wealthy passengers  

on a luxurious tour of the solar system.  The trip is expected to last eight weeks,   with the ship traveling to the orbits of Mars and  Saturn before returning to Earth. The crew is led   by Captain Ryan Clark, and the ship is owned  by a wealthy entrepreneur named Jaz. The ship   is equipped with advanced technology, including a  shield that protects against radiation and heat,   as well as a large supply of oxygen and water  that can sustain the passengers for up to three   years. The ship also has various safety  and security measures in place to ensure   the well-being of its passengers. However, Jaz,  the owner of the ship, is a bit of a carefree  

and childish person. He comes up with an idea  to host an event on the main deck of the ship,   where 5,000 people can do yoga in space and set a  new world record. He shares his idea with the crew   and invites all the passengers to participate.  To his surprise, 2,000 to 3,000 people gather   in the port area of the ship and start doing  yoga. The ship's capacity was 5,000 people,   but when 2,000-3,000 people gathered in one area  to do yoga, the ship's internal systems started to   malfunction due to weight distribution issues. The  ship's emergency warning system started sounding,   but the only engineer on duty, Billie, didn't take  it seriously and ignored the warning. However,  

a new alert came in a few minutes later, and  the ship's gravity system suddenly failed,   causing a "gravity flip" that made everyone on  board float in mid-air. Chaos erupted as people   and objects floated around, and many staff members  were injured. Luckily, Billie quickly regained   control and pulled the gravity lever, restoring  normal gravity and bringing everyone back   down to the ship's floor. However, the incident  had a tragic consequence: an engineer named Joe,  

who was doing repair work outside the ship, was  pulled towards the ship by the gravity flip and   was killed when he hit the ship's panel. After  the gravity flip incident, Captain Clark announces   to the ship that everything is under control  and that it was just a minor glitch. However,   the crew knows that something more serious has  happened. Engineer Billie approaches the captain   and reveals that the glitch was caused by the  large number of people gathering in one area,   which put a strain on the ship's systems. She also  informs the captain that the gravity flip incident  

has caused more problems and that engineer  Joe, who was outside the ship, was killed in   the accident. The captain, Clark, is shocked and  enraged by this news and storms off. Meanwhile,   back on Earth, the control room team is watching  the incident unfold live. After receiving the   damage report, they realize that the ship has lost  its original trajectory and is now heading in the   wrong direction. The crew discovers that due to  the new trajectory, their 8-week mission will now  

take 3 years to reach Earth. Chief Rav contacts  the ship to inform them of this news, and Judd,   Iris, Captain Clark, and Billie are shocked and  panicked. However, things take a surprising turn   when Captain Clark reveals that he is not actually  a captain or a pilot, but a British stage actor   who was hired to play the role. He admits that  his American accent and credentials were all fake,   and that he was only pretending to be a captain  to motivate the crew and passengers. The crew is  

outraged and demands to know who the real captain  is. Clark reveals that the engineer Joe, who was   killed in the accident, was the actual captain of  the ship. Joe was an introvert and couldn't face   the crew and passengers, so he hired Clark to be  the public face of the captain while he did all   the behind-the-scenes work. The crew is stunned  by this revelation, and Clark leaves the scene,   leaving them to grapple with the consequences of  this shocking truth. The crew is struggling to  

find a coffin for Joe's burial, but Judd happens  to have a golden coffin that he had brought for an   antique show. After some hesitation, Judd agrees  to use the coffin for Joe's burial. Meanwhile,   Clark returns to the control room and starts  acting as captain again. Engineer Cyrus arrives   and shows Clark a tablet with a possible  shortcut route to Earth, which could take   only 6 months. Clark immediately shares the news  with Judd and his team, and everyone is thrilled.

However, Billie cautions that  Cyrus has a tendency to exaggerate,   and they should verify the route before sharing  the news with the passengers. But it's too late,   as Clark has already told the news to a passenger  named Karen, who is known for spreading gossip. As   a result, the news spreads like wildfire among  the passengers, and soon everyone is under the   impression that they will reach Earth in 6  months. The crew holds a funeral for Joe and   places him in a golden coffin. However, just as  they're about to launch the coffin into space,   Billie warns Clark that the coffin's  weight could cause problems. Despite this,   they proceed with the funeral and launch the  coffin, but it doesn't go as planned. Due to  

its heavy weight, the coffin starts  rotating in orbit around the ship,   effectively becoming a permanent companion to  the Avenue Five. Meanwhile, the team on Earth   contacts NASA to plan a rescue mission to bring  the passengers back to Earth as soon as possible.   However, during a live conference with NASA and  the team on the ship, Judd, who is arrogant and   dismissive, tells NASA that they don't need a  rescue mission. He claims that the engineer,   Cyrus, has found a new shortcut route that will  allow them to reach Earth in 6 months, and that   they don't need NASA's help. Judd's attitude  is insulting and dismissive, and he closes the  

conference without allowing NASA to respond.  The situation on the ship is getting worse,   with three more people dying from their injuries.  Billie is preparing to launch a lightweight,   transparent coffin into space for their funeral.  However, just as the funeral is about to start,   Chief Rav's maintenance work from Earth causes  the gravity inside the ship to malfunction,   causing everyone to float in the air. As a result,  the coffin is not launched properly and instead  

starts orbiting the ship, giving the appearance  of a dead body floating in space. This adds to   the growing sense of unease and panic among  the passengers. Meanwhile, Karen, a passenger   with a lot of influence, notices that the crew is  being rude to the customers, which is making the   situation even worse. Clark, the "captain", takes  Karen aside to discuss the situation, but reveals   his true identity as an actor, not a pilot. He  also tells her that it will take 3 years to reach   Earth, not 6 months. Karen is outraged and wants  to tell everyone the truth, but Clark calms her   down and convinces her to keep the secret. Clark  offers Karen a job as a public representative,  

where she will calm down the passengers and  tell them positive things about the situation.   In return, Karen will get a good post, payment,  and service on the spaceship. Karen agrees to the   job after negotiating some conditions. Karen  then goes public and starts explaining things   to the passengers, influencing them positively  and giving them relief that the crew is working   to ensure their safety. The passengers start to  calm down, and the situation improves. However,  

just as things are looking up, Cyrus comes to  Clark with some bad news. He reveals that he made   a mistake in his previous calculation, and that  the actual time it will take to reach Earth is 3   years and 6 months, not 6 months. This is because  he didn't account for the weight of the ship   and its passengers in his previous calculation.  Clark and Billie are furious and shout at Cyrus,   who has just delivered the devastating news. Cyrus  suggests that if they can reduce the weight of   500 people, they can shorten the duration of the  trip. However, this means throwing people out of  

the ship, which makes Clark furious. Clark tells  Karen about the new estimated duration of 3 years   and asks her to break the news to the passengers  quietly. Karen goes to the public and tells them   the news in a way that makes it sound like a good  thing. She says that they're getting to stay in  

space for 3 years by paying a ticket for 8 weeks,  which is a great discount. The passengers seem to   accept this explanation. Meanwhile, Clark goes  to the control room and asks the officers about   their status. However, he notices that they  all seem to be reading from the same script,   which makes him suspicious. He asks them about it,  and Cyrus reveals that the "officers" are actually  

models and actors hired by Judd to impress the  public. They don't know anything about the real   operations of the ship. Clark is shocked and  furious, and he starts shouting in his British   accent. He demands to know if anyone on the ship  is real or if they're all fake. He also wants to  

know who is actually running the ship, since  the "officers" are just actors. Billie calms   Clark down and takes him to a secret control room  located underground. There, Clark meets the real   officers and engineers who have been running the  ship from the beginning. Billie and Cyrus are part  

of this team, and they have been working secretly  to keep the ship running. The real officers   are introduced to Clark, and he is relieved to  know that there are competent people in charge. However, the condition of the ship is still  serious, and the officers are working hard   to keep everything under control. Clark spends  some time with the real officers and engineers,   and they all seem to be working together  to solve the problems on the ship. However,   just as things seem to be going well, Judd comes  up with a new idea. He wants to take photos with   the children on the ship and share them as a live  event on Earth, to make it seem like everything is   going well. Judd calls many children into the wet  suit compartment, and it seems like he is planning  

to stage a fake event to deceive the people  on Earth. Judd sets up a live event on Earth,   where he takes photos with the children in the wet  suit compartment. The compartment has a great view   of space, but it's also located near the ship's  protective shield and drainage pipelines. Judd   asks someone to press a random button on the  control panel, thinking it's just a fake prop.  

However, Frank Walter, Karen's husband, presses  the button, and unfortunately, it coincides with   the ship passing by a random star. The star's  gravitational pull damages the protective shield   and breaks the drainage pipeline, causing human  waste to be ejected into space. The live footage   of the incident is broadcast on Earth, and the  passengers on the ship start to panic. The oxygen  

and air levels on the ship start to decrease, and  the passengers demand that Clark, the "captain",   go out into space to fix the pipe. Judd, under  pressure from the public, also asks Clark to   go out and fix the pipe. Clark, having no other  option, agrees to go out into space. The engineer   team provides him with a suit and instruments,  and guides him through communication on how to   fix the pipe. Clark starts his spacewalk, and it's  being broadcast live to the entire ship and Earth.   However, Clark is not experienced in spacewalks  and starts floating around, but with the help of   the engineer, he manages to reach the location of  the pipe. However, the lever is jammed, and Clark  

can't rotate it alone. Billie comes out to help  him, and together they manage to close the lever   and stop the drainage. They successfully complete  the task and return to the ship. As a result of   their success, Clark is hailed as a superhero not  only on the spaceship but also on Earth. The live   stream of the spacewalk was broadcast in different  countries, and everyone is sharing and praising   Clark. However, a new issue arises: the drainage  poop that was leaked into space is now rotating in   orbit around the spaceship, along with the four  coffins. The next day, the crew and passengers  

are having a party, but some people start blaming  Frank for the pipe incident, thinking he pressed   the wrong button. The crowd starts demanding  that Frank be thrown out of the spaceship,   and even Jaz, who is drunk, joins in. Security  steps in to throw Frank out, but Karen tries to   stop them. Just as they're about to eject Frank,  Clark intervenes and explains that the accident   was caused by the gravitational pull, not Frank's  actions. The crowd, who respect Clark as a hero,   agree with him and calm down. However, Frank is  not grateful for Clark's intervention. Instead,  

he accuses Clark of having an affair with  Karen, which leads to a fight between the   two men. The situation escalates into chaos, with  everyone watching in shock. Meanwhile, on Earth,   Chief Rav visits the White House to seek the  President's help in bringing the crew and   passengers back to Earth as soon as possible. The  episode starts with a historic moment - the first   delivery in space. A pregnant lady gives birth,  and everyone on the ship is celebrating. Clark  

and Billie are standing nearby, and they notice a  strange beep-beep sound coming from somewhere on   the ship. They start searching for the source of  the sound, but they can't find it. As they search,   they meet a passenger who claims to have knowledge  about space and science. He tells them that the   sound is coming from the oxygen department,  and it's a warning sign that the oxygen is   slowly depleting. This news sends Clark and  Billie into a panic, and they share it with   Iris and Karen. Meanwhile, on Earth, Chief Rav  is meeting with the President to request funds  

and help for a secure mission. However, the  President is not happy with Jaz's behavior,   and he gives Rav a hard time. Despite this, the  President is willing to help, but he suggests   a drastic measure removing 500 non-essential  people from the ship, effectively killing them,   in order to increase the ship's speed. Jaz  holds a meeting with the main crew members   to discuss the oxygen issue. They decide to take  drastic measures to conserve oxygen, including   banning loud talking, sports, and workouts.  Everyone will have to talk in a low voice and  

avoid laughing to reduce oxygen consumption.  Meanwhile, Chief Rav contacts the crew live   and tells them that the government is willing  to provide funds and resources to help them. However, the government is asking for 500  non-essential people to be ejected from the ship,   which Rav has rejected. Just as Rav is about to  explain the details of the government's offer,   the signal in the ship starts to cut out, and  the crew only hears a half-baked story about   getting funding and ejectors for 500 people.  The crew is left in a state of panic, unsure   of what is happening and what the future holds.  The passengers start shouting at the crew after  

hearing the news about the government's demand to  eject 500 people. Clark tries to calm them down,   assuring them that as long as he's in charge,  no one will be ejected. Meanwhile, Jaz tries to   come up with a way to entertain the passengers,  but his idea is to do a light show by shooting a   laser at the drainage waste outside the ship. He  goes live and announces the new rules to minimize   oxygen use, but the passengers get angry again.  During the commotion, the news about ejecting 500   people is leaked to the public, and they start  demanding clarification from Clark. However,  

Billie intervenes and explains that the warning  signal is not related to low oxygen levels,   but rather a data maintenance system issue. The  system is recalibrating the data of live people   after the birth of the baby, which is causing  the signal. The passengers are relieved to hear   that the oxygen levels are still full, but  they're still angry about the ejection news.   Clark reassures them that they will not eject  anyone, and the situation seems to calm down.   As the evening wore on, Jaz's argument with the  others was interrupted by a dazzling laser show   that captivated everyone's attention, and the rest  of the evening passed without incident. However,  

as they were leaving, a man named Harrison  approached them, shouting angrily. Jaz,   clearly frightened, quickly fled the scene. The  captain, perplexed by Jaz's sudden departure,   turned to Iris for an explanation. Iris revealed  that Harrison was a wealthy trillionaire who was   furious with Jaz over a failed space mission,  and was now suing Jaz's company, which could   potentially bankrupt them. As the day went on, Jaz  and Harrison clashed repeatedly, their animosity   towards each other palpable. Meanwhile, back  on Earth, news of the ejector's malfunction had   leaked to 500 people, who were unaware that  Chief Rav had not yet approved the mission.

As a result, the public began to turn on  Jaz and her company, as well as Chief Rav,   blaming them for the mission's failure and the  subsequent problems that had arisen. The situation   escalated to the point where some individuals  began threatening to harm Chief Rav. On the   spaceship, Billie contacted Clark in the control  room, informing him that before the mission began,   engineer Joe had taken his handprints for a  specific task. Joe had been responsible for  

docking the ship safely, but since his untimely  death, Clark was now the backup. Billie explained   that Clark would need to learn how to dock the  ship in order to ensure a safe landing on Earth.   Clark was hesitant to take on the responsibility  of docking the ship, but with no other options,   he reluctantly agreed to learn the task. He  was given the ship's manual to study and was  

trained in a virtual setup to practice docking the  ship. Meanwhile, Billie had an idea to salvage the   situation. She suggested that instead of ejecting  500 people, they could eject the same amount of   weight in unused items. Clark agreed to this plan,  and the captain shared the news with the rest of   the crew, instructing them to gather their unused  belongings to be ejected. Karen was put in charge   of collecting the items. Back on Earth, the  government was preparing to launch a rocket to  

resupply the Avenue Five ship with food, medicine,  and other essential resources. However, Chief Rav   was still receiving death threats, and fearing for  her safety, she decided to hide in the rocket. Her   plan was to travel to the ship, retrieve Jaz, and  bring him back to Earth to face the consequences   of his company's actions. However, the pilot of  the rocket informed Rav that it was a cargo ship   with only one passenger seat. If Jaz were to  return to Earth, Rav would have to stay behind  

on the Avenue Five ship, as there was no room for  both of them to travel together. Clark is trying   to learn how to dock a spaceship from Billie, but  he's not doing well because he doesn't know much   about science and ships. Billie thinks it will  take him 4-5 years to learn. After the lesson,   Clark meets Jaz, who is angry with him for not  doing his job properly. They have a big argument,   and Clark quits his job as captain. Because of  their argument, the passengers find out that Clark   is not a real captain, but an actor. Jaz then  makes a new person captain, who had previously  

warned that the oxygen was running low. However,  when this new captain tries to give orders,   no one listens to him, and he realizes that  everyone in the control room is also an actor. The new captain is frustrated and tells all the  passengers that there are no real officers on the   ship, and that everything is fake. This makes  the passengers very upset and confused. They   start asking Jaz and his company questions like  "What's going on?", "Is this really space or are   we in a simulation?", and "Why is everything  so fake?". After the passengers find out that   the crew is fake, they start panicking and think  they're in a simulation. They rush to the airlock,  

shouting "Let us out!" and "Take us home!" Clark  tries to calm them down, explaining that they're   in actual space and opening the airlock will kill  everyone. But no one trusts him. Harrison joins   the crowd, fueling their anger and frustration.  Matt, the ship's representative, arrives and   tries to explain the situation in a way that  the passengers can understand. He gives them   the airlock code and explains that while they are  in a simulation, if they die in the simulation,   they will also die in real life. Despite Matt's  warnings, some passengers still don't believe   him and start shouting again. They rush to the  airlock, use the code, and open it. As a result,   they freeze to death in space. However, the other  passengers still don't believe it's real and think  

it's just a simulation game. They see the dead  passengers as just a "VFX effect" and start   going into the airlock themselves. Clark and the  crew try to stop them, but they refuse to listen.   Harrison and a group of passengers make a fatal  mistake by opening the airlock and going outside.  

They immediately freeze and start floating in  space. Their bodies then collide with the ship,   breaking into pieces like brittle twigs. This  horrific scene is a harsh reality check for the   remaining passengers, who are now convinced that  they are indeed in space and not in a simulated   environment. After this tragic incident, Clark  takes charge and declares himself the captain of  

the ship. Meanwhile, Matt is consumed by guilt and  self-blame for the deaths. He decides to isolate   himself from the rest of the crew and passengers,  and vows not to speak to anyone until the ship   reaches Earth, which is still 3.5 years away.  Before leaving, Matt changes the airlock code to   prevent anyone else from making the same mistake.  However, this creates a new problem for the crew,   as they now need to find a way to dispose of  excess luggage without access to the airlock.   To solve this problem, Clark and Jaz are forced  to put aside their differences and work together.   They have never gotten along, and their initial  interactions are tense and argumentative. However,  

as they search for Matt and try to  find a solution to their problem,   they start to develop a begrudging respect  for each other. Despite their differences,   they begin to bond over their shared struggles  and challenges. A few months pass, and suddenly,   Rav's rocket arrives near the spaceship. As  soon as she boards the ship, she's shocked to   learn that 11 people have already been killed.  She's furious and starts searching for Jaz,   demanding to know what happened. Meanwhile, Jaz  and Clark finally find Matt, who's been hiding in  

a devastated state. Matt refuses to give them the  airlock code, but Rav arrives and confronts Jaz,   slapping him hard and accusing him of being  reckless and stupid. The tension is palpable,   with people shouting and arguing. In the  chaos, Matt finally reveals the airlock code,   but Jaz sees an opportunity to escape and makes  a run for the rocket. The others chase after him,   shouting and trying to stop him. Rav catches up to  Jaz and reveals a shocking truth: the government  

on Earth wants to kill him, and if he leaves  without solving the problem, he'll be thrown in   jail. Jaz is devastated and reluctantly returns to  the ship. In a surprising twist, he decides that   Clark should be the one to go to Earth, citing  his hard work, help, and sacrifices. Clark agrees   and prepares to leave, but just as he's about  to depart, he realizes that only he knows how   to dock the ship. Disappointed, he returns to  the ship, leaving Jaz and the others to wonder   what will happen next. One of the passengers, a  stand-up comedian, tries to escape in the rocket,   but Iris catches up to him and tries to pull him  out. However, the rocket door closes before she   can get out, and Iris is accidentally sent  to Earth. Later, the passengers are excited  

to get rid of some of the ship's extra stuff,  and Karen is in charge of ejecting it. However,   she makes a critical mistake by ejecting the stuff  from the front door instead of the back door.   This means that instead of propelling the ship  forward, the stuff will actually slow it down. Clark and Billie are shocked and disappointed  by Karen's mistake. They explain that the whole  

point of ejecting the stuff was to use  it as a propellant to speed up the ship,   but now it will have the opposite effect. Cyrus  does some calculations and reveals that instead   of taking 3.5 years to reach Earth, it will  now take 8 years. Karen is devastated by her   mistake and starts crying. The episode ends with  a sense of disappointment and frustration among   the passengers. And with this the season 1  comes to end, If you enjoyed this recap and  

want me to cover season 2, please leave  a comment, like the video, and subscribe   to my channel. Thank you all so much, and  I can’t wait to see you in my next recap.

2024-09-10 12:53

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