Lost in Algeria's Capital City of Algiers

Lost in Algeria's Capital City of Algiers

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diona harona NOAA s s you can't live in thank you   bro thank you thank you bro thank  you this this in really from right here we have uh many we don't have  only one honey oh that's honey   it's okay no no honey right now you want to try  dates look you want to try dates thank you I   don't I don't oh you don't like dates okay I  like it me I it's so much if if if you don't   have Hotel I inam in my house wow with my wife  and my son Al what's up everybody welcome back   to another beautiful day here in alers now today  I'm excited because we're heading into the ancient   part of the city we're heading to the kasba to  the Medina which you guys have known now here on   the channel in North Africa the most ancient  part of every city is usually referred to as   a Medina now right now I'm currently standing  right outside the Sophie tail we're waiting for   the hch driver to show up but today I must say  it is very windy compared to yesterday isn't it   glattus hello guys yeah it's very windy but the  weather is nice it is nice but um both both of   us are extremely excited to be here first day  was a big success we loved it had an amazing   time and yeah we're just that much more excited  to explore today so yes we're heading to the   Medina I'm going to show you guys the ancient  part of the city and who knows what we're going   to get into maybe a little bit of shopping maybe  a little bit of eating or maybe we're just going   to walk around and explore all the historical  sites in the center before diving on into the   markets either way it's going to be an awesome  day so join me for an awesome adventure we got   1 minute into our driver showes up all right so  our driver just pulled up now let's see if we   can make it across the street without getting  hit all right hurry hurry hurry step right up you know what while we're on our way to the  Medina let me actually show you guys a little   bit of the streets because man aers is just  such a beautiful city and I feel like one of   the best ways to see it is in the back of a  taxi because it's huge but yeah this city is   gorgeous there's um these beautiful gates  at all the parks I even saw one at the ports   there's a lot of green spaces look there's a  little market there where they sell clothing   these are the public buses it's just super  beautiful out here to be honest um this city we   were talking yesterday gives me a strong like uh  Parisian Vibes like Paris Vibes Madrid Vibes the   architecture I mean obviously it was colonized  by the French so that's why but look at these   guys the facade dos are just so beautiful I love  seeing the balconies with the clothing hanging   off the sides look at the small tobacco shop  what is this a furniture shop a nice place to   buy some shirts and some pants no seriously  my favorite way to get to ca city is in the   back of the Taxi man I feel like the back of the  taxi is the best way to um familiar familiarize   yourself with an area and to get a nice First  Impressions I also noticed that there's a lot   of of these little um restaurants to have like  a Coca-Cola sign and they say fast food I can   imagine there's probably some good eating inside  of there now right now we're actually heading to   a gat called Bob jid I believe it's called I'm  not sure how to pronounce it but we're heading up   there because I guess the Medina is one of those  things that um goes up so we want to actually Pro   uh approach the Medina by walking down into the  Medina instead of up so that's why we're heading   up that way I left that research up to glattus and  you're going to see glattus filming a lot here in   uh video as well because she's making a a big  series for her Spanish channel so that's why   she has the big camera out but yeah we're almost  there we should be there in about uh 5 10 minutes now so change of plans guys we're actually about  to walk around the downtown area for a while and   just explore this area because we actually got  dropped off new near the cosba we actually put   the wrong address and we realized that we had no  money we didn't have any cash on us at all so um   we actually asked some policemen and they were  so nice they literally put glce and I inside of   their car and drove us all the way down to this  little area here in downtown called The Squat and   it's essentially like a plaza where everybody  exchanges money on the black market and let   me just tell you guys I got 20,000 Dar for $100  right now and yesterday I got charged almost $200   at the ATM at the airport so a huge difference  but yeah right now we're going to explore the   downtown area what's up bro what up The  Bu how you guys The Bu much love enjoy Venezuela Algeria bro take care who  knows what was going on to be honest   I feel like I'm doing pretty good with the  French because some words I can actually   like kind of make them out right now with  the police officers yeah maybe because of   the of the Spanish but how awesome were those  police officers right like never in the world   no France no FR thank you bro thank you meru  everybody says welcome to Algeria man Algeria   I'm gonna say this a lot this series it's a  special place but the police officers guys   be honest with you the CH the Chief came  up to us English what do you speak French FR I love Algeria I didn't yeah let's take a photo bro yeah get in here get in here get in here seeu I'm telling you guys this place  is nothing but love nothing but love now   I realized that in my first video I didn't  talk to you guys about the Visa process so   the Visa process as an American is actually it's  simple but it takes a lot of steps you actually   have to submit bank statements travel itineraries  flights everything has to be pre-planned out and   cost $160 and you have to send your passport  to the New York Consulate of Algeria and then   they'll get back to you but let me just tell you  guys the consulate is incredible they're just as   friendly as here I mean you had the same situation  the guys at the consulate called me they told me   recommendations like asked me if I needed any help  with anything and you found the same thing right   yes yes they were very very friendly in my country  yeah they're just and they were like I can't wait   for you to be in my country be nilia yeah so  man lovely people but yeah when the cops put   it so let me get back to the story so basically  I'll turn the camera around us so you guys don't   have to see my face the whole time but basically  when the police officers we walked up to them and   asked them if they knew where an ATM was they  right away just told us no worries I take you   in my car so that you feel safe and he took us  in his car and brought us all the way down here   and the whole time he's giving us recommendations  gives us his number and to be honest with you guys   I thought he was going to ask me for some money  like I I've been in I've been in places where that   has happened right but no that didn't happen  at all he gave me all of my money in fact he   told me if you need any money anything you call  me and I give to you food money anything that's   lovely but yeah guys this here is the downtown  and we're about to go for a little walk a little   Meander around downtown alers and see what  the vibe is like now there's actually this   big beautiful building down in this direction  that is really calling my attention is that the   post office probably it looks like it huh check  wow it is beautiful I can see a bunch of birds   flying around I think that's a perfect area to go  in Meander and yeah just like the rest of the city   look at all the Ceramics um mosaics that are on  the sides very beautiful I really enjoy this city   a lot so glattus is checking up if that's the post  office or not but look we're walking around right   right along the Mediterranean that's the coastline  however I just haven't um actually walked around   that side because of the wind but we'll cross on  over right now and see if we can get a better look   of the Mediterranean but seriously tell me what  you guys think of this place so far what have you   guys found or what are your impressions based off  of what you've seen from the people so far now I   find myself in a place called marre Square and I  guess this is like um the start of the kaspa the   actually takes well veers off into one of these  side streets but this main square is extremely   beautiful I believe it's connected with the  Metro there's a mosque right there that is man   incredible looking and the post office right  uh let's check here P Palace Consul oh it's a   palace it's a consulate of Algeria yes okay so not  the post office but the post office is something   that everybody's been telling us we have to see  so let's actually cross over I want to take a   picture in front of the console and I believe  glce does too and I want to show you guys what   the coast looks like but look at this guys this  is a Vibe man seriously it doesn't get much   better than this so many people in the street  there are huh and so many birds yesterday was   a Friday when we arrived and everything was  empty today it's very much active all right   maybe we can cross on over through here  oh you know what there's a there's a a   line over there we should probably go  that way now I'm actually very hungry   as well right now so a shwam or something  wouldn't be bad I saw one right here in the corner I also saw P pis P like the place where  you eat um cookies oh okay and sweets I'm down for   that Pia wow look at this guys look at this border  look at this Avenue here I mean it is gorgeous   look at the facade of this building as well wow  I'm telling you guys this place is impressive if   you've never planned or if you've never thought  about coming to Algeria you have to come this   country is beautiful I mean look at this guys  unreal all right let's cross now hopefully without   getting hit all right well here we go hopefully  there's some vendors out here or something wow this is beautiful guys yeah  that view is incredible so yeah   you can see the ports right here the port of alers it looks like there's a fortress out into  the distance and all of the seagull just flying around incredible I've been smiling  since I arrived I mean this place is   truly special hey yeah look everybody just  taking pictures enjoying their weekend cuz   as I mentioned it is a Saturday it's the  weekend here that mosque is gorgeous as well but yeah I'm hungry so first  things first we're about to find   ourselves some food after I show you  guys the front of this consulate here there's so much energy out I mean hearing   all the different conversations  that are taking place is quite awesome it looks like those down there might be  fisherman boats there's also a little Plaza down   there where you can hang out and enjoy the breeze  it's beautiful actually off into the distance you   can see the Algerian French Monument which is  actually what we went out or the memorial that   commemorates the the fall here in Algeria which  we went out to yesterday so yeah it's pretty far   out I mean we come quite far how do you feel  about this place so far beautiful beautiful   I'm very happy we're here in this country  it's better than I don't know it's better   than what I thought yeah yeah yeah exactly well  to be honest we didn't have much expectations   there's not a lot covered about Algeria I mean  you don't really hear too much so um everything   that we're discovering is brand new for us and  yeah I didn't have these expectations neither I   didn't know what to expect but um to be honest  I was thinking that I was going to be hassled   a lot like in Egypt because I just came from  there but no this is a complete contrast you   know what don't go to Egypt come to Algeria like  Algeria is amazing such a beautiful place actually   I think we started all the way up there yes so  yeah definitely going to be taking a taxi back   up to the top of the cosba before we jump on in  to the Medina because that is a that is steep   I see why everybody wants you to start up  there let's walk in front of the building   in front of the consulates let me  know what you guys think of this so far and to be fairly honest this City's  incredibly clean for being um a country   like with with such a dense population it's  incredibly clean like I haven't seen much much   trash on the ground at all but yeah this here  is the Algerian Chambers of Commerce it says   man what a beautiful building right I mean in  my city there's not a building that looks this impressive wow so beautiful man anyways guys  I'm going to put the camera down for a second   maybe we'll walk over to the Fortress but I think  next up next on the agenda some food I'm I'm so   hungry spent a few minutes admiring the coastline  this place is beautiful right very nice and it's   fresh it's fresh being right along the coast  it's so fresh right now we're going to jump   on into Marty square but first we need something  to eat I found this spot right here pizeria Cafe   Marty square and it looks super beautiful so we'll  come on in here and hopefully buy ourselves like a   sharwama or something look they got like some  shwam meat right here and look at the roof of   the building or the ceiling of the of the building  it's beautiful all right let's see how this works   man that smells nice smells good smells delicious  ni grilled grilled chicken grilled greasy chicken   I like it all right so let's see how we actually  order this we'll see right now so I ended up   getting a chicken sandwich and a chicken Chama  both of them are coming out right now but this   looks incredible and we're definitely in the right  place this place is filled with nothing but locals   so I guess the this chicken sandwich just comes  with fries and a bunch of like minced chicken   all right let's dive on into it I'm noticing  everybody else was putting all kinds of sauces on there that is bum I see why  everybody's putting ketchup   in there though sorry about that you  need some ketchup man this is delicious though a nice filling sandwich 250 50 Durham or D $1 and5 not bad just finished up our  sandwiches man those were incredible and   now we're walking around Marty square and  we're actually about to make our way over   to the notredam of Africa yes there's a Notre  Dam Cathedral that glattus discovered a few   days ago and we're about to make our  way there now we actually saw it last   night and it was lit up like the Algerian  flag very beautiful and look at that m   oh wow that is beautiful huh beautiful that does  look incredible should we walk in front of it I   think we should that looks incredible let's go wow  that's the that's the amazing part about walking   around alga ear really without a plan is just  stumbling across all these amazing sights just   simply walking around but yeah let's go up there  that looks so beautiful now I am trying to be very   careful while filming guys because there are there  is a strong police presence and Military presence   and you know those kind of organizations never  want to be on camera and I always try and respect   that oh wow I think there's some ruins right here  or something maybe they're ruins you think so I   don't know let me check my friend yeah look they  are oh yeah these are some sort of ruins that's   pretty cool right in the heart of the city I mean  yes this is an extremely ancient part of the city   the oldest part of um alga years so obviously  there has to be some ruins in here on the map it   says an archaeological excavation site so they  probably have no idea what it is but they're   working on it still super cool it's cool to run  across we're actually heading back to um Athens   in a few weeks glattus has never been there and in  that City you find sites just like this everywhere   it's kind of like Rome wow yes I am very excited  we're going to have such a good time but yeah you   got a bunch of vendors out here selling snacks  and stuff like that but as I mentioned um police   Beast military you should never film those kind of  people anywhere in the world but yeah let's cross   on over oh don't tell me this is the start to the  Medina this is actually where I've been wanting   to come but I'm saving that for a special video  you guys know I like to get up in the markets   and start doing some serious shopping so we'll do  that tomorrow yeah here is definitely the place or   looks like it looks like huh look this is the fish  market I wonder if him here you think so I don't   know that's a good question we should ask somebody  yeah or you want to try bargaining no thank you   you are the I don't know I feel like here here in  Algeria everybody is so friendly so nice that you   don't want to bargain like I feel like you're  welcome you're welcome come over here bro I got   a question for you how are you doing good I'm  telling everybody everybody in Algeria is so   amazing so nice good very good but here now jeria  do you bargain when you shop or no bargain bargain fixed price fixed price in Algeria  fixed price like me me good thank   you brother thank you brother  telling you nothing but love in Algeria harona noar thank you thank you um America  America American to Amer yes Amer yes ah okay okay thank you have a nice day sorry sorry sorry what's glad has got going   on in here they want to know  where I am from oh Venezuela I know yes she's from Venezuela America  California California California Angeles   Los Angeles are you from algers no no  where your home Algeria Algeria Alger har very good it is beautiful continent your   country is beautiful Algeria beautiful  you can't you can't live in Algeria thank   you bro thank you thank you bro thank  this thiser in Inger really from right here bro thank you thank you bro I would huh okay okay thank you thank you byebye all  right hey this is cool man they gave me a um   a coin from their football team that's awesome  wow nice I'm going to keep that we saw these   all over the paintings remember all over the  walls us MH the CL the most famous club okay cap who's the best who's the best player MC MCM okay no no no um Africa I go right now yes yes yes yes okay okay I'm so confused right now okay okay no yes no uh right now I I'm going to eat with  my girlfriend yes yes thank you bro thank you oh   man these are dates right here huh this is what  gladus actually wanted to get our hands on some   dates I love dates hello hello stuff dates  those are nice how how much how much one one piece okay get is yeah I wanton this  stuff okay um just just one just one it's only for T no like that  yeah one uh-huh thank you so   much everybody said the most famous  dates in the world are from Algeria   wow I'm excited I'm excited to try first  one t and me what you okay I will I will wow these shops are beautiful huh glce  super looks delicious all the day where   do you come from I come from the United  States oh American American and she's   from Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela fine  what do you think I love Algeria yes   the people are so nice I think I think  the nicest people in the world are in Algeria everybody in Algeria  is so friendly welcoming yes because aan people like amb to uh people to  uh to change uh with people yes Algerian people   like to talk and have fun drink tea eat couscous  couscous yeah yeah fromia really really where   where certain parts of Algeria of uh cus uh in  AIA we have uh many we don't have only one we   have many because we have um 58 will it's um  region 48 reg 4 we have wow so and the first   cuscus come from Baya wow and the first couscous  only vegetable or meat we no we have meat we have   vegetable we have everything everything I like  it thank you so much Mery meru all right you   know what glattus you're going to hate me for this  but I think we should um walk on out of here okay   because glattus definitely wants the our get too  but so many people are coming up to us that I feel   like we got to save this for the Medina video  or else we're going to get recognized tomorrow   but you know what let's whoop up in those dates we  got to try the world famous Algerian dates it has   to happen are thank you brother thank you brother  what you we all here thank you thank you I love it   man I love it that's the energy I need I love it  oh hello brother how much oh it's okay it's okay   you stay let me try one you stay huh you stay we  stay you have sleep Ohi yeah yeah yeah my home   thank you brother thank you thank you you honey  oh that's honey it's okay no no honey right now   you want to try dates look you want to try dates  oh thank you I I don't oh you don't like dates   okay I like it me uh it's too much too much he at  too he's at too much dates in his life he don't   want nothing to do with these bad boys all right  careful your what's your opinion of Algeria I love   Algeria beautiful beautiful people like you thank  you thank you brother Shan have a nice day okay I   love how everybody wants to know what you think  of Aleria and the truth of the matter is I love Algerian and these Algerian wow those are  incredible huh it's so creamy and and sweet   delicious delicious best dates ever wow best dates  in the world you know I've had a lot of dates but   yeah these are definitely like the best I've ever  had oh yeah this is definitely a place where you   come to to sh free yeah tomorrow we got to do  some serious shopping out here all right guys   well let me put the camera down for a bit and I'll  see you guys at the Cathedral of Notre this is   my phone perhaps you can okay please you're very  amazing guy everybody in Algeria treats us so nice uh if you uh for 18 if you fish oh yeah  fish fish you have uh one Soph Hotel Soph to the [Music] right continue continue   okay it's on the right side it isn't very  expensive no no not very expens delicious   delicious and a good good eight good fish fish  only fish okay it isn't very expensive uh and okay   in Algeria people eat many fish no no no no no no  eat many fish no eat many meat meat mut Mutan no   no no no it's very expensive it's expensive  yeah and uh my my children one children it's   U big big not eat fish not eat chicken not eat  vegetables vegetable wow couscous with chickpea C you like couscous yes but no average too  much because when we ate couscous after 1 hour   you are hungry oh you're hungry again for yeah  yeah yeah couscous it's good you see Wednesday   Wednesday very much very people eat ccus oh on  Wednesdays on Wednesdays okay okay tradition   yeah that's beautiful Algeria is beautiful  because so many tradition in Algeria yes   yes yes the people I am in I am I am  I am so your family is from the desert   speak Arab but I am Arab you're you're  I am musman of course but I am in Arab   okay so your family is from Sahara no your  family is Sahara Berber Sahara right but no   no B it's the old in Algeria oh the before the  Tim old old Algeria okay okay in histor uhhuh see okay the ottoman Army took  over the berbers then the French   and then Algerian came back huh the  very martys in Algeria is bber okay   the very opposition for the government  is B okay yes okay thank you thank youm yeah yes medine thank you for thank  you for sharing your country with me when when yes my driver passport in San Adrian wow but the [Music] wow so they ask for passports for the bus yes crazy here in Algeria everybody says  Hi everyone everyone in Algeria says   hi welcome to Algeria no they're very nice  the people in Algeria to me they tell me   welcome to Algeria enjoy Algeria this is  your country if if if if you don't have   Hotel IAD in my house wow my wife and  my son Al problem thank you man only in Algeria thank you brother thank you and we finally  made it to the Notre Dam the Africa now you can't   visit the Notre Dam in Paris unfortunately we  tried you can't make it in right now it's under   construction but we just hired a taxi driver to  actually take us all the way back down as well but   look at this babe I said babe I just called all  of you guys babe well look at this go guys it's   so beautiful so I was actually told that there  are several um Christian and Catholic Cathedrals   I believe this here is a Catholic church right  it is a Catholic church and it is beautiful   man the view is insane look at this there's  actually a cemetery down there man this is beautiful you know what I actually want  to see if I can head on in let's walk   on in there and check it all out yeah  this is insane the architecture is just beautiful so yeah this um Cathedral we actually  wanted to come to this morning but it's only   open from 11: to 12:30 and then from 3:00 to  5:30 in the afternoon so keep that in mind   if you're coming on visiting well the inside was  absolutely beautiful guys definitely worth a visit   and I must say the views that you get of the city  of aler are just incredible I mean look at this   the entire Coastline there's actually a football  stadium down there a bunch of homes right along   the water man it is stunning here such a beautiful  place but yeah with that being said guys um well   this is going to be the end of our little uh  video exploring the city of alers tomorrow I'll   dive on into the Medina we'll go do some crazy  shopping buy some souvenirs and we'll see what   else we get into but for now I'll leave you guys  with this amazing view of algers and I'll see   you guys again soon for another video let me know  what was your favorite part and see you next time always smarted I was the one to  take a love I remember how always

2024-04-28 19:30

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