Lost in Africa's Blue City of Chefchaouen, Morocco

Lost in Africa's Blue City of Chefchaouen, Morocco

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[Applause] oh look the guy that's following me around the whole morning are you from Chef Shawn oh so this is the the color that they use for the walls wow the price for this the price for the small one I give you for 950 my brother wow here I've dropped in Dallas going to come back it comes back yeah it comes and goes first not come back exactly yeah I want to call my brother thank you thank you good morning guys and welcome back to a new destination here in Morocco today I'm talking to you guys from Chef xiaoin also known as the blue City let me show you guys why it's called the Blue City because as you can tell everything is absolutely blue now right now it is prayer time I'm sure you guys can hear these sounds coming from all of the mosque there's actually one right here in front of us [Applause] cat down there but yeah this is chef shaoin the blue City and today well I'm gonna take you guys around we're gonna do some souvenir shopping in the Medina and I'm gonna show you guys a bit of this blue town that honestly gives me grease Vibes butt of Africa I mean look at this place it is truly stunning and our rooftop is absolutely stunning [Music] and I'm just going to give you guys a quick little tour as we make our way down to the Medina I just wanted to show you guys what the view was like from the rooftop but yeah this here is the living room and it's super beautiful look at the couch you have all kinds of wonderful decorations no it is seriously incredible but it is pretty it's pretty small this here is the kitchen area the bathroom is in there I'm not even going to show you it's a disaster right now but yeah small little kitchen area we come down one more here is the bedroom nice cozy little desk and then if we come all the way down we have the exit the main door and of course Gladys but Gladys isn't going to be appearing in this video because she has her videos to make and we only have one day here so bye enjoy your time around the blue City thanks I'll see you later alligator see you in a wild crocodile you gotta lock the door no the key's on the back no it's not in the back no no oh no I'm a mess guys I gotta look for the key you know what see you guys in a second found the key I am a mess guys let me know down in the comment section if you guys suffer from always losing your keys your wallets your sunglasses everything you own syndrome because I lose absolutely everything now shades on now I'll see you later alligator see you in a while crocodile oh man that was stressful and it was actually under the blanket of the bed I don't know how I got there but that's how things work but yeah guys this here is the blue city of Chef Shaolin and it's called the Blue City because well everything is blue all the walls have this beautiful a blue tint on them and it simply is just a magical destination super beautiful now we're actually going to start this tour over in the direction that Gladys walked we're gonna head over towards the main Square and of course we're going to do some shopping today now I have to buy some souvenirs it's my last day in Morocco and I haven't done too much shopping because then you got to carry everything you buy in the first destination throughout the entire trip and nobody wants to do that I mean that is just simply a pain in the butt but yeah join me now everything is actually quite calm here it's a very chill town not a whole lot going on I've noticed that a lot of people really just come here to relax and do some shopping I mean pretty much all of the streets are lined up with these beautiful different colored markets you can find of course traditional clothing shoes all kinds of just extremely beautiful items I'm okay right now thank you bro now just like everywhere else in the country as you're walking around and navigating through these streets people are inviting you into their shops and into their stores which is really really nice but after a while it does get extremely tiring especially when you just want to do it all on your own well look at these nuts those look amazing now here inside of the Medina there's actually many different forms of accommodation there's hotels absolutely everywhere that are beautiful and of course an abundance of airbnbs and I highly recommend checking those out because you can get a nice beautiful little home like the one we got for only twenty dollars or twenty five dollars a night many even cheaper now I'm gonna be a little out of breath in this video everything is uphill and Chef Shaolin sits on a hillside so you're constantly walking up and down but it is totally worth it thank you thank you now you can tell people love stopping and literally every walkway because the colors are just absolutely stunning and every Alleyway is so beautifully decorated then it makes for a perfect photo same with the doors now let's see what we can get our hands on first because the pockets are itching and we need to do some shopping now yesterday I got some pretty bad news yesterday as soon as I arrived we went straight to the ATM and I actually stuck my card into the ATM tried to withdraw 200 US dollars and it charged me 200 US dollars but it didn't give me cash so that actually ruined a bit of the plans for this weekend because I was like man an unexpected expense of 200 nobody likes that yes YouTube travel with Chris bro who's playing today England Brazil whoop Serbia yesterday so by the time you guys watch this video that's exactly when this one was filmed here bro I'll give you a card you just scan the code on the back thank you man appreciate it so I see this and what this is going to come out in roughly two weeks so I get to see myself in two weeks you get to see yourself in two weeks bro but you're blessed you get to see yourself every day guys thank you bro all right well here we are in the main square and this is actually where I wanted to Veer myself off to so I can show you guys the main square of Chef xiaoin it is beautiful it is very calm right now but if you come here on the weekends it is extremely busy but this year is the ATM where I actually lost my 200 so not the best um ATM to visit when you're here in the city this one here in the main Square probably you should probably stay away from it but yeah guys let's get this souvenir hunt on its way I'm excited now we're actually gonna Veer off into that direction of the plaza well we're gonna start some shopping now I can already tell that we got ourselves a small little character here in this video he's wearing a New York Yankee hat and he's following me around and I can keep hearing him yell Amigo Amigo but I'm not following anybody into any shops today we're doing shopping um we're gonna be doing some shopping from those who don't bother anybody wow look at these paintings absolutely stunning I definitely want one of these for my home wow these are nice oh wow look he actually paints them here by hand these ones here are 30 Dirham I think I can actually take one of these small ones hello are these yours yes wow they're beautiful bro you paint them all by hand here yes yes wow how many years have you been drawing me and my brother only I have two or three years but my brother from small wow okay you know what I want to support your business I'm gonna buy something from you how much are these ones right here 100 for 100.50 this 180. okay wow amazing price amazing price and they're all handmade so I love it now I unfortunately don't got room for the big ones but I'm gonna take a small one from you yeah if you want the big you can roll too oh it's on a canvas yeah if you don't have the place you we can open you can check like this okay you know what no I'll take one of these small ones from you though because I don't have that much room but I want to help your art yeah thank you you know what I think I'm gonna go with foreign you like this one oh look the guy that's following me around the whole morning this one yeah I'll take that one yes yeah why not okay thank you so you're gonna follow me all morning no I I've seen you yeah I've seen you follow me around all morning no yeah yeah just now but I don't like to be followed I know that's an awkward laugh huh here you go bro no I don't want to see anything I'm just walking around on my own thank you I appreciate it as I mentioned just as you're walking around always be aware of your surroundings I've seen this guy following me for like the last time 15 minutes yeah [Music] I didn't do things on my own you know thank you so what is this actually made on is that like a piece of paper or cardboard paper foreign oh like a piece of wood oh man amazing so if you guys come here to Chef Shaolin come visit what's your name what what yes in English okay come visit look at the beautiful art he makes and if you have a home unlike myself look at these big ones there's so much okay thank you honest man now here in Maracas that's one of the things that happens a lot but it's not just here it's in a lot of touristic destinations in the world people tend to follow you around as a tourist and then they want to take you and show you um their friend shop uh Tannery where they make leather goods all kinds of things wow thank you so much thanks for thanks for being honest with me bro appreciate it have a good day thank you wow how beautiful are those big paintings now one of the things I definitely regret while traveling around is not picking up a lot of art because I'm actually um a huge fan of art but a lot of it gets damaged because I don't visit just one country at a time I visit several and after this after we leave Morocco I have a huge um trip in Europe again so I need to make sure that I have enough room for other Goods now I can see the New York Yankee guy over here in the corner he's going after some other tourist now which is a good thing wow look they have huge parrots that you can take pictures with now I actually am not a huge fan of that at all I feel bad for those tropical birds having the be here and deal with tourists all day long but wow look at this I'm okay thank you is this your store oh it's closed okay oh to for prayer ah okay so the store is closed for prayer [Music] yeah in the blue hallway I don't like that this one okay okay this one yeah I've seen I've seen these ones they're the they're the Alleyways around there no no no it's okay I believe you it was so good this one oh are you gonna show me these doors this one this one no what's up for what's up Espana Espana no no no U.S English English this one I pictured as a blue what's up for okay come on come show me come show me I'm gonna give you I'm gonna give you a tip come on let's go see I'm gonna follow this kid and not the New York Yankee hat because we're gonna you're gonna show me the best picture all right let's go Chris I'm on are you from Chef Shawn how long have you lived here in Chef showing your whole life wow cool okay where's your house up here or down there that picture okay I don't think he understood me okay all right your city's beautiful your Town's beautiful all right let's see where he takes me to you we're out now we're this Market hunt just turned into a tour with Iman swan oh that's the so the pitcher's up there you sure all right I'm following you let's go you gotta respect the Hustle Man hello hello he's out here grinding he's showing me all the photo spots so let's go come on come on come on come on come on how old are you how old how many years you have 10 13. dang you're a big dude man grown man big man all right a lot of people are laughing as they're walking by it's cool hello all right wow it's hard walking up these Hills okay three minutes away let's go and what about these colors you know [Music] oh so this is the the color that they use for the walls as well wow so they mix with water agua and then they paint the walls wow these are cool amazing oh yeah okay okay cool Ella what a smart kid huh oh so that's how they that's how they actually paint all the town blue it's with the powdered paint and not necessarily A water-based paint wow look at this door Iman that one's nice huh a lot of cats here in Chef showing you want a juice you want juice no all right it's gonna invite him in a juice but he wants to work is this your job your tour guide okay Chef showing guide okay let's follow oh that's another hotel oh that one's famous huh that one's a famous hotel five star they're nice nice very good very nice okay now these are what the streets look like guys literally around the entire town they're all lined with so many different beautiful colorful Artesian Goods Artisan Goods I've been speaking so much damn Spanish lately that I'm forgetting my English vocabulary but that's how things go when your spouse is from Latin America oh is this where you wash your hands Iman can you drink the water yeah you can drink oh that's a cup wow that's amazing oh no not for me for you you're working hard bro from the waterfalls wow so this comes from the waterfall it's actually it says right here this emblematic Fountain which built during the 40s of the 20th century stands out for its art attractive at architectural form damn I need to start reading some more books and don't make fun of my reading Down Below in the comment section wow that is beautiful so this is oh you want to take a picture of me all right here I'm gonna trust you with my phone put my money away here all right yeah take a good picture of me bro more [Music] wow thank you bro man you're an amazing let me see wow dude amazing photographer wow I love it man thank you so much bro we got we found the best tour guide in Chef showing Iman oh this is a nice spot for a pitcher I'll come back later bro I'll come back later thank you all right oh man what a walk you guys don't believe me but these Hills do kill after a while oh yep he brought man you're so you're so right he's the best one he brought me to the most famous Alleyway here in Chef Shaolin to take the photos wow nice cool let's continue on with the tour thank you all right now that Alleyway I actually came with my mother a few years ago thanks a lot bro I came with my mom a few years ago and people lined up there during the high seasons for a long time for photos Okay Iman I'm gonna continue with my video okay here no problem yeah but that's for you I want to continue on yeah it was nice meeting you bro oh you want to take me to the waterfall guys no no no I don't have enough time to go to the waterfall I no I went last time that's for you bro I just wanted to help you thank you so much enjoy your day bro all right well there we go oh you want me to all right let's continue with Iman for a while why not let's do it oh this is another photo oh dude you're crazy you jump high man you know what I want Iman I want a juice a juice yeah can you help me find Juice yeah I want to drink some juice can you show me juice juice yeah Juice drink juice yes large orange juice please the famous orange you know yeah yeah okay yeah here just like this just just hold it just hold it no button you're good man amazing video oh you want video of me walking okay here yeah just follow me okay he's telling me exactly what to do wow what a place huh you're so lucky to grow up here oh come back now okay wow hello thank you Iman he's telling me to keep going with his hand behind the camera oh amazing let me see him no it's okay it's still going there we go good thank you bro Juice I need some juice now and then we're going to be saying bye to Iman before the video goes absolutely crazy all over the place he's running me laps but he's a young kid he's 13. so okay [Music] okay oh man you're a nice guy oh they're closed yeah this is where the juice is normally right here it's okay there's more there's more juices around oh man Iman you know where all the photo spots are bro incredible yeah I want a photo right here then go up a little bit more you say keep going thank you bro Iman you're the best man whoa you need a you need a YouTube channel man Iman you need a YouTube channel you like you like video you speak Arabic francaise France okay Espana too hablas Espanol oh another photo spot here I'll take one of you oh dude that is nice nice photo oh you want me to do it okay all right [Music] thank you bro okay Iman I'm gonna continue I gotta go do shopping no it's okay it's okay nice meeting you bro take care man oh you want to take me one more spot okay this tour is not ending you get a lot of bang for your buck with the tour with Iman if you come here to Chef Xiao and then you're a nice kid laughs wow look at these carpets beautiful okay no I have Apartments I rent apartment here not Hotel I don't like hotels no I'm not a big fan of hotels because I like to be by myself you know eat my own food do my own thing I don't like people bothering me when I'm in places so I like always look in my own Hotel I mean Airbnb wow beautiful place these streets are amazing Hi man that are you from are you from Chef Shaolin your whole life wow beautiful place to live okay I think his school your school okay your school's over there okay wow I'm learning I'm learning quick and um you do tours like this every day with tourists wow nice so you do all the photo tours okay awesome now this is the blue City but it's also known as the cat City because there are cats absolutely everywhere and we actually saw one this morning who is absolutely destroying a mouse look here's another one right here hello what's your name hey you just gave him a name this dude's funny he's a character he's gonna be a hard-working man when he gets older I mean he already is all right Iman I think it's time for us to split ways unfortunately bro because The Show Must continue we've completely veered off guys this has turned into a shopping from a shopping video into a tour with Iman around their blue City and I have a feeling that we actually have to split ways now because if not then yeah this is going to be a one hour long video of walking through the blue City but let me know if you guys are still here right now let me know what you guys think of Iman would you have took him up on the offer I definitely trust him a lot more then the sketchy man with the New York Yankee hat are you bringing me back to the plaza okay cool yeah no Cascada no no no I'm done thank you thank you no no no I'm just walking around thank you bro no no no just um my Airbnb is way at the bottom of the hill where we started the video no oh I'm by my house right now you gave me a complete Loop bruh nice thank you okay well here bro it was nice meeting you thank you thank you Iman thank you I'm going to continue on now thank you I hope that helps you out a lot it's okay I'm going this way thank you thank you all right Iman was a cool kid but now the tour must continue let's actually see hello how are you good is this your tea shop yeah this is my shop oh you're making food yeah how much are their their coffee pots your teapots the tea yeah what's the price for this moment what's the price for the small one I give you for 150 for how much 150 150 deer him wow it is beautiful yeah this is but you don't have a smaller one something cheaper pretty cheap yeah I need a cheaper one that's out of my budget right what's your page with this one I got one in Marrakesh for 75 Dirham no this is Sam yeah but it was it didn't have the design it was plain you don't have a plain one yeah give you this one that one for 75 no uh um what's the price foreign yes exactly do I get tea too let's see that what are you from you where are you from U.S California wow here I've dropped in Dallas okay hey bro you know what I take this one 130 130 yeah because you're a good salesman oh welcome thank you and your Shop's beautiful man it smells amazing food lunch maybe I just ate maybe yeah one team thank you foreign what's for lunch potatoes no there's different potatoes oh Berber potatoes okay everybody knows Iman huh wasabi now these stores are all super beautiful you come into them and they're nice cozy wow you have the little mini tagines too huh wow let me see the food oh man smells amazing is that lamb yeah that's lamb yes yeah wow here there's 20 I got the 100 in my pocket okay let me give it to you okay here give him 120. oh yeah thank you so much bro welcome bro sit down and give you one

glass one tea now yeah please do maybe lunch with you I wish I just got done eating though Moroccan people are the best in the world I'm telling you you get invited to tease you get invited to tea you get invited to food yeah they're selfless people it's nice exactly man Iman you're still around huh bro is this your favorite shop you like this shop yeah you know what I don't know guys I feel like when I'm when I'm out filming I feel like these like I have to keep going or else it gets a little dull but the tea is almost done wow I want to see the tea can I can I can I show you yeah wow amazing excuse me Iman thank you Iman you drink tea you drink a lot of tea Berber whiskey I've been three times three times three times three times yeah because I like it it's relaxing I I just came from the desert really amazing relaxing beautiful and I feel like the people in merzuga live forever yeah because it's just no stress relax yeah thank you brother thank you so much in Texas wow a lot of friends huh yeah exactly oh in Virginia too yeah wow oh you were selling Moroccan stuff wow Moroccan people everywhere in the world in Germany oh wow okay when you were 22. yeah yeah amazing thank you bro oh is the tea almost ready yeah maybe to sit down here okay well because I have I have to go soon that's why I'm on short time okay okay all right sorry I'm coming back I mean no no dude no I gave him I gave him tip because he showed me a few spots a tip but I told him I'm gonna go walk around now by myself he was nice he's very nice he's a nice kid he's very nice guy he's a hard-working kid don't work it's really good and he's making you know you know why I like him because he's making honest money he wants to take you to take pictures and you got to learn money at the young age I think we're gonna have to title this one lost in the blue City berber's potatoes what's the difference there's different so much because they're smart look this difference oh wow those do look different yes the full difference it was expensive wow it looks almost like ginger yeah exactly now there's new Ginger my brothers potato yeah exactly wow yeah so the Berber people for those of you guys who didn't watch my last video the Berber people are actually um people from like the Sarah the Sahara desert region the Atlas Mountains and they are pretty much the hearts of Morocco the Berber people are the heart of this country foreign foreign [Music] [Music] yeah California New York Washington the whole man you know the whole us yes cheers salute oh very hot right now foreign wow my brother yes a friend is so expensive yes wow that is nice oh look no what a nice day now it's America in football yeah USA and who in England oh that's hard who's winning right now Iran yeah I know it's really hot here Morocco zero zero Croatia and last night Brazil Serbia zero look Germany Japan I what about friends four one four one France is good yeah good team video that's my brothers very good team France won the last World Cup in 2018 France 2018 France won Russia yeah finale really really I forgot no French in Croatia in Finale wow okay Natalia in French after French the French took it yeah they went home with it I would love for Morocco to win the World Cup let's hope inshallah welcome on Morocco Marhaba I'm sure who's your favorite player Morocco Hakimi like and you guys have uh what happened normally living in first oh you I love Fez beautiful city Beauty Chef xiaowan's more relaxed smaller this is a huge City coming from my friend here oh okay it's a very hard to hand normally now knowing first I'm coming by him everybody meets ceramic little [ __ ] after they come back I'll show you this job with hand okay no miss my king okay it's okay thank you okay I'll come back I'll come back for here one two later cool beautiful football a welcome thousand to welcome thank you so much thank you bro I know I know I know yeah well tomorrow what an adventure right guys all right I think it's time for us to say bye I come back thank you so much I come back later bro I'm so sorry no problem Iman thank you so much for the tour bro I appreciate you thank you thank you bro all right guys it's okay bro thank you I gave him five dollars I was just really wanted to to help him out a little bit the kid because it makes me um you know it hits me personally especially because I love when these kids are out here working hard and doing honest business and not out here trying to you know take advantage of people because it's super easy to get lost in the hustle and then you lose your values it happens to a lot of us I mean come on I was born and raised in the hood a lot of my friends well even myself I found myself going on the wrong path for several years and it wasn't until I moved out of Los Angeles that my whole life changed but I have friends that just continued down the wrong path oh over trying to make some money you know and it's nice to see these kids out here hustling oh guys so this is actually the cat that was beating the the rat earlier oh my God he's still doing it while the rat's totally dead now earlier it was putting up a fight but right now yeah he's completely dead now oh man well let me know what you guys think of the blue City let me know what you guys think of the interactions we came across today because it was truly um different right I mean we literally got lost here in the blue City I'm literally back at the front door of the apartment where this video started but you know what I actually wanted to go and get I still need to buy a magnet I need to buy a pomegranate juice and maybe a few more items so let's actually hit this corner I know there's a few shops right here let's hit this corner and see what else we can come across before we bring this video this adventure to an end let me know if you guys are still here at the 40 minute mark hello how are you actually I want I want to take a look at your magnets how much are the magnets here what are the price of the magnets 10 10 okay I'm gonna buy it cool I'm gonna buy a few thank you all right so these ones are all super cool because you open up the actually the magnet is kind of like a Riyadh door and when you open it up they actually have different um symbols inside you know what I think I'm actually going to grab myself oh this one's cool like it has those little powdered paints that we saw earlier let's grab one of these let's grab oh that one looks nice too let's actually grab this one as well this is the plaza where we just walked I don't know if you guys um can see that it's the plans that we just walked past where we had the tea and then he said this one's here are 20. but these ones here are quite beautiful as well well there's a lot to choose from okay you know what I'm gonna take these two and then let's come in here and see what else he has and you know what guys I'm actually gonna buy a few postcards that we're going to be sending to the members of the channel as I have done or as I have bought in the last few trips haven't bought them in every location um you have postcards bro let's go nope no no postcards okay I'll just take these two for now thank you wow beautiful store all right let me put this down right here real quick now it's very easy to walk around here and just buy all kinds of items but the luggage says otherwise here you go sir thank you yeah okay thank you no worries all right so now we're gonna have some change to go and buy our juice and I need to find those postcards because I got a lot of postcards to send out when I get home so I like to buy postcards and send them to the members of the channel just as a an extra warm thank you to show my appreciation for you guys and I actually still have some postcards at home from India that I have to send out and also a few that I bought in Fez so I'm gonna be sending out um Postcards From the blue city as well okay let's wait for the change to come and then we'll continue on wow look at all the figs the nuts absolutely beautiful thank you so much all right let's continue let's find these postcards that way I can show you guys the postcards that I'm gonna be sending out thank you that way I can show you guys the postcards that I'm gonna be sending out before I actually send them out where's the juice when you need one I promise you the entire time I've been here I've seen the juice carts absolutely everywhere and right now while I'm filming I can't seem to find them there has to be some right here at least some postcards no postcards here wait there's one more shop right here hello sir do you have postcards no postcards okay thank you all right guys well there's no juice neither where's the juice stands all right let's walk up the other direction and then we'll see what we come across because I have a feeling that we're a bit far from the area where you find a lot of the souvenir shops and that was because well Iman gave us a big loop all the way back super funny kid though let me know if you guys would have participated in iman's tour down in the comments section or if you guys would have probably brushed it off but I always like to tell people you always got to be wary of scams and those people that want to take advantage of you but you also just got to feed off The Vibes as well there's very nice people as well that are out here they just want to make a few bucks and you can imagine he's probably taking that money home to go and help his mother or his father or both I just always say mother because I was actually raised with a single mom and yeah so that's just what's instilled in my head all right up here we're going to be able to find those postcards for sure yeah this is definitely not one of those places that's very good uh disabled person friendly if you can't walk all that well or if you can't um or if you're like on a wheelchair this is probably one of those destinations that's extremely tough to come and visit any postcards in here so yeah this definitely went from a shopping tour to a city tour or a village tour extremely fast oh and one of the smells you can smell here as you're walking around is the smell of hash here they produce a lot of hash and it's actually very very cheap yesterday I actually bought some for around 30 Dirham three US dollars for a ball about that big not bad damn we found ourselves back at the plaza oh man we've done a complete Loop look we came back to our friend what's up bro I did a full loop man okay cool I'll come back bro California I like your accent bro thank you bro that's been very good thank you no I'm okay right now thank you I'm gonna actually buy some of these so here we go we found some postcards guys and I think I'm actually gonna take this one I'm gonna take this one of the spices I'm gonna take this one and as I mentioned these are going to the members of the channel so if you guys would like to receive a postcard from the different destinations that I visit please consider becoming a member and I will be sending you guys one as well wow this one looks pretty awesome as well so does this one so does this one wow look at how beautiful that one is so let me see how many we got here one two three four five six okay I need a few more and then I think we'll be good to go oh this one looks beautiful as well actually I've definitely already got this one in hand let's grab a few more of these ones so there we go nice handful of postcards that will be getting sent to you guys as soon as I touch down in the US in about two weeks time hello sir I'd like to purchase these ones from U.S California oh same as them yeah oh I don't know them though well your store is beautiful sir thank you thank you you do everything by hand huh yeah nothing how much 100 dollars one hundred dollars yes or are they ten are they ten each one one hundred dollars one hundred okay actually I don't I have 70 I have 80. is that okay no the postcard is price fixed okay baby the big band the big

money Bergen bargain okay then you know what let me leave too okay I'll leave two and I'll come back and grab those two in a bit because that's I need to go back to the ATM no don't worry thank you sir I'm here what time does your shop close I love it it's beautiful and the night in the night okay so you want to buy the sunset of stamps um no I think I'm gonna take them like this because I gotta send them all around the world to many different locations um to the subscribers thank you sir wow so if you guys if you guys want to buy paintings you need to come here this is a beautiful stuff Latino America how do you know you know the people in Morocco they know everything you you can tell my face Latina huh a lot of people say I have moroccano gracias hermano thank you so much thank you bro I like that he said everybody's human thank you okay I'll come back thank you I'll have to come back and look thank you all right guys well I think this is going to be the end of this video because I like I mentioned I got robbed by the ATM and it took 200 out of my account and right now my bank is actually froze because I reported the transaction man it's a long mess it's a long mess and yeah essentially all I have is like 200 bucks left in my pocket of American money and I need that to get me to the airport tomorrow which is going to be around 85 because we're going to Tangier and then yeah I'm pretty much tapped I'm pretty much in a rough situation right now but life goes on things happen and I'm in this beautiful place the Blue Ridge Village of Africa wow what a place right guys I'll leave you with one more panel View and then it's gonna be time for me to sign off and see you guys from another adventure from either here in Morocco or somewhere else in the world thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys very soon for another adventure from somewhere later guys I was the one today

2023-01-03 04:11

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