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together [Music] [Applause] no um all right [Music] Plantation Industries foreign thank you [Music] [Laughter] foreign videos [Music] so now we have Mr Rohit with us who will be showing showcasing how the sandalwood works so I work for this project Utopia managed farmland so this is actually one of the growing industry in the Bangalore currently so I work for green touch agroforacy company so this is one of our project Utopia farming so here this project is basically for the Innovation purpose so where we are selling land with Plantation bandwidth so we then they're gonna get the land and also they get the partial or output kind of thing so where it will be growingly plantations where we'll be doing plantations So based on the plantations they'll be getting the returns okay so here we have currently three types of plantations for the long term returns which are the actual Foundation what we are doing here for long term returns which are standard so which plant you are seeing currently so this is the side Loop plantations so this will take around uh 12 to 15 years to grow and this is actually one of the costliest food in in the industry actually in the wood industry yeah okay this is the Costless food so here there are many types of sandals you'll be getting it there'll be a lot like red sandal white sand so this is what channel what we're going so it takes around hardly to foreign so here the maintenance everything will be taken care by the government itself so the first investment is all enough yes okay so here like it's a one-time investment okay so once the customer uh purchase the land so here we are charging only for the plan okay so once the customer purchase the land they have to just obey the registration Church apart from this that there is no other uh hidden charges or any kind of thing so because here what all returns they'll be getting some plantations it will be divided on 50 50 states support this tree so we are planting currently in our plot around 50 Cent days so they'll be getting around only from the sandal what I'm quoting uh as per the market value two days so it will be around uh 1.822 CR only from one dimension which is five good touch okay which is equal to five double four five like five thousand four forty five SquarePants okay so within within 15 years that's expectancy yeah time right 12 to 15 years 12 to 15 years okay okay because we are already planting three to four years of traveling plan okay actually it takes around 15 to 20 years but you already we are giving all the nutrition everything in the manual set so we are okay getting it done we are like uh it's like uh using the fertilizers for the plantations to grow better and harder and also we are giving a host plan for this sorry host plant host plants which gives nutrition okay from one plant to another okay so we'll be giving that horse pants off here so which is casuarina so I'll show you the plant also sure currently we have not planted here okay I'll show you another plots yeah okay there is almost uh four years old it's been almost grown since uh six feet right now so I'll show you that so there you can see the kasarina plant so it gives thanks suppose sandal is going around 15 to 20 years it can reduce the value like uh two to three years less okay it gives the Harvest and apart from this sandal we have other plantations also okay like other Road this is also one of the comes under the Ayah uh uh easily 30 to 40 kgs agar it gives only seven to eight kgs oh that's a huge difference March 28th so because but in future we can expect more right yes but agar is maintaining and doing the inoculation process is totally different competitive okay that's the reason like childhood actually sandal is one of the best from that uh comparatively yes yes okay both have different different verticals actually okay and here in our Utopia project so we have three kinds of key returns we can't wait for like Long Term 12 years okay here we have this Dragon Pro which you can see in the poles these are okay this is dragon fruit this is a type of practice okay expectation if you calculate uh in a single plant you can get a dragon fruit up to 67 kgs dragon fruit which will be equal to like this is the hybrid one red color not the white one okay hybrid one so inside red yeah okay so it will be around the market value today is 450 rupees per case 100 it will be around easily 45 to 60 000 they can earn only from a single year single year so what the investment when goes to when we goes to dragon fruit investment see here we are not charging anything okay for the plantation we are just charging for the line here is the managed Farmland okay so we are not charging any maintenance so we are giving you as I told you three types of pizza okay dragon food also we have avocado in the corners of the plots yeah right also we have the passion fruit in the length corners of the plot okay and also we have chilies and beans that is a rotational for six months release next six month piece okay so what is going on going on now it is three but yeah how mature this this is currently on 18 months 18 months okay 18 months plan it is when you plant it it was one year it's been almost eight months we have planted this so what's the league like legal side of going to [Music] third parties to them so the company whom he has to sell it there should be uh government certified or you have to take a permission letter from the government then you have to sell it without any like you can't sell it in the black or lack of parties okay that will be illegal illegal So currently India like uh what produce we need for the sun load is uh 22 to 23 percent we need we need but currently India is a demand that's the Demand right okay currently India is growing uh six percent only so there is a hard gap of 15 to 16 percent of sun loading yeah one reason government have told to grow more standard they have reduced this all kind of uh other paperwork and all so they are putting it fully illegal right now so you mainly use it for what's the like exporting uh exporting is like you have to go with the San Jose level so which is in Bangalore head office you can go and contact them okay they'll take care of each and everything so exports in India uh see we have to select to the government also government will be initiating the price everything according to government rates right great yes [Music] chilies beans which are the rotation costs which we are doing here so the plant which you are seeing is it's been almost 3.5 years old so which way we are using a deprivation pipes which you can see here this is the one we are which we are using here okay so here like the efficiency of the water will be less because of the celebration we will need less water so it doesn't consume more water yes yes and the one which you are seeing next to the pole which is uh dragon fruit that one okay and okay and also we have a passion fruit so which is a kind of fruit which gives uh which is used for many purpose and mainly for the juice yeah hard pressure which I told earlier okay so these are the passion fruits it's a creeper which we have planted almost 10 passion fruit in a single plot so which you are seeing here in the plot lint Corners we have the passion fruits here so you can see the food here how it is grown so it's not even six months we have planted this okay so it's a fast growing plant so it's a very dangerous also if you are planting in the home because it's fresh spreads okay uh it's uh it attracts any kind of animals like almost uh 12 to 14 feet it's okay like like that yeah not sure okay so if you're planning more than 10 and 10 to 15 spread over Single part or kind of full on either you can't uh maintain it okay give me a good place to maintain it and grow it so also we have the Arsenic plant here this is the original benefit for the customer it gives good returns future to the plants uh like is starting from third year okay sometimes like 2.5 to 3 years it will start okay fine but it's also good benefit and it it looks very good in the form if you have learned this kind of three things so what we're saying that so also I was telling that uh but they are awkward of land okay one which is avocado so this is also known as a butterfly of course so we have drinked uh butter fruit juice it's pretty costly also right yes yes and this is also a hybrid avocados we will be getting almost a good amount of uh retail price in the market okay yeah so how much money it's like it's been almost uh six to five months so on months it will take to grow um okay yeah that's great it'll be till uh 20 to 25 years you can keep it in your form that's the reason we have planted in the roadside corner so after uh 15 years our agreement also we can keep the plant in the in front of his plan property also okay so if we want our plants to go in our property itself will it be possible oh yeah see most of the plants what you have chosen that is actually eco-friendly and also um kind of uh City friendly was friendly like almost you can go to near your own garden also it depends on your maintenance nothing else nothing else how clearly you maintain it everything so what else you want to say to your viewers that about how or why they should invest in they'll be getting good land appreciation okay apart from that we are not charging any maintenance so we will be getting a regular basis income okay time to time because what plantations we have based on that they'll be getting okay every six months will translate returns two long-term returns this kind of thing so thank you so much Rohit yeah I wish you all the best videos come on yes [Music] so now we have Suman with us who will explain more about Utopia lifestyle so hi Suman yeah welcome to Industries yeah thank you so this prototype it's a prototype right yeah it's a it's called as an apron structure okay so which will be which will be some of the thing that if you're purchasing a land in your project so it will be built in the as per the government also being built in the 10 part 10 of the land so it will be competing along the 450 Square feets so uh so every quarter will be in 450 yeah obviously so every Cottages will be in the 450 square feet okay recently the government has made the rules that we should not pay more than 10 of the road size okay fine fine so coming to the designs everything so this is uh so if the client wants to obviously they'll be thinking the city's level of the traffic everything they can avoid the traffic with their family they can enjoy the amenities which is which is coming coming up here and this is the A-frame structure which is beautiful in the area with the queen queen size bed off you can very easily say uh three to four people easily with your family so this is designed or designed one of the best interiors so which will be constructed in your plot only okay so the average cost is it starts from like 5.5 to 6 lakhs okay yeah the cottage plot will be the interior okay with the cottage only for the cottage so if like uh just assume you're taking a five meters is the minimum so if you're taking five counters the 450 uh if you are willing oh it's not the compulsation here you need to take the A-frame structure with your plot so this is your your uh your wish if you want to enjoy uh with your family you want your own farmhouse in your uh in particular product so you can build this this is a very good option okay so and this this will be uh in the form of its so obviously you can see that frame yeah it's the only video over here do we have any [Music] [Music] that's right and what about the rentals yeah see obviously so obviously the clients if they're purchasing purchasing the A-frame Cottage every day they can't stay okay yeah so every day it's a kind of staycation place yeah so in the next next half you are like one or two years everything the amenities will be coming so where the like one or two peoples can stay if their customer is walking through and asking for the A-frame sensor so we'll rent it to the lens okay so we'll enter the customers and what the income is coming we'll send it to it divided into 50 50. yeah obviously right so anything more about lifestyle Utopia lifestyle so Utopia lifestyle is nothing but not only the A-frame section like everything like we are coming up the 23 Acres of amenities cutting routes uh tourism like what the Luxury Resorts clubhouses the person is working in it they can uh they can work like work from workstation open kitchen will be there kids play area will be the swimming pool is getting ready shooting and archery will be there Dirty Sports are all included yeah like sports like so you'll be coming up with activities so it'll be very fun so this is the this is the best time to book yourself what kind of home away from home yeah yes this is the best time to book your plots because once the everything the minute is filled so you'll not get in this price so on the like everything is 900 best time to the best time to understand yes so obviously if you're investing on the land though obviously you'll get the appreciation and we are giving the income so what's the appreciation rate what they're expecting it like one or two years we are getting like 20 to 25 percent of appreciation okay because there are much here in and around development series next to us like one kilometer there is a wildlife landmarks like uh any other kind of exciting so Landmark Landmark means like uh what is the highway is it towards the Hyderabad so a landmark is the state highway so from there from five kilometers you'll get into the village and from there you will be having the board of 2.8 kilometers

so [Music] thank you Suman thank you so much and Utopia lifestyle yeah thank you best of luck so now we have Mr Subhash Singapore with us who is the brain and backbone of Utopia hello sir welcome to Industry heat so so what was the idea and bringing out Utopia into a live action [Music] I saw them most of the areas it's pretty pretty big I haven't covered all the areas so how it differs from other tourism like you have collaborated real estate Agriculture and tours of all together so how differs from other agrotourism or other farming plants plantations across all Agro farming and managed Farmland the concept has been quite similar one yes but what we wanted to do out here was we wanted to come out with the same frame kind of cottages that be you know making it available for all the investors and customers that we have and this is something which is unique and besides that they were also going to earn uh you know pretty profitable from this when they're not using this utilizing this thing for themselves so we thought that you know that should be also be a value driven for them Revenue driven for them so we said that is another unique concept all about uh well it's very close to the airport this Stones throw away from here so he said this is the right place for us to come out yeah now that takes a little bit of barren land but over a period of time we will a lot of lush Greenery around so what you are expecting within 10 15 years 10 15 years yeah we would have quite a lot of carbon footprint around this place we have a lot of wild animals in carbon footprint having that we would also look at the sandal would have grown by them the agarwood passion fruit so many of that would have happened so we should really have a unique experience out here for all the farming nature loving people so you're probably sustainability also here exactly so you have you have Sandalwood other words so it's it's kind of costly good I think it's pretty pretty costly good so we can expect a high income High Revenue in the past 10 15 like the future 10 15 years exactly exactly because one of the most expensive Commodities in terms of uh you know agarwood produces a lot of perfumes yes yes [Music] feel a pretty huge sustainable Market revenue is out of time what is what I've known the last 20 30 years has been quite consistent that way so sand load is definitely a good choice so what's your suggestion what's your suggestion for the viewers those for watching it I would definitely would the I'm sure most of the people who stay in the city they would love to have a Farmland of their own I mean we all want a Farmland of our own though some of us belong to Kerala or some uh we have something back home but in Bangalore amidst this hustle and muscle we have something very close to the airport where people can travel stay here buy a property stay here they do not have to get into the city accessible to the city is also very close but they do not have to go into the city it's pretty nice out here so with all this on my way from home exactly so they have the club Builders coming in we have a recreational Club coming in and the result was happening so it will be more of an adventure thing for us yeah it's great so I wish you all foreign and when it comes to investment sector appreciation and your friends so family long-term or short-term investment this is one of the best option and our videos [Music] mentions here you guys do check it out industry it's the world Innovative products services signing off from industry hits thank you

2023-08-27 22:09

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