Lecture 8 Digital revolutions

Lecture 8 Digital revolutions

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so hello everyone uh as always we're gonna wait till 605 and then we will start so get ready and alsoa um uh Ula I'm going to ask you a few questions um please share your opinion that would be great okay hello everyone I'm glad to see you today on our uh next session and today the session is digital Revolution the digital revolution in the travel and tourism industry so little by little we come in straight to the point to the travel industry and how it affected by um web revolutions so let me slide it so industry 4 is um significant basically at the end of wellestablished partn and is asking Scholars managers businesses citizens uh willing to serve in the ever changing and increasingly complex environmental to observe it through different lances or new paradigm uh in I want you to think of these three questions that I put in front of you the key questions the tourism sector also is very involved in digital transformation increasingly qualifying them with um Expressions such as tourism 4.0 and smart tourism 4.0 so how do you think what impact does the digital Revolution have on tourism uh if if you don't want to speak in English please feel free to just answer in Ukrainian but I want you to uh participate a little bit okay who can answer what impact does the digital Revolution have on tourism anyone just show up guys don't be shy please just answer one of these question maybe what the do tourism for and smart tourism have in common what what what's the similarity between them just in ideas and or or maybe what is the differences between them you can also speak in Ukrainian please no an Anna maybe you can answer us or Anna sea Ser okay fine nobody wants all right so let's then go little by a little um um about the each part so the digital Revolution uh phenomen is again increasingly um attend increasing attention in man managerial literature is also in tourism management studies in particular Afters identify five layers such as an individual Group corporate Network and also government so in this lecture we consider that industry layer uh the individual the group layer and also the tourism destination layer which involves territory companies local com communities and ecosystem level the latter in uh well the lecture includes corporate and Governor structure and policies the goal of uh 4.0 are to achieve higher levels of efficiency product it and automation with a feature such as a high digitalization customers production human machine interaction uh value added services and businesses industry 4.0 only increases flexibility in a manufacturing but also not only I mean uh but also uh offers Mass customization and better quality so so let's make a slide therefore uh we can Define 4.0 as a new technology value uh such as a ecosystem based on high tech services uh production Paradigm and um characterized by the same six common principles um for example into no not example like six common principles and they are interoperability guaranteed by standardization of communication Cod virtualization through the Cyber cybernetic systems can control physical processing the centralization in which every computer or technology device has autonomous decision making capacity even within certain controlled uh procedures then the next one is a real data Gathering and Analysis capacities and we talk about it this is data yeah the data when we collect everything this is a game changer basically so next one is a serve orientation toward client this is important one because every service based on how the client going to uh react on it is a client going to come back to us um did we give him a good service so both external and internal to organization basically uh next one is modularity which allows flexible adaptation to changes through this submission or uh expansion of individual modules so also uh digital Revolution and very close go with the iot and we talk this is internet of right so closely connected to concept tourism 4.0 and T tourism um and the iot in torm the the term of the internet as I mentioned already an umbrella that covers multiply assets of the extension of the internet and the back into physical Reality by um means of devices equipment with sensors for example able to detect the connect connected physical or digital entities through appropriate Technologies in particular the study conducted uh for example Mar Andre uh in 2012 which is 10 years ago highlighted several Keys features that must be supported by iot such as uh heterogenic uh hetero sorry gener uh jity um of devices which is requiring suitable Network um architecture and protocols to allow them to communicate yes so uh to to have one website to Comm communicate with another website we have to have a rules a connections how they are going to communicate between each other well will they have those ability to communicate right because we can build basically a website as a business that will be totally independent will it grow anywhere because the the the world is growing so fast those uh big companies big websites also in tourism we a lot of going to talk about the uh websites web services how we can uh make it web how we can make it digital right so um and is that possible to little mediumsized business actually to survive without connecting to those bigger corporations and then we have this question do do they have ability to communicate those websites uh or any um any product that we created uh with the it so uh interconnectivity so data can be shared and managed via Wireless technology um PR PR rescue side for large scale uh distribution of Technology optimization and uh of energy usage and devices batteries this is necessary one because we go um developing quite fast and we need longterm batteries right because our phone's going to die iPhone 7 not working anymore because it doesn't go uh that fast the the energy goes faster than the whole the process in needed same thing with everything else that surrounded us yeah and if if we're going to use the Technologies we need long-term batteries locations and tracking cap con um capacity capability or Capac yeah capability of U uh devices and connected objects transport system the capability of of connected uh objects to automatically react to change simulation situation and find an um appropriate solution thanks to bill in intelligent in systems security and privacy protection as necess necessary conditions for user subance so this is all leads us that we actually facing um well we we were learning that there is a Industrial Revolution there is a four of them but the Industrial Revolution four actually includes evolution of web no well little bit of third one and the fourth one but uh what is the evolution of web and we have also five of them five Evolutions so web zero let me come back here um oh yeah I want to also tell you that closely connected to the concept of Tourism for actually well well let's talk about the web yeah uh so the so what about the first evolution of web when who knows when it's started so the first Revolution actually started when the worldwide web was created as we know it was invented in 1, 1989 uh by team Verner Lee a British scientist who rain matched to the use site uh functionality of the early internet so web one were uh people use the internet mainly in passive way limiting limited they are ity to search for information uh and carrying out simple communication via email uh or decision making right so there was a first step uh you can see here this is all five web and uh you will have this presentation so you can check later on so so yeah as I mentioned the first Revol so first web um Evolution was for a simple Simplicity right so we used the email we just there was a one window that you can click yeah even more even more if you go before uh there was no internet right there was a big computer that was created for um for do doing Simple calculation and then it goes much more uh difficult so web one point um zero the also it calls the readon web the worldwide web was introduced to the public in 19 or uh Al in 91st in those early public internet days worldwide web was a place to seek and find sinks no more Berner Lee called this uh a readon web and the labor fits the web was not largely interactive at that time instead it was place where we were largely connect um um content consumers in 1999 there was approximately three million uh websites and yes there were the days where the website single word wasn't yet uh the norm and because of the massive amount of information online the red only web web BR about the explosion of web browsers saying Mosaic net scale Navigator Opera Internet Explorer um now we have a chrome and on course uh search engine so hello Yahoo found it in 19 95 let's come back here so you can see it um so yeah the Yahoo was create founded in 1995 and Google founded in 8 among many others uh early shopping carts came to be during this era also uh Amazon was founded in 1994 and eBay wasn't far behind it was 1995 but no matter what the information uh it was simply that knowledge and data to share nothing else so yet the web was uh continually involving system and the doc do bubble BST thing began to change dramatically so after that the evolution uh VAP 2.0 um arrive

yeah so 2.0 in compress the 2000 or through 2010 dicated characterized by by people ex um exhibiting a more interactive online Behavior use generated content and philosophy of sharing content through new technologies devices and new social media like Facebook Twitter Twitter Youtube and so on so uh Web 2.0 was based on interactive processes and we have to understand that because when we're going to talk about how we going to build our business in the future area going to manage our business um in tourism or any other sphere we have to understand this is was already and where we have to go like what are the best heads right now how far how ahead they are how we can get there also faster as they are so um what I was saying that uh yeah so there were uh user generated content right and it was based to interactive processes for people and tourism tourists to communicate to share um to collaborate on a websites that favor online booking and allow the encourage the public to create content so there was a blogging yeah the first Blog the first newspaper started going on so web Point um two .0 it's also called social or read Wide Web where web one connected people with information Web Two connected people with people so internet users become participants in a web to um interacting bringing their own uh values rather than just acting uh as a Content consumers so in 199 999 live journal and bloggers launch a blogging platform a crowd sources encyclopedia uh Wikipedia launch in 2001 I also GNA come back so you can see the progress here um so Wikipedia was launched in 2001st Myspace launched in 2003rd Facebook in 2004 YouTube launch in 2005 the least of examples of these VB 2.0 shifted is too

long no name them um uh them all but the short story uh to make short story long of this era was that the VAP was not longer than just a connected connection of things to read it was not one way to connect and to connect in um in more ways than it was before so recently the third one so recently the internet has um transitioned into web. 3 a definition that has not yet fully Sol solidified solidified of found Anonymous agreement as to it connects it refers mainly to intelligence and new Val that entails semantic web Technologies distribute database machine learning recommendations agents and artificial intelligence um artificial uh Technologies also web three uh era is smart agents virtual words personalized website semantic web um integrated games themselves here tourists can experience virtual reality and post their reviews or uh of supplies and companies can arrange in Data Mining and use intelligence machines that can learn using AI Technologies so the shift of yeah the shift of web one to two was huge but the shift from two to three even more of the paradig shift with the rise of the D data not only uh can people consume information and connect with each other but but applications can connect it with other applications yeah so we progress um to execute functions on their own big data is a popular t Norm for reason the knowledge stored in a VAP is now better connected than ever before and this is information have become enriched the internet of seeing artificial intelligence machine learning um agreement re um argu argu aru reality uh and virtual reality like a real reality I don't know how don't remember the word and the real reality are no longer terms of the future uh web application can uh internet information for humans creating efficiency analyzes and um possibilities like never before so how however in Era web three while the application can connect data and exclude functions uh with that data these applications cannot yet that provide content to data understand relevance or make more complex decision in regard um to this data so we are come far but we are still go a long way to go in that period because now we are living in or some some of us are passing web 4.0 which is mobile app so definition of web one Web Two web three are fairly standard standardized however it's when we more Beyond this point different sources suggested different divisions for our purpose we will Define web point4 as a mobile web and yes one could argue that is many ways uh it um it is accured um Sim simultane ously with a web point3 once the web was placed where one might serve um sitting back and relaxing this is concept in in in web1 point2 however now the web three is always an action so uh conest are it's in your pocket or other way uh in your person today there are more mobile connections than there are people so this is a re reality we we are um everyone from us having a mobile phone and that mobile phone have more connections than we do because the mobile phone connected to everything every web that in your uh in your phone and those webs are connected to different offices through different databases to different I mean this is a huge so uh mobile web or era is changing the dynamic of how interact with a web in general so how is um how is from tourist 4 we are trans transition to to to Smart tourism in enhance the concept of Tourism for and smart tourism involves new digital Technologies with a presence to the technological platforms that allows us that allows the two concepts to converge both Concepts Divide from the contents of forest Industrial Revolution and um based on variables such as Internet of sync connectivity digitalization um so on uh smart tourism implies playing particular attention to sustainable Mobility social uh cens protection of people privacy optimization of Waste Management as well as water and energy consumption um in tourism location for example moreover smart tourism referred to the uh efficient and effective use a new technology applied to tourism service subordinated to sustainable vision for improving the quality of life of people of individuals groups citizens tourists in a tourism destination finally um no generally so find finally in a smart tourism Vision digital tourism are so uh inspired by principles of sustainability that these vision would impact their behavior so the conceptualization of smart tourism would be associated with a tourism displaying more responsible behavior uh and who are intentive to the environment and to the host communities also so transition to Smart tourism let me see what we have next one customer experience okay basically this is what I just missed um but I just said right so this is all about how we are achieving sustainable goals sustainable Mobility privacy based energy management and Etc so here we can go to the next one so smart tourism and customer experiences in tourism 4 the the impact of digital Technologies on Travelers behavior before during and after a trip assumed ever gazer significant and wait to the point of the trans transforming traditional Travelers into digital Travelers and smart tourism tourists digital tourists are people who have become increasingly um used to the multitasking approaching to um consuming and sharing of information text video messaging uh which may devire from new types of software uh called bods they are able to automatically provide assistance um Sy to artificial intelligent also so we have new ICT Technologies which is technology enrich external uh value proposition but also open new opportunities to digital travelers to be smart uh becoming extraordinary generators of content yeah the the the uh Instagram have uh a great is and a great example because they started also as a a Comm communicating people to people and now people creating a Content they and it's picking up right now every business to uh not only use inter um Instagram like a social platform it's also kind of a business platform where you can share your interest share your travel share your locations share video you don't need to create a video anymore as a business if if people go there they will do it for you so you don't need basically as a business to pay extra just invite tourism there and they they going to do it for you because they like it so um uh yeah so it became an extraordinary they generating content that are uploaded to the to the web uh through the various social channels and then shared and commented and on by friends and followers so those tourist became animators and co-creators uh the sector of ecosystem uh of information and communication value favor favoring new social connections last but not least smart tourist can thanks to the new technologies again uh strained their attention to Social and environmental sustainability in their um consumer processing during the trip so let's get smart destinations so uh what actual challenges they facing uh during uh the tourism destination in the co context of smart tourism according to uh sigor of 2015 study for Spanish Ministry of Tourism a smart tourism destination is one that Innovative and build the most recent Technologies to ensure sustainable development of area uh accessibility to everyone the interaction between visitor outside and visitor inside the territory of the territorial countries on con confidence and um an enhance tourism experience for visitors and quality of life for residents however the destinations can be called smart only when it um effectively fits with the parameters of six specific dimensions in which that destination is oriented toward uh safeg gardening and Environ environmental and sustainability management and transportation and it's I connection connected sustainable uh and easily assessed by um everyone so smart economy founded on a creation and new businesses and new business models thanks to digitalization and Smart Technologies smart people for whom the destination is connected who represent train um trained and qualified human capacity that they can operate in new digital e ecosystem for example I uh I am don't use any uh op the tourism offices to order my service for I don't know maybe about seven years already to to do that I just uh go to booking.com I just go to uh Trip Advisor I just go to .com. and then you know I just search there from my home and we do not need uh so this is smart tourism basically and not smart tourism smart tourists the those who are created in a digital ecosystem and they use it without going anywhere so smart living defined by the quality of life and social cions of the Inhibitors as well as the presence of cultural offering for tourists and destinations guests so evaluation uh of Tourism value ecosystem New Management challenges yeah so the the survival of traditional uh Enterprise is serious threatened by the new playbook rules established by digitalization and this is hard to follow um consequently these businesses entitled are called to innovate and rethink the business model they have been using thus far to create value for tourist and Achieve satisfactory performing levels it has become necessary for them to not only identify but also gasp how best to serve the new market segment lead by digital tourists so without uh neglecting the more traditional segments they must be able to formulate new value proposition uh identify new value convey channels through multi or all channels approach and suitable for various type of Tourism and new form of client relation management as I just mentioned I don't go to the offices how business going to survive how they going to approach me to use their service instead of someone else tap into new re uh Resources with new um new actors underthinking new activities and effort to optimize and balance balance the income to cost duration in the tourism volue ecosystem uh each stakeholder can play a different role at different time whether as a producer uh a consumer or in um in intermat uh sorry inter how is that the the one who in a middle intermediator intermediator yeah so the en tiles uh a profound re revision of the stakeholders tourism relationship as a new Arena of collaborations um so for example if we're talking about collaboration uh the trip advisor and Airbnb business models the this is the good ones to collaborate but they have a high um uh high percentage Yeah to for collaboration and maybe small business might not have that amount to paying in front from the first days um nevertheless because they are more difficult for a single organization to manage individually there has arised the need to collaborate in order to produce and extract the value contain the RS so evaluation I'm sorry yeah evaluation um of Tourism ecosystem so competing uh cooperatively which is called in English competition is one of the challenging game rule in digital ecosystem um a design well it designed to avoid a situation which the C circum circulation of sensitive data become a completive treat to the organization involved especially to those that cannot access it whether because of organizational issue or limited sources another treat to be avoided is the distruction of value in the eyes of the tourism tourists caused by uh circulation and defusion of data that violent people rights to privacy in the context of uh content of Tourism uh one would expect smart traveler to appreciate contact with the travel agency that are able to purpose experience in argued reality as a true applications offered directly at the point of sale or through the mediatory of the app installed um on fixed or mobile devices the second solution the digital assistant is already widely used in smartphones applications for example the Siri for Apple or Google Now um also for Android it support commercial Enterprises by facilitating priz comparison or uh similar offers or by proposing personalized uh promotions that improve clients buying experience for example um some hotels have smartphones applications in order uh to provide personalized service before during and after Gates uh the the G guests stay there is a few stores before you even buy something and you're waiting in a line they have this this kind of a tablet where they just ask you a few qu questions do you like our color or do you like a and then they they click it while they are waiting in line so they have a pre information they see what he bought and and then they everything and okay maybe we should change our color and change our brand from from yellow to to black and yellow so and that that helps them a lot uh also the same thing if we're talking about the applications um for example Ukon uh you can be besides that you is can leave the comment on driver you you also leave a tip tip says already even without words says that you like it and this is also would be used in analys so players um let me come back here uh managerial implications managerial let me see if I yeah let me double check here theoretical okay yeah so players in tourism value system are affected by profound shifts in a competitive process which are due to the emerging phenomena connected in E tourism uh such as the um entrance of new competitors mainly due to the value change re uh re uh intermediation processes uh for example webbsite e e reads again those middle websites right that we use to to connect uh the websites online travel agencies in mediates that provide information customers review sites uh andc there's M there's many um the exit of wakening of traditional players traveler agencies also yeah um the the the change of traditional competitors competitive approach imple um implementing competitive strategies connected to business model Innova Innovation or introducing Technology based on competitive methods oriented to singular multi-channel approach the massive use of digital technology is marketing strategies the use of Big Data uh to get prompt and accurate market analysis segmentation and positioning the use of Internet to in interconnect people things and territories in order to uh enreach the external value proposition for tourism of the implementation of social media Market strategies over multiple devices it could be a little bit complex if you are small uh if you have a little agency or you have a little uh small business but again this is already based by those big giants that you can be connected to uh either create your own giant so the use of uh Technologies to enhance the brick of mortal store atmosphere uh also have uh it will be collaborative strategies the use of new digital Technologies to help uh companies and institution to develop collaborative strategies to complete a new value ecosystem uh in cont in context of the emerg sharing economy while diffused in tourism and also the need for personnel um personals with a digital skill skills people basically with digital skills to face the rapid of profound ships in the tourism industry new compet competitions that are always easily created TR the traditional formal systems so um I refer to tourism 4.0 as well as a new paradigm appearing with a guest to unlock the Innovation potential of whole tourism sector and we right now the the everything is like we talk about we we did so that manufacturing is a very high level right now yeah they're using those uh robot robots Co robots and uh Technologies like a very um Hightech data analyzed um I even don't don't know how to describe like they are very smart those Technologies but uh the tourism sector there is a technology to use them in tourism sector but it it it there is a few companies that actually do that and everything else is not but not yet and this is important to understand and understand that if we're talking in terms that Ukrainian Ukrainian economy have to change and the tourism uh sector first of all it has to change with a um strategy of digital tourism um if we talking about the small business they are supposed to think also in this um strategy how to change uh for cooperation collaboration to be more digital to be more visible digitally because this is the Future Okay so this can be done by establishing a collaborative ecosystem involving local inhabitants local authorities tourism Services providers governments it is possible to co-create an in charge tourism experience in both and physical and digital words words so thus we can shift from a tourism experience in both the physical and the digital words um so tourist center focus on tourism centered yeah touris on tourism centers Focus um around local communities we are pointed out above new digital Technologies like uh the iot which is the system of um Internet of Things VR virtual um Technologies AR uh AI artificial intelligence um connectivity web 4.0 so all of this represents the

technical platform that allows to uh the concepts of Tourism for and smart tourism to Convent having same overlapping content uh in the context of the four industrial revolution digital Technologies can enrich The Traveler experience through the whole travel cycle dreaming planning booking experiencing and sharing everything so opening new channels for more responsible and suitable consumption Behavior are also possible also the way the way that business of Tourism Works within the digital ecosystem has changed at the Enterprises and the territories themselves are coming to gisp the with Innovation with a markeet with um communication processes as they adopt a new um a new digital language adopting soomo s o m o uh this is a marketing strategies and also inspiring manager um managerial uh action to sustainable principles to this and tourism organization must be able to manage the knowled refer to overall tourism experience both offline and online and be open to Innovation process okay and last but not least the web five the internet of emotion and this is the the highest level that we arrived to the rise of virtual assistant that predicts you needs from Behavior without many Clues is hint of the intelligent web to come web 5.0 will see application able to um interpret information on more complex level emotionally as well as logically this is the web that acts in true symbiosis with a daily life without a through organically interm with what we do artificial intelligent able computers to communicate like a person but the technology that Ables them or to think reason and respond on their own in a human way is not only far away as you might guess I would say say this is today because if you saw even the video that I sent uh this is how you uh enroled to this class it was made by artificial intelligent only with a picture and my voice um um 30 seconds of my voice so it was all created so just imagine that we allowed that picture to sync with a code and it will be just our assistant so web Point fight was also focused on an individual perhaps allowing a website to convey a different experience on each different person it could perceive their motions on an individual respond appropriately and it could detect subtitles that able more powerful interaction so right now is a point for 5.0 is a vision of the not so far off future but time will tell what this new technology will truly bring we will see okay yeah today lecture will be just a little bit longer up because I have just a few slides to share and video but I hope you like it because for me for example the technology is this [Music] is Sorry by all indications artificial intelligence is getting exponentially more intelligent and Powerful the first thing to realize is that the word artificial in the phrase artificial intelligence is real what if we told you that in just 7 years AI would possess unimaginable power from medical breakthroughs to transforming Industries AI will redefine our very existence after watching this video you will be amazed at how powerful AI will be in 2030 let's get started what is AI capable of doing today in 2023 before delving into the power of AI in 2030 it is essential to grasp what AI can accomplish today in 2023 AI has made remarkable progress and possesses various capabilities it has become a GameChanger in human machine interaction from natural language processing enabling virtual assistance and language translation to Advanced image recognition and speech transcription its impact extends beyond our devices driving the development of autonomous vehicles and transforming Transportation as we know it furthermore ai's ability to provide person personalized recommendations and enhance user experiences has revolutionized how we consume media and make online purchases with its robust fraud detection capabilities AI safeguards Financial transactions ensuring the security of our digital interactions embracing AI powered virtual assistance has become a norm as they seamlessly integrate into our daily lives simplifying tasks and providing valuable assistance moreover AI empowers business businesses with actionable insights improving decisionmaking and operational efficiency its integration into smart home devices has transformed houses into intelligent ecosystems enhancing Comfort convenience and energy conservation that's not all ai's application in robotics revolutionizes Industries enabling machines to perform intricate tasks with precision and efficiency these are just a few examples of the capabilities of AI in 2023 AI is expected to play a more significant role in shaping our future as technology advances and in the 2030 the impact of AI will be nothing short of extraordinary with that said here is how AI is expected to revolutionize our world by 2030 number 11 Environmental Protection and disaster prediction AI has the potential to not only transform our lives but also Safeguard the planet we call home as we delve into the future of AI one area that promises incredible impact is Environmental Protection and disaster prediction by analyzing vast amounts of data from sensors satellites and historical patterns AI algorithms will identify early warning signs detect subtle environmental changes and provide crucial insights for disaster preparedness with ai's ability to process information in real time and make predictions it will have the potential to save lives protect communities and minimize the devastating impact of natural catastrophes number 10 Healthcare Revolution imagine a world where cuttingedge technology saves lives diagnoses diseases with unmatched precision and revolutionizes how healthc care is delivered this future is not too far away with the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence AI we are on the brink of a healthc care Revolution that will reshape how we experience Medical Care AI algorithms will be able to detect disease earlier even before symptoms emerge leading to timely interventions and potential life-saving outcomes surgeons will benefit from AI assistance ensuring unparalleled precision and reducing the risk of human error by 2030 AI powered virtual Healthcare platforms will allow patients to access medical [Music] cons [Music] consultations diagnoses and treatments from the comfort of their homes making healthare more convenient and accessible how would having instant access to healthc Care Professionals without leaving your home impact Our Lives Only Time Will Reveal number nine Economic Development and job creation did you you know that according to the world economic Forum AI is projected to create 12 million more jobs than it displaces by 2025 this astonishing statistic highlights ai's incredible job creation potential in the coming years now imagine the possibilities that lie ahead by 2030 AI will generate New Opportunities and Bridge the digital divide by enabling remote work and promoting economic inclusion with the automation of repetitive tasks employees will have the chance to upskill and focus on higher value work this transformation will lead to new professions like AI trainers data analysts and ethical AI Specialists moreover AI will fuel entrepreneurship and Innovation ultimately driving economic growth number eight space exploration and Robotics as we journey toward 2030 the fusion of AI and space exploration will Propel Humanity to new scientific discoveries and exploration Horizons AI powerered robots will become indispensable companions in space missions performing dangerous or impractical tasks for humans these robotic explorers will possess Advanced perception capabilities to navigate treacherous terrains collect samples and conduct scientific experiments autonomously they will act as our eyes and hands expanding our reach and understanding of the universe number seven enhancing security and safety as technology evolves so do criminal tactics but they won't stand a chance against the power of AI because surveillance systems enhanced with AI will have the remarkable ability to identify suspicious behaviors and alert authorities even before a crime occurs moreover AI powered cyber security systems will continually analyze and learn from patterns enabling them to detect and neutralize threats with unprecedented Effectiveness by implementing AI algorithms that recognize abnormal Network behavior and potential vulnerabilities we can fortify our digital infrastructure and shield ourselves from the ever evolving landscape of cyber attacks number six sustainable energy and food production feeding the growing global population while minimizing the environmental impact of Agriculture is a significant challenge AI will revolutionize farming practices through Precision Agriculture and smart farming techniques Farms will transform into intelligent ecosystems with AI driven autonomous farming and robotic assistance equipped with AI capabilities robots will perform tasks like planting harvesting and sorting crops with unmatched precision and efficiency AI powered drones will monitor crop Health detect diseases and assist in Precision spraying this integration of AI will reduce labor costs increase productivity and improve overall sustainability additionally AI will optimize Renewable Energy Systems using Advanced algorithms and Predictive Analytics enhancing the efficiency and reliability of solar wind and hydroelectric power generation real-time monitoring and control will optimize energy production based on weather conditions and demand patterns number five education of the future gone are the days of generic education AI will Empower personalized learning experiences that adapt to the unique needs abilities and interests of each student in the coming decade AI will revolutionize how we learn Breaking Free from the constraints of a one-size fits-all approach tailored learning paths will become the sorry about that optimal engagement and success for every student AI powered virtual assistance will be invaluable companions providing instant support explanations and problemsolving assistance the collaboration will know No Boundaries as students worldwide connect collaborate and explore together through virtual platforms with AI algorithms facilitating group work and fostering a culture of teamwork the education landscape is set to undergo a profound and exciting Evolution number four social welfare and ethical considerations by 2030 the impact of AI will extend far beyond its technical capabilities one sign significant area of transformation will be social welfare and ethical considerations AI systems will be designed to prioritize the well-being of individuals and communities ensuring fair and equal access to resources and opportunities these intelligent systems will help tackle societal challenges such as poverty healthc care disparities and environmental sustainability with Aid driven Solutions we can Envision a future where every person has access to Quality Education Health care and Necessities the ethical Frameworks embedded within AI will guide decision-making processes ensuring transparency accountability and safeguarding against biased outcomes this transformative power of AI will shape a more inclusive and Equitable world for generations to come number three Advanced personal assistance AI powered personal assistance will become our trusted Sidekicks helping us streamline tasks and boost productivity these intelligent companions will easily anticipate our needs manage our schedules and handle routine tasks from organizing appointments and reminding us of important deadlines to automating mundane chores AI personal assistance will free up our time allowing us to focus on more meaningful and enjoyable Pursuits Advanced personal assistance will synchronize with our smart devices creating a cohesive ecosystem that effortlessly connects and enhances our experiences for so many of ftis men with voice recognition technology and natural language processing capabilities interacting with our AI companions will be as simple as having a conversation they will understand our commands preferences and habits adapting to our unique needs and providing tailored assistance what else do we need number two AI in daily lives did you ever wish you had an extra pair of hands to help with household tasks the era of humanlike robots is Dawning upon us and with each passing year we come closer to a world where our daily routines are intertwined with AI imagine waking up to the delightful Aroma of freshly brewed coffee prepared precisely to your like by your AI powered coffee maker Meanwhile your robot assistant effortlessly navigates your home keeping it tidy and organized it handles household tasks such as vacuuming dusting and even laundry freeing up valuable time for you to focus on what truly matters aside from household chores AI powered cooking assistants revolutionize meal preparation as well with their vast knowledge of recipes dietary requirements and nutritional information these intelligent helpers guide you through creating culinary wonders from suggesting personalized meal plans to assisting with complex recipes they ensure that every dish you make becomes a masterpiece number one the road to AGI as we look ahead to the next decade the development of artificial general intelligence AGI stands as a Monumental milestone in AI AGI represents a future where AI systems can understand learn and apply knowledge across various tasks surpassing human capabilities in many aspects these intelligent machines will exhibit cognitive abilities akin to human intelligence enabling them to perform complex tasks make informed decisions and adapt to new situations the emergence of AGI will Mark a turning point in the history of AI unlocking unprecedented possibilities and Paving the way for groundbreaking Innovations as we have explored ai's incredible advancements and potential in various aspects of Our Lives one thing becomes clear the future is brimming with possibilities from AI driven solutions that protect the environment and predict disasters to ai's role in fostering social welfare and ethical considerations the impact of AI will transcend technical boundaries and shape a better world if you have made it this far comment down below with the word 100% so we know that you watched the entire video sorry microphone thank you so much uh so yeah I said that these perspective Ives are great but they also going to lead us to the to the risks and those risks are different so sharing Platforms in uh receptive contents risk creating this um Destruction for residents housing market what I'm trying to say the people who are um the people who are going to work for those companies that provide and support digital uh Technologies they are mostly are based on cities and that's leads us that the residents be forced to move away from cities which would leave the historic Center populated only or mainly by tourists who would then um penalized as they could not satisfy their desire or um authentic experience in content with the local population uh in contact with the local population in this way this is the risk that new digital technology could generate naviga of impacts on cities making them very different from those inspired by the smart cities models so finally uh we could we hold that the most important CH challenges for the digital tourism ecosystem will be um to better oriented the new technology new tourism 4.0 Technologies C the Improvement of quality of Tourism uh practices assuming uh smartness and sustainability as the right Paradigm to improve the quality of the life of social value both guest and local residents um in tourism destinations also yeah last but not least high-tech world the tourism uh and Services Industries cannot forget or underestimate the great importance of high touch relationship and human to human contact uh to co-create values for tourist workers and also local communities in this sense the new tourism ecosystem cannot be limited with the digital Innovations uh but must necessarily in include smart tourism perspectives like sustainability um circular economy quality of life and social value they should also aim to the enhanced tourism experience and increase competitive advantage of smart tourism destination so um okay so that was this slide actually uh and what I want to this is the last um last slide for today but what I want you to do uh for a next class I'm I'm I'm really want to hear your thoughts uh because this class created not only to just uh give you an information on some certain topic but uh also to think how the tourism industry or um maybe if you're working in different field you can share that how these ideas and this information through the lecture where it leads your um your subject do you have do you have new ideas how you going to use techn techology if if we're talking in terms about tourism I'm going to ask you to think until next lecture what um what technologies or what yeah like basically what technologies do you know um and where do they use for example uh in tourism industry yeah like for example in Japan there is a one of these co- buts um there's many right now they serve food and they they create um um coffee and everything without any assistant Human Assistance uh then I also know uh that we were talking just now I was listening that there's an assistant will be uh a good perspective for tourism right instead of going to the office you can just tell your assistant well I want to go uh winter um to to some some other hot countries like a warm country where is a plus 20 degrees and they G to analyze your budget and everything yeah we don't have those examples uh in real life yet but I think quite soon some of big giant will uh show that opportunity but I also want you to think in terms of Ukraine what can weate create uh What uh business can do to to be more digitalized in tourism um yeah so some any any any um not ideas any examples that you will find please share them uh on next class and I will be glad to hear that and that's it for today thank you for your attention I hope that was helpful and interesting thank you see you next time thank you see you next time

2023-11-24 15:01

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