Learn English : Improve Your English in 25 mins | practice English (listening - speaking - reading)

Learn English : Improve Your English in 25 mins | practice English (listening - speaking - reading)

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welcome dear viewers to another exciting episode  of our Learning Journey on Ma English I'm thrilled   to have you here with me today as we delve into  the wonders of nature in unit 2 of our course   in this video we'll be exploring the richness of  lesson one taking a fascinating reading Adventure   in the heart of the Amazon rainforest get ready  to immerse yourself in a world of captivating   vocabulary and language skills and that's not  all we have a special section waiting for you   at the end of the lesson where we'll dive into  some of the more challenging words covered but   that's not the only treat we have for you  today lessons two and three will involve   Dynamic listening and speaking activities the  conversations will be presented multiple times   to enhance your listening skills with a unique  twist in the second round as we incorporate   written content on the screen additionally  in the speaking lesson we'll present the   conversation in a duet style making it both  engaging and educational before we kick off   this language Adventure don't forget to show  some love if you enjoy the content remember   to like this video subscribe to our Channel  and hit that Bell button to stay updated with   all our upcoming lessons I encourage you to  actively participate in the comments section   below sharing your thoughts questions and  language insights now without further Ado   let's jump into the magic of words in nature in  unit 2 exploring the wonders of nature enjoy the journey hello hello everyone and welcome I'm  thrilled to have you here for another exciting   reading Adventure today we've got something  truly special lined up for you so grab your   favorite reading spot a Coy blanket and let's  dive into the world of words together we have   three captivating Pages ahead of us filled with  an exhilarating Adventure that's sure to spark   your imagination after we finish reading we will  have a special section for the words that were   mentioned in the lesson so continue with us and  prepare your notebook and Pen to enhance your own   dictionary are you ready let's go introduction  prepare to embark on an unforgettable Adventure   deep into the heart of the Amazon rainforest the  world's largest and most biodiverse ecosystem as   we venture into this Emerald Labyrinth we'll  encounter a mesmerizing array of Flora and   Fauna uncover the secrets of indigenous cultures  and delve into the challenges and triumphs of   conservation efforts join us as we explore the  wonders of the Amazon rainforest a place where   nature Reigns Supreme and the spirit of Adventure  thrives journey into the rainforest depths our   journey begins in the bustling city of aitos Peru  a gateway to the Amazon River the lifeblood of the   rainforest as we board a traditional Wooden  Boat known as a Chango the city's vibrant   energy Fades away replaced by the Tranquility  of the verden landscape the vast expanse of   the Amazon River stretches before us its murky  water weaving through a maze of towering trees   their branches intertwin to form a verdant canopy  overhead as we venture deeper into the rainforest   the sounds of civilization gradually Fade Into  the Symphony of nature the air hums with the   chatter of insects the calls of exotic birds echo  through the trees and the occasional splash of a   Cayman or river dolphin breaks the surface of  the water the forest itself becomes our guide   its Myriad Pathways leading us into its hidden  depths encountering the rainforests Treasures   with each step we uncover the Amazon's boundless  Treasures vibrant butterflies flutter among the   foliage their wings adorned with kaleidoscopic  patterns troops of monkeys swing from Branch   to branch Branch their playful chatter filling  the air emerald green snakes Slither through the   undergrowth while elusive Jaguars silently  stalk their prey the rainforest is a living   tapestry each thread woven from the intricate  Web of Life that thrives within its depths   unveiling the secrets of indigenous culture  as we explore the rainforest we encounter the   indigenous communities that have called This Land  home for Millennia their deep connection to the   natural world is evident in their knowledge of  the rainforests flora and fauna their Mastery of   traditional hunting and Gathering techniques  and their profound respect for the delicate   balance of the ecosystem we learn about their  intricate belief systems where Spirits reside   within the trees and rivers and the delicate  balance between humans and nature is revered   their stories passed down through generations  hold the wisdom of the rainforest revealing the   secrets of its survival and the fragility  of its existence facing the challenges of   conservation despite its immense diversity the  Amazon rainforest faces a multitude of threats   defor estation for agriculture and cattle ranching  the unsustainable extraction of natural resources   and the impacts of climate change are putting  immense pressure on this fragile ecosystem as   we witness the scars left by human activities we  realize the urgent need for conservation efforts   that protect the rainforests delicate balance  and Safeguard its future celebrating triumphs   of conservation amidst the challenges there are  also stories of Hope and resilience dedicated   conservationists both indigenous and international  are working tirelessly to protect the rainforests   biodiversity and the communities that depend on  it they establish protected areas conduct research   and engage local communities in sustainable  practices demonstrating that conservation is   not just a necessity but also an opportunity for  sustainable development and cultural preservation   conclusion our adventure in the Amazon rainforest  concludes with a profound appreciation for the   interconnectedness of all life and the importance  of preserving this vital ecosystem we depart with   a renewed sense of purpose committed to playing  our part in protecting the am Amazon's wonders   and ensuring that its emerald heart continues  to beat for generations to come now get your pen   and notebook ready and let's write these words  Labyrinth a maze of complex or interconnected   passages or paths verdant covered with fresh  green grass or plants murky dark and difficult   to see through especially because of mud or  sediment Cayman a large reptile related to the   crocodile typically found in South America cidos  scopic having a variety of bright colors elusive   difficult to catch or find intricate having many  complicated or interwoven parts Mastery the state   of having complete knowledge or skill in something  profound deeply thoughtful or feeling intense   delicate of fine texture or structure fragile  mitigate make less severe serious or harmful sustainable able to be maintained  at a certain rate or level without   depleting resources or causing harm to  the environment resilience the ability to   withstand or recover quickly from difficult  conditions dedicated very committed to a   task or purpose sustainable development  development that meets the needs of the   present without compromising the ability  of future generations to meet their own needs so Alex I've heard you're interested in  learning more about eco-friendly travel yes I   am I've always loved traveling but I become  increasingly aware of the negative impact   tourism can have on the environment I'm looking  for ways to travel more responsibly and minimize   my carbon footprint that's great eco-friendly  travel or ecotourism is all about minimizing   the negative impact of Tourism and maximizing the  positive benefits for local communities and the   environment it's about traveling in a way that  is sustainable respectful and responsible that   sounds like a tall order how can I even begin to  make my travel habits more eco-friendly it's all   about making conscious choices and adopting  sustainable practices throughout your travel   Journey let's start with Transportation how do  you typically travel when you go on vacation I   usually fly as it's often the fastest and most  convenient option but I've heard that flying   is one of the most significant contributors  to greenhouse gas emissions that's true air   travel accounts for a significant portion of the  carbon footprint associated with tourism if you   can consider alternative transportation options  such as trains or buses they may take longer   but they have a much lower environmental impact  I'll keep that in mind what about accommodation   how can I choose eco-friendly hotels or lodgings  look for hotels and resorts that are committed   to sustainability practices they may have  implemented energyefficient measures use   eco-friendly cleaning products and support local  conservation efforts that makes sense I've also   heard about ecodes which are specifically designed  to minimize their environmental impact yes ecoes   are a great option they often use renewable energy  sources Source food locally and actively engage in   conservation initiatives what about activities  and Excursion s how can I make eco-friendly   choices when planning my itinerary support local  businesses and participate in activities that   promote sustainable practices for instance  take a guided tour with a local company that   specializes in ecotourism or visit a community  run project that benefits the environment I've   also heard about volunteering opportunities at  eco-friendly destinations absolutely volunteering   is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in the  local culture contribute to conservation efforts   and make a positive impact on the community  that sounds like a rewarding experience I'm   definitely interested in exploring that option  remember eco-friendly travel is not just about   making individual choices it's also about being  mindful of your impact throughout your journey   be respectful of local cultures and traditions  conserve resources like water and energy and   dispose of waste properly those are important  reminders I want to make sure my travels are   not only enjoyable but also have a positive  imp impact on the places I visit that's the   spirit eco-friendly travel is about creating  a positive cycle of responsible tourism that   benefits the environment local communities and  The Travelers themselves thank you for sharing   your insights Emily I'm feeling more confident  about incorporating eco-friendly practices into   my future travels you're welcome Alex remember  every step you take towards eco-friendly   travel makes a difference by making conscious  choices and adopting sustainable practices we   can all contribute to a more responsible and  environmentally friendly way of exploring the world so Alex I've heard your interest in  learning more about eco-friendly travel   yes I am I've always loved traveling but I become  increasingly aware of the negative impact tourism   can have on the environment I'm looking for  ways to travel more responsibly and minimize   my carbon footprint that's great eco-friendly  travel or ecotourism is all about minimizing the   negative imp impact of Tourism and maximizing the  positive benefits for local communities and the   environment it's about traveling in a way that  is sustainable respectful and responsible that   sounds like a tall order how can I even begin to  make my travel habits more eco-friendly it's all   about making conscious choices and adopting  sustainable practices through throughout your   travel Journey let's start with Transportation how  do you typically travel when you go on vacation I   usually fly as it's often the fastest and most  convenient option but I've heard that flying   is one of the most significant contributors to  greenhouse gas emissions that's true air travel   accounts for a significant portion of the car  carbon footprint associated with tourism if you   can consider alternative transportation options  such as trains or buses they may take longer   but they have a much lower environmental impact  I'll keep that in mind what about accommodation   how can I choose eco-friendly hotels or  lodgings look for hotels and Resorts that   are committed to sustainability practices they  may have implemented energy efficient measures   use eco-friendly cleaning products and support  local conservation efforts that makes sense I've   also heard about ecodes which are specifically  designed to minimize their environmental impact   yes Eco lodges are a great option they we often  use renewable energy sources Source food locally   and actively engage in conservation initiatives  what about activities and excursions how can   I make eco-friendly choices when planning  my itinerary support local businesses and   participate in activities that promote sustainable  practices for instance take a guided tour with a   local company that specializes in ecotourism or  visit a community run project that benefits the   environment I've also heard about volunteering  opportunities at eco-friendly destinations   absolutely volunteering is a fantastic way to  immerse yourself in the local culture contribute   to conservation efforts and make a positive  impact on the community that sounds like a   rewarding experience I'm definitely interested in  exploring that option remember eco-friendly travel   is not just about making individual choices it's  also about being mindful of your impact throughout   your journey be respectful of local cultures  and traditions conserve resources like water   and energy and dispose of waste properly those  are important reminders I want to make sure my   travels are not only enjoyable but also have a  positive impact on the places I visit that's the   spirit eco-friendly travel is about creating  a positive cycle of responsible tourism that   benefits the environment local communities and  The Travelers themselves thank you for sharing   your insights Emily I'm feeling more confident  about incorporating eco-friendly practices into   my future travels you're welcome Alex remember  every step you take towards eco-friendly travel   makes a difference by making conscious  choices and adopting sustainable practices   we can all contribute to a more responsible and  environment mentally friendly way of exploring the world so Alex I've heard you're interested  in learning more about eco-friendly travel   yes I am I've always loved traveling but I become  increasingly aware of the negative impact tourism   can have on the environment I'm looking for ways  to travel more responsibly and and minimize my   carbon footprint that's great eco-friendly  travel or EC tourism is all about minimizing   the negative impact of Tourism and maximizing  the positive benefits for local communities and   the environment it's about traveling in  a way that is sustainable respectful and responsible it's all about making conscious choices and  adopting sustainable practices throughout your   travel Journey let's start with Transportation  how do you typically travel when you go on vacation that's true air travel accounts for  a significant portion of the carbon   footprint associated with tourism if you can  consider alternative transportation options   such as trains or buses they may take longer  but they have a much lower environmental impact look for hotels and resorts that are committed to  sustainability practices they may have implemented   energy efficient measures use eco-friendly  cleaning products and support local conservation efforts yes ecodes are a great option  they often use renewable energy   sources Source food locally and  actively engage in conservation initiatives support local businesses and  participate in activities that promote   sustainable practices for instance take  a guided tour with a local company that   specializes in ecotourism or visit a  community run project that benefits the environment absolutely B volunteering is  a fantastic way to immerse yourself in the   local culture contribute to conservation  efforts and make a positive impact on the community remember eco-friendly travel is  not just about making individual choices   it's also about being mindful of your impact  throughout your journey be respectful of local   cultures and traditions conserve resources  like water and energy and dispose of waste properly that's the spirit eco-friendly  travel is about creating a positive   cycle of responsible tourism that benefits the  environment local communities and The Travelers themselves you're welcome Alex remember every step   you take towards eco-friendly travel  makes a difference by making conscious   choices and adopting sustainable  practices we can all contribute to   a more responsible and environmentally  friendly way of exploring the world

2023-11-30 05:50

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