Kaido Racers Take Over Canadian Streets!! | Summer Touring 2023 (4K)

Kaido Racers Take Over Canadian Streets!! | Summer Touring 2023 (4K)

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the export company didn't send  me my documents so I don't even   know if I can register it yet the family road trip all right this is the spot that I stand at  the beginning of touring videos uh we're at   Rudeboy's place and it is the day before summer  touring which means lots of the people from out   of town and most of the really really cool  cars that are going to be at summer touring   are already at rudeboys property so it's a  different vibe today because there's less   people it's much more mellow and nobody's  rushing to get anything done for the event   that starts tomorrow night I'm sure tomorrow's  going to be a totally different vibe but uh,   for now, it's just really nice to see  a bunch of our friends from out of town This is Cameron from London England and he's  made it all the way out here to Canada for   summer touring today what are you hoping  to see tonight what people are producing   across the border because obviously La has its  own miniature kaido racer scene where a lot of   it's like a Fukuoka and Hokkaido spec stuff  right and then up here people are getting a   lot more experimental yeah so we've got obviously  the golf cart car and stuff like that it's cool   to see something a bit different right yeah  this is your first time seeing a lot of these   cars I mean Skip's car I knew the orange car  obviously was at non-story two right but I've   never seen Keith's car even though you know we've  known each other so long like um but seeing so   many XXs in one place is crazy because we have  like none oh cool so especially both faces yeah   um but yeah everything here is just so sick  already so we've still got people to come yeah no   doubt there's still a lot of people coming why is  your front end so long because uh you know I just   made it that way that's just how they do do it you  know it's for keeping it cool what are you what   are you hoping to see at summer touring tonight  I'm hoping to see some really bitching rides and   some [ __ ] I'm excited for what the Cowboys have  [ __ ] a lot of cool cars this year yeah this is   every year it just keeps getting well not even  every year every six months it just keeps getting   a little better well no the car looks really good  I'm excited to see it one color eventually but it   looks excellent right now ride height is awesome  it makes a great noise lots of cool parts and yeah   the long nose looks fantastic thank you thank you  it's Brian and we love him so www.kidoracer.com is   a fantastic website for you to learn about this  style of car culture and get an understanding of   all the terminology and all the different things  and Brian here is the man behind that website so   Brian what do you want to see at summer touring  tonight uh I'm already starting to see it but I'm   seeing a lot more finished cars a lot more people  here a lot more enthusiastic people we've got way   more cars than just even last year even New Year's  touring so I'm just excited to see everybody um just everyone having fun that's all that  matters you know I I hope that everyone has   fun and that they enjoy the cars but more than  anything that they're being respectful to the   culture where these cars came from and having  an understanding a good understanding again   that this isn't ours and you know even though  these are our cars this is our interpretation   of kaido races that were built in Japan and just  being respectful of that that's really all what   are you most excited about what are you hoping  to see I mean like more of this yeah so far so   good like the driveway looks crazy already yeah  it's wild that we're probably seeing most of the   cars right now yeah like I mean this car's here  yeah this is like a milestone having this car out   of California no kidding so it's it's really  sick that John chose our event to bring this   to out of first of anything yeah yeah which is  which is crazy I mean you can see already that   there's like so many new builds for this year that  are like so much better than previous years yeah eggs eggs the special request by the  Cowboys we got eggs and pepper pop the hood watch the hood squeeze there we go I have an egg with no pepper man that much we were doing great on the way over it wasn't   overheating but yeah here we  are every year man every year ah this is awesome man this is like probably the  best drive that I've ever been on and the super   has been fantastic it drove so well there's  so many people so many new cars I can die now   like it's all downhill it's all downhill from here  my mind is blown uh it's a little overwhelming but   very very excited that my car isn't broken  down yet so we're doing good far it's not   going to we're making it home manifest good things  always always hell yeah look at this big sandwich   consumer eat big dirty every day I'm happy I'm  happy I'm happy uh yeah I'm stoked [ __ ] car   turned out pretty mint I think it's going great I  mean we have so many more cars here than last year   uh people are very good at fitting the criteria uh  I think the quality is a bit subpar the quality is   great like everybody [ __ ] grinded for that can I  say [ __ ] yeah you say whatever you want okay I'm   stoked honestly I didn't think our car's gonna be  ready we were like pissing out breaking news today   like like up until the moment we left when  you stomped on the brake pedal fluid just   came squirting out dude sick and we haven't lost  any so far [ __ ] yeah because we duct taped it   so hell yeah yeah really good um yeah looking at  this parking lot right now compared to last time   there's not much stuff that shouldn't be here  I feel like last touring there was like 50 50   cool cars and like cars that don't belong  here and right now it looks good I'm happy   dude the fantasy Works car dude it turned  out so good so good Oso's car is great oh no so can I start now yeah [ __ ] that [ __ ]  we'll start when I want to start okay we'll   start now it's [ __ ] great so amazing just  here in Canada best Kaido Racers right here   we brought one from LA hopefully we bring more  yeah maybe next year we'll have a special car um yeah I guess summer touring is a wrap for  2023 that was an amazing event I'm so glad to   have been there after missing New Year's touring  and being in Japan uh amazing like turnout of cars   I can't believe how many cars there were how  many like actual completed builds there were   um yeah it's exciting to see that each time we  go to one of these touring events just more and   more people are picking up this culture and  actually running with it learning about it   and building these exciting cars and uh even  when we did the the public part of the event   it was cool to see that like there are so many  people that came out even though we delayed it   was like 11 p.m and we were so late there's a  huge community of people that were just excited   to see these cars on the street were waiting for  us as they as we pulled up so yeah if you were a   part of Summer touring this year thank you so  much and uh if you're from out of town and you   weren't able to be here thanks for watching the  video make sure you hit like and leave a comment   we really do appreciate all the positive  comments that we receive on these videos   and uh do yourself a favor and go to kydoracer.com  and learn a little bit more about this culture tell me a little bit about why you made  kaidoracer.com and what you're hoping that  

website accomplishes I felt like kaido racer  is like I couldn't sell a magazine or like make   a magazine it'd make more sense as a website it  needs to be free public information for everybody   to access because there's too much misinformation  out there right now so the first thing was I need   to make a website and hopefully get all the  Help from My Friends and like if anybody else   is watching this that feels like they contribute  at all like hit me up in the emails like I'd love   to have more contributors for it but I felt like  if we get more information out there it's like a   couple steps ahead of like nothing so you can get  started you can learn a little bit more before you   like fully dive in and jump into kite erasers  totally and it's not to be like a gatekeeper or   to be like an elitist of any means it's just lots  of people call this stuff the wrong stuff and lots   of people build these things really really wrong  and if so if you are interested in this culture   and you want to build one of these cars and you  don't want to make all of the bonehead beginner   mistakes going to eraser.com is probably going  to save you a bunch of time and give you kind   of you know like two or three steps ahead yeah  as your starting spot uh I first got into it   maybe 10 years ago and like back then like I was  doing some cringy stuff too like I fully didn't   know and like I dove down and started looking up  stuff in Japanese and then having friends here   teach me stuff and like it slowly built up to  that so it takes time but hopefully this will   get you a good starting point to to skip all  the mistakes that we've made in the past yeah   well Brian thank you so much for that website  though for sure like for myself I've learned   tons and I know so many people just in this 100  feet around me have learned tons from it as well   and I'm still learning too like I don't know  everything we'll get that out there but like   I'm always learning new things but I always want  to make sure that information is spread out yeah   and I think that's actually a great point it's  like sometimes people will see somebody that   has a brand or has a website or even just sees  like me on a camera or Dylan filming and they   think like oh these guys know it all or have  all the answers we don't like we do not at   all we're still learning to we know a lot but we  don't know everything yeah and uh yeah it's just   it's just part of growing like yeah make you can  make mistakes and learn from them just don't be   afraid when somebody calls you out on it because  that's just part of becoming better at something   well why did you go from London to Los Angeles  then up to here uh that's a long story um a few   years ago maybe five six years ago I think I saw a  Moonlight Runners post just come up because there   was a few hashtags I was following I didn't really  understand at the time so I was following like   buzzazoku and stuff like that right and I think  someone reshared their stuff with that and then   I saw their stuff so I started watching them and  then I started inboxing them like asking questions   and their stories and eventually it became like an  actual dialogue so after talking for a few years   I saw the first non-suri I couldn't make out for  that but I was like right I have to be there for   the next one right and I flew out for the next  year and I was with them kind of prepping all the   cars helping run the event and after that it kind  of just solidified the friendship and it's gotten   to the point where now I'm in my third year of  knowing them in person decided to fly up for this   one because again I can't go to non-suri right um  just watching the checkpoint videos seeing what   was happening up in Canada as an extension from  like yeah the LA introduction to the Canada scene   um yeah I just I had to be here sweet I couldn't  miss it uh this is Mason and Connor from after   hours and behind me is their Mazda that they've  built and I'm just going to get them to uh tell   us a little bit about the car as well as about  what after hours is yeah 1985 GLC cardo racer   that we've built just for summer touring  it's just our original style for it yeah   there was no real inspiration honestly it's  just kind like our ideas colors original the   green is like a 3M Green Envy wrap color  and then the pink is a bubble gum Pink by 3M   I did like the whole Library design this was  our original rendition of the car yeah we made   that back in like January as like the starting  Vision yeah I built everything like the uh front   splitter Hood the hood the flares thingies yeah  I built all that with a little bit of help and   uh it turned out pretty good for my first ever  time whipping it together after hours is just   basically a Lifestyle brand that I created we make  clothing it's like a fashion Focus sort of bridge   between cars and art and like music it's all a  bunch of things it it's basically pursuing your   like Hobbies you know after hours I would say and  then yeah it's basically a Lifestyle brand but we   focus on fashion no suspension obviously hockey  pucks we did like a build video on more skids of   it and then the wheels are SSR formula mesh and  13x9 negative one no spacers they like actually   fit the car perfectly obviously we connected  onto the roof too but all of the checkers and   everything go through just to carry the live  redesign turned out really good and then the   mystify light looks cool we've got like lights  underneath uh yeah Austin made it oh one of   those duck house wood pies shouts out oh we also  have a musical horde too we haven't yeah hold up it's not very loud right now but sounds good  you could hear it we have like a product line   on after hours of uh mystify products  we do like a few different things but   yeah too much to talk about so perfect one  okay okay so this is John from Moonlight   Runners based out of Southern California and  he was here at Summer touring last year just   to see how it went and uh get an overall Vibe  for it but this year he's actually brought up   his budame which is essentially the face of  the Moonlight Runners brand probably one of   the most Rec actually not one of probably the  most recognizable kaido racer built in North   America and uh it's super exciting to see it here  in Canada um yeah John tell us a little bit about   Moonlight Runners a little bit about the car and  maybe just about kind of the journey getting it   up here and uh what you hope to see tonight at  summer touring um so this car and this journey   began in 2013 for us it was me and my wife uh  working out of a one-car garage basically and   we had zero skill but 100 enthusiasm we knew  we wanted to build a kite eraser but we just   didn't know how we were going to get from A to  Z so what we did is we started pretty much just   building uh putting things together slapping  Bondo on the car and like the wing itself is   all handmade it's fiberglass foam and Bondo not  the ideal way to do it but yeah it's uh how we   could do it at the time the flares are uh Works  flares that we make ourselves we made the side   step it's a square tubing all the way across with  fiberglass uh paste it on top it's a one and a   half inch exhaust 10 feet back um let's see uh the  paint we did it's a true candy so it's three coats   of that purple on top of the silver and the silver  itself is also a fine metallic that we mixed   um this car has had about four different  iterations this is the final one so far   and this was completed in 2018. and um yeah  my wife this is her car this is her baby   um and again since 2013 till now we've just  been pushing grinding as much as we can   um early in the years we just didn't know well  we didn't understand why there weren't no full   tubidagi style builds outside of Japan so pretty  much we just said yeah we're gonna do it and we   did in the beginning there was a lot of opposition  there were a lot of people that weren't giving us   uh pretty much um any pointers anyone that  did know even an inkling of what this was   they weren't sharing that information with us  so it was very difficult in the beginning and   um the thing about that though is When someone  tells me I can't do something that just motivates   me even more and luckily for me I have a wonderful  wife who also has the same tenacity so as soon as   anyone is like oh no that's not going to look  good or oh you can't do that guess what we're   going to show you that we can and so that's  the this is the byproduct of that mentality   um and like I said one car garage we have friends  that have come put hands on it sanding and helping   us out as well we have a really solid team  back in SoCal that you know I love those guys   they they are our support you know when it comes  to the business or building cars anything like   that you know we really rely on them a lot and uh  we'll do anything for them and I feel that's vice   versa when it comes to coming up to uh summer  touring uh Reed and Keith love them we support   them 110 I've known Reid for years met Keith  before I even know who knew who Keith was you   know which was funny this you know coming here  last year I knew it was a big deal for them for   you know me to be here and I'm sure they would  love Astra to be here as well but um this year you   know we had to bring the car out and I feel like  this event is something unique it's very cool no   one else is doing that besides us and SoCal when  we throw our non-sodi events but besides that no   one else is trying to help bring this community  together so seeing this we have to be a part of   it we want to meet the people we want to talk  to everyone talk to the builders and we want   to understand exactly where everyone one else has  gained their inspiration I feel like how to Racers   also can be sometimes like misjudged and a sense  of thinking they have to look goofy they have to   look wacky that's not the case you know everything  is premeditated everything is planned you need to   understand the sub genres each sub-genre to  be able to mix the style and I feel like as   Americans or Canadians a lot of times we miss that  because we're trying to mix the Styles without   understanding what these styles are so that's  where we miss it so um so with this car being here   I'm hoping it inspires some people I hope that uh  they're able to look at it take something away and   I hope that you know they ask us questions  and that you know we're always willing to   answer and we're always willing to help and in  any way we can you know we're here to support

2023-08-09 21:14

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