Is KOH KOOD Really Thailand’s Most Beautiful Island?

Is KOH KOOD Really Thailand’s Most Beautiful Island?

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good morning from our cozy bungalow here  in the middle of the coconut plantation and   this is Echo but we came up with that  name for her cuz she keeps going is it yummy somehow we always have cat treats in  our bag we should make it a habit to always have   some yeah cuz there are a bunch of stray cats  on the island so we have been on this island   for 3 days already and saying at this bungalow called Suan Maprao and I like it I like it a lot   yeah it's super chill we actually chose this place  because it was relatively one of the cheap cheaper   ones not cheap but it's like 1,500 Baht per night  but unfortunately they only have three nights   available that's why we're moving to another place  today that is closer to where the mangroves are   and also to one of the beautiful beaches so we  thought we'd show you a little bit of this place   but also the new place we're going to but the new  place won't have Echo yeah I'm a bit sad leaving   Echo behind she's the cutest and we asked around  and she is a stray but she has friends around and   she's pretty healthy so all the guests will  be taking good care of her yeah at one point   we got three cats and two dogs here so if you  like cats and dogs this is a great place to   stay because you'll be enjoy it so much yeah  you'll be loved and you can love them too the   car is here let's go to the next place I'll take  my backpack with me and I'll take the bike yeah oh   we're going to keep the bike yeah let's keep the  bike continue renting it from from here and then   they will come and pick it up at the new hotel  okay good because he did mention before that it's   probably cheaper for us to rent it here right it's  300 Baht per day but at the beach front resorts it   might be more yeah bye little cute bungalow bye  bye Echo Echo's gone Echo's gone it's too hot I'll see you on the road okay goodbye bye see you see you so this next place we're going to it's  only 3 minutes away we're probably going   to arrive soon you will notice that  Koh Kood is a very small island and   it's not only just small but the really  busy part the occupied part of the island   is only on this small stretch around  the West Side see we're here already I'm so excited to see our new place  we're closer to the beach now should we take the bag he will bring them okay  so this new place we're at is called  The Little White Bird Hostel it doesn't  look like a hostel though it's just   very cute little little houses villas  nice I'm going first oh this is nice wow even a working desk yeah wow this is so  nice we were missing this in the other place   but all the decorations and everything is really  really nice in here it has a holiday vibe to it   yeah but this place is a bit more expensive  it was about 2,200 Baht a night it includes   breakfast yeah that's true it includes breakfast  and we can even use their kayaks um at the kind   of like the mother resort of this place  because this is the same owner as the Peter   Pan Resort which is on a really nice beach  and we can actually access the beach through   their resort just next to us and use some of  the equipments so we'll do that maybe maybe   tomorrow in the morning yeah very nice I  like it a lot hop on but be careful the seat   is extremely hot it's a hot hot one oh I'm glad I  didn't wear shorts a nice bum warmer burn my bum here we go so because we're going to have plenty of time  to enjoy the beach that is just right next to   Little White Bird we thought we would go further  first to do a little beach hopping to see some of   the other beaches that locals have shared with  us are their favorite beaches but we'll make a   quick stop to this beach anyway just to show you  how beautiful it is this is called White Beach   or a lot of people call it Tinker Bell  Beach because it's right in front of Tinker Bell   Hotel this is the same beach that is connected to  the beach that we are close to but this side it   just looks epic wow this is a gorgeous beach  though picture perfect the sand is white the   water is blue and look at her she got the  ultimate spot under the two coconut trees   wow we got lucky today is a beautiful day  yesterday it was storming pretty hard because   we're kind of in rainy season already right now  which is from May until almost October so high   season here is end of October or mid October  until end of April so for 6 to 7 months but   because it's low season the beaches are quite empty  and I believe the hotel prices are also a little   bit lower but the downside is that we noticed  that quite a lot of restaurants do close during   this rainy season so you may be looking at Google  reviews and trying to find restaurants and they   may be closed but it's not permanent it's usually  only because it's the low season at the moment get some gas first yeah we only have one bar left  just in case there's no big gas stations on   this island so if you need to get gas for  your scooters then this is where you have   to get it it's like a little vending machine  for gas how much are you putting in maybe just   80 Baht that seems like a lot you think that's  too much for the next 3 days maybe 60 okay the   island is not that big there's only one main  street that takes you from the North which   is where the pier is all the way to the  South where the local fishing village is take this out put the nozzle in here oh I need to   press the green button for you  tell me when you're ready ready quick and easy we're here there are a few bikes around   but doesn't look that bad  probably going to be quiet too that was actually pretty quick 10 minutes real  quick once again thank you to Squarespace for   supporting our channel and for making it super  easy for anyone to build a professional looking   website whether you need a portfolio website  an online store or a personal blog you can   start by using one of Squarespace's award-winning  templates and with their easy to use drag and 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paradise would look like amazing   this place is crazy beautiful this is perfect lots of options   how are the prices not bad 120 Baht, 80 Baht, 150  Baht not bad for beach front and island price so that's the owner of the resort  and I briefly spoke to her and she said this   is not the best time to be on this beach  because it's not as beautiful but for us   this is like mindblowing yeah she said in  October the beach is even more white than   this and soft that's crazy I'm happy I'm  happy with this I couldn't believe when   she said this is not beautiful because  this and having it kind of to ourselves she said you're cute I know but yeah as I was saying  if this is not beautiful but not busy I'm so   happy with this rather than it's so beautiful  and it's so busy true we do tend to like to go   to places kind of off season a little bit so  we have a chance to really explore and look at   how colorful these drinks are I got mango shake  and you got watermelon shake made by her sister   by the way so the sisters own all the bungalows  restaurants yeah there are three sisters thank you this is perfect so three sisters one owns the  restaurant one owns the bar right there behind   you and one owns the the resort and how much would  one of the Bungalow 2500 Baht beach front not bad   oh by the way this is pad grapao goong which is  stir fried prawns with basil and it looks quite   spicy usually I'll just have it with pork  but we're on an island got to have seafood it smells really good it's spicy  it's very spicy but it's really good nice set up perfect just enough shade there's one thing missing though what's missing I came for one coconut she gave me all this what what is all that I wanted one coconut but  she gave me all this two coconuts one water and   some rambutan from the island from her garden  they're so nice they're so friendly wow now we   are all set up yeah and the coconuts are cold  and they're only 50 Baht each that's one of   the cheapest coconuts on the island so far yeah  that is some days I feel super lucky this is our life this is our work when we were  planning to do an island series we got so excited   I think Thailand is pretty amazing in the way  that you have a lot of options like many islands   to choose from and you don't have  to go far and Koh Kood it's not that difficult to   get to you can drive if you choose to drive it's  5 hours from Bangkok and then another hour speed   boat but if you want to fly you can fly to Trat  and then hop on the taxi to the pier and then   hop on the speed boat I think you can also book a  shuttle bus from Bangkok as well so if you aren't   planning to drive you can still go by land I  mean because flying is probably the most expensive   way to get here but a shuttle bus for probably  reasonable price to get down here and then the   speed boat was another 400 or 450 Baht per person  I'm not exactly sure but it's the most organized   and one of the best island arrival experiences  for us because once we got everything sorted got   on the speedboat got here it the ticket includes  the transfer to your hotel so we got to Koh Kood   and basically someone's like oh you're in truck  38 go to Suan Maprao Hotel it was just really   easy you don't have to bargain your way through  to get a ride to your hotel basically yeah it was   awesome how's the rambutan it's actually really  good I prefer lychee over rambutan but these ones   are pretty delicious you want one how do you say  rambutan in Thai "ngoc" very good good you like   it yeah look how beautiful it is eating tropical  fruit on a tropical island paradise life is good   that's going to be the video title eating tropical  fruits on Tropical Paradise (life is good) did you see that no what did you see there was  a school of jumping fish that just went like I thought it was a speedboat that was crazy  how can you think it's a speedboat I was looking   this way and then I just heard vroom vroom  vroom so I turned around and I I just saw like   hundreds of fish jumping at once a mini speedboat  you're cute you like it when I say you're cute I   don't know it sounds like you're basket case no  not at all not at all you're cute the water's kind   of interesting isn't it it's like warm and cold  and it just kind of keeps mixing you can stand in   the same spot and suddenly it's like really warm  and then suddenly it's really cold it's quite   nice the owner said this is probably the best  beach to swim oh okay because it's safe there's   no underwater currents yeah and it's all sand  underneath I mean you can see if there's a rock   it's so clear and I think we agree cuz we have  been to other beaches as well yesterday just to   explore the island we were in Ao Prao was nice  but I think it's because of the storm it washed   up a lot of garbage to the beach so we spent most  of the time trying to clean it yesterday I just   saw like a huge plastic basket like a laundry  basket in the water so once I pulled that out   of the water and I was like okay now I noticed  all these little bottles and little bottle caps   and straws and yeah I do agree that it's because  of the season because that happens in Samui too   like different seasons kind of brings  the trash to different parts of the island so at   the moment for us end of May we think Khlong Hin  is the most beautiful but of course when you come   during high season maybe Ao Prao will be more  beautiful we don't know this is by luck really   so you got to check all the beaches basically  that's what we're saying just around the corner   here is another one we want to check out Ao Jak  and there were a couple resorts around that one   I think that's the Neverland Resort beach area  it's so interesting because you noticed that yeah   I noticed it the resorts are Neverland there's  Peter Pan near our place there's the Tinker Bell at the beach that we were this morning  what else oh Oh Captain Hook oh yeah Captain   Hook so this island Koh Kood is the Neverland  yeah we're all Lost Boys in this paradise here we went back to our hotel cleaned up and  now we are here at the final beach we   want to show you this is the perfect  sunset beach that we have found that   we think it's amazing it's gorgeous  it doesn't have a name on Google Map   but we call it Huggy Beach because  there is a Huggy Beach Resort here   oh my goodness this is even nicer than last time  when we were here look at the colors holy moly wow this is funny because the clouds looked a bit dark  we brought an umbrella just in case just in case   cuz there's no shade here to hide should we go on  the bridge and watch the sunset yeah let's do that it's happening I have to open  the umbrella I'm coming I felt   some raindrops okay it's okay this is  still chill right yeah this is romantic we have something prepared this truly deserves a Chang we usually  don't drink much but today just felt like   an awesome day we should celebrate with  a Chang at the end Cheers Cheers Cheers haven't had these in a while yeah  that's good that's refreshing though we're going to be drunk after this can  our tolerance is so low now I think for beaches   wise and just the chill vibe wise Koh Kood  is probably the number one paradise island   in Thailand but definitely it's not a nightlife  kind of Island we don't get that kind of vibe   from this place which is good for us but like  yeah once it's dark there's not even it stays   dark yeah there's not even street lights around so  I think it's more just like sunset and chill and   then enjoy the day kind of island but next video  we will be taking you from Koh Kood to Koh Mak is   that what it's called Koh Mak it is another even  smaller Island really close to here but we will   have to get there by speedboat so we'll show you  that journey and that island um this is not the   end of the video yet we have to kayak into the  mangrove in the morning tomorrow oh I totally   forgot I totally forgot okay yeah we still have to  kayak to the mangrove okay then see you tomorrow Safety First oh look that's what we were talking  about yesterday yeah Captain Hook Resort Peter   Pan Wendy what's that one Tinker Bell wait  if it's all on the same (life jacket) maybe   they're the same owner could be but I asked  the local people they said they're not the   same owner they could also not know yeah or  it's just that they're all in this area maybe are you comfy yeah this is very nice did they  say how long we have it for as long as you want   but with this heat I don't think we're going to be  out that long this is really nice though we always   enjoy kayaking in the mangroves nice and calm  and peaceful we've only been really exploring the   different beaches in Koh Kood but coming down the  mangroves here you notice a lot of home stays are   actually on here which is quite lovely as well  so you basically have a choice of staying in a   coconut plantation on the beach in the mangrove  forest I think that makes Koh Kood quite unique   you might even want to split up your stay to just  try out different places on the island too like   this is so peaceful compared to the beachfront  properties because it's quite windy and louder   there this is really really nice and these are  kind of old wooden houses on stilts very beautiful so what do you think about Koh Kood  would you come back again yeah I would   it's already I would say my second or third  favorite island in Thailand it bumped out Koh Samet unfortunately yeah I think if you're  looking for a real getaway island Koh Kood   is the place for you my top is still like it's  still Koh Samui there's some sort of bias you   know we used to live there and people might  think it's so commercial but we have found our   kind of hidden gems favorite spots so it's still  number one number two is actually Koh Lipe which   we did a video probably like almost two years ago  there but it's like a honeymoon island I love it   I agree with you yeah so this is actually number  three for me but we still have one more Island to   check out it might even bump Koh Kood down to  number four who knows so stay tuned thank you   again for watching and as always have a wonderful  day we'll see you in the next one say bye bye

2024-07-17 14:19

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