Inside Korea’s Failed New Capital

Inside Korea’s Failed New Capital

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I am in Sejong Korea a city you probably don't  know much about because this city only exists   since 2012 and it is a planned city that means the  government planned and built the whole city from   scratch in order to move the capital from Soul to  this city but well that plan failed a bit because   they estimated that by now over a million people  would have moved here already but in reality only   about 350,000 people are living here now and  to be honest the city feels a bit weird it is   pretty empty basically everywhere in the city  almost like a ghost town so I'm very curious to   explore around here and the goal for today is  to explore the city get First Impressions and   to investigate if it's a a livable City or B a  failed City let's find out feel free to join I   want to start the day with getting some food  from a very popular restaurant here in Korea   and I want to see if I can use the bus to get  there so there's no Metro here in the city so   I think the locals have to mainly rely on the  buses so let's see if it's easy for me to find   out how to actually use the buses here and if the  bus can take me to where I want to go oh we have a   green light let me catch that so the place where  I want to go is uh in this direction so I guess   that if I'm just taking a bus that is coming  from there going there that should be fine now   how many lines are we having here are these buses  is going in different direction I don't know and   no surprise that I also can't read this luckily  I do still have the bus card that I got in the   previous video when I arrived here so I think I  can just use that so I don't have to uh get a new   card because yeah to my understanding you can't  pay cash on the buses here in Korea so you always   need to have a card I just got it in a convenience  store so probably in all like the 7eleven or the   Us stores you can just buy this card and then  top it up with money so is this the map of the   bus system here looks similar like a like a map  of a Metro System right but yeah nothing here is   in English because yeah this is not a touristy  town yet excuse me you speak English is this   the bus system I want to go in this direction  for two stations where where am I now here oh   oh we are here government complex and I want  to go here to dong take the bus here just any bus are these numbers I can take yeah yeah  okay same color same color oh okay so I think   I can take all of the colors here yeah yeah  yeah okay okay come thank you so much okay   okay I think it's very easy actually because I  think I can literally take all the numbers here   all the different colors every bus is going in  this direction and then I pay with the cut yeah   just tap yeah okay very easy okay thank you so  much okay let's just see how regular the buses are   coming here how how high is the frequency I will  let you know how many minutes I'm waiting here   now and literally 2 minutes later and there's a  bus coming number B6 which is a number I can take don't know what it says I hope there's still  money on the card to be honest I'm not sure   I used the card yesterday already I uh I  think I bought this card for 10,000 but   then some part of this 10,000 will also be  a deposit for the cart so I'm not sure how   much money actually is on the cart maybe half  of it anyway I am on the bus now so I'm going   only for two stations in this direction so  let's get some first impressions of this   City and yeah same as yesterday when I arrived  here my impression is that the city is quite   empty I mean this is a weekday early afternoon  now and the roads are just looking very empty but   the good thing about the bus the air conditioner  on here it's not too cold I would say it's the   perfect temperature here seems to be a decent  and nice clean bus everything fine and this is   station number one so that means the next one  I'm going off already and yeah I guess because   the city doesn't have a Metro System maybe there  will be one in the future I can imagine when the   city grows they will actually also build Metro  systems here but for now the bus seems to be the   number one public transportation here and you  see the bus is fairly filled okay we also have   a screen there which announces the next station  so the next one is dong which is where I want to go and also the announcement not  only in Korean also in English okay let me again oh and now it was green and  that was my first bus ride here in Korea's new   capital okay so let's have a look around so  to my understanding we are quite Central now   so this is basically the city center as far  as I know and it looks like this here oh I   always like it when I'm in a country where you  see how many seconds you have left uh on the   traffic lights we don't have that in Germany  and I'm always wondering why because this is   so useful so you can see how many seconds you  have left not only as a pedestrian also when   you are car waiting here you know exactly how  many seconds you have to wait some countries   in Asia have this and I always wonder it  why don't we have this in Germany as well   so useful anyway we have a coffee shop  here we have I think a a little noodle restaurant I'm not sure what this is yeah that's  the thing when you in cities that are not touristy   uh and I actually I like to be in cities that  are not touristy I love exploring places like   this but the thing is obviously nothing  is in English so you can't read anything   which uh to me makes it more exciting to be  honest but I know that yeah some people also   would disagree with this opinion and would  be annoyed by that or so annoyed and you   can't read anything but I enjoy it but also  here the city center looks fairly empty right   not much going on but I have to say also my first  impressions here are everything looks very clean   very new obviously I mean everything is very  new here we have this huge I think these are   condo buildings probably huge condo buildings  here probably thousands of people can in theory   live there I'm not sure if there are thousands of  people living in these buildings right here but I   am hungry now so actually let me check the map  where the place exactly is so I'm always using   Nava map here which is uh the Google maps of  Korea which works super super well here so if   you're coming to Korea definitely download this  app and yeah it's uh just around the corner over there oh and I'm just walking by  a barber shop it's always great   no matter in which country you are you can  always recognize barber shops immediately   by this sign right here uh so maybe  because yeah I am looking for haircut   later today but first I'm really  hungry so I want to get the food first this is also very cool I saw that at some  places in Soul as well these Sun Blockers here at   traffic lights so you probably know most Asians  don't really like to be exposed to the Sun and   that's also the case here in Korea so they have  Sun Blockers here at places where people have to   wait for example for green Traffic Light also I've  never seen something like this in other countries   before it's just a small little things like this  here and there that makes me really think oh wow   this makes the life here in Korea so convenient  why don't we have something like this in Germany   too right I also noticed that there are many  green areas within the city like this little   Park here surrounded by once again huge condo  buildings left and right everywhere thousands   of people can probably live here but then we have  like a seems like a running track where you can   go jogging working out or just have a little walk  together with friends maybe and then there's also   a little Canal here which is also right behind  my hotel my hotel is in this direction and also   behind my hotel there's something very similar  and that looks very beautiful I have to say   like like imagine living there you have a view  over the little park here the canal you can see   probably the sunset later on in this direction  so if your unit is facing this way you have an   amazing Sunset View here I guess so they really  try their best to make the city look beautiful   in my opinion and it works I mean it's obviously  nice if you're living in a city and you're looking   out of your windows and you see something like  this other than I don't know a dirty busy Main   Road a concrete jungle and they also keeping the  area very clean there's a truck here just cleaning   the road but yeah once again what a nice lovely  view here over the canal running track there and   then all these uh condo buildings right here  okay I think the restaurant that I'm looking   for is actually inside a mall here so we do have  a mall let's see and here is Lotteria the number   one fast food restaurant in Korea basically the  McDonald's of Korea and I heard they have some   very good and interesting items on the menu so  let's check it out my first time trying this so   we have hamburgers we have uh dessert chicken we  have coffee and drinks first impression the menu   looks very similar to the McDonald's menu so I  think I'm going to order some Classics maybe a   burger some chicken so we have hot crispy chicken  burger bulgi bacon big bulgi burger or so many   burgers to choose from a shrimp burger I think  I'm just going with this one bulgary Burger would   you like to upgrade your buns no shake shake  chicken that sounds interesting I'm not sure   what shake shake is let's find out Cho a flavor  onion and then maybe something to drink as well   we have cider we have Cola mango jelly that  sounds interesting let's get mango jelly okay   payment I get a coupon or a little receipt number  158 so guess it works like in McDonald's I'm   just waiting now until my number gets called and  then I pay and pick up the food which one is the okay so lataria is the number one fast food  restaurant in Korea they have over 1,300 shops   all around the country plus hundreds of more in  other Asian countries so from what I've heard this   is more popular than McDonald's here if you're  from Korea let me know if that's true do you   prefer Laria or McDonald's and yeah I'm having the  bulgi burger now I have shake shake uh chicken and   we have a drink here I forgot already  what the drink I ordered I think it was   something with mango let me actually  try the drink first there definitely   also jelly down here you can see it  looks similar like chicken nuggets or   like some chicken bites and then actually  I want to try one piece uh plain just like this basically like the chicken McNuggets from  McDonald's but these ones are a bit crispier   on the outside and then I think what you're  supposed to do is to uh put in the onion uh   flavor and then shake it I saw shaking fries  before in the Philippines so we have onion   powder which I think you're just putting  inside here we don't have a shake shake   fries or chicken in Germany where I'm from but I  think you are supposed to just shake it now like   this and then yeah all the pieces are Now cover  it with all the onion flavors looking like this   ah hope you can see it okay let's try the chicken  together with the onion flavor oh to be honest   the onion flavor is a bit too strong for me I  think I preferred the first bite just the plain   chicken with no flavor but now all my pieces of  chicken I covered with all the onion okay but now   the Highlight the burger I am a very big burger  lover I really like to eat burgers so let's see   what this burger has to offer first impression  could also be a McDonald's burger looks very   similar and then we have uh the salad here I  think some mayo sauce and then the bulgi bun   which I guess it's going to be beef and then  there's a darker looking sauce underneath the   petty if you're from Korea or if you have tried  lateria before and there's anything very special   any special burger that I have to try let me know  in the comments but yeah this actually the first   impression this looks like a delicious Burger  to be honest okay let's get give it a try first   impression better than McDonald's the first bite  at least was better than McDonald's okay here's   what's interesting if you eat McDonald's and to  be honest I'm not a huge fan of McDonald's also   not of fast food Change in general because usually  you bite into the food and you immediately feel   that it's not a high quality Burger I mean  obviously this is fast food you can't expect   much from from places like this but here the first  bite was not like that it didn't feel as bad as B   into a McDonald's burger I think what I like here  is that they don't put too much sauce on it I'm   not a huge fan of putting tons of sauces on the  burgers so here it's only a little bit of I think   it's mayonnaise and then maybe like a like a  barbecue sauce here not too much and then we   actually have lots of salad so you have a very  fresh kick to to all the bites but yeah to be   honest it is still fast food after all you can  taste it it's not a super high quality meal but   I would say the first impression maybe I need to  try more food next time but the first impression   here is that it's very similar to McDonald's  but I think a bit better than McDonald's to be honest okay and that was a good meal  but let's continue to explore the city okay now the next place where I want to  go is actually right over there the Watchtower   from where we can hopefully have a great view  over the whole city and yeah this city is not   a touristy City yet not at all if you search for  things to do in song you will not find many things   but the Watchtower is one of the few things that  I don't really want to call it an attraction but   something to do here as a tourist so I heard  that most of the people who are living here at   the moment are actually working in some form for  the government because the government is moving   lots of departments already from Soul to this  city encouraging people to follow that so also   moving from Soul to this area actually I think  there's a little park right here oh no not a park   there's a tennis court here which looks very nice  playing around of tennis in this weather oh I used   to play tennis as well when I was younger when I  was a teenager I used to play football or soccer   and Tennis so this brings back some memories I  haven't played tennis in a while and right next   to us we have a lovely football field and whenever  I see football fields that always brings back my   childhood memories because I spent most of the  days when I was a boy between 8 and 16 on uh   places like this playing football every day after  school oh that's great memories coming home after   school school in Germany usually ends at about  1: or 2: p.m. so you're home quite early in the   afternoon and then spending all afternoon until it  gets dark on the football field oh good memories   about my childhood but anyway that's not the topic  for today uh but yeah we do have some sport places   I also saw some more places similar like this uh  near my hotel but yeah what I wanted to say is so   the government is moving uh many departments uh  to this city because yeah the ultimate goal is to   move the whole capital from Soul to here to song  and the reason why I want to do that from what   I've read plenty of reasons one of the reasons is  that well soul is quite near to North Korea and   let's say in case something really bad happens  and Korea decides to attack North Korea decides   to attack South then Soul would be uh basically  the first city they come across after entering   the country and yeah if you lose the capital city  right at the start of the war that is probably not   something good I'm not an expert when it comes  to to Wars but I can imagine that the capital   city is not the city that you want to lose at  the beginning of a war so moving the capital   a few hundred kilm more south definitely makes  sense when you think about that another reason   why they want to move the capital from Soul to  here is the overpopulation and congestion in soul   soul is extremely densely populated and that leads  to severe traffic congestion High living cost and   pressure on the infrastructure and SE Jong on the  other side is designed as a smart city with modern   infrastructure and this should offer a better  quality of life for government employees and   residents compared to the overcrowded conditions  in Soul and the move also aims to promote a more   balanced Regional development by decentralizing  the concentration of Economic and political power   from Soul to other regions of the country luckily  this city seems to be a very walkable City you   have proper sidewalks everywhere everything is  new and modern so actually walking around the city   is no problem at all I think actually later on I  want to try if I can rent one of these bicycles I   also saw electric scooters a lot so that would  be even more convenient then but just walking   around here no problem at all a very walkable City  and by the way there's a 7-Eleven store here and   I had a very interesting experience inside the  7-Eleven store earlier today I only filmed that   uh for my Instagram at my Tik Tok account but  I will also play the clip now for you because   it was very interesting I am inside a 7-Eleven  store in Korea and there is nobody working here   it's actually quite difficult to just go inside  here I had to figure it out there's no English   explanation of how to enter the store but you  actually have to scan your credit card at this   machine right here and then you can enter  the store and choose whatever you like so   as you can see there is absolutely nobody working  here at the moment I am the only person here also   nobody is here it is a bit weird I had to uh ask  the hotel staff of my hotel here how to actually   enter the shop and how everything works and then  you have to uh scan your um articles everything   you want to buy you pay with your credit card and  I think the door does not open uh unless you have   paid successful for everything you bought I've  never seen something like this before that you   can be on your own in the 7-Eleven store nobody  working here you need a credit card to enter   welcome to Korea and also here the same style of  condo buildings again you see them over and over   all around the city because yeah the the city  is planned to host more than a million people   so there's a lot of space and probably also a lot  of units available and what I also like I think   I can imagine that the crime rate here is very  very low I mean the crime rates in general are   very low in Korea but I can imagine that they are  especially very low here uh if I can find out the   crime rate for this city I will write it here on  the screen for you now and I think I have almost   reached the tower okay I am definitely the only  person uh walking up here here was actually quite   steep to get up here uh okay let's uh check out  the Watchtower here and have a look over Korea's   New Capital hello I up the tower go up here okay  thank you okay how many meters is the tower 42 42   M my de let's see what the view is going to be  like here and if we can actually see the whole city oh yeah I think it's going to be very good  here oh yes look at this plenty of uh apartment   buildings I would assume all of these are  apartments or condo buildings and then if you have   a look around but actually looks like this all  around plenty more over there over there and then   we have some really cool looking buildings here  and there like the building down here or the blue   building over there in the background so I have  to say that also the design of the city looks   very good and you can also see from here that  there are so many green places in the city I   see lots of green spaces actually over there for  example is a very big green area we have plenty   of the trees down here seems like they really  thought of a concept for the city making it a   livable City with green areas with Park sport  areas okay now the next mission is I want to   get a haircut so let's actually see if I can  find the barber shop around here actually I'm   curious um I will sit down here in the shade for  a minute actually I'm curious if I can search a   barar shop in English on the Nava map app so on  the Korean Google Maps or do I have to search it   in Korean language so let me type in Bara okay  searching for Barber Shop oh actually it works   let's see which one is near round here so I  think there's one here which is probably the   nearest nearest one 14 minutes walk that sounds  uh okay okay and I would say Let's uh walk to the   barber shop hopefully it's open get a haircut and  then we're going to see if we can find this park   which I heard is very beautiful here also I'm very  curious if anyone of you watching this is living   in SE Jong please let me know in the comments  how it is is it a convenient city is it nice to   live here what are the things that you like about  the city or what are things that you're missing I   be very curious to hear the thoughts of someone  who actually lives here I think there's a haircut   place here but I think it's only for women not  for men oh maybe it is hello hello can I get a   haircut here yeah yes even after this I can  okay okay I wait here video is okay here I   want to a video how I get the haircut okay  okay that was easy and I think this is not   the shop that I had on the map but I just came  across this shop and initially I thought this   is only for ladies but looks like also I can get  a haircut here how much does a haircut cost how much 15 15 let's find out the price first  14,000 okay I think that's a very good price   for a haircut in Korea and yeah this is my  first haircut in Korea uh you can cut like   like this yeah okay okay also the the line  here okay yeah okay thank you very much you   speak English all with no English okay no problem  no problem I don't speak Korean uh I am from uh Germany Germany Germany yeah yeah okay okay  he starts uh just to to cut now without uh   washing the or making the hair wet so I have  a gel in my hair but usually um they make it   oh now he's doing that he's making it wed so  it's easier to cut them okay so he's starting   with the top most barers actually start with  with the sides with razor machine but he's   starting to cut the hair with the scissors at  the top but I mean it doesn't really matter   where you start so I trust this man okay  we are finished with the top and now he's   starting to uh work on the sides usually I have  like one or even down to zero sometimes on the sides so far he's really accurate and quick  I really like that so far oh I really love   how fast he is that looks really good  so far so he's not only quick but also   doing a good job I think some barers  they really uh take their time and it   takes a lot of time just to uh to shave  my sides but here so quick literally like   like 2 minutes and the site is done the  first site it's very good so far I like it okay now we are doing the same on the other side I feel already much better it's always a  good feeling when you get a fresh new haircut   right okay now the interesting part now the line  that I have on the side so he's using a razor okay wow I'm really impressed that looks  really good it's so quick and easy   yes very good very good and so fast I really like it I think what he's doing now is  not really cutting something just   uh thinning out the hair if that's the right  term in English just making the hair a bit thinner okay looks like I'm also getting shampoo  which is great sometimes this is included in the   price and sometimes you have to pay extra if you  want your hair washed ah just like this okay all right and now the jail styling the hair oh it  smells really good also here the smell is really good I sry don't understand Korean please  translate in the comment section if you understand   that maybe he was explaining what the smell is  like or what type of smell it is very good thank   you so much I think I am very happy with the  result and that was also not only very good but   also very quick he was very quick and efficient so  that was one of the quickest haircuts I had in a   while and I think also one of the best I had in a  while really happy with the result come some new   thank you so much welome to Korea oh thank you  so much oh welcome to Korea I'm very happy to   be here okay bye-bye thank you so much nice  to meet you have a good day bye-bye wow what   a lovely gentleman giving me a fresh nice  haircut here so if you are in s Jong and   you're looking for a barar come to this place  I don't know the name but if you're from Korea   you can probably read this oh actually there's  an English name here so you can type this into   the map and then H visit this gentleman as well  if you're looking for a haircut here in song the   new capital of Korea okay now I have a fresh and  new haircut but now I want to check out this Park   which is one of the few things that you can find  on the list if you search for things to do in SE   Jong like I explained already earlier not many  things here to do as a tourist this is not a   tourist destination but the park is actually  the number one thing to do do on the list so   we do have an e scooter here which to be honest  would be very nice to use now but I am not sure   how to use it so I used these scooters in other  countries before for example in Malaysia or in   the Philippines and usually you have to download  an app and then connect the app with your credit   card and then you can scan the QR code and  activate the scooter so I'm pretty sure this   is also how this works here so I don't see a name  of an app here what is the name here maybe I can   search the name GCO GCO GCO scooter okay so I  have the app downloaded now let's see if it's   easy loog in to write okay so I need to  add my phone number okay phone number is   added okay I'm waiting for a verification  code now that I should receive uh via text message okay I don't get the verification code so  what I'm going to do now is I just continue walk   K and if I receive the code then I will try to  find another one of these scooters I actually   saw plenty of them around the city so then I  will give it another try later I think you can   actually walk to pretty much every corner of  the city in less than an hour I would say so   the whole day everything that you have seen so  far is basically the same area around the city   center just uh I just took uh two bus stops uh  from my hotel which is right over there so two   bus stops right over here to the this area and  also wow check out how beautiful it looks here we   have the nice bridge over there all these modern  buildings in the background and then just a nice   area right here to drive your bicycle go jogging  go for a walk a canal again a little bridge over   the canal and then this building here looks really  futuristic almost really nice I will give you my   final thoughts about this city and also if I think  that this is a failed City or not at the end of   the video we also have a bicycles here which work  the same as the scooter you need to scan the QR   code but uh update I still haven't received the  verification code on my phone let me check no so   for some reason I don't get the code without the  code I can't activate my profile and without my   profile activated I can't scan the Scooters or the  bikes okay I just typed in the park into the Nava   app and it's basically just walking straight for  about 16 minutes it's 879 M and that is basically   crossing the whole city center now so you can see  that uh pretty much most places around the center   are within a walking distance and yeah here we  have more scooters but I still don't have the   activation code oh man that would be so cool to  just cruise around here with one of these scooters   you know what I notic here what is a difference  compared to Soul you don't find any street food   here in Soul I mean it's not like there's street  food everywhere in Soul it's not comparable with   the amount of street food stalls you can find  in Southeast Asia in Thailand the Philippines   Indonesia but you can find it pretty easy actually  still in Soul and here all day I haven't seen a   single street food stall nothing no food or snacks  that you can just get by the side of the road you   always have to go to proper restaurants so this  is a big difference that I see compared to Soul   other differences of course it's r l busy here I  mean Soul has way way more people over 10 million   people and here we have less than half a million  people and also in Soul I haven't seen so many   bicycles and E Scooters that you can rent you can  find it in Soul as well but here it's literally   everywhere you walk like 100 m and then there are  more bicycles or scooters to rent so it's way more   compared to Soul so yeah the noise level here  in the city is very low actually also it's not   really that high in so so not comparable with the  noise level of uh South Asia for example with all   the honking and the crazy busy roads soul is not  like that at all but here the noise level is even   quieter also yesterday in my hotel I slept really  well because there was literally zero noise coming   from the road and my window is looking uh right  over the main road maybe you saw my video video   my last video arriving here and yeah you saw my  hotel room overlooking the main road but it was   very very quiet in the night so I had a really  good sleep there okay something that I'm missing   now actually I'm actually quite thirsty and in  Soul it's very easy to just get a drink there's   a 7-Eleven a CU store basically every few hundred  meters so no problems to always find drinks or   little snacks and it's a bit more difficult here  like I haven't seen a convenience store in a while   to be honest and I don't think that there's  anyone around here I think this is probably   look like an office building actually if it is an  office building I would imagine that there is a   convenience store somewhere cuz I'm actually quite  thirsty so this is another difference compared to   Soul the infrastructure of convenience stores  supermarkets is not as welld developed as it   is in so for obvious reasons I mean the city  is quite new so you don't really expect that   but still something that I can mention maybe they  are selling drinks and snakes in the park that's   my dream right now I'm so thirsty I also could  go for a snake to be honest but to be honest I   doubt that a little bit but let's see okay are  you ready for the number one thing to do here   in s Jong as a tourist the top recommendation  according to the internet the SE Jong Lake Park   here it is and I really hope hope that they are  selling drinks somewhere I'm very thirsty let's   have a look looks very beautiful here at least the  water looks very very nice actually I'm curious   to have a closer look okay at least something  is being sold here but I think it's just toys   for children and this place doesn't sell food I  think let's see oh maybe there's a little shop   here oh yes they definitely selling drinks here  I guess oh yes oh finally oh nice I found some   where I can drink hello like a little convenience  store right here so let's see what I can get here   coffee soft drinks energy what is this right  here that looks interesting looks like a Milky   drink actually curious to try this drink  right here no idea what it is can't read it   let's give it a try uh I want to try ice cream  from Korea Korean ice cream Korea ice cream oh   or this is all local brand local oh Korea ice  cream um uh this is a Korea traditional Korea   Korea traditional red bean Ice Bar bean bean  black bean black bean black bean ice cream okay   this is good maybe not not b not that good not not  which one is uh your favorite which is the best this one okay what is this chocolate nougat bar  since 1974 from Korea no Korea okay I will try   this okay and what what is this ambasa ambasa is  it a milk milk soda milk soda sounds interesting   okay I never tried this before looks like a  nice area for picnic here as well right and I   think that's what some people are doing here just  a chilling by the river front here having some uh   some drinks some snacks today is uh what day is  today Tuesday in case you're wondering so it is   now actually 6:30 already so almost the sunset  time so maybe people come here after work to   chill with friends just enjoying the the water  here hello hello hello and friendly locals here   and we even have some mountains around here so I  think the city is surrounded by some mountains not   the highest mountains but some mountains so I can  imagine maybe you can also go hiking here actually   all right let's try the drink first milk soda did  I hear that right I think I've never heard about   milk sodas before to be honest it's not bad it's  a Milky yogurt like Flavor I would describe it   more like yogurt flavor instead of milk actually  quite good I'm surprised let's try the ice cream   here looks like a regular chocolate ice cream I  think it's nougat bar regular ice cream nothing   too special but also not bad same as in Soul  it's really difficult to find trash bins I want   to throw away the the trash from the ice cream but  no trash bin around here I noticed and mentioned   that already in one of my videos in Soul what's  up with the trash cans in Korea why there are so   few of them okay guess I have to uh bring this  back to my hotel then and throw it away there   this is interesting there's a signboard here  explaining how many calories you can burn by   having a walk here so I just took a picture  with Google translate and translated it so   this is uh if you weigh 40 kilos and you walk for  30 minutes then you can burn 74 92 110 and so on   so they encourage the people here to uh be healthy  exercise have a walk and they are showing you how   many calories you can burn here do you know what  would be cool here if there's an area here in the   lake where you can go swimming when the sun is  shining the weather is good that would be nice A   little public swimming area or maybe an area where  you can rent a boat like a little pedal boat or   electric boat and then cruise around the lake here  that is something that I can definitely see here   in the future or maybe this exists already but I  don't see it anywhere here okay what I recommend   coming here as a tourist probably not it's not  really a touristy place there's hardly anything   to do or see here as a tourist I mean there are  no old buildings no old temples here the oldest   building here is probably like what 12 13 years  old so coming here as a tourist at least at the   moment is probably not really worth it also if you  saw my previous video my arrival here I mentioned   it there already that there were only two hotels  to choose from on if you search for   say Jong on you will find more hotels  but if you have a closer look into the details   most of the hotels you see are in the nearby  city which is I forgot the name but it's like   30 40 minutes away by car here in the city center  at least on the dates that I am here now only two   hotels were available so you see this is not a  place that is made for tourist but I knew that   before coming here so I'm not complaining just  uh if you're watching the video and you think of   coming here keep that in mind there's not really  much to do here or to see as a tourist and then   let's answer the final question do I think this is  a liable City I think so yes the first impressions   that I have here are really really good um I spent  basically a typical day here that could also be a   regular day is if you actually live here I took  the public transportation I went for some food I   got a haircut I had a walk around and then I spent  the evening here in the park so I think this was   a very typical day that you could also have if  you actually live here and I really enjoyed that   everything is very modern and new and clean the  city is very walkable many green areas so I think   it is a very liveable city but of course I have  to admit I only spend a day here now in order to   really judge that you probably have to spend  at least a few weeks here so I'm very curious   if you're watching this and you live here please  feel fre to share your thoughts in the comments   what are your thoughts about this city do you  like living here or not why did you move here   I would be very curious to hear some opinions and  yeah do I think this is a failed City well I don't   really think it's failed I mean the city is very  nice very good Impressions here but yeah not as   many people have moved here as the government  thought but I would be very curious to return   to the city maybe in let's say 10 15 years and  see what this city has become because I see a   lot of potential here for this city to become a  very prospering and new and modern city in the   future and yeah tomorrow I'm actually flying from  here to another very interesting destination here   in Korea so stay tuned for that video and if  you haven't seen my previous video my arrival   here me taking the bullet train from from Soul  to here then feel free to check out the video   right here stay healthy stay positive and  then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-07-14 03:12

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