Infostream Namibia 20 June 2023

Infostream Namibia 20 June 2023

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thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good morning foreign foreign which is the recorded coldest place inventory in winter but but confidence is Bloomington um foreign cells um um right uni winter okay we I I just quickly before we hit the newspapers an interesting thing that Turk and I were discuss discussing this morning whilst we were having um so what we were discussing what we seem to have noticed and we are just contemplating this is when weather forecasters or specific met officers when there is a big fluctuation in weather yeah right make it now maybe stormy rainy weather and then there's no rain and then there are no storms and then it hails and all that kind of stuff or whether that fluctuates in temperatures what we seem to notice is that we are not receiving the next day's weather predictions that quickly yeah this quite often at this time when we go on we can go on to our weather forecasters and quite easily if the weather is mild in in the stub bill yeah um then we would find the weather for the next day we'll make it even for the next two days for that matter because every country should have a formal met office right now can those organizations that predict the weather can they be held liable yeah if they predict the weather and the weather changes for the worse and there are entities uh businesses for Farmers whatever they may be that suffer losses [Music] the llamas uh right down no I don't know okay because I I did a bit of research I also don't know I don't know if that can be held liable but if they can't be held liable why is there then a superior form of protection for private weather forecasters in professional liability insurance yeah why would you have that why would you have liability insurance which most probably can and that should pay out millions of huge losses exactly I agree and here we have private weather forecasters yeah so we've now got we seem to be having different weather forecasters the Met Office Namibia the meteorological Services of Namibia I think that falls under government institution I think it is so hence that is the country's formal weather forecaster okay now you have private weather forecasters as well and those institutions can go and buy liability insurance yes coffee Hotel okay okay [Music] and so on and that is okay foreign foreign Orange was okay um foreign in two of starting to act no clutches to spinos music by what is that actually from um it actually for foreign foreign that's the question maybe we need to speak to some insurance people uh well any form of liability can be insured yeah last when I was in the insurance guy yeah sure that I enjoyed it very much but anyway so we've given you the forecast on Windy you can just go and Sass it out those other temperatures and then as far as the weather is concerned for the rest of the day we'll talk about that at the end of the show yeah of course um William foreign I tend to agree it's a forecast it's not a promise yeah the question is we are talking here conservation Tuesday farming Tuesday tourism Tuesday the weather's got something to do with it yeah and uh do you believe in global warming I do do you think it's really happening I do I actually do in duncanities foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I mean why not if we look here at Nico's Pub and Grill over this beautiful cricket go into the back there we see a lot of trees that are still green yeah [Music] um what I'm also still seeing there's still quite a lot of flies there's no fire in Michigan okay yeah oh this is [Music] this is foreign mosquito an attempt of um foreign that's why the police don't have mosquitoes because they've got a SWAT team that's what yeah okay okay all right we're going to take a quick commercial break and then we're gonna tackle the newspapers my name is Salman from Mark and I'm the CEO of Namibia Wildlife protection now maybe a wildlife protection is one of the elite anti-poaching companies in Namibia and we specialize specifically in the protection of the Hightower species such as rhinos and elephants as part of our conservation awareness program we offer anti-poaching training courses to the public and you are welcome to come and join us on our next course if you are adventurous if you are healthy if you are interested in how to handle dangerous animals firearms and firearms safety legal aspects tracking survival all those beautiful Bushcraft type of things then this course is for you check out social media for upcoming dates or send us an email at this email address Wildlife protection for those of you who are interested in attending anti-poaching course the next anti-perching course will be taking place on the 10th of July we've sent you the link and uh we uh strongly recommend that if you've got an interest in that Namibia Wildlife protection is the place to be next courses starting on the 10th of July yeah yeah and the poaching course that is [Music] foreign foreign Chris Brown uh but well done um we are we are seeing that um those kind of actions bear results um yeah you've got to remember if it's 28 28 000 in namibian dollars in value of those heads and those skins what were the operational costs in terms of you know getting these these people you know taking bringing them to justice for that matter so yeah [Music] what does the government's food programs look like HIV AIDS right in the SRS boys a hungry person will do anything to eat their stomachs is you know if somebody breaks into your house and steals the food out of the fridge but leaves everything else should that be prosecuted um it's a crime yeah yeah still leaves a moral kind of thought doesn't it is I think the police would you know obviously um if let's say you do that look yeah the police would come and arrest you because you would need to be through go through an investigative process right so it's not as if the authorities and the law enforcement people can just say no don't worry you shot him and he was in that Corridor and you were threatened and we'll just let you go it's not up to the police to actually decide that it's work uh Court to decide that but yeah you go and defend yourself your family and now the next moment you are being arrested foreign foreign wow right then I've got a story here on the front page of the German daily um you get most dynasty of a June 7. June 7 is effectively the last row of Dunes if you travel from the coast from wolfers Bay between wolfers Bay and swakov moon um the last row of dunes and that's being terrific being referred to as June 7. they are under a new administrative concession holder all right yeah um and it is it is in fact a national park Believe It or Not June 7 is in the darop national park and is now on the um under contract with the ministry of environment and tourism and that's not being handled by sandwich Dune tours and safaris and yeah this is actually quite interesting there were quite a number of applicants in terms of this if I can just try and find how many they were then I can give it to you my opinion so this is a Consciousness that entity has uncertain responsibilities either keep it clean you know that kind of stuff and I think they're also allowed to charge an entrance fee yeah yeah for all the owners but but futures [Music] any spectacular and what they say vandalism and rubbish yeah basically then created that this that this is now under the administration of a new conversation holder foreign a story that I picked up also in the German daily on the on the second page today Tuesday the 20th of June and they sang in German and although I can read German after kind of translate it once I'm reading it so please excuse me if I'm not totally with it but there is they are the ministry of environment and tourism is actually um uh contemplating with the three desert Lions should not be um handed out for trophy hunting is and they are apparently they want to uh well the story in this particular point in time from what I understand here it could be that these lines that there is wildlife human Wildlife conflict and that they are obviously going through various regions and all that kind of stuff I'll be I'll be having a closer look at this particular story and try and find out exactly um exactly what's going on here whether a census has been held as to how many desert lines there really are and you know all that kind of stuff obviously in Namibia the desert lines they lie very close to our heart what did my own style is um [Music] just to get back pizzas when coming back to the burglar story okay okay yep do we know what you're talking about there means also says the problem remains you don't know what is the intention of the housebreaker is there time for a coffee to find out well I don't think so yeah but as he severe afternoon yeah um [Music] so let's just quickly take a commercial break and then we'll be back okay okay foreign over here at Global Parts we pride ourselves on having stock and if we don't have it for you we're definitely gonna get it for you but there's a high chance you'll find stock so come down to Global Parts for all of your car needs get stuck I was like F1 auto traders um you know Frost is um [Music] that was upline [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] ER Scott Glover Abigail Smith um foreign [Music] um [Music] yeah it's nice to actually see that you can have bookkeepers everywhere in the country isn't it yeah why buy nice um revive right then uh just remember we spoke about giraffes yesterday and I just want to give you that information through so we did a little bit of homework in terms of a giraffe sanctuary and with all the Googling that we've done and looking on the internet and all that kind of stuff we actually found that there is no particular giraffe sanctuary in Namibia not not what we could find but there is a giraffe conservation Foundation right so there is a giraffe conservation foundation and they're looking after giraffes throughout Africa Namibia I think also South Africa and all that kind of stuff so um just wanted to give you that update because that is what we spoke about yesterday yeah um Sanctuary we should have a mosquito Sanctuary my house okay um Don in is tourism environment foreign himself foreign foreign doors but for themselves foreign [Music] kilometers herself is Park foreign foreign [Music] [Music] perspective um foreign foreign Namibia in um foreign and that that salt pan basically fills up with water yeah just by the ifunjas that is the water running from the southern angolan pots over through the oshibambu area and then into the Tasha pants now you must contemplate how much water there is that that is act on foreign but uh and then of course we gave you the links to where to stay in Namibia and also the Tasha national park for those of you who need more information you can just go and click on that and it'll take you right through to where you need to be okay good um well we're just going to call it a day as far as the weather is concerned cold conditions we were warm warned of that at the moment the temperatures in the central parts of Namibia they're very mild we're expecting inventuk up to maximum temperatures of 22 degrees at the coast wolfers Bay so it doesn't say maximum Commerce says [Music] considering that they are basically 200 kilometers apart and then um temperatures bye bye [Music] thank you so much for watching remember we're on YouTube We're on Facebook and you can also WhatsApp us please do us a favor and like this video share it and subscribe to our Channel don't forget to click on the Bell icon so you can get an update when new videos are uploaded thanks for now hope to see you next time foreign

2023-06-30 01:04

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