I Tried the Finest Street Food in Bangkok

I Tried the Finest Street Food in Bangkok

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mix all oh you mix everything together okay okay  one of this please yes yes yes okay for the whole   family no for my friends oh all right all right  guys welcome to another video I'm still in Bangkok   Thailand and uh I'm actually going to take the  ferry to a market a food market and have loads of   street food that's the plan let's go we're here at  Ferry Station already I just came from the BTS now   I'm here at Satorn the ferry goes pretty much all  along the canal and you can stop wherever you want   it's a bit like a like a public transportation  system here so um let's get a let's get a ticket so this is where we are right now  Satorn and we need to be here run up to   one long 30 Baht for Satorn to prannnok  Wong So currently we're here Satorn and   uh we have five stops to do 17 minutes and  then we will make it to pranok it's my first   time on a ferry here in Bangkok seems  like the boat is arriving right there   it's really really really well organized  here like this woman she's so punctual you   can see like she points like let's go and  the boat is just arriving like it's crazy   crazy oh and I feel it a bit moving here maybe  I will get seasick already before I get on the boat okay Upper Deck it is upper deck for the best  views and it's not too sunny today so I won't get   burnt like a tomato hopefully look at the other  vlogger he knows where to go I'll take this side first row hopefully for the best views the boat  I just see there the traditional boat is actually   from the Sheraton Hotel so I guess lots of  hotels have their personal boats for their   personal tours and everything um but my hotel  doesn't have that so I'm just taking the public boat welcome to the tourist  boat Hop On Hop Off blue flag line so we're currently at Wat Arun Temple  and look at the boats here there's so many   boats here this is definitely  the most busy part here in the   river look at this everybody's arriving  it's crazy but the temple is gorgeous though okay touchdown Wang Lang Market let's go wow you know that feeling when  you have been on a boat for a while   then you get back on the mainland and  you're still a bit wavy and shaky well   that's the feeling I have right now I  guess this is Wang lang Market let's   go and explore now the smell of dried  fish is very very very much present here spicy salad of rice crocquettes  and fermented pork hmm that looks like   something I could try I guess is the rice  and the fermented pork mixed in a bowl   so um this is the fermented pork uh I rice  rice fried rice fried rice yeah okay and and   this Pork yeah and this one okay can I do one  portion uh this mix mix mix mix okay okay mix okay okay oh so you have what is  this Ginger yeah mixed all oh you   mix everything together okay okay let's  do one something very special that I've   never seen before fried rice but it's  a dark rice it's like almost a burnt rice oh that's the pork huh yeah pork okay you can't is spicy it's spicy  uh a little medium medium [Music] okay okay some chili powder this is sugar salt  okay no salt um sugar sugar okay okay okay oh   what is this vinegar um lemon lemon oh lemon  juice okay this oil M soy yeah soy okay then   we have some peanuts yeah peanuts okay okay  wow it's a whole mix some ginger yeah then   what is this spring onions onions yeah you can  okay yeah eat everything wow it's a whole mix   and then this I don't know what this is this  a pork I I don't know Pork yeah okay I don't   know it doesn't look like por but I guess it is  you can you can taste I taste one yeah okay I'll   taste one not sure what it is it's a bit like  jelly yeah like jelly pork jelly doesn't have   much taste but we'll see in the end product  in the finished product then mix everything together okay eat now uh eat now yeah  where can I can I sit somewhere sit   down yeah table oh you have table there okay  okay oh wow looks pretty good actually okay   thank you thank you ah here I didn't see  they have a dining area oh wait I'll sit here thank you very much what is the name of this uh [Music] name   yum n c yum C yum c yeah I'm  trying I'm trying okay come go okay let's give this a try well they  put the fan rice up right in my face   but it's good because it will be spicy  it's called a spicy salad after all so   um this is the product here let's give  it a try let's first try a bit of that   Rice ooh oh yeah I tast the lemon already  here some peanuts also with ginger o my favorite I think I will need a drink  with this as well because um it's pretty spicy the rice is something very special it's  like crunchy rice crunchy rice it's actually   very good yeah it's almost like the rice that  you leave in the pan that it's a bit too much   fried that is sticking to the pan well that's  what what it tastes like but it's good I like it wow it tastes so fresh with the  ginger ginger lemon I still have no   clue what these white things are but  it makes like um a little bit of a jelly then I guess this is fermented  pork the funny thing is it's not fried   I think or maybe this fried  a little bit but not much at all do you have some water  yeah yeah I have okay thank [Applause] you oh thank you very much definitely need this because it's pretty spicy  even though I ask little spicy or medium spicy   but it's still all right guys done let's see  how much it is uh excuse me uh how much is it   uh 60 what what is 70 [Music] 70 okay it's okay  it's okay change for you change for you okay   kaphun ka bye-bye thank you thank you very much  thank you all right now literally my mouth is   on fire my lips are on fire and even my chin  is a little bit on fire like it's insane how   spicy that was luckily I said medium because  imagine I said yeah go ahead go wild I would   have been dying even more I think it's time for  something sweet now to kill that spiciness [Music] wow wow wow it's super super busy here  it's a Saturday today and um I think I   chose the wrong day to come here I should  have come during the week when it's uh a   bit more quiet because it's so hectic here I'm  trying to figure out what which food I should   eat but uh it's so crowded and uh there's so  much Choice like I'm so overwhelmed really um what what is inside there is it with h fish  fish no can I see how we make it yeah I'm very   curious oh it's like a paste curry curry  okay uh I think I'll risk it can I do one   piece please 30 Baht 30 Baht two wait wait  wait 30 baht uh okay wait let's see let's see ah fish what is this horseshoe crap egg can  I do horseshoe crab eggs I have no idea what it   is uh one of this please one yes yes yes oh shoot  crap eggs no idea what it is but let's give it a try let's see if I can eat somewhere here okay I uh okay spicy spicy okay okay  I'll try it I'll try it thank you come on have a little bag here the whole package I'll try right here so we have a  little I think it's banana leaves Banana Leaf and spicy sauce oo with lots  of chilies inside so banana leaves   are closed with toothpicks let's take that out okay and let's see what is inside  the package M smells very fishy   and a little bit lemony as well I  would say so this is how it looks   let's give it a try first without spicy  sauce and then we will try with spicy sauce ooh it's with lemong grass  definitely I think it's already   spicy honestly I don't think I will add  a spicy sauce because it's already spicy   enough it's horseshoe crab eggs and it's  definitely with lemongrass it's very spicy wait excuse me excuse me I don't need this no need it it's  already spicy okay it's already too already enough wow it's really good I'm not sure what  the ingredients are horseshoe crab eggs it's   like a curry but it's pretty thick and solid  like the consistency of an omelette almost I'm glad I didn't use that spicy  sauce it's definitely spicy enough okay done excuse me also this okay kaphun ka  oh okay thank you thank you M also for   my sweat because um it's hot approv so  after that spicy food I feel like it's   time for a juice or a drink at least I don't  care what it is but I need some refreshment because thai food do not underestimate the spicy level uh can I have one is a grass  jelly milk uh one one please one   okay how how is it made this what  is this this is jelly jelly this   is Sugar Sugar ah sugar and you  do also milk huh with hot milk okay so we have some milk here no okay no one okay ah what what is that water water milk  water milk water milk okay okay water jelly   a little bit of brown sugar sugar sugar  and then milk I mean milk's measuring it milk you need oh it's a mixer oh w she's very Enthusiast look at this  it's a self mixing I've never seen this   okay oh oh with eyes also yes yes yes  and then they will mixx it oh you put it here that's a little bit low for me here and  that mix everything together oh perfect okay   perect with a St okay okay H No No Need No  Need No No Need No need no need it's for   uh dining okay 20 bucks okay K thank you thank  you thank you okay I will try I will try right   now I will try right now let's see okay I'm  kidding very good very good thank you okay byebye what a legend she is grass jelly  drink yeah I tried something similar in   Malaysia but it was from a can this  one obviously is fresh tastes much better oh wow it's actually  very refreshing I don't know   milk it's more like a morning thing for me but it works M which a makes it like giv it like an extra  an extra vibe to it and again I'm making a mess W the thing is with these milky drinks when you  eat spicy food it really helps you know if you   eat like a water more waterbased drink it doesn't  help as much but the milk really helps to get rid   of the spicy levels maybe that's why they drink so  much milky drinks here in Asia I don't know but uh   it helps I'm ready for a a new spicy food after  this the problem here in Bangkok is it's really   hard to find a garbage bin a trash can it's  always a hassle even at at a market like this   you always have to go into another shop and ask  like can I throw this in your garbage bin which   is a little bit awkward if you didn't buy your  drink there so what I will do I'll just bring it   back to her um that seems like a fair option right  just bring it back it's empty finished okay okay my on to the next one for some reason it smells  a bit like the toilet of my grandma here I think   it's a soap store or something but it really  smells like the toilet of my grandma I think   it's a lavender actually that's what she  always uses to keep uh the nasty odors away   I guess but it reminds me of that and it's not  only food that you can find in wangong Market   also there's a huge clothing section that's  where I'm walking right now um also a brand   shoes not sure if they're real but I guess not  but uh you can find anything you want here I   hope there's an Electronics section I don't  know why but I'm always interested to see   the electronics but those are a bit harder  to find so um yeah let's see if there's an   electronic section would be really cool to see  some uh typical Thai Electronics if that exists even uh what is this what is this coconut  oh coconut so you put can I see can I see oh you put coconut and some herbs  inside okay can I have one portion   please 25 H 25 bu okay 25 bu okay I'll  do one of this um I don't know if it's   sweet or salty I'm actually more in the salty  mood right now but if it's sweet I'll take it uh okay okay you can you don't have to close no no  back no back I eat I will eat right now okay okay so she cuts it by two pieces  and then close it up then you fold   it oh no she cuts it again folds it  okay that's one piece okay let's give   it a try I have no idea what  it is but all I know is with coconut D it's dripping oh it's with  fresh coconut I thought it would be a   bit more hard but because it's still hot  it's um pretty liquidy you can see it's dripping oh damn I didn't expect  this do you have tissue tissue for I'm making a whole mess here I didn't expect this   I think I need to wait until it's  a bit colder and then I can eat it properly okay thank you thank you okay I'll find a more quiet place because  um it's a bit too busy here to eat and it's   also too hot so I'll just wait for a bit let  it cool down and then continue okay guys second   try I'm really struggling here with one hand  leaning my little plate here on the side of a railing oh yeah now that it's a bit  colder it's easier to eat before it   was super liquidy was Dripping all over  my face all over my back it's with corn   actually so it's um coconut and sweet corn  by the way I wash my hands like 5 minutes   ago so that's why I can lick my fingers cuz I  know you guys in the comments will comment on that it's actually really good sweet  corn cocon up surround to BU some dough oh wow this is next step good hell yeah this is the situation me holding  on to this holding on to my camera   and trying to eat at the same time  not easy to do a street food Vlog here so they're actually different flavors  this one is not so sweet it's more salty and   there's some spring onions in it that's what I  saw the green bits in it it's actually spring onion so it's a mix of salty and sweet I think  there're actually three flavors so there's one   with sweet corn there's one with spring onions  and then there's this one I think it's with mushrooms I didn't even realize sorry guys see okay guys finished it but uh if I would  have to choose a favorite I would say for   the dessert definitely the one with sweet  corn um as a salty Savory I would go for   the one with spring onions the mushroom ones is  least favorite of mine so uh but overall very delicious the security guard is running for his  phone because he wants to subscribe to my channel   what a legend and you guys are also Legends if  you're still watching and if you watch until the   end you will be a true legend yes YouTube YouTube  I show you I show you you subscribe subscribe okay   Security Guard Security my name my name YouTube  oh yes yes my name oh can you switch yes yes yes this one okay here subscribe W  yo okay okay okay okay boom oh c c   c m wow my first subscribers here in the  streets of Bangkok it's a security guard   so I hope he spreads the message to  everybody here at Wang Lang market   so I will have a million new subscribers  probably because there's so many people here can I have one um one egg soft  roty please soft ryg yeah with egg   yeah yes one please oh people order  really a lot for the whole family no   for my friends oh so many so many I  thought for you alone no I just need [Music] one yes another the door cutting it up uh yes please yes please some condensed  milk to make it extra sweet yes yes little bag okay perfect yeah oh nice okay thank you  40 okay okay how many pieces do you make a day yeah ask how many pieces do you make a day 400 oh wow very good very good okay all  right cof C working on my accent let's see   how the W long roty lady uh does her  job I'm sure it will be delicious you   can smell it you know and you can see that  lady she has been doing that for many many   years probably so she's an expert in that  I'm sure 400 pieces a day for I don't know   how many years already wow it would be nice  to have a spot uh I'm sorry excuse me can I   sit here sit here okay that's a bit awkward  you know to share a bench with a stranger but   there's really no other option roty by  the river all by myself let's give it a try yeah my neighbor must be thinking who   is this guy talking to well to  my camera I have a nice little Fork this is what we're dealing  with soft egg Ry with condensed milk oh hell yeah this is definitely  a perfect dessert honestly with a   little bit of chocolate would  be even better but it's already perfect dangerous stuff here and honestly such a roty it's   perfect after all the spicy  food I had it's perfect for them Roy approved better than the Pu roty lady  the wangl Rotty lady is a new Legend of Bangkok   so guys it's time to go because I did about four  laps at the Wang Lang Market I saw every stall   four times and uh that's more than enough and  I'm uh very satisfied as well my belly is full   um enough food for today maybe enough food  for the whole week uh but um it was really   delicious spicy but delicious I think the key is  to switch it up between a bit uh spicy and then a   bit like um sweet you know if you switch it up  a little bit then it eliminates the spicyness   from your from your mouth that's my trick at  least so uh but I want to thank you all for   watching and uh yeah of course you already know  if you're still watching you're a legend legend

2024-05-08 06:21

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