I Travelled To The UK’s Most Northern Point | Shetland Islands

I Travelled To The UK’s Most Northern Point | Shetland Islands

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foreign they think of Edinburgh or the Scottish Highlands however there's so much more to Scotland than that the Shetland Islands located 100 miles north of Scotland have a long history dramatic scenery and an abundance of Wildlife there's so much to experience from incredible hikes to stunning beaches to locally sourced Foods join me as I explore the Shetland Islands and make my way to the most northern point of the UK in my previous video I shared my experience taking the northlink ferry with my camper van from Aberdeen to Lyric in Shetland since I wanted to bring my vehicle I took the ferry but you can also fly to Shetland from Glasgow Edinburgh takes around an hour and 30 minutes even though Shetland is part of Scotland and the northernmost region of the UK we're very close to Norway right now there are over A Hundred Islands in Shetland but from what I can see online only around 16 are inhabited I heard that the windseer are continuous and strong and because of that there are not many trees well I've only just arrived and I don't know if you can see the camper van shaking from side to side but that's already proven to be correct foreign [Applause] near the south of the main island there is an airport and after the airport there are some things to see but in order to get there you have to cross the runway of the airport can you believe it so maybe you've seen a train crossing with barriers before but this is an Airport runway Crossing so I'm going to cross it now there doesn't seem to be any planes around and the barriers do seem to be open but I just think it's really interesting I've never seen that before [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] so I'm here at the airport so if you fly from Glasgow or Edinburgh or probably other places too this is where you're going to arrive a friend who's from Shetland told me that flights are often canceled due to the fog so it can be quite unpredictable if you do book a flight so the ferry is more reliable so that's coming in 20 minutes that plane yeah oh wow and it's wow we'll just land right over there behind you on that Runway it should be running on zero nine so I was just thinking to the man at the airport and he said there's a plane coming in from Aberdeen shortly so I'm going to watch it come in so crazy that the plane is going to land just where I was driving one moment ago um but yeah I'm gonna wait and see it it'll just be here shortly foreign located in the southern part of the Shetland Mainland among its notable sites is jelshoff an ancient settlement discovered in the late 19th century jelshoff offers insights into human habitations spanning thousands of years with layers of structures representing various eras including the Viking period these well-preserved structures provide a glimpse into the evolving architectural Styles and ways of life through history within the sambara region perched on summer ahead stands the impressive zumbra Lighthouse this historic Lighthouse constructed in the 19th century has been a reliable guide for ships and a crucial element of Maritime safety for well over a century positioned on a rugged Headland the lighthouse offers panoramic views of the Majestic North Sea attracting numerous visitors who are captivated by its beauty and historical significance the weather is crazy later on it's meant to be sunny I am looking forward to the Rain stopping I've just arrived at the yelhoff I think it's called over there this is one of the most important sites on Shetland and you can learn a lot about history certain Ponies are smaller horses which can be found on Thailand so I just pulled up at this beach here and look at the seals on the beach can you see them wow the lighting is incredible there they are they're just relaxing on the beach oh amazing so I was chatting to a local guy earlier today and he told me that if he was traveling in a van he'd come up here to see The View and I just came here and I think I think the best view I've seen in Shetland so if you're watching this video thank you so much for telling me about it oh my goodness oh I don't know if the camera can do this view justice but you can see right over Sydney's aisle The Amazing Blue Water the whole way around Ninja's aisle the rocks and the cliffs are incredible and also the Sun is setting behind it is just magnificent minions is one of shetland's most stunning beaches known for its tombolo which connects the mainland to the Isle of saint nunyan this beautiful beach has pristine White Sands and turquoise Waters and I enjoyed the three-hour walk around followed by swim in the freezing cold water so I've just arrived now at something which I'm so excited about on Shetland these are cake honesty boxes so in other places you might have seen like egg honesty boxes when I lived in Japan there was a lot of vegetable ones for buying potatoes and things like that at the side of the road but has anyone heard of cake honesty boxes before and this is very exciting so there's wonders here I'm going to go and have a look inside and see what they have there is the cake honesty box so it's like a fridge at the side of the road and there's also a picnic bench there so you could sit there and have your cake and it's a bit windy and rainy today but yeah and it's on sunny days that'll be nice and let's go and have a look inside [Applause] [Music] wow oh it smells so good so they have this one Chocolate Crunch Ness primary Chocolate Crunch wow they have Biscoff slice that looks good and they have gluten-free and dairy-free is this gluten-free dinner feet chocolate brownie oh I think this is the winner this one looks very very good I'm going to try the chocolate brownie so this one's called picnic press and it says here that you can pay with the QR code or card you can also put the cash in here [Music] oh getting back into the car so nice okay so I just paid and I it was three pounds 50 and I got my chocolate brownies so let's try them smells so good it's chocolate brownies and all the ingredients and allergens are on the back as well okay let's have a bite oh they're really fudgy oh wow oh they are so good absolutely excellent extremely addictive I think they're the best brownies I've ever had I much prefer the fudgy brownie to a cakey brownie [Music] thank you [Music] Sunday teas in Shetland are a tradition in the local community bringing people together in a warm and welcoming atmosphere these gatherings attended by locals and visitors offer a chance to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and indulge in a variety of home-baked treats with a population of approximately 23 000 people in the Shetland Islands Sandy tea serve as a great opportunity for the community to come together socialize and Savor the delicious homemade cakes soup sandwiches and other Delicacies that showcase the hospitality and Community Spirit of Shetland I saw a sign on the road for a Sunday tea and decided to visit for eight pounds I had Tatian Lake soup tatty's a Scottish word for potato in case you didn't know and I finished with millionaire cheesecake foreign [Music] just finished my soup and my sweet and it was a fantastic 10 out of 10. if you're in Shetland and you have the opportunity to go to Community Hall to one of the Sunday lunches or Sandy teas definitely recommend it food was amazing that millionaire cheesecake that I had for dessert was incredible I'm going to try and make that home myself sometime it's so nice that they do these things in my local area in Scotland a lot of these events are organized to the church whereas here it seems to be a lot in the community halls and it's a really nice place for people to get together and everyone there was so friendly which was really good oh [Music] I've arrived at Mid Beach and this is a beach that is listed as being one of the most beautiful beaches on Shetland it looks like there are so many beautiful beaches on Shetland and when the sun is out the water is so blue it's just like the Caribbean it might be a bit rainy and cold today for a swim but I'm going to walk down to the beach and have a look and see what it's like [Music] okay the sun is out and oh my goodness Blue Water is this even Scotland the water is just incredible it's so blue oh my goodness so beautiful I love it it honestly does look like Cuba I remember it I think the best feature I've seen in the world within Cuba and uh it's a very similar color I can't believe this is in my own country it's so funny I spent all this time traveling the world but there's all these beautiful things little place so close to where I'm from so this one is min Beach the previous Beach I went to was a different one and it's about a five minute walk from the car park to get down to the beach looks amazing foreign [Music] there's no one here I'm the only person on the beach when the sky is blue the water just matches it's incredible it's so clear one thing I've really noticed in Shetland is how clean all the beaches are and there's really little rubbish so perhaps the locals are picking up rubbish or there just isn't that much rubbish here and in the sea but it's really nice I wish all beaches were like that if you do come to Shetland definitely come to this beach and try and come on a nice day if you can it's incredible how quickly the weather's changed this morning as you saw was so rainy and I mean it just seems like a completely different day you just have to be prepared for All Seasons when you come to Scotland and obviously Shetland as well the really great thing is that the days are so long here so the sun sets around 9 45 tonight so now it's about 5 30 p.m and but there's still like another four hours of daylight so I'm planning to still go to a few more places today to make the most of this nice weather [Music] foreign [Music] I love the name of this town and there's a really interesting castle and Museum here and I was at the local Visitor Center in one of the different towns and the lady recommended me to visit the museum here in Skyway as there's some interesting history about World War II so I've just parked up and I'm going to head inside and have a look around in there the scally Museum located in the village of scalaway on the mainland of Shetland is a museum that preserves and showcases the history of the area including the important role of fishing in the local economy the Museum's exhibits cover the fascinating Shetland bus operation during World War II highlighting The Bravery of Norwegian and Shetland Sailors as well as the fishing and whaling industry with artifacts and information that illustrate its significance in shaping the Island's economy and culture with an entry fee of five pounds this fantastic Museum provides visitors with a deeper understanding of these historical events and industries celebrating the resilience and Cooperative Spirit of the people involved foreign [Music] restaurant in scalaway to try the renowned Seafood of Shetland I had the calm skink a creamy Scottish seafood soup served for the traditional Shetland bannock bread it tasted absolutely amazing fishing holes are significant place in the daily life of the Shetland Islands and continues to play a crucial role in the local economy with its abundant fishing grounds the islands rely on commercial fishing catching species such as haddock called Whiting and mackerel Shetland Seafood known for its superior quality is highly sought after both locally and internationally making Shetland a notable Seafood destination to further experience shetland's fishing Heritage my friend from Shetland prepared a delicious meal for me using locally caught fish it was amazing so what we have here is a salted Viking so this has been soaked in very salty water for a few days and that's hung up to dry for about around three weeks to a couple of months to preserve it and this is a heady this is called in the North Sea so for this one we'll boil it and that kind of helps take out some assault and we're going to barbecue The Heading so this one's here are heading also but it's been smoked so these are um yeah we're going to barbecue these as well so it's keepers [Music] thank you [Music] I've arrived here at SNS at the Lighthouse which is on the west side of Shetland it's seven o'clock in the morning I woke up really early today the weather is incredible and I'm going to do the hike in this area it says that it takes about three hours there's a really good book actually which explains all the hikes in Scotland I'll link it below in case you're interested to have a look but it has all the popular hikes on Shetland it has maps and it also explains how long it'll take and how many kilometers and details that you need to know this hike apparently has amazing Cliffs I'm not sure if I'll be able to fly the Drone it's very very windy and but I'll try my best let's go there are lots of seabirds nesting in the cliffs all around Shetland actually not just here and I found this egg it's like a blue color it's very very small if anyone knows what egg it is please leave a comment below I heard that you can see puffins along here so fingers crossed so I can see some buttons today I've never seen muffins before every year around this time they come back here to nest and lay their eggs [Music] so high I think if you're scared of heights this might not be the best place to come you can stay in a little bit further this is called the holds of Scara I just walked over the top of that area wow incredible [Music] see see how its ways [Music] The Truth About Us [Music] I have just arrived at Frankie's fish and chips in a town called Bray and this is the UK and Scotland's northernmost fish and chip shop I can't wait to try it I love fish and chips so I'm the first person to enter the chip shop and there are so many yummy things on the menu they're smoked haddock fish and chips regular haddock fish and chips scampi and there's also specials lots of different flavors but there's mussels with lots of different flavors also scallops as well so if you like seafood I think coming here is an absolute must fish and chips is basically a famous dish all over the UK and Scotland and it's very good to have it with vinegar especially on the chips not Everyone likes it it's salt and then the tartar sauce that's so good with fish and chips as well let's put some ketchup on as well [Music] [Music] oh that was so good I'm so full but uh still room for some dessert Cream Egg even though Easter is past these are my favorite sweets in Scotland and if you come and you see them you must try them it's like chocolate with um like an egg sweet egg filling but it's not egg I don't know what it is it's like cream but if you come to Scotland please try cream eggs foreign terminal so I'm going to be going from the main island over to an island called Yale so I better not yell in him too loud just joking the fairy's just appealing in just now and there's two lanes for booked and unbooked I haven't booked so I'm in the unbooked Glen doesn't look like anyone's booked for this very [Music] you can stay in the ferry or you can go upstairs I'll go and have a look upstairs after I've paid 50 returns so that takes me all the way to Yale and then to end if I go today and it also gets me back onto the mainland I think that's a really good price good [Music] thank you inside you can pay here so there are some envelopes p and then also there are some Bank details if you want to pay by bank transfer so the price to stay here is 20 pounds per night and that will include the electricity and then tenths or 10 pounds a night [Music] foreign I just went into the local convenience store here on Yale and I got some bannocks so these are from Shetland they look a combination between a scone and a piece of bread like a roll so I'll try these later on and I got my favorite Tatty scones and these are potato scones so these are one of my favorite foods from Scotland they're so heavy they're like compared to the bannocks they're like three times the weight um I love Tatty scones and they're from a local bakery here on Shetland so I'm going to have these later with butter I have some orkney butter in the fridge um if you ever have a chance to try Tatty scones definitely have them because they're still good convenience store here is actually better stock than my Village um in my town and this this community has heard so many things in it amazing selection of frozen food fresh fruits and vegetables you have everything you need in there in this store it was so well stocked and then the boy working there was so friendly okay on the next ferry to the island of Ernst and there is the sea just out there [Music] so last night I parked here there's space for about five or six Camper vans you can plug in the electric fill up the water and there's also toilets and showers just nearby the hostels just up there and inside the hostel there's a kitchen where you can do your washing up and also your laundry oh no no no no no no no [Music] thank you foreign [Music] ly point of the UK and it is about a round trip three hour hike and to get to the most northernly point I think it's around an hour hour and a half there is a chance of seeing puffins on this hike which is so exciting so fingers crossed I'll have good luck for that [Music] thank you [Music] hermanus is a nature reserve on the Isle of ants known for its stunning Coastal Cliffs and diverse seabird colonies including puffins and gannets I was incredibly lucky to see puffins for the first time in my life puffins typically return to Shetland in the spring to breed and Nest forming large colonies on Coastal Cliffs and Islands almost at the Viewpoint for the lighthouse is it visible is it visible please hopefully foreign [Music] Nature Reserve you can see the Rocky island of Muckle flugger home to the historic Muckle flugger Lighthouse which guides ships through the treacherous Waters behind the lighthouse is the rock called outstack the northernmost point of the UK as soon as I turned that camera around a huge Cloud came and I got absolutely soaked the weather forecast this evening was all sun and luckily I had my waterproof with me but I got absolutely soaked for like five minutes this is the reason I wanted to come to Shetland I saw this view on the wild Isles David Attenborough TV show and after I saw that view I just wanted to come to Shetland and I made it to the most northernly point of the UK yeah thank you [Music] foreign I finished my trip in lyric the capital of Shetland I went on the seabirds and seals Boat Trip which I highly recommend during the Excursion I had the opportunity to see seals and lots of seabirds if you're lucky you might even spot otters dolphins or orcas I also explored lyric itself and enjoyed an evening of traditional music at the journey Pub [Music] my time in Shetland has been Unforgettable and exploring these islands by campervan has been an incredible experience I've shared numerous photos from my trip on Instagram so feel free to have a look thank you for watching this video and if you'd like to see more of my Adventures exploring Scotland please subscribe to the channel see you next time [Music]

2023-06-30 22:48

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