I Took China's Futuristic Self-Driving Bus (Safe?!)

I Took China's Futuristic Self-Driving Bus (Safe?!)

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check it out they have a bus here without a  driver it's a self-driving bus I am in Guangzhou,   southern China and in this video we are going  to take a self-driving bus that operates here   in the city this feels futuristic here while  I'm trying to find this bus I will show you   around we will get some First Impressions try  some local food and I will also show you two   more futuristic things I came across here so  what's Guangzhou like and how futuristic is   China really let's find out feel free to join  and welcome to Guangzhou today is my first day   here I just left my hotel I arrived yesterday  evening and now we're getting some very first   impressions of this mega city here yeah over 20  million people are living here and I'm coming   from a small village in Germany so this is like  a different world from me totally so I'm quite   excited to have a look around and take you guys  with me and also have a look at this there are   so many bicycles here that you can rent you can  just scan the QR code here and then pay via an   app and then you can rent these bicycles here  to cruise around the town and I remember when   I was in Shanghai I also saw many of these bikes  all around the city and also we have all these   electric scooters here cruising around the town  very quiet they make almost zero noise and I have   to feeling that these are required to be electric  also most of the cars here or at least many seem   to be electric and therefore the noise level is  actually quite low so actually that's also very   surprising first impression you arrive in a city  of over 20 million people and the first thing you   think is wow it's got to be chaotic loud but  no that's not the case it's actually quite   quiet here as you can hear so we have a big Main  Road here but you almost hear nothing and yeah I   am not sure how many of the cars are actually  electric but my impression is that it's a lot   of cars here so very good first impressions here  no chaos very clean seems to be well organized   maybe you saw my previous video of my arrival  here we already got some first impressions of   the Metro system and well the huge buildings here  a that looks interesting oh we can buy something   here on the streets oh some bracelets hello niow  what are you selling here oh some bracelets oh   amulets here oh that looks interesting Chu chenu  what is that I don't speak [Music] Chinese uh how much 15 maybe she means 15  I'm not sure let's see uh oh   I don't speak [Laughter] Chinese  no English English no English no Chinese let's see if we can buy something from her   despite the language where we  are 100 100 how much for the bracelet uh maybe this one the green one yeah I think she's also getting out a translator  yeah you have to work your way around the   language barrier which is totally fine I don't  expect that people here speak English this is   China not England 50 you have a little bit  cheaper let's see if we can bargain here I'm   not sure if you can bargain in China 45 how  about let's see if I can make a counter offer 30 she's smiling okay okay this one okay okay  okay okay Che thank you very much okay bye-bye   bye-bye bye-bye oh and just like that we bought  something from a lovely lady here on the street   I found a little Park along the way and something  that I see all around the city are people cleaning   you see the the guy with the with the blue uh  jacket there he's swiping the floor and you see   that actually all around the cities that there  are people probably employed by the by the city   cleaning the roads and that leads to a very clean  environment here you can see this park here super   clean nothing to complain about nice little spot  to hang out it is a Sunday early afternoon now   so you can see families here there's even water  let's have a closer look actually oh we do have   a map here oh also an English here that is quite  convenient oh actually it looks like a quite big   Park here right oh check it out that looks lovely  and wow I like views like this with a big skylight   in the background oh I love that well we have  a vending machine here but I'm not sure how   to pay here and everything is in Chinese here  yeah there are some difficulties that you come   across when being in China as a foreigner but  I would like to try to figure it out now let's   see if I can get a Sprite ah you can scan it  with alipay let's try I have alipay now and   yes payment successful it worked I was able to  get a Sprite here so once you're connected with   the Chinese apps everything is more convenient  here I got a Sprite and what I like here same as   Coca-Cola they don't write Sprite on it they  have a Chinese translation on it and China's   actually the first country that I travel to where  they actually translate the drinks like Coca-Cola   and Sprite even if you are in like Thailand or  Malaysia the Philippines they write Sprite on it   the English word but here they have a different  word written on it and also here another person   cleaning the floor this is now I think the third  person already that I see in this park cleaning   and I'm here for only 5 minutes yeah hello wow  I love sceneries like this this is a beautiful   Park a beautiful Sunday afternoon here you are  surrounded by all these huge skyscrapers here   a I really like the city so far maybe let me  quickly compare to Shanghai maybe some of you   have seen my videos in Shanghai from a few weeks  ago and Shanghai and guango now are the only two   cities I have ever visited in mainland China  so let me do a quick comparison to my first   impressions obviously I'm just here for this is  my first day here so less than 24 hours but my   Impressions so far are it is actually quite  similar to Shanghai in terms of uh it looks   organized it is clean modern buildings but I  do have the impression that Shanghai is a bit   richer which I think Shanghai is a richer city  than guango so it feels a bit more rich and Posh   in Shanghai and I also think that Shanghai is a  bit more modern but uh these are just literally   my first impressions so if you have been to both  of these cities as well maybe you can let me know   your thoughts about it in the comments and yeah  in case you don't know yet I'm going to travel   around China on this trip so I'm not only going  to stay here in guango I have other cities on   my list to visit so if you're curious to follow  the journey feel free to subscribe to the channel   you know what's always very interesting for me  when I am in a new country just to witness the   daily life of the locals this is a regular Sunday  afternoon today and just walking around here and   see what the locals are doing I don't know maybe  it's just Me Maybe it sounds very boring for you   but I really enjoy just have a walk around and  just witness the daily life of the local like   check it out the children's are too fast the mom  is chasing them little random things like this   which are pretty normal in every country you know  I would say in every country that I travel to in   the end the people all over the world are all the  same doing the same daily things 99% of the people   around the world are very friendly and welcoming  but moments like this are always moments that I   really enjoy while traveling and this reminds  me once again that yeah I just love traveling   and experiencing new countries check it out I  have an interesting looking Stadium here which   I don't think it's a sports Stadium because  there's no field here and it's not totally a   360° with seats I think it's probably a stadium  for concerts or events and this actually looks   unique I'm not sure what these pillars here are  for reminds me a little bit of uh have you seen   the Harry Potter movies The crage Stadium but I  am getting hungry what I'm missing is some street   food here now you know little stalls selling some  food oh I think this is the center point here this   is the middle of the the area yeah right in the  center huh pretty cool view here there are so   many green areas here that's also something that  I noticed in Shanghai already the city has a lot   of green areas Parks spread around the city it  seems to be the same case here as well so when   you live here you actually have a lot of places  where you can just go chilling especially on the   weekends enjoy the sun enjoy the weather check  this kite out I think this is the longest kite   I've ever seen starting right there there's an old  man and he's like making it longer and longer wow   this is insane must be like maybe like 50 to 60  of these little kites stick together and I also   want to show you something that I came across  in my hotel earlier check it out there's a robot   here and I think the robot is delivering  something to the room here oh that is very interesting and now the robot is just driving away again welcome to China this is incredible  let's follow the a [ __ ] oh wow what's it   saying working do not disturb let's see how is the  robot taking the elevator it says waiting so how   does the elevator know that the robot is waiting  maybe the elevator is connected to the robot wow   the robot knows that the elevator is here now and  it's going into the elevator wow guys I'm out of   words this is the first time I see this WOW have a  look at this we have street food here as well that   looks good actually hello what is this with egg  ah okay one please okay five okay not sure what   it is but I'm happy to try I think he meant this  is with egg so egg and then Flor so maybe like a   little pancake we also have sausages here okay  let's see any okay okay ah I think there's egg   inside W looks like a little pancake filled with  egg I think that's what it is um my my no just a   few pip okay thank you all right I think it is  very hot maybe too hot for me to eat it right   here you don't find street food everywhere like in  Southeast Asia in Thailand for example or Malaysia   but you can find little stalls here and there  okay so it looks like this it smells actually   it smells sweet I think the dough might be sweet  and then we have a yeah basically a fried egg here   here you can see it a fried egg as a filling  let's give it a try yeah the dough is sweet   the dough is sweet and I think there's also bacon  inside here bacon or ham not sure but wow this is   actually very delicious I like the combination  of the sweet dough and then the Savory filling   with the egg and the the ham or bacon oh this is a  great little snake just 5 and I was walking around   for over an hour here now I'm close to 20,000  steps so a little bite like this is perfect oh   and I think there are also small pieces of tomato  here I can also a taste of tomato I think and the   last bite is just pure dough any adjusted dough  tastes like a regular sweet pancake oh that was   very delicious very nice so this possible to  also find a little bit of street food here but   yeah not as much as in Southeast Asian countries  okay but I'm actually hungry for some proper food   and there's a restaurant right here that looks  good Chinese food let's see what I can get here   okay what I order it now is LA Tan sauerkraut  beef noodles and what's interesting is that   sour Crow actually is a German name so the English  translation translate it to sour Crow do you also   use the word sauerkraut in English it is a German  word but yeah I heard before that in some parts of   China sauerkraut is actually very popular I like  the open kitchen area here so you can basically   see how they prepare the food here so everything  is of course freshly prepared and I actually saw   that many Chinese restaurants before that you  have this type of design like an open kitchen   area here which I actually like when you go to  a restaurant in Germany it's always like I can't   remember seeing an open kitchen area like this  ever in a German restaurant It's Always Somewhere   hidden and there's my food already oh shishy thank  you very much oh that actually looks like a huge   portion this is way bigger than I was expecting  but wow this looks delicious so we have the beef   here we have the sauerkraut we have noodles some  vegetables and wow we also have some beans here   oh oh wow and that smells delicious and then wow  this is I think the biggest spoon I've ever seen   maybe I'm going to eat this wrong now not sure  how you actually use the spoon maybe you put   the noodles like this on the spoon maybe this is  completely wrong I'm not sure oh this definitely   felt wrong because the spoon is way too big to fit  it in the mouth actually okay the first impression   is actually kind of sour I guess that's coming  from the sour crowd so it's a sour meal oh the   beef the beef is really really good not chewy  sometimes beef is a bit chewy but this is very   smooth very easy to eat and then oh we actually  do have a lot of noodles in here I think the   noodles are quite regular I would say nothing too  special but what makes this dish special is the   the sour taste to it usually I'm not a huge fan  of sour dishes but this actually is quite nice   it's not too sour but you can definitely taste  the sourness okay I finished everything what's   left is only the broth and what's interesting  here is you have a little section of the table   here which you can open and then you have tissues  too Pickers but you need to know about that I was   just asking for tissues and then he said oh  it's right here and what's also interesting   what I noticed that it seems to be the case that  in most Chinese restaurants you always have to pay   first before you eat eat which in Germany where I  am from It's usually the other way around unless   it's a fast food restaurant okay I just took the  metro to the Canon Tower station and this is the   tower probably the famous the most famous building  here in grango but I am not here for the tower I   am here to find something very unique so this is  the River Front next to the Canton Tower which   actually looks pretty beautiful it's a very nice  place to chill have a little walk around you can   have a view over the water here the river then you  have the skyline over there and then what a cool   area to just ww around sit down a little bit have  a coffee or a tea together with friends there are   also some boats here which I think uh looks like  a restaurant maybe I see tables on the on the top   there so maybe this is a restaurant boat as well  hello what are you doing here I think he can do   my signature here design my signature so we have  to pay 18 un and then then he gives me a set of   different options and what do I have to write  here your name my name so he's transforming it   now into signatures let's have a look what he's  doing here okay he's redesigning the letters   basically writing it in a more beautiful way so  each of the fields that he's uh filling out now   has a different meaning so the first one is like  a business signature so everything in different   designs are now but yeah you can still recognize  my name oh that looks very beautiful oh nice here   thank you so I have a little souvenir here bought  right uh in front of the famous Canton Tower right   here oh we also have the tower here oh yeah oh  sh thank you very much check it out they have a   bus here without a driver it's a self-driving bus  Which operates here in Gro without a driver that   is very interesting so we have all the the cameras  here which the bus definitely needs and then let's   figure out how to use this bus so we have cameras  at the back as well so there's actually a person   in there which is like uh the operator but he's  not actually driving the bus he's just supervising   everything because as far as I understand this  is still in the testing mode so I can pay as well   here with alipay you just scan it and then you  have Al pay payment here this Field's futuristic   here safe driving bus I'm not sure if I'm worried  or scared a little bit maybe but I mean this is   there's still a person here supervising everything  so I feel actually safe to be honest okay he told   me to put on the seat belt obviously my first  time in a safe driving bus in a safe driving   vehicle in general so let's see what's happening  here so he's not doing anything wow oh wow this   feels weird at some point okay so it's stopping  automatically at the red light show you show you he's talking with the bus what did he say to  adjust the temperature to 18° so he can verbally   say he wants lower temperature and then the bus  reacts with putting the temperature lower wow   any yeah check it out he's not doing anything  with his hands and also the feet there's no   accelerator or something and the bus is just  selfly operating around the streets here now I   can imagine in like 20 30 years this is going to  be very normal probably all around the world but   I already can experience this here in 2024 and  China also there's a button here which probably   can stop the bus immediately in case anything  does go wrong also it's not the fastest bus I   think I read before that is around 40 or maximum  speed is 40 km per hour probably also still for   safety reason that we're not speeding along  the streets here okay so we have red light   which the bus noticed and it's stopping and it's  stopping perfectly at the right line so there was   a bicycle driving bik and you could see in the  screen the object or the bicycle driver appeared   on the screen and then it turned red so there  was like a warning signal so the bus really   detects if people are in front of the bus oh and  by the way check out this car here oh wow okay   I'm wondering now why does the bus change the  lane how does the bus know when to change the   lane okay there's traffic coming from the side  and the bus slows down yeah you can see on the   screen that the objects in front of us are being  detected and we have a bus stop here now yeah the   bus automatically stops at the stop and then we  have someone going in no and the steering wheel   is turning automatically and we're going back  on the road to be honest it feels a little bit   weird but I enjoy it more than I am worried now ah  yeah so here you have also a map for the stops so   it's one I think we're doing a circle basically  what's also interesting here at these stops he's   not pressing a button or something to like close  the door doors are open the doors everything is   automatic in here the guy is literally just  sitting here seems to be the easiest job in   the world to be honest let me know in the comments  if you would uh like to try one of these buses or   would you be too scared or worried let me know oh  we're doing a U-turn here now oh there's incoming   traffic oh oh oh okay the bus is waiting let the  the German car passing by the Audi okay and now   we continue the journey so the bus did detect  the traffic coming from the side and we did a   successful U-turn here okay and about 20 minutes  later we are back where we started that was very   very interesting so you can see or we do actually  have an accelerator and the brake there which has   probably for emergency purposes but you could see  he didn't do anything with his feet to hold right   and he also didn't use the steering wheel very  interesting thank you very much thank you wow   what a great experience a self-driving bus here  in China okay they also have Street robots here   for cleaning the city wow so there are cameras  everywhere here and then there's a robot picture   here and then I guess if this thing is turned  on then it just automatically drives around   the streets here cleaning it you can see here  the things that he uses to clean the roads so   we have robots for cleaning the streets we have  robots delivering food in the hotel and we have   to self driving bus okay and in the next video  I actually will be joined by a local friend and   she will show us around some food spots and  yeah I'm having great first impressions here   I am very excited to be back in China many  more videos from China are about to come and   if you're curious to see my previous video my  arrival here in guango then feel free to check   it out right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-02-02 17:25

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