I Got Lost in the FIFA World Cup Stadium of Indonesia

I Got Lost in the FIFA World Cup Stadium of Indonesia

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all right all right guys welcome to another  video I'm here in Chi Day south of bandong   in Indonesia and uh today we're going  on a little road trip uh we're starting   off here in Chi Center and uh we will  make our way to some beautiful nature   attractions and eventually to bandong  City so that's the plan for today let's go so bandong Stadium here oh it's for for what  football no lots of sports lots of different   sports here oh I can see it's really big but  they're still still under construction yes oh   but I can go inside already or not think no  no oh it would be nice to visit looks brand   new stadium for all kinds of sports Olympic  Games and Stuff wow that it looks beautiful   okay I'll try to get in maybe from the other  side yeah so I go there and then around turn   left turn left okay I'll check I'll check  thank you thank you yeah I randomly passed   by the stadium here and it looks very impressive  and I thought maybe I can go inside but um this   man told me that I need to go straight and then  left and then maybe I'll be able to get in but   it seems that it's still on a construction  but may maybe partially in use already not   sure so I did what the man said I went  straight and now I'm going left but uh   I'm really not sure if this is open the gate  is open but am I allowed to go in maybe I'll ask hello sir um can I go inside is it  possible to go inside is it possible to   go inside okay it's for what FIFA U7 World Cup  oh this year or this year okay okay okay I'll   check okay okay uh so he said it's okay to  go in I think I'm really not sure it seems   a little bit abandoned here or on construction  or something let's see if I can go in can I go   in oh does it work thank you I don't know what  I need to do oh there's like a big lake here I   guess they're doing all kinds of sports here man  is fishing oh they're all fishing hello so let's   just uh drive around here Sak harupat yeah um  I need to Google what U7 is I think it's for   the youngsters or something the youngsters  doing uh FIFA World Cup for the youngsters   maybe here 2023 this is this year so it probably  is finished already but you can see everything   is still on construction well not everything but  a lot I'll just uh drive around a little bit and see and I'm not alone here I guess other  people are curious as well a k this is   Stadium softball softball and baseball  on the left side and then in the front   here this looks for football it's really huge  look at this how big it is wow this is huge   let's see if we can get in but the gate seems  very closed well actually there's a gate open   there maybe I can get in I'll just park the  scooter for a minute and uh try to make my   way in I'll I'll park here in the shade let's  see let's see if we will be able to get in okay I've been on this bike for too long already  so uh let's see if we can make it inside of   the stadium I'm very curious to see it inside  honestly okay left my scooter there let's see   uh let's see if we can make it inside there  is a gate open here but that doesn't mean I'm   going uh I'm allowed to go inside of course and  uh in the meanwhile I checked and indeed you U7   is like I thought it's for the youngsters  the yous football well actually there's a   g open and there's another gate open there so  I'm have the feeling I can go inside well what   can what's the worst thing that can happen  they can throw me out no so let's see I'll   just casually walk in here but I think it's  already finished actually I should Google it   the stadium doesn't look quite finished  yet but uh I feel like the U7 World Cup   is finished already so they have the toilets  here and then here we will go straight up to   to the tribunes and see the the court the football  Court wow it's huge it's really huge look at this wow look at this guys never expected to find this  here on my little road trip Stadium jalak narupon   wow oh it would be cool to uh walk there actually  the gate everything is open here so I feel like I   can walk wherever I want nobody is stopping me I  didn't see any people yet I hear some people but   I didn't see any yet let's see if we can uh find  some people here I have a big screen here wow this   is huge this is where they will do the World Cup  or where they did the World Cup already I'm not sure okay it's super hot though  once you get off this quter and   you don't have that breeze anymore  it's pretty hot but uh yeah let's see would be cool to uh to find a ball and  shoot a shoot at the goal I'm not a good   soccer player though but I could give it a try I  used to play soccer or football when I was a kid   long time ago but maybe I still have it in me  maybe a little bit so how to go down I mean I   can go down let's see they're mowing the the lawn  and everything here but I still didn't find any people oh there's somebody there that's the  first person oh and another person there let's   see if I can go and say hi nobody's stopping me  here it's kind of funny if you would do this in   Belgium and one of the biggest stadiums  probably of the country uh I would have   been stopped at the first minute but here I  can just casually walk in nobody's stopping   me so all the gates are open also look here  the main entrance gate is also open here all   the equipment to maintain the field some  people are there let's let's go and say hi let's see if they want to throw me  out but I don't see any security here   oh there's a lot of people here  actually maybe I'll go and say hi oh they're just chilling  probably they're taking their break hello hello how are you good good  good it's still under construction under   construction yes oh when will the FIFA  World Cup start yeah when when World   Cup already done oh it's already  done I'm not sure if you understood beautiful there are some workers chilling there  oh it would be really cool if I have a ball here hello hello hello hello  oh good good video video y   yo yo yo I am from indon I am from Belgium belgia Lukaku okay I think I'm done here see how friendly people are here I'm  just basically uh trespassing here at the   stadium and everybody's super friendly  so it seems like it's not a not an issue look at the machines here wow well yeah in case you were curious how  a football stadium looks on the inside in   Indonesia here you have it yeah so those guys  were saying that the World Cup is finished   already but uh I I think honestly it's not  finished yet look there's not even a net in   the in the goal and everything so honestly I  think uh it's still has to happen maybe soon   because yeah it's almost the end of the year  so it has to happen soon if it's 2023 unless   the date is postponed or something for some  reason I don't know but uh yeah this is where   they will play this is where they will play let me  f the grass oh yes yes yes feels good feels good okay now I need to find my way out again  because I'm not really sure where I entered   I think it was somewhere there I'm not really  sure or somewhere there I don't know I'll find it thumbnail maybe maybe a thumbnail oh here for the coaches and everything wow these  seats look very comfortable honestly they're a   little bit dirty though I don't know what  happened here but yeah obviously yeah looks really cozy yeah so I'm inside the stadium now and  honestly I really have no idea where I entered   uh I'm a little bit lost here I'm sure I will  find a way out but I want to find a way way   that I came in to go out again there's a door  here I think it might be somewhere here but is   the door open that's the question is it oh it  is oh wow I don't know if I'm supposed to be here oh there's someone here let me see if  this door is open then I can make it to the   exit probably oh yeah it's open all the doors  are open here everything is open here now I   just need to find a way back to my scooter oh my  scooter is there but it's closed here there's no   way I can go out here huh okay I'll have to  go back inside oh no these are the toilets   can I go out here no [ __ ] oh and this is a  toilet for women okay I'm a little bit stuck here yeah so I'm back out on the on the  field because I couldn't get out there   but uh now I think I know where the exit  is or I mean where I came in that way you   know I don't want to overstay my welcome  here everybody seems very friendly and   everything but honestly I'm not I don't think  I'm allowed to be here so um I want to leave   soon because uh the longer I stay the more uh  time for the security to show up or something   so I'll just make my way out I think this is  the way that I came in as well let's see if   it's still open otherwise I'm kind of stuck  here well it doesn't seem open though that   seems pretty closed wait where did I come  in again or wait I came from the stairs yeah yeah I came from the stairs  so probably it's one of these entrances yeah I really didn't pay attention  how I got in here I need to make my way out again okay yes this is definitely the  way that I came in finally I found it   because I was a bit worried that I would be  stuck somewhere so I found it team was a bit   tense oh and the security is coming also  I think or what is that guy he's driving   a golf cart let's see what they're doing  maybe I can hit ride hello hello hi where   are you going oh you're going around oh I  wish I could join but they didn't uh invite me they're going around on a golf  cart I guess they're showing people   around or something or just uh security or  maintenance or whatever okay but uh this was   it for uh the stadium here in bandong  so uh time to hit the road again let's go okay there they go and here I go that way   or should I follow them let's see and  this is how the stadium looks from the outside hello hello hello hello how are you good  okay I think it's time to go now time to hit the   road so guys I just spotted this lady here which  is selling something very uh very strange hello   hello can I have a look wow this looks very creepy  wow these are snakes snake they're alive wow look   at this look at this and they're selling it in  some kind of plastic look at this wow you have   small ones here also snake snake snake snake  it's for for eating yes oh you eating oh how   you make it Grill it yeah on the barbecue oh  really really oh wow they sell the snakes for   eating wow these are really big what is the name  of the snake do you know B it's B it's not not   poisonous not poisonous wow I'm feeling already  scared to stand here I don't like snake you it's   good delicious yes very good yes delicious we're  good very good very good yes oh I don't know if   I will buy one though they're still alive even  wow these are Big no yes what is the price for   for one snake um 15 15 yes 15,000 15,000 yes  oh one one one the big one is it still alive   this one oh yeah it's still moving wow creepy wow  this is so creppy for me and uh where do you find   them you find it in the jungle or no it's only in  the water it's water snake yes oh so where do you   get in the river oh here in the rice field rice  fields oh so they get it from the rice fields and   then they and how do you catch them how do you  catch it with the hand uh sto sto St yes so what   is that St a Str and a tu electricity no with  electricity oh so you electrocute them and then   they freeze or something and then you can catch  them oh wow and I have a look look at this all   these snakes oh and they're so creepy honestly  guys if you have been watching my channel for a   while already you know I really really really  don't like snakes and uh oh I'm getting the   Shivers for them wow so they catch some in the  rice fields but this is the biggest one 100 uh   15,000 which is not even that expensive 15,000 15  and three Z no 150,000 maybe oh $15,000 that's $1 $150,000 oh and how do you how do you eat it you  cut off the hat or something yes oh and you kill   it and then fry it on the barbecue grill it  oh wow well if I if if it would be available   maybe I would try it but I'm not going to buy  one snake here and uh Grill it by myself I'm   not going to do that but maybe one day I'll  try snake I don't know if I will buy one now   because I don't have a kitchen I don't have a  Barbe C but it's the first time I see this in   Indonesia it's only in bandong or yes you can  find everywhere in Indonesia uh Indonesia it's   popular famous here oh okay okay so you can  buy Bo here alongside the street and then uh   Grill it at home if you want to so okay thank  you very much what's your name imas imas I'm   Tim nice to meet you I give you a fist bump or  no I don't care it's always confusing you know   oh wow snakes you can buy snakes here along  the road okay thank you wow it's creeping me   out guys it's creeping me out W snakes oh maybe  this man will buy snakes look he's going to buy   snake you're going to buy snake no I'm trying  to help you sell the snake but uh yeah I want   to see if somebody stops but I don't think uh  it's so so so popular cuz I've been here now   for almost 5 minutes and nobody stopped so wow  impressive so guys I'm a bit low on gasoline   you can see only two lines left so I see this  place here let me see if I uh can do a refill here with one hand it's always tricky but uh  let's see if there's somebody home um because   I never took gasoline yet in uh Indonesia  here I know they sell it by the bottle and   one bottle is one liter and uh yeah this is  the color that I need this is the gasoline   that I need there's no advertised price  but um actually there are two colors you   have a lighter color and a darker color so  there's no advertised price but apparently   it should be 10,000 for one bottle that's what  I hear Hello can I do a refill [Music] refill sorry uh do for this one refill I have no  idea what they're saying wait I'll open   it there are two kinds sorry Benz  yeah benzine benzine benzine full   full full um full Everything  full full full full yes let's see two or three maybe two three three maybe  three okay yeah in Belgium we do three like   this but people are not used to that so I need  to do like this but I'm not used to this tree   I think 3 lit three I think oh pretty yes  yes yes yes yes how much is onea for one litera Blast how much is that wait let's do on  the I'll get my phone here wait wait wait one   liter all right we have the we'll use the  calculator here let me see how much is it 15 15,000 oh that's local price it's not 10,000  no 10 no 15 okay okay okay okay three three three   three three lit full full full everything yes yes  yes yeah I don't know the guy told me 10,000 but   um yeah I don't know oh that's how they do it okay  that's 1 lit yeah I think it's 3 lit total oh how   much I don't know maybe 2 lit I don't know two or  three I don't know we will see how much I need two   lit is okay oh okay 2 lit will be okay he says  okay okay yeah we don't want to SP anything it's   full already yeah oh been almost full okay okay  okay 2 lit 2 lit da da da oh the ship are here   your ship oh they like Bully also they come to say  hi to bully oh they're scared now I scared them   off or maybe they like the smell of the gasoline  or something okay he's smoking smoking next to   the Benzene dangerous dangerous hoty Hy okay fire  30,000 yeah yeah yeah wait let me see what I have   here I have a uh wait 30,000 wait 30,000 50 I  have okay 50 50 yeah with this money I'm still   not used to it it's so much it looks so much  but actually it's not that much with all these   bills yeah oh where the ship going the ship gone  they're gone back oh yeah oh they're back to the   to the stall I don't know okay okay okay do you  know where I can see the lake the lake I want to   see the lake um water wait wait I I want to see  the lake there's a lake here this one can I see   here the lake you see water water oh can I see  yeah behind so I go straight and right yeah CH   yeah okay okay what straight right this way okay  this I follow and then follow and I will see it okay I'll find it I'll find it okay okayy yes yes yes I will I will I need my two  hands he said watch out so I'll use my two   hands and let's get back on the road YouTube  what YouTube YouTube YouTube you yes yes yes   yes yeah H say hello to you hello hello okay  let's get back on the road now I need my two   hands for this little Hill here okay guys it's  super super hot day today so I saw this guy here   selling iced tea so I definitely need that I  hope he still uh he still has some hello sir   can I order one ice tea please sat satu ice  tea satu Este Este yeah yes yes yes please   which flavor only one flavor normal normal G  normal flavor only one flavor right yeah one   flavor okay okay okay okay satu satu sat oh  yeah so I that look so good yeah it's so hot   today oh they have also ice coconut drink  there kaaa this is IC tea IC tea uh what   is this sugar or something it's sugar sugar  yeah oh yes yes oh and here you have the tea   here oh it's cold it's cold oh it's hot tea  oh but he will add ice probably I guess he   will add some ice tea uh some ice yeah yeah he's  adding ice that's what they usually do the tea   is hot but they add eyes and then it becomes  cold oh some lemon as well okay okay perfect perfect okay Liar Liar Ru I think I think that's  15,000 I'm not sure 15,000 15 five yeah okay okayu   I'm still not sure let's see what I have here I  have a 20 where do you come from from uh belgia   belgia yes yes yes it's okay you you for the  change for you okay okay I don't need a back   no bag no bag I'll drink here I'll drink here  for now for now thank you huh what what did   you say oh no no for you for you okay okay  gift gift I'll drink my ice tee straight away where belgia delicious inak okay very good very  good very good it's very hot outside wait I'll   stand here in the shade it's better here for  the sun too too much sun no yes it's better here oh this other lady also has a  she also has some drinks there maybe   I should go later there what is she selling  corn dog oh maybe I'll go for a corn dog also oh I finished that almost it's like a  brain freeze cold cold oh it's really cold   I was drinking a bit too fast panas panas yes  yes yes I need to take that Hamm off I think swimming swimming where where is  the water can I swim somewhere   here swimming where there swimming oh  maybe I go well I I have a swimming pant [Music] actually you can reuse the ice I'm  I'm kidding I'm kidding okay thank   you thank you no it's okay it's okay okay  okay okay thank you very much thank you okay guys my break is not over here I'm going  to get some food as well I saw selling some   something that uh spark my interest she  has a corn dog sais corn dog MOA sais and   corn dog mozzarella I think I go for the mo  soes which is basically a corn dog which is   a hot dog inside and then cheese outside  maybe I'll do a tea as well if I can sit   down somewhere hello hello can I order  a corn dog Mozza sauces please yes oh   can I sit down for a minute can I sit down  yes yeah oh I need some shade it's too hot outside yeah yeah no problem I'll  put my bag somewhere here put it   here oh they're selling all kinds of  stuff here like rice eggs a little bit   of everything also here what do they  have here what's this Pharmacy yeah so Pharmacy yeah leaving my scooter leaving  my scooter there in the sun is not the   best idea honestly but yeah I didn't really  have another place to put it um corn dog mois   please mois big or small uh big big and can  I Al also have one ice tea please what what   kind of tea do you have the uh I have yes  th tea th tea okay can I have the green   tea green tea okay big or small uh small  one small okay thank you one okay okay ah   she's going to prepare it right here looks  nice and clean here she's first heating the   oil oh there's a nice breeze here oh it's  very hot I've been out all day it's very hoty oh yes yes yes oh that's how you fry  it oh you need to wait for the oil oh it's   hot already already I can see so there's  like um a sausage and then surrounded by   mozzarella yes the sauses and then mozzarella  H mixed uh together yes yes yes oh seems good I   think I tried corn dog before but not with  the sausage inside only cheese frying it nicely also preparing the green tea in the  meanwhile oh what is that it's uh uh milk   ah milk oh yeah a little bit of sweet milk  sweet milk sweet milk oh sweet milk and this   one sugar sugar so a little bit of sugar also  sugar okay what else do we have that's the tea   uh green tea green tea green tea okay some green  tea mix it and then oh yeah you you blend it mix it mix it [Music] okay no don't be sorry I saved you  she was almost the tea was almost gone my hand a   little bit tea on my hand but it's okay I saved  your tea okay then we're going to add some ice no   you want add Boba goba what is that jelly jelly  oh just a little bit one spoon is okay one spoon   yeah tapa no yes yeah just okay that's enough  that's yeah yes one one one that's enough that's enough okay and then we go for the ice  that's the important step because very   help to day yes yeah so hot so hot how  you stay here all day you're used to it no oh yes yes yes meanwhile the corn dog  is frying ah yes yes exactly what I need   oh wow oh you're making a video she  was filming me behind my back how dare she oh more milk eated milk ah evaporated  milk okay okay oh so yeah let's see oh the big for Thea okay okay okay  thank you I'll have it here I will   sit down for a minute okay yes okay I'll  sit down and have my uh TI te here my Boba te o it's nice and sweet oh yeah I like [Music] it  mhm very delicious very good enough enough I can taste the the sweet  milk then the tooca balls give it   like a perfumed flavor I would say  then the uh yes please yes what is   it spicy uh spicy tomato and mayonnaise  okay okay yes thank you go for [Music] everything I think I shouldn't finished  everything yet because um the spicy stuff   is coming so I will need something to to rinse  it a bit oh yeah that looks really good oh you   don't have to close it just just like this  I I will e here yeah thank you thank you I   will e bu they're calling me here okay so we  have our moasis corn dog here let's give it a try proper cheese I love it no sign of a saage yet I take thank you welcome delicious very  good I'm looking for the sausage though   the sausage is maybe lower it's here the  sausage oh down down oh that's why now I   only have cheese M nice very good this  is your shop yes from your family yes [Music] nice oh wow it's good the  triple combo sauce really nice exactly what I needed  oh yeah now we have sausage yes it's a bit tricky to eat oh wow oh it's really good nice making a mess here okay finishing up the tea here oh good okay let's pay now uh Bara how  much 20 20 25 no 20 20 20 20 okay   let's see where my money is right I need to  figure this money out again 20 so we have 5 10 15 okay 15 you know the I'm trying  to find I'm trying to yes why uh here   take you want small bills or big bills  what do you prefer I no okay yeah okay   okay okay thank you very much I'm  going now okay thank you thank you bye-bye time to hit the road again so I'm somewhere outside bandong I'm really  not sure where the place that I came from was   called chiampas or something like that but  uh I'm riding outside more and more into the   countryside so uh it's like a different  scenery here lots of uh Greenery like uh   animals you see a little bit of everything here  it's a whole different vibe here but I'm loving   it I'm loving it we have a beautiful must here  on the left side it's under construction though   apparently wow it's really beautiful though  dude how is that going to happen okay yes wow   look at the musk here wow beautiful mashid  yumy Al Amin oh I need to watch my my back   that I'm not blocking the traffic here cuz I'm  really driving like a tourist which I am so it's okay and what do we have here some little Street foot  stall here people uh building Furniture then ice   cream man hello sir what is it juice what are you  selling kaapa no oh I thought he was selling kaapa   apparently not we have another MK here wow there  are many MKS here mashid nurul M wow so many masks here I'm really not sure where I'm going I'm  just driving and driving and driving without   any uh destination really oh and it seems  like I have to do some off-roading I might   have to do uh that with two hands let's  see let's see if I can make it with one   hand wow it's a really tiny Street here people  just chilling outside some little shops here   selling all kinds of stuff oh we have a nice  view here hello hello hello oh wow beautiful   KN beautiful oh I didn't expect this I was  actually looking already for the lake but I   didn't know it would be here wow look at this  is it possible to go down down is possible yes   I just follow here yeah okay so if I follow  this way I can make it down there somewhere   I'll try that I'll try that sorry photo okay  wait I'll stop for a minute photo photo pause   photo break okay photo here family photo it's  your daughter oh photo with the helmet and everything wait I'm covering okay so I can you much this way I can go hello hello hello I'm blocking the road here  though but I think I can still [Music] pass yeah I want to go  down there I can go down there   I just drive and then go can I be  come go there it's possible to go there English no no English you speak  English no English I want to go down   there wow it's so beautiful they have like  colorful boats and everything there there's   some music playing as well let's see if  I can drive down here and make my way   down I don't know it will be an adventure  but let's try okay I I'll go down yeah s   swimming there this way okay okay okay okay  I think we can go down but I'm really not sure okay bye-bye okay I might  need thank you too bye-bye with   one hand it's not the best idea I  think on this road but okay hello   hello everybody's watching okay  let's see if I can make it down there oh wow it's really beautiful  here guys it's really beautiful I   think there's a parking here as well can I  park here I think I can I think I will park here okay it seems like uh okay it seems  like we have made it to some kind of uh   parking place hello hello hello do you know I  can go there it's possible to go there with a   boat Bo I can go down or this way no this way  okay I have no idea it's a beautiful view here   that's all I know and there's somebody singing  very bad there in the background oh wow look   at this what is this place what is this place  it's like uh fish farms and all that stuff wow   look at this so beautiful people fishing fish  farms more fish farms somebody singing very bad uh okay let's see if we  can make it down I guess we can oh it's finished [Laughter] finally I think  it's karaoke or something but the thing is   they're on an island there so to get there you  need a boat the only way to go there is a boat wow well I knew there was a lot of waterways  and rivers and lakes around here and that's   the reason that I came here actually but I didn't  find the lakes or the rivers yet so I just kept   driving kept driving and then I ended up here at  this beautiful place look at this fisherman Fish   Farms colorful boats an aragana boat beautiful  wow yeah so I just checked here on Google Maps   and this place place is called Dera maroco and  the restaurant where the singing is coming from   it's called rmd Su Dera S A marocco some kind  of floating restaurant there honestly I wish I   could make it there and probably I could if  I asked someone but there's only one problem   I'm very short on money right now so I might be  able to pay someone to take me there but I will   not even have money to eat something or drink  something there because I have like 200,000   left which is really not enough for well maybe  it's enough maybe but I don't know I don't want   to be like super short on money and be there  and not be able to buy anything you know so   it's a bit awkward uh but I'm happy that I came  here anyway because it's very beautiful maybe   I'll make my way a little bit more there and  see this uh the view from the other side as well hello hello hello how are you are you good  fish bomb boom yeah you like the singing yeah it's   good singing good you like the music good music  good good music boom boom so you like the music   oh I think you're the only one thank you thank  you thank you than you wow it's beautiful here   hello sir how are you fine fine good good you're  fishing here fishing fisherman you're fisherman   oh where you go in the water fishing or outside oh  I uh oh you go in oh okay okay okay good luck good luck oh yeah I I would ask him if I can join but  I really don't have enough money with me right   now if there would be an ATM nearby that would  be okay but honestly I don't think there's an   ATM nearby because we're really in the middle of  nowhere here so no chance of an ATM here wow the   wind is nice um here we have The View on on the  other side oh wow they have like a floating house even lots of colorful boats all fish farms maybe  snake Farms maybe they catch some snakes here as   well I'm not sure but uh wow it's really  beautiful I think people might even live   there like some some houses look a bit larger  than than others so maybe people live there   even this is especially interesting it's  like a big uh yeah like a floating village   kind of thing small small small but it looks  a bit like that he KN beautiful beautiful no yeah you like football you play football  football soccer no you play uhuh I see the   football shirt wow it's gorgeous okay nice  meeting you guys okay time to go uh but uh   I'm happy that this I discovered this place  it's really beautiful I don't know if you can   read this sign but there's a sign here as well  I guess it's kind of a tourist attraction I'm   really not sure what it means but there's a  parking sign and everything so it's uh kind   of meant for tourists as well I guess or just a  little Port actually that's what the Google Map   say it's a port here so probably you can  Embark with the boat to other Villages or something if I would have more time and  some money I probably would try to catch   a boat somewhere maybe I'll come back one day  we'll see but now it's time to hit the road again yeah guys we're driving the dusty  back roads of Bandung right now it's super   Dusty here now I understand why most  people wear mask when they're riding a scooter [Music] [Music]

2024-01-11 21:44

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