I Can’t Believe Armenia is like this!

I Can’t Believe Armenia  is like this!

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Travel with A.K. The first one. This one. Wow! Nice to meet you! Christians believe that Noah's Ark Noah's Ark was stuck in this mountain. It's written in their Bible.

This is the first glimpse of the Soviet train. It costs 20,000 Rupees. And this 5,000 Rupees is 1,000 Indian Rupees. The atmosphere here is going to be crazy. The fountain show is about to start. The fountain show is about to start.

There is a huge market here. Hello everyone! Welcome to a new video. I am in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. You can see the city center of Yerevan behind me. It's called Republic Square.

It's very beautiful. My hostel is just 200 meters away from here. It's very cheap.

I will give you a glimpse of that as well. In today's video, I am going to show you Yerevan city which is very unique and amazing. I have never visited a city like this.

This city is very old. It was built 2800 years ago. It was built in 782 B.C. You know about Rome city which is in Italy. It's 30 years older than Rome city in Italy. It's a very amazing city.

You will get to see a lot of different things. In today's video, I am going to show you a very amazing place in Yerevan. I will show you the food, coffee, the market, I will talk to the locals. You will get to see almost everything in one video. I forgot to tell you that this is an ex-Soviet country, Armenia. You will get to see the Soviet style architecture.

It's going to be fun. Stay tuned. Let's start exploring Yerevan city.

Let me introduce you to Sam from Iran. Namaste! This is the hostel where I am staying. They work there. It was free. Let's explore the city together. This is the city center.

You will get to see a lot of beautiful buildings. It's very clean. You won't get to see a single piece of garbage. This is called Republic Square.

I am going to show you the fountain show at night. You will get to see everything. This is my first experience in an ex-Soviet country.

Let me tell you that 97% of people here are Christians. This is the first country where Christianity was introduced. It was introduced around 1700-1800 years ago in 301 A.D. The weather is very nice. It's not too hot. It's 30 degrees.

Let's go ahead and see what's here. Let me show you the market. You will get to see a lot of unique things here. This is a government building.

It looks very nice. I don't know what this office is. It's a government building. You can see the police here. Let's go this way.

There is a market here. Let me show you the market. I will show you everything from the market to the city. It's going to be fun.

Let's go this way. You will get to see a lot of cars here. If you want to buy a package or if you want to go to another city, you can buy a package from here. You will get to see this everywhere.

This is the local bus stop. It looks very nice. This is the bus stop. It's a very nice city. It looks very beautiful.

It looks even more beautiful at night. You will get to see an electric scooter here. There is a station here. You will get a scanner here. You can take the scooter from here.

You will get to see electric scooters from here. It's time for electric scooters. You can see cars parked on the road. It looks like a park.

You can come that way. There is a market there. You can see a fountain from the Soviet Union.

It was a part of the Soviet Union till 1991. You can see a metro station here. It's an underground metro station. It's from the Soviet Union. We are at the local flea market. It's called Vernissage.

You will get to see a lot of different things here. The most special thing you will get to see is a chess. I will tell you in detail why you get so many chess shops here. You can see a chess shop here. I will show you and tell you why you get so many chess shops here.

The most famous thing here is a fountain. If you want to drink water for free, you can drink it here. This is the first shop here. In the beginning, you will get to see a chess shop. You will get to see a lot of wooden things.

Let's go inside. We have entered the market. You will get to see a lot of wooden things. You will get to see a lot of chess. You will get to see a lot of chess in every shop. They have been playing chess since 400 years.

They have been playing chess since 6th or 7th century. After 2011, the Armenian government has made it compulsory for every child to learn chess. You will get to see a lot of chess champions here. Almost the entire population comes here to play chess. You will get to see a high quality chess.

I don't know how to play chess, but the quality of the chess here is of a different level. You will also get to see a lot of souvenirs. The market is not very big. It is about 200 to 300 meters. You can see the street over there. It was a little wide.

There are a lot of wooden things. But here you can see a lot of different things. Look at this. There are a lot of things. There is a ring too. It's very nice.

Bag, scarf and many more. I will get a bracelet for myself and a bracelet for Sam. That's all I need. I also need a fridge magnet.

Let's see if I can find one here. You can see here that Armenian Slipper It looks really nice It looks really nice You can see shoes and shoes I think it is made of leather You can see Armenian hats which we wear in Himachal Armenian hats, bags, carpets You can see traditional things You can see traditional things You can see traditional things It is a very good market You can see many paintings You can see many paintings Its a very good painting I think this side is full of paintings We will go that way and continue the market There is a shop here You can see many nice things made out of wood These are chests It is very nice It is very nice It is very nice It is all made of wood It has Armenian touch I think we can store beer here It is a very good place you can buy a lot of things what is this? look at this Anar showcase for decoration here you can buy a gun this was a very nice shop very cool and very good free water you can drink here you don't need to buy a slurry you will get to see this in the whole city there is a little market left let me show you around then we will go to our next stop here you can buy a lot of fridge magnets and bracelets bracelet is very expensive it is very expensive but this fridge magnet is very good it is only 100 rupees let's buy this then we will go to another shop this is good it is 500 rupees brother this one 500 we left the market we a bracelet and a fridge magnet it was 700-800 rupees the quality was average we will buy it later now we have to go to Cascade it is a very beautiful place I will show you from where you can see the mountains this city is 15 km away from Turkey from here you can see Turkey we are going to Cascade from there you can see Turkey you can see Ararat I will tell you about it later there is a metro station we will take a metro it will take 15-20 minutes let's go let me show you the metro this is the first time I am experiencing the soviet style metro the stairs are very old there is a statue let's go inside let me show you the entrance we have to go down there is a metro station sign wow it's really nice yeah the architecture the environment we came down from here you can see a fountain it is not in use now it is a soviet fountain it looks beautiful let's go inside let me show you the ticket let me show you there is a counter from where you can get the ticket it's like a coin plastic coin how much for the ticket? 100 dirham 100 dirham is 20 Indian Rupees we got the ticket for 20 Indian Rupees this is how the ticket looks we have to put it here and go inside wow it's very deep you can see the stairs we have to go down a lot it looks good I like the design it's really nice I like it. Very cool. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. Bro, it's awesome. First impression, you can see, at the metro station of Soviet times.

But the cleanliness is very good. You can't even see a single piece of garbage here. Which side do you have to go? This way? Only one station. So, there is only one station from here, as I told you. And, see, there is not much crowd.

And here, you can see, it is written in Russian language and also in Armenian language. See, this is how Armenian language looks like. I have to tell you in detail about Armenian language. It is such a small country. It is a country of only 30 lakh people.

But you will get to see a separate language here. Let the train come. I will show you the train. Let's go to our stop. There is only one stop, as I told you. See this. The metro has come from that side.

See, something like this happens. Where is ours? Why isn't ours coming? See, our train has come. This is a Soviet train, which is making a lot of noise.

Literally, nothing is audible. See, this is the first glimpse of a Soviet train. It looks fine.

And it looks quite old. So, let's go inside. I will show you from inside. Sam, how is the train? Really good? I really like it here. See, something like this happens. There is only this much crowd. We have reached our stop.

It took us hardly 2 minutes. And there is so much noise. It is so loud. And it is moving at a different level. If you don't have anything to hold on to, you will literally fall.

You can easily compare Armenia to any good city in Europe. You will get to see very good infrastructure all around. You will get to see very beautiful cafes. See, wherever you look, there are so many good cafes.

There are cafes here as well. And there is public transport here. And this is my cheapest public transport so far. Whether you want to go to the first stop or the last stop, it will only cost you Rs.

You can go anywhere in the city for Rs. 20. And look here, there are so many good cafes. So, we are thinking of having some coffee here. And then we will go to the Cascade.

I will show you that. As you can see, there is a coffee shop here. It looks very good. So, let's have some coffee here. And then we will go to explore. There are so many options here.

I have taken coffee plus Nutella. Cold. Big one. So, coffee plus Nutella. The small one is for Rs. 500.

And the big one is for Rs. 800. The small one is for Rs. 110. And the big one is for Rs. 150-160.

So, the price is very good. People are getting coffee for Rs. 100-150. And it's so good. So, I didn't show you this.

This is the currency of Armenia. There are notes for Rs. 5000, Rs. 1000, Rs. Rs. 20,000. And Rs. 5000 is Rs. 1000 in India.

Rs. 1 in India is Rs. 5 in Armenia. So, our currency is bigger here. Rs. 5000 is Rs. 1000 in India.

So, it's good. We have got Nutella with coffee. This is my cold.

And this is Sam's hot. The coffee was good for Rs. 150. Hello! What's your name? Marina. Thank you so much. How to say thank you in Armenian? Thank you. Thank you.

Now, we have come to the most famous place of Yerevan. Which is very beautiful. The name of this place is Cascade. As you can see, there are mountains here. If you climb on top of that, you will get a very good view of Mount Ararat. Which is in Turkey.

And look at the view here. You can easily compare it with any good city in Europe. You can see the design and environment of this place.

It looks very nice. People are sitting here. It's evening now.

The local Armenians are starting to come here. So, let's climb all the way up. And I'll show you the view from above. You will also get to see the view of Turkey. Wow! What's written here? It's not as small as it looks from afar.

It will take half an hour to go up. It's very high. And you will get to see some Soviet architecture all around. A beautiful building. As you can see, we started walking from there. It took about 10 minutes to reach here.

And I'll show you the view from here. There is still a lot to go up. But we just found out that you can also take an escalator. You don't have to climb all the way down. We found out after climbing all the way up.

And you can see Mount Ararat from afar. I'll tell you about Mount Ararat in detail. Let's climb up first.

What a view from here! We have almost reached the top. And you can see the view from here. It looks so beautiful. You don't have to walk all the way up.

You will find an escalator there. It looks so beautiful. We have to walk a little more.

I'll show you the view from there. It's a very beautiful place. This city is very different from other cities.

Finally, we have reached the top. I have already shown you the view from here. You can see the beautiful view from here.

You can see the view of the whole city. And the mountain you see behind me is Mount Ararat, which is in Turkey. You can imagine, if you go 10-15 km away, Turkey will start.

Let me show you the view from here. What a beautiful view! What a beautiful weather! I was sitting here for 5 minutes. It's not allowed here, but I sat here and enjoyed the view.

Let me show you the view and tell you about Mount Ararat. Mount Ararat is a biblical mountain. Christians believe it to be a holy mountain. Christians believe that Noah's Ark, the ship of Noah, was stuck in this mountain.

This mountain is very holy for them. This mountain used to be in Armenia before 1921. It was in the Soviet Union. After 1921, it moved to Turkey. Mount Ararat is in Turkey, but it is still a symbol of Armenia. As you can see, I bought a fridge magnet.

You can see Mount Ararat on it. There are a lot of shops and brands named after Mount Ararat. Let's go ahead and see.

Hello! My name is Janna. You are from Yerevan? No, I am from Russia. Oh, you are from Russia? Hello! Actually, I am going to Russia, to Moscow. Where are you from in Russia? Which part? Moscow. Is it near Moscow or St.

No. Is it far? Let's go down. I met her. She is from Russia. I thought she is from Armenia.

Hello! Hello! Privyet! Privyet! We are making a video together. How are you? Good? My name is Anas. My name is Anas. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

I am a YouTuber. Nice to meet you. Do you have YouTube? Instagram.

Let me give her my Instagram. This one. Are you serious? Wow! Turkey! Wow! Do you have YouTube? Yes. Travel with AK. Travel with AK.

The first one. Wow! Let's go. Thank you. Thank you. Wow! Thank you so much for your time. Thank you so much.

Thank you. Hello, everyone! Privyet! This is my new friend. My new friend from Russia. I am from India. I am from India. He is from Iran.

I am from India. I am Muslim. I am Indian. You are Muslim? What is your name? My name is Muhammad Anas.

Nice to meet you. So nice to meet you. I am from India. Thank you so much. Thank you. Good bye.

As you saw, we were going down from here. We were going down. I was making a video and he was watching it with curiosity. He said hi. You saw everything.

We met Russians before going to Russia. It was a good experience. Let's go down.

It is so beautiful here. You can come here in the evening. You can come here with your family. There is a restaurant here. It is a garden area.

You can spend your time here. You can see the view from here. It's 7.30 PM and it's not dark at all. You can see the beautiful view of Mount Ararat. You can see the snow on the top of Mount Ararat. The temperature here is 30 degrees.

But you can see snow only 15-20 km away. Let's get down and see what we get to eat. We are back at Republic Square.

The atmosphere here is going to be crazy. The fountain show is about to start. There is a huge market here. But before that, we are going to eat something.

We were going to try Armenian food. But I told Sam to eat Indian food. There is an Indian restaurant nearby.

Let's go and eat at the Indian restaurant. I will show you how expensive and cheap the Indian restaurant is. After that, we will come back here and watch the fountain show. There is a huge crowd here. Let's go to the Indian restaurant. It's 200-300 m from here.

We have reached our destination, the Indian restaurant. The name of this restaurant is Indian Palace Restaurant. I have been here before. The food is very good.

Let me show you. It's written in Armenian. Let's go inside and show you the food. Our food is here. We have ordered Malai Kofta. Rajma Jeera Rice Butter Naan I am very hungry.

The Indian restaurant is very good. It was very good. But let's bat first. We have finished our food. The bill was 11,000 Dharam.

It's around 2200 Indian Rupees. It's a little expensive. But the food was very good. How's the food? Very tasty. I have already told you.

I have ordered Rajma, Malai Kofta, Jeera Rice and Butter Naan. It's in a foreign country. It's near the city center. We are at the city center. The restaurant was there. It's around 2200 Indian Rupees.

The fountain show has started. Let's go there and show you. Sam is going inside. Okay. See you. Thank you so much. It's 10 o'clock in the night.

Let's go there and show you. So many people have come. It's very good. Look at this.

It's very good. Look at the view here at night. It's very good. I won't be able to show you the fountain show. There will be a copyright issue because of the music. But it's okay.

I have come to the street where the light and water show was happening. This street is very beautiful. It looks like Istaklal street in Istanbul. You will see people dancing here. There is a program going on here.

Let me show you. It's very good. It's very good. There is a lot of activity going on here.

Look at this car. It's very beautiful. It's a souvenir shop. You can buy everything here. It's been a long time since I've been on the street. There are a lot of good cafes here.

But I'm very tired. I've been walking since morning. Hello, good morning everyone. You saw me walking on the street yesterday. I was very tired. I walked 11 to 12 kilometers yesterday.

I was very tired. My hostel was nearby. This is my hostel. Let me show you the hostel.

This is the outside area. Let me show you the inside. This is the kitchen area. It's a very different hostel. There is a ladder here.

You can see the window outside the kitchen. This is the kitchen area. You can use it in any hostel. This is the common area.

You can sit here and cook your food. You can sit here and eat. You will get a fridge here.

You can keep your stuff here. This is the room. There are 8 to 10 beds here.

This is what it looks like. I won't talk much here. There are a lot of people here.

So you saw the hostel. It's not a very expensive city. But you will get everything that you get in European cities. There are big European cities like Paris and Barcelona.

You will get to see everything here. It's a very good city. In this video, I showed you the whole city. Let's keep this video here.

I hope you liked it. If you liked it, like, share and subscribe. See you in the next video.

2023-08-13 20:08

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