How to Travel Taiwan (Full Documentary 2023)

How to Travel Taiwan (Full Documentary 2023)

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welcome to Taiwan a nation that will surprise you w that's   the same size as Belgium but  filled with 23 million amazing people and yet it takes just 2 hours to go from  the north to the south of this tiny Island woohoo   woohoo join us on a journey through the rich  culture and remarkable wonders of the jewel   of Asia I'm sorry this is the future through a  Labyrinth of bustling streets in Taipei to the   spiritual walks of kaung I'm having the best time  Taiwan is a Melting Pot of diversity waiting to   be explored same thing through the people food  and experiences yeah very spicy this is [Music] Taiwan I am so excited to finally be in this  beautiful country Taiwan is the most mountainous   island in the entire world with over 2/3 of its  surface covered in Rich Green Mountains my best   friend is originally from Taiwan we grew up  in South Africa we met at a photoos shoot   and we have been friends ever since Taiwan is so  interesting because it is the size of Belgium that   has 11 million people but Taiwan has 23 million  people packed into this little island making it   one of the most densely populated Islands on  the Planet when you think of Taiwan you may   think of the stinky tofu and the bubble tea but  that's not all that there is to offer what about   the themed cafes the highspeed trains the most  tantalizing Cuisine most of the major cities are   on the western coast so we're going to start  in the North in taipe and we're going to make   our way through some of the Cities we're going  to be exploring all aspects of this beautiful   country and we've started here in shiming which  I think is the most touristy place I have ever seen so when we say that our senses are on overdrive  it literally means that there is so much to see   and so much to do like on this side you've got  scallion pancakes you've got giant fried chicken   and you've got bubble tea and then on this  side you've got souvenir shop plot pot you've   got clothing fashion brands it's mind-blowing  we're only on one street right now okay so I   know we've only been here for about 5 minutes  but our first impressions are like wo they are   these long streets with they have every kind of  shop you can think of they're selling street food   like crazy there's a long line already I think  wherever the long line is that's where we need   to go the food is evident and we know Taiwanese  food is absolutely delicious kind of have a   balance between like all the modern shops but  we still have the traditional buildings as well   this street gives you an idea of what I'm talking  about here we've got Brands like Adidas we even   have a McDonald's over here but then there's this  side street and this little Alleyway with smaller   shops and maybe more traditional restaurants I  love that on every street there's a balance of   everything also how beautiful is the city wow  wow and the clo machines look at all these CL   machines wo what we've seen after only 5  minutes is that everything has like a cute   factor in taipe come on it he's so cute he's so  cute there's like a little character or a little   teddy bear everywhere and the claw machines  are evident of that he's on the edge we can   get her we can get them they are everywhere  and they always have like these cute furry   little animals inside I want them all there's  no stuff so you can just go up at any time and   just start playing 24 hours a day should we  try well we got some coins let's try this why   not the problem is here in Taiwan they give you  a $10 coin it's like a token it's like a token   it's what you need to play the game you just get  tempted to use them if you don't know already we   are obsessed with the clo machine so I'm going to  have to give them a little test and see if we can win oh did you see that you almost got  him did you see I almost got him I was   so close I'm normally so bad at this should  try again okay what about that is that good   do you think look look at him on the  edge of glory that is so frustrating   did you see that I almost had it no  is that a good one is this a good one you almost had him the problem  with this it's really addictive it's   kind of like a gambling but I  can't seem to stop let's play a   game okay go go go one more time no we  haven't won this time but it's not the end so those claw machines are everywhere and  they're really addictive and you can get all   kinds of things besides little toys and little  fuzzy animals you can get iPhones you can get   aods you can get onion soup you can get all  different kinds of key Rings like fries fried   chicken durian I'm sure for the entire time we're  going to be here we're going to be playing that a lot we were talking about all the fun  and quiry things that you can do here   in shiming the number one thing to  do is have a photo shoot there are   loads of these photo boots everywhere  where you can dress up in your favorite   Disney character sunglasses scarves hats  you can go into your booths and you can   take photos and then you can accessorize  ears glasses pineapple glasses tedes Mor ear so this is what we're saying on all the  streets there's characters everywhere right   here are more claw machines here we got some  snacks treats even more claw machines and we   read that Taipei is the second richest city  in the whole of Asia per capita but I think   the reason for that mainly has to do with the  semiconductors that are made here in Taiwan so   you know that little phone that you're watching  this video on or the TV that you're watching this   the chip inside was probably made here in  Taiwan with tsmc one of the world's biggest   chip manufacturers I think that contributes  to the high economic success here in Taiwan   this is one of the most impressive City Scapes  we've been to some crazy places this year like   the streets of Delhi like climbing Everest and  to go from that to this is like really insane actually in front of me I see a bubble tea shop  and we know that Taiwan is the home of bubble   tea we'd be silly not to try one this is one of  the most impressive tea stores I've ever seen in   my whole life they've got all this fresh tea in  these like long cylinders we've noticed that so   many of the tea places are on the street nowhere  to sit so you come and you grab your tea and then   leave we've seen lots of people walking around  with a little bubble tea that's exactly what   we're going to do order our tea and take a walk  around I'm just looking what to order and it's   not just any tea it's like grapefruit Oolong  tea guava tea pineapple Jasmine green tea like   there have so many different types uh number four  yeah and one number five sugar 50% ice less thank you oh my God our order is number 29 and  it's on number 15 so this is a very popular place [Music] which one's which who knows we're going to  have to do a taste test and find out I'm so   excited about this first Bubble Tea in Taiwan  cheers I don't know why we expected Taiwan to   be cold it is so hot outside it's like 32 35°  so I think we're going to be having these all   the time these are hundred New Taiwan dollars  since we lived in Thailand for 2 years we work   in thaib Bart so it's so nice to actually  know the currency here the conversion is   the same between New Taiwan dollars and Thai  B hey let's do this woah that's refreshing M   There's real grapefruit in here what did you get  pineapple well that looks like orange we only got   50% sweet and this is still really sweet this  is sweet Taiwan knows how to make [Music] team   so good so [Music] good [Music] oh there's  like so much to look at all the Billboards   the sharps the 71s that are on every corner  plus there's Wi-Fi on the streets so we've just   stumbled across the most beautiful Temple which  is right on the street and right now we're just   marveling in the architecture we've got the  dragons we've got the Red Lanterns and just   taking the beauty of the different sides that  Taiwan has the craftsmanship over here with   the gold the red it's amazing to see all of  this kind of nestled in between the high-rise buildings there you go I love this city already  can we stay here I know after 5 minutes should I   live here so now that we've explored the shim  and ding area we're going to get on the Metro   and we're going to explore a more modern side of  taipe as if this wasn't modern enough it's going   to get even better even better than this as the  day goes on more and more people start to like   flu they come from the underground Metro and it  just it's busy and busy so we're going to go and   see the modern area but we're going to come back  and show you what the night life is like here in Chim so we've seen all over taipe they have these  characters and I'm not actually sure what they   are I don't know if it's anime I think anime is  Japanese so if you know what those characters   are and what the shows are called please let me  know okay let's get on the train if you're if   you're planning to come to Taiwan I would highly  recommend getting one of these easy cards so you   can load some money on here you can top up as  much as you like basically like an all you can   use card you can use it to get on the Metro you  can use it at the 7eleven as like a money card   it's a total time saer because you don't have to  keep going and getting a single pass get one of   these totally worth it thank you so you can use  these for the buses and the trains throughout   Taiwan so we're taking blue line I think okay I  don't know I'm just following let's go this is   kind of intimidating a little bit but I'm sure  we can figure it out yeah it's a big station   is this the one yeah I think we are down here  okay I'm just following you it costs just $25   Taiwanese dollars for a single trip it's super  organized super convenient here in the station   we have these little waiting lines so people  wait very obediently there's no chaos in the station [Music] so we got to transfer from this train and  literally cross over to the red line 2 minutes 2 minutes we've just walked out the station we have  arrived at time 101 the tallest building here in   Taiwan and I don't even know if you can see the  top of this right now and they call it taipe   101 because it has 101 stories W good that is  impressive wow I can't believe we're standing here   it's actually dating how it's actually unreal wo  that is crazy wo where is he oh there he is and it   actually looks like it's shaped like bamboo plus  it was once the tallest building in the entire   world until it was taken over by the B Khalifa  that is incredibly impressive and definitely a   feat in engineering and it's obviously one of  the sites here in taipe that you have to see   and there are so many tourists around me and they  are coming on these buses just to take photos of it so we've had to come all the way over  here just so we can get the taipe 101 in   frame because it is so high so apparently  taipe 101 was made to symbolize Technology's   Evolution but still show the traditions of  Asia and that's why it's technologically   advanced but it has the bamboo shape so  it looks like an Asian building and we   read that in 2004 at its completion it  was the tallest building in the entire   world for only 6 years and right now is  actually the sixth tallest building in the world so a super interesting fact about taipe 101  is between the 87th and 92nd floor there's a 660   metric tan damper that they use to stabilize  the tower against really strong winds because   here in Taiwan they often have typhoons they  need that temper to stop it from swaying from   left to [Music] right so this area is where  the World Trade Center for Taiwan is this is   where the stock exchange is and lots of high-rise  buildings this is kind of the commercial District   here in taipe it is so modern and beautiful  even the truck have giant scens on them the   people look so trendy as well everybody is  dressed so well it's making me like want to   be like them I want to dress and be as cool as  them there's an observatory upstairs where you   can have a 360° view of T but on the bottom  they have this massive food cord where you   can enjoy the most delicious lunch for less than  $5 it's huge and there's every Cuisine you can imagine [Music] look at these signs that  are electronic wow that's the first time   I've ever seen something like that how does it  work it tells you the UV index the weather the   time the date food shopping I guess that's what  is that entertainment ah and it even tells you   the distance of places there's food in all  sorts of directions and I'm going to choose   this one look it's changing no ways that's crazy  it's obviously showing me the direction in which   I should go right and it says 400 m this way  wo that's what I chose I'm sorry this is the future okay I think we are quickly approaching  Devon's absolute favorite store ever what I was   looking here at this building that has  a screen on the side but didn't realize   that there's probably one of the fanciest Apple  Stores I've ever seen dav's playing it cool but   he's actually actually freaking out right now  so if you didn't already know this Devon is a   massive tech nerd and a tech geek he won't admit  it that is impressive I'm sorry even if you're   not into Tech like he's totally fangirling right  now tell us more about your love for apple and   if you had to ask who Devon's best friend  is he wouldn't say me he would say Marquez   Brown no no no no no you're or who's the boss  no no no you're number one he's lying you're   still number one he's lying is it Mr who's the  boss or is it Mark is brown Lee no comment wow   that is seriously impressive though and we  have a beautiful view of taipe 101 in the background did I get it yeah you got it yeah  that's good that's the one that's the one   that's the one wow these yellow taxis  look like the New York taxis wow it's [Music] beautiful so we have just taken the  metro and arrived at the Chang Kai Sheek   Memorial Station as we've come out look how  beautiful the station is so it's completely   underground but the reason we've come here  is to see This Magnificent Memorial Hall wow   it's massive we haven't even gone into like  the main Courtyard yet because there's a lot   more than just this obviously there are really  big buildings throughout Taipei but the size   of this compared to all the other buildings that  we have and intricate colors the Reds the greens   the golds it's absolutely beautiful it's free for  the public to enter that's that's quite amazing actually now this is really impressive  look at this massive Courtyard and it's   so peaceful there's Gardens there's a flag  hole on that side this school kids playing around this is one of the most beautiful places  I think I've ever been to and then as you arrive   there is this giant gate beautiful it's got  little intricate details so we've just walked   up these stairs just so we can Marvel at the  colors the intricate details and the size of   this and I've just noticed that it's the  National Theater and on the opposite side   of the courtyard I think that's a theater as  well now that I'm up here it kind of gives you   an idea of the sheer size of the courtyard  and look how big the gate is so what we're   going to do is we're going to walk all the way  up to the main Memorial Hall hopefully we can   see the changing of the Gods I actually see  Taipei 101 right there Taipei has so much to   offer the traditional side is really something  to Marvel it's so beautiful it's really [Music] magnificent okay so we're now tackling the the 89  steps to the entrance of the memorial and there   are 89 steps specifically because president  Chang passed away when he was 89 years old   also inside the temple is a bronze statue of  him which is about 6 M tall I think and weighs   about 21 tons so we're about to go and see the  change of gods and they normally wear a blue   and white uniform and that is also significant  of the blue sky and the white sun that is the   emblem on the Taiwanese flag and apparently they  change guards every hour on the hour it's about   15 minutes until the hour so we're heading  up the 89 steps and it's really hot today yeah here at the Chang Kai Sheek Memorial Hall  president Chang is actually quite a respected   figure here in Taiwan and he was the one who  aided in the abolishment of the Japanese rule   so that is why there is a bronze stat of  him this gives you an idea of how big it   is just the size of the tiles is impressive  and of course the changing of the guards as well [Applause] [Applause] the [Applause] wow that was actually something really really  special to see and I'm so glad that we came to   the Memorial Hall and it's quite amazing  to see them march to a silent beat their   synchronized movements the clicking of their boo  the sound or the echo that it made when the guns   hit the floor it's actually just so special to  see that this is still happening today's been   amazing because we got to see like some of the  shopping area as well as the beautiful big taipe   101 but this is the true side of Taiwan you've  got the tradition the culture and that's why   we came here this is what we wanted to see  but the sun is starting to come down now so   we're going to go and find some delicious  street food that taxi is playing K-pop wa   that's crazy and we're going to head back into  shiming now that more people would have come [Music] out boy it is alive there are so many people out   and about it's such a contrast between  the daytime and the night time because   now it is super super busy I can hear  lots of live entertainment I can hear singing we stood in the middle of  the square and nobody was here but   right now it's chaos it's absolute chaos  but in the best way and there's a clown   there's activities everywhere hello I think  we're going to find some pretty interesting stuff besides all the people coming out all the  lights come out so all the lights come out come   on the lights come on so all the lights come  on and all the street lamps and everything   just becomes more colorful and bright and all  the lights come on all the lights come on from   the shelves all the lights come out today was too  hot maybe that's why my brain is fried your brain   is jello we've seen the contrast today we got  like Starbucks on this side but then we still   have traditional Taiwanese street food but why  did we come back here we have come back because   I am absolutely starving and I have been waiting  for a very very very long time to have something   called shalong baow I'm so excited welcome  look how beautiful it is they've got the   lanterns I think this building is actually Four  floors uh can we have two shal for here [Music] yes I think I've traveled all the way to Taiwan  for this moment the shalong bow and if you don't   know what a shalong bow is it is a little soup  dumpling in a steaming bamboo basket it actually   translates to little basket bun which is so  cute and we have a little chili sauce and a   soy sauce they make the bowels downstairs but  then they get transported up in this elevator   and then they get wheeled upstairs cuz we're on  the second floor o I think they've arrived she   wow the bamboo basket is so hot I can't actually  pick it up wow wow I've waited so long for these   little soup dumpling of Destiny I'm going to  pour my chili sauce in here and then on the   other side I'm going to put my soy and I have  to eat this properly because the soup inside is   so hot I think you have to bite a little hole  at the top of the dumpling M I've got my soup   inside my pork and chai meat inside and now I'm  going to drain all the soup out onto your spoon   and then you can and dip The Dumpling in your soy  and your chili sauce take the most perfect bite   ever M I could cry it so good and then drink  the soup after I hope that's right I'm very   nervous cuz I'm probably going to eat this every  day The Dumpling is so fluffy and fragrant with   the soup we thought that maybe it was considered  rude or improper to eat with chopsticks in your   left hand both Devon and I are left-handed and  we can only use the Chopsticks in our left hand   but according to Chinese culture if you can use  chopstick in your left hand you are very very   special because you're using both sides of your  brain so maybe it means that we're super clever   I don't know you're going to have to let us know  in the comments if that's true or not 10 out of 10 [Music] experience so I can see this lady  over here is making peanut Mochi which   we've had twice before once in K Malaysia  in Chinatown and once in panang Malaysia   so she's taking the Mochi making it  into a little bowl and then rolling   it up into crushed peanuts I'm getting  hungry now that made that lady made me [Music] hungry all along the street and  every street that we've been on we've   seen little stalls pop up we're going  to have to pick out something here and   try it there's so many people lining up  right here specifically I don't know what   what it is but this has got the longest lines  we're going to have to have one I'm so ready   can I have one H number five is it spicy  yeah very spicy so this is the rice rice sausage spicy okay okay that sounds great  so she said she's making it very spicy for   us she's adding the garlic uh what is this  this is sour oh Sauer crab oh reddish okay   that's great spicy spicy reddish look she's  just putting all the toppings on the rice   sausage and the rice is actually looking like  a sausage but it's it's actually like the hot   dog we think it's like bread bread just rice  just rice no bread long long time specialty   very special very special amazing so onion onion  yeah sounds great and she's adding some sauce on   and the sausage looks perfectly grilled as well  and then she put the piping hot sausage on top   of that very special look at that wow you Fe  uhhuh and twist and twist okay TST twist and   eat good idea right good idea so excited to  try it thank you thank you sh sh thank you   bye that was a bit of a worldwind so I don't  know if you caught all of that but basically   this is the Taiwanese version of a hot dog and  it cost us 75 Taiwanese dollars she was such   an amazing lady and she just gave me so much  energy you heard heard what she said hold the   bottom [Music] and wo look at all the ingredients  you can see the rice here the sausage also we've   just come to this claw machine so we've got  some light yeah so good not that we're going   to play or anything it's a paid actor we might  just play a bit I've Twisted a bit how do I do this good spicy delicious this is the best  hot dog I've ever eaten the ingredients is   so fresh and the sausage is a bit like sweet  and savory Spicy ingredients wo this is like   a hot dog on steroids we've been eating  hot dogs wrong our entire life this is   next level that lady is a genius I love that  us integrating ourselves into the street food   is us having a hot dog it counts because it's a  Taiwanese hot dog so let's see what else we can find shaves found more claw machines  on hand it's my like guilty pleasure   I can't stop like looking for all the toys  that I want okay what are we trying to win   here forer rushes some Chuy you got to go oh  no I'm so bad at this if you know what the   secret is to winning at these clo machines  because it's seems like they're rigged and   you're not meant to win please let us  know how we can do it in the comments [Music] below I'm in pie that looks so so good three  pieces 440 so you see she's got a flat gripple   here so we got three I think there's onion inside  ah ah so she said I must grab some chili and grab   two little sticks I'm definitely going to say  yes for the chili thank you byee we need to go   back to our secret corner so we can try our  food without the copyright music blaring in   the background oh these poor little squeegees  we will never win you but we will just admire   you from this side of the glass so I got my  little onion cake I have no idea what it was   but the sweet little granny looked so cute and  they smell absolutely Divine they don't smell   like onion while I'm here this is so random but  this keychain is so cute it's Stitch gripping   onto a bubble tea with his teeth I really want  him let me go back to my little onion cake onion   pie go back to my onion it's an onion pie like  a cake it does look like a little gridle shake   this is absolutely Divine okay think dumpling  but grilled on both sides and when you think   onion pie you're like that doesn't sound very  good it's actually chicken and chives on the   inside so it's pretty much like a pan fried  dumpling it is so yummy especially with the   chili oil on the batter or the outer layer is so  crispy and doughy at the same time it's pretty   much like the shalong bar we had earlier but in  a griddle cake kind of way this is 10 out of 10 [Music] and right now we have arrived at taipe  Main Station which is the biggest station that   links everything here in the center of taipe  and this is where we're going to get on the   high-speed rail where we're going to make  our way down south to Cung and we already   have our ticket we booked everything online  I'm so excited to get on this highspeed rail   because recently I've really enjoyed train travel  because we don't have this in South Africa and we   went on the highspeed rail in South Korea and it  absolutely blew my mind so the thought of today   we're going to be traveling at over 300 kmph  and go the entire length of the country within   2 hours this station is super impressive behind  me we have a 7-Eleven we have some takeout sushi   we got some water we got some snacks I think  Chev is getting some sushi already the sushi   has been secured take out sushi and a high-speed  train what a day I got eight pieces for hundred   Taiwanese dollars just over $3 for sushi I love  it here I have to stay I have to stay our train   leaves at 11:51 so we've got a few minutes  we need to go somewhere over there let's go girl there are so many people  in this station is absolutely chaos when we came to Taiwan and we researched  that it's one of the most densely populated   places on Earth just because of how many  people live on the small island but when   we've been on the streets it hasn't seemed  too bad and now I understand why everybody   is in these train stations or in the  underground mall super super busy but   at the same time it's super organized  everybody's following the rules very efficient hello man uh we  have a yes thank you thank you thank you sh sh okay number one southbound  how easy is that we're going from taipe all the   way down south to house sh where do we go this  way we are train 1221 is it this one okay see   here's the train here we go look how fancy  these trains look from the outside it says   we're in car 3 I think car 3 is this way let's  go let's go sorry oh it's leaving in 1 minute   what happened okay there's number seven how long  is this train I think that means the train great   we're car three girl we're car three great girl  great [Music] girl I think just get on get [Music] on okay this isn't actually Al car but I  just got on because we ran out of time I   don't even know what happened so we're in  car 4 and we're leaving immediately it's   11:52 so the doors closed at exactly 11:51 and  I found you I found you I just had to run on   we weren't going to make it let's make our way  to our seat we're in car three so we can find it casual shave and Dev always at the last minute but we made it we made it onto the train  okay so first impressions this train is already   going super super fast and we've only been on it  for about 5 minutes but we've caught our breath   we've settled into our seats and now I guess  we're going to give you a bit of a train [Music] tour so I've just made my way in between the two  cars because I don't want to make too much noise   for the other passengers where we're sitting okay  so let me give you a quick rundown of our train   it's called the thsr which is the Taiwan highspeed  Railway it's only one line it's 350 km from the   capital of taipe which goes all the way down to  the southern city of Kon apparently it's going   to take less than 2 hours to get from the north  to the south of Taiwan which is just mindblowing   and apparently it's built on Japan's technology of  the shinen or the the bullet train that they have   in Japan first of all this train cost us around  $37 on the right hand side of the train you've   got three seaters and then you've got two seaters  on the left hand side and already we're going so   quickly what I'm going to do is get my speed up  out shortly so we can see exactly how fast we're   going plus we're going to get some magnificent  views of the countryside all the way to [Music] ca so in front of us we got a trade table we've  got some magazines for entertainment we've got a   nice armr these seats are very spacious like the  actual seat size is really wide and normally on   a train you get a really small seat and you  don't get any leg R but here we got lots of   leg R this is quite nice and cushiony and  there's some overhead storage above us and   there's even larger luggage storage at the  front and the back of the car and I think   we're going to have a very comfortable ride to  [Music] cow I say this every single time we go   on a train but it's always an experience taking  these trains because you get to see the country   in a completely different way than if you were  flying this way we're able to see the cities and   the countryside so I always get super excited  to take a [Music] tra welcome to shave snacks   that's what I'm going to be calling the snack  reveal it's a train Edition normally we're out   eating street food but today it's train  food first up we have $3 Sushi this was a   score $3 Sushi and it looks super Super Fresh  absolutely Divine I can't wait to devour that   next up we have Devon's meal chicken burrito very  Taiwanese a little oniri seaweed kimchi sandwich   I think this is a lot of food for an hour and  a half train ride but we'll let you know how it tastes good so good we're going  to have to show it hits your soul sushi on a train that should be  a thing normally in every other train   ride we've been on we've just eaten  unhealthy 7-Eleven snacks but this   is the elite snack on a train it's  going to be sushi on a train [Music] forever so we've already arrived at  TA Chung station so we've made quite   a distance already taong is famous  because that's where the first ever   bubble te is from and when we make our  way back all the way up to Taipei after   C that's where we're going to go so if you  haven't already please subscribe so you can   see not only this train journey but future  Adventures that we're going to have here in Taiwan let me know if you're the person  in your relationship if you're the   Messer or the person that's always  leave I'm somehow the one that's messy I'd say Sushi hir and then the burrito  that's my ranking shave snacks shave snacks the D [Music] sh looks like a temperature therometer sink soap  M and dryer flush baby changer no smoking   Co if you need help toilet tissue pretty  standard so far so [Applause] [Music] good [Music] [Music] so we just stopped at taian which I  think is our final stop before we get to C   show and we are going so quickly as soon as we  left the station you can just watch the Speed   go up and up up and I always like to have my  little speed up that I use when we go on any   vessel bus train and we already going over 2 180  km an hour which is crazy but to go on the train   here in Taiwan is amazing because you've got the  ocean and of course you got all the mountains 2/3   of the island is covered in mountains so there's  so much Greenery mountains Allway through when we   were in South Korea it was Winter very dry so  this is a nice experience to see a little bit   of different scenery [Music] please make sure  you have all your personal belongings with you at okay everybody's got off the train  let's go explore we have arriv ride oh so easy so seamless so quick we have arrived  in time where are we C we have arrived in C I   want to see the front of the train we have  arrived that was so easy Swift dav's always   in a rush going at full speed I want to see the  friends who wow this looks crazy no way this gives   you an idea of the technology that has gone into  this you can see why they call it a bullet train   not only for its speed but the shape that is so  impressive and you can see all the bugs that had   no chance they had no chance of survival wow  and it's so long as well to be going at that   speed and this is not the only one because we  got one here but on this side there's another   three lined up this is the final station on the  line so when the trains get here this is their   final stop before they make their way all the  way back up to taipe that was awesome Mya girl   it's actually crazy to see how like oblong the  nose is that's what makes like this feel like   it's like a spaceship let's go and explore let's  go and new place let's go and explore never been   here before wow I'm so excited do girl grab  it back Taiwan [Music] Series this station   is seriously impressive so what we have to do  right now is we're going to get on the red line   and we're going to take the metro into the center  of calcium we said at the beginning of this video   that we're taking one of the most new modern and  extensive l in East Asia and seeing the station   behind me I can totally understand why I've  just seen this sign here kiss and ride what   is that please can someone explain what that  is kiss kiss and ride you have to kiss first   then ride like please explain what that is that's  awesome kiss and ride kiss and ride also how cute   are little plushy toys and our buck chy what we  need to do is go through here and we go to exit   2 downstairs and then we get on the train I can't  say enough how organized and efficient Everything   is Everything is just working it departed  exactly on time and arrived here exactly the   minute that it said it would not 50 minutes  late our train was over 50 minutes [Music] late pause forward about 15 minutes we've  gone on the train and now we've arrived at   our station we're here welcome to  C it's so quiet compared to taipe   there's nobody here like the stations  are empty there's not a single person   coming out to station there's not a single  person but look behind you there's not a   single person on this world no one's here  what a complete contrast of taipe hello meet ah yes we are also looking we need to find  our hotel somehow nice to meet you he is from   Taiwan but he is also traveling to Kong just as  we are and he just came up to us and he said if   you need anything please feel free to contact  me wow what a good first impression wow he was   so amazing to us good guy I think we need to go  okay let's go find our hotel who knows and it's   hot it's hot yeah first impressions of kaong  is it's very clean and it's Absol absolutely   beautiful oh I'm going to miss it oh dear okay  here I come I'm coming I'm coming there you go   sh I've got 15 seconds on the timer here I  go here I go I almost didn't make it but as   I was saying it obviously has a similar look  to Taipei but it kind of does feel different   it kind of feels like we're in a Beach town  already there's a feeling that I'm getting   as we've walked by we've just seen this I have  no idea what this is it says goo R Network well   from the picture it looks like a plus or minus  so it looks like a battery and he's putting it   into his motor bike so I assume you can charge  your electric bike can you take these out no I   think you you have to pay first they're showing  lots of motorbikes and there's all these electric   motorbikes here look at the sign howed by  Goo these are electric bike I'm sorry but   that's absolutely genius since we've arrived  here let's go and try some local food yes I'm   so Keen to eat something I'm so hungry because  Devon ate all of my Sushi sorry about that to go W this is such a contrast to busy Taipei look  at the road nobody here so we just stumbled upon   this place behind us there's absolutely zero  English on the board so we had to do a bit of   Google translate and it looks like they have  some really yummy noodles on the menu hey oh   thank you yes look I got the English venue  she saw me coming she knows there's Ramen   there's noodles this is exactly the place that  I was looking for wo abalon Ramen spicy Seafood   Ramen beef ramen chicken leg rice fried fish  rice so this is exactly what we wanted is to   have some local food here in K the best part  is we get to sit outside and we get to see the   street and there is this beautiful Temple that  we're looking at these are all the different   types of ramen dishes that we have it's two  pages long there is a pig feed Ramen that's   interesting there's kimchi pork Ramen there's  all kinds of things fried squid but this one   looks super interesting hell chili Ramen that  sounds exciting but I'm terrified that same   time so scary let's have a Ramen and a dumpling  soup because that seems to be their specialty here this is my kimchi noodle soup this kind of  looks like a Japanese it's got some seaweed corn   chives some pork kimchi I think this is a big egg  thank you we have been treated today dumplings   some Ramen and if we weren't walking along these  side streets we would have never found it because   everything is closed I cannot wait to tuck in  to this ginormous bowl of heaven and I think   I'm going to add a little bit of this chili oil  look at these M the noodles are super soft and   the broth party spicy it's absolutely Divine  what a meal I like the big Ladle that they gave   you look how big this Ladle is it's like bigger  than my face but it's to get as much broth in one   go now this is the color I want my noodles to  be the redder the better we've quickly swapped   sides so I can now try these dumplings before I  eat probably most of shev's meal again again for   the second time today so we've got a bit of soy  sauce here oh those are good M they look handmade   those are good and inside the meat the pork is  so soft and they got the chives inside as well   which I love but the actual pastry is really  soft of course when you add the soy sauce all   the flavors just come out and the best part is  I have 12 and he's still going to eat mine 12   dumblings for me and some of chev's food it's the  dream to be on the streets of Kong in Taiwan it's   dumplings happy to be [Music] here wow that was  absolutely delicious and that cost us only $170   Taiwanese dollars that is serious value for money  because we got a lot of food I'm so full right now   I'm ready they're so lovely here byebye thank you  byebye those are delicious but I've seen this and   after a big meal a drink is needed since we're in  Taiwan we're going to have another bubble tea why   not why not oh no here has an English one okay can  I have the grapefruit juice can I have the [Music] pineapple also this is my favorite thing in  the whole of Taiwan is the garbage trucks   play music so people know when they can  bring their garbage it is the best thing   ever so you know when the garbage truck  arrives but it also plays sit a nice too thank ooh these are so big like the music  the bubble tea here is just unbelievable and   it's all like green tea based or it's ulong and  these are only $60 Taiwanese dollars so about $2   us for this Giant drink and it's so hot on the  streets so this is going to cool us [Music] down   good morning from kaung City one of the most  surprising cities I think we've ever been to   here in Asia we are starting today at one of the  the most unique and interesting Metro stations I   think we've ever been to and we're about to  get on the LRT so the light rail which is on   the south tip of kaong and what they've actually  done is taken old defunct rails so there used to   be some older trains that used to run on here  and put a modern train it kind of looks like   a trim that runs right along the ground then  you've got the train lines that are running   through a garden what's actually so crazy for  me is that there is no barrier and this is a   train it's coming from just behind us right  now and over there is where we have to wait   for the train and it's going to take us to one  of the RT areas here in Kung and it's close to   the pier as well so we're going to see the  beach we're going to see some art and we're   going to go on one of the coolest trains we've  ever been on there it comes and here it comes so cool what a genius piece of technology the  problem is we got a cool shot of it but now   we need to run so we actually can get on get  it run we L I think going [Music] to it's too   late it's too late okay this is without a doubt  one of the most beautiful Metro stations it's   outside it's pretty much on a garden it looks  like a park but then there's a train going by   every 5 minutes here you can see what the  train looks like and it's completely on   the ground and they're all different colors  so we had a dark blue one come by and now   we have this light one that has bug hat it's  themed that's adorable everything in Taiwan   is always themed in a cute character kind  of way these have a little bug cat on the   side they got a front and a backside there is a  driver and it can go in each Direction there it goes here is the ticket vending machine  and it says Insert Coins 30 Taiwanese   dollars per Fair how do I do this touch the screen   tiet I'm confused go back we want  two single ticket two 60 that's cool oh here it is okay we made it just look how cool this is luckily this train is not too far so we can  easily just enjoy the view while we get to our   destination and this is our ticket it was $  Taiwanese doar per person so $1 for a train   ride it goes all the way through along the  city and it's on this beautiful little garden Trail giant windows on the side so  we get a cool view this is more of   a tourist attraction than a form of  Transport I would say because this is incredible this way we get to see some  of the ports and some of the city look   at these beautiful [Music] buildings I think we're here so where we've taken the tram 2 is Pier  2 and the reason we've come here is this is a   very touristy area and it's the art and cultural  area of Kong bye bye bye and we are right at the   Port so we're going to see some of the boats  and hopefully we can even go on a fery today   we've come to the super artsy crafts market and  it looks like maybe in the afternoon there's a lot   more for sale like little Street stalls and street  food we've come to the right place as a tourist [Music] so from what we read this pier in particular  was filled with loads of abandoned shipping   containers I think kaung is a lot longer to  spell than Taipei so the road is indeed much   longer and much more colorful it's super cool  because you've got the Train Running along   with loads of arts and craft shops that  we're about to go and check out [Music] hold this dude he's a good guy he's not  scary it's just his face my shiny teeth   that sparkle just like a Christmas  tree shiny teeth and me [Music] shinin say this word how k how okay ha ha okay h  Huh okay H okay I now we're going to get back on   the tram and go a short little while before  stopping and right now we are walking to the   pier because we want to take a 5minute ferry  to sigin Island which is this 15 km long narrow   Island that runs along the west coast so uh where  are we and it kind of acts as a natural buffer to   the port we're going to go and investigate see  what it's like and there is an old town there   that we want to go and see there's this duck that  I want what the what the hell what the hell that   was rude that was rude it didn't even go down  we've arrived at Guan piia and this is where   we're going to get on the ferry here is the port  behind me there are so many different kinds of   boats here there big fairies there's some sailing  boats and there is this beautiful bridge that we   can then overlook this canal and the best thing  about the ferry is you can even go on your bike   so people are lining up on their bikes getting  on the ferry it's an absolutely beautiful port   on this side we've got the beautiful mountains in  the background and then this long canal running through that makes it easy we can just use our   teap pass or easy cards to get on  the ferry that's super easy we go [Applause] tada here we go here we [Music] go even though this is only a 5minute little  ferry ride it is such a beautiful and scenic   view from the boat we can see the beautiful  mountains and of course on this side we can   see the whole port and the City of Kum  look how beautiful it is over there you   can see the music visual art [Music] center  and just like that we've made it to sigun   Island 5 minutes felt like 2 minutes it was so  quick and now we're here on the island let's go and just like that we've arrived at the  old Street you can see a lot of these what   do you call these TR Shore tricle Rick Shaw  things and look how cute they are it's like   a little bicycle TR Shore and then as you walk  this is like the old Street and there's lots of   street food here and then there's a Temple I can  see in the back there so we've definitely come   to the right place what a beautiful little  town it feels like we' walked into on this island can I have Bubble mil tea the first  thing we need to do is get a bubble milk   tea uh this one sugar sugar 50% 50% yes  because I'm sure you can see from the   sweat that is dripping off of me how hot it  is it is sweltering here in [ __ ] if you're   thinking of coming to Taiwan please note it  is boiling hot yeah it's hot I'm sorry we're   roasting bring your umbrella bring your  water and bring money for bubble tea L tea that was a mistake M good though M  choca bow that was better not perfect but   it was better the sun here is no joke  you know what I love about the bubble   te's besides cooling you down is how big the  size is these were 45 these are 45 Taiwanese bubes oh that's good feel bad already  oh no they gave me the wrong thing I   asked for bubble tea but they gave me  clown juice instead [Laughter] [Music] what's happening here she's trying to throw a coin  into the little pot and I think if you get it in   maybe it's lucky or you get a wish or something  but they're all really serious and aiming for   that little pot can you do it I can do this lady's  enticed me let's see how lucky you are she says we   can do it youve only got one coin I've only got  one coin so if you get it in you can make a wish   is this cheating [Music] hey you can make a wish  now I make a wish what did you wish for I can't   tell you secret how can you not tell us it's a  secret wish okay maybe it'll come out in a future   video [Music] so all the way down the street  there are stols selling souvenirs gifts toys   food there's some seafood there's sausages  this street leads all the way up until the beach and we've made it to the beach wow it's  so beautiful and it's like black sand we took   a 5 minute fairy Which F like 2 minutes to  get here on the beach there is this beautiful   beach that spans the entire length of this  little sigan island and all the people are   coming out got these giant rockface Cliffs  you've got the black sand beach palm trees   and you can see how long the road is where that  market is so many stands and stalls everybody's   riding their bicycles they're chilling at the  park I think it's like the perfect like weekend getaway and now that the sun is going down this  Market has just come alive there street food   everywhere games there's squid there's fish  bowls sausages and I love that everything is   on a little stall so you just pick it up and you  keep walking you can just see them look at these   little turtles wo crazy this is crazy they've got  these plastic cups on this in this container but   actually underneath them they're crabs come have  a look they are they inside the cup yeah I think   they're look they're all around the cups look at  these snails yeah look at these snails and look at   these snails on this tree oh my goodness we've got  some turtles over here we've got some fish in this   bucket here here we have little crabs hey guys  here we have some frogs that one's not real but   these guys definitely are we've got snails here  and then more Turtles over there are they selling   them are they eating them I'm not sure I just  saw the turtles and then I was like no there's   way more than that are these to eat they eat  you eat them so it's just confirmed that all of   these things are here to eat a different kind of  seafood I'm not sure we haven't tried that before   this isn't just a normal food market It's actually  an activities Market here we got people playing   shooting games there's darts there's toys you can  win what is this they're doing a good job yeah   they're hello hello the kids are grilling and the  dads are eating this gu confirmed they're pets so   you can take some home you can buy three or four  for 150 and then you can keep them as [Music] pets   would you believe me if I said I've been waiting  all day for this this is the kind of meal that I   crave so basically I've ordered vegetable and  pork on tons in a spicy noodle soup with some   minced pork so I've ordered a sesame seed sauce  with some noodles these noodles are super hearty   like a thin ramen noodles but apparently the  sesame sauce is vinegar sugar salt Sesame peanut   paste as well and the soup looks very red it looks  like it's a little bit spicy but not too spicy and   because you've got that sesame seed paste it's  really thick and sticky all the noodles are   sticking together just smells like peanut butter  oh wow this is life changing because the veggies   inside the won are super crunchy peanut butter  with noodles the warmth and the soup adding to   that won make it just like really satisfying  it's something I've never had before and I   can taste like hints of ginger and garlic you  just got this like Power Bomb of peanut butter   the noodles are quite thick and chewy it's  absolutely delicious I think it's local to [Music] Taiwan so now we're going to go to our next  destination which is about a 10 or 15 minute ride   to get to so what we're going to do is take one  of these ubikes you're already on girl I'm just   figuring out which one I like I think this one  looks good you can get them throughout the city   in taipe here in C she's on the bike but it's it's  still station it's still attached because I don't   know how to get it out and all you need to do is  use the same tea pass money card that you use for   the trains just a practice ride but I've got my  card ready and you just scan and we're going to   bike and see kaong in a completely different way  does this look great yeah you look good we made it   seem like we know what we're doing but we've never  tried one of these before the only problem is it's   boiling hot so let's see oh this is perfect for me  put it on okay and then I think you okay friends   and fam pull the bike backwards EV hey you got it  I got it my only priority here is to ride a bike   after a year of not riding a bike and um avoid  oncoming traffic should be okay okay test run   hey I'm doing it now that Chev has got her bike  she just left me so I need to figure out how to do this QR Cod code or Ren fire cards and then  it says tap the card okay test run take two   oh my gosh why can I not do this okay here  we go let's figure this out can't be too   difficult right here we go oh and we're  off okay this is not going to work with a phone I haven't even been on the bike  for 5 seconds I left you for 2 seconds   and you got injured now I'm a disaster  well let me clean you up and then fix   a bike okay so lesson one do not focus  on your phone when driving or riding a bike if you're sensitive to blood I'm sorry   there's a giant bruise here  massive bruise here walking disaster okay ladies and gents let's go for part  two where I do not use my hands for anything else   than riding a bicycle so now that Chev is back on  the bike we are on the go again this is how you   do it hands free everybody Aro and hopefully our  injury isn't too bad where is Devon Jones you're   going the wrong way my girl I know I've come  to get you because you're so slow oh really   so apparently we're going to be racing but how  incredible is this to see the city of C on a bike   w we got a bow are we going across the street  we're going this way my girl I'm coming with   hello this is so cool woohooo I'm having the best  time even though I'm injured and it hurts okay are   we're going across this road can we go I think  we can go yeah let's cross woo let's go woohoo   so they have these bikes throughout Taiwan and  I think it's just a genius eco-friendly way to   get around the city anyhow watch the Granny's and  oh and the best part is we don't have to walk for   half an hour in this blazing heat so we just get  to ride and enjoy hey everybody it's me shave and   I've got a little bow so I can make some friends  doing well I'm doing well the injury is holding up   cross down here I don't know if I'm allowed  to do this W who there we go woohoo [Music] woohoo so now I think we need  to just keep going straight okay we're going a bike in C this is absolutely   awesome even though we're on the  bike this is still sweltering hot they always have these bike Lanes on the  side and everybody's very accommodating   to people on bikes two pedestrians how much  fun is this this is so much fun I'm having   the best time love you sweet girl woohoo  I'm going for it okay the next one we're   going to go right okay oh my bow my  bat woohoo riding my bike in Peak Tru   traffic this is not stressful at all I'm  winning girl no you're not winning I'm winning hello hi oh sorry sorry sorry so the place  that we're going to is a man-made lake there is a   beautiful Temple there lots of activities we're  almost there now wow woohoo hey Granny's cutest   Granny's here oh there beautiful sailing boats  the whole way around oh maybe we can go down   here my girl J my LIF here I keep bringing my  ball stop ringing your ball babe keep going   okay so not only is this the best way for us  to get there but it's also a beautiful scenic   route we get to see some of the city but we also  get to see some of the nature here in Kong maybe   we can pull in here girl yeah welcome to Kong  let's for a little break let's see first put   off of the day I did so well after a year of  not being on a bike I've got a water to this   side can grab yes I can't believe what I've just  seen I think they call it a Dragon Boat and for   some reason this morning on Instagram it came  up on my feed and I've been obsessed with him   the entire morning and here they are it's a long  thin boat but people are rowing one on each side   in perfect Unison and while we're just admiring  The View we've just seen this beautiful statue   of I think it's SP and there's a little Chinese  temple over here this was just a short pit stop   so we're going to get back on bike and I can see  in the far distance there's a bridge that we're   going to have to cross over and our plan is to go  all the way around to that side of the lake we've   got City we got mountains in the background and  so many temples and pagodas and statues all around   us back on bike is that is that a thing people  say back on bike who knows but we're saying it   now it's a thing back on bike here I go get to  go Who whoo careful okay back on bike let's go go back on bike why is it so hot in [Music]  Taiwan going on the bridge my girl yeah good luck I failed so now it's my turn to try and get  up the ramp to the bridge oh dear okay here we go hello and we are on the bridge oh there's two  oh my gosh there's this beautiful Bridge with   a bit of like a lake over here and there's  just Turtles chilling out cruising this has   made my entire day there's three look how  they're coming up for air little wow this   little guys on the cruise oh he's going at  full speed are you trying to get on the lily   pad or are you waiting for me to feed you I  cannot even deal with this I can't this is   the best part of my entire day look at the big  one wow hi sweet baby whoa why is your mouth open so you can ride your bike or take a  walk walk your dog all around the lake MH   this is the most beautiful place to just  spend your Sunday afternoon wow look at this uh no South Africa h no no Mandarin sorry okay  thank you byebye wow look at this boo that guy is my hero he is my absolute hero  I want to be like that when I'm older I cannot   dance

2023-12-10 03:38

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