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hello everyone here from the capital of colombia  bogota so some of you guys that follow this   channel will be thinking what the hell are you  doing in colombia since in the last video we said   we were going to brazil and that hasn't changed  we are still going to brazil it just turns out   that we have quite a big layover here in bogota in  colombia country that we've never been to before   so we thought we might as well make  the most of it and explore a little bit   we arrived here late last night and our flight to  brazil today is at 3 p.m so we've woken up really   early at like 6 30 in the morning and that'll  give us like six or seven hours to be able to   walk around here and check the place out so  the hotel we're staying at is called hotel   regina and this was 22 a day pretty good price  there isn't really that much to show you just the   little sink area okay i was getting  ready and this is the bathroom   all pretty modern looking though and then dry  some clothes breakfast yeah includes breakfast   which is what we're gonna do right now also a  good price because we're in a really popular   neighborhood called la candelaria i think it's  like the most touristy neighborhood it's the   historic neighborhood so it's where you get  all the museums and nice buildings and stuff so   yeah looking forward to seeing a bit of colombia  interested in wallpaper yeah i like it the animals the interesting elevator as well  it's the same thing it's very small yeah this is old school check  it out you can see like the   the walls passing by it's not even close properly so the hotel has this really nice cafe on the  bottom floor so this is where we're having   our breakfast they really do love these  birds this wallpaper is all over the place   and they had a few selections for breakfast i just  got this one that's called fitness so we've got   like the granola the bread i think this is yogurt  got some fruit and some herbal tea peppermint tea   and carol got one called the classic which  is just eggs bread fruit and the coffee   i think you also have a juice  coming right mango all right nice so we're gonna head out and explore la  candelaria now so i think we're right   on the outskirts because all these are modern  buildings this one looks like a historic one here   but yeah the other ones look modern it looks a bit like uh rio yeah yeah it's very  similar yesterday when we were arriving like   yeah this reminds the real like the historical  center yeah it's kind of got a bit of like a   gritty feel to it it's got the graffiti everywhere  things like that enjoying the cold yeah it's nice   to be in a cold after so long in hot places we  were like i don't know five months always going   to places that were a lot hot very hot always  over 30 degrees celsius 30 degrees so it's nice   to have a bit of change yeah yeah so it's this  cold because we're 2 600 meters above sea level   so i think bogota is always cold right now it's  like 11 12 degrees celsius so a big shot for us so our first stop is gonna be the main  famous square here which is called plaza   bolivar huge square similar to like the  zokolo in mexico city that we've been to   so you're surrounded by historic buildings in  every direction but unfortunately they seem to be   restoring it so yeah there's this big black  sheep and even the church so that's the primary   cathedral yeah also doing restoration  so won't be able to go in there either   and even around they're like cleaning graffiti  here so they seem to be working on yeah the   appearance of everything so this is a statue of  simon bolivar which the square is named after so   simone bolivar was a venezuelan military leader  and he was responsible for the independence of   this country from spain not only this country also  venezuela peru ecuador panama bolivia maybe some   others as well so yeah he's super famous in all  these countries man it's raining like crazy now yeah so we did read that here in bogota people  walk with umbrellas all the time because   it can just randomly rain whenever like  the forecast never showed rain at all but   it's raining pretty hard now nice  spot to stop in the rain though so   we've got this cool looking building here  i think we're entering more the colonial   section now so yeah even this is a nice little  square nice building too look at this balcony here so so it's kind of noisy here but check  this out for an amazing building so   this is from the 20th century and  it's a gothic style as you can see   nice and colorful kind of  different the stripes it's huge some amazing architecture though also  doesn't seem to be open though so   yeah we can't go in another awesome thing about  bogota is that you're surrounded by these huge   mountains right now you can't really see  the peaks because of all the clouds but   yeah i think all the way around you have these  gigantic mountains everywhere and there is one   i think it's called monserrat that you can  visit but just on tuesdays it's closed and   that just happens to be the the day that we're  here so we can't go you can get like a cable car   up to the top so yeah that would have been awesome  but unfortunately we're here on the wrong day it's kind of weird how empty it is though we  thought it'd be really busy here i mean like   these streets here no nobody here at all majority  of the streets and the historic part are like this   look at these cool buildings  so all the different colors   yeah we're definitely feeling uh altitude  probably because we're a bit tired as   well from the traveling yesterday and we're  walking uphill now so yeah even more tiring   supposed to be a really awesome street here like  a famous walking street so it's really colorful   so yeah we're trying to get there now i think  we're pretty close hey carol so it reminds me   of san cristobal de las casas similar because  there you also have this called colorful buildings   that's similar and also the some mountains yeah  and there you have the tiled roof like this so   yeah it's like identical architecture  to san cristobal de las casas in mexico so check out these cool buildings this is a  hostel here a cool colonial looking hostel   this is a restaurant not diva i guess that  means native yeah yeah just like in mexico   as well you just get loads of different kinds  of buildings they're never really the same so   it's always different patterns different  designs different combination of colors   so this is the street that we  want to go down it's called got this cool little square around here a nice  little old fountain here some more restaurants   this is the name of this square plaza showroom so  they have these signs everywhere around bogota so   yeah it's pretty cool you can read up on the  history of every spot that you go to so it   says this square is where bogota was actually  founded so there you go just found it right here check out this street art that looks awesome yeah yeah that's why we came  to the street because apparently it's like this   narrow pathway as you can see and there's  just like street art all around super colorful   got these cobbled stones as well so so yeah this is our favorite part so far so  that was the kae we just walked down there's   even graffiti out on this side but then  we're even closer to the mountains now so   looks really cool with the clouds can even see in  the distance back there as well this part seems to   be more the modern area now even the modern area  is quite colorful though look at these buildings   people selling fruit and vegetables here yeah  it seems like a really cool place doesn't it   yeah i'm glad we decided to come out yeah it's a  beautiful city and colorful just like we always   enjoy to see places colorful places are always  our favorites yeah the colonial spanish ones   so back there is the mountain i was talking  about before that you can go up by a cable car   we actually can see some cable cars going up and  down so yeah i'm not sure maybe it is actually   open but either way i think it would have took  a while and we wouldn't have had much time to   walk around the streets so because of our time  limit i don't think we could really go anyway yeah these streets here are definitely  the the oldest original ones   it's hard to even work hello moving up yeah you got to watch where you're  walking here twist your your ankle check that out la cazana 1840 another hostel all these places though  the museums the hostels the restaurants   around here they all look close so  i'm guessing it is because of covid   we haven't seen any tourists around here at all  we're like the only foreigners walking around man the street art never ends it might be  the most street art we've ever seen anyway so so so the main modern part is busy so  it's not like the historic part here   there's loads of people walking around it's where  all the people work so yeah this is where you see   everyone and here everything's open so those are  places to eat nothing's closed around this area loads of police around here we've noticed so our next stop is this place the gold  museum moseo del oro and this place is   free to visit but we had to like book online in  advance yeah we booked yesterday so i guess not   it's not busy but you need to  do the reservation beforehand   i think that's because of kovid maybe  yeah to restrict the amount of people   yeah anyway it is for free so let's head inside  so the cool thing about this museum is that   everything here is from the pre-columbian times so  it's all indigenous nothing european and the part   we're in now is mainly the metals so you have like  the gold stuff like jewelry instruments and stuff   so it's all cool to see if it's been made so long  ago so check this out this is from around 200 bc   and it says that a goldsmith in that time pressed  seven thin sheets of gold onto a sea snail so from the same time period you  have this crown here check that out is that a crown too no it's a helmet  oh a helmet oh golden golden helmet so so so here you can see the outline of a person   so this is kind of how it would have looked on  their body i guess that would have been on the   head got the earrings here no idea what  this is like a huge necklace breastplate yeah they like their jewelry so carol prefers the   golden things but i like the ceramic  pasta i think it looks cool look at that awesome designs so here we have a mummy pretty creepy so to say  that it was important people that we usually   preserve to maintain their presence within the  community so this is interesting it says that   colombia has a history which  goes back 15 000 years there are   currently 84 indigenous groups in the  country who speak 65 native languages   so here's just an image showing some different  tribes that they have around colombia right here this time so we come to this really local restaurant  here called kaeluna which carol found and   we're getting a plate called plate of the  day and it's only 15 000 of their currency   which is less than four dollars per person so  first it comes with this little fruit issue   what's in the what's with the banana it's like  uh i don't know like a cream cream or milk i   don't know it's something like that yeah so  we got that and then we're gonna get a main   fish dish yeah food and also dessert and  also a drink wow for less than four dollars   i like it when i saw online i was like wow that's  a good price and all the reviews were good so   that's why we came here yeah and it's  like a one minute walk from where we stain   so we got the veggie soup violin hot  exactly what we needed to warm up yeah delicious yeah i love it can someone tell me what this  is here it's like the biggest   bean bean looking thing ever  i'm not even sure what it is   we thought it was meat at first it's so big  but no it's not it's definitely a vegetable   is that it that's something else that's another  kind of bean but yeah look at this it's very big   i thought it was like a mushroom on meat yeah  it's not no it could be so this is interesting   the juice this is pear juice by the way they  bring it with this yeah a little cup here or   something and some sort of dessert i guess on top  just funny to combine it with the drink what is it   it's like there's like a coffee taste coffee  it's good though yeah i'm not a fan of coffee but   it is good so it's official carol found the best  restaurant in bogota look at the size of this   yeah the size of that so carol got the fried one  and mine's uh steamed that's crazy how we're gonna   eat all this and he even has our favorite here  a huge plantain and that's guacamole on top rice   yeah what a fine girl so this is dessert  you just confirmed it's like some coffee   caramel mix i don't know why they  put it on the juice but who cares so we're back at our hotel now and it  turns out they have a really awesome   rooftop floor so they have all  these cool seating areas here   this artificial grass that looks good you can  sit in here as well so you don't get the rain   and even on this side they have more couches  and stuff so yeah really cool area and the   best part is this look at the views that you get  right we're on one of the tallest buildings so   yeah we just walked over there today in the  old town but some amazing views from up here   and then you can see the giant modern buildings  absolutely massive there's one back there look at   that that's bizarre it's like stairs or something  definitely a good place to stay then for 22. with   breakfast and this nice view and the hotel is  small but it's it's good everything was clean   and yeah we enjoyed it and of course it's also in  the historical center you can walk everywhere here   yeah and when we approached we saw that it had  the day on the building i think like 1921. yeah   yeah it's an old building yeah so it's pretty cool  you got to stay in a cool start building as well so we're just getting uh uber for the airport   shows it's gonna cost 26 000 columbian  pesos all right four minutes away   nice and quick carol it feels weird making a video  in a place that we're just leaving straight away we'll be back though so we've arrived at the airport it's called  el dorado that's the main airport here we   arrived a bit later than expected because  the the traffic was really bad and here's a   huge airport by the way since bogota is the  capital but luckily we don't have much of a   queue so we should get through pretty quickly  and when we got here yesterday it took like   over an hour to get through immigration took  forever didn't it yeah it was a big big line   yeah and we got here at night so we were  just like tired i don't want to sleep so we're just waiting for our flight now didn't  take too long to get through not that many people   here today not not the same as as last night and  uh yeah we enjoyed what we saw of bogota it was   only like half a day right well it was like six to  seven hours and even in a full day usually we only   walk around for like six or seven hours anyway so  it was still kind of like a full day really really   like what we saw and colombia has always been  on our list but we wanted like two full months   here because it's a big country a lot of stuff  to do so yeah i think within the next two years   we'll probably do that two-month trip here since  we enjoyed it this time it's just made us want   to explore colombia even more and the next videos  are all going to be from brazil so our flight now   is to sao paulo and we're actually going to stay  there two days so we do plan on making one video   from there and then we'll go to rio where mine and  carol's family is and yeah all the other videos   will be from there so if you like this video just  drop a like as usual to support us subscribe if   you'd like to see more videos like this follow  us on instagram and we'll see you in the next one you

2021-09-16 05:12

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